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Versions: #2
Bandages and cotton wool
Are cover up the light
In window of hospital room
Where many have lost all hopes
You're so alone
Chained to your dirty beds
We were cruel
And just have had enough of you
We're so tired
Of all your caprices and needs
You gave us such a hard time
Your path was alien to us
There's no place for your misfortune
On our streets
And the years will sweep away every trace
Towards your exploits
In longing and wandering
You believed in tomorrow
But our endeavors
Turn you into the shadows for long ago
It wasn't easy for you
To search for the meaning of life and the essence
An abandoned island
Is your last shelter now


Hi, my name is Åsa and I'm brimmed with sensibility and composure
Cause I strive for empathy and human tolerance
Yes, I'm so sick of people who judge all too quickly
That won't accept others way to be
I believe in the Red Cross, Amnesty and UNCRC
Yes, human love, all I say is peace
There are too many biased people
Yes, just way too many prejudiced people
Cause the world's teeming with individuals suffering from anthropophobia
But personally I'm prejudice-free
There are so many people that can't deal with lesbians and gays
I can't comprehend that at all, cause for me it's okay
They're so lucky to be graced with nice people such as me
Who's got such an understanding, mainly for homos
But why speak openly about their sexual preferences everywhere?
And their rights are just laments anyway
But I wouldn't call it 'prejudice'
No, I'm so sick of prejudiced people
Cause the world's teeming with individuals suffering from anthropophobia
But personally I'm prejudice-free
But that's a truth, not an exaggeration you tend to hear
All idols are crackheads and destroy hotelrooms
And blonde people are bimbos, right and simple as that
How lucky I am to be born as a brunette
All the poor are lazy, every rich man is a snob
And all the immigrants steal your job
But that's not what I'd call prejudice
They are facts, not some type of prejudice
There are just too many people suffering from anthropophobia
But personally I'm prejudice-free
All men are rapists, nothing worth keeping
And women are fake and can't drive cars properly
All old people are bitter and they can't take a joke
And the juveniles are lippy all the time
When I think about it, maybe they're all numbskulls
Well, except for me, of course!!!
But I wouldn't call it 'prejudice'
No, I'm so sick of prejudiced people
There are just too many people suffering from anthropophobia
But personally I'm prejudice-free
Translated by: Jordskalv

Prekidamo, prelamamo

mozemo da krivimo, ovaj svet vecito
mozemo samo pobeci zajedno
pa hocemo li prekinuti ili prelomiti ?
ne mozemo ovaj svet kriviti vecito,
ovaj svet vecito
kraj nikada nece doci
ostala je jos jedna planina za penjanje
ali mi cemo prevazici
prepreke koje su obuzele nase umove
tako blizu a jos tako daleko
svaki dan nam donosi sasvim nove oziljke
za sta se borimo ?
ne mozemo vise ziveti ovako
jer u mutnim mracnim danima, znamo
mozemo da krivimo , ovaj svet vecito
mozemo samo pobeci zajedno
pa hocemo li prekinuti ili prelomiti ?
ne mozemo kriviti ovaj svet vecito,
ovaj svet vecito
samo treba malo jasnoce
ne izgleda da smo otvorili oci
ne zelim tvoje saosecanje
to mi oduzima vreme za razmisljanje
ovo nije ono sto zelim
ili kako sam pomislila da bi zivot mogao biti
ovo nije ono sto nam treba
zato skloni ovo sranje dalje od mene
jer u mutnim mracnim danima, znamo
mozemo da krivimo, ovaj svet vecito
mozemo samo zajedno pobeci
pa prelamamo li, prelamamo li
ili prekidamo, prekidamo ?
ne mozemo da krivimo ovaj svet vecito,
ovaj svet vecito
pa hocemo li prekinuti, prekinuti
ili cemo prelomiti, prelomiti ?
mislim sta je ucinjeno, ucinjeno je ali mi cemo prevazici
ne mozemo kriviti, ovaj svet vecito
ne mozemo da krivimo ovaj svet zauvek
mozemo samo pobeci zajedno
pa da li prekid, prekidamo
ili prelamamo, prelamamo ?
ne mozemo kriviti ovaj svet zauvek
jer u mutnim mracnim danima, znamo

