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Број резултата: 40


Vratite Momke Kuci

Vratite momke kuci.
Vratite momke kuci.
Ne ostavljajte decu samu, ne, ne.
Vratite momke kuci.
''Pogresno! Uradi ponovo!''
''Vreme je da krenemo! (kuc, kuc, kuc, kuc)
''Da li se osecas dobro?''
''Neki muskarac se javlja, ali stalno spusta slusalicu!''
Ima li nekoga tamo?
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)


I have only doubts for you
And I cannot pretend that I want
To be in your arms anymore
The night stories are violent
And I don't care to convince you to carry
The responsibilities of my own company
In a parallel journey we will meet
But we will already be wounded by a bullet
Our hearts will bleed if they reconcile
And then we will be married, my baby
I leave my soul unprotected
But I can't recount how you treated me
You were no good
Even the doctors told me so
You waited at your mother's for me to come
All night but I'm in the car
And with cigarettes I strangle the anger
In an endless moon we will nestle
There we will find our friends further on down
We'll laugh and shout together
Sentimentalists, always on the bottom
No one will be left unforgiven

Υοur favorite

Just so you know, there's nothing left
Of the dessert you made me.
And I'm covered in chocolate.
And the biscuit is bothering me.
I've been thinking about something since yesterday.
I've been thinking about something since yesterday.
You may not think it's important.
I want to learn how to make your favorite ice cream.
Just so you know, there's nothing left
You may not think it's important.
I want to learn how to make your favorite ice cream.


I'm a little boy. I'm playing in the playground.
You're not my mom.
I used to hide in the dark since I was little and grew up with thrillers.
I grew up with thrillers.
The zombies will come for us.
They bring presents out of habit.
It's snowing tears tonight
But Santa Claus does exist
And I get lost in the thriller.
They wear the mask of red death.
They call us from the rooftops.
They know our name.
They wear the mask of red death.
They call us from the rooftops.
They know our mom.
I'm a little boy. I'm playing in the playground.
You're not my mom.
I used to hide in the dark since I was little and grew up with thrillers.
Faces without eyes that know our name.
Our name.
They know our mom.
The zombies will come for us.
They bring presents out of habit.
It's snowing tears tonight
And Santa Claus does exist.
The girl. The rain. The lightning. The neck. Suspiria. The dance

Jedan od decaka

Vidjela sam pauka
Nisam vristala
Zato sto mogu da podrigujem abecedu
Samo dvaput da me ne osudjuju
Izabrala sam gitaru u baletu
I uzela te budale dolje
Zato sto su samo postali na moj nacin
Na koji gledas u mene je kao u malu sestru
Besmislenu od tvojih dovidjenja
I to mi ostavlja samo plikove
Dakle, ja ne zelim da budem
Jedan od decaka
Jedan od tvojih momaka
Samo mi daj priliku da ti se dokazem veceras
Da samo zelim biti
Jedna od devojaka
Lepa u biserima
I ne jedan od decaka
Dakle,tokom leta se nesto promenilo
Pocela sam da citam sedamnaest,i
Brijem moje noge
I proucavam Lolitu verski
I usetala u skolu
Uhvatila te kako buljis u mene
Zato sto znam
Sta ti znas
Pa ces sada morati uzeti broj telefona
To je u redu
Mozda na jedan dan
Ali ne dok mi ne das moju zlatnu ogrlicu
Zato sto ne zelim da budem
Jedan od decaka
Jedan od tvojih momaka
Samo mi daj priliku da ti se dokazem veceras
Da samo zelim biti
Tvoja kraljica
San na Pin-up plakatima
I ne jedan od decaka
Zelim da budem cvet
Ne prljav korov
Zelim da mirisem kao ruze
Ne kao bejzbol ekipa
I kunem se mozda jednog dana
Da ces zeleti
Da izadjes,izadjes,izadjes sa mnom
Ne zelim biti,ne zelim biti,ne zelim biti...
Zato sto ne zelim biti
Jedan od decaka
Jedan od tvojih momaka
Samo mi daj priliku da ti se dokazem veceras
Da samo zelim biti
Jedna od devojaka
Lepa u biserima
I ne jedan od decaka

