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Rossz idők járnak

Rossz idők járnak
Látom közeleg az ítélet
Földrengés, vihar tébolyít
Mára semmi jót nem ígérek.
Ma este ne menj sétálni
Mentsd a menthetőt
Démoni árnyak fölöttünk járnak.
Süvöltő hurrikánok támadnak,
Tudom itt a vég nemsokára.
Félek a folyók megáradnak,
Mindennek megvan az ára.
Helyes !
Remélem egyben vagy lelkileg
Remélem, kész vagy a halálra.
Úgy tűnik most minden véget ér
A természet 'szemet szemért' kér.

my heart is awake

We'll laugh, we'll laugh 'till the last second,
as long as we have makeup.
the eyes are luminate, the face are shine
and the heart, the heart is unclear
and it's move inside of me for years already,
the desire go deeper, to know.
to browse the pretty cover on the top
to remove the peel,
to get in between (among?) the lines for a moment,
to catch all what passing near by me all the time.
how suddenly,it occupy me in a moment.
holds me, misleads and leaves.
so again i'm sleeping and my heart is awake.
again i'm sleeping and my heart is awake.


I didn't forget the place where I met you
but I forgot how you reached to me
the words I said I lost them too
I don't know why I never wrote them
All the life can change in a second
you know that suddenly you can appear in another world
We must do an inventory to not forget what it was
don't stop counting every second we shared
We must do an inventory to not forget what it was
I don't stop counting every second you're not with me
There's no way for me to feel
what your voice caused in me always
in the end only remains moments like that
that's why, I don't let them go
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Nikad ne odustaj

Ti nisi
Znam šta si
uvek na visini
Kada uradiš
Hiljadu projekata
I već znaš
Da su perfektni
Mnogo za tvoja uverenja
Bez oklevanja
Zato što ti želiš
Promeniti stvari i
Učiniti ih savršenim
Možda ne znaš
Koliko znage imaš
Samo rastući ćeš ih otkriti
Sa svojom hrabrosti
Sve što sanjaš ćeš dobiti
Tvoja sudbina pripada tebi
Živi svaki dan
Pokazujući da
Možeš učiniti sve
Za one koji lete visoko
Strah ne postoji
Znam koliko vrediš i verujem u tebe
I znam da ćeš ti
Uvek naći put
Možda ne znaš
Koliko znage imaš
Samo rastući ćeš
Ih otkriti
Sa svojom hrabrosti
Sve što sanjaš ćeš dobiti
Tvoja sudbina pripada tebi
Živi svaki dan
Pokazujući da
Možeš učiniti sve
Za one koji lete visoko
Strah ne postoji
Juri snove i nikada ne odustaj

The last waltz

The orchestra plays the last refrain
I don't know if I should go or I should stay
I'm trying to convince me that then
Nothing's changed between us
The last waltz with you
I found the love again
I dance with you
An already finished waltz

There is not so much time to talk
And I see you're 'bout to go
But what have I to do to convince you, I don't know
That you are the most important thing that I have
The last waltz with you
I found the love again
I dance with you
An already finished waltz

As you go away
I feel that now
You leave me, but it won't be forever
La, la, la...
The last waltz with you
I found the love again
I dance with you
An already finished waltz

La, la, la...

Conquer the world

You wait patiently for you turn
An ace and pictures in your hand
You think talented ones will be noticed
and humbleness will be rewarded
It doesn't work that way
It doesn't work that way
You have to scream that it is your turn
Otherwise it will go on forever
The pack won't listen to silent ones
They blend on to the wallpaper
The name of the game is to conquer the world
Even if the pieces are flying off the board
The name of the game is win or vanish
Don't wait for a happy ending
It doesn't work that way
It doesn't
It doesn't work that way
It doesn't
Be strong, don't give up
Otherwise you will be trampled on
The star of Africa* is far away
And there are bandits on your path
The name of the game is to conquer the world
Even if the pieces are flying off the board
The name of the game is win or vanish
Don't wait for a happy ending
It doesn't work that way
It doesn't
It doesn't work that way
Conquer the world
It doesn't work that way
It doesn't
It doesn't work that way
Conquer the world
Conquer the world
The name of the game is to conquer the world
Even if the pieces are flying off the board
The name of the game is win or vanish
Don't wait for a happy ending
Conquer the world
Even if the pieces are flying off the board
The name of the game is win or vanish
Don't wait for a happy ending
It doesn't work that way
It doesn't
It doesn't work that way
Conquer the world


