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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 22


Volela sam sve

Tri koraka i u prozoru
Nebo zaćuti
Ostajem da ga gledam
Umem da pevam, da sviram, da reagujem na rastanak
Ali večeras ne mogu ništa
Večeras, ako Bog poželi
Sklopiću mir s tvojim očima
S tobom sam ponovo ispisala alfabet
Značenje svake umorne reči
Savršeno je beskorisno pokušati da zaustavimo talas
Koji nas davi i koji nas ostavlja bez daha
I to je muzika koja nastavlja
Odjednom je proleće
Koje se vraća
I kao riba koja više ne može da diše
Kao palata koja će se srušiti
Ti si jedina misa na koju sam išla
Let koji je otišao
Nestao u dubini plavetnila
A ja bih sada uradila bilo šta
Da ti okrznem usne
Da te ponovo vidim
Istina je da vreme juri za nama
Danas imam ovo lice
Ovo meso i ove kosti
Ponovo osećam tvoje ruke kako me guraju više
Gde žive samo od jednog pogleda
Kasno je, sveća se gasi
Uvek je previše kasno
Za one koji se neće vratiti
I kao riba koja više ne može da diše
Kao palata koja će se srušiti
Ti si jedina misa na koju sam išla
Voz koji je otišao
Nestao usred plavetnila
A ja bih sada uradila bilo šta
Da te imam u zagrljaju
Da te ponovo vidim
Jer ako nedostaješ, nedostaješ mi do smrti
Jer voleti jedno drugog je udisati tvoje udahe
Kidati kožu i želeti da je zameniš
Sudbonosan je trenutak kada sam sebe zaustavila
Jer ti dolaziš s ovom ljubavlju među rukama
I kao i uvek, u tvojim očima
Moj je dom
Ako me pitaš šta sam radila u ovom životu
Odgovaram ti da sam volela
Volela sam sve

The Third Stoker

Gira volta gira volta volta gira1 fly
Gira volta gira volta volta gira fly
Full of diamonds is the sea
Where you never reach the horizon
Rich in perfumes the mud on the nettles
In the setting sun
Gira volta gira volta volta gira fly
Gira volta gira volta volta gira fly
Sugar, lemon and snow
Taken from the roofs of many years ago
Night after night mum will still sing
The day you were born
A love was born for me
A thousand and a thousand stars
Changed their colour
Gira volta fly to infinity
This dirge will be repeated
With the notes of an accordion
The party will still come
The saint passes the saint passes
Look how beautiful he is
The women sing in chorus
Look how beautiful he is
Skirts rubbing
As blood and wax drip from the holiness
The chimneys smoke, fried fish and cod
There was a little girl in her blue shoes
Floral dress
And her eyes to look up on
A dark shot and the smoke in the sky goes away
The little girl was spinning
In her blue shoes
Gira gira volta
Arms outstretched and nose up
And the band was slowly starting to begin
Zum para para zum para para zum pa pa
Zum paraparapa zum paraparapa zum pa pa
Stalls rides games lights orchestras little tenors zum pa pa
Peanuts nougat lollipops balloons zum pa pa
And zum para para zum para para zum pa pa
And Zum paraparapa zum paraparapa zum pa pa
Brilliantine2 aftershave cigarettes trumpets horns and putipù
Earrings necklaces coiffing and much more
There was a little girl in her blue shoes
Floral dress
And her eyes to look up on
A dark shot and the smoke in the sky goes away
The little girl was spinning
In her blue shoes
Gira gira volta
Arms outstretched and nose up
And the band was slowly starting to begin
Out of tune notes
A comings and goings of naivety
People smelled
Of sweat and dignity
The third stoker
The most popular artist
Shot his colours into the sky
And in the silence they came down
Gold, turquoise, amaranth, coral, emerald and coffee
The little girl in that eastern sky
Saw the life and love that is there
One two three
Three strokes to finish and the night returned
From then on she remained dreaming
And the colours forever with her she took.
  • 1. It's a wordplay on the word 'giravolta', a twirl
  • 2.

Te Deum (Tosca)

Three agents ... a carriage ...
Quickly! ... follow her
wherever she goes! ... don't be seen! ... see to it!
Of course! Where shall I find you?
Palazzo Farnese!
Go, Tosca! Scarpia is taking root in your heart! ...
Go, Tosca! Scarpia is
letting take flight the hawk
of your jealousy. How much promise
in your ready suspicion!
Scarpia is taking root in your heart!
Go, Tosca!
Adjutorum nostrum in nomine Domini
Qui fecit coelum et terram
Sit nomen Domini benedictum
Et hoc nunc et usquem in saeculum.
Two birds with one stone
are in my sights, and it's not the head of the revolutionary
that is the most precious. Ah, in those commanding eyes
to see the fire
fade with the spasm of love,
in my arms ...
fade with love.
One on the gallows,
the other in my arms ...
Te Deum laudamus:
Te Dominum confitemur!
Tosca, you make me forget God!
Te aeternum Patrem
omnis terra veneratur!


Versions: #1
Traffic jam, cars and sound of heels,
As some women's hands sing 'caramel' for the girls!
The kohl in their eyes coupled with their dark lips
kissing the lipsticks in their hands,
Your lover's gift is on its way
he sent it on some bird's wings
He casted on you a breeze to lift you up over this traffic jam
He sent you a breeze to lift you up
over these roads
Traffic jam, cars and sounds of heels,
As some women's hands sing 'caramel' for the girls!


Traffic jam with sounds of cars, high heels
and claps of girls while singing for 'caramel'*
wearing eyeliner on their eyes
and red lipstick on their brown lips
The present of your lover is on the way,
carried upon the wing of a bird
(Your lover's) sending you a breeze to carry you away from this traffic jam
sending you a breeze to carry you
above those roads
Traffic jam with sounds of cars, high heels
and claps of girls while singing for 'caramel'