Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 6
Lenji dečak
Lenji dečak
Lenji dečak
Hajde ustani
Hajde ustani
Ovde je bilo jutro
Ovde je bilo jutro
Dan se rodio
Dan se rodio
Mountain top is asmoke
Versions: #1
Mountain top is asmoke
Silver river flows nonstop
Sun is about to rise from the horizon
Dear friends, let's have a walk
May ground, sky and sea hearken us
May the whole world resound with our firm steps
Where can you find this sky and sea?
Where can you find those mountains and rocks
and those trees and beautiful birds?
Dear friends, let's have a walk
May ground, sky and sea hearken us
May the whole world resound with our firm steps
Tin Tin Tiny Little lady
Peach trees
Several types of flowers
Burned me, made me burn
Crescent-like eyeborrows of my love
Tin tin tiny little lady
My heart loves you
Couch grass in the yards
She* is tall and she is a şah*
If two hearts come together
Even padişah* cannıt split them
Tin tin tiny little lady
My heart loves you
Celery in the yards
We don't eat celery
They call us people of Sinop
We love the beauty
Tin tin tiny little lady
My heart loves you
Swish Swish Paddler
'Swish swish' (goes the) row boat paddler, the row boatsman's oar
'Pitter-patter' (goes the) heart
Come evening, (we'll have) coffee cup burekas (pastries)
Come morning, (we'll have) holiday biscuits!
'Swish swish' (goes the) row boat paddler, let's go to the row boatsman
Let's get on his boat, let's roam the high seas
Like a fish, let's swim!
'Swish swish' (goes the) row boat paddler, let's give a pull on these oars
Let's surpass these waves, let's go home in the evening
And have some fish
Smoke is on the Top of the Mountain
Smoke is on the Top of the Mountain
Silver river flows, never stops
The Sun is rising from the horizon, now
Let's walk my friends
Ground, sky, water listen to our voice
With hard steps, soughing everywhere
*Where are this sky, this sea
Where are these mountains and birds
These trees these beautiful birds
Let's walk my friends
Ground, sky, water listen to our voice
With hard steps, soughing everywhere
Daddy Finger Daddy Finger
Daddy finger daddy finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Mommy finger mommy finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Brother finger brother finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Sister finger sister finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Sibling finger sibling finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Aunt finger aunt finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Aunt finger aunt finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Uncle finger uncle finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Uncle finger uncle finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am
Cousin finger cousin finger
Why don't you come
I came
I came
Here I am