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I used to read Pushkin all night till sunrise...

I used to read Pushkin all night till sunrise-
About the green oak and golden chain on it.
And now I'm by the Seaside,
Along the Pushkin places on a business trip.
To bewitching potion I prefered beer and mead,
Though Pushkin wrote: ' Nothing got into his mouth, not a bit...'
In truth, the beer, as luck would have it,
It became bitter,
You can't let it all be spilled
Straight to anywhere!
I used to work at water-power plant, thermal power plant and on the channels,
I have seen all, but here I was speechless:
The green oak, all of it, was covered with initials,
And Kolya Volkov here was a great success.
And in my hot poetic veins,
Excited utterly after visiting the pub,
I began frantically digging in old memories
But, it seems, I had a bitter path.
On the unseen path there were empty cans,
They have never seen here, the huts on the chicken's legs,
I've stumbled on two skinny *March cats,
I asked them to sing, but without any success.

Captivity - command - no surrender, ...

Captivity - command - no surrender, - they don't surrender,
Though none of them gets a decoration.
Only the black crows spin in swarms
Over the dead bodies of our warriors.
The god of war clings to his war-chariot, -
And buried in the earth the soldiers lie.
From somewhere appear white birds
Over the dead bodies of our soldiers.
After death they'll all find their own birds -
Thus the white birds are for our warriors,
Now and the crows - as if over the carrion - spin
Over the black columns of the enemies.

Dodo, Alice and the White Rabbit

- Hey, who cried 'ai-ai-ai' there?
- Well I! I am the White Rabbit.
You hurry again?
- Beg pardon, Dodo - there are so many different things!
With us in the Wonderland try not to bring to an end ---
Here I run backwards and forwards like a possessed hare, -
On two kilogram way I lost two metres in weight.
Why, why, fellow citizen, why am I a rabbit - a white one?!
If I were a gray one - I should not run but sit.
Everybody is awaiting me, call me - and all have to be visited,
And I am not able to refuse: I am awfully spineless, -
A limit should somehow be drawn for the rabbits! --
- But why do you tremble? And why are you white?
- Yes, because - ai-ai-ai! - such is my lot.
Oh, how I waste - almost the whole day!
I run, I run!
-But it is said, in childhood he was not white,
But he was afraid to miss something - and of anxiety became gray.

I never believed in mirages ...

I never believed in mirages,
For the coming paradise I don't get on with a suit-case, -
The teachers were gobbled up by a sea of lies -
And spit out in Magadan.
I didn't differ from ignorant persons,
And if I differ - very little,
Budapest left no splinters,
And Prague has not torn my heart.
And we made a noise in life and on the stage:
We are muddle-heads, boys until now, -
But soon we shall be noticed and appraised
Hey! Who is against it?
We shall show them!
But we could sense danger
Long before the cold weather set in,
With shameless tarts came serenity -
And locked the souls with a bolt.
Although executions do not threaten,
But we lived not daring to raise our eyes, -
We are also children of awful years in Russia,
The periof of social stagnation poured vodka into us.

The belly looks drawn in ...

The belly looks drawn in -
The bowles can almost be seen?
We describe, as you please,
What others are not given.
May the judge proceed at will
Logically, matter-of-factly:
Alcoholism comes from the Diabolos,
And abstinence from Yourself.
The hangover begins like the shivering ailing of typhoid fever
We have to endure the torments!
Equally to the Antichrist
We are brothers in Christ ...

So many years, so many years

So many years, so many years
Always the same again:
There is no money, there are no women,
And that cannot be possible.
So many years I have stolen,
So many years I took pains, -
Instead to save together a capital,
Well and I - became a drunkard.
Neither house nor home
And an awful ugly man,
Neither friends - no bugger*,
And that cannot be possible..
Only vodka for three,
Only - spades as hearts ...
All my pan-cakes are lumps,
And not only the first one.

Extinguish the candles, breathe the sound ...

Extinguish the candles, breathe the sound,
Take a gulp of darkness und stillness,
Or find a reliable branch,
Or knock a nail deep into the sill.
Excess of tickets fire while going:
I go to a public hanging,
I neither go as a spectator nor a lunatic -
I indeed go to be hanged,
Without an executioner (the executioner will be hissed off the stage)
I go to end the suicide.

Monday song

The term 'Chair' -
Is interesting
In chairs you however, repose, -
Therefore then why the word 'chair'
The working place
Is thus named?
The chair stands - an angel is on it,
or a beast?
How can I manage keeping my own
It is pleasant, if
You sit on the chair -
It does not contradict,
And choosing a chair -
Is also flattering, -
But often - the chair chooses.
I must try the one responsible
to listen to,
In order to proceed adequately to
the chair.

