Резултати претраге
Број резултата: 4
Nebo je plavičasto i tmurnoNekuda je nestao mesec
Ulica puna otopljenog snega
Ispod prozora drvo bez lišća
U snegu su duge pruge
Napravile tvoje finske sanke
Setno se na naslon
U očima ti odsutan sjaj
Pilerin, Pilerin
Ovde se danas nalazimo
U plavetnilu noći ispod uličnih svetiljki
Pilerin, Pilerin
Detinjstvo se ovde završava
Na ranoprolećnoj ulici
U grudima ti je letnje sunce
Prolećno veče ti je brat
Želeo bih da se baš ovde, napolju
Otvaraš rubove kaputa
Otkopčavaš spreda dugmiće svoje haljine
Sa vodom koja otiče niz kanalizaciju
Sramežljivost nestaje iz tebe
Stojiš u snegu kao od majke rođena
Znaš, da želim doći
U tvoju sobu, u tvoj krevet
Sa tobom da poludim
Danas se pretvorilo u juče
Na prugasti jastuk
Spuštamo glave i čini nam se
Ljudi su svi dobri
Ali na jutarnjem suncu
Otvaraš plave oči
Osluškujuješ kako iza prozora
Veselo mrmore vode
Nemoj mi u oči,
Kroz maleni komadić stakla
Svet izgleda zeleno
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid
Versions: #1The night here is warm,
slightly clammy and warm.
Nothing matters,
nothing matters at all.
In front of me on the table is a hyperboloid.
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid.
A bright ray,
a blindingly bright ray.
The verge of feelings,
the verge of our feelings.
Why this is a doom, a hyperboloid,
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid.
Dreaming charm,
your dreaming charm.
Zoja, my love.
My Zoja, my love!
Why that is longing, a hyperboloid,
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid.
Paris falls asleep.
Again, when Paris falls asleep.
We'll meet then.
Here will we meet then.
Why that is love, a hyperboloid,
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid.
A flag with a skull,
A flag with dead man's skull.
The peak of emotions,
The peak of your emotions.
Why that is freedom, a hyperboloid.
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid.
Blue waters,
The Pacific waters.
Marble palaces,
pink marble palaces.
Why that is paradise, a hyperboloid,
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid.
Life and death,
our life and death.
A divine allure,
Such a divine allure.
Why that is eternity, a hyperboloid,
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid.
The snow has come,
when the snow has come.
We'll meet again,
then we'll meet again.
Why that is a dream, a hyperboloid,
Engineer Garin's hyperboloid