Резултати претраге страна 62
Број резултата: 2598
Рођени певач
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је само мало закаснело признање (кунем се)
Чудо које ми је увек изгледало тако далеко ми је сада пред очима (овде је)
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је можда прерано признање
Али сам тако срећан, лепо ми је
Први пут када смо стојали на бини као група 'Бангтан'
Сећам се како смо се осећали тада, пре три године
И даље нисам ништа до обичан репер из Тегуа, али
Написао сам 'професионалан' преко речи 'аматер'
Док репујем и играм на сцени коју сам толико прижељкивао
Осећам се тако живо, напоран пут до посла и назад кући
Могу то да издржим, јер ме људи подржавају
Јер, чак и ако ме тело боли, чујем узвике публике
Разлика између пре и после дебија лежи у граници између идола и репера
Како настављам да живим, свешчица ми је испуњена римама
У чекаоници и између наступа држим оловку у руци и пишем текст
Ја сам такав, да ли сам се пред вама некако променио?
Јебига, срање, и даље сам исти
Кажете, променио сам се? Идите и реците им
Да нема промене, да сам исти, и даље сам репер
Не променивши се за ове три године, ја и даље певам и репујем
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је само мало закаснело признање (кунем се)
Чудо које ми је увек изгледало тако далеко ми је сада пред очима (овде је)
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је можда прерано признање
Али сам тако срећан, лепо ми је
Искрено речено, плашио сам се
Рекао сам да ћу им показати, али сам се бојао да им се докажем
Сама чињеница да дете које је расло на књигама сада изненађује свет, не знам
Бојао сам се да нећу испунити очекивања света
У случају да издам све оне који су веровали у мене
Исправљам своја тешка рамена и пењем се на сцену за свој први наступ
У том кратком тренутку дисање ми постаје стабилно
Људи које сам досад гледао сада гледају мене
Сада сам виши од оних са телевизије на које сам се досад угледао
Попут калеидоскопа, почео је чин с једним покушајем
Без тренутка за губљење
Трогодишња битка с микрофоном обливеним крвљу и знојем
Испарава ми из мисли за само три минута
Није ни секунда прошла а осећања су одмах почела да се изливају, ово је стварност
Хеј, дечко, који је твој сан? Мој је да постанем реперска звезда, зар не осећате?
Тренутка када музика креће, ти узвици... Да, знам о чему размишљате сада
Знам о чему сада размишљате, ту су вам осмеси уместо знака питања
Чланови моје групе ми без речи тапшу рамена
Имам осећај као да је то било јуче, али је већ двадесет ноћи од тада прошло
И пустите хејтере да ме мрзе, то им је посао с пуним радним временом
Док сте ви мучили тастатуру, ја сам испуњавао своје снове
Наочаре за сунце, моја фризура - знам зашто ме исмевате
Како год, ја сам тај који је са двадесет година постигао више од вас
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је само мало закаснело признање (кунем се)
Чудо које ми је увек изгледало тако далеко ми је сада пред очима (овде је)
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је можда прерано признање
Али сам тако срећан, лепо ми је
Дани кроз које смо протрчали заједно, које смо заједно искусили
Како смо постали једно за ове три године
Обливен се знојем и крвљу које сам пролио
Сузе ми навиру на очи када се наступ завршава
Сваког тренутка се трудим да не изгубим свој интегритет
Да увек будем ја, да не бих осрамотио себе од пре
Зато настављамо, настављамо, настављамо
На горе, на горе, на горе
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је само мало закаснело признање (кунем се)
Чудо које ми је увек изгледало тако далеко ми је сада пред очима (овде је)
Ја сам рођени певач, ово је можда прерано признање
Али сам тако срећан, лепо ми је
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)
Listen to me (Reprise)
It seems that he likes me
Mother Gothel:
Likes you? Please, end this paranoia
But after all I-
Mother Gothel:
You were supposed to listen me, but you didn't
Child, you imagine yourself some romances
You're too trustful, too naive...
He likes? Come on, please
Just look! By what would he be impressed?
You're silly, honey!
Trust your mommy
Mother Gothel:
No? Wow! That's gonna end badly!
You're not listening to me
You think you're grown up now
And you know all answers
You're not listening to me
But if you insist
Go to him, give him this!
But where did you...
Mother Gothel:
This is his goal
Don't let him deceive you
Give it to him, and you'll see
I will!
