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Bounce all over the world

Life is so short
Can we go back?
I feel like I’m fading away
Our deep grave disappears and is lost
What I leave behind
My memory will live on
I'm going to promise you that
Promise to make good use of my time
Now, now
I'm bouncing all over the world
Remember when you asked for my hand to hold
When everything was as it seemed, more simple
Just us!
And your smile was the only thing I thought worth seeing
With the world in my hand, I thought I would never get so high
With a desire for adventure I wanted to lose myself and relinquish everything
Sure your feet followed but you stood still
If it was important for me to paint a life without pain
Then I would need better wings than those we both have
But I'm still
Showing the whole world
What I can do
Which is more than I know
So I’m on my way
Faster and faster
Time seems to be running out
Escaping from me
But I will tear up the verses
With my bare hands
So these words will draw lines
Around a blank circle
Which I will point to
Showing a circle around the world
Giving me time to look around
And realise that life is not beautiful
Because it carries on
It's beautiful because it existed
Life is so short… ..
Do not doubt it, even once
Once is once too many
I've been praised and often burned
bridges behind me
So when you are here and stay
Around me, I sometimes hope
Our story will end off the beaten track
So we can find peace
Shatter the reflection
If I can
Because it's not me
As I see myself
But I'm going
To paint these colors across the sky
But I'm going
To fly like a bird far afield
Yes I’m going
To show the world, to show the world
To show the world what I can do
A wo oh episode (?)
Life is so short
Life is so short
I'm bouncing all over the world

Dark Dancing

Hey, you! Blow up the dance floor!
I want your movements
Dark dancing until the morning
In an endlessness of moments.
Hey, you! Blow up the dance floor!
Feel the beat and give in to it
Dark dancing until the morning!
You like it, admit it!
Hey, you!
Too much
Gloomy thoughts?
So drive them away!
No worries,
No problems,
This is our night!
Hey, you! Blow up the dance floor!
I want your movements
Dark dancing until the morning
In an endlessness of moments.
Hey, you! Blow up the dance floor!
Feel the beat and give in to it
Dark dancing until the morning!
You like it, admit it!
Hey, you!
Is it too hard?
Is it too empty?
Free yourself and forget
Here and now!
Nothing matters,
It won't be sad,
After all, it's an hour until dawn...
And this means...
Hey, you! Blow up the dance floor!
I want your movements
Dark dancing until the morning
In an endlessness of moments.
Hey, you! Blow up the dance floor!
Feel the beat and give in to it
Dark dancing until the morning!
You like it, admit it!
Hey, you!

U ime satane

Umoči pero krvlju
Sad potpiši svoju sudbinu meni
Sada u mojim rukama tvoja sudbina je data
Molim te da mi se pridružiš
U smrti kada život koji živiš
Blizu kraj dolazi i
Udji u moje carstvo i primi moju ruku
Potpiši moju tužbu krvlju tvojih vena
I moja obaveza će isto toliko dugo
Živiš da bi ispunio svoje opsesije
Živkt pun uspijeha i bogatstva
Sada je tvoja želja moja zapovijed ali
Čim život dodje na kraj
Vidjećeš me mašući ti da me primiš za ruku
Umačem pero krvlju
Sada potpisujem svoju sudbinu tebi
Sada u mojim rukama moja sudbina
Tebi je data moja duša
Moja duša pridružiće se tebi
U smrti kada život
Ja živim
Blizu kraj dolazi i
Udji u tvoje carstvo i dohvati tvoju ruku
Potpisana je tvoja tužba krvlju mojom
I tvoja obaveza
Moj život svijetli
Da ispunim svoju opsesiju
Život pun uspijeha i bogastva
Sada moja želja je tvoja zapovijed
Čim život dodje na kraj
Vidjećeš me ispruzenog da dohvatim tvoju ruku
U moja carstva
Sada vidim svjetlost
Sada u mom kraljevstvu podnesen je zahtjev
Vezama krvlju podnesen je zahtjev
Gospodaru ovdje te pozivam na pažnju
Ja sam sada uzmi moju dušu
Sada zora ere plamena počinje
Udji u čeljustj moje rupe pakla
Sveti plamenovi
Zagrlite me
I iskoristite moju žudnu dušu
Napravi korak ka beskonačnosti
I primi vječno blaženstvo
Sada palim dijete grijeha
Medju dušama gori u ovoj rupi
Robovi svi vezani istom krvlju

Down in the beautiful valley

Down in the beautiful valley, by the blue stream near the mountain
I have a dream where I see a sitting maiden
Her loose curly locks twirl around her neck
With a happy smile plastered on her face, she spoke:
“Joyous valley, blessed by the solar rays,
I am happy to make you my home.”
A blast of frigid wind blows around the steep summit
The storm in the valley halts for your beauty
The spirits guard you with a strong arm
You will find warmth in the slopes and the chest of a maiden
The maidens of the valley have faithful hearts
A faithful heart, as pure as the stream in spring

