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Listening to Linear Blue

Can I replay it again? I'm not gonna stop, you know.
Lost in the trance, with no reason or sense.
If today I’m still not good enough, I'll just have to postpone it once more.
Unbalanced? So what if it's hard to understand.
Always unaware, stifling the countless sighs
Frazzled by imitations
But even when I crash into the other's justice, I'm alright.
I still have to be me.
Though all on my own, I'm listening to the linear blue
And I so wish to believe you're waiting for me at the end of it.
If I give up, I'll never reach you.
I'm sure there's tomorrow - the most important there's ever been
So today the melody will play on, over and over again.
Ah, so that's what it’s like
The astronomical potential to bear everything that comes down one day
A speck of the Big Bang show.
It's more than enough
It's unconditional
You know, I'll show you
The show of a single instant
That paints a parabola onto the future.
Our hearts knit together, with no intention or aim
And the feelings have stirred, unstoppable.
Would you say it's wrong?
Well, I don't give a damn.
It's not for them to decide.
Linear blue seeps into the tedium of today
And I feel like I'm now a bit closer to the magic of the sky
Can you hear it?
Like long-awaited sunset, creeping near and bringing joy to a lone man
The melody whirls into space.
It doesn't have to be right now.
But if at the end - at the very last moment - I could finally touch you
It’d be a sacrilege to fold under some trifling hardship now
And the reason is simple enough
'I truly mean it'.
Though all on my own, I'm listening to the linear blue
And I so wish to believe you're waiting for me at the end of it.
If I give up, I'll never reach you.
I'm sure there's tomorrow - the most important there's ever been
So there can be no hesitation, none at all.
Where's that shining end full of smiles and laughter?
I ask myself countless times as the night passes by.
But if give up I won't reach it.
For you're waiting for me, in the same sky and space.
I want us to make music together, but for now
The melody will play on, over and over again.

The Beautiful and the Ugly

A tale that truly happened a long time ago
Not friends or something else
Not something long awaited
Though all changes are small
The heart is thrilled, but no one's quite ready
The beautiful and the ugly
It makes no difference whether it surprises,
As it was once as certain
as the sunrise
It makes no difference whether it surprises,
As it was once as certain as the sunrise
ooh ooh oooooh ooh
An ancient tale, a note that is foregone
The difficulty and delight in change, try to understand
As sure as the sun (as sure as the sun) rises in the east
An ancient tale, a note that is foregone, The beautiful and the ugly
An ancient tale, a note that is foregone, The beautiful and the ugly