He focuses only on this sunset
Because he must've realized I'm in the mood to change
He doesn't want to cope
He shuts himself off, perhaps afraid of me
I said something about going far away
Suddenly he stood up, walked and broke into laughter all alone
'You really think you can clear your head there?
The wars within you are endless'
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
To collect, to collect
I honestly didn't plan to visit
Not you, not your place, you always say
That it's harder for simple people to get into trouble
Because they aren't looking for things to get out of
All is calm, all is flowing
So how come it never works out with me
Never works out
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
To collect, to collect, to collect
He focuses only on this sunset because he must've realized I'm in a good mood


He experienced Valparaíso, his heart burdened with a heavy secret.
The world was a brazier Valparaíso pulled him out of.
So many lights and colors and so many ruined beauties
shifted the weights his heart could no longer lift.
On Valparaíso heights, on a clear day,
she watched the cranes loading the hungry bellies of the ships.
She watched life go by or catalogued the colors.
Never disappointed, never jaded, her heat laden like a tanker.
In the Cinzano restaurant where they had agreed to meet,
an old lady sang 'Solo tu' while mending her sweater.
There he chatted about anything but the important thing, of course.
Seeing each other was what mattered, and listening to 'Solo tu'
'Solo tu'1
He didn't know she knew, and he had little choice but not trying
to confide what he forgot about when he was with her.
One day, just to do like everyone, he talked about love, but too early.
She said 'I know your secret' and he went away without a word.
Oh, Valparaíso is so beautiful with its colors, his dilapidations,
this labyrinth where the wind wanders, the woman singing at the Cinzano.
A secret, the city will take it and keep it under its cloak,
and those who uncover it do the same, in Valparaíso.
  • 1. 'only you'
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

The wind

Let's call the wind
Let's call the wind
Wind that hits the sail
Sail that takes the boat
Boat that takes the people
People who take the fish
Fish that brings money, Curimã
Curimã ê, Curimã lambaio
Curimã ê, Curimã lambaio
Curimã ê, Curimã lambaio
Curimã ê, Curimã lambaio
Let's call the wind
Let's call the wind
Wind that hits the sail
Wind that turns the boat over
Boat that takes the people
People who take the fish
Fish that brings money, Curimã
Let's call the wind
Let's call the wind


I am going to Maracancalha, I am going
I am going in a white uniform, I am going
I am going with a straw hat, I am going
I am going to invite Anália, I am going to
If Anália would not want to go, I am going alone
I am going alone, I am going alone
If Anália would not want to go, I am going alone
I am going alone, I am going alone

The Mother of the Waters and the Girl

I am tired of walking on the sand
I am tired of on the sand walking
Searching, me and my little mistress,
The little girl that disappeared in the sea
The Mother of the Waters took the girl
The Mother of the Waters took the girl
Took, took, took ....
I came back tired, me and my little mistress,
Of walking on the sand, of on the sand walking
Suddenly we saw the girl
All adorned on that same place
The Mother of the Waters came back with the girl
The Mother of the Waters came back with the girl
Came back, came back, came back ...

My Darling Husband

I get up, arrange the house
And take the children to school.
I don't complain, I accept it all
And enjoy myself seeing how happy they are.
And you feel proud, because you make me so happy...
My darling husband, do not be mistaken:
Sometimes, I want to run away...
My darling husband, do not be mistaken:
Sometimes, I keep quiet to avoid screaming.
My dear husband, with your selfishness
You've managed to make me utterly miserable.
My darling husband, you've built
This great world thinking only about your needs.
Don't be mistaken...
Don't be mistaken...
In the afternoon, I dream all alone
And make up this silly little fantasies.
I primp myself and I apply my makeup
While crying of pleasure and agony
While I hope that, maybe some day,
I will be able to find happiness...
My dear husband, do not be mistaken:
You've condemned me to loneliness.
My dear husband, do not be mistaken:
You've never known what love is.
My dear husband... I've wasted my life,
I've wasted all these years only for you.
My dear husband... One of these mornings
I will leave this house and find a real life...
I will leave chasing a dream, so I can live...

Jigsaw Puzzle

I know that accepting reality
Is only a matter of time.
Even though at some point we needed each other,
We know that today, we don't want to go back.
The past brings back to my soul
The warmth of a unique love, that has now ended.
Let your memory accompany me, for it gives me
Yet another motive to keep dreaming.
All we have left is loneliness
And a little pain lodged somewhere in both our memories.
Our story never had a proper ending:
It is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!
We tried to win it all...
We chose the hardest of all paths
When we decided to play against fate:
Our love is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!
If I could feel and breath today
Like I did in those happy days of yore
That still keep alive our desire
Of being, once again, two people
Who are trying to find love.
All we have left is loneliness
And a little pain lodged somewhere in both our memories.
Our story never had a proper ending:
It is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!
We tried to win it all...
We chose the hardest of all paths
When we decided to play against fate:
Our love is an incomplete jigsaw puzzle!