Mother Gothel:
I know it very well
That's how fast he'll leave you
I'm warning you - do as you wish!
You don't understand how things are
And you trust him boundlessly
Do him a little test
Mum, wait!
Mother Gothel:
You're gonna cry because of a boy
Listen to me!
I assume
I assume, he is tender
Suddenly he feels irrestistible
I fall in love
Yesterday I couldn't know
I'd get a friend from him
She looks at me, smiling
And when she touches me, my hand shakes
It's true, she's smiling
She captures me completely
With her gaze
New and wonderful
Who could've known this would happen?
He's not a beautiful prince
But I guess beauty isn't always seen from outside
Who would've guessed?
Mrs. Potts:
Oh god, that's right
I didn't know
Mrs. Potts:
Nobody did
That they're enjoying there so very well
Mrs. Potts:
It's really odd
Lumiere & Mrs. Potss:
We're watching
Now the day two
If the relationship would
Grow to be stronger
Oh I wish their relationship would grow to be stronger
Mrs. Potts:
If the relationship would grow to be stronger
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
A picture of you, came to me as well
A picture of you ,from the outlands
It is one of those which the students keep
It is one of those which the stoolie rip them off.
It is one of those which the students hang...
to theirs hurt..
Che Guevara
Close the window
block the doors up
I am terrified of the man
with boots.
What do he ask for (want)?...and he walks into the shadows all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he asks about You all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he looks at our home..
every night.
Che Guevara
So many roses
burned them all the snow
Oh! this spring
makes me bleed
Tanha (Alone)
My heart is cough in your trap due to your fake promises.
I have sacrificed my youth and life in the name of you, Oh disloyal.
Let me free from this cage as I don't want to take breath.
I won't make any mistake as I won't fall in love.
Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.
I gonna die alone
You put your foot on my heart, you don't even cared.
You chose another love instead of me, scare from my Uhh...
Leave as my soul is about to fly, lovers always suffer due to sorrow.
The Gezaal of my life, how recklessly abandoned me.
Leave me leave me, Oh you disloyal, I ain't gonna follow you. (Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.)en
I gonna die alone
Tanha (Alone)
دلم اسیر دام تو با وعده های خام تو
My heart is cough in your trap due to your fake promises.
کردم همه جوانیم ای بی وفا به نام تو
I have sacrificed my youth and life in the name of you, Oh disloyal.
مرا رها کن زین قفس نمیخواهم کشم نفس
Let me free from this cage as I don't want to take breath.
کنم دیگر نه اشتباه نه گاهی دهم دل به کس
I won't make any mistake as I won't fall in love.
برو برو ای بی وفا نمیجویم دیگر ترا
Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.
میمیرم تنها
I gonna die alone
گزاشتی پا بر قلب من بی اعتنا به درد من
You put your foot on my heart, you don't even cared.
گرفتی یار دیگری بترس ز آه سرد من
You chose another love instead of me, scare from my Uhh...
برو که جان بر لب رسید عاشق ز غم هردم تپید
Leave as my soul is about to fly, lovers always suffer due to sorrow.
غزال روزگار من چی بیهوده از من رمید
The Gezaal of my life, how recklessly abandoned me.
برو برو ای بی وفا نمیجویم دیگر ترا
Leave me leave me, Oh you disloyal, I ain't gonna follow you. (Oh you disloyal, go as I'm not going to seek you further.)
میمیرم تنها
I gonna die alone
Go away, I know how to lose
You made a confession
You're somebody else's, you are different
The love has come to an end
Go away, you belong to him now
Let him make you happier
I pray that he'll give you the love
Just don't let him to forget
He took everything from me with you
I want to see you happier -
Smiling, not like this time
Because when the love is not enough
It just leaves without any guilt
Go away, I know how to lose
You made a confession
We both trusted in this mistake
Me and you until now
Go away, you belong to him now
You were beautiful, warm and pure as your dreams,
magical as the evenings,
We lied down alone together for days
on wet grass of the summer gardens.
Your life was a flood flowing serenity
and brightness from your palms in its nights,
We shared moonlight like a fairytale berry
from its tips of the broken branches.
As big as Maramureș is
As big as Maramureșis,
As big as Maramureș is,
There is no nobleman like me and you.
There is no nobleman like me and you.
As many flowers as there are along Iza,
As many flowers as there are along Iza,
I planted them all with my wife.
I planted them all with my wife.
The ones we planted until noonday,
The ones we planted until noonday,
All of them rooted.
