My suit jacket has grown so old,
Versions: #2
My suit jacket has grown so old,
Like rags it droops and dampens my mood.
A man of major sorrow and woe,
I can’t buy new. Not anymore.
Once, I gave away many fine coats,
But now that I must do without dough,
On the street, no friend dares approach
After seeing my old tattered clothes.
Dress well, and they’ll look out for you.
Yes, they’ll trot right up close to you.
But, as if they themselves might wear away,
They shun the shabby, don’t say good day.
Свака ноћ увек тужна
Свакa ноћ увек тужна
свакa ноћ, увек замишљена.
Кажи ми, шта су ти о мени рекли
па су ти очи увек уплакане.
Нешто кријеш у свом срцу,
осећам то и видим у твом погледу
Јеси ли уморна од мене, треба ли да одем?
Немој ме мало по мало убијати.
Не плачи, стани. Доста је.
Ти знаш шта сам за тебе учинио
Знаш да су њуди завидни
не слушај лажи њуди око тебе.
They rode you out of Kokkinia
They rode you out of Kokkinia because you've done too many things
and in Chatzikiriakeio you fool girl
you started, you started rambling
You spent your money in Drapetsona in Paul and Gkikas' places
and in Tabouria at poor Mina's place
who was left longing
Here you should behave yourself, heard it you muddleheaded girl?
because if you came here for money
You'll leave with empty hands