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It's Like A Silly Song

When I dance,
My feet can't keep rhythm
Because I've washed them
I can't live without them
This is our song
There is no sense in these words
It's like a silly song
Who is gonna sing that?
I've climbed a tree behind a one-legged cat
And when I've just approached her
She's suddenly attacked me
This is our song
Tthere is no sense in these words
It's like a silly song
Who is gonna sing that?

Look for me again ( unpublished in Italy )

Eyes made up
eyes into blue eyes
eyelashes of a vague black smoke
magical moments in itself
You will dance, an ephemeral angel
oasis of sensuality
free figure
idol without crown
Chorus: You look for me again
scent of the East
you always present ...
When the aurora comes
burning love, you
look for me again ....
Clear sky, alien clouds
white on black ...
so of us
silver wrinkles ...
Love still
the heart now rests
tell me something!
You look for me again x 2
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


One, two, three, four, five
My time stops
I search for you
But I'm afraid that I won't have time
One, two, three, four, five
I hear the cry of the wind
There's not a reason to run away
The sky extinguishes

Let's go Italy!

Let's go Italy!
Stuffing my luggage into my bag.
Got a large budget for the trip,
I'll put my passport into the breast pocket.
And then I enter the taxi on the airfield.
Real quick,
I'm going to fly to Italia.
The streets are dirty,
women lovely.
Compared to home,
it's really fun here.
Here's a few Peronis',
there a few potatoes.
Over here I'm living a dream,
there you have a couple of wasp bites.
The taxi driver's road rage,
a dented small Fiat, pretty realistic.
Legs blistering, on the street for the whole evening.
On Rome's streets.
They are selling fake crap at the marketplace,
nothing works, but everything will work out.
And if someone says that I won't get any,
I'll tell them that this is the bootland.
Greetings from the sun,
from Milano's terraces.
Here I'm alive,
Let's go Italia!
Caesar of Rome,
I'll be for at least this holiday.
I'm standing around and just chilling.
Let's go Italia!
'O sole mio..
Let's go Italia!
Con te partirò!
Let's go Italia!
Anyway, now that we got to speed,
I'll head to the Vatican,
to greet the pope.
So I'm not gonna resist,
if he takes me to the canteen,
and offers red wine.
I'm in a holiday mood,
but I have a big role.
Just like Berlusconi Silvio,
I'm gonna take a break from the weekdays.
Even though there's a huge line,
and I'm thirsty.
Someone pinched my phone out of my pocket,
I got a caricature from a street artist.
In Finland there's sausages and mashed potatoes,
Over here we have an acute food culture regimen.
You can keep your swag with the Qucci on,
I'm the most stylish here aswell.
My shoes are sticking into the hot asphalt,
I'll come back again.
Greetings from the sun,
from Milano's terraces.
Here I'm alive,
Let's go Italia!
Caesar of Rome,
I'll be for at least this holiday.
I'm standing around and just chilling.
Let's go Italia!
'O sole mio..
Let's go Italia!
Con te partirò!
Let's go Italia!
'O sole mio..
Let's go Italia!
Con te partirò!
Let's go Italia!
Italy, I want to stay.
Italy, I can't get you out of my head.
Italy, I want to stay.
Italy, I can't get you out of my head.
Greetings from the sun,
from Milano's terraces.
Here I'm alive,
Let's go Italia!
Caesar of Rome,
I'll be for at least this holiday.
I'm standing around and just chilling.
Let's go Italia!
'O sole mio..
Let's go Italia!
Con te partirò!
Let's go Italia!
'O sole mio..
Let's go Italia!
Con te partirò!
Let's go Italia!

