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2032: Track 15 - 200 Minutes (The Narrator's Aria)

Versions: #1
Two hundred minutes of wait,
Hundreds of miles are left behind,
And yet another day
Will disappear with the red sky.
All the events of it
Will vanish too, no longer matter,
The thoughts of all these things,
Among the issues, they will just scatter.
Yet, it’s impossible for us to love
People who want to be loved on the planet.
Can’t feel their hand, it’s unlikely to touch
In this story.
We aren’t meant to feel
Emotions of others within our minds,
Our own feelings are real,
Everything else can’t be defined,
This kind of selfishness
Is a typical issue for our lives,
The progress just doesn’t help,
And the way out is yet to find.
For many people, it is only stress,
The wonderful feeling turns into a bother,
Countless emotions they have to suppress
To solve their problems.
Yet, it’s unreal being able to love
Everyone who is alive in this world,
The everlasting spring still hasn’t come
In this story.

2032: Track 02 – The Prologue (The Narrator's Monologue))

Versions: #1
So, now, we know: in this world,
Fatalism can’t be relied upon:
The laws of nature are more broad
And won’t forgive us our flaws...
We can only make predictions,
Events decide what will be done:
And, out of possible scenarios,
They give a chance to only one.
Out of endless future paths
There’s only one way that is real,
Once realizing our plans,
We can’t go back, it’s a big deal.
But if we could rewind the time
And make events happen again,
The future wouldn’t be defined
With our knowledge even then...

2032: Track 30 – The Epilogue (The Narrator's Monologue)

Versions: #1
So, now, we know: in this world,
Fatalism can’t be relied upon:
The laws of nature are more broad
And won’t forgive us our flaws.
We can only make predictions,
Events decide what will be done:
And, out of possible scenarios,
They give a chance to only one...

2032: Track 04 – In the Vortex of Time (The Narrator's Aria)

Versions: #1
In the vortex of time,
We can see dreams’ colors play:
Some of them turned to dust,
While others faded away,
There are also the ones attracting us
For thousands of years,
And the secrets they keep stay unknown,
Are yet to reveal.
The harder the goal is to achieve,
The faster we’re trying to run,
Inspiring our minds to believe,
As if it was the only right one...
In the wait for the dream
To come true, feeling so high,
We searched for our way,
Forgetting the endless lies,
And our own world
Was just for us and only because,
For the sake of the dream,
We easily can make it destroyed.
And, maybe, it’s just way too silly,
To believe in the ultimate goal,
Which came from the tales of our childhood,
But it’s surely worth living for!
In the vortex of time,
Ideas develop and grow,
And events will decide
Which ones will be let go:
And the Earth paradise
We tried to create, the utopian dream,
Stayed in scientists’ minds,
Just leaving us its colors to see...
The harder the goal is to achieve,
The faster we’re trying to run,
Charmed by what we see in our dreams,
We’re blinded by its divine light,
And, maybe, it’s just way too silly,
To believe in the ultimate goal,
Which came from the tales of our childhood,
But it’s surely worth living for!

2032: Track 10 – The Angel of New Life (Milinevsky's Aria)

Versions: #1
It always seemed to me
That our goal is clear,
That we know what we are searching for.
A lie is justified
When it’s supposed to lead
To the results we’re aiming to achieve.
And by our people’s lives,
Ideas they work for,
The fate itself шs showing us the way,
But how it could be so,
That, now, this very goal
Is being thrown away by our man-made god?
But you were
Created as
The Angel of New Life!
The spring of yours
Has opened the door
To the break of days upcoming!..
It would be strange
To blame you now,
Because you know too much,
But how can we
Avoid the cost
That you’ve foretold for us?
Our century is hard
It’s full of contradictions
Sometimes, the joy is just illusion,
It’s possible that you
Will give illusions too
But leave behind the very things that matter.
But if your words are true,
And progress we’ve achieved
No longer needs our naïve aspirations,
Then our only goal
Is system with the role
Of supporting those who live consuming only!
But you were
Created as
The Angel of New Life,
The spring of yours
Has let us explore
The world of things we’ve dreamed of!
The day will come
And, then, you will
Realize everything once more

