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Број резултата: 13


Ko bi rekao

Nisam te sanjala jer nisam znala
Dimenziju onog što mi je dolazilo
Ostavila sam svaku vezu sa svojim srcem
Ubedila sam sebe da ne bi bilo dobro
Bila sam jedrenjak natovaren ledom
Prevrnula sam se, ali me zabravo nikad nije oborio (nije me oborio)
Sve dolazi na svoje mesto
Biće da plovidba nikad nije bila nemoguća
Ko bi rekao, ko bi rekao
Otvorila se zeljma i ludost je postala vodič
Šta bi se desilo? Šta bi se desilo
Kad bih ti rekla da sam videla da tvoja duša izlazi iz moje
Nisam mislila da ću povratiti
Taj nemir koji hvata moje dane
Koji mi daje dozvolu da živim brzo
Koji mi crta krila i vraća me ljubavi
Sve dolazi na svoje mesto
Biće da plovidba nikad nije bila nemoguća
Uh, i u ovoj oluji proći će život koji će na kraju
Želeti da se skine
Ko bi rekao, ko bi rekao
Otvorila se zeljma i ludost je postala vodič
Šta bi se desilo? Šta bi se desilo
Kad bih ti rekla da sam videla da tvoja duša izlazi iz moje
Tvoja duša iz moje, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla
Ko bi rekao, ko bi rekao
Otvorila se zeljma i ludost je postala vodič
Jao šta bi se desilo? Šta bi se desilo
Ko bi rekao, ko bi rekao
Otvorila se zeljma i ludost je postala vodič
Šta bi se desilo? Šta bi se desilo
Kad bih ti rekla da sam videla da tvoja duša izlazi iz moje

Pusti mene

Ne znam
Ovo da budemo zajedno kako može ispasti
Kako se odvažim, tako se povučem
Ova zbunjenost mi nikako ne koristi
Može biti
Da nam se svidi previše i želimo da ponovimo
Ulaziš u moj život snagom puške
I poremetiš sve što sam postigla
Ne želim prepreke koje me mogu obuzdati
Ne želim tvoje ruke koje me mogu ubediti
Ne želim da izgubim uzde svoj srca
Pusti mene da te volim, pusti mene da umrem za tobom
Pusti me da mi nedostaješ
Jer ako ja pustim tebe bićeš moja propast
Bićeš moja propast
Ne znam
Opet ovaj haos po celoj mojoj sobi
Dolazi lenjost da me poseti u mojoj emociji
Ne znam da li da se izgubim ili da ti napravi mesto pod jorganom
Ne znam
Zašto mi je toliko teško da ostanem mirna
Zašto sam tako sigurna da može da me povredi
I sledim ovaj nagon da pijem tvoj razlog
Pusti mene da te volim, pusti mene da umrem za tobom
Pusti me da mi nedostaješ
Jer ako ja pustim tebe bićeš moja propast
Bićeš moja propast
Pusti mene da te volim, pusti mene da umrem za tobom
Pusti me da mi nedostaješ
Jer ako ja pustim tebe bićeš moja propast
Bićeš moja propast
Jer ako ja pustim tebe bićeš moja propast
Bićeš moja propast

Razbacana odeća

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Mirno dolaziš otpozadi
Snažno me grleći
Ne znam šta da radim, više ti ne tražim
Da mi ne razbijaš mnogo glavu
Ostavljam otvorena vrata u slučaju da želiš da uđeš
Jao nemoj mi reći da ne ulaziš
Ovde sam, niko me neće zaustaviti
Gledaj me i diraj me, voljna sam
Biće ono što biti mora
Ako nam još uvek bije koža i pustimo uzde
Još uvek želimo, želimo da se igramo
I na kraju je naša odeća ostala razbacana
Određuješ tempo a ja te pratim
Bez drhtaja idu moja usta do tvog uha
Tako je tvoja ova želja ta smehom
Hajde idi, sedi i sve mi ispričaj
I odjednom ponovo dišem
Tvoj miris je ostao u mojim grudima
Ne znam ni kako sam ti se predala
Otkad te nosim u svom snu
Biće ono što biti mora
Ako nam još uvek bije koža i pustimo uzde
Još uvek želimo, želimo da se igramo
I na kraju je naša odeća ostala
Biće ono što biti mora
Ako nam još uvek bije koža i pustimo uzde
Još uvek želimo, želimo da se igramo
I na kraju je naša odeća ostala razbacana
Uh ostala je razbacana la la la
Biće ono što biti mora
Ako nam još uvek bije koža i pustimo uzde
Još uvek želimo, želimo da se igramo
I na kraju je naša odeća ostala razbacana, razbacana