You Deserve It All

I don't regret it, no...
I don't regret
Having let my feelings
Deep within me.
I don't regret having allowed that flame
That once melted our bodies
To fade away.
I'm not ashamed, no...
I'm not ashamed
Of having watched how you suffered
While not feeling
Anything at all.
I'm not ashamed of looking indifferently on
As your whole world crumbled around you...
The truth is that I just can't feel any remorse whatsoever...
Because you deserve all this,
For believing
That you would be able to play with me with impunity.
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!
I don't regret it, no...
I don't regret
Having patiently waited
To take revenge
For every occasion
In which you made me cry,
In which you made me suffer.
Did you really think that I would forgive you?
Because you deserve all this,
For believing
That you would be able to play with me with impunity.
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!

Before You Came

Before you can run,
You must learn to walk...
Before the sun rises
The darkness of the night must pass.
Before you can laugh,
You must have shed tears
And, before you came into my life...
Before you came into my life...
Before a child is born,
Passion must blossom.
Before you can reach your goals
You had to dream about them.
Before you can kiss a new lover's lips,
You will miss your previous lover's mouth
And, before you came into my life...
Before you came into my life...
For, before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a silent shadow
With a void here, deep in my soul
Before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a non-existent memory
Without a present and without a future
Before you came...
Before you came...
Before a tree can grow
A little seed must sprout.
Before you can give your body to someone
Desire must arise.
Before a new friend can arrive,
Another friend must leave
And, before you came into my life...
For, before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a silent shadow
With a void here, deep in my soul
Before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a non-existent memory
Without a present and without a future
Before you came...
You came... You came...
I was only a silent shadow
With a void here, deep in my soul
Before you came... You came...
I don't know who I was... Who I was...
I was only a non-existent memory
Without a present and without a future
Before you came...
Before you came

Heart of Ice

Any man who is even a little daring
And tells me that he wants to have an affair with me...
Any man who takes me in his arms
And sings softly in my ear...
Any man who tells me that he wants me
And is dying for my love.
Any man who is completely
Different from you,
Heart of Ice...
Any man who isn't selfish at all
Someone who doesn't care, like you, only about himself.
Any man could steal away
Your faithful lover,
Heart of Ice...
So hard... So cold...
Any man who offers me a drink
And places a bouquet of roses in my hands...
Any man who has time
To listen to my needs and concerns...
Any man who approaches me
And gives me the affection that you've refused to give me...
Any man who understands, just by looking at me,
That I need love and care...
Any man who doesn't have your tendency
To completely ignore me.
Any man could become my lover
From now on,
Heart of Ice...
So hard... So cold...
Any man who offers me a drink
And places a bouquet of roses in my hands...
Any man who has time
To listen to my needs and concerns...
Any man who approaches me
And gives me the affection that you've refused to give me...
Any man who understands, just by looking at me,
That I need love and care...
Anyone... Any man!
Anyone... Any man!
Anyone... Oh, any man!

And You're Not Here

I want to empty my whole existence
So that I can fill it up again with you.
I want to escape from these empty hours
And every single moment that I must live without you.
I want to get lost in your embrace
Sating my thirst for you,
And you're not here...
You're not here and I'm left all alone.
You're not here and I don't know what to so with myself.
You're not here
And am choking lost in this endless absence...
My love!
(My love)
My love, you!
You're the fire that consumes me,
The soft breeze that caresses me,
The water that brings me life...
My love, I!
I am just sorrowful longing
As I die a little more each day
And lose sight of you in my agony...
I look for your laughter in my mind
As I feel you really close to me...
I look at the people who walk by,
And silently ask them about you.
I want to get lost in your embrace
Sating my thirst for you,
And you're not here...
You're not here and I'm left all alone.
You're not here and I don't know what to so with myself.
You're not here
And am choking lost in this endless absence...
My love!
(My love)
My love, you!
You're the fire that consumes me,
The soft breeze that caresses me,
The water that brings me life...
My love, I!
I am just sorrowful longing
As I die a little more each day
And lose sight of you in my agony...
Oh, my love!
Oh, my love!

