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Број резултата: 44


Нема више романтике

Click to see the original lyrics (Hungarian)
Довољно сам већ лепо преклињала
Али су ти лепе жене помутиле ум
Испоставило се да си лажов, али мени ипак није жао
За тебе више ништа не могу учинити
Нема другог избора
Неће бити лак опроштај
Мораш отићи по сваку цену
Сваке седмице друга
Лаких жена стотина
Што на моје место ступа
Не бој се, већ одавно је мој ум на свом месту
Осетила сам придолазећу невољу
Али касније ћеш схватити да идеш странпутицом
Закаснио си, нећеш ме више видети
Џаба чекаш
Овде не треба тактика
И ово је једна могућност
Али нема више романтике
А кад би мене други љубио,
У твом срцу била бих само проткана срамом
Већ би ми душа умрла
Могла бих потонути у својој срамоти
Али касније ћеш схватити да идеш странпутицом
Закаснио си, нећеш ме више видети, џаба чекаш
Не бој се, већ одавно је мој ум на свом месту
Осетила сам придолазећу невољу
Али касније ћеш схватити да идеш странпутицом
Закаснио си, нећеш ме више видети
Џаба чекаш
Овде не треба тактика
И ово је једна могућност
Али нема више романтике
Не бој се, већ одавно је мој ум на свом месту
Осетила сам придолазећу невољу
Али касније ћеш схватити да идеш странпутицом
Закаснио си, нећеш ме више видети
Џаба чекаш


Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)
I večeras, kao mnoge noći pre,
Na lađama snova,
Daleko od tebe, idem da zaboravim.
Ali sa tobom se budim jutrom,
Zarobljena u svojoj ljubavi,
Tražeći nadu da se zadržim.
Lažno je tvoje maženje,
Dok iz tvojih očiju,
Sada lažne suze teku,
I tvoje reči su lažne,
Ali ja bez tebe,
Sama bojim se da živim.
I večeras, umom letim
Ka onome što toliko volim,
A ja sam tako lišena svega...
Ali kada je snu kraj,
Ubija me tvoja laž,
Ali nema mi pomoći.
Lažno je tvoje maženje,
Dok iz tvojih očiju,
Sada lažne suze teku,
I tvoje reči su lažne,
Ali ja bez tebe,
Sama bojim se da živim.


Vrlo dobro, vrlo dobro, vrlo dobro, vrlo dobro, i ti se osećaš užasno brate, ti si ...
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užasu
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Imaš 30 godina, a nemaš ni 30 denara. Stigao si do životnog veka, a i dalje si bez para.
A nisu ni posebno imućni tvoji, molim te
kako ne razmišljaš za više? Status kvo, nisi pomislio sam da se pokreneš, čekaš nekog drugog da te pomeri. 'ali računi su čisti'
pošto ih ne plaćaš ti, još uvek cigare ti kupije
majka. Ti, ti nećeš da radiš, nemoj da
kenjaš da nema posla, mogao si da
konobarišeš, ali te je sramota da šetaš sa
ajncerom, ovako šetaš sa kurcem u rukama,
uzmi napravi nešto barem diluj XG. Ionako po
ceo dan si naduvan, jedina stvar što te ispunjava
i raduje. Postidi se, od ovoga treba da te je
sramota, nema šta da ti objašnjavam znaš i sam
da si...
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
A sada imaš 35 godina i sanjaš da imaš sve. Mnogo sanjaš, brate, vreme je da ustaneš iz sna, u istoj sobi, u istom stanu, ni ženu, ni dete, ni kuče, ni mače, ne, ne, ne, ne, nemaš radnog iskustva, klasična definicija zavese. Imao si devojku, ali sada je nemaš (ne, ne). Potrebna ti je žena, ali ženi ne treba lenjivac. Ne mogu da razumem kako vas nije sramota, da za sve krivite državu, 'Da, da, država je kriva,
država je užas“, pa šta čekaš?
Preseli se, idi u kurac! Tamo će ti biti bolje,
brate ubrazaj, tamo nećeš imati problem,
nikakvu obavezu. Obaveza za tebe je nepoznat
pojam, ajde što nemaš posao, ti nemaš ni
hobi jer si...
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas
Završio si fakultet, uzeo diplomu i čekaš da te
ta diploma odvede od kuće. Da ti nađe posao i zaposli te (i?), Da ti radi (i?) I zaradi.
Užas, ti si užas, Užas * 6
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užasan, užas, da si u užas
Užas, užas, da si užas, užas, da si užas, da si užas.

