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Број резултата: 14
Click to see the original lyrics (English)Твоја реч и моја реч и твоја реч је
Сутра, данас и јуче
Али неопходно је то зло
И пронаћи ћеш свој пут ка тамо
Твоја осећања и моја сва су света и
Дајеш ми унутрашњу светост
Осећаш се исто као и ја према теби, према њој
Твоја реч и моја реч и њена реч је
Јуче, данас и сутра
А сумрак ми даје
Унутрашњу светост
И осећаш
И жудиш за њом
И ти то не схваташ
Али знаш да то ниси планирао
Твоја осећања и моја су сва усамљена
И зора долази, лежиш ту са мном
И пружаш руку да ме додирнеш
Али ја сам у сумраку
Твоја осећања и моја сва су света, али
Знаш и знам да то није истина јер
Кад сване, лежиш ту са мном
А зора може одлетети
И знаш да те волим, али знаш да
Не можеш ништа учинити поводом тога
Зато што је волиш,
А још увек мене желиш
Кад бих могла бити она...
Али ја нисам она, а она није ја
А ти си негде другде
На другој планети
И још увек то желиш
Унутрашњу светост
И то је зло
Али зло је неопходно
И још увек жудиш за њом
И још увек желиш њену љубав
Али она те не воли
The Hymn of the Sun
Sun, sun, like a brilliant eye,Shines forever on the mountains.
Upon the earth, upon the meadow,
The flower will always blossom.
The winter was already gone,
Will you come with your song?
Then we dance before the cold night.
The soil wet and the river flows by,
Sing the song and even never cease!
Remember the flower and its song!
Have you heard or sung it?
Remember the flower and its song!
Have you heard or sung it?
Shout! When you meet the flower.
Shout! In the feast or at the festival.
Shout! For the perpetual life!
Please remember this song forevermore.
Sun, sun, the brilliant eye,
Shines forever on the mountains.
Beneath the skydome, upon the meadow,
The flower will keep blossoming.
It's a Saturday Evening
It's a Saturday evening tonight,the harmonica's playing for a dance.
Come all who are cold,
come and take a chance.
Take her by the waist,
whoever you choose.
Come and sing and laugh
come and dance with me.
Listen to the cheerful tones
slip through the window now
All your grief is far away,
come and step up to dance.
Take her by the waist...
And when darkness falls on the world,
then take the girl by the hand.
Then the dew settles on the ground,
leading you to the beach.
Take her by the waist...
Lay a kiss on her lips,
stroke her curls so sweet and tender
far from everything which we toiled over before
and away from all quarrels.
Take her by the waist...
Your desert is
there in the warm twilight,
what's happened here since
is freely in your mind.
Take her by the waist...
Because you're beautifulBecause you're pretty
I'm just only you
Make sure to always
Hold me like that
You're my living room
Even being in the swaying wind is freezing
Let's keep letting loose a lot of stories
Yeah I
Feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
Looks like I'm like a butterfly
Living alongside you is just like
a miracle, to set up a monumental monument
Let's run away tonight
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me how to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
Hurutututu hurutututu Ay
I'll listen to all you have to say Bluetooth
I only have eyes for you
I'm trapped inside the star for only us
I embroider each one, one by one
Here or there or anywhere
Whatever you do, do it without rules or pretense
Make it a rule
My key is after I express my feelings to you
Woo, I'm filling myself with you
It is like a twilight
The false acting inside the illusion whoo
Your moonlight that is broadly trickling down
Beautifully blooming
Over that hill
Feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
Looks like I'm like a butterfly
Living alongside you is just like
a miracle, to set up a monumental monument
Let's run away tonight
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me
How to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
The eyes that look at me
The dream that I dream when I fall into them
I draw them over a hundred times
An ending that's too beautiful
At that brightly shining starlight, I follow the line
I feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
My wings are spreading
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me
How to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
Helping Twilight Win The Crown
[Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity:]Hey, hey, everybody hear
We've got something to say
We are different
And can prove that
But when you look at it closer
You will notice
That the other is just like you
Hey, hey, everybody hear
When I sing this
That friendship will always
Bring us forward
We thought that the day could
Never meet the night
Until Twilight Sparkle
Brought us an option
So do that, do this
I'll be glad to show how
If we work together
We can get Twilight the crown
So do that, do this
You can't do it wrong
If we work together
Twilight Sparkle isn't left helpless
[Pinkie Pie:]
Hey, hey, hear me
Now we're talking for real
Up, down
You can spin every way you want
All the virtues of these girls
Of every single one of us
Twilight showed us it
[Rainbow Dash:]
All that I'm able to do
[Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity:]
So do that, do this
I'll be glad to show how
If we work together
We can get Twilight the crown
So do that, do this
You can't do it wrong
If we work together
Twilight Sparkle isn't left helpless
[Twilight Sparkle:]
Now whether I do this or that
I'll always be what I am
Do it yourself as well
May your personality bloom
And if you follow me
These obstacles won't matter to neither of us
When together
We raise this school to glory
[All students:]
So now jump like this (Hey!)
