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My bride will truly sob for me

My bride will truly sob for me,
My friends will pay my debts for me,
Others will sing all the songs for me,
And, perhaps, my enemies will toast to me.
I am not given interesting books to read,
And my guitar is without strings,
And I'm not allowed beyond and I'm not allowed below,
And for me there is no sun and no moon.
I am not allowd freedom: I have no right,
One is only to go from the door - to the wall,
I'm not allowed to the left, I'm not allowed to the right,
One is only allowed a piece of the sky, one is allowed to dream.
I am dreaming, how I come out, how my padlock is opened,
How my guitar is returned,
Who will be waiting there for me, how I shall be embraced,
And which songs will be sung for me.

March of the divers

We are pulled to the ground like ballast.
We are tenacious, light like phalanxes,
On the feet shackled in flippers,
And our bodies - in aqualungs.
Into the deep it is not easy to get,
We compress till the cheekbones cramp,
We fear the caisson disease
And, maybe, - sharks.
Thirst tormented - could do with water!
Here it is beautiful - all these are fairy tales, -
Here are only goggle-eyed fish
They look astonished into our masks.
We can understand the ones lying in beds,
Come to know the searching of the ford?!
We must get to the destination,
Where our third man is without oxygen.
We weep - even if we are men:
He is crammed in a coral cave, -
Like a true knight of the deep,
He died with an open visor.
May fate prove enduring, -
He made what he could and should do, --
Victory celebrated the coincidence, -
Now what else, we shall prolong it tomorrow!

Song of a mouse

Save! Save! Oh horror, oh horror!
I don't surface any more, if I dive, -
I shall swim a little, I shall make a big effort,
But threngths will leave me - and I shall drown.
You could secretly answer me:
Am I a fishy mouse or a mousy fish? ..
I lay quietly in the comfortable hole.
Read, dreamed and ate puree.
And suddenly - the sea nearby,
Only as if a cat had cried, -
I have been in it soaked like a mouse,
And chilled to the marrow like a dog ...
Save! Save! I want as before,
Into the hole - on the divan of dried reed! ..
Here swim girls in outer clothing,
Who don't love mice at all.
And so I shiver from the ankle bones to the palms,
And they tell me about terriers and cats!
And suddenly a catlot will fall upon me,
Will decide falsely, that I am a mouselot! ..
There it was! I chattered with the teeth
Of cold and fear, -
I am here soaked like a mouse,
Chilled to the marrow like a dog.

I had forty surnames...

Versions: #2
I had forty surnames,
I had forty passports,
I was loved by forty woman,
I had two hundred foes.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I tried,
No matter how hard I strived-
All the same, to have a feast fight,
Someone have always came by.
And though my road is long and weary,
And though I deserved a praise-
About me won't be written obituary
On the corner of the paper's last page.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I strived,
No matter how hard I tried,-
Someone have always came by-
And together we drink through the night.
And though I believed in pure and fair-
For example, our Soviet state,-
They won't erect for me a monument in the square
Somewhere at the Peter's gate.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I tried,
No matter how hard I strived-
Just the same I'm drunk every night,
Just the same I'm on downhill ride.
I'm writing the songs about dramas
And about pickpockets sad life,-
You won't see me on the billboards
Of a popular pop stars that you like.
But I don't regret!
No matter how hard I fought,
No matter how hard I strived-
I have always been caught-
And in prison spend half of my life.
Some say, that everything will fall into place.
Stop drinking? .. Apparently, it's not what I'm,-
Just the same, they won't mint my face
On the coins instead of an emblem.
But I don't regret!
So why should I try?
So why should I strive?
To understand the meaning of life-
One need to get very drunk!

