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Број резултата: 44


Chair Romance

Chair* is often a boring place,
but when you pass across it
the sun starts shining and, like falling out of a dream,
the hansome guys from Chair get awake.
A short skirt and everyone open wide their eyes
and I am not at all better than them.
So small and sweet as a bajadera**
everyone would eat you with delight.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.
People tell stories that you are in the Company
only of tycoons and directors.
Your eyes overstrain my heart,
I sweat as if I were in the spotlights.
As i see, waiting will not bring me an advance,
I will have to do a hard work on my own.
I have to be a hero, to come to you and
to propose you a marvellous plan.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.
Stuck as a gun, with sophisticated tactics
I went out to find you.
And I saw someone giving you a hug
and I lost hope when I heard what he is whispering to you.
Come this night to have a romance,
I want your lips to become my habit.
Melt me as a candle,
you and me - it would be such a good luck
if you come to have a romance.


From all newspapers It became known
What's in the basement of your house
Is walking someone exactly like you
All machines are working in the hall
Posters of Virgin Mary
Are looking down, casting a shadow.
That's right, don't open to no one.
Stay and live as you do. Drink your tea.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Friends, what are your like?
Gothic is closer! Gothic Dark!
Easier, quieter, and you fell asleep.
Easier, quieter ...
Who will be your procurator?
Who will make you awake?
People are screaming: eat! sleep! Stop! go!
Only the old curved trees
Were able to do everything like it should be.
Who were asking them?
Bed! Table! Knife! To theirs back!
That's right, don't open to no one.
Stay and live as you do. Drink your tea.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Friends, what are your like?
Gothic is closer! Gothic Dark!
Easier, quieter, and you fell asleep.
Easier, quieter ...


And I don't need math
To figure out what your tactic is
You're from a bad place
And that's problematic
A girl from the ghetto doesn't care about that
The romantics
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
I like everything about you
And I know you're the one
We'd talk for the whole night
And I don't look at the time
I like everything about you
'Cause you always keep the guard up
'Cause everything's so right with you
While the whole city looks for us
And I don't need math
To figure out what your tactic is
You're from a bad place
And that's problematic
A girl from the ghetto doesn't care about that
The romantics
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yea
I like everything about you
And I know you're the one
We'd talk for the whole night
And I don't look at the time
I like everything about you
'Cause you always keep the guard up
'Cause everything's so right with you
While the whole city looks for us
And I don't need math
To figure out what your tactic is
You're from a bad place
And that's problematic
A girl from the ghetto doesn't care about that
The romantics
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
But she's there, she's there
When there's trouble, she's there
When I wait for her, ready to go
She says she's there, she's there
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yeah
Oh, they say we're delinquents, yea

I fell in love with you

Versions: #5
  --- 1 ---
We happened to meet
At one crossroad of life
But the quick love fell
Now we donțt want nothing more to say.
In the night, my heart blame me
When the hearts get broken in three
Wounds how to cure them
Why do you want them ...?
   --- R ---
I fell in love but still pay
I'm paying with the pain of heart mistakes
But it's good if you were here
Love of a single night.
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.
  --- 2 ---
It's empty in the eyes you looked at me yesterday
Even the nights are full of heavy clouds
Trains of life may have delays
Why do you want them ...?
   --- R ---
I fell in love but still at a cost
I'm paying with the pain of heart mistakes
But it's good if you were here
Love of a single addition.
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.
   --- R2 ---
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.

All The Secrets

I close my eyes and breathe
Like a little kid I want to be here again
To guide my soul
Into the museum of my dreams to enter
For my teacher to yell at me
To have big dreams
To not be afraid to apologise
To smoke in secret during recess
To rock the attendance
To remember how I got here
And if my nights are dark
Brighter ones will come
Don't be afraid
My love, don't cry
Inside the heart
All the secrets are hidden
Let's go to sleep, my love
It's late
To go out on Saturdays
With the gang to hang out, to laugh
To play football on Sundays
In playgrounds
Seesaw and hide and seek
To believe in you again
To find the strength to go up
The uphill I chose to live
To get up again as I fall
To migrate to foreign places
To remember what it's like to smile
And if my nights are dark
Brighter ones will come
Don't be afraid
My love, don't cry