All of them rooted.
The ones we planted until sunset,
The ones we planted until sunset
Rooted, but died afterwards.
Rooted, but died afterwards.
The ones we planted until sunrise,
The ones we planted until sunrise,
All of them proudly bloomed.
All of them proudly bloomed.
As big as Maramureș is,
As big as Maramureș is,
There is no nobleman like me and you,
Neither town like Sighet.
There is no nobleman like me and you.
Neither town like Sighet.
Down the hill, on the little garden
Green leaf of field's flower
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields.
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Versions: #2
Every five minutes against the haste of its engine
I am getting on the unknown
Behind me seagulls in rush
It's time to leave
You now, my love
All four sides are adhan*
Ferry, ferry, the bosporus
My voice is
My eyes of thousands today
Your eyes are Istanbul
Istanbul is your eyes today
Your eyes are Istanbul
Istanbul is your face today
Every five minutes against the haste of its engine
I am getting on the unknown
Behind me seagulls in rush
It's time to leave
You now, my love
All four sides are adhan
Ferry, ferry, the bosporus
How come your eyes are
Such a pair of sorrow
Your hands are Istanbul
Istanbul is your hands today
Your hands are Istanbul
Istanbul is sorrow today
I want to meet you
Closing the doors
Of our room
I said 'goodbye' to the memories
That's why, after a half year
I can barely smile
I'm busy everyday
I walk on my way with a new life
I want to meet you, meet you
In the sleepless nights
Remembering your warmth, that warmth
I close my eyes softly
Behind you
I wanted to walk
I wanted to build a future with you
Even if I love you in anyway, we can't meet
Neither love
To the point of not realizing
I was looking at you, loving you, giving you all of me
I want to meet you, meet you
In the sleepless nights
Remembering your warmth, that warmth
I close my eyes softly
The days we spent together
Don't forget them
Aren't you sorry
of loving each other?
I want to meet you, meet you
In the sleepless nights
Remembering your warmth, that warmth
I close my eyes softly
Whisper 'I love you'
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Wild Gazelle
Oh, you wild gazelle, where are you?
You and I are acquainted in several (ways)
(we are) two alone (ones), two wandering (ones), two abandoned (ones)
with beasts and traps ahead and behind (us)
Let us realize each other's condition
(Let us) seek each other's wish if we can
Who will become - tell (me) oh friends -
the friend of the abandoned, and the company of the strangers?
(because) I see this disturbed prairie
why doesn't it ever have joy or happiness?
Oh, you wild gazelle, where are you?
You and I are acquainted in several (ways)
Oh, you wild gazelle, where are you?
You and I are acquainted in several (ways)
Ne slušaju me osećaji,
Spotičem se ali ti još uvek ne vidiš,
ne pomažu mi ni psovke kada razmišljam o tebi
Pristajem da se uništavam
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Ja tražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac,
za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.
Sa toliko izgubljenih snova
Šta je ostalo za mene
Ponovo ću postići da negde pijem
Ja više neću biti ja
Pijan, biću pijan
Ali još ću razmišljati o tebi
Ujutru u komi
Ja tražiću tvoje usne
Za jedan tvoj poljubac,
za jedan tvoj poljubac,
pijan, biću pijan
A ti ćeš biti kriva.
The absent child
If I could tend the flight
on the rich seas of dawn
Tear the clouds from the high sky
and on the banks of the land
hang the nest of my loves
Nest that keeps rich fortune
My mother, oh mother, from the soul of mine
My little brothers, moon rays
In the same one and modest cradle
Your sons saw the light of day
Hearts throb there
to the tender kiss of the faithful sweetheart
There my illusions are kept
and the sad echo of the songs
that lulled me as a child
You white gull that, in the foams
from the sea, wandering, go indolent
tearing dense marine mists
Look for my mother and in your mists
Take her a kiss from the absent child
Tell her I'm having trouble with this seas
the bitter glass of existence
That, in vain, I seek my homeland
without no more memories than my regrets
and no more witnesses than my awareness
She is my mother, be the chosen one
in the indolence of pure calm
Support the kiss from the clean lip
and in the deepest of my chest
Keep a sigh, mother of soul
Music's Sultan
Versions: #2
When the chandeliers of the old-school love are lit,
As the moon rises, begins the reign of the music's sultan.
The mellow tone of the...
...ocean's lament,
The mysterious wings...
...of the darkness of death, on your soul.