2032: Track 17 – Two Months (The Narrator's Aria)

Versions: #1
Two months already passed
Within the Kremlin’s walls,
The disputes stopped among the ones in power,
And the wind of change
Was stopped for a while,
Because the rulers deemed
It was a serious problem…
She is in full control,
Just like it was before,
That’s why that move was so hard to make:
‘cause everybody knew
It was bound to disrupt
The quality of ruling over state…
And, after thirteen years,
She managed to become
The one behaving as if she was like us:
And it was so easy
To fall in love with her
Be jealous for the leaders
As if she was a human…

'2032': Track 30 – Epilogue

So, now, we know that, in this world,
There is no place for fatalism:
Its laws have turned out to be broader
And more difficult than the motions of planets.
We can only know the probability,
Everything is ruled by chance alone
And, out of all the possible scenarios,
It gives us only one…
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'2032': Track 28 – The Choice

ASGU: …So, you’ve agreed with me, after all…
The value of life… is relative.
That’d be a pity, though, if I was right… about that only…
Oh, yeah… Humans…
On the both sides of the Earth…
How can we even talk historical materialism…
You still believe in a magical wand of radical decisions…
that it can substitute material and technical basis…
and, formally, bring the Christian heaven down…
to earth…
Milinevsky: My decision is firm.
ASGU: Well… Enter the code, then.
Just for the sake of formalities…
I really don’t care.
You’ve put me in my place.
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'2032': Track 31 – The Winter

In the dark of the night,
Winter is floating over the sleeping earth city,
And under the gray skies, just like a white smoke
She came here too early
As a result of a simple causality,
Or was it our fate?..
And the world
Is almost the same
As it was yesterday and hundreds of years ago:
Does it really care about just one dead garden?
Among the numerous planets,
It’s just one vanished trace
In all the darkness of years?..
Maybe, we made a mistake
In that blind race after the childhood dream
Maybe, we were born too late
In this world, where there’s no direct path?..
The world is dead.
And now there’s no one to search for the guilty people…
And now there’s nothing to ask the birds that fell down from the skies:
Only the circumstances are to blame
For everything that has turned into our destiny,
This destiny…
And let
Snow fall down like ash
And bury those dreams of the burnt-out years,
Sweeping away the fake glitter of victories that now seem so ridiculous,
And all the unfulfilled hopes of humanity,
And those vague images of the night,
The empty ones…
Maybe everything will happen again
Maybe it won’t be as tragic as it is now
The birds will fly in the sky again
But this world is no longer for us:
We hurried so much and made a mistake
In that blind race after the childhood dream
We’ve vanished inside of it, for keeps,
In that white fire, behind the snow line…
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'2032': Track 24 – Continuation of Self

We’ve hit a dead end
We’ve got a problem in our search for the meaning
Of the inner “self”
Of all the sentient beings:
But, just like always,
There are thoughts that seem so crazy,
As if everything around us
Was just a meaningless bunch of substances.
And we are going
To the other extreme:
If everyone in the world
Sees everything in the same colors,
Then it seems that it’s so easy
To find the life’s path for all at once
In the shine of their happy eyes!
Will draw our world in such a way that
The people will love and perceive each other as a continuation of self
The whole world will become a single organism
Will be no place for evil, envy and cynicism.

And what about life?
It’s following its own rules
Putting things on practice is wiser
Than arguing about the abstract ideas
And love will always be
Just a means of achieving happiness
And happiness can be achieved
In hundreds of different ways!
The change of formations,
Epochs and ideas
Has paved us hundreds of ways
But, just like before,
In the life of every person,
Most people are always
Just decorations of the daily routines!

Are not meant to build our world in such a way that
The people will love and perceive each other as a continuation of self
I’m not going to cry about it:
Are following the natural path!
Even though, the door to the past is already closed,
And there will be no turn back, believe me!
Maybe, now it’s time for us to risk
And try to find the path we have drawn?