There Was a Time

In the middle of April
Soon about a year ago and some days more
I caught you in another woman's arms
You said: 'I was drunk
She tripped over me and I fell
But nothing happened, it was she who kissed me'
There was a time when our hearts were in flames
There was a time when I was hot as desertsand
There was a time when you'd cool yourself down
And stop me from loving you
There was a time when our hot feelings would rage
But nowadays you seem to go from arms to arms
And yet you want to stay here with me
Well, who'd imagine?
Wanted to be here and there
And I'm left to wonder if you've hurt me on purpose
No, I don't think I can forgive you
There was a time when our hearts were in flames
There was a time when I was hot as desertsand
There was a time when you'd cool yourself down
And stop me from loving you
There was a time when our hot feelings would rage
But nowadays you seem to go from arms to arms
And yet you want to stay here with me
Well, who'd imagine?
There was a time when our hearts were in flames
There was a time when I was hot as desertsand
There was a time when you'd cool yourself down
And stop me from loving you
There was a time when our hot feelings would rage
But nowadays you seem to go from arms to arms
And yet you want to stay here with me
There was a time when our hearts were in flames
There was a time when I was hot as desertsand
There was a time when you'd cool yourself down
And stop me from loving you
There was a time when our hot feelings would rage
But nowadays you seem to go from arms to arms
And yet you want to stay here with me
I've had enough of you
Translated by: Jordskalv


Drunkenness still hangs pretty heavy
and all the other folks still sleep, fuck them
his head is hankering for one thing
that thing has a first name, nothing
A sunrise has never been so ugly
Thore Skogmann1 would probably call it 'nice'2
He opens the refrigerator, nothing
dried blood in the hair but no stitches
And if one only only had ale
if one only only had ale
His throat is sore, it stands aflame
he turns on the tap, and gets some water
a box of export was more than enough
enough for nothing, he went amok
While all the yuppies downed wine
He played his part well and was a swine
Drunkenness still hangs pretty heavy
what he needs now is medicine
And if one only only had ale
if one only only had ale
('okay Jokke')
He's leaving now
the clock soon strikes five
he walks and takes the first rail home
for in the fridge at home there is ale
fridge at home there is ale
  • 1. a swedish musician and actor
  • 2. the swedish word 'snygg' (nice, neat, good-looking) sounds similar to the norwegian word 'stygg' (ugly, unpleasant)

Goodbye, farewell

Godbye, farewell, for the last time
Goodbye, farewell, I have to leave
Though it happens now against my own will
We now have to part ways forever
Goodbye, farewell, see you no more
Even tho you're the one I love
I have given my promise to another
And I cannot stay here
Our promises we should keep always
And that's why I now have to go
Even tho I want to stay, there is another
To whom I promised to come
Even tho you have given me all your love
I cannot return it now
A last hug now, and I gotta go
And noone can change that
Godbye, farewell, for the last time
Goodbye, farewell, I have to leave
Though it happens now against my own will
We now have to part ways forever
Goodbye, farewell, see you no more
Even tho you're the one I love
I have given my promise to another
And I cannot stay here
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

A waltz in the night

A waltz in the night
Dances all around us
It comes like a friend
Who wants to tell us: love one another
Let's lock our joy
Deep in our hearts
So that nothing may erase
From our memories
That first waltz in the night
I've been loving you forever
I loved you without knowing
And tonight o my love
All I ask for is a word of hope
A waltz in the night
Dances around us
It comes like a friend
Who wants to tell us: love one another
Let's lock our joy
Deep in our hearts
So that nothing may erase
From our memories
That first waltz in the night