About fateful data and numbers

For poets and so on, but mainly - for poets
Who ended life tragic - he is a true poet,
And if at the exact time - then in full measure.
At the number 26 one took a step towards the pistol,
And then however - climbed to the loop in 'Angleterre'.
And with thirty-three Jesus Christ ... (He was a poet, he spoke:
'You are not to kill!' - everywhere I'll find you, he said.)
But they bashed nails into his hands, to that he could not create,
So that he neither wrote, nor thought about it.
I am at the number 37, in a moment I'll fall off drink.
There and at once like a cold shuddering:
Under this number Pushkin made a mess of himself in a duel
And Mayakovsky shot himself in the temple.
Let's stay at the number 37. Treacherous god -
Put a question point- blank: Either - or.
On this line we lost Byron and Rimbaud,
And the present-day they have somehow slipped through.
The duel didn't take place or was postponed,
And at thirty three they were crucified, but not powerfully.
And with thirty-seven - no blood, what is blood and turning grey
It doesn't mar too much.
Too weak to shoot oneself? My heart sank to my boots?
Patience, psychopates and hysterical women!
The poets walk on the razor's edge
An cut to the blood your bare souls.
On the word 'dlinosheee'* pin on three 'e' at the end.
The poets shorten - the decision is clear.
And the knife after him - but he hangs fortunately on the cutter
Slaughtered because he was dangerous.
I pity you, follower of a fateful date and number!
You pine like a concubine in a harem:
Expectation of life has risen and maybe the end
Of the poets put back in time!

Lady Oscar Ending

If love is (a) suffering,
We will suffer whatever is needed
until, maybe, someday
I will reach into your heart/I will get into your heart
You will be the light, I will be the shadow.
Our link cannot be broken.
And when we suffer more and more sadness we have,
love, love unites us more.
I've loved you and I will continue loving you
But it's not possible (for me) to see you anymore
Oh! Oscar...

Lady Oscar Opening

A great celebration at the French Court, 
in the kingdom where a baby girl is born
With blonde hair and rose cheeks, 
Oscar will be your name.
Your good father wanted a baby boy, 
but, alas, you are born.
In your cradle he put a foil, 
lady with a blue ribbon.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
everybody celebrates when you pass
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
like a muskeeter you are able to fight
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
A dark night at the French Court, 
at the palace, people already asleep
three bandits with swords and spears, 
Plan to ambush his majesty.
Lady Oscar was hiding herself 
in the king's big room.
With a feline dash and agile movements
she will hit all three.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
your sword whistles, and never lets you down.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
even in the fray you are able to win.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
everybody celebrates when you pass
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
like a muskeeter you are able to fight
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
you sword whistles, and never lets you down.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
even in the fray you are able to win.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
the grand dames at the court envy you because
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Oscar 
even when you duel there is elegance.
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee…
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Lady
Oh Lady, Lady, Lady Leee… 

Хеви метал је закон

Бори се јако,
Живи брзо,
Свирај гласно,
Изађи из масе!
Савијен челик,
Заувек ће вера живети у нашим срцима!
Не постоји ништа друго на целом свету
Што ће је срушити.
Ми ћемо свирати свој најдивљији корак посвуда,
То нам треба као течност у венама уместо крви!
Мозгови напољу,
Уједињени металци су спремни да ударе!
Бела врелина,
Црвена врућина,
Ако не осећаш нећеш разумети!
Не постоји ништа друго на целом свету
Што ће је срушити.
Ми ћемо свирати свој најдивљији корак посвуда,
То нам треба као течност у венама уместо крви!
Хеви метал је закон који нас држи уједињенима и слободнима,
Закон који разбија земљу и пакао.
Хеви метал не може да победи ниједна династија,
Ми смо чаробњаци који се боре својом магијом!
Хеви метал је закон који нас држи уједињенима и слободнима,
Закон који разбија земљу и пакао.
Хеви метал не може да победи ниједна династија,
Ми смо чаробњаци који се боре својом магијом!

У Италији

Versions: #2
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће рећи,
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће дати.
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен у земљи полуистина!

Где бежиш - у Италији
Пиштољи и кола - у Италији
Макијавели и Фосколо - у Италији
Шампиони света - у Италији 1
Добродошли - у Италију!
Идеш на одмор на море - у Италији
Боље немој да се оперишеш- у Италији
Немој да идеш у болницу - у Италији
Добар живот - у Италији
Велике гала вечере - у Италији
Радиш послове са лошим момцима - у Италији
Комшија који пуца у тебе - у Италији
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће рећи,
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће дати.
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен у земљи полуистина!
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће рећи,
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће дати.
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен у земљи полуистина!
Где бежиш - у Италији?
Прави мафијаши су - у Италији
Најопаснији су - у Италији
Девојке на улици - у Италији
Једеш домаћу пасту - у Италији
После ти у кућу улазе лопови - у Италији
Не тражиш сталан посао - у Италији
Али љубиш крст - у Италији
Споменици - у Италији
Цркве са сликама - у Италији
Сентименталан народ - у Италији
Кампање киднаповања - у Италији
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће рећи,
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће дати.
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен у земљи полуистина!
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће рећи,
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће дати.
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен у земљи полуистина!
Где бежиш - у Италији?
Девојке којима се удварају - у Италији
Жене које се фотографишу - у Италији
Модели који се уцењују - у Италији
Учиш се уметности - у Италији
Људи који гледају у карте - у Италији
Никада разоткривена убиства - у Италији
Изгубљени гласови и сигурни гласови - у Италији
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће рећи,
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће дати.
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен у земљи полуистина!
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће рећи,
Постоје ствари које ти нико неће дати.
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен си и умрећеш овде,
Рођен у земљи полуистина!
Где бежиш?
Где бежиш?
  • 1. Песма је изашла 2008. када је Италија била актуелни светски шампион у фудбалу