Leave me alone

She is scarry , brother the effect is horor
she is scarry good, good like porn
on the time i watched her on MySpace
she hasn't written her hometown, cause she is some peasant(provincial)
Her boyfriend is a peasant, but with money
that's why she act like Paris
her mother is an ex model, and her father policeman
she don't have a choice, it's her destiny to be stupid
-I heard she suck good, -Let go, the people talk everything
-They don't talk, i know, she sucked Toni's
And finally i met those bobbies
together with her boyfriend that drinks only whiskey
And i , on rakiya, made magic
one line in WC, nothing stops me
her boyfirend is nervous, he thinks that we talk
and she told me only ' Please leave me alone!'
I like how you look (how you look)
don't think that i want to fuck you ( to fuck you)
i only want to talk
'Sorry, boy, please leave me alone'
She is scarry, -Boy and you are pushy
-Pushy,pushy, who, me ,me , no way?!
Sorry that i bothered you
i disappeared culturally, i didn't want a fight
I felt like a fool, fuck it, it's gone
I met her again, after some years
meanwhile i eated 'shit' publicly
and i became very popular and known
it was filming 'Shoping', and i needed some pussies
and we made a casting
They come in one by one , fuck it
all , all beautiful but they don't know how to act ( you're terrible)
Then cames in this one that made herself like a pussy
'peasant, are you gonna act a pussy?!
Do i look like an idiot, now i wont put you on my dick
and not on my video, GET OUT!'
I wonder on my eye that i am seeing you
you surely thik that i am going to fuck you
my dick don't stay on you anymore, what are we going to do now
Girl, please let me alone


Samozvani mini bog
polira geste vežba slog,
spontan za humor a
delimice krut
nekima nekima
prodaje nasvet za lep
mastertip gleda te.
Jel radi dih
jel radi gen za ples fatal
ili izgleda to
šta rade, čista plastika.
Zanimljiv je zalet
kad ih pod krila vidi se sljed.
Zanimljivo, kako ga jebe led.
Neke neke
stajući smijajuće glade noge.
aristocrack jih sruši.
Prevara napunila bi elitu sa aferom.
Mi radije dame zlatnih snova
piccole amore.
Prevara bi zaplivala eliti
u žrelo.
Mi ćemo pogoditi same naše
piccole amore.
Kriv je um, kriva je galama.
Dugačak je obračun.
Tvrd led više i više je zagrijen.
Krila su pocepana,
kriza pali pepeo.
Maske su pale na pod.
Prevara napunila bi elitu sa aferom.
Mi radije dame zlatnih snova
piccole amore.
Prevara bi zaplivala eliti
u žrelo.
Mi ćemo pogoditi same naše
piccole amore.

Шта ми би да се упетљам

Некада слатка, некада фина, кажем 'личи на добру девојку'
Некада се лепо понаша, мислио сам - биће вредна труда
Кад оно, направила је план да узме круну
Да ради по свом, да стави себе у први план
Шта ми би да се упетљам, да одем и да се заљубим
У каквим сам се невољама нашао, шта ми би да се упетљам
Савршени карактер, добио сам сјајне препоруке
Све најбоље су ми рекли, била је девојка за пример
Кад оно, направила је план да узме круну
Да ради по свом, да стави себе у први план
Шта ми би да се упетљам, да одем и да се заљубим
У каквим сам се невољама нашао, шта ми би да се упетљам