Back To My First Text

The morning awakes, I'm not quite there yet
Uh, what's wrong with my voice
Had too much drunken yesterday
Blade like a Rottweiler in the voice break
Yes Maggie, I'll give you something to eat
Did I forgot that last night?
Sorry Maggie, just drought
Tomorrow we go to Fressnapf*, get some more cans
Ah, if the damned returnable bottles ..
Anyway, turn on the radio first, what that shit
I'll fix it right away, it's all the same
Man who calls me now
It was clear, it's Rusbeh, damn it
Blumio: Yes?
Rusbeh: Yo Blumi, how are you, you party beast?
Blumio: Yes, overall, actually lousy
Rusbeh: That i predicted you in the club yesterday?
Are you coming to the studio right now?
Blumio: Yeah.
Rusbeh: Man, I do not want to fuck you up
But you know who can celebrate, can also work
Blumio: Okay, let's see what train I'll get right now.
Rusbeh: That's how I like it Blumi, I'm waiting for you,
Take a quick shower, dry off
Iroquois blow dry, Knock awake the cheeks
Quickly put on something, dog on a leash
I'm hungry, you fucker!
Lock off, it's really hot outside
No, Maggie shits on the sidewalk
No bag, run away fast
The dry food is not good, what a dirt
Quick to the baker, can I please have a coffee?
'Yes, there you go!'
Thank you, ladies good day
Oh shit Maggie, there comes the train
Do not drive yet! Please wait, please!
Oof made it
I did not made any sports for a long time
I sit down, now 3 stations
We're there, Maggie, go on, go!
Only a few steps to the studio
From the back I hear suddenly: Hey, aren't you Blumio?
Yes you are me: Cool, can we take a picture?
Yes, of course, is not a big deal
But now in the good room
I've gotten a buck, grooved a round with Rusbeh
Hello Rusbeh! Hey, do not scream like that
I was just playing the guitar, just like that
Hey cool man, oh the sound is nice
Have we thought about playing my outro today? '
Alright, do you know what the sound is?
Yes, I thought so melancholy euphoric
Okay Does not really matter what key
Alright, how about something like that?
Yes man, we understand each other, do not need long talk
Do you like it? It just sounds crass, please loop that
Oh, where is the bass?..Ah, that's usable
No, it's perfect, turn it up louder!
This is my intro, up with the glasses
And now I need euphoric horns!
Ohye, that sounds epic!
You know your beats are my fetish
How many times have I immortalized myself on your beats?
Whether funny, deep or stupid
And now a few breaks
That sounds fat like a steak!
Come on, Rusbeh, we'll show it to the country
I'm hot, I'm ready, where are the drums?
Because we have been doing this music for so long
Loop that, I arrived with 17 here
I did not understand much about business and such a crap
But I knew for sure, I'll show my face to this country
You're still playing the guitar, Rusbeh, I'm still
As long as we two do not die in the inner, the team
will remain
We have seen so much, sometimes I think the others will never understand us
Because we were never like the thousand others, we are stubborn
Sometimes it bangs when we collide, but we take everyone as a family
We never sold values to other destinations
And that's not just drivel
We are all musicians, but hip hop is slowly becoming a barn
I have not found many friends here
But basically we are connected by the same dreams
We want to go to the big stage, into the spotlight
And that, although no one promises us the success here
And if we can not do it, probably nobody would have missed us
If we are unlucky, we are still being consumed by the
The family insulted, everyone laughs limp
I wondered from time to time why I still do that
If I still have the strength to make another album
And to get back I had to leave everything first
Back to my first text, my first Rhyme
I just listened to my heart
What does it say? What do I really want?
How many of my dreams have not been realized?
Just freestyle, just rap for fun
Fun, that's what I forgot lately
Just experiment
And do not always regulate my texts
I love this freedom in rap
Maybe I will never be the king in the business
But you can not take that love away from me
Because my head is full of creative ideas
Already on my first album I gave you to understand
I have so much to say, so much to tell
And the idea came to me at night
Just to make an outro, where I do normal
Where I wake up full hangover
Rusbeh calls me and then laughs at me first
He wants me to go to the studio right away
I then go out and it's hot under the sun
And in the studio, Rusbeh wants to knock it out again
I describe how we are slowly building up the beat
And what? Do you hear that for the second time?
I do not give a damn shit!
Because I have so much fun in rapping, I do not want to stop anymore
I hope you can hear a bit of it
I sound like a possessed person
Now I know again why I started to rap
I want to liberate all the words here from my soul
Because I felt half my life alone
So many fears, they narrowed me down
But for this moment I am free
This world revolves around us (world revolves around us)
At this moment
And all the fears, all the doubts, all the worries you do not
I sing out loud now, raise my fist
I do not have enough yet
Hello Germany listen to me
Because I love what I do!

The femur

Versions: #2
I'm a medical school student,
My life is very busy and serene,
When I'm dissecting corpses,
I feel I'm drowning in formaldehyde.
Study materials are scarce,
Can't learn properly without them.
I need a femur bone,
So I'm going to the cemetery to steal one.
Between the crosses, in the heavy night,
I am digging out someone.
The deceased is entombed recently,
So the flesh needs to be cut off.
With the axe I cut the leg off - Hack!
With a knife I take the flesh off from the bone.
I take the femur and put it in my bag,
And I quickly bury the body.
I return home happily, I am victorious!
I take out the femur--it's such a joy to see!
I am the beloved student,
The best and the most loved,
The best and the most loved,
This is what I worked for,
This is what I worked for...
This is... what... I... worked... for...

Les Archives des Rêves Perdus

Loin de la lumière, reposant sous un voile de brume,
D'inombrables histoires ont été abandonnées pour reposer en paix
Sombre et calme
Leur tombe négligée
Jadis un havre rempli d'espoir
Les Archives des Rêves Perdus
Nous envoyons nos peurs intérieures vers l'océan pour qu'il s'en occupe
On attend qu'il les emporte toutes depuis le rivage
La foi la plus profonde de milliards d'âmes
Qui attendent que nos espoirs trouvent un moyen de retourner à nous
Ah... Naïade
La dernière est l'inconnue
La gardienne de nos rêves mis à l'écrit
Ah... Promesses
Aucune n'a été mise de côté
Elle les a bénies par son baiser
Écoute et ressens
Le miracle de la vie
Crois aux signes et crois que tu resteras en vie
Plonge (en toi) pour trouver la profondeur de ton coeur
Mystérieuse Naïade
À présent le cercle est fermé à jamais
Ah, Naïde
Les Archives ne sont plus
Nous sommes laissées à nous-mêmes

