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The Felltaken

The maiden, to the matins-song would she go
The time did drag so long
Then she walked high upon the mountain trail so
But I know the weight of sorrow.
With her small fingers on the mountain door she did knock
'Stand up, great Mountain-king, and pull from the door the lock”
Up stood the Mountain-king, the lock from the door he pulled
Then had he his bride there in his silk bed of blue
In the mountain, she stayed for all of eight years there,
Where she bore seven sons, and a daughter so fair
Then the maiden approached the Mountain-king to say
'Oh free me, to return to my mother, if I may”
'To return to thy mother at home, I set thee free
But of these seven children, swear that thou shalt not speak'
So forth to the mountain path would they ride
The Mountain-king stayed as she went, and spied
And when she came home to her dear mother's abode
There awaiting her had her kindly mother stood
'Oh dear, where hadst thou for so long a time strayed
'Twas it not in the rosen field where thou stayed?'
'Nay, 'twas not in the rosen field that I stayed
But in the mountain, I for so long a time remained
In the mountain, I stayed for eight years so long there,
Where I bore seven sons, and one daughter so fair”
Then through the doorway stepped the great Mountain-king
'Now why dost thou stand here speaking such ill of me?'
'Oh surely, I have spoken nothing ill of thee
But only of the good which thou hast done for me'
Then on her pale lily-white cheek he did welt
'Til all down her fair bodice the blood so red trailed
'Go now, and hurry thee quickly out through the door
From thy mother thou shalt be apart evermore”
'Farewell my dear Father! Farewell my gentle Mother
Farewell my dear Sister, Farewell my dear Brother
Farewell thou highest heaven! Farewell thou greenest earth!
Now I leave for the mountain, for the Mountain-king’s hearth'
And so through the long and murky forest they went
The Mountain-king he laughed, as bitterly she wept
Six times 'round the mountain they had now been
Then the door opened, and so they stepped in
The young daughter for her set a red golden stool
'Mother, wouldst thou rest here, thou art so sorrowful”
'Fetch me, my daughter, that glass there of mead
From it I shall drink 'til death comes of me'
With the first drink of the mead-glass that she did take
Her eyes, they closed, and then her heart, it did break

The fine crystal

The fine crystal may shine like the sun
Shimmer in the sky like the stars
I know a fine girl of virtue
A girl in this village
My friend, my friend and passion flower
Alas, if we could come together
And were I your friend
And you my beloved one
You sublime rose and golden shrine
And if I went to the end of the world
My heart would call out for you
And if I went to the end of the world
My heart would call out for you
For you, my friend and passion flower
Alas, if we could come together
And were I your friend
And you my beloved one
You sublime rose and golden shrine