Na na na na
Na na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na na
Baby, tell me, why are you leaving me alone?
I'm loud, cheat on you and drink a lot
But baby, please, you have to forgive me
These melodies were in my head again
Na na na, baby, tell me, why are you leaving me alone?
I'm loud, cheat on you and drink a lot
But baby, please, you have to forgive me
These melodies were in my head again
Babe, I know, you didn't earn all of this (na na na)
You were next to me, and I was still a thief (yeah yeah yeah)
Say, how often have I disappointed you already?
Say, how often have you fallen in love again? (na na na)
So many bitches around me
But none of them can measure up to you, na na na na
Today so many know me
But you know me the best, na na na
I'm on my way again, I'm seeing a thousand colors (yeah)
You worry again, you've got a thousand questions (ah)
I hurt you over and over, you've got a thousand scars (yeah)
You call me Capital, but I've got a thousand names
You call me Capital, but I've got a thousand names
Baby, tell me, why are you leaving me alone?
I'm loud, cheat on you and drink a lot
But baby, please, you have to forgive me
These melodies were in my head again
Na na na, baby, tell me, why are you leaving me alone?
I'm loud, cheat on you and drink a lot
But baby, please, you have to forgive me
These melodies were in my head again
You already know what you're missing out on here (yeah yeah yeah)
And I ask myself, why aren't you fighting for me? (na na na)
Every weekend I miss you so badly, ah
None of the cunts know you like I do (no, no, no)
You aren't calling me again, I know (know)
You are out on the way with your boys (your boys)
Baby, this time I can't forgive you again (no)
And your muzzle stinks so terribly like booze, ah
Maybe I should get myself a vodka (real fast, yeah)
And chill again with a couple of dipshits (gas station, yeah)
Maybe I'll go to a club
Maybe I'll drink more than a mouthful today, baby
Baby, how do you like that? You have a hangover, I have fun
THC in my head and a little whisky in my glass (oh, yeah yeah yeah)
You thought this love here will stay completely stable
But I have to tell you, you just blew it with me, baby, baby
Baby, believe me, I won't see it anymore
For you, it's all always just a game
From today, I'm going and leaving you alone
I'm hearing these melodies now myself
Na na na, baby, believe me, I won't see it anymore
For you, it's all always just a game
From today, I'm going and leaving you alone
I'm hearing these melodies now myself
Baby, tell me, why are you leaving me alone?
I'm loud, cheat on you and drink a lot
But baby, please, you have to forgive me
These melodies were in my head again
Na na na, baby, tell me, why are you leaving me alone?
I'm loud, cheat on you and drink a lot
But baby, please, you have to forgive me
These melodies were in my head again

In the dugout

Logs burn bright in my cramped little stove
On the wood, flowing tar, like a tear
The accordion sings to me here,
In my dugout, of your eyes and smile
Beyond Moscow, in fields full of snow,
On each bush the leaves whispered of you,
And I want now for you to hear
All this longing in my living voice
You are now far away, far away,
And between us lies snow beyond snow
To reach you is not easy to do,
To reach death – only four little steps
Sing, accordion, to spite the wind
Call the happiness that’s lost its way
In my bitter cold dugout, I’m warm
From a love that will never burn low