A Wreath of Flowers

I have received your letter
That I have thought for a long time
Indeed I felt very despicable
Surely you would reject me
Wishing you all the best in your life with your new love
I've given up my fate, as it would end like this
Receive this wreath of flowers as a sign of my love
A pure love only for you, my love
You don't have to worry about me
Suppose it was cloudy, a long time ago
Indeed, I should never have loved you
Now that it's endlessly tormenting me
Wishing you all the best in your life with your new love
I've given up my fate, as it would end like this
Receive this wreath of flowers as a sign of my love
A pure love only for you, my love

Breaking silence

It has been a while since I've been silent.
I hid the thoughts.
The light in me has faded


When I sing with pure tones
That is the sound of heart conveying art
When I talk with my entire soul
That is the treasure hidden deep inside
In a song filled with emotions
What said there is coming from the soul
But I don't understand
My body is concealed
Although still quiet, a thousand eras come and go
But that's it, my art will stay steadfast
When I sing with pure tones
That is the sound of heart conveying art
When I talk with my entire soul
That is the treasure hidden deep inside
In song filled with emotions
What said there is coming from the soul
But I don't understand
My body is concealed
Although still quiet, a thousand eras come and go
But that's it, my art will stay steadfast
But that's it, my art will stay steadfast


Your face... Mira
Oh your gaze... Mira
Dress up for sure, like the Goddess of Nirvana
Oh my.... Mira
Your face... Mira
Oh your gaze... Mira
Dress up for sure, like the Goddess of Nirvana
Oh my.... Mira
I can't help but look at it.
Even if life continues to drift
Even though the rainstorm hit the rubble, you're by my side.
Oh it doesn't feel so - aaa.. Mira
Smile... Mira
Oh how so... Mira ya ya
The desert is singing, the flowers is dancing
Oh my...
I'm singing for you love
Simple yet rinse
May my offerings be accepted.
How happy is my heart
Mira, You're solace,
Mira's smile, Mira's happy,
Mira's coming, the storm's stopped. (Oh Mira... Mira)
Mira, You're solace, (yauw)
Mira's smile, Mira's happy, (o-o o-o Mira)
Mira's coming, the storm's stopped. (uuuuuuu Yeah)
Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira...
Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira... Oh my.... Mira...

You bring me back

You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
I will break all the lanterns and
To make the light go away
I will invite you for a dance
Of midnight shades
And I’m dancing with you
And I’m kissing you
And there are only two of us
You and me
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
Time turning back clock hands
And the guilty switchman wasn’t guilty at the end
And the crooked track knocks on the sleepers
And there are only two of us, you and me
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Bring me back, bring me back, bring me back
And no one will find out
When and why and what for
Love caught me in the net
In broad daylight
And I got caught in it
And will ask you
Set me free, set me free
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
You bring me back from sleepless nights
Where you were nobody's and so was I
You love me, love me, love me
Love me, until we both get tired of love
Until we both get tired of love
We won't get tired, we won't get tired, we won't get tired
From love
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me
Bring me back, bring me back, bring me back

A Broken Heart

I'm looking for a quiet road
To get away from you
I've promised in my heart
That I won't see you any longer
In the midst of it, the fog bathes the morning dew
The cold makes my heart freeze
You've made a wound in my heart
It is you who made all those false promises
You have been so dear to me
You turned my love into hatred
In the midst of it, the fog bathes the morning dew
The cold makes my heart freeze
You've made a wound in my heart
It is you who made all those false promises
You have been so dear to me
You turned my love into hatred


I woke up - and it's dark
And the silence makes your ears ring
The suit has surely been
Made just recently
Not a wedding, not a buffet -
And why is it so dark?
I can hear voices
But they're so far away:
He's a good man
He was a good man'
And I don't wanna be late
For the party either
I put my hand against the door,
Pushed it but it didn't open
I hear voices
Quieter and quieter
And I'm having more and more fun,
I'll sing along:
He's a good man
He was a good man
I'm a good man
I'm a good man'


I woke up - and it's dark
And the silence makes your ears ring
The suit has surely been
Made just recently
Not a wedding, not a buffet -
And why is it so dark?
I can hear voices
But they're so far away:
He's a good man
He was a good man'
And I don't wanna be late
For the party either
I put my hand against the door,
Pushed it but it didn't open
I hear voices
Quieter and quieter
And I'm having more and more fun,
I'll sing along:
He's a good man
He was a good man
I'm a good man
I'm a good man'

About yesterday

I'll be alright
With a Benz under the rain
Dancing tango with you
In memory of Brando
With a Benz under the rain, thirty seconds to Marseaux
Beaten up star
Rosa's daughter
You're bleeding, and what's left
Everyone we love has left, has left
You're not sleeping beauty
Wake up to see how this ends up, how this ends up
About yesterday,
We will not live many nights like that
Wipe the tears from your eyes
My love don't cry
I'll never leave your side for a hundred lives, if you want me
Don't think I'm fine
I'm just trying it alright
I'm trying not to make anyone catch something
I'm trying most times
Not to go back
I'm trying to stay away
Not to ruin your night
About yesterday I understand
We will only meet up whenever you want us to
To get away from the dull moments
That your relationship is offering you
To feel free again
To keep away your obsession
About yesterday
Tell me again you're not the one to blame
We are living in a mystery between secret meet ups and meaningless run aways
Come and fill me up with guilt, ah
About yesterday,
We will not live many nights like that
Wipe the tears from your eyes
My love don't cry
I'll never leave your side for a hundred lives, if you want me
I told my friends about you and they advised me
Watch not to get hurt because we know you
You always face dead ends
And we are searching for permanent ways to revive you
I told my mother about you and she said
That you don't deserve me because you always put me through pain
Because you don't know what you want
And that you play me the way you want to
Because you take me wherever you want
When you tell me you love me
I told a piece of paper about you
And it read my pain on each letter
But it never gave me an answer
So I ended up doing the same thing I always do
I told my piano about you
And I told it less things than
I had to because it understood me and played itself a perfect melody
That started from sol to end up in mi
Don't worry not even death can tear us apart
I have you everywhere inside me
I am all I have lived
With you
About yesterday
We will not live many nights like that
Wipe the tears from your eyes
My love don't cry
I'll never leave your side for a hundred lives if you want me

