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Број резултата: 19


Момци из шуме

Хеј, отвори капију слободе, златни кључеви освећени крвљу, лав води своју вољену улицама
Дечак из шуме - месец на рамену.
Хеј, ми се не бојимо непријатељске егзекуције,
Хеј, дођи к мени, оче у векове.
Дечак из шуме данас шета на одмор,
Тип хода на седам светала.
Један, два, три, момци из шуме,
Један, два, три, још смо живи
Један, два, три, непријатељи до пакла,
Само једна слобода на земљи.
Један, два, три, момци из шуме,
Један, два, три, још смо живи
Један, два, три, непријатељи до пакла,
На земљи постоји само једна Украјина.
Хеј, сто 'лавова' диже чини,
Хеј, сто 'лавова' од чисте росе,
Момак сада шета на одмору,
Дечак има верног сина у наручју.
Хеј, ми се не бојимо непријатељске егзекуције,
Хеј, дођи к мени, оче у векове.
Дечак из шуме данас шета на одмор,
Тип хода на седам светала.
Хеј, ко је у шуми, нађи се!
(хеј, ко је у шуми, појави се!)
А ми смо ватрена пукотина
Хајде да попушимо лулу
Не буди тужан!

Putin je Kreten!

Versions: #1
Putin je kreten!

Easter is red

Easter is red, Easter, the Lord's Easter!
Easter is an honorable shine for us!
Easter! Let's hug each other!

How I had served His Lordship

How I had served his lordship
And in the first summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A chicken for that summer.
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the second summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A duck for that summer.
And the duck there jumping slightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the third summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A goose for that summer.
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the fourth summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A turkey for that summer.
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the fifth summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A ram for that summer.
And that ram curly horned -
Had broken his legs,
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
Oh, I served his lordship
And in the sixth summer and summer -
I earned from his lordship
A calf for that summer.
And that calf wags it's tail,
And that ram curly horned -
Had broken his legs,
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the seventh summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A maiden for that summer
And that maiden got drunk,
Fell off of the oven, dying.
And that calf wags it's tail,
And that ram curly horned -
Had broken his legs,
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.

I won't go to the army

Grandpa's sitting in the incubator.
Scratched his balls and said:
'Do you want to go to the army? Woah-ooh-woah! You'll go to the army!'
A chicken's grazing at the mountain
The cow farted and the chicken extinguished.
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I remember my native village,
I drove a tractor to the cinema. (?)
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I remember my native village,
I dug shit with my shovel.
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I remember my moped
I broke my ridge on it.
I don't want to go to the army! Woah-ooh-woah! I won't go to the army.
I'll get a bag of grenades,
I'll blow the recruiter!
I'll blow him up! Woah-ooh-woah! I'll blow him up!
There's one more recruiter at the army,
And I'll get another bag of grenades.
I'll blow him up! Woah-ooh-woah! I'll blow him up!

March of the New Army

Born were we, from that of a great hour
From the conflagration of war, from the flames of fires,
Pain nurtured us , in loosing our Ukraine,
Our rage fed us, and anger at our foes.
And so we enter, into battle so to live
Hard, and strong, unbreakable like granite,
For weeping has, given no one their freedom,
But he who is a fighter, he obtains the world.
Oh Ukraine!
Holy Mother of Heroes,
Come down into my heart!
For Your glory,
For Your sacred Ideas!
May my soul be reborn in you,
Be it radiant in your glory!
May it not know fear,
That it know not hesitation!
Strengthen my spirit, harden my will,
That I may bravely go into battle!
That my faith be like granite,
That it grow in perseverance, strength!
Holy, Mighty, Indepandent!
Glory to Ukraine!
To the heroes glory!
Glory to the nation!
Death to our enemies!
Ukraine - above all!
Ukraine - above all!
A great truth - for us all is but one,
Our proud call, to our nation brings!
Countrymen you, be faithful unto death,
For us Ukraine, surpasses everything!
Leading us into battle, is the fallen fighters glory.
For us the highest law - is the one command:
'An indépendant Ukrainian nation
Free and strong, from the Sain to beyond the Caucases'