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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 18



I’ve missed this look of yours
Boyish, wild, passionate
Hot, sweet look
I’ve missed your footsteps
Down the corridors of words
Kind, kind words
Embraces are hot
Words are cold gold
Don’t say anything
Embraces are hot
It's oh so cold without them
Searching for traces of me in your eyes hopelessly
I’ve sold all riddles
Shattered all iron castles
Just to make you
Recognize me
My thoughts, my games
My hands are too low
We’ve been out of practice for too long
Embraces are hot
Words are cold gold
Don’t say anything
Embraces are hot
It's oh so cold without them
Searching for traces of me in your eyes hopelessly
Embraces are hot
Don’t say anything
Embraces are hot
It's oh so cold without them
Searching for traces of me in your eyes hopelessly

It Really Felt As If

It really felt as if
We were falling, falling
It really felt as if
The rains above Nevada
Had washed away all nonessential in us
We have become the One for each other
It really felt as if
The ground was slipping form under our feet
It really felt as if
We were both sharp and soft
People are fragile, and we are the monolith
Sharing this fall
We were so eager
To shout out to each other:
Be faithful, strong!
I live inside you
If this is the definition of love
Please let it be eternal
It really felt as if
We were falling (falling, falling)
Like two clear and bright waterfalls
We were tumbling down
Holding hands
You and your wings
Me and my parachute
If I really love you, I’d never let go
We were so eager
To shout out to each other:
Be faithful, strong!
I live inside you
If this is the definition of love
Please let it be eternal
It only happens once in hundred years
That the havens deliver two people who share one soul
And set them fly free
We are that lucky
I love you


Stay at home
Don't visit her
And beware of the thunder
Beware of the dark water
She's hidden under the skin
The lullaby for broken lights
Is what she sings again to make you cuddle her
Smiling, she's safe now
Dangerous are familiar strangers
When cobra is in love, she doesn't sleep
Just remember this, my love
Just remember this, my love
Tender, yet dangerous look in her eyes
Too late to escape, she's dancing with daggers now
So beautiful and monstrous
Dangerous are familiar strangers
When cobra is in love, she doesn't sleep
Just remember this, my love
Just remember this, my love
Sharpening the daggers,
Her soul is devoid of mercy
Can't run, shouldn't love her
Who did she love? Who did she hate?
The dark truth was hiding in plain sight
Sharpening the daggers,
Her soul is devoid of mercy
Can't run, shouldn't love her
Who did she love? Who did she hate?
The dark truth was hiding in plain sight
The dark truth
Dangerous strangers
The cobra
Is in love
With the sun
Dangerous are familiar strangers
When cobra is in love, she doesn't sleep
Just remember this, my love
Just remember this, my love


Versions: #1
No, there's no one like you, only you
I got lost among your polarities
Are you cold
Or bottomless?
No there's no one like you, only you
Tell me again about the new,
The enchanted and alive
The enchanted and alive
The clock has stopped
There's no point since you and I
Are beyond time and movement
We are the alien life
I'll be listening to you night and day
I'll be keeping you away from people
I'll be your melody
No, there's no one like you, only you
Cosmic dreams you've dedicated to me
You're insane
You're unfamiliar
No, there's no one like you, only you
I'm forgetting to breathe
When you're watching me from above
The clock has stopped
There's no point since you and I
Are beyond time and movement
We are the alien life
I'll be listening to you night and day
I'll be keeping you away from people
I'll be your melody
We remain among the worlds
We explode into atoms
We remain among the worlds
We explode into atoms
When we're in love.


Don’t let me in
Don’t look at me
Through the prisms
Enchanted you are
In your dreams
Don’t leave me
Wide awake up in the warm spring
I’m afraid of you
Yet I want to be with you
Meet me every night
On the edge of the abyss
Remember me
I will live forever
In your thoughts
My songs you hate already
We are drowning in the eternal war
I’m afraid of you
Yet I want to be with you
Meet me every night
On the edge of the abyss
There in the fog
Just sit and talk to me
Hey, how dare you
Hold my thoughts
Don’t let me go
I will live forever
In your thoughts, in your head

Killer Whale

Versions: #1
Swimming like a killer whale with eyes closed
Touching the bottom barefoot
And soaring up
To fall back into waves
So big and so sad,
She sings of fields over horizon
Which, oh so sad, she will never know
Of cities in the rain
Of celestial temples
Of people with passionate
And beating hearts
Playing between nets
Washing itself with ice
Boldly touching boats
She is trading fingers
For fins today
So big and so sad,
She sings of fields over horizon
Which, oh so sad, she will never know
Of cities in the rain
Of celestial temples
Of people with passionate
And beating hearts


Come with me in a white dance
Our night wears a black veil
Throw it back, if you want
My black veil, and in the deepness
Cranes are flying over the sky
In the blue space
Hiding my sadness and
your despair
In my blue eyes
I will be the shadow
You will be a sunrise
In my walls
Mallows will bloom
Please, don't get off
Our night wears a black veil
And cranes are flying over the sky
In the blue space
Hiding my sadness and your despair
And there is nobody except us
And the time is stopping in this moment
And memory is coming to life, like a bird
In my blue eyes


Come closer to my heart
And feel, there are no offenses
I can let you go only once
Fly back to my garden
I'll be always glad to see you
But now
I can let you go only once
Your mountain heights
Impossible for me to cross
Maybe someday you'll remind my spring
Don't come back to my home
Paint your own road
But now
I can let you go only once
When I learn how to fly
We'll congratulate the stars
But now I can let you go only once
Your mountain heights
Impossible for me to cross
Maybe someday you'll remind my spring


