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Број резултата: 11


Find your own

Versions: #1
I remember my past second by second
I didn't believe there was
Anything better ahead
I fell to pieces
I was looking for more
But I couldn't find you in anyone
You taught me not to listen
Silly gossip behind my back
When strangers climbed into my soul
You covered me with your self
I know it'll sound cliché
But for the first time I'm not afraid
I walk with my eyes closed
And I won't be wrong about you
You'll find me among thousands of faces
My heart's burning and there are tears on my eyelashes
We hold each other tight
I am your tenderness, you are my core
You carry me in your arms
We divide joy and misfortune into two
It turned out that happiness lies in the simple:
Find your own and calm down
Find your own and calm down
We're random but we coincided
In this city of winds
One step, one touch
And there's no one closer to me
But in this world, happiness is fragile
And I'm silent so as not to frighten away
Let the image be important to others,
And you and I only care about the essence
You'll find me among thousands of faces
My heart's burning and there are tears on my eyelashes
We hold each other tight
I am your tenderness, you are my core
You carry me in your arms
We divide joy and misfortune into two
It turned out that happiness lies in the simple:
Find your own and calm down
Find your own and calm down
You'll find me among thousands of faces
My heart's burning and there are tears on my eyelashes
It turned out that happiness lies in the simple:
Find your own and calm down
Find your own and calm down


Hope is my earthly compass
And this phrase isn't sung by me
Crucified by you, washed with dew
The earth runs under your feet
Our dialogue is a lesson
I pulled the trigger and I'm embarrassed
Heaven looks down on us
And pride was forgotten long ago
I'm a devoted slave
Of your desires, the foreman
I gently kiss you
and the audacity rushed
And the bitterness, and the bitterness of resentment
There's suicide in my head, a choking desire
by the throat of love
You're my punishment
I, I miss you
And it doesn't matter to me I'll take it it as it is.
I miss you
You're with her again
I'm still waiting for you
Tea is brewed on the table
Sugar free lemon
Everything he loved
Everything he loved
Heaven looks down
On us


A broken sky, lost in roughness
And hidden away from tenderness, from a bit of trust
I stare out the window restlessly
And you desperately press the throttle of your starship
To get off the ground
And not to meet my confused eyes
And I'll wait for you forever
Listening to the space bass
On a boat so small
By the sea of my own tears
On a boat so small
I swim in the dark by the light of the stars
I remember the summer rain
I look into the face of the past
And I'm waiting for you to come back
To my paradise, to my paradise
I remember the summer rain
I look into the face of the past
And I'm waiting for you to come back
To my paradise [x5]
There's a chance the tailwind
Steals my peaceful corner
I won't forget anything at all
Running between the waves, rustling into the stream
I remember the summer rain
I look into the face of the past
And I'm waiting for you to come back
To my paradise, to my paradise
I remember the summer rain
I look into the face of the past
And I'm waiting for you to come back
To my paradise [x5]
I want to get old with you
Calm down with you
Floating like bubbles in the shower
Wrapped in the blanket of your false words
But it was always so nice and so fun
My boat, the clouds swung
What's there in the sky?

To find ours

I remember every seconds of my life before
It seemed that I didn't believe then
That it will be better over horizon
I'm scattered into pieces
I was looking for something more
But I couldn't find you in anyone
You taught me to ignore it all
Silly gossip behind my back
When strangers climbed into my soul
You were my shelter, every step
It will sound very trite, I know,
For the first time I'm not afraid
I walk with my eyes closed
And you are not a mistake
You will find me among thousands of faces
My heart is warm, tears on my eye lashes
We holding strong each other forevermore
I'm your tenderness, you are my core
You always carry me in your arms
We share joy and trouble between us
It turned out, that happiness lies in simple things
To find ours and have some peace
To find ours and have some peace
We are random, we coincide
In this city of crazy winds
One step, one touch and I will fly
And there is no one closer to me
But in this world happiness can change
So as not to scare it, I won't shout
Let the others worry about the image,
Essence, is all we care about
You will find me among thousands of faces
My heart is warm, tears on my eye lashes
We holding strong each other forevermore
I'm your tenderness, you are my core
You always carry me in your arms
We share joy and trouble between us
It turned out, that happiness lies in simple things
To find ours and have some peace
To find ours and have some peace
You will find me among thousands of faces
My heart is warm, tears on my eye lashes
It turned out, that happiness lies in simple things
To find ours and have some peace
To find ours and have some peace

Ој, сива кукавице

Ој, сива кукавице,
Новогодишње вече*, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Све вртове си облетела,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Али у једном ниси била.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у том врту су три терема**.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у првом – светли Месец,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у другом – лепо Сунце,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
А у трећем – ситне звезде.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Светли месец је господин домаћин,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Лепо сунце је његова жена,
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!
Ситне звезде су њихова деца.
Новогодишње вече, добро вече,
Добре људе благослови!