Two fates

I lived splendidly the first third,
For the twenty years I was in the world -
according to learning,
I lived unthinkingly, but I was busy,
Swam, where my eyes looked, -
with the stream.
I thought - there is it, the reward, -
However I neither use oars,
nor palms.
Mosquitos, horse-flies and wasps
Bloodsuckers tormented,
but didn't harass me.
At the beginning I heard from the riverbank
shouts to help,
rescuing them.
They have waited, poor devils, -
I lay, mad with home-made beer,
If shaken at the turning,
Wrapped up in the maelstrom -
everything improves.
I take my shoes off, put them on,
I indulge seeing myself in the water -
it pleases me very much.
The banks fluctuate past the boat,
And now I spoil my throat
with mead.
After a superfluous gulp
Look - I am swimming not alone, -
but with an old woman.
And while I am astonished,
The mist comes down
I appeared at the hopeless place, -
And the enormous old woman
Guffawed right into my ear
the evil beast.
I shout, - I don't hear the scream,
I can't say a word with fear,
I don't see well,
The wind rocks me ...
- Who is there? I hear - the answer:
- I am, the Evil One!
Stop making the signs of the cross and lamenting, -
You won't be saved by the holy
Those, that throw away rudder and paddle,
Are driven away by the Evil One -
as it is usual! -
In the darkness I am looking for the way,
A little gulp of mead -
Only a hundred gramme each time, -
And she doesn't fall asleep,
She strides in front of me
with a heavy gait.
There, she stumbles over the roots,
Because of such an obesity
is badly groaning.
Now she has even shortness of breath,
And wears out however - thither,
the bad creature.
Suddenly meeting us is a living,
A limping, crooked one,
the mug cunning.
And shouts: - You are standing over the abyss,
But I shall save you, my dear one,
your tears I shall wipe away! -
I asked: Who are you? -
And she to me - I am the Crooked One, -
Well, she says, I shall bring you out, -
- And though I am lopsided,
Twisted, squinting, -
I shall bring you out.
I exclaimed, pouring out:
- Get me out, Crooked One!
I am dependent!
I shall supply you with a jug,
Improving your crookedness -
Only bring me out!
And you mummy, daughter of a bitch,
Now come on drink a little gulp -
your are nervours.
You forget me for some time,
You are thick - in the harem
you will be the first one. -
And the two old women fell
Beside a big bottle of mead
They succumbed to dipsomania and hysterics.
I am hiding behind the hummocks,
I move slowly backwards
straight to the banks.
Quickly I rowed to the torrential current
And with two strokes to the middle -
oh, I am a scoundrel!
You shall kick the bucket, boozed up,
Two of my fates -
Crooked One and Evil One!
Probably after a malicious calculation
And under the secret care
of anybody
I am a blockhead and was unlucky,
And dragged along by troublemakers,
in the course of the current.
It appeared to me, life is a delight,
Well, neither oars are needed, oh not needed -
oh, I am a scoundrel!
...they moved howling away,
My two fates -
Crooked One and Evil One.

Ways, ways - the steps are not counted ...

Ways, ways, - the steps are not counted,
And one doesn't know, where is the end of the road, -
We walk along the way on different sides
And we are not able to get across.
Smile to me at least somehow with glances,
Smile - I am opposite, I am next to you.
If I run during the red light, I'll be fined - no misfortune, -
Only suggest to me - when.
A smile, a smile - for whom is it?
I however am waiting like nobody else,
I am rooted to the spot and shut my eyes, open them - but you are alone,
And again I missed the crossing.
Smile to me at least somehow with glances,
Smile - I am opposite, I am next to you.
If I run during the red light, I'll be fined - no misfortune, -
Only suggest to me - when.
I stride - who will forbid it!
And the steps count out the road.
I am ready to go to infinity with you -
Only don't turn to anywhere else.
Smile to me at least somehow with glances,
Smile - I am opposite, I am next to you.
Our road is long, but I fear it will all end, -
Pass it, if I don't decide.

Duet of the separated

The way broke the steppe in half,
And it is obscure where the end of the way is, -
On the way we go on different sides
And cannot cross them.
How many winters will this way shed light?
Somebody should risk - decide ...
We have to talk with each other - the crossroad is not far off,
Cross it, in case it never occured to me!
The way, the way across the earth -
Across fate with a deep track, -
Many have found themselves a fellow-traveller
Not for long - but not a life companion.
Flash through one's mind like a smirking calamity,
Divorced forever - forked ...
Where are the necessary words, who finds them first?
Again I mist the crossing.
The river! - was dispatched to us both like a deliverance,
One has only to stretch out the hands ...
But again, again we stand on different flight decks, -
Suggest to us anything!
The wind of the Volga, intoxicating and viscous,
Whispers into the souls, only prompting:
There is not much time - hurry and don't wait on the end of the way, -
But who will first risk to get across.

