Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 28
Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)Ти која ме у кафи пијеш,
у сваком мушкарцу видиш ме,
Ти која ме водиш са собом,
Ти која мислиш на мене сваки пут,
кући, у школи, у тролејбусу,
Ти која не можеш бити сама,
Ти која ме зовеш сваког сата,
а онда не кажеш ни реч.
заљубљена, заљубљена, заљубљена,
заљубљена, заљубљена, заљубљена
Ја који сам био главни у друштву,
најлепша је била моја,
кажем: 'Жено, ти си моја'.
Била је то случајност или игра,
ти си полако долазила,
Ти с помало невиним изгледом,
Ти која ми читаш мисли,
Без тебе сам ништа.
заљубљен, заљубљен, заљубљен,
заљубљен, заљубљен, заљубљен.
Луде трке па цвет,
онда загрљаји у лифту,
имати кућу два сата
а онда скривена, душо моја
може се осетити да си моја
Лепа си кад то не знаш,
кад се не стидиш.
Хвала ти за оно што ми дајеш.
заљубљени, заљубљени, заљубљени,
заљубљени, заљубљени, заљубљени
Kad žena odlazi
Ti odlaziš zauvek,ostavjaš srce zaleđeno,
Ostavljaš suze i uzdahe
I tihi šapat: 'Doviđenja!'
Ako žena odlazi
Kakav haos za onog ko još voli
I samo jedno...ostaje bez srca
Dok drugo možda već ima novu ljubav
O, Bože, kako da preživim sve to
Kako da te zaboravim i ne bolujem zbog tebe
Kako je teško izaći iz
njene slike koja je uvek u tebi
I nikad te ne napušta
Ti odlaziš zauvek
Tako se desilo, tako mora, tako treba
I na praznoj čaši je trag tvoj karmina
To je bol moja koja će uvek biti tu!
O, Bože, kako mi je teško da preživim sve to!
Kako da te zaboravim i ne bolujem zbog tebe
I kako da ne mislim svakog trena da negde postoji ljubav moja
Da postoji žena, moja neostvarena sudbina!
Kako je teško kad ostanemo sami
Kad se trenutak čini kao večnost
I kako da ne mislim svakog trena da negde postoji moja ljubav
Postoji žena, moja neostavrena sudbina!
Ako imaš ljubav koja ti oduzima i dah
Ako imaš ljubav koju želiš da zaštitiš
Nika se ne predaj i živi za nju!
Kako je teško kad ostanemo sami.
Versions: #1Let me sing
With the Guitar in hand
Let me sing
I'm an Italian
Good morning Italy, your spaghetti al' dente
And a partisan as president
With the car radio always in my right hand
And a canary on my window
Good morning Italy with your artists
With too much America on your posters
With the songs of love
With heart
With more women and fewer nuns
Good morning Italy
Good morning Maria
With melancholy eyes
Good morning God
You know I'm here too
Let me sing
With the Guitar in hand
Let me sing
A slow, slow song
Let me sing
Because I'm proud of it
I'm an Italian
A true Italian
Good morning Italy that doesn't get frightened
And with mint shaving cream
With a blue pin-stripe suit
And slow-motion on Sunday TV
Good morning Italy with extra-strong espresso
New socks in the first drawer
With the flag at the dry cleaners
And a (FIAT) 600 down for bodywork
Good morning Italy
Good morning Maria
With melancholy eyes
Good morning God
You know I'm here too
Let me sing
With the Guitar in hand
Let me sing
A slow, slow song
Let me sing
Because I'm proud of it
I'm an Italian
A true Italian
Ако ме волиш
Дај да се иде, дајмо шут-карту овом градуБез стреса, проблема и главобоље
Ако гледамо разна ”али”, сигурно нећемо отићи
Сваки пут одлажемо велику забаву
Помисли на неко острво, без облака
И хајде да мислимо мало више на нас
Топле ноћи опчињене морем
Ако ме волиш, ако ме волиш све више
Затварам очи и постојиш једино ти
Једна звезда се огледа у мору
Ако ме волиш, ако ме волиш све више
За мене ће та звезда бити падалица
Не, не реци ми не, кладимо се да је могуће
Овог пута желим да то учинимо на мој начин
Немам карту, али место већ увелико знам
А знам и да ћеш поћи тамо где ја кажем
Желим острво без облака
На коме бисмо остали сами нас двоје
Луде ноћи и море као саучесник
Ако ме волиш, ако ме волиш све више
Учини да додирнем плаветнило
Логорске ватре и плес на риви
Ако ме волиш, ако ме волиш све више
Дај, крени са мном тамо доле
How many children in the worldfall asleep under a star roof
how many children in the world
never listen to the most beautiful fairy tales
too many children in the world
they have in their eyes the terror of fiery skies
and men ... will never be
The little children of Bucharest