The death of a girl

A young boy is waiting carefree
The bride is late
The girl has gone and died before the wedding
And our altar is empty
Only yesterday the poor girl was seen
Talking to herself
Had done it since last Autumn
It was known she had lost her mind
A fragile figure is hanging from a tree
Mouth slightly open
Laid-back chatter has gone silent
The Moon is sorry
The night covered her with its darkness in gentle
But eternal sleep
Belt played on her neck, until here
One could feel the coldness had come
Faces turned away, as the girl went
Clearly sick
Still the boy closed her in his arms
And even kissed her gently
The boy trusted that love
Keeps one afloat
But goodness wasn't enough against the sickness
It tore her up in the bottom
The night covered her with its darkness in gentle
But eternal sleep
Belt played on her neck, until here
One could feel the coldness had come
I wanted to force the evil to go away for you
I won't come to you anymore, but you get my song
The night covered her with its darkness in gentle
But eternal sleep
Belt played on her neck, until here
One could feel the coldness had come
The night covered her with its darkness in gentle
But eternal sleep
Belt played on her neck, until here
One could feel the coldness had come
After many years the boy sings
His song by himself
When he notices a soft voice singing with him
He knows the journey has ended

My Dear

My dear, do you hear the screaming of my heart?
Wishing for you to back
My dear, until the pigment of my hair fading to white colour
My love for you won't fading away
I have been trying to forget
your name from my heart
Honestly I can't even lying if I still love you
The one who I adore in my heart but you are never understanding
You are the one that I always give you a reminder *
But didn't keep the promise
You said about together as long as this lifetime
But what happens?
This love has been ended just for an other girl you love
It's okay, if God wills maybe I can let you go
To whom I should complain?
When my life has been so painful like this
Please have mercy on me 'kangmas'**
I feel pity on myself
I am crying out loud with bleeding tears
My dear, do you hear the screaming of my heart?
Wishing for you to back
My dear, until the pigment of my hair fading to white colour
My love for you won't fading away
Day by day has been passed
If that is the only way, my heart should be stronger
As the rice have been turned to poridge***
But my love won't fading away
The reality is that I love you
There is nothing can replace my love for you
You are the only one in my heart
But even if my heart screaming, your heart won't be able to hear
My dear, do you hear the screaming of my heart?
Wishing for you to back
My dear, until the pigment of my hair fading to white colour
My love for you won't fading away
My dear, do you hear the screaming of my heart?
Wishing for you to get back to my heart
My dear, until the pigment of my hair fading to white colour
Crying until the tears change to the bleeding tears
Please can you just get back to me?
Life with the pure love
How can my heart have a doubt about you
I can't lying that my heart is only for
My love is eternal
Forever until the end of this life
To whom I should complain?
When my life has been so painful like this
Please have mercy on me 'kangmas'**
I feel pity on myself
I am crying out loud with bleeding tears
My dear, do you hear the screaming of my heart?
Wishing for you to back
My dear, until the pigment of my hair fading to white colour
My love for you won't fading away
Please believe me who adore you
My love is eternal