As the moon rises, begins the reign of the music's sultan
Raquel Villanueva
Surname is Villanueva and lies Monterrey licensed profesision the women is brave terror of the courts
They nickname her Raquenel
She defends pure narcos
So they said juge
What sums very millionaire
Your charge to defend
And for taking out criminals that I just put in
I know many bother my way of working
Well I have no commitment with no authority
They fight for confinement I fight for Freedom
I don’t come to defend nuns, nor sacristans nor cure
I come to defend my clients who request my help
That I charge them I charge them that has no doubt
I know I don’t fix the world but I’m something I have to help
well my work is very human Pay the one who can Pay
Share of that money took food to prison
She is a single mother and the little girl is her love
For the noble and justice treats her the world upside down well the evilness of a men is taught by a woman
Many have suffered attacks and god let her live
leave god to decide whos turn is it to die
When the afternoon comes to its end
When the afternoon comes to its end,
in the orchard of the neighbor
there is a bird that sings
with strange bitterness.
I don't know if the poor thing
has lost its way,
for me, it goes rhyming
its sadness and grief.
Little bird of the orchard
that, in your singing, you cry
a sorrow as profound
as the sea and the sky,
I also, on my nights
of sadness and afliction
I have cried the sorrow
of suffering and loving
Little bird of the orchard
that, in your singing, you cry
a sorrow as profound
as the sea and the sky,
I also, on my nights
of sadness and afliction
I have cried the sorrow
of suffering and loving.
You can set yourself free
Imprisoned like before
Behind strong stones
Again just a tower is your world
But whose fault is it?
Yours, just yours
Even if you don't like the idea
But you know well there's more to you, a lot more
The life is calling you
Just behind that door
So don't hesitate, the time is right
Because you alone can set yourself free
No one can tell you you have to be like this or like that
No one can order what you do or think
So use your strengths
Face the world
Trust your heart alone
You can set yourself free
Only tangled in worries
You never moved forward
You only played the part that was given to you
Get to your limits
Everything's just beginning
A new day has been waiting outside for a long time
No one can force you to be like they want
You've already achieved a lot
And only thanks to your own strength
So seize the day and let your hair down
Then you'll understand you can set yourself free
Now it's up to you, let your doubts finally be
Now get ready, you still have time for that
Unfold your wings
Rise high
Fly into a new world
You can set yourself free
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Wait, She Said and Left
Versions: #3
'Wait', she said and left,
I didn't wait and she didn't come back.
It was something like death, but no one was dead.
Does the fire of love spark and fizzle?
Do the ailments of the heart, one day, heal?
Such a love that filled me with energy...
Let's wait and see if she comes back.
If one day you run away,
Perchance, leave me alone,
I don't know, it is not known where they'll find me dead
She can't just leave like that
My baby, how she loved me
My soulmate, she called me, my darling
What just happened? Is this the way to end it all?
Let's wait and see if she comes back.
On a chill morning, the wind blows some yellow leaves
They all crackle, they all shiver on the sidewalk
I see a series of images turning to grey
As the hoar frozen on my fiery memories
We grew cold, my heart doesn't burn anymore
I feel like I'm a dry twig
If it was up to me I wouldn't have a friend at all
Sometimes it seems like my family is a stranger
It's all my fault, sorry for everything
I'm lonely just take a look at my room
It's dark and cold, no memories at all
My heart is shivering, huddling up in the corner.
The ocean of my feelings is iced over and dry
I'm nothing but a desert
It's just now that I feel the terrible nat6ure of my deed
I really regret that I didn't take care of you
The day is hot but the night is ice cold
Being here with me it isn't worth for you
But now I would have wanted it, longing for it, begging you
If you can still take me, please be with me...
I would bring back our old friendship
But you would deny it if you had the chance
We blame each other, or only you blame me
I would see what you would do If you were in my place
But just go ahead, laugh , and I will cry
Just like before I will hide behind your pride
You did hide there always, that's your shelter
I still have my anger, i didn't get over it yet
You don't even deserve to be talked about
It's useless to argue for yourself
What happened to us, why is it the afterword?
What I put down will be painful , painful even as a memory,,,,
It's like I would meet the old friends just to say goodbye
Just a handshake nothing more, that's the only thing that's left
You became spineless and there's no way you change
Many dear old memories held me back till now
And I wouldn't even forgive me, if i did such thing
to put dirt on what's a desert inside
Just look at you, you already know what's left for you..