Could you guess today, damnation ...

Could you guess today, damnation,
What comes tomorrow into our skulls?!
I for instance collect lighters,
Now and Sevka began to torture tortoises.
My friend Kolka is interested in Irina,
My friend Yurka is enthused about riding,
My friend Vitka spends days under the motor-car,
My friend Lovka goes in summer with a beard.
If I begin loafing, become listless -
I give away my lighters in no time,
Or I may simply throw them away
Or light them all at the same time.

The tumble of Alice

Will the flying cat catch up -
In the air with the flying mouse or not,
The flying dog - the flying cat?
Why do I torment myself with such nonsense?!
But earlier I thought, standing above the precipice:
Oh, how could I show myself as a flying cloud,
Now I have become a flying cloud.
Here now I decide about the event:
Will the flying cat catch up
In the air with the flying mouse or not? ..

Rumours play the first fiddle in Russia ...

Rumours play the first fiddle in Russia
To sing with gossip a terzett.
And somewhere near from that there is
The truth, on which they spit.

Domestic and predacious animals ...

Domestic and predacious animals
Have a human taste and smell,
And go every day on their hind paws -
That is the sad fate of the people.
Nowadays spectators, nowadays spectators
Don't want any more to see tamers.
And if you want to domesticate -
Work at the investigation - there is the supreme happiness!
Some decent people
Have a human taste and smell,
And go every day on their hind paws -
That is the sad fate of the predacious animals.
Nowadays residents, nowadays residents,
Don't want anymore to see tamers.
And if you want to domesticate -
Work in a circus - there is the supreme happiness.

I take off everything - it is too sultry ...

I take off everything - it is too sultry, -
I observe the weather dutifully, -
everything off - it's not done!
That means the weather cannot be driven away:
Further putting off one's clothes is not permitted, -
that's no beach-resort!
Whatever happens nowadays with our fashion
'Maxi' has again displaced the 'Mini' -
again a revolution!
Indeed I cannot catch up with the fashion -
Further it is not permitted (to dress tastefully)
But -
the contrary too.
It's dull to listen every evening to speeches:
I have about two dates in the evening -
and others, are not so simple.
It's difficult changing dresses often -
That means I'm going to endevour -
That is,
That's however the question.

The whole of Russia to the boundaries ...

The whole of Russia to the boundaries
Our tsar has flooded with blood,
And his wife - the tsarina
Kolka abandoned to Grishka.
And for the clumsy unrhymed junk
The writer one across the ears!
The writer - that's I am,
You're not permitted to hit part-time.

Song-presentation of Robin Goose

I am Robin Goose, not a shy goose!
Yes, I am no coward - but I fear,
That you can't hear anything about me.
I am a well known goose, a fine goose!
I swear to you, I swear to you,
That I am one of these geese that saved Rome.
Apropos, I am a special goose,
Yet not all geese are Robins!


Oh, demonstrate you interest in my person!
You are after all yourself a sleepy-head too.
You'll be sleeping deeply - Difficult to wake, -
But I sleep here - not to be taken in, in ones sleep!

In the sea of tears

The sea of tears overflows its shores round about
And here I take a tub of tears, -
Probably in the sea of actual tears I swim to the ocean of tears.
Here I willy-nillly lose my head -
Facing nature alone!
Maybe in vain
We dealt with at school, that the sea -
Is of kitchen salt ...
If I could at least meet an ice-floe,
Or a nice dolphin.

Think it over if it doesn't go so well with your wife

Think it over if it doesn't go so well with your wife.
Think it over - if your head in not so good.
Think it over - when you get robbed at the main entrance.
Say only thank you, that you are alive.
Now what's so specific - a sarkom agonizing you.
Now what's so specfic - that the periodic alcoholism began.
Now what's so specific - about having been chased out of home.
Say only thank you, that you are alive.
Never mind - your partner at poker got hit.
Never mind that a house-spectre appeared nightly.
Never mind that your neighbour knocked out two of your teeth.
Say only thank you, that you are alive.
Agreed - now, you fell asleep in the sawdust.
Agreed - you have been kicked in the jaw-bone with a foot.
Agreed - you've been lugged off with a stretcher.
Say only thank you, that you are alive.
Yes, that's right - when one wants, one is able to.
Yes, that's right - it's my fault, god be with me!
Yes, that's right. But something troubles me -
To whom do I say, thank you, that I am alive?