White Waltz

O what a ball! Intensity of movement, nerves and sound!
The hearts were beating in three beats and not in twain.
And ladies were inviting gentlemen
To a traditional white waltz - and took the breath away.
And you, that dance with sorrow together,
Decided to invite that one girl long ago -
But you must always leave to go somewhere -
To help somebody or to ready for a war.
And all, still closer, the more real it becomes,
She, one with whom you had intended to come in,
She comes in order to invite you to the waltz -
And in your temple blood was pounding.
Externally calm in a ball full of noise,
You're given away by the shadow of yours -
She tore, and broke, and trembled in blurry light, as you spun.
Held gently by the hand, and whirling her like mad,
And you could have put her across a knife's blade
So why do you stand, crossing arms, not your own and no one's?
It was white waltz - the end to doubts of unbelievers
And end of childhood consolations, dreams and games -
Today the ladies were inviting cavaliers
And not because the latter weren't brave.
The ladies are called forth in time of ball
And waltz spins heads around, like long before.
But we must always answer someone's call -
To help somebody or get ready for a war.
Whiter than snow is the white waltz, spin now, strive!
That snow does not get interrupted as it falls!
She came in order to invite you to a life -
And you were white - whiter than walls, whiter than waltz!
Wherever you were - in the lyceum, in the tavern -
In palace halls, in school - whatever luck despite -
In Russia ladies were inviting gentlemen
In every age to the white waltz, and all was white.
Dulling the sight, not looking to each side,
Through the despair, silence, quiet, resignation,
The women hurried to come to our aid -
Their hall - the size of the entire nation.
Where you will go, wherever you will fly
Recall the waltz - how you were white - and smile, you'll learn:
They'll wait forever - and from sea and from the sky -
They will invite you to white waltz when you return.

And In Departing I Will Say

And in departing I will say
And in departing I will say
Farewell - to love me do not promise
I'm going insane or I ascend
Into the highest states of madness
The way you loved you did impart
Of death - but that is not the matter:
The way you loved you killed my heart
But murdered it you so ineptly
And in departing I will say
My mind is working just a bit
A little bit but hands have fallen
And like a flock flying aslant
The sounds and the tastes desert me
And in departing I will say
And in departing I will say
Farewell - to love me do not promise
I'm going insane or I ascend
Into the highest states of madness.

Little Noses

Finally, having climbed half the world around,
My small boys are in bed fast asleep
Fast asleep my green-eyed nations, sleep my treasures dirty-faced,
Little noses, little schnoses, sniff.
So peaceful and good they are while sleeping
In the world there are no better kids
Bruises like bright peas
Burning on their knees and
Blankets thrown aside upon the bed
Bruises like bright peas
Burning on their knees and
Blankets thrown aside upon the bed.
But tomorrow if you know ahead as to
Into which directions their paths lead
If without invitation
To go to a drawing lesson and
Into outer space barefoot to tread
If without invitation
To go to a drawing lesson and
Into outer space barefoot to tread
Tiredly over them the clock is beating
Peacefully on earth the children sleep
Sleep my little desperadoes
Sleep my Titovs and Gagarins
Little noses, little schnoses, sniff
Sleep my little desperadoes
Sleep my Titovs and Gagarins
Little noses, little schnoses, sniff.

On the white cover of January

On the white-white cover of January
Here it is so awaited summer so playful.
Time of sunsets and dawns so jealous.
Is it because of dreamy delights, against the heat
I dream about January and there is warm.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Shining with light restaurants and bars and it is night,
The same dance pairs are dancing for the tenth time.
Stop the golden lambada and radio,
Please do not wake me up, I have a dream.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Like a swansdown the foam lies down on the coasts.
Every miracle can do the south, the south...
Is it because of dreamy delights, against the heat
I dream about January and there is warm.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
by Void Lord

Watch but don't touch

I've met the man of my life
Im in love with him in all ways possible
But still when i see you
Something happens inside of me
I try to resist
This strong attraction
I feel like i want to seduce you
Now i can see but don't touch (you)
But I'm still thinking that its totally ok
To see you but not touch you
But if i would have been free
Then it would have been us
I would have bet
That it would be us two
Now i get to se you but not touch you
Touch no
You love somebody more than anything
Not care about anyone else
But sometimes it can get hot
Doesn't matter what you do and you don't want to
And you are one of very few
Who can make me feel this way
I feel like i want to seduce you
I realise that that's just the way it is
That you can't understand feelings
Even though you love someone very much
All other feelings aren't gone
It's not easy