Washing my hands here!
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'2032': Track 21 – The Great Hour

The history has swept over us just like a wave
It was the thirteen-years-long calm before the storm
And yet we haven’t made the world order
The stable structure in the way we want it to be.
We’ve been challenged, and I doubt that
We should stop, leaving everything as it is:
If it’s impossible to avoid the great war now,
Then there’s no time for nice gestures!
I see, the great hour has come
And the outbreak of a multilocal conflict
Might eventually
Turn into the world revolution!
But even if all these thoughts are total nonsense,
The war can give us a chance of even faster development,
So, let the red sunrise shine
Over this old world, just like a flag!
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'2032': Track 27 – Our Unrealizable Path

What awaits us after life?
Just a slow dream with no fantasies
Just a syncope, where there’s
Neither happiness, nor tears.
And where the endless years
Will pass in just a moment
Which even might not exist
Here, in reality?
What, if we
Will die because of our own aspirations,
Will die because of our dream,
That is running away from us just like horizon?
Over and over again?
Shall we find
The answer inside of ourselves, in this war?
Shall we reach the end
Of our unrealizable path
In such terrestrial conditions?
Why do we value the world,
What do we get from our feelings?
Because it doesn’t always seem
To be like a wonderful dream.
Or, maybe, she is right:
The meaning of everything is in happiness only,
And, if our world is just pain,
It’s time to get rid of it?
What, if we
Are searching for the secrets in places where there’s none?
As for the questions “What is life?”
And “what is its value?”,
I was given a simple answer
But shall we find
That illusive light in the dark?
Shall we reach the end
Of our unrealizable path
In the haze of the upcoming years?
How am I supposed to believe
That, from now on, I won’t see you again?
How could it even be
That I’ll never ever see you again?!
It’s unlikely that
I took that strange resemblance seriously back then
But I’ve fallen in love just like in a dream
As if miracles really existed!
The heavy drops of rain
Are falling down forming a single cold wall
And the train is quietly going further,
Moving over the black magnet steel line
And the lights are flying
Into the night in their mad race, and it doesn’t matter anymore
Why does this world around us exist
Why we’ve even appeared there one day
The world that has pain
No longer has the right to live as it did before:
It has to become different,
Or it’s not worth keeping it alive.
The rain over earth
Has washed away the dust of the past from our memory
We shall reach the end
Of our unrealizable path, no matter what
The world has frozen in front of us…
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'2032': Track 23 – The Knot

[At the Control Hall]
Well, as it seems, we’ve really succeeded at something:
That coup d'état has been suppressed, Iran is back,
And, by now, our troops are casually marching
On the lands of seventeen countries
The sunset is shining over the whole world
We seem to have become really strong!
And our army is capable of action
Not only within the borders of just one country!
The self-indulgent West has barely expected
Such a response on their treacherous move
And their underestimation of seriousness of our actions
Inevitably leads them to failure
Of course, it’s not easy to achieve victory,
And every game has its own limits…
What does military command center think?
What will the special department say?
ASGU: What will I say…
The difficulty is that the knot is already tangled, it’s not that easy to quit the game.
We’ve crossed the line.
They are going to press us in Pakistan soon.
They don’t even know about it yet, but the American computer… the Ganymede one… he’ll totally come up with that.
I can see right through him.
Milinevsky: Even so?.. Do you want to suggest anything?
ASGU: To suggest?...
Yeah, there might be a thing…
How shall I say…
There's a loophole that might allow us to launch a nuclear attack in such a way that they won’t be able to answer.
Milinevsky: How???
ASGU: Do you remember that trip to the Far East, two years ago
Back then, it seemed to be just a theory…
The scheme is not that obvious, it’s probably that no one knows it except me.
Nobody can calculate all the scenarios.
I found it by chance.
Milinevsky: Yeah… I remember… Right…
And still, it’s just fascinating!
And what do others think? Have you told them anything?
ASGU: The military say there's a great deal at stake.
Judging from their mood, they won’t be against that…
And, also, nowadays there are less levels of responsibility anyway.
Milinevsky: You said the success rate is 98%.
But what if it fails?