Hello. We haven't seen each other for eternity
When these planets lay between us
When you forgot to leave your number
When I visited your mom
to live with the illusion that you're beside me.
Hello. We haven't seen each other for eternity
I began to forget the features of your face
I painted birthmarks on it, which were never there
You were flying to Mars and above
/while I was going down into the subway station


Не, нема таквих, само си ти
Изгубила сам се међу твојим половима
Или си хладан
Или немаш дна
Не, нема таквих, само си ти
Причај ми поново о новом
Зачараном и живом
Зачараном и живом
Сат не ради
Зашто, када ти и ја
Нисмо у времену, нисмо у покрету
Ми смо ванземаљски живот
Слушаћу те даноноћно
Мамићу те даље од људи
Бићу твоја мелодија
Не, нема таквих, само си ти
Посветио си ми космичке снове
Ти си луд
Ти си странац
Не, нема таквих, само си ти
Заборављам да дишем
Када гледаш са висине
Сат не ради
Зашто, када ти и ја
Нисмо у времену, нисмо у покрету
Ми смо ванземаљски живот
Слушаћу те даноноћно
Мамићу те даље од људи
Бићу твоја мелодија
Остајемо између светова
Делимо се на атоме
Остајемо између светова
Делимо се на атоме
Када волимо


Зовеш ме ноћу и ћутиш не о мени
Знаш, нема потребе, све сам одавно осетила
Пијем мед са вином
Чувам те последње снаге тела
Јер нас твоја љубав вуче на дно
Само си ти опраштао то пролеће
Али није важно
У твојим очима су последњи дани Венеције
Опраштао си ми све
Или је то знак да си док је Васиона ћутала
Палио моје бродове
Снег је постао пепео
Знала сам, није узалуд
Касно је и мрачно
Страх ме је да негде идем сама
Бићеш мој још на трен
Не желиш зло
Можда је боље да одемо у своје светове
Само си ти опраштао то пролеће
Али није важно
У твојим очима су последњи дани Венеције
Опраштао си ми све
Или је то знак да си док је Васиона ћутала
Палио моје бродове
А није се имало шта праштати
Нисам добро, играла сам се као дете
Од среће па чак до очаја
Слутила сам да нисам једина
Мучила сам себе противречностима
Нисам знала да ће љубав бити заувек вечна
Само си ти опраштао то пролеће
Али није важно
У твојим очима су последњи дани Венеције
Опраштао си ми све
Или је то знак да си док је Васиона ћутала
Палио моје бродове
Праштао си ми
Али због чега тако боли
Све на Земљи ће проћи,
Онда нека гори!


Стојим наспрам тебе и немам речи
Ради тебе ћу све да напустим
Град нас заљубљује и вара
Град је пун
Бивших љубавника
Колико је нас рањених?
Додирни прстима
Ко смо сада ми постали?
Такви смо, какави смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Стојим наспрам тебе и свега се присећам
И све јасније видим
Не опраштају оном ко вара
Град је пун
Бивших љубавника
Колико је нас рањених?
Додирни прстима
Ко смо сада ми постали?
Такви смо, какави смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Нестајали смо с радара више пута
Примећивали смо и ћутали
Када је неко од нас горео
Имам тело
Имам реч
Вратите ми моје
Имам тело
Имам мисао
Вратите ми моје
Вратите моје
Такви смо, какави смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо
Такви смо, какви смо

The sea

Didn't I told you, that I can't live without the sea
I run away from you to the dark slopes
I hinted to you, that there are three of us
You and the sea, my charred sails
I have changed, otherwise this world will not be known
And freedom is intoxicating, like first time your touch
Well, and you do not change, you are not disappearing
I'm touching the water , holding my breath
I'm asking myself, do I still have some feeling?
What is holding me on this cold earth,
I saw your eyes and already I know,
That you're burning the last of my ships.

Îndrăgostiților ...

Hei, TU! Vrei să te strecori în zile mai bune,
Hei, TU! Vrei te strecori în zilele dragostei,
Vreau să vii așa la viață.
Hei, TU! Vrei să te strecori în zile mai bune,
Hei, TU! Suntem pe drum pentru a simți farmecul și uimirea.
Vreau să vii așa la viață.
Te vreau.
Te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog.
Nu știi cum să fii fericit, fericit oh?
Nu știi cum să fii cu adevărat liber?
Deci, urmați-mă pe mine.
Hei, TU! Să intrăm în noapte, simt aproape dragostea ta.
Hei, TU! Sunt aici pentru a arăta de ce există mai multă libertate decât frică.
Vreau ca acum să fii tânăr și cinstit.
Te vreau.
Te rog, te rog, te rog, te rog.
Nu știi cum să fii fericit, fericit oh?
Nu știi cum să fii cu adevărat liber?
Deci, urmați-mă pe mine.
E mai mult decât îți poți imagina
Dragostea este o relație perfectă.
Realitate, mărturisire, obsesie.
Noi mergem, mergem, mergem mai departe,
dar nu uita de ce ai venit.
Pentru a obține mai mult și mai mult
și deschide ușa persoanei pe care o așteptați.
Nu știi cum să fii fericit, fericit oh?
Nu știi cum să fii cu adevărat liber?
Deci, urmați-mă pe mine.
Dana Kósa

The cranes

Stand with me in a white dance
Black colour- it's my veil
Do know, I'll give you a chance
To look under my veil
There the cranes are flying into a blue distance
And they know,
Where is my and where is your sadness
In my blue eyes
I'll be a shadow
You be dawn
In my walls the mallows will blossom
Do know, my memory alive
Like veil, our black nights
And the cranes are flying into a blue distance
And they know,
Where is my and where is your sadness
And there is no one but us
At this minutes the time stops
And that memory lives like a bird
In my blue eyes