His mortification every man

His mortification every man -
Having time passed by - forgets,
But my grief is like eternal snow, -
It doesn't melt, it doesn't melt.
It doesn't melt even in summer
In the midday heat, -
And I know: this grief, this melancholy I am to
Endure eternally.

The day - the livelong day I am with you ...

The day - the livelong day I am with you, behind you -
As if I had only one sorrow.
As if I had traced something essential -
So that the longing is kind of wiped off.
That's silly - I'm however such a one?!
To wait for me - has no sense at all.
You need the other one and - repose,
But with me it is unquiet, sleepless.
How many years nothing happens - that's a secret?!
Maybe I am unlucky - I don't know!
I walk in May like a vagabond,
And indications don't allow me the passage.
Maybe there is a prohibition imposed?
With every step I stumble:
Obviously how many steps - so much mishap, -
When I know what's the matter - I shall repent.

There is nobody beside you

There is nobody beside you, however you breathe.
Let's organize an appointment with you!
Marina, write a letter to me -
I'll answer you at the phone.
May it be so, like two years ago,
May we meet for longer or forever,
May our appointment be only at random,
Though you however work, of course.
I never have ever seen another such a hand,
Which thus caressed me, -
After that the sailors long, -
Now my soul is yearning.
I shan't sing songs for anybody -
You may, perhaps, not be pleased about it, -
For you I want to go to prison -
May that be an award for you.
Don't belief what will be spoken,
I don't belief, that people are pleased,
Some time we shall drink together,
Sweet nonsense and sweet poison.

Wars and hunger we have endured enough ...

Wars and hunger we have endured enough,
Heard much, swallowed promises, -
And bumped off the tsar and a temporary executive power thereafter,
Because their time is over.
But if somewhere somebody is hoping
Then we shall notice him between others:
Your time to come back, won't be at all -
We shall somehow take care of him.
But there is by no means a temporary executive power at the moment
From now on is Soviet power above all.
Which of them are temporary, - step down! Now step donwn!
Ended has your time!

They say about me:He is of course no genius.

They say about me: He is of course no genius,-
Yes, agreed - not many are proud of our century, -
Integral and even other calculations
I don't understand - I don't have that intellect.
Once I said: 'The ocean is like a basin', -
And a friend didn't approach me only once for that -
But yet even the famous physicist Einstein,
Understood everything, like I, relatively.
I wrote a poem about padded clothing, -
And similar! .. Without flattery I want to say the following:
Once my late neighbour in the ward
Got up, crept to me in the night and began to sob loudly.
I write about everything: About animals, objects,
And I wanted about people, secretly about the love of women, -
But in the editor's office they looked thus,
I beg pardon, Muse, I abandoned you!
They say that I am boring - yes I haven't been to Nice, -
Yes, in poems I spoke about water and steam ...
Alas, what a pity my mate perished in the hospital of periodic dipsomania
He would've remembered, how I impressed him once!
And now I woke up from a longlasting somnolence,
From nights with nightmares - (and) now I breathe again, -
I recovered my senses from delirium tremens -
In anticipation of what I shall write next again.

Gipsy song

At least you speak to me,
guitar with seven strings,
The whole soul is full with you
And the night is full with moonshine.
Alas, once,
and once again,
and again many, many, many times,
and once again, and again many, many times.
On the mountain stands an alder,
and beneath the mountain a cherry-tree,
I loved a gipsy,
and she got married.
Alas, once,
and once again,
and again many, many, many times,
and once again, and again many, many times.
On the open field are cornflowers,
a long stretch of road,
The heart groans of longing,
and the eyes show agitation.
Alas, once,
and once again,
and again many, many, many times,
and once again, and again many, many times.
I had a wife,
she loved me,
She became unfaithful only once,
and then made a decision.
Alas, once,
and once again,
and again many, many, many times,
and once again, and again many, many times.

Brodski's song

Like everybody, we happen to be merry and ill-humoured,
If you have to choose and the option is difficult, -
We choose the wooden costumes, -
Peaple! People!
One will long suggest to us not to miscaculate:
'Alas, - it is said, - how are you! You have not lived yet!
You must only just begin!..' -
Now and there decide: Either - or.
Either beaches, first viewings of exhibitions or even
Steamers, in them a freight of pillar- mirrors,
Coaches, races, routs, voyages -
Or simply wooden costumes.
And they will be merry or ill-humoured,
Amd will be in the roles of malicious buffoons and good judges, -
But the wooden costumes are recommended to us, -
People, People!
It may even be suggested to us to begin smoking:
'Alas, - remember, - you've not smoked so long!
Yes you have not begun to live!' -
Now and then decide: Either - or.
The smoke of a cigarette calls forth something, -
One drag - thoughts are merrier,
A craving to smoke. Like a craving to smoke!
But one must choose the wooden costumes.
And they will be polite and so friendly -
Offer a happy life on a bowl, -
But we shall refuse - and beat them mercylessly, -
People! People! People!