Giddy Up

Everyone focus here, let’s go
Just have fun, don’t be so cautious
Anxiety down down down down
Follow me, burn it up
Wow wow wow wow
Scream and turn it up
Just like we feel right now, let’s run to the sky
Throw away your worries, trust yourself with me
Eeny meeny miney mo, no need to make it hard
Just need your heart fluttering eyes, throw yourself
We’re young and free, don’t be afraid
Run across this path
Hold my hand, dream more, if we’re together, everything is good
Make some noise
Giddy giddy up, let’s go to the tip of the sky
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, let’s run into the cloud
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When this whole world shines
Giddy giddy giddy up now
However your feet go, move
Whistle and have even more fun
Worries go down down down down
Follow me, burn it up
Wow wow wow wow
Scream and Turn it up
Be with me just like this, hold me tighter
Whatever it is, I’ll give you more, trust me
We’re young and free, run more
Even if you fall, get up again
Hold my hand, dream more, if we’re together, everything is good
Make some noise
Giddy giddy up, let’s go to the tip of the sky
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, let’s run into the cloud
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When this whole world shines
Giddy giddy giddy up now
Leave it and run ta ta ta ta ta
Empty your spot for a moment, pop pop pop
Track check it plaque take it
If I have to say it, I’m a trend make it
It’ll be good for you to focus, everyone shh
I’m different from all the others you’ve seen so far
I run with a fast speed, baby
Running to here and there, far away
Without holding back, giddy up
Giddy giddy up, to the tip of the sky, you and I
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, trust your racing heart
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When your eyes shine
Giddy giddy giddy up now

I'm Your Boy

I like you, I like your smile
I like how shy you get
This moment, being together
I like it so much
It’s so amazing, day after day
I think about you more and more
My heart keeps beating faster
I’m only thinking about you
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
I didn’t know I’d be into someone
I’m just looking at you and smiling cuz I’m a fool
I can’t focus, I can’t do anything
I want to carry you in my pocket
I don’t need anything else, without you, there’s no meaning
Only you fill me up
I’m falling for you more and more, my girl
I can only think of you, for real
Thank you for being under the same sky as me
That I can sing this kind of song
That I can see you when things get hard
Thank you so much
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
More than the stars in the night sky
You dazzle and shine so bright
More than anything else in the world (you)
All of the memories in me
I’ll engrave them deep in my heart
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
When things are hard, lean on me
I’ll always lend you a shoulder
You’re important to me, I’ll only look at you
My heart flutters more and more, for real
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy

Dečak koji je vikao vuk

1Da, ja sam dečak koji je vikao vuk
Znam da sam lagao u prošlosti
Ali prošle noći videh njegove žute oči kako sijaju u mraku
Da, znam da sam izmišljao priče o njegovom glasu
I otvarao sam usta isuviše brzo
Ali prošle noći videh mu tragove na stazi
Da, mogao bih preplivati svako more od juga do severa
Ali znam da sve što ću biti jeste dečak koji je vikao vuk
Da, ja sam pastirev jedini sin
I znam kakva sam šala postao
Imam iskreno srce, ali imam laži na jeziku
Ne znam kako je ovo počelo ili odakle je došlo
I ti nemaš razloga, a ja nemam dokaza
Ali ovoga puta, kunem se, govorim istinu
Video sam starog vuka, od repa do zuba
I znam da je gladan i isto da silazi dole
Da, mogao bih preplivati svako more od juga do severa
Mogao bih se uspeti na svako drvo, popeti se uz ma koje nepristupačno mesto
Da, mogu da govorim samo istinu od ovog dana pa nadalje
Ali znam da sve što ću ikada biti jeste dečak koji je vikao vuk
O, oo, ja sam dečak koji je vikao vuk
O, ja sam dečak koji je vikao vuk
  • 1. Dečak koji je vikao vuk je jedna od Ezopovih basni. U njoj se govori o dečaku koji je, čuvajći svoje stado, davao lažnu uzbunu seljacima da vuk nailazi. Našalivši se sa njima više puta na taj način, kada se vuk jednom zaista pojavio, niko nije pritrčao dečaku u pomoć, misleći da je to još jedna od njegovih neslanih šala. Tako je dečak je ostao bez svog stada. Na osnovu ove basne, izveden je i idiom 'to cry wolf', koji ima sledeće značenje: tvrditi da se dešava nešto što se ne dešava, tražiti pomoć onda kada ti nije zaista potrebna. Što se same pesme tiče, u njoj se govori o nekome ko je počinio nekakav zločin ili greh koji će nastaviti da ga prati kroz čitav život. Stoga, lako je uvideti paralelu između pesme i kratke basne o dečaku i vuku.