Život ima mnogo preokreta, kako dođe, sutra ode
Ostaješ ili pustiš uzde, ne greši, ugasićeš se
Iza leđa si mi zakačio osećanje koje nikad ne dolazi
Upoznala sam te na proleće, i pre nego što se završi mart, otići ćeš
Snovi u koje se zaljubljujem su oni ludi koje ne zadržavam
Interes ima noge, tako da ga veži ako ima tišine
Volim da maštam o tebi, da razmišljam o tebi polako i bosa
Volim kad mogu da te čuvam, iako te mrzim, jer me ubijaš
Jao, prestani
Ne znam kako da te dešifrujem
Ne znam da li sam bila ovde ranije
Ne znam da li da bežim ili da ostanem
I to je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep
Imaš ukus novog sveta, ali i čiste kontradikcije
U intimnom uzdahu svlačiš se u mojoj dnevnoj sobi
Izgledaš kao novčić koja na pismo i glavu igra za talenat
Povlačim traku i teram da tvoj zmaj lebdi oko mene
Jao, prestani
Ne znam kako da te dešifrujem
Ne znam da li sam bila ovde ranije
Ne znam da li da bežim ili da ostanem
I to je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep
Znam da kažem šta osećam
I da mislim šta kažem
Trag u vremenu
Sve je što sam ti tražila, vidi
Da nikad ne prestanem da te gledam
Da te ne bih volela uvek
Iznova i iznova
I to je košmar koji grize rep
To je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep
I to je košmar koji grize rep

Traži mi

Kiša lagano pada
Tvoj prolazak je oluja
Tišina koja se prekida
Suptilnom prirodom
Palim svetla po kući
Život se dešava i sve prolazi
Kao što prolazi miris
Intenzivan je takođe i način na koji me poznaješ
A to kako ljubiš je nešto što se nikad ne zaboravlja
Znam ono što je došlo da ostane
Prateći koordinate bez gledanja
Traži mi šta god želiš
Izbavi me iz ove sumnje
Traži mi iskušenje
Kada smo u mraku
Traži mi dnevnik svoje kože
Traži mi ono što nikad neću biti
Traži mi, traži mi, traži mi, traži mi
Zamke moga uma
Crtaju moj put
Osećam se kao putnik koji ide unazad
Sa svojom sudbinom
Imamo toliko mira koliko načina
To su ostaci želje koja ne nosi
Uvek nas ostavlja, ostavlja
Traži mi šta god želiš
Izbavi me iz ove sumnje
Traži mi iskušenje
Kada smo u mraku
Traži mi dnevnik svoje kože
Traži mi ono što nikad neću biti
Traži mi, traži mi, traži mi, traži mi
Traži mi dnevnik svoje kože
Traži mi ono što nikad neću biti
Traži mi, traži mi, traži mi, traži mi
Traži mi dnevnik svoje kože
Traži mi ono što nikad neću biti
Traži mi, traži mi, traži mi, traži mi

Iz tvojih očiju

Sa iste visine kao tvoje oči
Držim svoju dušu s merom
Uspeh nije u davalju sebe pomalo
Niti u rešavalju partije
U šupljini koja ide od ramena to tvog grla
Usudila sam se da ti nešto ostavim
Ne igraj se ako nećeš da se opečeš
Ne moli se ako ti vera više nije bitna
Mogu da te uvučem u potpunosti u svoj život
Da te pomilujem i da zaspim
Da se osetim gosporadicom sveta u svom naručju
Da se isključim i upalim te na brzinu
Da priznam da se u tvojim očima gubim
Jedna reč me je približila tvojoj stolici
Obukla sam se svesna da ću te videti
Nek se niko ne uplaši ako nas gleda
I vidi da se gledamo drukčije
Mogu da te uvučem u potpunosti u svoj život
Da te pomilujem i da zaspim
Da se osetim gosporadicom sveta u svom naručju
Da se isključim i upalim te na brzinu
Da priznam da se u tvojim očima gubim
Mogu da te uvučem u potpunosti u svoj život
Da te pomilujem i da zaspim
Da se osetim gosporadicom sveta u svom naručju
Da se isključim i upalim te na brzinu
Da priznam da se u tvojim očima gubim
Mogu da te uvučem u potpunosti u svoj život
Da te pomilujem i da zaspim
Da se osetim gosporadicom sveta u svom naručju
Da se isključim i upalim te na brzinu
Da priznam da se u tvojim očima gubim
Mogu da te uvučem u potpunosti u svoj život
Da te pomilujem i da zaspim
Da se osetim gosporadicom sveta u svom naručju
Da se isključim i upalim te na brzinu
Da priznam da se u tvojim očima gubim
Da priznam da se u tvojim očima gubim