Kick, with a spin
Let's make a change now
The road takes forwards
So now jump like this (Hey!)
Kick, with a spin
Canterlot is the school
Of Wondercolts
So now jump like this (Hey!)
Kick, with a spin
Canterlot is the school
Of Wondercolts
So now jump like this (Hey!)
Kick, with a spin
Let's make a change now
The road takes forwards
Sumrak je moja odora
Tebi šapućemnajdivlje snove.
U hladnoći noći.
Pokrivene kristalima
kroz mrazni suton,
duše punog meseca čekaju,
njihove sene gore.
Mi svi povijamo
svoje oronulo lišće povrh tvoje prazne ljušture
kao znak istinite posvećenosti.
Voljen li si, gospode,
što ispod ovih vodopada uzdišeš?
Ptice sunca
razdvajaju ove tmurne oblake
dok zimski vetrovi ovde nežno spavaju.
Prisegao sam zakletvi
da dišem.
Pokraj voda ja stanujem,
talasi još šapuću
drevne uspavanke.
dok naša mistična braća i dalje tragaju.
Tvoju volju ja ću slušati.
U mojoj viziji
ti si otelotvorenje besprekorne slobode,
ali u mojim očima sazdan si od kamena.
Hiljadu godina
Srce brzo kucaBoje i obećanja
Kako da budem hrabra,
Kako da volim kad se plašim da se zaljubim?
Ali dok te gledam kako stojiš sam
Sva moja sumnja sigurno odlazi nekako
Jedan korak bliže
Umrla sam svaki dan čekajući te
Dragi ne plaši se jer sam te volela
Hiljadu godina
I voleću te još hiljadu
Vreme još uvek stoji
I lepota u svemu što je
Biću hrabra
Neću ništa dopustiti da oduzme
Ono što stoji ispred mene
Svaku uzdah
Svaki čas je ovome je vodio
Jedan korak bliže
Umrla sam svaki dan čekajući te
Dragi ne plaši se jer sam te volela
Hiljadu godina
I voleću te još hiljadu
Sve vreme sam verovala da ću te naći
Vreme je dovelo tvoje srce meni
Volela sam te hiljadu godina
I voleću te još hiljadu
i woke up at 3 a.m. yet again today
even if i hide under the blankets
or stare at the ceiling or count sheep
will morning ever come again?
the night will only last longer
the memories will only go deeper
that soft touch and gentle voice
i can’t sleep without you
moonlight pours through the windows
it’s like you and i can’t sleep
is my coffee too strong? is caffeine to blame?
it can’t be because of you
i try to read but my eyes won’t focus
i just hold onto my pillow
the night will only last longer
the memories will only go deeper
that soft touch and gentle voice
i can’t sleep without you
moonlight pours through the windows
it’s like you and i can’t sleep
i rose when my alarm sounds
i slept well in the evenings
there’s nothing else
i have nothing anymore
the memories will only go deeper
i miss you baby
that soft touch and gentle voice
i can’t sleep without you
moonlight pours through the windows
it’s like you and i can’t sleep
the night will only last longer and i can’t sleep anymore
the memories will only go deeper
each star shines too brightly
they’re like you and i can’t sleep