Неколико разлога

Постоји неколико разлога да останем са тобом.
Треба се суздржати од бездушних речи.
То је вртешка, у којој се треба вртети.
Немам довољно снаге за осмех.
Враћаћемо се, враћаћемо се.
Тешко је увидети вредност интонације.
До јутра ћемо се опраштати, с усана је одлетела срећа.
Ми смо делови једне целине, тешко да нас је могуће спасити
Од надолазеће страсти.
Опрости ми све моје песме и спонтане загрљаје,
То што идем преми теби, скидајући ову хаљину.
Опрости ми све моје песме и спонтане загрљаје,
То што идем преми теби, скидајући ову хаљину,
Скидајући ову хаљину.
Коме да кажем, јер неће веровати да ово двоје тако горе.
Свако од њих је одавно изгубљен, о томе људи говоре.
Где сам испустила душу, слушај ме, слушај,
Да бих те боље волела, јер си ти мој тежак случај.
Где сам испустила душу, слушај ме, слушај,
Да бих те боље волела, јер си ти мој тежак случај,
Мој тежак случај.
Постоји неколико разлога да останем са тобом.
Треба се суздржати од бездушних речи.
То је вртешка, у којој се треба вртети.
Немам довољно снаге за осмех.
Опрости ми све моје песме и спонтане загрљаје,
То што идем преми теби, скидајући ову хаљину.
Опрости ми све моје песме и спонтане загрљаје,
То што идем преми теби, скидајући ову хаљину,
Скидајући ову хаљину.

Твоји греси

Ти си, упркос боли и умору
Моје срце рукама покрио.
Ветар што иде за тобом
То је грех који себи ниси опростио.
Врати се, ја преузимам бол
Твојих очију, тако дубоко усамљених
Усамљено-дубоких очију.
Где смо нас двоје, само је једна сенка.
Твоји греси су ми завезали очи.
Где смо нас двоје, само је једна сенка.
Врати се, нећу те оставити у самоћи.
Ја сам, упркос боли и умору
Твоје срце рукама покрила.
Заједно смо, али није ствар у томе.
Не могу раширити крила.
Врати се, ја преузимам бол
Твојих очију, тако дубоко усамљених
Усамљено-дубоких очију.
Где смо нас двоје, само је једна сенка.
Твоји греси су ми завезали очи.
Где смо нас двоје, само је једна сенка.
Врати се, нећу те оставити у самоћи.
Ја се топим у твојим очима.
Ти си истовремено моја лудост и љубав.
Ако не можемо ићи истим путем заједно
Земљи ћемо оставити једну сенку са четири крила.
Где смо нас двоје, само је једна сенка.
Твоји греси су ми завезали очи.
Где смо нас двоје, само је једна сенка.
Врати се, нећу те оставити у самоћи.
Ти си, упркос боли и умору
Моје срце рукама покрио...

Let It All Go

You know why, tears pour like rain,
not only because of sadness.
On sunny days, the rain pours too.
And I ask you, my friend, don't cry.
Let his heart go.
Forgive him for everything, but he's not worth it.
Stay proud.
Forgive and let it all go.
Sad eyes, biting your lip,
and your heart is breaking from the pain.
Your soul's ocean, love's island,
Give it all to him, my friend
Let go of his heart.
Forgive him for everything, but he's not worth it.
Stay proud.
Forgive and let it all go.
Even if you can't sleep and your soul screams in pain.
Even if your heart flutters.
Even if all your expectations were ripped to shreds.
His excuses were stupid and nonsense. 1
You can't sleep and your soul screams in pain.
Your heart rate beats too fast.
All your expectations were ripped to shreds.
His excuses were stupid and nonsense.
His excuses ...
His excuses ...
Let go of his heart.
Forgive him for everything, but he's not worth it.
Stay proud.
Forgive and let it all go.
Let go of everything ...
My dear friend...
My dear friend...
  • 1. lit: 'His confessions were ridiculous and ludicrous'

Don't Fear Me

Versions: #2
Well I, well I, just adore your strong manly hands.
Well I, well I, just adore your lips and your face.
Well I, well I, just adore the broad shoulders of a man.
Well I, well I, just adore the things that you say.
Don't fear me baby, get close to me and stay.
Don't fear me baby, don't turn and look away.
Don't fear me baby, I know just what to say.
And, you'll forget all your worries of the day.
Well you, well you, act so young, looking up into the sky.
Well you, well you, cat's got your tongue, standing there so quiet.
Well you, well you, a little old to be acting young and shy.
Well you, well you, grab my hand, enjoy the ride.
Don't fear me baby, get closer next to me.
Don't fear me baby, don't turn and look away.
Don't fear me baby, I know just what to say.
And, you'll forget all your worries of the day.
Don't fear me.
C'mon don't fear me. Hmmm?
Don't fear me baby, I know what to say.
And, you'll forget all your worries of the day.