An uncommon day - warm and it doesn't thaw ..

An uncommon day - warm and it doesn't thaw, -
Obviously nature has resources, -
Now ... and how that often happens,
I lie on the lyrical course.
The heart beats, as if I were dead drunk
Drunk I am, as if filled right up to the throat:
I simply drank six turkish
Black coffees, - and it knocks!
To drink such a dose is not advisable, but
It is not advisable even not to love! -
There is an acquaintance - a virtuosic
He proves, that one cannot live.
No, life is possible, one must live and - much:
Drink, suffer, be jealous, love,
Don't let life drag along in poverty -
But breathe it, sing it, drink!
And without batting an eyelid you've no time -
And it's time already to put on a play in the box.
You grow sad, will be reflecting, will be sorry -
But ... it's time already that you have one foot in the grave.
One must thus, when you were summing up
By everything, that passed - be able to say:
'I have all the same not lived badly, -
Drank, loved, been jealous and suffered!'
No, in spite of everything nature is richer!
What a day! What is poetry? - gibberish!
... However, I have written it down differently
As I wanted. What can I do - I am no poet.

Whilst you are here in the bath-tub ...

Whilst you are here in the bath-tub with glazed tiles
Wash, coddle, get warm, -
In the cold he himself with the scalpel
Cuts out the appendix.
He sees every motion
And sees, how the heart bounds, -
Oh what a pity, hold on, citizen,
Just look into the mirror!
To the aim nearer and nearer, -
If the pain would be easier to bear! ..
Oh, it's easier to cut on the rupture
For all who conquested Antartica!
You all brawl drinking vodka
With big-big gulps,
And he sews himself up - do you understand?
With big-big stitches.
He is a hero! Now grasp the point:
Nowhere they are able to bring about so much, -
What is für us Antartica with Artica,
What is for us Albania with Poland!


The proverb sounds flowery:
Don't delight in last year's heaven -
Don't return - where some time was paradise,
And stop fooling around - go there where you haven't been.
What does nature only make with us there!
It is difficult for rumours to reach thither.
There each person you meet - could be a tsunami!
With storm in the soul and in the head!
Peace is here, indeed, not to buy anyway -
But you will come back, say your friends,
In defiance of the proverb you will act -
You will go there, where you met them once!
What does nature only make with us here!
It is difficult for rumours to reach hither.
Sometimes tsunamis are born here
And wreck everything in the soul and in the head!
On the sea it is calm, but in the world there is no peace -
The locator is looking for his object over the clouds,
Alarm - if anything happens -
Or the signal: Attention - Tsunamni!
Today I propose a toast with friends!
Tsunami is an indifferent wave.
More awful calamities happen than tsunamis
And joy is stronger than it!


Now what have we soldiers been guilty of,
That our cannons were not covered up?!
As long as the enemies don't throw away their truncheons,
Is no avoiding without fights and wars.
I would cannons and mortars
Never load,
I should not even be able in a shooting range -
Children's Christmas trees I decorated.
But only just now
Came an order
To go to a suppression,
Amd I sing,
As always,
That grief is no disaster, -
But hard in the training,
And in the battle as well.
The shoulder begins to itch, if ours are defeated!
The shot down, the wounded - drag away!
I am calm before the battle, but in the attack merciless,
Now and after the battle - gentle!

March of the antipodes

When you collapse through the earth out of shame
Or curse:
'May I fall through space!'
Without all kinds of difficulties you land hither,
And we meet lawfully in all honesty.
We are the antipodes, we live here!
With us here are antiordinates.
We stand firmly on our own heels, -
Who is not on the heels, are the antiheels!
But for some reason they fly in hastily,
On the heads stand the scatterbrains and bunglers,
And even try to be able to walk on their heads
Antichildren, antimums, antipapas ..
We are the antipodes, we live here!
With us here are antiordinates.
We stand firmly on our own heels,
And who is not with us, are the antiheels!