under the sidewalks ... and marginalized
those Rio de Janeiro puppies
raised in violence
and children have never been
Ninna ninna nànna ninnànnaò
for all the children of the world a little love
Ninna nina nànna ninnànnaò
there are no children in this world of a little god
SOS. we are on the verge of men's cruelty
ninna nànna ninnàò this child to whom I give it
ninna nànna fait dodo
How many Bangladeshi children
they only have the guilt of being born there
beautiful Bankok dolls
raped and girls have never been
little angels of the third world
with those big eyes and the tummy
swollen every day
and with the years counted now
Ninna ninna nànna ninnànnaò
for all the children of the world a little love
Ninna nina nànna ninnànnaò
there are no children in this world of a little god
SOS. we are on the verge of men's cruelty
ninna nànna ninnàò this child to whom I give it
ninna nànna fait dodo
For all the children in the world it takes love
there are no children in the world of a lesser God
SOS. we are at the limits we are at the limits of the banks
Ninna nànna ninnaò this child to whom I give it
We will give it to the black man who keeps it a whole year.
Tonight we talk about women
Tonight we talk about womenIn front of a glass of wine
Without false hypocrisy
Let's see who of us gets closer
And how many speeches thrown to air
Between a promise and a betrayal
Oh, women, women
How important are women
Tonight we talk about women
Like we've never talked before
Guido only remarks about his mother and sisters
And says they have nothing to do with our trouble
Claudio pretends that he knows her better
But later he talks bad about them
Oh, women, women
How essential are women
Tonight we make a toast for women
For those who have never hurt us
For those women in love, disappointed, desperate
But never betray you
We...what are we?
Sometimes a little fragile
Sometimes liars and insufferable
We...what are we?
If it weren't because of women, shame on us
Tonight we talk about women
But attention, guys, don't fight
Franco takes a bullet for them
But I've already seen him suffer a thousand times before
Gianni pretends to be arrogant around people
But with her, he's sweet and patient
Oh, women, women
How much more intelligent are women
Let's make women talk
Those who never talk
Women in love, betrayed, desperate
But who never disappoint you
We...what are we?
A little stubborn, conceited, a little selfish
A little of fickle boys, a little of an artist
We...what are we?
If it weren't because of women, what would be of us?
Tonight we talk about women
And while we're here all by ourselves
Oh, women, women
We'll never know about them...women
It's Venice
How many times, among school desks, I studied about VeniceHow many love stories the poets wrote in Venice
The color-changing lagoon
Like our heart stations
If you lose a woman, you can find her in Venice
How many times newspapers have written: Let's save Venice?
And then, how many false promises have hurt Venice?
In St. Mark's Square you are mine
There's a carnival for madness
There's always a love song and poetry, only in Venice
It's Venice for eternity
Venice that never dies
Like love all over the world
It's Venice for eternity
Venice will never die
Like our timeless love
How many times I thought that if there were no Venice
Where sweethearts would go to dream of Venice
In St. Mark's Square you are mine
And a gondolier who holds our company
There's a strange poetry in the air, only in Venice
It's Venice for eternity
Venice that never dies
Like love all over the world
It's Venice for eternity
Venice will never die
Like our timeless love
It's Venice for eternity
Venice that never dies
Like love all over the world
It's Venice for eternity
Venice will never die
Like our timeless love
Hey! Look who's here
We really don't know where we'll finishHey! Look who's here
What a general confusion! It's consumerism and TV
that every day makes you more violent
Hey! Look who's there
The first headlines on TV news
makes you see how many people is in need
but after a minute you won't even remember
Commercials, another beer that was born
But that naked breast, tell me, what's doing?