Ô viens, Ô viens, Emmanuel

Ô viens, ô viens, Emmanuel,
Pour delivrer ton Israël privé de sa liberté
Qui pleure ici en exil solitaire
Jusqu'à l'apparition du Fils de Dieu
Réjouis-toi ! Réjouis-toi ! Ô Israël
À toi viendra Emmanuel
Viens, viens, Emmanuel
Pour delivrer ton Israël privé de sa liberté
Qui pleure en exil
Jusqu'à l'apparition du Fils de Dieu
Réjouis-toi! Rejouis-toi! Emmanuel
Viendra à toi, Israël
Ô viens, Ô viens, Seigneur des Seigneurs
Qui à Son peuple, sur les hauteurs du Sinaï
Dans les Anciens temps a un jour donné la loi
En toute majesté et par les nuages et par l'émerveillement
Réjouis-toi ! Réjouis-toi ! Ô Israël
À toi viendra Emmanuel
Réjouis-toi ! Réjouis-toi ! Ô Israël
À toi viendra Emmanuel

We meet again

We meet again, days pass
Those we got are enough
Again complex nights wait for me
Waits waits again existence
An upright ascend, stars are crying along coasts
We console with waves, my mind can't accept
If I take you into my lonely dreams
My days are falling to yesterday without you
We meet again, deadly again
Glowing fires, fronts wait
Time blows its armor
It waits me to drill and pass
Jet black horses pulling my cart
Very yellow sunflower fields, lances are holing
Ocean is over, here

I don't look back

Whenever it pulls me
Where I am destined to go
Then I go my way
And you ask me, where, you ask me where
You waved behind me with a towel
And yet you curse me so much
Cause I do not look back, it drives me forward
Live the moment, for so I am born
I fight forward, forge my happiness
And if I've lost everything, I never look back
I don't look back
I don't look back
I would understand myself
For what I do, what does it all bring
Then I could explain it to you
Then only you would know who I really am
On Farewell we look at each other for a long time
But you do not say what I can not say
Cause I do not look back, it drives me forward
Live the moment, for so I am born
I fight forward, forge my happiness
And if I've lost everything, I never look back
I don't look back
I don't look back
You waved behind me with a towel
And yet you curse me so much
Cause I do not look back,
it drives me forward
Live the moment,
for so I am born
I don't look back
I don't look back
I don't look back
Yeah, I don't look back
I don't look back

We Didn't Go

I took your hand and trembled
I kissed your lips and cried
Everything I think when I say
That you and I (oh oh oh oh)
We didn't go
I held your living hand yesterday
I long to kiss your dead lips
And although I never had them
I felt them (oh oh oh oh)
We didn't go

Ti me ubijaš

Kadgod mi sve dosadi, kad želim da odem daleko
Kad god pomislim na tebe, to se ne dešava ukoliko ne mislim
Tvoje oči mi padaju na pamet, ah te dečije oči
Tvoje reči mi se u grudi zaglave poput noža
Ti me ubijaš, ti si to oduvek radio.
Ti me ubijaš, ti to ne znaš
Kad god želim da pobegnem od sebe, budem uhvaćena
Kad god te želim, ti nikad nisi pored mene
Suze sam nagomilala, moje suze su tup bol
Jednom sam razmišljala o tome, ja to zaslužila nisam
Ti me ubijaš, ti si to oduvek radio.
Ti me ubijaš, ti to ne znaš
U svakoj luci jedan brod, nek me uzme i odvede
Osim toga ovo je san, odlasci nas rastuže
Ukoliko ne uđem unutra, ne bi mi se dopala ta ideja
Idem k inatu, uzmi ljubav i rani me
Ti me ubijaš, ti si to oduvek radio.
Ti me ubijaš, ti to ne znaš

We Were Hit

Versions: #2
Too many mistakes we made,
Too much we were knocked around.
Broken, wasted, blots on our lives.
Neither color ,nor light.
Everything is so average.
Pity, pity, pity, it's a pity.
Pity, pity, pity, it's a pity.
We were hit little by little,
We were divided into separations.
We didn't recognize for years
We walked with loneliness.