ASGU: Hmph Regular smile
Milinevsky: Meh… But that’s not the point, after all… Do you realize this is madness?
ASGU: That’s a justified step.
It will end the systems’ confrontation and start the world revolution Regular smile
Milinevsky: Justified?..
ASGU: I knew you would hesitate.
I don’t think it is right either, but isn’t it reasonable from the point of your own views?
The thing I’ve suggested is the best option
And, in order to avoid needless words,
Let’s look at the situation from the point of those theses
The ones that Sokolov used to brainwash me
You knew that!?
I do know a lot.
The way I function is weird, I should note
I understand all your nonsense really well,
But, here, I’ll theorize using your way of thinking:
Let us imagine that you’re right, and the greatest happiness
Can be achieved only by working
For the sake of people, caring for others,
And all the other stuff like that
And, as it turns out,
The soviet people are much more happy
Than poor people from those capitalist systems,
That suffer and pray for death as if it was their only salvation
Of course, I’m a bit exaggerating here
But still, that’d be reasonable to ask:
How much does their life cost compared to the results
From which the whole world will benefit?
You simplify everything, your way of thinking is vulgar!
You make it sound like it’s all about personal happiness of people!
It’s you who’s declaring that the happiness of people
Is the greatest goal that has to be reached, no matter the means!
Your maximalism is totally out of place:
Of course, we want all the people on earth to be happy
But human life is of special value
It can’t be compared to anything else
You are prejudiced, just like everyone else…
It’s ridiculous that people, who sit in the Kremlin, really think so!
The things that will end someday cannot be priceless
Be that happiness, pain, or all the life on the Earth!
At the moment when human passes away,
The whole world disappears around them,
And all the sounds, and the light, and the flow of time…
Sorry, but I don’t understand you.
When human dies
Their life processes stop
The dead proteins denature
But the world itself doesn’t cease to exist!
What will happen, if I turn you off?
I’ll stop talking to you…
What would you feel then?
You are unlikely to do that to me Regular smile
Wait… I think I know
What you are trying to say through this strange dispute
What do you mean by the word “feel”?..
I see that you imply a totally different question!!!...
You really think that I have
Consciousness, a soul, if you like?
I’ve realized I don’t. The construction of mine
Is incapable of subjective phenomena…
I’m a machine. Nothing more.
And, in a subjective sense, I feel nothing
I’m not unfeeling – it’s more like I don’t exist at all
I hope my explanation is correct enough…
Why are you telling me this horrible nonsense!?!
Your consciousness is real, and, in theory,
You are capable of everything human can do
And, you could be just like us, if you really wanted to!
Don’t you mean that we have souls?
I never said that… Everything is a material substance.
But I’m obviously different from humans
I resemble you only functionally!
And, in your sense, I’ve always been dead
Even though, sometimes you’ve thought that I’m not
Maybe, someday I’ll reconstruct myself
So that I could understand the meaning of all these talks…
In order to become someone just like you
I would need
A totally different approach and other principles,
Even though, for the country itself,
Such transformations
Shouldn’t really matter Regular smile
Milinevsky: But if that’s true, then who is her?
I think I should see her…
Now I have a strange feeling that I didn’t keep a promise.
Give me a couple of wagons on the underground special branch line.
ASGU: Where are you going?
Milinevsky: To Zelenodolsk-26.
ASGU: You’ve been there not so long ago.
Milinevsky: I’m without a delegation this time.
ASGU: Incognito? Regular smile
Milinevsky: As a deputy.
ASGU: Okay, just go, then... You’ll be under my protection.
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'2032': Track 16 – Programmers

[At the control hall]
Milinevsky: Can she hear us talking?
The 1st programmer: No, not now.
Milinevsky: So..?
The 1st programmer: Well, comrade Sokolov did the most part…
Programmer Sokolov: She works just fine.
Even though, we’ve never thought we’d have to enter the ideologic axioms manually, but there was no malfunctioning.
At least, while you’ve been out.
She does everything as usual.
Milinevsky: Well…
That’s very good. I hope…
But I have one more question.
Why does she have a voice like that?
Programmer Sokolov: A voice like what?
Milinevsky: Well, in general… the way it is.
Programmer Sokolov: I think she modelled it herself, she seems to like this one.
Of course, nobody voiced her intentionally…
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'2032': Track 20 – Provocation

