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Број резултата: 18


Varanje je zločin

Varao si i uhvaćen, govoreći da 'želiš umreti'?
Ja hoću da umrem 10000% više od tebe.
Tvoji izgovori su puni laži.
Jebote, nekoliko meseci lažne ljubavi.
Mora da se osećaš sjajno posle onoga što si uradio.
Flertovao sa nekoliko devojaka u isto vreme.
Besmisleno je početi ispočetka.
Oseti bol i pati, posledice.
Promenila bih se da si mi se požalio.
Ne znam zašto smo uopšte zajedno ako ti je izgled toliko bitan.
Trebao si da stekneš neke seksualne prijatelje, i voditti ljubav koja ne uključuje ljubav.
Da li si glup? Ako biraš po izgledu
zašto bi rekao da je 'Unutrašnja lepota je bitna' meni?
Godišnja doba se smenjuju, ljudi koje ljubiš se isto smenjuju.
Nema leka koji bi mogao da te izleči, nikad se nećeš promeniti osim ako ne umreš.
Neverovatno od tebe da nagomilavaš svog 'savršenog ljubavnika'
Voleti nekog svesrdno je mnogo bolje nego menjati partnera iznova i iznova.
Najpre, šta je tačno 'savršena veza'?
Šta je 'biti sit' i 'ljubomora'?
Šta je zasluga za mene da živim u budućnosti?
Koje je značenje za mene da rodim dete posle svih stvari koje su se desile?
Ahh, već sam poludela kada sam primetila šta se dešava.
Ispostavilo se da sam alkoholičarka zbog toga što si uradio.
Kako god, osećam se sjajno, predoziram.
Odbaci svoj život za spasenje.
Oljuštiću ti kožu
Isećiću ti muda i kurac.
Sutra će biti sjajan dan, živeću ga za tebe!
Poješću tvoj mali mozak, i tvoja jetra je tako ukusna!
Volim te tako puno i nikad se nije promenilo, ali sada, ne mogu stvarno da zaustavim svoj bes.
Izvnini što sam ekstremno emocionalna, ali od sada, pokazaću ti šta je 'prava ljubav'.
Varao si i uhvaćen, govoreći da 'želiš umreti'?
Ja hoću da umrem 10000% više od tebe.
Tvoji izgovori su puni laži.
Jebote, nekoliko meseci lažne ljubavi.
Mora da se osećaš sjajno posle onoga što si uradio.
Flertovao sa nekoliko devojaka u isto vreme.
Besmisleno je početi ispočetka.
Oseti bol i pati, posledice.

From Ex-lover to Sex-friend

It’s pleasure to deceive loneliness
Rusted and rotten, then I lose it, my love
No matter how much I love you, still, I can’t reach you
Can only think about sensuality, twisted around “something's” finger
It's all about “lust”, just a tool, which comes in handy
It's fine being like this, don't care about our past anymore
Turns out filthy, we can never head back to those days
Let's start, self-satisfaction, incomplete “romantic relationship”
Not thinking about anything, it just feels empty
“Happiness” from the parallel world, in the room where we loved each other
Not continuing any conversation, clothes and hair, messy
Sorry for being such a person, but I’m having fun right now
Not a date which we hold in our hands, not a bed where we hug and sleep
Though hands are holding, there’s none of “love”
Half an hour later, the high spirits decay
Post-orgasm, alcohol flows
You smiled, while my heart aches
Really want to reverse time
When everything was given by each other
It’s pleasure to deceive loneliness
Rusted and rotten, then I lose it, my love
No matter how much I love you, still, I can’t reach you
Can only think about sensuality, twisted around “something's” finger
It's all about “lust”, just a tool, which comes in handy
It's fine being like this, don't care about our past anymore
Turns out filthy, we can never head back to those days
Let's start, self-satisfaction, incomplete “romantic relationship”
Not thinking about anything, it just feels empty