Oh, she loves - shoes
Oh, she worships - shoes
Oh, she uses - shoes
Yes, I look good in shoes!
Have a pair for each day
Blue and green suits just fine, too
All the colours I can think of
I want a lot more... shoes!
Gaining and losing weight, so desperate
Tried all formulae for weight control
I get a kick when I try on shoes
Because I can always get them in the same size!
Oh, she loves...
With chic shoes in gold, I walk
In a sandal... for toes
With a bunch of straps on top
It sends a shiver through my body!
Prada, Gucci, Armani
Karen Millen, Marc Jacobs
Donna Karan, Manolo Blahnik
Would I exchange my husband for [them]?
On and off, change shoes today
Because I'm... going to go into town
Get a skirt, plus a top
It has to fit my shoes!
Oh, she loves...
I am addicted... I might as well admit it
I can long so much...
Sometimes I just walk back and forth in front of the mirror...
Back and forth, back and forth, where I live...
Oh, she loves...
Bop di doo...

The pieces of summer

I don't know where,
I don't know how
This ribbon has broken
And happiness has got lost somewhere.
I can't understand
Where my white dawns
Have been washed away.
And you have been
Nowhere and everywhere.
And you have carried
The whole world in one hand.
And the smell of roses
That you have thrown in vain
Has been spread across the Earth by the wind.
I don't know why
Every day I have searched
At least a shadow,
At least an echo in the distance.
And in the fresh blanket of snow
I have searched
The pieces of summer.
I don't know where,
I don't know how
To swim across this river
And to live on.
I can't understand
What God wants
From a simple man.
And you have been
Nowhere and everywhere.
And you have carried
The whole world in one hand.
And the smell of roses
That you have thrown in vain
Has been spread across the Earth by the wind.
I don't know why
Every day I have searched
At least a shadow,
At least an echo in the distance.
And in the fresh blanket of snow
I have searched
The pieces of summer.

I want to get you back

Sitting here at home
Just the silence and I
I'm dwelling and contemplating
Every hour, every day
In my thoughts i see you within me
Yes, how she caresses and makes hot love with you
I feel dissapointed
Aggrieved and empty on the inside
To be simply replaced
By another person
How can you so easily
Just forget everything
And leave me alone
So insensitive and cold
I want to get you back with tears or love or threats
I just want us to love, like we did once
I want to make you furiously jealous
So you feel the way I do
Because without you here with me
It feels like I'm dying
Have told you that I have
Found a new man
And that I've forgotten you
But it's not true
But I want you to feel
The same emptiness as me
To be forgotten all of a sudden
Yes, so easily replacable
I want to get you back with tears or love or threats
I just want us to love, like we did once
I try all the time
Just to please you
Because all I want is
That I get you back
I feel meagre
Know that I've sunk deep
That I will do anything for
It to be the two of us again
But I don't want to realise
What happened to you
That you could so easily
Have stopped loving me
I want to get you back with tears or love or threats
I just want us to love, like we did once
Falling on my knees, I beg and ask you
Please, love like I do
Because without you here with me
It feels like I'm dying

Hrabrost da se nastavi napred

Ucini da osetis
Ucini da osetis (Ucini da osetis)
Ucini da osetis
Ucini da osetiss
U cekanju za cudom
iako dodje sa zakasnjenjem,
koliko puta ovo vreme nam je ukralo secanje,
da svakako sve prolazi,
takodje kada ti ne zelis
i pronadjes se sa svojim godinama i sa vecnim snovima.
Reci mi Boze, gde je hrabrost da se nastavi napred?
Takodje kada bi zeleo da ostanes.
Reci mi ti, gde je impuls koji
dolazi i koji ucini da na kraju ustanes?
Izaci ces na ulicu
i poceti od nule
i shvatiti da niko i i nista ne moze da ti ukrade buducnost,
vazno je,
ti si vazan.
Ali u sebe moras da verujes,
kada svet ne bude radio vise,
ostavi uvek neki otisak
i ljubav ce ga se secati,
da svakako sve ostaje,
iako ti to ne primetis,
bice u tvojim ocima
odgovori koje cekas.
Reci mi Boze, gde je hrabrost da se nastavi napred?
Takodje kada bi zeleo da ostanes.
Reci mi ti, gde je impuls koji
dolazi i koji ucini da na kraju ustanes?
Izaci ces na ulicu
i poceti od nule
i shvatiti da niko i i nista ne moze da ti ukrade buducnost,
vazno je,
ti si vazan.
(Ucini da osetis)
Ucini da osetis
(Ucini da osetis)
Ucini da osetis
Izaci ces na ulicu
i poceti od nule
i shvatiti da niko i i nista ne moze da ti ukrade buducnost,
vazno je,
ti si vazan.
Ucini da osetis (ucini da osetis)
ti si vazan!