We really don't know where we'll finish
Hey! Look who's here
There are people sailing on gold
But a million hands without a job, who'll think on that?
Hey! Look who's here
It's East against West
And too many people fall hour after hour
Houses fall in the city
I'm not there, no no no
This world is crushing but
We're on the age of robots.
We really don't know where we'll finish
But loving ourselves a bit is enough
I don't say that much! Just a bit
They've said it twenty years ago:
'Maybe humankind will change!'
But if it continues this way
We really don't know where we'll finish
Hey! Look who's here
You, my king: cooking, eating, washing up, doing the ironing
You also decide when you are aroused
Hey! Look who's here
I work just like you
So, let me be there, when I want to dream
when I want my freedom
Okay, I'm here and I agree
Times change, I know
Hey! Look who's here
But, is it exaggerated? Though...
We really don't know where we'll finish
But loving ourselves a bit is enough
I don't say that much! Just a bit
They've said it hundreds of years ago:
'Maybe humankind will change!'
But if it continues this way
We really don't know where we'll finish
Hey! Look who's here
Dear parents,
We come back from school, you're always out
but, who will play with us?
Hey! Look who's here
Spacecrafts on TV
make war down here, make war up there
even on God's house
But sooner or later you'll see how angry he will be
It'll be the same for all of us
We really don't know where we''ll finish
Hey! Look who's here
What a general confusion
There's gas in the air, stress in the hearts
Also you can die of 'goal'
Hey! Look who's here
It seems like Noah's ark
The passport is here:
'Every man for himself!'
Who knows? Tomorrow, what it'll be?
I'm not here, no no
I'd like to think about it at least a bit
I'd like to stop but I can't do it
We really don't know where we'll finish
We still are
Hi, how you've been?What are you doing here alone?
Everything's over between us
Pride's been comforting us since a month
But, tell me, how are you?
I see you're downfallen, maybe you're not good
or maybe it's my fault
to have let you go that day
We've been stupid
impulsive and fragile
We left the world outside
Insatiable, alone, you and I
How many useless days
lost into a lie
look into my eyes and tell me
if you still feel mine
just like then
We were so in love and free
We are still eternal tree roots
if you want...
And between a muffin and a coffee
I touch your hands while you talk about yourself
another wine glass
you smile and I get closer, closer
How stupid we are
Lovely and romantic
Only a moment is enough
to hurt a heart and still loving us
How many useless nights
lost into a lie
look into my eyes and tell me
if you still feel mind
just like them
We still are
so in love and free
We still are
through thousand storms and obstacles
We're inside the city
We're in the immensity
inside a free sky
in the limits of happiness
We still are
so in love and free
We still are
through thousand storms and obstacles
We're inside the city
We're in the immensity
We're inside the city
We're in the immensity
My music
And I turn back in timeThirty or more years now belong to the wind
A piano, a little of love
and a great woman in my heart
I know you are right
I know I neglect you a bit
and that I leave you alone for so much time
because of my flying music,
but it's only you.
And I turn back in time
twenty years now belong to the wind
goodbye sailor, goodbye aviator
goodbye company, food and drinks
To play the trumpet between my hands
it's hard to get up early
goodbye corporal and a little idiot
goodbye to 'yes, sir', goodbye to the bucket of water
Now I have my
music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart, in the soul
music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart, in the soul
And I turn back time in time
sixteen years now belong to the wind
I remember the train and the station
the first love, how exciting!
The same age, the same school
you're the most beautiful, you're the only one
the first kiss in the gate
and then, my first song.
Now I have my
music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart, in the soul
music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart, in the soul
And I turn back in time
six years now belong to the time
and I eat music and donuts
I love moon, I love the stars.
My father, with the trumpet in his hands
My mother listens to it little by little
When I grow up I want to invent
poetry and songs to sing them.