Song about the new time

Like a summoning alarm bell sound heavy strides in the night, -
That means, we must leave and bid a farewell without a word.
The untrodden paths along stamped horses, horses,
Unknown to which end carrying away the riders.
Our time is different, evil, but look for happiness as in olden times!
And in pursuit we fly after it, that runs away.
Only by this race we lose our best comrades,
At full tilt we don't notice, that the comrades are not beside us any more.
We shall long take the lights for fires,
It will be long that the squeaking of boots seem illomened to us,
Children's games will be with old names of the war,
And people will long devide into ours and the enemies'.
And when the din, the burning and weeping is over,
And if our horses under us become tired to run,
And if our girls change the greatcoats for dresses, -
Don't forget that time, don't forgive and don't give up! ..

Long, however you look in the envelope, ...

Long, however you look in the envelope, a leaflet, -
The last terms have passed!
But because he is in the Far East,
That is far in the east ...
Impatiently you are awaiting an answer -
News with a few words ...
We meet here at daybreaks
Eight hours earlier.
Here roar the steamers till the morning
Surrounded by oceanic noises -
Not because it is called the Pacific,
It is indeed pacific.
Impatiently you are awaiting an answer -
News with a few words ...
We meet here at daybreaks
Eight hours earlier.
Don't get frightened about stories,
As if here is the very brink of the world, -
Behind is still Sachalin, and then -
Our round planet.
Impatiently you are awaiting an answer -
News with a few words ...
We meet here at daybreaks
Eight hours earlier.
They say - here is, of course, not the paradise,
But the correspondence is intolerable, -
You know that, my love, you are summoned:
The Far East - that is near!
Soon you will get an answer -
News with a few words!
Together we would meet at daybreaks -
Eight hours earlier!

I am fed up to the back teeth, to the chin

I am fed up to the back teeth, to the chin -
Even of the songs I am getting tired, -
Lie on the ground, like a submarine,
Not possibly be located!
My friend gave me vodka in a glass,
My friend told me, that it will pass!
My friend introduced me to Verka at a drinking binge:
Verka will help and vodka will save.
Neither Verka nor vodka helped:
With the vodka - a hangover, but with Verka, -
what to do!
Lie on the ground like a submarine,
And transfer no call signs! ..
I am fed up to the back teeth, to the throat -
Oh, I have enough of singing and playing, -
Lie on the ground, like a submarine,
Not possibly be located!

All has not been as wanted at the beginning ...

All has not been as wanted at the beginning,
Though everything has been like at the people's,
But here for some reason they kept silent for a long time,
And the songs for them sounded differently,
But perhaps, that's not needed for them, so it's more difficult ...
And a bit merrier is wanted.
Now by all means!
We are feeling well, but by far more interesting,
If everthing wouldn't be so good,
And people thought of sad songs,
With me she isn't bored, I'm not bored with her,
She is loved and praised - songs with soul:
Now please have another drink!
Now be all means!
Since the Middle Ages similar idylls
Nobody of the people had seen:
They did not go to cineman without the other one,
They set one another's watches -
They became cunning to meet quicker,
You don't believe it? What? Because they were children?
Now by all means!

I am calm, he disclosed everything to me ...

I am calm, - He disclosed everything to me.
'Don't hide', - he ordered, - and I say:
Who offended or betrayed me, -
Will be punished by the One, whom I serve.
I don't know, how - a knife under the ribs,
Or burn down their house and all the property,
Or dismiss, close up the ranks, deprive of freedom ...
When - I again don't know, - during the year.
Or now, but maybe - already:
Fate is not to be avoided at the curve.
And on it's crooked way it's not to be overtaken,
Regardless also of the consequences to elapse ...
And I?- What'll I do! I am calm, about myself - at least
Throw us a shower of stones or a buck-shot.