Zaobiđi me

Ona je strašna, buraz, efekat je strašan
Ona je jezivo dobra, dobra kao pornić
Некад сам је зезао на My Space-u
Nije napisala 'hometown', kakva seljanka
Dečko joj je seljak, ali ima pare
Zato se i ona ponaša k'o Paris
Majka joj je bivša manekenka, a ćale pandur
Nema izbora, suđeno joj je da bude glupača
- Čuo sam da puši dobro. - Pusti, svašta se priča
- Ne priča se, znam, pušila je Toniju
I konačno sam sreo te cice (sise),
zajedno s njenim dečkom, što pije samo viski
A ja, od rakije, napravio magiju
crta u WC, i ništa me ne zaustavlja
Dečko joj se stiska, misli da pričamao
a ona samo kaže: 'Molim te, zaobiđi me!'
Sviđa mi se kako izgledaš (kako izgledaš)
nemoj da misliš da hoću da te jebem (jebem)
jedino hoću da razgovaramo
'Izvini, dečko, molim te, zaobiđi me'
Ona je strašna - Dečko, a ti si naporan
-Naporan, naporan, ko, ja, ja kako da ne?
Izvini što sam te smorio
Fino ću da nestanem, nisam hteo da te karam
Osetio sam se kao kurton, jebi ga, proći će
sreo sam je ipak, posle nekol'ko godina
U međuvremenu sam javno jeo govna
i postao mnogo popularan i poznat
Snimao se šoping, i trebale su mi pičkice u kadru
i napravismo kasting
ulazile su jedna po jedna, u kurac
sve, sve su lepe, ali ne znaju da glume
I uđe ova što se pravila pičkom
'Seljančuro jedna, ti ćeš da glumiš pičku'
Ličim li ti na idiota, ne bih te sad ni na kurac stavio,
a kamo li u spot, MRŠ!
Čudim se oku što me gleda,
sigurno misliš da ću sad da te jebem (da te jebem)
ne diže mi se na tebe više, šta da radimo sad
devojko, molim te, obiđi me


Blocked from my life, I live for you,
And I am locked in your heart.
Blocked from everyone, I live for you,
And I am locked in your shadow.
Blocked from my life, I live for you,
And I am locked in your body.
Blocked from everyone, I live for you,
And I am locked in your soul.
Exclusively, I live with you.
Exclusively, I want you.
Exclusively, I live with you,
Exclusively, I love you.

Let The Moon Speak

Crescent Moon
That fell on the plain
The Stars are dim
Without a light
Aimless steps
Misguided on a bright street
I am lulled by the embrace of sins
I want to mend your broken heart
And I know you've been suffering
Give me a chance or punish me
Assuming you will not give me forgiveness
Sincere tears fell on the corner of your lips
Not a sign of revenge in your beautiful eyes
I feel guilt towards you
Am I still worthy to be next to you?
Let the moon, speak for itself
Let the stars bear witness
I will not repeat it until the end of times
The suffering stops now
I want to mend your broken heart
And I know you've been suffering
Give me a chance or punish me
Assuming you will not give me forgiveness
Sincere tears fell on the corner of your lips
Not a sign of revenge in your beautiful eyes
I feel guilt towards you
Am I still worthy to be next to you?
Let the moon, speak for itself
Let the stars bear witness
I will not repeat it until the end of times
The suffering stops now


Prošlo je vreme
Ne postoji druga koja me tako ljubi
Tako dobro, tako sporo, da učini da letim
Nedostaješ mi Mami, vrati se
Ne želim da razmišljam sa kim ćeš biti
Gorim izunitra
Kad pomislim da postoji neko drugi na mom mestu
Kunem ti se da se kajem
Znam da sam loše postupio, ali mogu da promenim
Želim, želim da plešeš sa mnom ponovo
Nedostaje mi, nedostaje mi, radili smo to do jutra
Vatra, vatra je ono što imaš na koži
Želim da se opečem, želim da se opečem
Odlazi i ne teraj me da gubim vreme
Više ti neću verovati
Pričaj nekoj drugoj sve te priče
Znam da si mi bio neveran
Ne želim više da te vidim, ni jedan dan više
Reci mi sta želiš, to se neće promeniti
Odlazi odavde, kraj je, odlazi
Ali pre nego što odeš želim
Želim, želim da plešeš sa mnom ponovo
Nedostaje mi, nedostaje mi, radili smo to do jutra
Vatra, vatra je, ono što imaš na koži
Želim da se opečem, želim da se opečem
Želim sa tobom, samo sa tobom
Izvini što si mi nedostajao
Nikad nisam hteo da budem samo drug
U tome nema ništa dobro
Vrati se, na kratko, na kratko ovde
Stvorena si za mene
Vrati se, na kratko, na kratko ovde
Želim samo...
Želim, želim da plešeš sa mnom ponovo
Nedostaje mi, nedostaje mi, radili smo to do jutra
Vatra, vatra je, ono što imaš na koži
Želim da se opečem, želim da se opečem