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Fight, fight

You only dare to make me mad
Fight, fight, there will be fight, fight.
Dare to touch another
Fight, fight, you're mine, mine
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
There will be a fight, fight and you are mine, mine
your eyes won't be painted here, stay by my side
Our car, flowers every hour.
When something is mine, I keep it.
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
Who are you to send me
Fight, fight, there will be fight, fight.
Come here and confess to me
Wait, wait, I'll be your god.
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
You have to look me in the eye
you have to follow me.
You will repeat that I am number one,
listen to me well it is for your own good.
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Our breakup

2:00, three numbers, but in the night
They crush me so hard that it makes me want to scream
I feel like the ceiling is crumbling all over me
Every night I fall asleep praying, 'text me'
Look at me, I walked right beside you, I took every blow
There is only one that I didn't survive, when you were indifferent towards me
Consider me dead and move on with your life
Drink with thousands women for our breakup
I hope you care for each one only for a day
And look for the love that you had with me
Look at me, I walked right beside you, I took every blow
There is only one that I didn't survive, when you were indifferent towards me
I started hating all sad songs, damn you
It's like every single one is written about you
I have memories for dinner and tears for breakfast
In my calendar there are wounds instead of days
Consider me dead and move on with your life
Drink with thousands women for our breakup
I hope you care for each one only for a day
And look for the love that you had with me
Look at me, I walked right beside you, I took every blow
There is only one that I didn't survive, when you were indifferent towards me
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.

Greška je bila

Ako je imao način da imam vremena sa tobom ponovo,
Puziću, goreću, vrištaću, ali te ne bih povredila.
Želim da budeš povređen, od ljubomore želim da budeš slomljen,
da se sažališ na mene, da se pobiješ, 'ona je moja' da vrištiš.
I kako ne razumeš, ja sam jedan, ti si jedna.
Rekao si da je ovo greška bila, nije bila ljubav što si spavao sa mnom,
ali bilo je draga moja, svi nakon tebe su bili povređeni.
Dišem da te zagrlim, dišem jedino da ti se osvetim,
Srce imaš li? Žao mi je, od kako si ga slomio, nemam ga.
Kao malo dete sam te povredio bez razmišljanja
Bićeš drugačiji, zvaćeš me, ali znam da ti nedostajem i da ne možeš spavati.
Želim da budeš povređen, od ljubomore želim da budeš slomljen,
da se sažališ na mene, da se pobiješ, 'ona je moja' da vrištiš.
I kako ne razumeš, ja sam jedan, ti si jedna.
U očima njegovim mu reci, da ga ne voliš,
za svakoga sam tvoja, ali te mrzim ako me pitaš.(x2)
Ako me pitaš.(x3)
U očima njegovim mu reci, da ga ne voliš,
za svakoga sam tvoja, ali te mrzim ako me pitaš.(x2)
Ako me pitaš.(x3)

It was mistake

If there was a way to have time with you again ,
I will crawl, burn, scream, but I would not hurt you.
I want you to be hurt, from jealous i want you to be heartbroken,
to pity for me, to break, 'she is mine' to scream.
And how you don't understand, i am one , you are one.
You said that this was mistake, it was not love that you slept with me,
but it was my dear, every one after you was hurting.
I am breathing to hug you, i am breathing only to revenge you.
You don't have heart? I am sorry, since you broke it i don't have.
Like little child i hurt you, without thinking at all,
you will be different, you will be calling to me, but i know that you miss me and you can't sleep.
I want you to be hurt, from jealous i want you to be heartbroken,
to pity for me, to break, 'she is mine' to scream.
And how you don't understand, i am one , you are one.
In tha eyes of other men you say to him that you don't love him,
for everyone i am yours, but i hate you if you ask m.e (х2)
If you ask me. (х3)
In tha eyes of other men you say to him that you don't love him,
for everyone i am yours, but i hate you if you ask me. (х2)
If you ask me. (х3)

Dve linije

Opet jedeš odvojeno
Sa mnom doručkuješ, sa njom večeraš
I osećam kako si nervozan
Zbog mojih poziva
Znam sa kojom si ženom, znam šta radite sada
I znam kako mogu zaustaviti tvoje disanje odavde
Poslaću ti poruku
Čekam bebu sa tobom
Da li ćeš se danas zabaviti
Koliko i ja?
Poslaću ti poruku,
Ali sa nepoznatog broja
Tako da možeš računati i razmišljati
Sa kim si imao kontakt
Hej, hej, nije lako za tebe
Hej, hej, mnogo te vole
Hej, hej, čak te ni ne pitaju
Hej, hej, zar te ne pitaju?
Hej, hej, nije lako za tebe
Hej, hej, mnogo te vole
Hej, hej, trebala sam da napravim izuzetak - Đžorđž je kriv.
Hej, hej, hej, hej
(???Най-приятното прекарване
е замислено от тебе.
Чак не е за вярване,
че за безопастна вземе!???)
Znam sa kojom si ženom, znam šta radite sada
I znam kako mogu zaustaviti tvoje disanje odavde
Refren (2x)


Tell everyone about this crazy woman with you, how jealous she was, how she followed you around & how I secretly went through phones messages, because of you I became different
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.
I'm not all dressed up for you like this
I'm not wearing this lipstick for you my dear, I'm sorry you're the last to know how long I was with you out of fear only
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.


Raspričaj o toj kukavici s tobom,
koliko je ljubomorna bila, koliko te je pratila,
kako ti je krišom ''SMS'' poruke čitala,
to je zasluga tvoja, što sam postala drugačija.
Čestitam, diši dragi,
ženu prevaspitaj,
da ne pravi više drame,
da ne pita gde si.
Vidi koliko sam dobra,
kako te srećna ispraćam noćas.
Samo nisi shvatio,
da nisam tvoja više.
Nisam zbog tebe tako obučena,
nije dušo, zbog tebe ovaj karmin.
Sažaljevam, što si zadnji shvatio,
koliko dugo sam sa tobom od straha bila.
Čestitam, diši dragi,
ženu prevaspitaj,
da ne pravi više drame,
da ne pita gde si.
Vidi koliko sam dobra,
kako te srećna ispraćam noćas.
Samo nisi shvatio,
da nisam tvoja više.