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Број резултата: 6


Silovati Svet

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
'Čovek' je viši, 'Čovek' ima moć
On je pod utiskom da on ima pravo
Da uzme svet i radi šta hoće
I ostavi ništa osim defomirsan pakao
Silujemo svet i ne čini mi se kao da nas briga
Uskoro ovde neće biti života
S takvom glupošću silujemo svet
Ona je u padu of rođenja čoveka
Harmonija prirode je poremećena
Saosećanje a ne uništavanje se mora naučiti

Bledolika moja

Bledolika moja, bledolika moja
Nemoj se karminisati
Što si prirodnija /bleda/
Ja sam čvršći u ljubavi prema tebi
Što si bleđa / prirodnija /
Ja sam čvršći u ljubavi prema tebi.


One prides himself with how much of an atheist he is,
And hates anyone who believes in God,
Another one goes crazy to make you believe,
He'd even shove him down your throat to make you follow Him,
One is weak, another one's strong,
But he refuses the light to stumble in the darkness,
Some think they've been saved, others think they're lost,
And they protect themselves by attacking the other,
Posing as victims or as predators,
Playing roles of losers or of thieves.
A genius hides a masterpiece,
An idiot is hiding you, so maybe he'll be noticed.
Some only see the full half of the glass,
Other's only the empty one, tasting it's bitterness.
Some are curious, sniffing any shit,
Others step in it completely uninterested
Some lose the path, other's are making them,
Some are hitting the clubs, others the libraries,
Some don't want anything, other's want it all,
Some are paranoid, other's are gullible,
Some make a fuss, because they're suffering too much,
Someone else isn't brave enough to make a sound,
Some waste the whole day, while others get two jobs,
Having a heart attack before they say 'pause',
Some wander around, while others find their calling,
But they have wrong methods, or the wrong destination,
Some don't have limits, other one's have it set by others,
After different stupid criteria's,
But assumptions don't take you anywhere,
It's harder to be better than them, better than yesterday.
Many types of beasts are looking for random profiles,
But I don't bite it, I'm intolerant to indecency, and they're everywhere,
And it's not like I'm stingy, but don't ask me for percentages,
About that, some save their money, other's throw it away
That they get from a month's hard work,
Some forget they have children, other's spoil them,
Some shield them from life, other's throw them at it,
Some forget to smile, other's think life's a joke,
And they only know to fool around,
One doesn't have opinions, the other judges everyone,
Sharing life between himself and the other idiots
Some will bow to anyone, the others fight without a break,
Against no one, without a cause,
Some neglect themselves and easily commit suicide,
Others only pay attention to themselves,
Some don't have imagination, other's build a world in their head away from civilization,
Some are vain, other's don't have dignity,
Some don't have shame, other's don't have determination,
Some with thousands of acres in their property are bitter,
Other's are salty from all their bad jokes,
Some get marshmallows, other's only troubles,
Some don't have rights, other's abuse theirs,
Other's, like me, raise their voice too much,
Others, like you, only caress the microphone,
Honestly, I don't know whats up with us, good people,
We choose bad reactions when under pressure,
With reactions that give off fear,
You know if life's a test, we'll all get bad grades,
Because some think they're God, other's think they're nothing,
That's why callow people like you and hypocrites like me,
That don't find enough love in ourselves, we turn to rimes.
Now, peace out!

Nedostaješ mi

Vreme prolazi i prolazi i ja i dalje ovako
želeći te u mojim rukama, a ne mogu da te imam
i tražim izlaz da se ne bih gledao ovakav,
aj koliko daleko od mene je tvoja ljubav.
Ja plačem i plačem znajući da nisi ovde,
sa mojim usnama, gledaj devojko, ja želim da te ljubim
i pokušavam i pokušavam da se ne osećam ovako,
ali loše je znati da sada ne voliš mene.
Gledaj kako patim,
gorim iznutra da bih osetio tvoju ljubav.
Devojko, ne radi mi ovo, znaš da te volim
sa svim srcem.
Volim te i nedostaješ mi, želim da te vidim sa mnom
uhvaćeni za ruku i da budem sa tobom,
ali me ubija savest znajući da nije od tebe,
oh bebo, zašto moraš da radiš ovo meni.
Boli me toliko da znam da više nisi za mene
i to lepo telo koje sam sa tobom delio.
Boli me toliko da znam da više nisi za mene,
nedostaješ mi...
Gledaj kako patim,
gorim iznutra da bih osetio tvoju ljubav.
Devojko, ne radi mi ovo, znaš da te volim
sa svim srcem.
Aj ljubavi... kako me boli!
Da budem bez tebe,
ti me ne voliš.
Gledaj kako patim,
gorim iznutra da bih osetio tvoju ljubav.
Devojko, ne radi mi ovo, znaš da te volim
sa svim srcem.
Gledaj kako patim,
gorim iznutra da bih osetio tvoju ljubav.

Више од речи

Versions: #1#2
'Волим те'
То нису речи које желим да чујем од тебе
Није да желим
Да то не говориш, али када би само знала
Колико би било лако да ми покажеш како се осећаш
Више од речи је све што треба да учиниш да би постало стварно
Тада не би морала да кажеш да ме волиш
Зато што бих већ и сам знао
Шта би учинила када би ми срце пукло на два дела
Више од речи да покажеш да осећаш
да је твоја љубав према мени права
Шта би рекла када бих ти узео те речи
Тада не би могла избрисати прошлост
Ако само кажеш 'Волим те'
Више од речи
Сада сам покушао да попричам са тобом и да те убедим
Све што треба да урадиш је да склопиш очи
И да само испружиш руке и додирнеш ме
Држиш ме чврсто и никада ме не пустиш
Више од речи је све што ми је икада било потребно да покажеш
Тада не би морала да кажеш да ме волиш
Зато што бих већ и сам знао
Шта би учинила када би ми срце пукло на два дела
Више од речи да покажеш да осећаш
да је твоја љубав према мени права
Шта би рекла када бих ти узео те речи
Тада не би могла избрисати прошлост
Ако само кажеш 'Волим те'
Виже од речи