Versions: #3
So many great men, there have been,
Who've died by the blade, or by poison.
And rightly so! Since every man
Has the right to choose.

Song of the traveller on an official journey

There is only one motive
With the ship
Comes a letter of credit -
Of twenty two roubles
And live another two weeks,
Work - for eight years, -
But I shall give proof
Of the frugality of an ascet.
She, in chararge for the etage
Had promised me for days
To let me into the hotel
Very quietly on my hands.
In the dining-room number two
Always stands a kefir,
And my head is full of thoughts,
And everything - about the hereafter.
I invited her into a cafe, -
O dear me, no romance, -
I ate and took to flight,
As if for the toilet.
All the beaches are full
With charming widows, -
Ashamed to take off the trousers:
However I'm here in the cold.
Oh damn Athon! -
I am in love like a plant-louse, -
I take the last funds-
All the twenty two roubles.
Charming, slim girls
All the money is spent on the passage
Probably, she
Today however will spend money on food.
Refrain: ................. a skeleton!

Near the city Peking ...

Near the city Peking
Go-stroll about 'chunveibine'*,
And old paintings
Seeking-running about the chunveibini -
But not because the chunveibine
Love statues, pictures:
Instead statues will be urns
In the 'Cultural revolution'.
And yet, mainly, I know full well,
How to pronounce it, -
But it is extremely indecent
I have it on the tip of my tongue:
Chuuu...nveibini - that's very indecemt.
Here concocted some fun
Their leader comrade Mao:
Children, don't go to school -
Come and beat the revolt!
And not that the kids
Where in infancy at all, -
These children hacked
At lot of cutlets!
And yet, mainly, I know full well,
How to pronounce it, -
But it is extemely indecent
I have it on the tip of my tongue:
Chuu...nveibini ...
We sat around a bit,
And now we play at hooligans -
I's slightly silent all the same.
to be continued

Indian summer

The maple trees have painted the town
In their lights it seems like bewitched.
That means, it is soon
Indian summer, Indian summer.
That the leaves disappear so quickly -
I cannot comprehend ...
And these leaves I'll catch as,
Our coming together, our coming together.
And I'll recklessly twist round my little finger
The most careless of women.
And long I've looked for such a one -
And neither more nor less.
Yes only mamma is scolding here,
That I'm not at home in the nights
And that I am drunk too often
In the Indian summer, in the Indian summer.
And I forgot when I've been home,
Muddle up nights and dawns ...
There is a turbulence, there is a turbulence -
Indian summer, Indian summer.

Long ago I have realized: We cannot live ...

Long ago I have realized: We cannot live together,
And that you have left - everything is correct, I swear, -
And for the good wishes for the holidays - I thank you,
And for the greetings I am also not angry.
And unnecessarily cares though you write - the husband, but,
As apparent he doesn' spoil you with pennis, -
Thus I say concerning apples - one does not need them,
But tobacco and vodka is well.
You don't write me about birch-trees, willows -
For Christ's sake, when not at once I'm somnolent, -
However here grow such cedars, Masha,
That I'm not at all missing the pines.
You write to me about the film 'Doroga' in the cinema
And that there were thousands of people at the ticket-office, -
But you must know that here are many people too
And that cinemas happen to be in our country.
Now generally I agree - the supervisor is angry,
And I stop the best wishes and keep well!
Your former husband, you former blood-sucker
... And you know, Masha, you know, - come!

How many fallen soldiers lying...

Versions: #2
How many fallen soldiers lying along the roads-
Who counted, who will!..
It's reported in the bulletins of *Informbureau
Only about how many of the enemy killed.
But don't think, that we got away without losing personal-
Just like that, just like that, someone is a liar...
You see, in the field, frozen like shot animal,
Crippled tank all on fire!
Where are you, Valya Petrov?- What a silly question of course:
With your tank you have closed a breach at the front.
Well, in the bulletins we will read: the enemy suffered a loss,
Well, and we are back where we started from.

Raise you hands ...

Raise your hands,
and put into the urn
The ballot even not having read it, -
Die out of boredom!
Only, stop, don't count me in:
I don't sympathise with your statutes!