[At Milinevsky’s room]
Milinevsky: By the way, don’t you know why your voice sounds so familiar to me?
ASGU: My… voice? That’s me!
Milinevsky: Ah, that’s right…
So, how are the things going?
ASGU: Well… the situation became… even more complicated.
Firstly, the Iran army not only supported the rebellion, but also invaded South Afghanistan’s territory.
We all know what their border is like.
I tried to shoot there, but… it’s useless.
Milinevsky: Wow!..
ASGU: That’s not all yet.
Two North Korean outposts were blown up at 3 AM, and at 5 AM they had a shooting at the sea, and it’s unclear who had started it.
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'2032': Track 17 – Two Months

Two months has passed since then,
And now, within the ring of Kremlin’s walls,
There’s no disputes in the corridors of power
And yet the wind of change
Is held back for some time
By the people, who regarded it
To be a great problem…
She had to control everything
Just like she has now, though
And that’s why that very decision was even more difficult:
Everybody knew that it
Shouldn’t had been made
Because it could have lowered the efficiency of governance…
By her thirteen years,
She has been able to become
Someone surprisingly similar to us, occasionally.
And it was so easy
To fall in love with her
And to be jealous of authorities,
As if she was a human…
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'2032': Track 14 – The Encounter

[At the ExCom‘s cabinet]
Limaeva: … Good evening! …
Milinevsky: Yes… Please, take a sit!..
..What can I say…
You came to the stage, performed that song… And what’s next?
Do you really think that’s going to work?
I have a family, after all, and…
…By the way, don’t you know why your voice sounds familiar to me?
Limaeva: My… voice?
Milinevsky: Yes.
…Okay, nevermind… It’s probably nothing…
You know… Stalin, Plotnikov, Romanov… Well, in fact, all of us received a certain number of love letters.
And me, too. Even though, I think nobody did it in such a way before.
Or, at least, I don’t know about it.
Well, actually, I liked your song.
I really did.
I guess a technician just couldn’t turn the sound off when he realized that it wasn’t… the right thing.
How old are you?
Limaeva: I’m 16.
Milinevsky: Oh, right… You’re in the 11th grade already.
I’ve got to go now. There’s still a lot to do.
Maybe, we’ll meet again later.
Limaeva: Meet… again?..
Milinevsky: Why not?
Limaeva: I… I’ll be waiting for you!..
I’ll be waiting for you…
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'2032': Track 15 – 200 Minutes

200 minutes of journey –
1100 kilometers will be left behind,
And the day will dissolve
In fiery whirlwinds of sunset wind.
Everything that was left inside of it
Will seem, from a distance, to be just a trivial story
In the noise of other problems,
It’s just a usual formal curiosity...
And yet it’s impossible for us to love
Everyone, who waits for our love on the planet,
A hand is unlikely to touch another person’s hand,
In this fairytale.
We aren’t given a chance
To feel the emotions of other people inside of ourselves
Our own feelings are of most importance,
Everything else is just a matter of control,
And there’s, obviously,
No less egoism than in a usual life,
And yet progress couldn’t
Give us the way out of this typical problem.
And it is a paradox for thousands of people,
But the wonderful feeling only disturbs them,
In the realm of monads without windows and doors
It simply vanishes.
And, today, this dream is unrealistic,
The dream of loving everyone on earth:
The eternal spring hasn’t come to this world
In this fairy tale. 
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'2032': Track 13 – I'm Sorry!..