Weirdo me, who fell into love

For me, your existence is like a god
If I try to talk to you, you will turn around and look at me
But I can’t even speak a word, since I’m afraid that you will hate me
Fell in love and got sick without your permission, aren’t these the acts of a stalker!?
Can’t even ask you out for dating, then you end up dating others
Welp, you are not mine anyways...
“Just.. leave me alone and fall in love with someone else”
“I’m feeling good being myself”
Weirdo ends up being a weirdo, forever
I don’t mind if I only have a single chance to do it
I wanted to fall in love with you and hold our hands
I’m sure the true ending will be: you don't even know my name
And my life ends being nothing more than a mob
I’m too empty being alone, can’t make any progress by myself
I’m sick of myself…
For me, your existence is like a god
If I try to talk to you, you will turn around and look at me
But I can’t even speak a word, since I’m afraid that you will hate me
Fell in love and got sick without your permission, aren’t these the acts of a stalker!?
Can’t even ask you out for dating, then you end up dating others
Welp, you are not mine anyways...
“Just.. leave me alone and fall in love with someone else”
“I’m feeling good being myself”
Weirdo ends up being a weirdo, forever

It's okay to envy

Ah shit! Fuck you!
Wanna be cool, wanna be cute
Hey, I only need your brain and your face, just give them to me
Fuck you! I wanna be you, I wanna be you, too
Hey, I love you but I hate you, huh? I'm not crying, I just hate myself
Being unproductive, day by day, days filled with moans and emptiness
Want to change, but nothing has changed, went to the sandbag, kicked off my stress
Won't remember anything when I wake up, still, I envy them
Need to learn how to love myself, ASAP, life is dull
It’s time to quit, the habit of comparing myself with others
I’m still myself, living in this world, alone
No strengths or weaknesses, the worst case
They are all the one and only, I can’t help
The hero, fighting with his own weakness
To pursue myself, which I love
Ah shit! Fuck you!
Wanna be cool, wanna be cute
Hey, I only need your brain and your face, just give them to me
Fuck you! I wanna be you, I wanna be you, too
Hey, I love you but I hate you, huh? I'm not crying, I just hate myself
Fuck you! I wanna be you, I wanna be you, too
Hey, I love you but I hate you, huh? I'm not crying, I just hate myself

Everything sucks.

It was all decided from the beginning
Even the end of the 'mob character' life that keeps falling
I cried until the tears dried up and my bruises and mood didn't heal
Worn to no avail, affections, emotions, facial expressions, cruelty
Hands misteriously sweat, it's boring and scary everyday
Stab a pink rabbit with a utility knife
Because I want someone to know the pain I received
Wound scars
Nobody knows my story
Whether I'm a processing machine or a classy person
Whoa, time goes on and goes away
Pick up the meaning of 'staying away' and toss it aside
My only friend is the dream of healing my wounds
I'm tired of hearing 'you're not alone', only you believed that
If it's all lies, I want to be a lie, to be myself
Still not enough, I want a stimulus other than violence
Even broken inside, I'm still laidback and alive
Hello, face that can't be helped
Hello, compliant slave
Hello, I got my head wet and laughed and hid it in public
Put the screams, sometimes the silence in your ears
Is it my turn to scream and cry next?
Nobody knows my story
Even if it doesn't come true, even if I die like the rest
Whoa, time goes on and goes away
I'm again looking for the meaning of laughing
My only friend is the dream of healing my wounds
I'm tired of hearing 'you're not alone', only you believed that
If it's all lies, I want to be a lie, to be myself
To laugh, to cry in a good way