Love makes noise

You say that the journey for us ends somewhere here,
And that you're leaving me here to guess where to go without even looking at me.
You're declaring that we're separating, I can't believe it.
My heart is wondering if this dream life is ending,
How it could happen,
But this absolute silence in response to logical questions
Will always silence love.
Love makes noise when it leaves, and it scares the heart like a child
The silence of separation is deafening,
Loneliness makes such a fuss.
Love makes noise when it leaves, it loudly shuts the door behind it
And it scares the heart, that doesn't believe how much it wants to tell her of loneliness.
You're leaving, and for a moment,
All the words I lived by became memories.
I asked 'why',
They passed by my mind,
And went searching for answers.
My heart is wondering if this dream life is ending,
How it could happen,
But this absolute silence in response to logical questions
Will always silence love.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Here and Now

Even after the darkest night day comes again
And every day
Amazing adventures happen
You can complain
You can blame others
But you know
That deep within you luck dwells
And the future is yours
Only if you take action
Stand up and let your heart decide the journey
Life is here and now
Life is here and now
Life is here and now
Life is here and now
Come along, come along
Nothing will happen on its own
Come along, come along
Face forwards and trust yourself
Come along because nothing will happen on its own
Life is here and now
The clock is constantly ticking
Time quickly fades away
Before you know it, it will be late
And night will be back again
You can wait
You can dread your part
But you know full well
That half of the victory
Is won by letting happiness in
Nothing will happen on its own
Step forward and trust yourself
Life is here and now
Life is here and now
Life is here and now
Life is here and now
Come along, come along
Nothing will happen on its own
Come along, come along
Face forwards and trust yourself
Come along because nothing will happen on its own
Life is here and now
Life is here and now

Thorny Rain Break

My anguish is dissolving into the sound of the rain
The silence is scattered all about
In the threshold of the shaking world
Even though it hurts this much
With broken wings, I was looking
at the faint sky outside my cage
Within the hatred about to spill over, my hopes that drown in lies
are pouring down ceaselessly, a thorny rain
At this rate, the night will sink down
I noticed it all by myself
I'm just scared, sad, lonely
The ascending dancing pain
has increased since yesterday
In the depths of my heart,
even now it continues to clamp down on my chest
My breaking ideals now
are mixed with the rain and blood
twisting and bending
I know the entire truth and the fabrication
The light will be snuffed out by you
The screams are melting into the sound of the rain
The feelings are reflected in the droplets of water
My heart has always been crying
I can't help hating myself
Why is there nowhere for me to be?
I want to vanish
Within the hatred about to spill over, my hopes that drown in lies
are pouring down ceaselessly, a thorny rain
At this rate, the night will sink down
I noticed it all by myself
I'm just scared, sad, lonely
The ascending dancing sadness
has increased since yesterday
In the depths of my heart, it continues to clamp down on my chest
My breaking dreams now
are mixed with the rain and blood
twisting and bending
I know the entire truth and the fabrication
The thorny rain pours down ceaselessly

Трн у мом боку

Због тебе сам се тако лоше осећала,
покушавао си да ме повредиш, али сада знам
Трн у мом боку,
И сам знаш да си то увек био
Гомила лажи
И сам знаш да си толико вредео
Требало је да знам
Али сам ти у почетку веровала,
Требало је да знам
Али сам добила оно што сам заслужила
Побећи од тебе
То је све што сам могла да учиним
Побећи од тебе
То је све што сам могла да учиним
Побећи од тебе
То је све што сам могла да учиним
Побећи од тебе
То је све што сам могла да учиним
Трн у мом боку,
И сам знаш да си то увек био
И зато немој да мислиш да знаш боље од мене
Јер ми толико вредиш
Осећала сам се неодређено
Осећала сам се јадно
А сад, кад год помислим на тебе
Дрхтим целим телом
Побећи од тебе
То је све што сам могла да учиним
Побећи од тебе
Побећи од тебе
То је све што сам могла да учиним
Побећи од тебе
То је све што сам могла да учиним

Unspoken Words

A small river that cuts the mountains
was always unknown to me
like everything you never told me about.
You had a lot of secrets
that I never got to see
like a rainbow that keeps fleeing from me.
And I'm forced to say what's been said before
Silence has filled our lives
Every day it's raining uncertainty about those unspoken words
Tell me it'll clear up some day.
We never had colours
that could paint the sky
but I never said these things to you
Still, we've got two shadows
that can paint night and day
I still have an unsung song from me to you.
And I'm forced to say what's been said before
Silence has filled our lives
Every day it's raining uncertainty about those unspoken words
Tell me it'll clear up some day.
And I'm forced to say what's been said before
And I'm forced to keep going alone
Tell me, is this our moment of farewell?
Tell me (that it'll clear up some day)
Tell me (that it'll clear up some day)
Tell me that all that brought us together has been forgotten
That a thousand nights hasn't given anything
Because every day it's raining uncertainty about those unspoken words
Tell me it'll clear up some day.