If you can , tell me who I am
But it's not me you know , only my shadow
Only a piece of me
I am all alone
looking into the empty desert
Tell me where I am going
My soul becomes empty when I think about the past
I feel it's useless to turn towards the sky
I am suffering by the pain, but I simply
The anger leads me, I shed black tears
A damned memory pokes a whole inside me
I still see as it helds me tight , but I would go
I would do it, I would ride away but chains tie me down
I play for no avail
A dark card looks back at me with sinister eyes
and it laughs as I used to laugh
You would be on my mind, but I would only tell to myself keep on repeating
you can never enter the room of this heart of mine
Screw you! I don't think about you
You whom once I called my friends
I've had enough, you don't deserve more tears
I started with you but now I am raised by the years
Sensuous farewell? The memory should rather hurt
My home is the stage , there you go ,a symbol
I don't miss you at all , don't think that I am hurting
I just feel sorry for the time that I spent on you and you..
But it doesn't mean a thing at all , at all
If you can , tell me who I am
But it's not me you know , only my shadow
Only a piece of me
I am all alone
looking into the empty desert
Tell me where I am going
where i am going..
If you can tell me who I am
But you don't know as you are not here by my side anymore
You know I am already gone
My life, my existence, I don't understand
Why didn't I ask for protection?
In the life I lived
If you can , tell me who I am
But it's not me you know , only my shadow
Only a piece of me
I am all alone
looking into the empty desert
Tell me where I am going
where i am going..
I Don't Know The Sapience
Versions: #2
I don't know the sapience that suits others' course,
Only fleeting impulses I put in my verse.
I see worlds in every one of my fleeting dreams,
They are full of volatile playful rainbow streams.
Don't accurse me, sapients. I'm not your concern.
For I'm just a little cloud, full of fiery burn.
I am just a little cloud. See: I drift from view.
And I call the dreamers up... No, I don't call you!
(c) St.Sol: all rights reserved.
I'll finally live happily ever after
Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after
And it's just as beautiful as in fairy tales
Everything's new and I'm feeling so free
There's so much to see
And nothing at all will stand in my way anymore
True, there's still a lot I often forget
And it doesn't always go as I like
Not so much fun, also rules and controlling yourself
That I have to admit
And still I'll live here every new day
Yes, there are corsets and ribbons and so on
Everything requires skill
But some day I'll surely be happy here
This end is really happy, so lucky
King Frederic: I finally have you here in my arms with me
I'll never let you out of sight
I'll keep every danger far away from you
This end is really happy, so lucky
Eugene: We'll live truly majestically
It came exactly as it should have
But first now it's becoming really great
For Rapunzel and me
Tonight I'll surprise her
I'll vigorously fall on my knees
And get the ring out of the case
And during the dessert, where I'll flirt some more
She'll be about to be called Rapunzel Fitzherbert
She'll be about to be called Princess Fitzherbert
Eugene & Rapunzel: Yes, I'll finally live happily ever after
The story turned out really fantastically
Eugene: So much luxury
Rapunzel: So much to do
Eugene: We're in Paradise
Rapunzel: I'll attend my duties year after year
Eugene & Rapunzel: And so at the end our dream will finally come true
Nothing will hold us back anymore
Because our future is absolutely clear
This end is really happy, so lucky
Rapunzel: So at the end my dream will finally come true
But everything seems so small to me
Everything's arranged, foreseeably planned
Is this end actually really happy, and lucky?
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
A man who tortures angels
What do you want from me?
Why won't you let go?
I catched a snowflake for you
But it melt a bit before you came to bully me
With your smile and ripping my heart off
And though you tried to revive me, it still stopped
It coughed for a moment until I collapsed to the ground
I was cold so much that I asked for you to hug me goodbye
You caressed me the same time when you hummed the words that still
Still come back to my mind
'This bleeding can't be stopped
You curse devils for nothing after blaming angels
But the job of angels is to fly
Not to be dragged with you on roads'
I knew you were right, but still begged
That I wouldn't stay alone beneath the runaway lights
But a ray of sunshine doesn't fit to that chaos
That I forced it to be in, cutting its wings
What do you want from me?
I'm a man who tortures angels
Why won't you let go?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What are you so afraid of?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What do you want from me?