Six doors

I have lost my shoes
Running down a hallway at midnight
I arrived at a square
With six doors and I didn’t know how to decide
One is which abandons me
Another always takes me back
Two of them are contradictions
And a fifth one is to open
And the last one is a circus, nothing is domesticated
My character crosses one side and on the other is the future
I let life run while I lower my arms
To the love wrapped in ties
That maybe hurt for me
I wanted to move around
I put the alcohol to burn
And it was the shadow that always walks behind
Fear of not seeing me
Fear of seeing me too much
I must not confess that it hurts when time flies
Prejudice is the claim of the poor puppets
I remove the label for you
You teach me everything else
And I thought I touched target but they did not convince me
They left me laughing with caches of champagne
I vomited in the alleys that didn’t seduce me either
And I left the heads that still have to be welded
I wanted to move around
I put the alcohol to burn
And it was the shadow that always walks behind
Fear of not seeing me
Fear of seeing me too much
I must not confess that it hurts when time flies
I wanted to move around
Fear of not seeing me
Fear of seeing me too much
I must not confess that it hurts when time flies
The day before I am one of those
Who always studies for grades
And although sometimes it defeats me
Not being up to the task

9 Days.

What a surprise love,
how long without seeing you.
Did your friends tell you anything about me?
I have gone out some minutes to entertain myself,
But I remembered you.
I have thrown on the floor our things,
Thus, somehow I feel you here.
And with a jump, I jumped off the mattress,
Having the sense that someone was opening the door....
How does a life with you?
How will I speak of love without you?
I said goodbye in a very brave manner,
My reckless words,
These did not expect to see me like this.
And 9 days go by.
And 9 days go by.....
If you sit down, I’m ordering some dinner,
If you come close, my hands will celebrate it.
I don’t want to know, nor I tell you,
What I want is you grab me,
and take me till the end.
That with a jump,
I have thrown myself off the mattress,
Having the sense,
That someone was opening the door...
How does a life with you?
How will I speak of love without you?
I said goodbye in a very brave manner,
My reckless words,
These did not expect to see me like this.
How does a life with you?
How will I speak of love without you?!
I said goodbye in a very brave manner,
My reckless words,
These did not expect to see me like this.
And 9 days go by.
And 9 days go by...
How does a life with you?
How will I speak of love without you....

Habit Of You

I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
As I do with the world that I saved to teach you
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I forget everything, I forget about myself
I forget the time we spend
At times I forget
I forget the wine that came to forget
I forget what he threw at us
More than a thousand reasons
I stay on your mouth, the kisses that exhaust
My legs beg me for asphalt and fly
There are four words, it's terrible to tell the truth
I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
As I do with the world that I saved to teach you
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I have a habit of you, it's obvious
I don't want to be the light in another story
Let me invent you
Let me undo your memory
How easy, to laugh and cry
I wanted to save myself without explanation
Make me a life
I leave an answer with a song
And of all the nights when it wasn't me
That I was mine, I was mine
I stay on your mouth, the kisses that exhaust
My legs beg me for asphalt and fly
There are four words, it's terrible to tell the truth
I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
As I do with the world that I saved to teach you
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I have a habit of you, it's obvious
I don't want to be the light in another story
Let me invent you
Let me undo your memory
I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I have a habit of you, it's obvious
I don't want to be the light in another story
Let me invent you
Let me undo your memory
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
Habit of you

Ask Me

The rain is falling slowly
Your step, a storm
Silence that is broken
With a subtle nature
I go around the house turning lights on
Life keeps on occuring, and everything goes by
The way a scent goes by
Intense is the way in which you know me so well
And the way that you kiss is something that can't ever be forgotten
I know that which came to stay
Tracing coordinates without looking
We look for...(a way)
Ask me for whatever you want
Release me from this doubt
Ask me for temptation
Once we are together in the dark
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me
The tricks that my mind pulls on me
Mapping my way
I feel like a passenger moving in reverse
His destiny in tow
We have as much peace as ways of getting there
They are remainders of desire that never comes
Always leaving one another, leaving one another
Ask me for whatever you want
Release me from this doubt
Ask me for temptation
Once we are together in the dark
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me to be that which I will never be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me for the diary of my skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me

Our Bride Says

Our bride says,
'What is the head called?'
'It is not called a head,
But spacious fields.'
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the hair called?'
'It is not called hair,
But silk for weaving.'
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the forehead called?'
'It is not called a forehead,
But a shining sword.'
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What are the eyebrows called?'
'They are not called eyebrows,
But ribbons from the loom.'
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What are the eyes called?'
'They are not called eyes,
But vast scenic overlooks.'
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the nose called?'
'It is not called a nose,
But a date with fingerprints.'
Oh, my date with fingerprints!
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the face called?'
'It is not called a face,
But a rose from the rose bush.'
Oh, my rose from the rose bush!
Oh, my date with fingerprints!
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.