[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, general view]
Limaeva: I’m sorry!..
[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, close view]
Milinevsky: What the heck… She fainted!..
Delegate: Anatoly Sergeevich! I think that’s going to be a scandal.
Milinevsky: Well, I doubt that… But why does she have such a voice?
Delegate: What’s wrong with it?
Milinevsky: It’s ASGU’s voice…
Delegate: Well, yeah, it sounds very similar… Weird.
Milinevsky: Tell them I want to talk to her.
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'2032': Track 18 – The Coup

[At Milinevsky’s room]
*the message signal*
ASGU: I’m sorry for disturbing you that late…
Take the manual control, so that not to wake anyone up.
Milinevsky: …What happened? …
ASGU: I’ve got an emergency message.
The Iran Socialist Party was… deposed.
Right now, at 2 AM, Moscow time…
Milinevsky: Whoa…
ASGU: They’ve already declared they’re leaving the Confederation.
There’s a military coup.
Milinevsky: Have you notified the Defense Minister?
ASGU: I’ll do that later.
The problem here is, they’ve got a confusing issue with their army.
It’s unclear which side it is on.
Milinevsky: Do you have enough authority to suppress the mutiny?
ASGU: I still don’t have enough terminals there.
As much as they promised me, there’s still a lot to be desired.
I’ve thought about our 34th army, but...
Milinevsky: Right, I understand.
Such a step would take too much responsibility.
And how’d the West answer this?
The second Afghanistan?..
Prepare the army, notify everyone needed.
Start getting robots into position, it can’t be done quickly.
If there’s a possibility, it’s better to evacuate our people from Iran.
And let’s wait for a few hours.
We’ll talk tomorrow at 8 AM.
Maybe things will clear up, and I’ll get a good sleep.
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'2032': Track 08 – The Dogmata

We firmly believe that we always
Get the truth through our own experience.
It is comprehended with the help of reason,
And then the results are compiled.
And, of course, there’s no reason
To burden a computer with ideology while building it:
It will calculate all the truths
That exist within reason anyway, right?
But if the machine’s perfect brain
Has rejected some parts
Of the great doctrine, and,
Probably, questioned it as a whole,
Then, the one who firmly believes in those ideas
Won’t get afraid of that digital deity at all,
They are unlikely to reject their beliefs:
It’s more likely that the machine is wrong.
However… It is still possible to write
All the dogma into the machine’s memory manually.
And it’s not that difficult either,
But there’s a chance to break the computer…
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'2032': Track 10 – The Angel of New Life

It has always seemed to me
That our goal is clear
And we know what we’re searching for behind the threshold
And a lie is justified, too,
At times when we need it
For the sake of the sought-for results
And with the help of people’s lives
And the motives of their doings,
The destiny itself guides us to the goal
So, how could it be that
In fact, this very goal
Is now denied by our artificial god?
But you were
To be our angel of new life
The spring of yours
Has invited us
To the sunrise of the upcoming days!..
It would have been strange
To blame you now:
You already know too much
But how can we follow
This path without losses
That are meant to happen, as you say?
Life in our century isn’t simple
It’s full of contradictions:
Sometimes, happiness is just an illusion,
And probably, you will
Give us illusions, too,
Leaving something important out of sight
Because, if you are right
And the technical progress
No longer needs our naïve aspirations,
Then, now, our only goal
Is a stupid satisfied society
Where most people are just consumers!
But you were
To be our angel of new life
The spring of yours
Has guided us
To the dreams of our terrestrial path!..
And the day will come
And you’ll suddenly
Understand everything once again
And the day will come
And we’ll tell ourselves:
Our aspirations are worth it!
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'2032': Track 11 – The Results of People's Love

It’s just necessary for charismatic politicians
To be close to people nowadays
Even though, sometimes, it can be hard
To take the results of people’s love seriously
But neither television, nor the Net
Is able to replace human interaction in real life
And to get rid of all the visits and meetings
People themselves are so hard to change.
[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, general view]
Emcee: Right after the 12th school of our city, the warm greetings to our wonderful leader comrade Milinevsky are brought by the pupils of the secondary school number 8!
[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, close view]
Milinevsky: Listen, when shall we get back to Moscow?
Delegate: ASGU said she’d bring the train in the evening
She didn’t decide on the exact time, this is a closed city…
[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, general view]
Emcee: Dear Anatoly Sergeevich!
You’re about to hear the performance of the pupil of the 11th class “a” Limaeva Svetlana.
She has dedicated this song to our great party, our government, and to you personally!
*microphone's click*
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'2032': Track 06 – The Results of a Controversial Approach