I'm a man who tortures angels
You cared for me tenderly while suffering yourself
I saw a silhouette of the past, only gaunt shadow
You're struggling for nothing, you're stuck in a net
Like a devilish harvestman, it rarely lets a butterfly go
I knew you missed the seventh floor
I knew that me living in the cellar makes you fear
I knew that any other flower than a ivy won't bloom with me
But I couldn't tell it
I'm addicted to being stuck in others
To lower myself to vermins, to search for strength from you
And to groan brokenly on the prey altar
I have to bleed and drink from a carafe
I suck holiness from you greedily
But holiness is just a cliche, it doesn't ease the pain
I guess the human kind has the need to hunt for something heavenly naturally
That's why I'm hanging onto you from your rags
What do you want from me?
I'm a man who tortures angels
Why won't you let go?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What are you so afraid of?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What do you want from me?
I'm a man who tortures angels
When the feet get off the ground
I smash you with a Bible
You won't escape from me, honey
Do you fucking understand, conceal this you goddamn bitch
If someone asks about those bruisings, it was an accident
Yes, bruisings hurt, but words can paralyze
I scold you the same time when I preach about love
This is not quite the same you thought first
When Lucifer hides into a priest's robe
More oftenly I grab a trident
I'm not hiding the evil anymore, I demand, screaming
To bring my snake leather attire
And unselfishness is a feeling against sanity
I'm using you, I need a surrogate sufferer
And no sleeping beauty can beware of the spindle
I'm using you, I need a surrogate sufferer
Why the sleeping beauties never beware of the spindle
What do you want from me?
I'm a man who tortures angels
Why won't you let go?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What are you so afraid of?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What do you want from me?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What do you want from me?
I'm a man who tortures angels
Why won't you let go?
I'm a man who tortures angels
What are you so afraid of?
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
I Don't Know The Sapience
I don't know the sapience that suits others' course,
Only fleeting impulses I put in my verse.
I see worlds in every one of my fleeting dreams,
They are full of volatile playful rainbow streams.
Don't accurse me, sapients. I'm not your concern.
For I'm just a little cloud, full of fiery burn.
I am just a little cloud. See: I drift from view.
And I call the dreamers up... No, I don't call you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Dance, dance for me
Burn up so gently in these flames
I do know that you're my sinner
Dance, dance for me
And your hair's blowing in the wind
Take your time and follow my voice
The night was revealing
Let's keep the day that way, too
Your thoughts torn to shreds
Your skin glowing in the fire
You standing naked beside me
This is what I need right now
We got lost in time
But this is temporary
And no one will find us
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Into the light, we're not going out into the light of day
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Dance for me, dance
Dance, dance for me
Burn up so gently in these flames
I do know that you're my sinner
Dance, dance for me
And your hair's blowing in the wind
Take your time and follow my voice
You've lived up to expectations
You gave yourself to me in no despair
A courageous dancer with a wild conscience
Can you stay with me
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Into the light, we're not going out into the light of day
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Dance for me, dance
Dance, dance for me
Burn up so gently in these flames
I do know that you're my sinner
Dance, dance for me
And your hair's blowing in the wind
Take your time and follow my voice
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
You’re the one who lied
Look at my eyes,
Tell me the truth,
Was I not faithful to you?
I left everyone,
I chose only you,
Tell me, maybe I made a mistake?
You were my only support,
I trusted my soul to you,
Now when you are also hurt like me,
Now you need me?
You’re the one who lied,
The one who made me cry all these nights,
Who left me in longing,
Why did you leave me when you made me believe you?
You taught me to be without you,
You’re the one who made my heart cold,
Why did you come back when I forgot you?
Look at my eyes,
How much the pain has hurt my heart,
I had always lived only for you,
You didn’t feel the need of me.
Tell me, why did you come,
Renewing my healed scars?
Weren’t you the one who played with my feelings?
You’re the one who lied,
The one who made cry all these nights,
Who left me in longing,
Why did you leave me when you made me believe you?
You taught me to be without you,
You’re the one who made my heart cold,
Why did you come back when I forgot you?