We'll Kill Death a Little

[Verse 1]
Let us dream that you are here
It's a game of dreams
Let us pretend that you are walking
Right beside of me
And you speak to me in my fantasy
You silly-dance with me
Even though everything is through
So just smile to me a little
Just smile anyhow
Just sit with me a little
Just sit and be you
And kill death a little
[Verse 2]
Let's pretend that you're dreaming
For the very last time
Let us dream that you do it
Here in this song
And I see you jump out of bed
With drips and tubes from your arms
But still you dance around in an eternal circle
So just smile to me a little
Just smile anyhow
Just sit with me a little
Just sit and be you
And kill death a little
We'll kill death a little
Ah-oohhh, ah-oohhh, ah-oohhh, ah-oohhh
Ah-oohhh, ah-oohhh, ah-oohhh, ah-oohhh
So just smile to me a little
Just smile anyhow
Just sit with me a little
Just sit and be you
We'll kill death a little
We'll kill death a little


Say, do you hear the clanging of harness and sword
There, behind the hill, let's set out, go get the horse
Now time's in our favour, thus we've been told
And that their Duke is plagued by his sciatic nerve
Thus they set out, with a resounding 'Thorsaie!'
For Robert and Keilerson, everyone is there..
With sword in hand and the shield by our side
'Allez mon Amia' today we set out for battle
The ships are rocking, loaded down with burden
The southwest wind carries them across the sea
Yes, they are men of reknown, brave and strong
But soon as the they hit the water, they start to puke
The men from Flanders set foot on the beach
Morning dawns already, in this foreign land
No enemy in sight, no boat for miles around
When suddenly the Duke slips and cries bitterly
Then a herald appears, bringing perilous news
Harold's troops are closing in, around six thousand strong
With their bows strung up, and lances at the ready
A last sip of Calvados, then the hour is at hand
(INTERLUDE with noise of swords)
So tempestuous the horsemen, so brave the enemy
battered bodies and many dead friends
Harold the King, defeated and dead
The earth on Senlac Hill, soaked red with blood
Thus it used to be, once upon a time
If not, then quite similar, don't you believe it ?
I myself stood there hillside, at the foot of the abbey
With Robert and Keilerson, and a 'Thorsaie!'
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.


Ovo je mesto bez poraza,
tu nema praznih obećanja,
nema nemih izraza,
sledi period mira.
Nećemo piti ovu vodu,
ni jesti samu so,
izbirsane su sve teškoće,
samo radost sazriva.
Za nas, Brine, Dosta, Krvi, Posvećen, Ponosst, Svest, U nama
Ko gleda ..
Ko nas posmatra iz pakla,
neka vidi ko je deo neba,
nikad više ne nas boli,
kod kuce smo na zemlji čudesni.
Mi ne ukrademo vise bogatim,
postajemo to sami,
ne predajemo bitke,
nece biti potrebno.
prestala je nocne mora,
zlo je nestalo,
pocela je idila,
počelo je lepo.
Za nas, Brine, Dosta, Krvi, Posvećen, Ponosst, Svest, U nama
Za nas, Brine, Dosta, Krvi, Posvećen, Ponosst, Svest, U nama

Weekly Anthoropology

The authors had no ambition,
Their plots were only mediocre,
What is worse, they couldn’t win fame at all,
Their excuses were same, “It’s because I have no talent,”
They patched up coward expressions
by saying “I want to be loved.” in smile,
and drawing carelessly.
“If that’s the way,you can express none of what you want to,”
I know such a thing already,
The agitator can’t exist,
that flatters the selfishness of 70 billion loves and hates.
The plane can’t exist,
which is for watching the caprice of 70 billion people's compassion,
While We’re beat, the last episode has come,
Our treasure is over,
In fact, We had a story to express.
However, taking a look at the real,
all our works were rejected.
I dropped a tear-colored pen on the important page,
and got fed up with everything,
I crumpled “myself”, that is no longer in use
and threw it away into the drain,
The day will never come,
when 70 billion problems are solved completely.
The machine will never move at all,
that carries 70 billion discards named dreams,
We know my serial stories will be discontinued soon,
But we keep on drawing this work
and ourselves that is different from what we’d thought,
The tape will deteriorate soon,
that mends 70 billion injured hearts.
The musician will be shocked and scoffed at by the real,
that sings 70 billion people similarly.
While I’m beat, the last episode has come,
our youth is, our daily life is,
our treasure is over,
Yes, it’s over.