Song about the hospital

I lived with mother and father
On the Arbat - if it were always so.
And now I am in a hospital
In the bed, all in bandages.
What is for us glory, what is for us Klava -
The nurse and bright light?
My neighbour on the right died,
The one, who is on the left - not yet.
And once - like carbon monoxide fumes -
That neighbour, who is on the left,
Told me suddenly: - Now listen, buddy,
You have a leg less.
How come! That's not true brother!
He, probably, joked?
- We only cut off toes, -
So the doctor told me.
But the neighbour, who is on the left,
Smiled all the time, joked all the time.
Even if nightly he was delirious -
He spoke about the leg.
Mockingly he said: You will not get up!
You won't see, he said, your wife!
If you only could, comrade,
See yourself from the side.
If I were not a cripple
And could get down from the bed,
I'd the one, who is to the left,
Simply bite through the throat!
I implored nursie Klava
To show me what happened to me.
If the neighbour, who was on the left, were alive, -
He would tell me the truth ...


In a winter morning they suddenly standed before me.
And collapsed the world as it used to be
I am laying on the floor without dreams
and they threw a torn apart cloth.
Maybe I will have one more life.
Maybe I can still reset
Maybe I will be beautiful again
And that I cry every night it's not my fault.
I thought I am not vulnerable
A good family carefully grown me up
A human life is easily refrangible
If anytime they take up arms against you.
Maybe I will have one more life.
Maybe I can still reset
Maybe I will be beautiful again
And that I cry every night it's not my fault.
Maybe I will forget
Maybe my child will grow up
Maybe I will dream about him.
And that I cry every night
I will deny it.
Maybe, maybe I will forget
Maybe my child will grow up
Maybe I will have one more life.
Maybe I can still reset
Maybe I will be beautiful again
And that I cry every night it's not my fault.
And that I cry every night it's not my fault.

Come and take me into Your arms

You've delivered me from all evil, for You're good God
You've healed my chest wound
And by Your great love, You gave me grace and forgiveness
You've rescued me from burdens and sin.
/: Come and take me into Your arms,
Deliver me from the evil depth
Take me to the house in the stars
For You're good and great God! : /
You've watched over me, as child, and protected my heart
You made it to be just Yours
That's why, today I'm singing to You, in white garments
Today, I made forever a Covenant with God.
Today I'm washed by Jesus, the eye of glory from above
I give all my being in His hand
Here, I openly declare everyone my Savior
I confess my belief through Baptism.


Dozvolili smo da vode nadođu
Razilazili smo se da bi preživeli
Želela sam da ostaneš
Ali pustila sam te odeš polako
Ljubavi, gde si? Ljubavi, gde si?
Kad god si spreman (Kad god si spreman)
Kad god si spreman (Kad god si spreman)
Možemo li, možemo li se predati
Možemo li, možemo li se predati
Predajem se
Niko neće pobediti ovaj put
Samo te želim nazad
Trčim ka tebi
Mašem svojom belom zastavom, svojom belom zastavom
Ljubavi, gde si? Ljubavi, gde si?
Kad god si spreman (Kad god si spreman)
Kad god si spreman (Kad god si spreman)
Možemo li, možemo li se predati
Možemo li, možemo li se predati
Predajem se


Why does it appear, to be a dream to me
for I still feel the touch of your hands.
My throat tightens,
and my breath is unsteady.
Why do I feel, that this is nothing
for so many memories demand a look.
My wrists are tightened, and my mind is unsteady.
I don’t know, what happened here what took you away from here.
Was it ordinary fear or rejection?
I don’t know to whom it seemed there was too little, where are you?
How am I to go on, if I’ve given all of me to you?
I fold umbrellas into spikes, I sharpen knives I sharpen fangs.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
My fist vents rage into a wall
and from its stones I raise a stack.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
Why do I feel, this night will never end
even, if day would rise early
my throat tightens.
Don’t know what to do now,
how to get satisfaction?
How to quell the fright and fury?
Don’t know what to reach for, where is your raft?
I don’t have the strength.
How am I to go on, if I have given all of me to you?
I fold umbrellas into spikes, I sharpen knives I sharpen fangs.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry. My fist vents rage into a wall
and from its stones I raise a stack.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I’m changing gears, it’ll be better it’ll be easier. I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I erase you from here and straighten the fingers of my hand.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
Come back!
Don’t come back?
Go wherever you will.
Don’t stop it was just a dream. I’m already waking up.
I fold umbrellas into spikes, I sharpen knives I sharpen fangs.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry. My fist vents rage into a wall
and from its stones I raise a stack.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I’m changing gears, it’ll be better it’ll be easier. I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I erase you from here and straighten the fingers of my hand.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
Þæs ofereode ... þisses swa mæg ...