Music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart, in the soul
music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart, in the soul
Rosie doesn't know (Francesca doesn't know)
Rosie doesn't know, no, noWhat you feel about me, no, no
What a strange adventure!
I'm already feeling
anxiety and tenderness
You see my years, no, no
Almost twice yours, no, no
You have no shame, in your soul in bloom
Love starts to perfume.
And when you stay alone, so alone
My feeling comforts you
Always more alone, alone
Where's your mind flying?
But if Rosie knew
Who knows what's in her mind?
What a big pain you'll give her
What a disappointment you'll give her
She hasn't never hesitated
But if Rosie know
Who know what she'll do?
I don't want to hurt her
For me she's life
Forget my dear, forget my dear
I don't want you, no, no, no
You're beautiful, but no, no, no
Rosie, you see
How much important she is
I won't leave her.
And when you stay alone, so alone
My feeling comforts you
Always more alone, alone
Where's your mind flying?
But if Rosie knew
Who knows what's in her mind?
What a big pain you'll give her
What a disappointment you'll give her
She hasn't never hesitated
But if Rosie know
Who know what she'll do?
I don't want to hurt her
For me she's life
I love her, my dear
No, no, no, no
Forget me
No, no, no, no
Forget me
No, Rosie, no
No, forget me
I'd love (to go to the sea....on Monday)
I want to go to the seaI want to go to the sea
I want to go to the sea
I want some salt
I want to go to the sea on Monday
but yes, but yes, on Monday, on Monday....
Another beer that I drink
It's hot as hell, I can't stand it anymore
If I stay in the shadow, sun reaches me
It's like the Equador, it looks like Africa in the city
in the swimming pool I can't see blue anymore
We're one thousand or maybe more than one hundred
If I close my eyes, I see the sea
But there's no sea in the city
I'd like.... I'd like.... I'd like
to go to the sea or somewhere else
to have a little breath of heaven
I'd like to go to the sea, to the sea on Monday
to send work out to hell
and then singing together sea, sea, sea, sea
spending a whole day lying in the sun, oh, oh, oh, oh
and then stay together in the sea, sea, sea, sea
to turn myself more tanned every time, oh, oh, oh, oh
I want to go to the sea on Monday, on Monday
Between buildings I don't feel bad at all
Another shower, I can't hold it anymore
I look at the bottom of a glass
The time goes by, who knows where you are
If tonight there is one more star
I hold your pillow where you sleep on
If I close my eyes and I dream of the sea
But there's no sea in the city
I'd like...I'd like....I'd
I'd like to go to the sea or somewhere else
to have a little breath of heaven
I'd like to go to the sea, to the sea on Monday
to send work out to hell
and then singing together sea, sea, sea, sea
spending a whole day lying in the sun, oh, oh, oh, oh
and then stay together in the sea, sea, sea, sea
to turn myself more tanned every time, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'd like to go to the sea, sea, sea, sea
to send work out to hell oh, oh, oh, oh
I'd like to go to the sea, sea, sea, sea
to turn myself more tanned every time
Oh, how tanned I am...
I want to go, I want to go to the sea
I want some salt
My dear ma'am, how do you do, how are you
But how you turned youself, beautiful, tanned tanned tanned
And like last year, we're now on holidays
And what do we do tonight? We're going out
We go or we don't go, we go or we don't go, but where do we go?
How good, how it tans, how cool, what a world!
Go! Let's go, fatty to dance to rock and mambo.
And then when they say I copy Celentano
a little bit of Vasco Rossi
that I am a cheeky man
And then?
Meanwhile we go to the sea....and then we'll see...
Let's go, let's go, fatty...you swim so good
You swim so good, fatty
Let's go to the sea on Monday
Let's go to the sea on Monday
Love song
In this ship that goes against the windBecause whoever who boards it would be happy
For whom is convinced of having hit the bulls-eye
But in the aim, doesn't know what's inside.
And words when they are about love
Are like fire which knows how to keep you warm
If you're hungry or thirsty they know how to satisfy you
If you're far away, they make you remember.
Love song
dedicated to you,
love words
dedicated to you,
dedicated to you.