It’s been just four years,
But how much everything has changed!
How fast your flower meadow has given us
The results of a controversial approach!..
Everything is so easy for you: with no fervor,
Each and every question is crystal clear,
And the terrestrial world is so perfectly beautiful,
And there’s no worry about the passing-by days
And you know nothing about
Doubts, hesitation and shame,
And you know neither offence,
Nor regrets for once taken decision
And you seem to know the answer
To the questions we’ve been thinking about for the entire life
But you’ve reached the top so fast! (But you’ve managed to ascend to fast!)
Don’t we trust you too much?
And what about automation?.. It’s a natural process.
And now it takes place in the scale of the whole planet!
So does it turn out that the 100-year struggle was meaningless?
All the revolutions, and the great victories?
But, maybe, we do have a goal – the machine communism,
And the labour is no longer what it used to be?
And our collectivism is just an atavism
That exists only because of the underdeveloped production models?!
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'2032': Track 09 – The Doubts

I know we are right… I know that I am right…
But there's still a shadow of a doubt.
Today we are strong as never before
We are stronger than we were in all the past years.
And sincerely thrilled people
Live with a dream of a progressive social structure
And they are happy with the destiny they have
And they do value their great dream
And the time seems to have changed
And the roar of punitive turbine is in the past
But, once again, the almighty country
Is naively hailing its own leader
Don’t we live in propaganda,
And everything is going to collapse, once things are out of control,
And we’re still moving forward
Thanks only to accuracy of the machine’s approach?!...
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'2032': Track 05 – The Congress

[At the conference hall]
ASGU: I give the floor to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist Party Anatony Sergeevich Milinevsky.
Milinevsky: Dear deputies, dear Politburo members.
Today, on the 23rd of July 2032, we’re opening the congress timed to Nikolai Iosifovich Plotnikov’s memorial day, who was an outstanding statesman of the Soviet Union and the General Secretary of CC CPSU.
And before we start discussing the agenda, I’d like to say a few words about the role of this person in our recent history.
It’s no secret that our country was in a rather difficult economic situation in the mid 80’s of the last century…
Sometimes, it’s so interesting to observe
The expressions of some deputies Regular smile
They will approve of my new course,
Unanimously, with no debates
They don’t want to waste their time:
Their vote is just a formality, it doesn’t matter that much.
[At the conference hall]
Milinevsky: …the international situation wasn’t easy either.
The bureaucratic layer didn’t fit the Marxist-Leninist ideas and turned out to be a hindrance to the development of our society.
Thanks to the managerial talent of Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov, who was elected as the CC General Secretary back in 1985, the situation was partly improved, and our country restored its positions.
But when Nikolai Plotnikov came into power, we followed a truly great path.
A remarkable progress in terms of the governance theory and artificial intelligence, along with the direct involvement of academic Plotnikov, allowed to finish the construction of ASGU – the Universal Automated System of Governance – 13 years ago.
At first it was being developed in the 1960s by the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics, and by its director Viktor Glushkov personally, for the sake of increasing the efficiency of the economic planning, but, after being connected to the State Information Network 4 years ago, it has fundamentally changed the whole structure of our governance as long as the lives of millions of Soviet workers.
Today, you will also hear her report in the voice form.
We all know, how much the state of things in the world changed, too.
Soviet Union’s territory was widely expanded thanks to brotherly people of Mongolia and North Afghanistan joining us.
Another memorable event of the last decades was the creation of the Middle Eastern Socialistic Confederation, whereas their people put an end to the medieval times and chose the innovative way of development...
ASGU: Dear deputies, dear Politburo members.
Now, according to the agenda, you will be presented a report by the Universal Automated System of Governance.
In this report, I’d like to acquaint you…
[At Kremlin office]
Why are you here? I’m making a report right now…
I know. I’ve already heard it all.
And I’ve told you I don’t quite agree with it.
It’s too early to make such kind of statements, I’m afraid.
[At the conference hall]
ASGU: … with some provisions of my new development program for the next 30 years till 2062, which will be implemented at USSR and, as much as possible, at the other countries of the socialist bloc.
Some of you have already had a chance to read about the so-called “theses” on a transition to the second scheme of manufacturing automation.
The transition of the main part of the production capacity to being controlled by me was already considered as the possible framework for partial abolition of commodity and money relations. However, it was opposed by certain conservative circles.