Leaning towards the light

Fear seeps into my blood out of thin air, seeking my mind
Memories from the past are carved into a sea of flames
But I can dodge making the final decision
I won't stay in the shadow, looking for the light
Shiny surfaces and deserted streets invade my thoughts
The price of emotions isn't a tale, I finally realized
I know it's a fabrication, I deny its existence
I refuse to remain in such a torturous situation
The wind blows hard, time is running out, a question lingers on my lips
The smell of asphalt glues itself on this delayed moment
I lean towards the light, I know it has to be this way
Grasping onto a brighter future
I awake in the morning, greedily taking in the scent of trees
I gather myself, taken aback by the weight of my bones
I lean towards the light, I know it has to be this way
Grasping onto a brighter future

All Right

Being tired, I am sated with pain
I have always been crushed, is my rebellion too much
There is no seperation for no reason, don't trick
Don't make a fait accompli
I know that you are one of them
It is now different, I'll love this time
The tactical efforts don't cut any ice with me
I won't fall off the face of the earth as I am cheeky
You'll get used to it as I go from bad to worse
I have no complaint as my body will stall me
Even you don't want and say leave
I'll walk and die for us
Even you don't want and say no
I can carry out this love
Everybody says play and don't be yourself
It won't save you such
I can't stand like this, I can't stay alone as well
If it doesn't fit, there is a little all right in my pocket


See the advice
Cut from the sea
We sail mast faith
magnets expanded
To the control of the bridge
We sail ashore
The sand and large rocks placed
We barrel in the country
Yes, hell
Glad I found there
thank extremely
The emergency shelter house
and we slept
Violent storm out

I reach towards the sky

Welcome aboard the train to life
Here there's place for everyone, so come along
Pack your bag, let go of your fear
Bring along your cockiness
The trip goes towards the rainbow at highest speed
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
Someone says: 'Conform yourself to the line'
Others tell you have you should be
If something goes wrong, many caw 'Well, I told you so!'
Ignore the people with pretentious morality
The finger is my answer!
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
I reach towards the sky
I can reach however high I want to
I reach towards the sky
And maybe a little farther
I want to cherish every moment I can
I travel with life in my arms
I reach towards the sky
I reach however high I want
And maybe a little farther

Come On, Forget Him

A heartache has just come up
Some rain for your eyelashes
Some tears have just been born
Some love that is escaping
Come on, forget him
This boy makes you suffer far too often
Come on, erase him from your life
This first love was badly written
A cloud has just disappeared
A bunch of shadows that is disappearing
A sun has just come out
Some blue for your eyelashes
Come on, forget him
This boy makes you suffer far too often
Come on, erase him from your life
This first love was badly written
A star has just come out
Some night for your eyelashes
A rose has just been born
Some love in the night
Come on, forget him
This boy makes you suffer far too often
Come on, erase him from your life
This first love was badly written
Come on