Torn out

I'm going crazy, we strike an attitude again.
We again thorny like the roses.
Barefoot and naked.
You go to some fashion store, and I go to the gym.
Forgive me the things I haven't told you.
The night will fall soon, the madness will go away in a minute,
It'll get dark and thoughts will become more clear.
At night you scream louder.
Just know, there's no one left but us.
It's time now, I'm out.
Before the dark and I know for sure.
You are not like the others,
You are torn out, you are tied up.
You are not like the others,
You are turned on and desirable.
Without covering with sheets
We'll become a perfect jigsaw puzzle.
We only unbreakable if we together.
Breath in, breath out, in, out.
And again, and again.
Learning about everything, you're like story.
Either I'm gonna lose, or it's a draw.
We are flying, hold on tight.
At night you scream louder.
Just know, there's no one left but us.
It's time now, I'm out.
Before the dark and I know for sure.
You are not like the others,
You are torn out, you are tied up.
You are not like the others,
You are turned on and desirable.
Whisky one to two in front of the mirror,
All stuff are messy in the room.
Don't say anything, only with your touch.
Words underneath your dress (х2)
Just know, there's no one left but us.
It's time now, I'm out.
Before the dark and I know for sure.
You are not like the others,
You are torn out, you are tied up.
You are not like the others,
You are turned on and desirable.

Thank you for the violets

That wife of yours is already my friend
I don't know if I shouldn't just tell her everything
That we've been flirting since your little Jan
is going to kindergarten every day.
When you first came through the door, smiling,
I was overcome by the feeling of 'I can give you everything',
I just thought that 'you are oh so very alone',
that you need a gentle hand.
Thank you for the violets,
the bags, shoes, roses,
all the perfumes, necklaces.
What about your heart? What about your name?
Thank you for the holidays,
and the too short weekends,
the a lil' bit sweetened verses.
What about your heart? What about your name?
I've become a real little lover*,
for the longest time I didn't even know.
Then you started promising you'll leave her,
that you will move.
I don't dare show you that I feel bad,
because everything you hold, darling, falls out of your hands.
Because you haven't been smiling lately,
you're reserved with me.
Thank you for the violets,
the bags, shoes, roses,
all the perfumes, necklaces.
What about your heart? What about your name?
Thank you for the holidays,
and the too short weekends,
the a lil' bit sweetened verses.
What about your heart? What about your name?


I dream at night, I dream at the day.
I dream about death, I dream about melancholy.
I dream about the sun, and be able to see you one day.
Dreams are dreams and life ends.
It should walk, calm but without hurry.
Learn how to value and enjoy what do not notify you.
Little moments will make you quiver.
You should just learn how to value.
I dream about the air or about be able...
be able to kiss your lips again every sunrise.
Feel you in my arms, feel that pleasure.
Feel myself as a child, with that sunset.
I dream about being free and let time loose.
Today I dream I have you and I catch my breath.
The wind smells like you, I dream about your being.
Life goes by and we are not able to take it back.
I dream at night, I dream at the day.
I dream about death, I dream about melancholy.
I dream about the sun, and be able to see you one day.
Dreams are dreams and life ends.
It should walk, calm but without hurry.
Learn how to value and enjoy what do not notify you.
Little moments will make you quiver.
You should just learn how to value.
I dream about the sand, I dream about the sea
I dream about the magic of the moment and the place
I dream about the mountains, I dream about being able to fly
I dream I have wings and someone wants to steal them
I dream about peace I, I dream about Bagdad I
I dream hypocrisy I, I dream every day I
I dream when I wake up, I dream with Irak I
I dream when I go to sleep, I dream with the hunger.
I dream with my dreams.
I dream that I dream,
I dream that I dream oh oh oh oh
I dream at night eh eh eh eh.
I dream at the day ah ah uh ah.
I dream at night eh eh eh eh.
I dream at the day ah ah uh ah.
I dream at night eh eh eh eh.
I dream at the day ah ah uh ah.
I dream at night eh eh eh eh...

Nothing In Exchange

Don't be surprised if I don't wait anymore
To anything in exchange of the love I have offered
Even if your heed is not enough
I will still give you everything
Even though you don't notice it
Don't fear, I will not look anymore
Of anything in exchange of the love I have offered
That's how it is when someone loves
You're not supposed to be worried
Pain to me is nothing
And even if the time doesn't come
That you will love me too
Bear in mind that I will not complain
Even if I'm hurting
Wag mo lang ipagkait, na ikaw ay aking mahalin
You just don't deny, that you are mine to love