Song of the sentimental boxer

A blow, a blow ... another blow ....
Again a blow - and see
Boris Butkeyev (Krasnodar)
Carried out an uppercut.
There he pressed me into the corner,
Where I scarcely missed being hit,
See an uppercut - I am on the floor,
I am not feeling well.
I thought Butkeyev smashed my jaw:
And life is good, and life is good!
At the counting to 'seven' I'm still lying -
My countrymen sob.
I stand up, dive, stretch -
And I get points.
Thats's not true, it seems like I am
Keeping my strength back till the end, -
To beat a man into the face
I couldn't do since childhood.
I thought Butkeyev smashed by ribs:
And life is good, and life is good!
On the tribune they whistle, on the tribune they howl:
'Get at him, he is a coward!'
Butkeyev forced me to a close combat -
And I pressed against the ropes.
But he cucceeded - he is a Sibirian,
They are persistent,
And I told him: 'Freak!
You are tired however - get a rest!'
But he did not listen - he breathed,
That to live is good, that life is good.
And he beat on and on - healthy devil! -
I see: there will be a calamity.
Boxing nevertheless is not a row, it's a sport
For the courageous and so on.
He hit again, twice, thrice -
I ... am lacking in strength,
The referee raised my hand,
With which I did not beat.
He lay and thought - that life is good.
For some it is good, and for some - damn all.

I am losing the true faith

I am losing the true faith -
It hurts me over our USSR:
Examine Nasser's decoration -
The decoration doesn't suit Nasser!
One may even swear from the platform in bad language,
Distribute presents obliquely all over the place,
Call Nasser our brother. -
But give him the Medal Gold Star of the Hero* - that's to squander!
Why is no gold in the country?
Gave it away, the bastards, gave it away!
It would have been better to have given it during the war, -
And Nassers would later forgive us.

The meter

He said to us over and over again: 'She is mine!'
Yes you are making me laugh, my friend, yes you are making me laugh!'
Go away lad, - you are awfully drunk, -
But then you run up against, my friend, look you run up against!'
But he shouted: 'Now I don't care!
Get into the taxi-cab - let's take a ride!
May the meter click - it doesn't make a difference
At the end of the way one has to pay.'
I am not sorry for such chaps.
'Leave sin alone!' - I repeat again.
And he - to me, and always - about her ...
'And now - no word, my friend, look no word!'
With the wine got my blood into the temples -
And continuously smiling,
I told him softly 'No matter whatsoever
At the end of the way one has to pay!'
For tears and requests I am deaf -
I desire to fight, oh how do I desire it!
Either if you want to, my friend, or if you don't want to, my friend, -
Pay the expenses, pay the expenses!
And life flashes by, like a silent film, -
I feel well, I want to smile, -
And the meter - clicks and clicks - yes never mind
At the end of the way one has to pay.

I eat up the mess on the dish completely ...

I eat up the mess on the dish completely.
Look, people, how bravely I protest!
Though I hiccup, but I'll become hard like a Rescuer,
And was taken for this idea to a detoxification centre.
There began to play the music for everybody,
And old and young accustomed to keep order -
Dance generally gymnastics,
But I - fell with momentum like lumberjacks:
Play tango - I dance squating.
A fish-day was declared - what are we sad about?
Whiting with butter into the throat - and we keep silence like fish.
Become cheerful: whiting salmon - fraternized,
There will come a bird-day - we shall fly,
We fall down - so spirits on the injury.


Affairs tormented me -
every day, every day, every day ...
Burnt are songs and poems -
nonsense, nonsense, nonsense!
The whole year
She lived - and suddenly she took,
made ready and went, -
And so -
Are again cheerful things with me.
Now -
At least the whole evening give,
give, give, -
I shall only speak!
Out of hand,
Out of hand went affairs here badly
with me went affairs, -
And suddenly -
Burnt bursting into flames completely -
not the things, but the ashes!
The whole year
Lived - was - suddenly she took,
made ready and went, -
And here -
Are such sad affairs with me.
Now -
At least the whole evening give,
give, give, -
I shall even speak!

The locomotive rushes along valleys, ...

The locomotive rushes along valleys, along hillocks,
It rushes nobody knows whither -
The little guy named himself a cheat and thief,
And his life is an everlasting play.
Wait, locomotive, don't bang the wheels
Conductor put on the brakes.
I am going home to mummy with the last greetings
I want to appear in front of her eyes.
Don't wait for me mama, for the good son,
Your son isn't the one, how he was yesterday.
I am swallowed up by a dangerous quagmire,
And my life is an everlasting play.
And if they put me behind bars,
In prison I shall test the bars,
And may the moon shine with her corrupting lights,
All the same and I'll escape.
And if the prison guards notice,
That I, the little guy, is missing.
Alarm and a shot will be fired, and with the head down
I'll fall under the wall of the prison.
I shall be in a bed of the prison,
I shall lie and die.
And you'll not come, my dear mummy,
To kiss me before my death.
The locomotive rushes along valleys, along hillocks,
It rushes nobody knows whither.
I am going home to mummy, ill and hungry,
I hurry to appear in front of her eyes.
Wait locomotive, don't bang the wheels.
It is time to look fate into the eyes.
It's not too late to make a stop.
Conductor, put on the brakes.