Teaching angels to sail

I never guessed how big it could be
So indescribable, every time it passed
It was the most beauty my eyes ever saw
The most sublime* I ever seen
I learned all the rules of the art
To be a mother and gods safe embrace
To teach my children to sail over the seas
And to row the boat ashore
But even the best of boats can sink
And nothing will ever be like before
Even the best of mothers can do wrong
Give the wrong directions to her children sailing away
Yes, life became bigger than I had dared to hope
When I had given life to my three
It was the most beauty my eyes ever saw
The most sublime a pair of eyes can see
Now I fight to learn
To be god over my small angels
And if you want it I have been taught
There are chances that this will work
But even the best of boats can sink
And nothing will ever be like before
Even the best of mothers can do wrong
Give the wrong directions to her children sailing away
My darling now you are sailing
On the sea that is your life
Eventually you will be steering
I just want to give you the right way to go
You are what I love the most
So genuinely** warm and hot
To teach your children sail across the seas
Without hurting their wings is hard

Is God sleeping

Why are you waiting
to be challenged
to be forced by fate
Now you know
why is it like that
your life
is floating, wasting
and your heart
is whispering
Is God sleeping
Is He sleeping
Why do you
give up right away
With just little pain
and little test
Why is it like that
Where is your courage
getting coward
losing hope
and thinking He is
Is God sleeping
Is He sleeping
Try, strive
to steady your heart
Only you can mold
your future
Don't think that
God is sleeping
Your life
has value
to Him
you wait
to be challenged, to be forced
by fate
what is worthy
strive at trust
the Lord
God is ready
to guide you
He is just waiting on you
my friend
Try, strive
to steady your heart
Only you can mold
your future
Don't think that
God is sleeping
Your life
has value
to Him


There are values that aren't respected
it doesn't mean there aren't
like there are a thousand stars
even in the cloudy nights
There are great mene who don't shine
it doesn't mean they don't honor
the human gender
from some anonymous order.
There is light even in the dark
and truth is behind the doubt
evil and good live together in rivalry
like the moon with the sun.
Love resists when hatred burdens
and the reality, mine, yours
is not the one they give us miserable and turbid
one just has to find in the pure fountain.
There are begginings even when
only the ends seem to rule
like there are archetypes
even when the types rule.
There are values that aren't respected
it doesn't mean there aren't
any believers anymore
who get inspired in those values.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Was it all for nothing?
Naively I look away.
All dressed in white,
Hoping that it's for ever.
Back to the roses,
The purple and the red ones.
Life is a palette of colours,
Black and white is for those who don't dare go far.
Does the moon know of sea at all,
That it affects habits and waves?
Rarely smiling,
But with a sincere attitude.
All dressed in blue,
Because I want to be the ocean and the sea.
In the summer sadness,
The youth is lost,
I feel no joy.
Frustrated that it's not like it could be.
Does the moon know of sea at all,
That it affects habits and waves?
I like being with myself,
But I'm still looking on Tinder for tonight.
It's hard to find love,
But I'm still desperate to find it.
I feel naive,
But it's still better than despair,
Better than repressing these feelings.
Does the moon know of sea at all,
That it affects habits and waves?

Freedom or sweet captivity

First verse:
So tiny summer flew by
Sadly smiling covered by a wave
Like an autumn leaf gone with the wind
I'm in a hurry to fix mistakes, made not by me
But I don't want to walk on the edge
To read indifference on their faces
It's as if I flip through blank pages again
I just waited for you my whole life, when it seemed like there's no point
When to every cry of my heart I heard silence answering
I just waited for you all my life and didn't expect anything in return
What is love for you, tell me! Freedom or sweet captivity?
Freedom or sweet captivity?
Second verse:
Everything stopped in a delicate balance
For one moment and started running again
And no one can see the tears through the smile
And no one knows full truth except for only you
But I don't feel like walking on the edge
To read indifference on the faces
It's as if I flip through blank pages again
I just waited for you my whole life, when it seemed like there's no point
When to every cry of my heart I heard silence answering
I just waited for you all my life and didn't expect anything in return
What is love for you, tell me! Freedom or sweet captivity?
I just waited for you my whole life, when it seemed like there's no point
When to every cry of my heart I heard silence answering
I just waited for you all my life and didn't expect anything in return
What is love for you, tell me! Freedom or sweet captivity?
Freedom or sweet captivity? Freedom or sweet captivity?