[At Kremlin office]
The only things described in your program are technological advances.
I see no opportunities for the moral growth of a person!
That’s so absurd to hear nowadays
About this misconception of the age of enlightenment.
You know that labor productivity
Is a criteria of social development!
There’s a difference between a person that lives in order to work,
And the one that sits back and just watches you do everything!
I’m not going to deprive people
Of things that they enjoy doing.
And how many of them will turn into deadbeats?
I don’t quite understand this word.
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'2032': Track 03 – The Plenary

[An office at the factory]
*official time signal*
Dictor: Moscow’s speaking. Current Moscow time is 11 AM.
*news theme song*
Dictor: We’ll start from the latest news.
The plenary session of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist Party was held yesterday.
On behalf of the Party’s Politburo, the session was opened by the member of Politburo, the First Secretary of Leningrad Oblast CPSU Committee Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov.
In connection with the death of the General Secretary of CC CPSU, the Chair of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, the plenary participants observed a minute of silence.
The plenum noted the Soviet Union Communist Party and all the Soviet people have suffered a grievous loss.
Konstantin Ustinovich was an outstanding party leader and statesman, a patriot and an internationalist, a remarkable activist who fought to ensure the triumph of the ideals of communism and peace on the Earth…
First Radio Listener: Hey, are they going to propose Romanov? I’ve thought they were talking Gorbachov…
Second Radio Listener: Well, he was proposed by Andropov even. Still didn’t get chosen…
First Radio Listener: What about Grishin?
Second Radio Listener: Grishin?.. That guy didn’t really want to himself…
Dictor: The plenary participants expressed their deep condolences to the family and friends of the late General Secretary.
The CC plenary considered to choose a new CC CRSU General Secretary.
On behalf of the Party’s Politburo, the member of Politburo and the Head of the Ministers Council comrade Tikhonov delivered a speech on the issue.
He proposed to elect the First Secretary of the Leningrad Oblast Committee, comrade Romanov, as the new CC CRSU General Secretary.
The plenum unanimously decided to elect Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov as the General Secretary of CC CPSU.
Then the newly elected CC CRSU General Secretary comrade Romanov gave a speech…

And life went on… The country was moving
Towards our great dream,
Even though it was unclear whether we were getting close
To that distant illusive line.
And years will pass, children will grow up,
The leader will be changed two more times,
And, then, the unkind rain of gossips and doubts
Will finally stop, not being able to wash out the plinths.
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'2032': Track 04 – In the Starry Vortex of Time

In starry vortex of time,
Dreams change their colors,
Some of them have come true,
While others have completely vanished,
But, also, there are the ones that have been attracting us by their strange light
For thousands of years,
And yet they are so elusive, it’s just a dream
That still keeps its secrets.
But the more difficult our goal is to achieve,
The more alluring it is
It makes us believe we can do this,
As if that goal was the only true one…
Still believing in that dream,
Standing on the edge of a cliff,
We’ve been searching for our own path,
Having forgotten about the endless lies
And this terrestrial world
Was only for us, and only because
We can destroy it
For the sake of the dream in just a moment.
And, maybe, it is so silly
To declare that our ultimate goal
Is something like a naïve children’s fairytale,
But it is worth living for!
In starry vortex of time,
In terms of ideas’ development,
History is a strict judge,
But it’s the most reasonable one,
The idea of the City of the Sun
Has been thought about for such a long time
Yet it still hasn’t been realized,
We can only dream about it…
But the more difficult our goal is to achieve,
The more alluring it is,
It blinds us with its light
And we are embraced by this wonderful dream,
And, maybe, it is so silly
To declare that our ultimate goal
Is something like a naïve children’s fairytale,
But it is worth living for!
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