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Да певам како те волим

Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)
Не питај ме шта ми је
Јер знаш да ме то излуђује
Сваког тренутка желим тебе
Далеко од тебе сам у проблему
Још два живота кад бих живео
Опет бих тебе волео
Умирем и то није лаж
За једним додиром и једним погледом
За једним погледом...
У мом срцу ћеш постојати
Прво место увек ћеш имати
Желим љубав да ти дам
А не да се кајем
Дај ми пламен твоје ватре
За путовање се спреми
У наручју твом ме држи
И вечерас ме пусти...
Да певам како те волим
Да те имам овде
И да играмо у најлуђем ритму
Волим те, рећи ћу ти то
И постаћемо једно тело нас двоје
Сањам, срце моје
Да си ми у наручју
Не остављај ме више самог
Срца познају пут
И нек' се све окрене наопачке
Довољно је да сам ја са тобом
И ако Земља промени орбиту
Ако те имам, бићу океј
Бићу океј
У мом срцу ћеш постојати
Прво место увек ћеш имати
Желим љубав да ти дам
А не да се кајем
Дај ми пламен твоје ватре
За путовање се спреми
У наручју твом ме држи
И вечерас ме пусти...
Да певам како те волим
Да те имам овде
И да играмо у најлуђем ритму
Волим те, рећи ћу ти то
И постаћемо једно тело нас двоје


A storm of shadows fly over the waves
A small brown bottle drifts along
Swaying and Shining...
I embrace you like the morning sun
Such an affection, burning within me
Makes my blood boil
A mole on the nape of my neck has brought on terrible misfortune
You laughed at me and called me a superstition
For the worse
I just wanted to remind myself
Don’t wake up, keep on dreaming
(There is) an out of season white cottage
By now, the streets are crowded with valentine (love)
(A) Sweet melody
(following) the few footsteps of love
I am glad that we had met
I’m really happy I could cry,
Fragile tears
My long, thin pinky
Bring me terrible misfortune
You laughed at me and called me a superstition
Just staring at me
I hugged you just to stay awake,
Don’t wake up, keep on dreaming
The orange glow on the horizon
For some reason, makes me feel so young
A mole on the nape of my neck has brought on terrible misfortune
You laughed at me and called me a superstition
For the worse
I just wanted to remind myself
Don’t wake up, just keep on dreaming

Flag high

The sun has set, it took our dreams away
Black emptiness is yawning over us
Is it right for us to daydream today?
Dreams certainly won't feed our children
Is it right to remain in oblivion,
To hurt ourselves and people around endlessly?
And where our life starts?
Merciless centuries stole our dreams
We were dreaming about the future that's already gone
Europe is burning but what does it mean today?
Life is a story of one man
Can we wait for a turning point endlessly?
Look into our eyes, they're fixed at the sky all the time
Crying over miserable vain desires
Is it possible to persevere when the sun is already gone?
Whose fault is that our life is failed?
Egoism and pride burnt these fields
But they could yield such wonderful crop...
We're waiting for dawn in vain, so naive
Dreaming that everything will build itself on its own
We're so carefree, still without any sense of guilt
Dreams certainly won't feed our children
But somehow nobody wants to understand
The flag is high but the hands are still idle

Enough Already

If you want you can change the world
Don't mess it up, use your head
You have the means, you have the weapon
You have no limits, you have the strength
You live well, in your comfortable home
Hey! And what about us? And what about the children?
(Enough already)
(It's time to create) a new world
(Enough already)
(I'm not afraid to lose)
(Enough already)
(It's time to switch) to a new creed
(Enough already)
(I'll go after it until the end)
I'm sick of your lies
You never listen, you ignore our lives
The greatest thing, the most select
You got it all and fuck the rest
You live well, in your comfortable home
Hey! And what about us? And what about the children?
(Enough already)
(It's time to create) a new world
(Enough already)
(I'm not afraid to lose)
(Enough already)
(It's time to switch) to a new creed
(Enough already)
(I'll go after it until the end)
(Enough already)
(It's time to create) a new world
(Enough already)
(I'm not afraid to lose)
(Enough already)
(It's time to switch) to a new creed
(Enough already)
(I'll go after it until the end)
(Enough already)
(It's time to create) a new world
(Enough already)
(I'm not afraid to lose)
(Enough already)
(It's time to switch) to a new creed
(Enough already)
(I'll go after it until the end)

The sailor's letter

20th of June 1990
We left Dubai and we are headed to France ( Gallia)
Is the word Gallia written with two or one lambda (l) ?
I am not good at spelling,
but i never disaffiliate rough and smooth signs
I saw them in my sleep one night
like barefoot beggars with greasy hair and
i got scared
i saw also an iota subscript, and since then i also remember it as well.
As for circumflexes
when there is a need i also pay my tribute to them.
In our living room we have three flies:
Myrto, Janette and Cornelius,
they eat sugar and milk.
Sometimes i run into them at the corridor
and i pretend not to see them.
Now, i am going to take from the fridge some raw fruits
and i will put them on the scuttle to mature .
I wish i was in Omonoia's square now,
even if there was a lot of heat, a lot of exhaust gases ,
a lot of people in the bus stop waiting for hours for the bus to arrive.
And if i ever got to Ampelokipoi
i would buy fish, green herbs and wheat bread
and i would praise God.
I am wondering: aren't you happy?
I received a letter from my mother
and she keeps repeating the same things
I've read over again and again when a young sailor
approached me
' Captain Manolis, is this a letter from your mother?'
' Yes, from my mother'
' Give it to me to read it'.