She quickly steps aside
As we pass by her
She holds way back
She's afraid of the evil eye
The crowd in daylight
Talking about that dark shadow
Which today in the night
Wakes up to this song, too
They see black, but we see further
They see black, they can't understand
That our hearts are absorbed in both of our black worlds
They see black, they see black
They see black, they see black
They avoid sunlight
On our arm and face
They're usually outside in the night
When our song awakes
And there's more and more of us
Which comes out of every corner
We are a mystical danger
But is it really true? Yes
They see black, but we see further
They see black, they can't understand
That our hearts are absorbed in both of our black worlds
They see black, they see black
They see black, they see black
They don't look into the bright gleam
In our eyes when we dance
They don't see all the color
Speaking from our hearts
They see black, but we see further
They see black, they can't understand
That our hearts are absorbed in both of our black worlds
They see black, they see black
They see black, they see black
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Our eyes
How wide was the old path
And long, so impassably long
How deep was the stream, I couldn't stand up in it
I was trapped inside a child
I wanted to be tall, far away from there
I wanted to tower over everything
So I ran away from that place and into today
Without questions
When I look into your eyes
Then I see myself deep inside myself
When I look into your eyes
Then I see myself as a small child
When I look through your eyes
I see the world in harmony
A child's questions, a child's happiness
Oh, if only time had stopped
Your eyes look at me
Exactly how I once looked
And yet at some point
I simply blocked the gate to childhood
Now I see you, you're running too
My child, stop
You won't hear, you don't listen
Until the time flies away from you too
When I look into your eyes
Then I see myself deep inside myself
When I look into your eyes
Then I see myself as a small child
When I look through your eyes
I see the world in harmony
A child's questions, a child's happiness
Oh, if only time had stopped
And if ever we don't exist anymore
Then you will look in a child's eyes
You will be sad, you will embrace your child
And the years will go on
When I look into your eyes
Then I see myself deep inside myself
When I look into your eyes
Then I see myself as a small child
When I look through your eyes
I see the world in harmony
A child's questions, a child's happiness
Oh, if only time had stopped
If only it had stopped
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
Our days
Rain dies on the ground
It reflects the young night
People's footsteps echo
Everything's asleep but I'm awake
My thoughts are empty
Everything is meaningless and distracted
Every movement is difficult for me
And no one's there to answer me
Our days are numbered
The days have passed
Everything that keeps me here
I'll see it all free now
I push through the sea of people
And I'm looking for your face
When you left me yesterday
The light in my heart went out
My broken heart races tirelessly
It tears and churns me up
It burns in me with hot embers
For you and it must come out
Our days are numbered
The days have passed
Everything that keeps me here
I'll see it all free now
Our days are numbered
The days have passed
Every hour that goes by
I will regret
Because there can be nothing else here
That keeps me alive
That keeps me alive
Yet there must be something
I want to return to life
Our days are numbered
The days have passed
Everything that keeps me here
I'll see it all free now
Our days are numbered
The days have passed
Every hour that goes by
I will regret
Because there must still be something
That will let me keep living
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
Always on top, from the crest of one wave to another
For a thousand nights I've gone my way
I fight through the sea spray and I'm freezing, even in the hurricane
I'm looking for your face but I can't find it!
Oh, if only I could conquer
That which drove me away from you
All the giant waves separate me from you
Tell me when I finally won't have to go any further
And when I'll reach you
Am I finally home?
I set off, I feel like a surfer
And then the wind and sea will send me further adrift
You reach out your hand to me, I can see it in my dream
And I've lost it, the earth will keep turning
But I stand still, even when the wind blows around me
Because my heart is as heavy as lead and will be my anchor
Why couldn't I conquer
That which drove me away from you?
All the giant waves between you and me
Tell me when I finally won't have to go any further
And when I'll reach you
Am I finally home?
I set off, I feel like a surfer
And then the wind and sea will send me further adrift
I am a surfer
I am a surfer
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
Everywhere I've been something has begun
Everything I've ever seen gave me a sound
Every place sends a tone, every moment a harmony
But there's have been some rough edges for a long time, the great final chord is missing
For my life's symphony
That's my symphony
But I'm not writing it alone
Because in every harmony
There's a sound of you
I've never taken a break, kept going most of the time
I wrote my own symphony in major and minor
Often it lay in dark fog, often far too bright in the light
And yet I have lived there, cried there, and laughed a lot there
With my head held high
That's my symphony
But I'm not writing it alone
Because in every harmony
There's a sound of you
That's my symphony
And you are always in it
Because in every melody
You put in your tone
Sometimes it went faster, sometimes it fell to pieces
Just as life did
Even deception had to be
Like a thunderbolt
That's my symphony
But I'm not writing it alone
Because in every harmony
There's a sound of you
That's my symphony
And you are always in it
Because in every melody
You put in your tone
And it will be our symphony
And it will be our symphony
And it will be our symphony
And it will be our symphony
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.