The wooden costumes

How we all tend to be merry and sullen,
But if we must choose and choosing is difficult,
We choose the wooden costumes,
People, people ...
To us will long be suggested - not to miscalculate.
- Oh! - it is said, - what do you say, you haven't lived yet!
You must only-only begin ... -
Now, and then will be offered: either - or.
Either beaches, viewing of exhibitions or even
Steamships, with filled holds,
Carriages, horse races, tours, voyages ...
Or simply - the wooden costumes.
And they will be merry and sullen,
And they will be in the roles of the bad buffoons or good judges,
But us will be offered the wooden costumes,
People, people ...
Us may even be offered to smoke.
- Oh! - they remember, - you however have long not smoked.
Yes, you already not began to live ... -
Now, and then will be offered: either - or.
The smoke of a cigarette casts something ...
One inhaling - the thoughts get merrier.
The desire to smoke, oh, smoking desire!
But one must select the wooden costumes.
They will be polite and gentle so much -
A happy life will be offered on a dish.
But we shall refuse ... And beat them brutally,
People, people, people ...

The parrot's song

Listen all of you - oho-ho, eheh-hey!
I am, a parrot - pirate of the seas:
I was born in the year one thousand some time
In the banana-liana thicket,
My papa was a parrot cockatoo,
At the time not a speaking one yet.
But I soon abandoned the virgin forest:
Was captivated by the awful Hernan Cortes, -
He began to shout at my poor papa,
But he could not answer Hernan.
He couldn't, was unable to answer.
To take revenge - the whole night through
I learnt three words, together only three.
Obstinately I forced myself - to repeat:
Caramba!', 'Corrida!' and 'Go to hell!'
Listen all of you, - oho-ho, eheh-hey!
I am, a parrot - the pirate of the seas.
A storm has caught us on the way back,
It was especially hard on me.
An English frigate under the name of 'Brig'
Boarded our vessel.
There was a fight hand to hand for three nights, two days -
And the wicked pirate captivated me.
So I began to swim on various vessels,
In the region of the equator in the northward ice.
On various pirate vessels.
They gave me coffee, cocoa, to eat,
To welcome them with 'How do you do?'
But I repeated the whole night through:
'Caramba!', Corrida!' and 'Go to hell!'
Listen all of you, oho-ho, eheh-hey!
I am, a parrot - the pirate of the seas.
Hundred years I swam as a pirate and what now?
A good for nothing sailor
Sold me in slavery for a broken half-kopek piece,
And I was already a speaking one.
A Turkish pasha broke the knife in two,
When I said to him: 'Pasha salam!'
And the pasha simply fainted,
When he noticed, that I already write,
Speak, sing and cry.
I saw India, China and the Iraque.
I am an individual, not a Polly-fool.
Thus only thinks a savage.
Caramba!, Corrida! and Go to hell!


The sky on this day - is clear,
But now there are armours rattling.
And above our earth - droning began,
And the trees in the tar - are sad.
Smoke and ashes stand like crosses,
Nests on the roofs are not built by the storks.
Spike - in the colour of amber - are we managing?
No! In vain, face it, we sowed.
What's there in those colours of amber shining?
That's like fields on fire cracking.
Dispersed to all sides from calamity ...
There are no more singing birds - but crows!
And the trees are in dust in the autumn.
These, that are able to sing - stopped it.
And love is not for us, - that's true indeed,
What is more important now than hatred?
Smoke and ashes stand like crosses,
Nests on the roofs are not built by the storks.
The wood makes a noise like always, in the tree-tops,
And the earth and water - moan,
But without a miracle - it doesn't work.
The prewar wood sounds.
They dragged themselves away from calamity to the east,
There are no more singing birds, no storks
In the air are preserved noises diversely
But now in there is - roaring, clanking.
Even clatter of horses' hoofs,
If someone begins to shout - then in a whisper.
They dragged themselves away from calamity to the east, -
And above the roofs there are no storks ...