Stand upon the tower like Habakkuk

Stand upon the tower like Habakkuk, in those old days.
Stand upon the tower, watching over , the Lord will come
/: Stand upon the tower : /, to be as like your Master
Stay stable, steadfast, be strong now. : /
Stand upon the tower as a watchman, who's waiting for dawn
When the night ending and the fog is gone.
Stand upon the tower even in bad weather, if it's rain or storm
Stand upon the tower, again will be sunny and fine weather.
Stand upon the tower, that's your duty at the end of times
Be awake to hear what the Lord wants to tell you.
Stand upon the tower like Habakkuk, in those old days.
Stand upon the tower, watching over , the Lord will come


My well-being isn’t good
Night time I’m sad, day time busy with work
I don’t feel well, you’ve killed me
Im standing behind the window but there’s no smile
Eyes full of anger, grief as big as mountains
It’s like I’m forced to be away from you
Without you these nights are doomed
Your actions have so many impacts on me
I can’t open this topic of conversation with you
Nor I can deal with the grief of loneliness
Nor my ego let’s me beg you to stay...
But I’m dying to just caress your hair
I can’t open this topic of conversation with you
Nor I can deal with the grief of loneliness
Nor my ego let’s me beg you to stay...
But I’m dying to just caress your hair
I’m gonna tell you something but you might laugh at me
You might even close your eyes on me
It hurts me so bad that it’s like a complain:
It bothers me how beautiful your eyes are
I can’t describe it to you unless you see it for yourself
We always progress in every field of profession
Now that the profession is my heart you listen to him
You want to break it (my heart), then okay we’ll break it
I can’t open this topic of conversation with you
Nor I can deal with the grief of loneliness
Nor my ego let’s me beg you to stay...
But I’m dying to just caress your hair
We were never like this, why do you have to be so difficult
We were like the King and Queen, why are you going for the Jack?
I gave you my heart for everything that you asked,
Passed to those who don’t know how to pass
All you know is how to break my heart,
And not keep your promise when you say you’re mine.
All you know is that your my love and my everything
But you can’t even let of this
I can’t open this topic of conversation with you
Nor I can deal with the grief of loneliness
Nor my ego let’s me beg you to stay...
But I’m dying to just caress your hair
I can’t open this topic of conversation with you
Nor I can deal with the grief of loneliness
Nor my ego let’s me beg you to stay...
But I’m dying to just caress your hair

Rose petals of forgiveness

i will throw rose petals at you
You've told me red big lies
but I forgave you
Today it's a different day
Whatever you did, you did
I leave everything behind
I wanted you to be next to me
I wanted to give you hugs, for you to give me kisses
but love is unfair
there are times that it only meets one of the two
and the night becomes heavy
'I feel amazing alone, life does not need love', you told me
but i got over it
today i am feeling much better
the sun is shining brighter
Sun, please throw me some light
I am going out to the beach
I shut my eyes and listen to the kids
The world is amazing
even if I miss you and even if you don't want me anymore
Sun, please throw me some light
I will lay rose petals for you
to wave your dresses
on the road where you kissed somebody else
and preferred another hug from mine
But the thirst is much bigger
for the blue sky
Something better will come
after the showers there will come the clear sky
It doesn't matter if you left me
even if I miss you and you don't want me anymore
even if the night is heavy

Fall On Me

If the dream I believe in won't come true
After every end of the line, a beginning is already there
I put my heart in it, the rest will come
Because life smiles to those who believe and go on
Stay forever by my side and you'll see
That one day you'll see yourself in me
I'll know how to make you smile because
You'll see that I look just like you
Follow me
Hug me
Follow me
Wherever I go
Follow me
If you want
If you want
If you want
A light will illuminate you soon
Follow it always, it'll know how to guide you
Don't give up,
Be careful not to lose yourself
And your past will make sense to you
I'd like you to believe in yourself, but yes
In every step you move down here
It's an infinite journey
I'll smile if
In this fleeing time, you take me with you
Follow me
Listen to me
Follow me
Hug me
Follow me
If you want
If you want
If you want
If you want
You'll find new dreams to believe in
You'll feel the emotions reborn
I'll be with you
Follow me
Listen to me
Follow me
Hug me
Follow me
If you want
If you want
If you want