Џени, ох Џени
Далеко сам од тебе
Само кад сањам
Онда си са мном ...
Џени, ох Џени
У сну те питам
Да ли понекад и даље
Драга, мислиш на мене ...
Можда неко други има
Срећу вам је донела
Ова мисао
Мучи ме сваке ноћи ...
Дај ми одговор
Реци шта мислиш:
Ако још увек желиш
Дај ми своје срце.
ох Џени,
Да ли си ми опростила
Онда ћу доћи кући
Желим да идем кући.
Можда неко други има
Срећу вам је донела
Ова мисао
Мучи ме сваке ноћи ...
Дај ми одговор
Реци шта мислиш:
Ако још увек желиш
Дај ми своје срце.
Џени, ох Џени,
Да ли си ми опростила
Онда ћу доћи кући
Онда ћу доћи кући, Џени
Ја желим
Да се вратим

Flowers of Mildew

I wrote them with my nail on the plaster
On a wall of empty cracks,
In the dark, in my solitude,
Unaided by the bull lion vulture
of Luke Mark and John,
Verses for all seasons,
Verses of the pit
Of thirst for water
And of hunger for ashes,
Verses of today.
When my angel nail was blunted
I let it grow again,
But it didn’t,
Or else I knew nothing of it.
It was dark. The rain beat down far off, outside.
And my hand hurt me, like a claw
That can’t be clenched.
And I forced myself to write
With my left-hand nails.


These people in overwhelming numbers
That only thoughtlessy jeer and cheer in this world
In the end, it has to be someone's fault
With this complete ignorance, there are no allies
Your eyes glaring from behind behind peoples' backs
Those eyes, oh how I hate those eyes
With you biased-bodies tweeting away again in my safe space
Whether I win or lose, I feel no pain
Ah, being unable to create anything
Ah, being unable to achieve anything
Now, repeat it many times over
That worthless 'I miss you'
Wah! ha! ha! ha!
ROFL'ing, I'll spit at these depressed chums
Gah! ha! ha! ha!
A love of hymn expressing sympathy for getting flat out rejected easily
IGAF, I don't even notice
I end up just laughing as incomplete whole
Until you get it
I'll just quietly laugh away
'You givin' this up?
I knew that'd happen, is this the end for you?'
You even made your real parents cry
Be careful as you consume all of me
But at the right-most seat, there'll be no smiles
Oh baby, please just laugh for me
Squirming on the cutting board
Yeah! One day, I'll get accustomed to buying
Audemars Piguet & Demon's
Wah! ha! ha! ha!
Smiles and breaking out laughing, the respect the west witch sends me
Gah! ha! ha! ha!
The true king that wins by proving they're last place
I don't like that, I don't wanna talk
You'll go insane and struggle 2-3 years later anyway
Your wrong arguments will be deleted the more ...
Look! ... the more everyone laughs at you
The influencers you see and listen to are even now still
Getting their hearts clutched strongly and made suffer
Drop the sharp gap between 'I'm being laughed at' 'I'll make THEM laugh'
I'll make you listen

The nation is calling

I'm upset because of the reckless claims he1has made.
The whole of Europe is full of news
Let's check the ???
Vienna2needs to have peace!
That's right!
Berlin's3hopes to acquire more and more weaponry to prove it's imaginary greatness is in vain.
This is an affront!
This is Emperor Wilhelm! adieu blue sea
adieu white beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
only a few more days keeps us away
I know you miss me
like a sea misses a beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
if you still keep hoping
To the banks of Hron
where our motherland is.
Hey, hey, folks, everyone hands, hands
Hey, hey, hop
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Magical tones
nights in Adriatic
From the sea resounds
a wanting call
In my mind I fly
where my home is
from the fields and slopes
I wave to the morning
(Let's go!)
Come back, I will come back, I will
Hey, hey, now all the ladies scream
Fantastic, excellent
Oh ey, now let's go once more
everyone hands, hands, hands
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
only a few more days keeps us away
I know you miss me
like a sea misses a beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
if you still keep hoping
To the banks of Hron
where our motherland is.
  • 1. In the attached video, they instead sing 'I wave to the distance'

Амада љубави моја

Рефрен: (2x)
Амада љубави моја
Амада љубави моја
Љубави моја
Два тамна ока врела попут ватре
Ако ме погледа, тај поглед ми иде дубоко под кожу.
Ноћ ми обећава авантуру
Срце ми куца као лудо
Јер она ће ускоро да ме заведе
До јутра.
Сад она устаје, полако се приближава.
Сама лудост је ова фигура из снова,
Њене црвене усне створене су само за љубљење,
Ова девојка је чиста еротика.
Још само два корака док то не осетим.
Али, хеј, шта је то?
Ова жена само пролази поред мене!
Окренем се и схватим:
Мислила је на момка иза мене.
То је то, Збогом моја љубави!
Аманда, љубави моја (2x)