On the way I met not only once scoundrels ...

On the way I met not only once scoundrels,
But for one I felt a special enthusiasm -
He treacherously flung a handfull makhorka* in the face,
A knife into the belly - and disappeared.
I am healthy, I survived, I didn't believe the surgeon,
Now and I believe revived him,
One cannot find such hands but in Amercia -
I won't forget him.
I set my dreams to apply the brakes,
Waited for a meeting and came to that place.
I really didn't fling makhorka in the eyes,
But then I began to smoke.
I never met with such pleasure
Such unconcealed scoundrels.
But now I am satisfied: oh, how he lay,
No breath, amidst fire-wood!

I walked once through the capital

I walked once through the capital and
Accidentally hurt two passers-by.
And for that was taken to the police,
I saw her - and was lost.
I don't know, what she was doing there -
Obviously she went to get a passport.
Young, beautiful, white ...
And I decided finding her.
Went behind her - and remembered the front door.
What shall I say to her - that I'm a hooligan however ...
I have been drinking - and invited the beloved
Into the restaurant of the railway-station.
Now and the passers-by smiled at her -
All the same I simply shout 'Help!' -
One individual I hit in the mug
Did it, because he winked at her.
I spread caviare on her sandwich,
Money flooded simply like a river.
I ordered for her special songs! ..
And at the end ordered 'Cranes'.
Promises I gave her until the morning
Repeated them to her again and again.
I had for five days not robbed anybody,
My love at first sight!
I said, that my life is lost,
I blew my nose and wept into my scarf.
And she told me: ' I believe you -
And am willing to give myself to you for a reasonable price.
I beat her, my white bird, -
My hot blood boiled over:
I understood, what she made at the police
My love at first sight.

Song about the informer

In our close circle not everybody came in,
And once I - damned be the date -
I brought him with me and said:
'He is with me - pour him something to drink, lads!'
He drank as everybody and was obiously glad,
And we - received him like a brother ...
And he sold us all by contract, -
I made a mistake - beg pardon, my friends!
I don't remember the court - it was unendurable,
Then - barracks, cold as the grave, -
It seems to me - all around completely night,
It was really worse than that.
I preserve at least a rest of strength, -
He thinks - from here there is no return,
He buried us too early, -
He made a mistake - trust me, lads!
And the day will come - night doesn't last a year, -
I shall beg of you, when retribution comes:
'I brought him here however -
So leave him to me, friends! ..'

Now what shall I speak to you about!

Now what shall I speak to you about!
All the same, you settle for nonesense, -
It's better I go to drink with the friends -
The friends have more important thoughts.
The friends have a serious conversation -
For instance, about, who drinks more.
The friends have a wide range of interests -
From the kiosk to our grocery.
Our conversation is straight and rough -
All problems we deceide gulping:
Who fetches the missing rupee
And who is to run afterward for vodka.
You give me bread-kvass in the morning -
Now what to you think of a justification!
Our intellects are different, -
Improve your education!

Black ice

Black ice, on the Earth, black ice -
The whole year through black ice.
As if there were no spring, no summer -
In a white shroud the planet is clothed in -
People, fall, tumble over the ice.
Black ice on the Earth, black ice -
The whole year through black ice.
Black ice, black ice, black ice -
The whole year through, the whole year.
Even if the whole Earth is circled,
Without touching the planet with the feet, -
All the same one or another will fall
On the surface, and there is black ice! -
And it will be trampled on with the boots.
Only ice, like a mirror, ice,
But not resembling a children's skating rink, -
Maybe - wild animals pass and don't fall ...
Black ice! - and a two-legged stands
On four extremities too.


Ships stop for a while and set a course,
But they return through bad weather.
In less than half a year - and I appear,
To be again away,
To leave again for half a year.
They all return, except best friends,
Except most loved and faithful women.
They all return, - except those we need most.
I don't believe in fate,
I don't believe in fate and myself - still less.
I want to think, that's not so, -
That burning one's boats will soon be out of fashion.
I certainly will come back, together with friends and dreams.
I, shall sing, of course,
I, shall sing, of course, - in less than half a year.