An Endless Tale

for you and for me
what can I do?
being led by something unseen
once again, we
were able to meet
passing over the promised time
my feeling is clear (yes)
at the unchanging smile now
the tale endlessly
chooses you as the protagonist
the many meetings and good byes
are our guideposts (guideposts)
wander into an unsolveable puzzle
even during dreams
because you were there, because you're here
I became stronger
even if we part some day (it's okay)
if our hearts call out to each other
I know because it cannot be seen
the miracle that connects us together
overcomes the rain and the hill of winds and
shines (shines)
the tale endlessly
chooses you as the protagonist
the many meetings and good byes
are our guideposts (guideposts)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Talking To The Moon

I know you're somewhere far away
The night when the blue star
lights me up in the room.
lean on the window
Wait for the clouds to wobble in the wind
When the full moon gets an eclipse
in my submerged pupil
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
But can't reach
Please, oh please, my baby
Someday when you listen to
my voice in your dreams
Open your lips. don't hesitate to answer.
you miss me too
Wait for the clouds to wobble in the wind
Just wait for that
Heart filled of longing
When the full moon gets a eclipse
in my submerged pupil
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
But can't reach
Please, oh please, my baby
Talking to the moon
Stay up all night with my eyes open
Talking to the moon
Maybe you'll see the moon
and talk to me
I expect like a fool
Try to call you
but can't reach
Please, please, my baby


Осећам твој дах
Осећам нешто дубоко у грудима
Има нешто у твом фазону
Не умем да објасним
Предајем ти се
Свакој капи крви коју си ми узела
Моје срце остаје исто
А ја сам
Стварно будала
Што ти се предајем
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Such Is Captialism

She was poor, but so honest,
she was the pride of her childhood home,
but a rich man got lustful,
and then he took her virtue.
Such is capitalism,
ingratitude is the wage of the poor,
it’s a paradise for the rich, but
I think it’s a damn shame.
When she went to a party,
she met him on his hunt for girls.
She said 'I've never gotten any'
she never should have said that.
Such is capitalism,
ingratitude is the wage of the poor,
it’s a paradise for the rich, but
I think it’s a damn shame.
She took the train to the city,
to hide her fall.
Now she solicits on the streets,
four crowns1 for a fuck.
Such is capitalism,
ingratitude is the wage of the poor,
it’s a paradise for the rich, but
I think it’s a damn shame.
Look at the little house with thatched roof,
where her old mother lives,
eats caviar with pleasure,
lives in excess from her daughter's whoring.
Such is capitalism,
ingratitude is the wage of the poor,
it’s a paradise for the rich, but
I think it’s a damn shame.
Now the girl solicits on Strøget,2
clad in leather bags and tulle.
She's landed right in the dirt,
it's the old bastard's fault.
Such is capitalism,
ingratitude is the wage of the poor,
it’s a paradise for the rich, but
I think it’s a damn shame.
She has corns on her behind,
she has scabies - and that thing, you know.
So she jumps in the channel,
no more whoring - yes, that was that.
  • 1. Danish kroner, literally 'crowns'
  • 2. Central street in Copenhagen

Sentimental milonga*

Milonga to remember
Sentimental milonga
Others complain, crying
I sing so as not to cry
Your love suddenly dried up
You never said why
I console myself
Thinking that it was woman's treachery
Man, to love you a lot
Man, to want you so much
Man, to forget all the wrongs
Because I have already forgiven you
Perhaps you never knew
Perhaps you couldn't believe it
Perhaps it will provoke laughter
To see me thrown at your feet
It's easy to hit out
To pay for a betrayal
Or to gamble for a dagger
The happiness of passion
But it's not easy
For the touches of a crush to cut themselves
When they are well tethered
To the heart's mast
Man, to love you a lot
Man, to want you so much
Man, to forget all the wrongs
Because I have already forgiven you
Perhaps you never knew
Perhaps you couldn't believe it
Perhaps laughter would provoke you
To see me thrown at your feet
Milonga that your absence made
Milonga of vocation
Milonga so that they'll never sing it
On your balcony
So that you return with the night
And you leave with the sun
To say that yes, sometimes
And to yell no to you
Man, to love you a lot
Man, to want you so much
Man, to forget all the wrongs
Because I have already forgiven you
Perhaps you never knew
Perhaps you couldn't believe it
Perhaps it will provoke laughter
To see me thrown at your feet
Ay, man, to love you a lot
Man, to love you so much
Man, so that you'll love me
Man, for you, woman
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.