And now listen, listen what I'm telling you
There's few time, I don't know if you've understood
Let's remain together until we're fine
Love is beautiful, but without chains
Love song
dedicated to you,
love words
dedicated to you.
Love song
dedicated to you,
love words
dedicated to you,
dedicated to you.
To a swallow who makes spring
To a love that rises tonight
To the perfume coming from a flower
Because tomorrow will be a better day
Love song
dedicated to you,
love words
dedicated to you.
Love song
dedicated to you,
love words...dedicated to you,
dedicated to you.
I want a woman
I want a woman,beautiful like a summer morning
with the sunlight
who understand sights and silences, who can listen to me
and who every night, in a different way, can invent love
who cooks just like my mother and knows how to iron
I want a woman,
who gives me everything that others
don't dare to give
tenderness, passion, respect and good mood
a smile that suddenly explodes and makes your heart light on
that is, I'm searching for a woman, a woman to love.
A woman with the vice of life like me
who gives your cup of coffee ready to drink
A woman with the taste of life like me
who doesn't spend all day
telling me about their exes and stuff....
I search for a woman who turns every day that rises
in a special day
sexy like Madonna and loyal as a nun
who gives me a present everytime Christmas comes
maybe I'm asking too much but I want a normal woman.
A woman with the vice of life like me
who loves me as a God and treats me like a King
a woman who doesn't live for memories and for whys
a woman that unfortunately, I know it doesn't exist,
and that's ok....
I want a woman, I want only one next to me
I want to marry her
who's ready to raise a child
For good or for bad
A woman that you only see in love novels
I know well that I must invent by myself a woman like this.
Versions:Pustite me da pevam
sa gitarom u rukama,
pustite me da pevam,
ja sam Italijan.
Dobro jutro, Italijo, sa nedokuvanim špagetima,
i sa partizanom kao predsednikom,
sa autoradiom uvek na dohvat desne ruke
i kanarincem na prozoru.
Dobro jutro, Italijo, sa tvojim umetnicima,
sa celom Amerikom njihovih dela,
sa pesmama, s ljubavlju,
sa srcem,
sa više žena i sve manje kaluđerica.
Dobro jutro, Italijo,
dobro jutro, Marija,
sa očima punim melanholije.
Dobro jutro, bože,
ti znaš da sam tu i ja.
Pustite me da pevam
sa gitarom u rukama,
pustite me da pevam,
jednu pesmu, tiho, tiho.
Pustite me da pevam
jer sam ponosan što sam
pravi Italijan.
Dobro jutro, Italijo, koja se ne bojiš,
sa penom za brijanje sa mirisom mente,
sa prugastim pravim odelom,
i reprizom utakmice nedeljom na televiziji.
Dobro jutro, Italijo, sa kratkom kafom,
čarapama novim u prvoj fioci,
sa zastavom na hemijskom čišćenju
i jednim Fijatom 600 u telu.
In love
In love-- woman
You invited me to a cafe
In Italian language
You sweet-talked me
-- man
You, who think of me in every way
At home, at school, on a trolley car
-- woman
A violin, for us, played solo in soft light
And weightless seemed the night
I found you and lost you
It's not my fault, not my fault, not my fault I was
In love, in love, in love
-- man
I was the top man in our company
And with the most beautiful girl
I said: 'Woman, you're mine'
-- woman
But there is so little happiness in life
And it's distant - somewhere far away
-- man
You, with your kind of innocent look
You, who can read my mind
Without you I'd be nothing
It's not my fault, not my fault, not my fault I was
In love, in love, in love
-- woman
I remember warm wind from the mountains
Scent of roses and tender look
Italian night by the sea
-- man
And then, though hidden, my soul
Was able to feel that you're mine
-- woman
Don't promise anything
Don't come to say goodbye
Our life is but a game
And we are like children, children, like children
In love, in love, in love
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
When Spring Comes
I do not know when spring is boundThere'll come the rain to sweep snow clean
But you, my home street, no doubt
In nasty weather are as dear
In this same street when a teenager
I used to fly my pigeons up
At that crossroads over there
I met my first, my first true love
At that crossroads over there
I met my first, my first true love
And now I wish I hadn't met love
So full of you is all my soul
Why do we have love unrequited
That still exists in this wide world?