Cheap Woman

The sky is clear in my intracranial room, my own little world
I don’t understand the point of my life
While I’m without a boyfriend Stay, on SNS with my phone in hand
Complaining on my secret account about you, “I’m not satisfied with just that”
I feel pleasure while exposing my body, but my ideal self is far gone and the feeling of nothingness is all that remains
I’ve already grown accustomed to joy from attention
My purity lies at zero while I realize the ones surrounding me are nothing but older men
“I don’t understand #selfies” I think that as my results are all that show up
Mom and Dad, I’m really sorry
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad
It’s okay if your dirty, the only place you have is here
Although I hide my breasts when I’m entering the bath with a friend
It doesn’t matter if they see. I’m exposing the entire world my whole body anyways
Taking nudes in front the mirror while smiling, it’s laughable
If I hide my face from the nose down it’ll be okay. The gloomy me is in the past now
If something disagreeable happens, I’ll just rant to someone
If I want attention, anyone I ask will give me it
But in truth they’re all lying with different intentions
Talking to a guy I’ll forget and know zero about
“Hey listen, I think we can meet up soon”
“…my beloved follower”
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad
Going on #eroku, #eroku, #eroku, how sad

It's a rotten life.

Yesterday, I saw in the neighbourhood a girl riding her tricycle
If my real smile is this dirty, I can't show it - Transparent sweat was dripping
Compared to the before, have I become free? Or did I just come to know the darkness?
Giving in to the will of a stranger, falling into the whirlpool of a dysfunctional society
How do I make it to 21 years without company? Please tell me.
I take my shoes off, abandoned washed dishes and clothes
Well, isn't this okay? I feel alive - I can feel it in my body
Even those I hated, with the flow of time, they disappeared. In a way, it was freedom
If I hadn't been born, I wouldn't have been able to taste it:
The lies from the people I love, jealousy towards my friends - I want compensation
It was really tough
What do you experience when you die? Do you see a new horizon? This world, hell?
The ultimate goal of this life, no one knows it, it can't be helped
I don't know, so why don't you live however you want?
Aah, screw it! Let's live for ourselves!
Well, isn't this okay? I feel alive - I can feel it in my body
I was a joke, and with the flow of time, I disappeared. In a way, it was freedom
Even if my best friend gets married, I can't cheer them on properly
Even if I always leave it behind, my heart is still a kid who wants to stay!
This is okay! I feel alive, I can feel it in my body!
Even those I hated, with the flow of time, they disappeared! In a way, it was cruel
This is okay! I feel alive, I can feel it in my body!
I was a joke and with the flow of time, I disappeared! In a way, I was free
But even so, I will continue wandering.

Eternal Masturbation

Crying although it changes nothing, my routine
While being rejected I’m unable to say the truth
I detest everyday, even if I try doing something different
“It’s impossible for the ugly trash that is me” I cut my wrists and end today with masturbating
Dieting from a fat 60kg to 42kg
If you lose weight you can become thin, but you’re stuck with your hideous face until the day you die
Because even though she’s fat she's cute, because although she has no chest she’s cute
“What’s your reason for dating?” 'Because he’s cool'
“What’s your reason for dating?” “Because she’s cute”
Even if I were to guess, it’d a be universe apart
Even at a common workplace I am alone
That’s has to be it, without a doubt
My unmarried future and living alone terrifies me
Soon annoying and old, infinite regrets, life caves in
The spoiled me won’t be surprised
Hiding my face and hitting my pillow with my phone. The falling rain irritates me, my lack of sleep
I’m jealous, I hate him, I think of giving up and the cycle repeats
Crying although it changes nothing, my routine
While being rejected I’m unable to say the truth
I detest everyday, even if I try doing something different
“It’s impossible for the ugly trash that is me” I cut my wrists and end today with masturbating

Shit named 'Gender'

Please, someone. Destroy this hell of a reality. Take me to the dreamy world.
Even though they think we’re foolish. Just ignore them.
As long as we love each other, run through the world.
Though we’re taking it very serious.
They will never approve our love, right?
Conversation ends without gaining any trust.
'And they taunted me a few days later.'
You accepted someone like me, who is eccentric.
Now, even trifles can make me laugh. Because I’m holding your hands.
'Gender barrier has no right to deny us.'
'You are my destiny.' Believe in yourself.
The world is in slow motion when I am with you.
Hey, I love you. Hey, thank you.
The scene I used to see has changed.
Please, someone. Destroy this hell of a reality. Take me to the dreamy world.
Even though they think we’re foolish. Just ignore them.
As long as we love each other, run through the world.
Wish we’ll be recognized by the society. Hope we won't abandon ourselves.

