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Број резултата: 3


So, who am I singing to

So, who am I singing to
if humble people never understand me,
if my brothers are tired
of hearing the words they always heard.
If the ones who know don't need to be taught
if the one I love is still inside your womb.
I sing to the people
because I'm one of them too.
They write the things
and I put melody and verse to them.
If when they scream, the others come and then get silenced.
If I can only be more honest than my guitar.
And I sing for you,
who set the clocks back
the one who will never change
and never realized
that your house is falling apart.
Censored part:
And I sing for you,
Mister of golden watch
I know nothing will ever change you
but I want you to realize
that your son doesn't love you.

Pesma za moju smrt

Bilo je jedno vreme tako lepo
I bio sam istinski slobodan
Negovao sam sve svoje sne
U zamkovima od kristala
Malo pomalo rastao sam
I moje ljubavne priče
Su nestajale
Poput balona od sapunice
Naći ću te jednog jutra
U svojoj sobi
Nameštaćeš krevet
Za dvoje...
Dugačak je put
Kada gledaš unazad
Prelaziš granice
A nećeš možda ni shvatiti
Uzmi ograde
Jer pre dolaska
Držali su se hiljadu starih ljudi
Ali i oni su takođe otišli
Naći ću te jednog jutra
U svojoj sobi
Nameštaćeš krevet
Za dvoje...
Hteo bih znati tvoje ime
Mesto, pravac
I ako su ti dali telefon
Takođe i njegov broj
Molim te da mi javiš
Ukoliko pođeš u potragu za mnom
Nije zato jer te se plašim
Već želim da se pripremim
Naći ću te jednog jutra
U svojoj sobi
Nameštaćeš krevet
Za dvoje...(x2)