Why do we have love unrequited
That still exists in this wide world?
When in my street Zarechnaya
All lights go out in the dark
The open hearths of furnace fires
Will blaze on brightly day and night
I do not wish another man's lot
I wouldn't change for the whole world
That entrance point to my steel workshop
That's made a man of me for all
That entrance point to my steel workshop
That's made a man of me for all
The world may boast lots of famed streets
But never change address will I
To me you have become the only
The only main home street in life
To me you have become the only
The only main home street in life
My Music/Music of My Soul
Years fly by in a wild danceIt was spring I was 20
The bow of love flew on the strings
And violins sang in my youthful heart1
I lived only for music
And this passion owned me
But among the thousands of tunes
One remains in the heart2
She was like you
And I go back in time
20 years already [gone like] the wind
hello sailor, hello pilot,
hello eating and drinking friends.
He plays the trumpet in his fingers,
gets up with the dawn what pain
hello Corporal a what a jerk,
hello aye sir, hello water balloon.
Now I have my music
do re mi re I give you the sun
melody in the heart in the soul
music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart in the soul
Years fly by in a mad dance
It was spring and I [was] 16
And a school waltz circled time
Merging with the rhythms of San Remo
And that first passionate kiss of yours
Sounded a beautiful rhapsody
Pipes and bassoons trumpeted
And I read love by notes
And so began the music
Do re mi re do si la sol
This song [will] forever be in my soul
Music do re mi re do si la sol
This song [will] forever be in my soul
And I go back in time
20 years already [gone like] the wind
hello sailor, hello pilot
hello eating and drinking friends.
My dad with the trumpet in his hands
my mother listening nice and easy
from the great desire to make up
poems and songs to sing.
Music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart in the soul
music do re mi re do si la sol
melody in the heart in the soul.
Bye, Hon', Sorry
You sometimes thought yourselfcooler than all the bulls
mustache, cigar, hat
you were imitating all the heroes
from militants
but you yourself, alas, you are not
You should go over there
To Nevada's border
With all the guys in your situation
For whom everything's about movies
Bye, hon', sorry
are you in love like all boys
with Marilyn Monroe
I'm totally different
you read books about the movie stars
in the park and in the metro
but you yourself are nothing1
Bye, hon', sorry
You should go over there
To Nevada's border
With all the guys in your situation
For whom everything's about movies
Though you have eyes that well please me
It's too bad I would've wanted to help you
John Wayne, Redford, Newman doesn't exist
Life isn't a movie
Bye, hon', sorry
It's too bad sorry
Bye, hon', sorry.
- 1. Lit. 'complete zero'
Sheperd with three thousand sheep
Sheperd with three thousand sheepWhen you come and pass with your herd
If you see my darling, my dear one,
tell her that I'm far away from her
If you see my darling, my dear one,
tell her that I'm far away from her
When the moon comes from a black cloud,
I feel, darling, my longing for you
I get the blues and can't forget you
Can't help it, for that's my fate...
I get the blues and can't forget you
Can't help it, for that's my fate...
The Italian
I want to sing very loudWith the guitar in my hand
I want to sing very loud
I am an Italian.
Though you are far away and though time passes
I don't forget even a single moment
Of that gorgeous nation where I was born
And that's always in my thoughts.
I am of that Italy beloved by artists
So picturesque and so colourful
With her poetry, with her love, with her songs
And those girls who rouse fantasies.
Whenever I awaken and say 'good day'
I miss that Italy of mine
'Buongiorno'[,] yes
I am so[,] thanks to you.
I want to sing very loud
With the guitar in my hand
I want to sing very loud for I am an Italian
I want to sing very loud
May the whole world hear [me]
I am an Italian, a sincere Italian.
Whenever the night leaves me in the silence
Inside of me I hear as a lament
Loves1 that I knew in Italy I knew
And that passed like wind gusts.
And though in the end happiness returns
At times I feel the melancholy
Whenever I remember so beautiful Italy
Whom I so, so, much loved.