Cheating Is A Crime

Versions: #1
I don't wanna hear that you wanna die,
Caught cheating and you say that YOU wanna die?
Tellin' me about the reason that you gave it up.
Fuck every single month of this fake love.
Bet you feel great after all that you did~
Flirting with all of the girls that you hid♡
We'll never be again and I don't wanna restart
Feel the pain I did and suffer all the same as I was ripped apart
If you woulda told me what i did
Maybe I could try to change it.
Tell me why are we dating in the first place if looks are why you're interested.
You coulda had a couple friends to do it,
Havin sex without the love,
Are you fucking stupid?
If you only look at bodies when you're dating maybe,
You shouldn't tell me 'inner beauty' is what matters, baby???
Hey~ Look how the seasons are changing
The people you're kissing are changing idk why
No medication can fix you, the only alternative is that you've gotta die
Happy for you, look for the fool you call the 'perfect bride'
Loving someone, monogamy's better than somebody new every night
First of all, what's a perfect couple
Jealousy and honesty, is it worth the trouble???
Is there reason left to live, do i really wanna try
Giving birth to a baby after you left me on the 'first time'???
I already know what I'm gonna do, Wow!
Drink the whole bottle down, see what you've done now
Who cares, feeling great, I'll overdose too
Just die so i can feel a little joy soon
Baby, think I wanna skin you
Maybe, cut your fucking dick off and then keep it,
I been thinkin lately
You're so fuckin lazy
Eat ur brain today and save your liver for another time, tasty♡
I really love you, I think
but now I'm losing my mind and I wish that you would just die
Sorry I know I'm getting emotional
I'll show you that real loves unconditional
I don't wanna hear that you wanna die,
Caught cheating and you say that YOU wanna die?
Tellin' me about the reason that you gave it up.
Fuck every single month of this fake love.
Bet you feel great after all that you did~
Flirting with all of the girls that you hid♡
We'll never be again and I don't wanna restart
Feel the pain I did and suffer all the same as I was ripped apart

Falling Deeper In Love Than Any Other Fan

My heart aches, All Day, All Night.
Every time I see you, I become no smarter than a Chimpanzee, on the inside.
Just as you do now, continue to shine brightly! Though you and I must part soon,
These feelings I can't put into words, I support you with all my heart!
Such a lovely laugh. One-sided and disgusting.
I'd do away with these feelings if I could.
Yeah! As I thought... You're the winner here!
I'll go down in flames, I love it!
Sexting, I love it!
And god do I love that skirt on you!!
It's almost unforgivable,
I could practically kill someone, you're worth it to me.
In this vulgar little place, I get to be so close to your voice, your catchy tunes fire me up.
An expression came to my expressionless face, you awakened love in my heart and let it bloom.
I join in ti shout 'That's it!!' I couldn't stop myself from sheading a tear at this.
Ah, and every listener came together in agreement.
I must've! But I guess I can cry...
After all I may just die of your cuteness! We're a standing ovation!
Just as you do now, continue to shine brightly! Though you and I must part soon,
These feelings I can't put into words, I support you with all my heart!
Such a lovely laugh. One-sided and disgusting.
I'd do away with these feelings if I could.
Yeah! As I thought... You're the winner here!
Front row-Y is all you need!
I just want to watch you sing!
Look, over here, see the fool I am!
Anything is fine, Super cool!