My Composition

I have written this song
For I shall dedicate this to you
Although nothing is as beautiful
As the lyrics of the song I've composed
But I must remind you
Will you promise me
My only one wish
You must never forget this
For whatever has happened
Always hold on to your heart
Do not be tempted
By anyone's sweet, yet poisonous lips
A year since we've parted
Yet it feels like eight years
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you
For whatever has happened
Always hold on to your heart
Do not be tempted
By anyone's sweet, yet poisonous lips
A year has passed
Yet it feels like eight years
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you
Oh, the girl I adore
My love is only meant for you

The main thing is the romance

Versions: #1
Already in my youth
when i met a pretty girl
I approached
I scouted
I asked
I begged
Already in my youth -
She already then told me no!
The years passed
And i changed the tactics
I approached
I scouted
I asked
I begged
The years passed
But they still told me no!
The day is long
But for me it's short
From the hitting on women, i am not done yet
I am alone
I don't care
It's quite nice for me
To try once more
I am all grown up
And already know the technique
I approached
I scouted
I asked
I begged
I have no problems
They always tell me no!
The woman is not important
The main thing is the romance
Approach and...
Scout and...
Ask and...
Beg and...
But as always -
I am yet to hear - come
The day is long
But for me it's short
Of broken heart -
I am not done yet.
It's pretty nice to be alone
like one - that depression is a holiday to him
That depression is a holiday to him
The day is long
But for me it's short
From the hitting on women, i am not done yet
I am alone, I don't care
It's quite nice for me
To try once more
Already in my youth...

I've learned vagrantly

You can't be hurt anymore
Let me go, enough
You did so much for me, enough
My heart isn't worth it
It know to come back
I don't wanna push you in the fire
I've learned vagrantly to spend my nights
To be a punk and spread my love
To false love that drop blood, the end
You can't be hurt anymore
Let me go, enough
And throw away the regrets from my heart
What soul will I give (when I die)
If I charge my mistakes
I've burned your dreams in fire
I've learned vagrantly to spend my nights
To be a punk and spread my love
To false love that drop blood, the end


She lives in the center and eccentrically
For work she's a student
That falls under VAT
Addicted to cosmetics
At Hondos drugs are distributed
She shops at Zara and is an activist
She hoards cats and dogs
And only eats organic food
Instead of change, she gives kisses
With her body that looks like a drawing
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
She lives in the center that's why she knows a lot
Be careful, you might see her in your dream and like it
She'll like it then
But don't do her wrong
She'll cut you in half with two eyes like swords
She sleeps late at night and doesn't wake up in a good mood
Unless you do her with the shutters still closed
She talks and changes the dictionaries
She only eats magazines
She looks up high and sees rats with wings
While dead flowers fall and invisible violins play
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
Depressed by nature
She lives with precaution in a country of old people
And she doesn't even want to have kids
She radiates something provocatively
In a frequency I can't hear
Depressed by nature
By nature
By nature
By nature...
I don't want
I don't want to sleep
I don't want to close my eyes and sleep


Не...не...не...не...не, није Фата, Ната, ни Ката
Најс то мит ју, мај нејм из граната.
Про...про...пропао сам
име...име те издаје да си опасна
Добра, згодна црномањаста
одма сам почео да је манијачим
Рекла је причај Шпански
неће да прича Енглески јер мрзи американце
Познајем само мало Еспањол
Пор фавор вен аки ми амор
Ту ерес белисима комо Куба
ја би само да те љубим
Ја ћу бити терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пази пада бом бо бо бом бомба
Мора да будем терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пор ми бела сењорита
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста
Бум, бум, бум, ба, бап ба бап
Мора да сам будала
Ово место је грозно а ти си тако лепа
Само нек ти буде комотно
ja ja ja се борим зо твоjу слободу
И у добро и у злу, мада више и злу
Иако 30 година ништо се није сменило
Ја су постати Афганистанац
Ту да нам расту деца и стебла марихуана
Познајем само мало Еспањол
Пор фавор вен аки ми амор
Ту ерес белисима комо Куба
ја би само да те љубим
Ја ћу бити терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пази пада бом бо бо бом бомба
Мора да будем терориста
Пошто ти си бом бо бо бом бом бомб
Регетон пор чикита
Пор ми бела сењорита
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу, ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Ја ћу бити терориста.Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста
Теро, теро терориста