Cry No Tears

Cry no more tears for my sake,
'cause you don't mean anything with it anyways.
And don't ask me to forgive,
'cause you don't mean anything with it anyways.
Your steps I've forgiven, before but no more.
Also often I've cried for you but now I know.
Cry no more tears for my sake,
'cause you don't mean anything with it anyways.
And don't ask me to forgive,
'cause you don't mean anything with it anyways.
(saxophone solo)
Your steps I've forgiven, before but no more.
Also often I've cried for you but now I know.
Cry no more tears for my sake,
'cause you don't mean anything with it anyways.
And don't ask me to forgive,
'cause you don't mean anything with it anyways.
'Cause you don't mean anything with it anyways.

Krv Vatra Smrt

Zvezda smrti na horizontu
Munja i kisa
Crni vetrovi i oluja
Linija horizonta je u plamenu
U crvenoj magli je napisan
Znak jednog
Koji jase na smrti hladnog vetra
I prerusen hoda medju nama
Sve vase skitnicarske duse
Neciste neverice
Lazni proroci i lazovi
Klatice se sa drveca
Uskoro ce se zora uzdici
Za sve one potlacene uz ruku
Videce se kocija oluje
I bronzani rogovi ce odjeknuti alarm
Pesnice ce se podici kao cekici
Ka oblacnom crnom nebu
Okovi i lanci padaju na zemlju
Deco svih robova
Stojte ujedinjeni i ponosni
Svi ljudi ropstva ce trijumfovati
I zivece po znaku...
Krvi Vatre i Smrti
Trenutak je izabran
Bojno polje je pusto
Sada uzmi svoje ljude i ustanite
Oni koji su istinski se ne plase
Sada izaberite svoja oruzja
I padnite u liniju
Dobro odaberite svoje boje
I pratite znak
Krv za sve prolivene suze
I vatra za mrznju
Smrt za ono sto ce postati
Sva lazna sudbina jednoga
Standardni nosilac je izabran
I dan je upravo poceo
Senke rastu dugacke
Uz izlazak probudjenog sunca
Pesnice se uzdizu kao cekici
Da ociste suncano nebo
Okovi i lanci padaju na zemlju
Deco svih robova
Stojte ujedinjeni i ponosni
Svi ljudi ropstva ce trijumfovati
I zivece po znaku...
Krvi Vatre i Smrti
Deco svih robova
Ujedinite se i budite ponosni
Izadjite iz tame i bola
Kocija od oluje i zlata
Ce glasno doci
Sa ratnikom oluje i kise
Sa kosom belom kao sneg
I celicnim cekicem
Da vas oslobodi iz lanaca
I da vas sve povede
Tamo gde konji slobodno trce
I gde duse drevnih vladaju
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Podignimo Mrtve

''Prah prahu''...
Ja dahtam za vazduhom
Ja vristim za prizorom
I borim se protiv
Mucenja i uzasa
Prizivam osvetu
Sa suzom iz kapka
Obecavam da cu se podici
Iz mrtvih
Crna vestica lepote
Svi nekromanceri iz pakla
Dajte mi moci pakla
Gospodaricu prokletstva
Kosace i lesinare
Demoni ustanite
I zvonite zvonima
Iznenada moc dolazi
Misici i um
Su ispunjeni gnevom
Ja pucam u pomami
Mocima pakla
I rasparite
Grobnicu i mrak
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)


Zivelo Satanicko velicanstvo
Veceras mi prinosimo zrtvu
Mi pijemo svoju krv
I bogohuljimo dok je
Mesec nasa jedina svetlost
Mi sapucemo nase vradzbine
Kiselina nas visoko uzdize
Mi pevamo pesme Osakacenja
Andjeo bez krila
U bezvucnom letu
Nasa tela upotpunjavaju krug
Sa krvlju mi crtamo znake pakla
Skandiramo silu Pandemoniuma
I recitujemo reci carolija
Ja prikupljam snagu tame
Da bih doveo prokletstvo pozudu i rat
Zahtevam da se sve rajske device
Nagnu pred nasim napaljenim gospodarom
Nocas nista nije previse sveto
Mi skrnavimo i zivimo u grehu
Udisuci smrad trulog mesa
I gorucih vetrova
Silazimo sa pocrnelih neba
Na bezvucnim magicnim krilima
Da rasirimo reci Sotone
I da zivimo u vecnom grehu
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)