Can't Stop Loving You

Don’t forget the smell, You don’t turn around.
Even when you are fed up,
you still give a fake smile. What are you doing?!
Pillow talk time slow motion.
Just realize that our connection is out of range.
But I won’t stop. Suffering. Day and night.
I love you as much as you want to kill.
Evil, pretend to be interested, more frightening than the gangs.
Why aren’t you dating me? Tell me why?
I’m too noisy? You only want to feel good aren’t you?
Because it’s the happiest when you are being chased after?
Though we won’t meet, you’ll be next to me, everyday.
Being loved in my dreams, though it won’t come true.
I’m sorry, but I’m jealous and irritated.
Lighting up the cigarettes. You hate this, aren’t you?
Being emotional, there is no way back.
What the fuck!!! Are you fooling me!?
My tears are flooding, you knew that.
Won’t be touched, even for a little bit.
Distance between us, there’s nothing I can do, it never ends.
'Okay, like ninja apple sauce. Little Wife, cares for me'
I want to disappear, cuz I’ll never be anyone’s first priority.
Just make you feel good and ended.
I made this happened at the first place, this is all my fault.
Don’t forget the smell, You don’t turn around.
Even when you are fed up,
you still give a fake smile. What are you doing?!
Pillow talk time slow motion.
Just realize that our connection is out of range.
But I won’t stop. Suffering. Day and night.
I love you as much as you want to kill.
Evil, pretend to be interested, more frightening than the gangs.

Isn't Menhera a god?

Ill, was born but not in your own purpose. Betrayed, always.
Ill, want to make friends and take selfies, only for half of the face.
Wrist cut, harsh to yourself, ill girls are god.
But please don't hurt yourself anymore.
'It's amazing to be born by'.
Show your middle finger to those nonsense guy.
Ill, ex-boyfriend which clings in your brain.
Ill, bored but still give a fake smile.
Ill, don't even understand the meaning of living.
OMG, too dull that don't want to go out anymore.
Energy drink, drugs, overdose, alchahol, high as f*cked. Repeating forever, breaks the body.
Its fine, just want to be cute.
Become 'the girl' that everyone admires.
Everyone looks the same, but I like it.
Want to be loved, but not too much.
Want to upload wrist cuts to private accounts.
You have your freedom to decide how you live!
Wants to be your sandbag when you're irritated.
Kill harm who have no common sense, good job.
Not alone! Follow the rhythm and tell me about your depression.
Shines while you chase for your love!
Let's make your ex regret.
Give your fake smile, cuz live is boring.
OK, no one know about the meaning of living.
Don't have to be a yes-man.
Blame the cause rather than blame yourself.
Depression repeats, forgive yourself and live freely.
Wrist cut, harsh to yourself, ill girls are god.
But please don't cry too much.
'It's amazing to be born by'.
Show your middle finger to those you hate.
Wrist cut, harsh to yourself, ill girls are god.
But please don't cry too much.
'It's amazing to be born by'.
Show your middle finger to those you hate.
See? You're still alive.
After all, you are living with your own way.
Keep on, sob sob.
Still goes on, sob sob.
Not enough, sob sob.
Until the day you beat yourself.

Shut up

The indecisive me no longer exist, All right.
Regards immediately after I gave up on myself.
Friends who stabbed me in the back.
Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.
Breakthrough fucked up, live with my bare self.
Anxiety through the whole year, everyday.
What is art? What is life?
Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.
Wants to sleep, school sucks.
Wants to lose weight, have a drunk party till late night.
Lonely and dim room,
the only thing which can calm me down.
All of you are liars, you just pretend.
These hands sucks, they can’t change the reality.
Goodbye, so dark, I’m fed up.
If you aren’t the chosen one, piss off.
“You have the freedom to decide” The true liar said.
Follow the rules made by those dumb people.
Things you can see once you die:
Absolute authority, the principal, red ‘slimes’ from his head.
I don’t care about those scums.
Wants to run away while I’m suffering.
Fed up and not satisfied,
I want you to touch me, a little bit is alredy enough!
The indecisive me no longer exist, All right.
Regards immediately after I gave up on myself.
Friends who stabbed me in the back.
Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.
Breakthrough fucked up, live with my bare self.
Anxiety through the whole year, everyday.
What is art? What is life?
Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.
Troublesome! I don't need a bitch anymore.
Everyone are cute, live as I like!
Attract those gentlemen and handsomes.
Concussion, like a sperm, prepared to emergence.
I think I'm about to die.
Dope, bounce everybody bounce, whatever.
I like how you cares about everyone.
Split, without emotion. Do you love me?