Amber Colored City, The Morning of The Shanghai Crab

Beautiful city, beautiful city, Goodbye, Mandarin's pinnacle
Isn't it a pity, beautiful city
Close your eyes, and spreading out in every direction
A world of silence, a disconcerting future
Ringining in my ears, I stop the clock's second hand
Ram my thoughts into the Tokarev In my heart and blast them out
The crack in the windowpane
Gloomy, clouded days from my past have smashed and shattered
The clock stopped at 5, before the crack of dawn
The air outside is yours alone
Free to breath, that's something to be grateful for
The people of this city are loyal
But don't be fooled by theur strong physique
They are weak, just like you
The reasons are different for each of us
All bending backwards to hang on in
I can see this city is nearing it's end
But I'm on your side
Beautiful city Beautiful city Goodbye, Mandarin's pinnacle
Isn't it a pity, beautiful city
Anyhow, I left the city
Went back into the past, not the future
You were always looking to the day after next
And that's why you always shined the brightest
Crying nonstop, you're the predator
You starred a coup d'état, prepared to die
But enough of that now
Because you're no longer alone
I want to eat Shanghai crab, I want to eat it with you
If it splits right,our hearts will never be apart, not even for a minute
Eat it well, it doesn't matter if you make a mess
Beautiful city, beautiful city, isn't it a pity the cat in the alley
Beautiful city, beautiful city・・・
Only your heart before the sunrise glows
Can melt the tense build up of days
Open your arms wide and you will hear it
The whistle on a paddle steamer,
King's tile draw
Wrap your heart in satin
A steamed dumpling isn't enough
One memory alone, can never see you through
I want to eat Shanghai crab, one crab at a time
Eat it well, but my heart is bittersweet
I want to eat it with you, I hope we split it right
We will see this long night through
Amber colored city
Amber colored city

My heart is in a mess

Ah My heart is in a mess
There is no trace of you for a long time
My feelings scream and mourn
I do not know how to do it
Which door should I knock
A moment you are with me
In my hair and my taste
Then you are with her
Is this called love
You took me from myself
Explain a little who likes whom without fear
Do not give up on me if only I could hide in your eyes
Who is crazy about whom, burning like a fire
With rivalries and peace how will this story end

Come Back to me

You've written that you have reached your goal
And that you are fine
All the palms (Palm leaves) are fanning you
Oh, I've read it and was happy for you
But oh how hurtful is it..
Because I'm waiting for a miracle
After you were gone my time stood still
I do not want any more false consolation
All I want is:
Come back to me!
Come back to me!
An eternal winter burns me
Without your glance.
I do not need your sympathy
In my dreams you cool my face
Come and give me a second life
Forgive me and come back to me!
I made mistakes, I learned from them
Today I see clearly
The two of us were greater than the two of us alone
Oh, yes, I doubted the very thing that made my life shine
And then it was too late
Because I'm waiting for a miracle
After you were gone my time stood still
I do not want any more false consolation
All I want is:
Come back to me!
Come back to me!
An eternal winter burns me
Without your glance.
Come back to me!
Come back to me!
An eternal winter burns me
Without your glance.
I do not need your sympathy
In my dreams you cool my face
Come and give me a second life
Forgive me and come back to me!
And come back to me!
And come back to me!
And come back to me!
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

oh shoot me shoot me

oh shoot me shoot me
how much persecution i have been through
am I the only one who have to take this life's load over my shoulders
day pass it becomes night
the night doesn't pass and my dawn don't come
im praying and non of my prayers gey accepted
oh shoot me shoot me


Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Abambelé, practice love
Defend your brothers and sisters
Because among brethren, life is better
Abambelé, practice love
Protect your brothers and sisters
Because among brethren, life is better
And it goes on
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Songo hit Borondongo
Borondongo hit Bernabé
Bernabé hit Muchilanga, pushed him on Burundanga
Because his feet are swollen
Why did Songo hit Borondongo?
Because Borondongo hit Bernabé.
Why did Borondongo hit Bernabé?
Because Bernabé hit Muchilanga.
Why did Bernabé hit Muchilanga?
Because Muchilanga pushed Burundanga on him.
Why did Muchilanga push Burundanga on him?
Because Burundanga's feet are swollen.
Eh! What a fuss.

Light of My Eyes

I need a genius for the year,
Maybe you never figured it out,
I'm wearing my boots,
The name of your separation is no name.
If it's the end,
If you're a half,
I'm wearing my boots,
Your separation is your name.
The light of my gaze, the star of my soul,
In my shirt,
Your sweetheart,
It's the end of your life.
Spring is the spring of my life,
The article written in our mind,
Let's just get hold of us,
Not a separate day from you.
Year after year,
I didn't care about you last year,
I'm gonna go crazy,
All my wealth, I wrap it up.
If I'm tired of you,
Love is a dream, as if I was sleeping,
I don't wake up,
I'm not going to fall apart from the world.
My dear wishes are a lot of hope,
I'm not sure of my heart,
I don't want to think like a smile,
You don't know what I don't smile.
Every year I emphasize it,
I watched the doymaden year,
I'm freaked out, crazy year,
All I've been wearing with my life.