The Carnival

The Masquerade
ends here
But you have fun
a little bit more
it's always carnival
for those who haven't got
thornes inside the heart
The carnival goes goes goes
it has a bad ending goes goes goes
and this mask now is useless
you make me die
because of the heartbreak
and my tears for you are just confetti for you
And while i'm falling down down
you laugh more and more
but it's carnival
You make me die
because of the heartbreak
but you have fun, I'll not be a party pooper
It's carnival
I love you but it's useless
I know that your heart can't fell
The carnival goes goes goes
it has a bad ending goes goes goes
and this mask now is useless
you make me die
because of the heartbreak
and my tears for you are just confetti for you
And while i'm falling down down
you laugh more and more
but it's carnival
It's carnival


Versions: #2
Angela, everything happened strange, like in the movies,
Half empty casino and Los Angeles,
And then hot whisper of unclear words,
You were sold to me, for one night, by city of Angels.
Do you know, Angela, none of us thought nor guessed,
That this night will turn into a crazy movie set.
Two weeks has flown away, two weeks has flown away,
Like in a dream, in a dream.
Its not too late to say:-'Good bye,
Let's finish drinking cold chai,
And you, don't show me off, I'll leave.'
A bit more, I won't be able to go,
Bye-bye, baby, don't be sad,
Only don't be sad, forgive.
Angela, on your cheeks salty trace and sad,
And by the window is frozen lonely silhouette.
And money shoved into your hands you've thrown into the night,
They swirl behind the window, away they fly.
The city of Angels, it will lower them on the pavement,
And the night passer by will except them like God's present.
Two weeks has flown away, two weeks has flown away,
Like in a dream, in a dream.
Its not too late to say:-'Good bye,
Let's finish drinking cold chai,
And you, don't show me off, I'll leave.'
A bit more, I won't be able to go,
Bye-bye, baby, don't be sad,
Only don't be sad, forgive .

The sunny days are gone

Versions: #2
The sunny days are gone
And birds are flown home.
And here we are, spending week after week alone.
Together, together, we are stayed together, you and I.
Beloved, my beloved, priceless mine.
Together, together, we are stayed together, you and I.
Beloved, my beloved, priceless mine.
I look again on of your plaits.
I can't have enough of them all day.
White feathers of migrating birds
Stuck to some strands of yours.
And though, on my hair, lying snow, and doesn't melt,
But you are, my beloved, as before, better then the rest.
And though, on my hair, lying snow, and doesn't melt,
But you are, my beloved, as before, better then the rest.
Carrying all the colours of the spring,
The birds will return again.
But colour of your hair, but colour of your hair, the spring will retain.
And we will smile to the sun, without hiding the sadness.
Beloved, my beloved, my priceless.
And we will smile to the sun, without hiding the sadness.
Beloved, my beloved, my priceless.
The sunny days are gone
The sunny days are gone
The sunny days are gone...

Broken heart

The time of sunburn is coming to an end
Off go the days under the sun, under the salt
The dreams that end like this
Between melanin and vitamin D
I thought it was only an unnamed story
Of those who are born and then end up under the umbrella
I didn’t expect a blue sky
I didn’t expect it was you
But your narcissism said that
Summer is ending, I have a broken heart
Because you’ve lost your heart or are scared shitless
Of going on walks, of all that stuff
The summer evenings
Meanwhile I console myself with my friends’ advice
I tend my garden that’s infested with nettles
Autumn is knocking right here
With the cold it serves vitamin C
I start over often with the awareness that I won’t always fall if they caress me
There’s time to recover
The lightning struck me
Because your narcissism said that
Summer is ending, I have a broken heart
Because you’ve lost your heart or are scared shitless
Of going on walks, of all that stuff
The summer evenings
Summer is ending, I have a broken heart
Because you’ve lost your heart or are scared shitless
Of going on walks, of all that stuff
The summer evenings


My love's a scorching noon of Java jungle,
The deadly scent is spilled like chilling dream,
The lizards there lie with closed eyes' gleam,
And here boas coil in tight-knit bungle.
And you have entered deadly gardens, why?
For relaxation or for sweet amusement?
The flowers shake, the grasses breathe insouciant,
I'm charmed, but poison oozes out nigh.
Come on: I am in here! We'll enjoy it,
We'll play and wander, wearing orchid wreaths,
Entwine the bodies like snake couple's sheaths!
Day'll slip away. Your eyes will close - don't spoil it.
That will be death. - And with the shroud of vines
I will entwine your bodily confines.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Laz Lullaby

Ha nani nani nani
Your mum loves you
Your mum shakes your cradle
I'll die for you
Ha nani nani nani
Your mum loves you
I am in love
Your mum and your daddy
Ha nani nani nani
Your mum loves you
The cradle is shaking
Dont you cry little baby
Ha nani nani nani
Your mum loves you
I am in love
Your mum and your daddy
Don't forget! The life has not a purpose! Never ever!