Like the weeping willow
Sad and tired above the lake,
In the transparent mirror
Of freezing sources,
Look at my alter ego
Inside what I am no longer,
All my memories of a
life that was once
move on...
Nostalgia, you're my lover,
You are the most faithful and sincere.
You understand me, you always defend me,
You are my real partner with me.

~ ~ ~
How many times have I believed
To have erred in life,
As if being lost
Between the truth and the lie.
Red thread between fingers -
My thoughts and feelings -
Stringo strong and meeting
Always at [my] side, nostalgia!
Nostalgia, you're my lover,
You are the most faithful and sincere.
You understand me, you always defend me,
You are my real partner with me.

No, don't make me suffer
If at nightfall you fill my mind and heart
With beautiful poems, photos,
Hope and love.
Nostalgia, you're my lover,
You're the most faithful and sincere.
You understand me, you defend me always,
With me you're a true partner,
True, true, true...


I asked

I asked one well-known man
If he thinks his life was short
If he thinks I am already a lady
When he teared up my heart into small pieces
I asked one well-known woman
If she thinks it´s easy to live
She will give me a few good points
She came from comedy to drama
I asked a man who shoots peacocks
If he thinks he makes an animal out of himself
I asked a woman who doesn´t want her husband anymore
If the same won´t happen with the new one as well
And now I´m asking myself
How long do I want to be scared of myself, to scream go away from me
I´m asking myself if I´m breathing the right way
If I´m not bound by fear or pride
Pull out my skin so I won´t be afraid
I want to play with lego, wooden horse
I´m afraid of heights and wild water
It´s not enough if you just say, that´s how it is
That´s how it is
I won´t ask anymore, nobody and nothing
I have to pull like a horse to carry my own sleigh
Don´t say it out loud, be quiet, I´m snapping my ears
The feeling of immortality will shut down my pulse
So I´m asking myself
How long do I want to be scared of myself, to scream go away from me
I´m asking myself if I´m breathing the right way
If I´m not bound by fear or pride

Pusti Ih Neka Govore

(Strofa 1)
Ti , ti imaš svoje mišljenje
Ali dušo, meni čak ne treba da ih slušam
To me je povredjivalo, to me je ponižavalo
Čini najgore što možeš, jer me sada ništa ne može zaustaviti
Ne dozvoli da ovi gubitnici oduzmu tvoju magiju, dušo, o da
Mrdaj tu guzu, ne mari ako budu o tome govorili
Zajebi sve to, mrzitelji, samo zaboravi na njih
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
Samo radi svoje, ne mari ako ih činiš ljubomornim
Mi smo kraljevi, život je naše mesto za žurku
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore, samo ih pusti da govore
(Strofa 2)
Čini šta god te čini srećnim
I useri sve ostalo ako mene pitaš, hej o da
Jer život je kratak i imamo samo jedan hitac
Zato skupimo hrabrost, daj sve što imaš
Ne dozvoli da ovi gubitnici oduzmu tvoju magiju, dušo, o da
Mrdaj tu guzu, ne mari ako budu o tome govorili
Zajebi sve to, mrzitelji, samo zaboravi na njih
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
Samo radi svoje, ne mari ako ih činiš ljubomornim
Mi smo kraljevi, život je naše mesto za žurku
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore, samo ih pusti da govore
Pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore
Pusti ih da govore,pusti ih da govore , samo ih pusti
Pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore
Pusti ih da govore
Dečaci i devojčice, svi pričaju o tome
Ljubav i mržnja, oni stvarno ne znaju o tebi
Rešila sam da svi mrzitelji svuda mogu da mi p*še k*rac
Jedan , dva , tri, četiri
Mrdaj tu guzu, ne mari ako budu o tome govorili
Zajebi sve to, mrzitelji, samo zaboravi na njih
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
Samo radi svoje, ne mari ako ih činiš ljubomornim
Mi smo kraljevi, život je naše mesto za žurku
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore o tome
(Woah) Samo ih pusti da govore, samo ih pusti da govore
Pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore
Pusti ih da govore,pusti ih da govore , samo ih pusti
Pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore
Pusti ih da govore,pusti ih da govore , samo ih pusti
Pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore
Pusti ih da govore,pusti ih da govore , samo ih pusti
Pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore o tome,pusti da govore
Pusti ih da govore,pusti ih da govore , samo ih pusti

Please, go ...