Whenever I awaken and say 'good day'
I miss that Italy of mine
'Buongiorno'[,] yes
I am so[,] thanks to you.
I want to sing very loud
With the guitar in my hand
I want to sing very loud for I am an Italian
I want to sing very loud
May the whole world hear [me]
I am an Italian, a sincere Italian.
I want to sing very loud
With the guitar in my hand
I want to sing very loud for I am an Italian
I want to sing very loud
May the whole world hear [me]
I am an Italian, a sincere Italian.
- 1. Or 'lovers'
Zbog tebe
Zbog tebe,koja si zaspala par koraka od srca,i budiš se bez buke,
poljubiš me i onda mi kažeš 'dobro jutro,ljubavi!'
Zbog tebe,ne sećam se strahova,tuge,
prolaze dani a mi smo još više zajedno,
ali kako smo stvarno dobro.
Ako mi pomogneš u teškim danima,
ako me spasiš, bićeš drugačija žena,
ako me zagreješ, dok ne izadje sunce,
to će biti tvoj način da učiniš da sanjam,
pravi način da učiniš da letim,letim.
Zbog tebe,hodaću tvojom putanjom,
opet ću se roditi u svakoj tvojoj misli,
zaboravljajući moju crnu prošlost.
Zbog tebe,voleću te kao prvi put,
zagrliću te kada otvoriš vrata,
i sakriću te u sredini duše.
Videćeš,spasiću te od teških dana,
videćeš,pomoći ću ti,sa mnom ćeš biti drugačija,
videćeš,zagrejaću te dok ne izađe sunce,
Biće to način da učinim da sanjaš,
pravi način da učinim da letiš,letiš.
Videćeš,biće još jedno proleće,
videćeš,da će sa tobom iskrena priča,
videćeš,da ću spaliti sve te istovetne dane,
i rukama ću te stegnuti jako,jako,
i tužni dani su već dalje,dalje.
Zbog tebe,hodaću tvojom putanjom,
opet ću se roditi u svakoj tvojoj misli,
zaboravljajući moju crnu prošlost.
Zbog tebe,voleću te kao prvi put,
zagrliću te kada otvoriš vrata,
i sakriću te u sredini duše.
Zbog tebe,koja si zaspala par koraka od srca,
i budiš se bez buke,
poljubiš me i onda mi kažeš 'dobro jutro ljubavi!'
Zbog tebe...
Together, Unite, Unite EuropeWith you, so distant and so different
With you, the friend I believed lost
Me and you, under the same dream
Together, Unite, Unite Europe
And for you, woman without frontiers
For you, under the same flags
Me and you, under the same sky
Together, Unite, Unite Europe
We, always more free
It isn't a dream anymore and you're nomore alone
We, always higher
Gimme your hand and let's fly
Europe is not far
There's an italian song for you
Together, Unite, Unite Europe
For us, a thousand violins
For us, lborderless loves
Me and yoi, under the same ideals, mmm...
Together, Unite, Unite Europe
We, always more free
It isn't a dream anymore and you're nomore alone
We, always higher
Gimme your hand and you'll see you'll fly
Europe is not far
There's an italian song for you
Together, Unite, Unite Europe
We, always more free (Always more free)
Our stars one unique flag
We, Always stronger (always stronger)
Gimme your hand and you'll see we'll fly
Europe is not far
There's an italian song for you
Together, Unite, Unite Europe
Europe is not far
There's an italian song for you
Together, Unite, Unite Europe
Loving children who wake you up at nightAnd they do not make you sleep,
Scared children of raped drugs
Who let themselves die,
Children now away as sweating their hands
When they play at the door,
Delighted children always at home pampered
But the tomorrow I discovered.
And then the years are passing,
Among fears and sorrows
And you find yourself already in the twenties.
Fashion kids the advertising is caring for us
Then we all dressed the same
Television offenders that violence
Without myths and ideals
Children of the mighty, righteous and intelligent ones
Which do not sweat
Children of the poor people
With the hope of a better future.
And in the meantime the years are flying
Among dreams and sorrows
And you awake already at thirty
And a born child will be born
Suddenly your life will change
You will help him in his confused path
But you will not be able to change its destiny.