Find a new world I will come
We are stars that changes
With a fragile heart you know
emotions to chase
between smiled tears
our free mind now
I would like to hear your yes
to start from here
Who's the Monster?
Who's the Monster?
we will shout to the world that
we are born to live
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
tell me no
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
now stay here next to me
to be able to fight
every prejudice that exists
I would like to hear your yes
to start from here
Who's the Monster?
Who's the Monster?
we will shout to the world that
we are born to live
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
tell me no
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh am I a Monster?
Oh come here jump on
you'll see
We're running now
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
My Own take me there
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
in freedom
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
My Own take me there
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
My Own take me there
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
in freedom
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
My Own take me there
I'M All Alone
I'M On My Own
am I a Monster?
am I a Monster?
am I a Monster?

The valley of peace

Facing the wide plains
He walked a long time
Perhaps did he see
Your radiant mask
Sun and firmament
Impose their law
As a specter back from
The valley of peace
The valley of irresolution
He walked with bare head
He kept walking
Facing the wide plains
Where the worst is yet to come
The best is behind
In the coming dawn
On the valley of thirst
Teepees as totems
Radiant masks
In the valley of sorrow
Where darkness extends its finger
He walked in spite of all
He walked a long time
When twilights come back
He knows what to expect
In the Valley of peace
The riders come forward
Cloud into which he disappeared
Hopeless powder (?) what you know
Let them come, let them go
Those who lost their love
Valley of tears, valley of milk
Where valet (?) only may stay
Any kind of slum
Where the plant was able to grow
Where the fruit has ripened
The roots spread
Volcano craters
He paid his debt
Sand in his eyes
Climbing down peaks
Facing the wide plains
Of human misery
Each muscle tensed up
And bleeding eardrum
In spite of his own pain
He was able to obtain
From the stars guiding us
That the valley remains desert
In the valley of peace
The riders come forward
Let them come, let them go
Those who lost their love
Valley of tears, valley of milk
Where valet (?) only may stay
Any kind of slum
Where the plant was able to grow
Where the fruit has ripened
The roots spread
In the valley of peace
Horses kiss each other
Where grass never dies out
When the riders go by
In the valley of peace
Where horses kiss each other
Where grass never dies out
When the riders go by
Where horses
Where horses
Where horses kiss each other
Where horses kiss each other
Where horses
Where horses ...

By the hand

All along the wide, wide plains
A vast body of people walks slowly
Songs of joy and songs and songs of sorrow
Vast body of singing people
Their Father is not with them
But they know quite well the way
Their Father is not with them
But their Mother holds their hand
All along the wide, wide, wide plains
Vast body of singing people
So much hatred falls on them
So many storms disturb their sky
That their gait is miserable
But sunshine bathes their cheeks
Songs of joy and songs and songs of sorrow
Vast body of singing people
And when one of them falls
They sow tears on his grave
But for each tear-drop
A thousand flowers blossom on his grave
{to Refrain]


How can you travel distances without feeling
You'd do anything to weaken our pain
Only you can hug me
And even if the noise increases, you always win
You're the sun that will always rise over
And you'll be waiting
Even if the door is closed
Until it blows, until the wind gives up
Your soul is worried
Just don't fall
Just asking you to be healthy
In front of every wave, you are a fighter, a guardian
You'd do anything to make love triumph in all the houses
Only yon can talk without any words
The whole day you speak with your eyes and you hear
You're the candle that don't fade
And you'll be waiting
Even if the door is closed
Until it blows, until the wind gives up
Your soul is worried
Just don't fall
Just asking you to be healthy
Even if the door is closed
Until it blows, until the wind gives up
Your soul is worried
Just don't fall
Just asking you to be healthy