Sex, coffee, cigarettes ...
Please, go ...
You do not owe anything to anyone
I do not owe anything to anyone
If you do not like something
Please, go ...
We woke up in the morning
On your face it is written: 'I'm sad'
As if it was possessed by indifference
So sad, as if a
Doomsday had come
As if everything is flying along the МКАДу(Moscow Ring Road)
You look at me
And you want me to smile
But I can only imitate sadness
And if today I'm sad -
it means that i'm sad
And do not make me portray joy
You do not owe anything to anyone
I do not owe anything to anyone
If you do not like something
Please, go ...(X2)
Sex, coffee, cigarettes ...


I shut down right here, oil has run out
Sewer filled with hair doesn't unclog by a look
Can you come to help, to just stand next to me
Then closer by a command, closer by a command
(The sewer is a good excuse)
Hand of the clock points to the ground, morning has come
At this time I don't wear clothes anyways
No tea to serve, n-no tea to serve
Lay your head on my chest
It's empty there
Look at me in the eyes
There's nobody there
No clue of clean sheets
Here nobody folds anything else to the closet
I eat in bed, I e-eat in bed
I eat in bed, eat me in bed
Lay your head on my chest
It's empty there
Look at me in the eyes
There's nobody there
Lay your head on my chest
It's empty there
Look at me in the eyes
There's nobody there
Interested in nothing
I'm interested in nothing
Interested in nothing
I'm interested in nothing
First I say just horrible things
And then calm down
Also they meant nothing
Meant nothing no, no
Really no

Špitálský rap

So, now you're trynna advocate,
a school, a man can't not hate.
It looks like a cube, designed in Minecraft,
I'd better move, escape on a crap raft.
Just so I don't have to look at this thing,
I spoke enough, it's time for you to sing!
I won't be singing here, I'd rather rap,
From what I've seen, your rhymes are pretty crap.
So take a look at how it's done here,
from your rap I'm starting to feel ill.
I think our school looks great 'n I like the shape,
Those who don't think so, those can kiss my base.
Stop talking shit, schools are not pretty,
I'm starving in here, the lunch is not yummy.
Not yummy, you heard correctly.
The schnitzel meat content, I would resolve legally.
I'd love to send Polreich to your school,
he'd shit on it, the prestige would go boom.
Prestige your just, is taking a hit,
is going to shit, hear that you did.
My words are better, don't you just run,
I get all the whores, I've got a better source
and I'm not afraid, to use them against yours,
On a cemetery, tonight you will snooze.
Hates against food, I take personally,
Every time I go there, I'm filled up immensely.
Potato dumplings, get your forks ready,
You never ate potatoes, cooked so superbly.
When I return home, return from work,
With the teachers' faces, I don't have to cope.
Faces of teachers, that hate their job,
Or those, whose forehead will throb.
They're so disgusting, it's not emotional,
Even after seven, the hate's still mutual.
They don't really bother, they just want their freedom,
They got us to the bottom, they're gonna teach us fuck all.
You are mistaken, that's not the truth,
We're really lovin', having this school.
Our teachers, not our preachers,
Isn't that tremendous? It is that simple.
Turnstiles we have, that ruin every morning,
But we don't care, no one here's murdering.
As the legend says, murderer's stay low,
There, where janitors' ghosts go.
One-eighty staris, when you're finished climbing,
There's a pack o' teachers by a table mumbling.
In the Eagle's Nest there're no sleeping sessions,
The final solution, creating finals questions.
We'll pass the finals, that's all clear,
We know the answers, the fear's not real.
I'd stop it dude, you're being cold,
This is not a zoo, although it's rabbit ruled.

The Valleys Of This Beautiful Land

The valleys of this beautiful land
Everywhere you can see galloping horses
The abundant wild horses racing
They pour forth approaching and trotting
This untamed beautiful land
I grew up hunting prey here
Upon the back of a fast tawny horse
In this land where I grew up
The earth is beautiful in this land
Hunting prey is always bountiful
Atop a majestic speckled horse
Trotting on, steadily as I grew up
These eternal blue skies are mine
Here are the spirits of my ancestors
Our strength until the very end
The might of our forefathers mercy