He will grow, he will grow
And then big will fall in love '
He will walk alone in his story
And ask the God just for a little glory.
Children of war houses and asked down on the ground
And a roof made of stars
Russian and American children with power in their hands
We all risk skin
White and black children of two thousand in a row
For a better century
Sons of peace singing in a loud voice
A song with the heart.
And in the meantime the years are flying
Among dreams and sorrows
And you awake already at thirty
And a child will be born, will be born
Suddenly your life will change
You will help him in his confused path
But you will not be able to change its destiny.
He will grow, he will grow
And then big will fall in love '
He will walk alone in his story
And ask the God just for a little glory.
(a child) will be born, will be born
Suddenly your life will change
You will help him in his confused path
But you will not be able to change its destiny.
He will grow, he will grow
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
He will walk alone in his story
And ask the God just for a little glory.
Will be born...
What a woman!
I turn off the light I do not want to seeI like to imagine it
Among the blankets you come to look for me
You know what I like.
Dedicated to you devoted love
Dedicated to us and the moon up there that is spying on us.
After love our special love
Makes us talk and then play
And if we want to sleep
You slept well just close to me.
Dedicated to you devoted love
Dedicated to us and the first ray of sunshine that makes us wake up.
What are you, God, what a woman you are
If my hours when I'm alone they never pass
What are you tell me tell me what you are
You phone me six times a day as a woman you are.
Dedicated to you devoted love
Dedicated to those who do not like us a delicate love.
Because you're a little crazy and special
You're all original
My character makes you go to the beast
But you know how to hold my head.
Dedicated to you devoted love
Dedicated to those who do not like us a delicate love.
What are you, God, what a woman you are
If my hours when I'm alone they never pass
What are you tell me tell me what you are
You phone me six times a day as a woman you are.
What a woman, what a woman, but what a woman!...
But, God, what a woman you are
If my nights are alone they never pass
What a woman, what a woman, but what a woman, tell me tell you what you are
You phone six times a day what you are.
Dedicated to you devoted love
Dedicated to those who do not like us a delicate love.
What a woman, what a woman, but what a woman!...
I want the soul
Yeah, I want to take you as you likeHalf, to give you reason
Because it is 'eta'
Which makes you feel stronger and more beautiful,
Wild and rebellious
But it's you
With that blue sweater
But it's you that are for that smile a little more '
Get up and when I'll undress you
I look at you and I'm sorry
So I go.
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
I want a true feeling.
If you take me to a little casino in the city
And take the record that's over
And with my racing bike in the attic
And then what do you do?
But it's you, with those socks,
But it's you the one who plays with the senses,
You have no way of doing that anymore
And let yourself go more and more.
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
I want a true feeling.
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
This feeling flips inside me inside me
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
This feeling flips inside me inside me
The italian
Versions: #1#2#3#4#5Let me sing
with the guitar in hand
let me sing
i am an italian
Good morning Italy of spaghetti 'al dente' (briefly cooked-italian cooking way)
and a partisan as a president
with the car radio always in the right hand
and a canary upon the window
Good morning Italy with your artists
with so many American posters
with the songs of love
with the heart
with always more women and less nuns
Good morning Italy
good morning Mary (means Mother Mary)
with eyes full of melancholy
good morning God
you know I am here too.
Let me sing
with the guitar in hand
let me sing
a song slowly slowly
let me sing
because I am proud
i am an Italian
a true Italian.
Good morning Italy who doesn't scare
with peppermint shaving cream
with a striped costume in blue
and the Sunday replays on TV
good morning Italy with ristretto coffee (type of coffee)
the new socks in the first drawer
with the flag in laundry (public laundry, possibly means cleaning the flag in public laundry after a football match)
and a worned chassis 600 (600 its a Fiat car)
Good morning Italy
good morning Mary (means Mother Mary)
with eyes full of melancholy
good morning God
you know I am here too.
Let me sing
with the guitar in hand
let me sing
a song slowly slowly
let me sing
because I am proud
i am an Italian
a true Italian.