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Број резултата: 16



Да, добро, разбиј ме, браво!
Не остави у мени ништа здраво!
Полако све рибе,
Залепила сам овде заставу!
Пољупцима сам се лечила,
плакала сам, пила и псовала те!
Чисто нова сам, ипак,
Ред ми је да те расплачем!
С најполупанијом кршином,
Уместо са мном си се ухватио, мајко!
Ваша љубав је шест*,
директно с АлиЕкспреса!
Највећу боцу пијем,
Боље да се сакријеш иза бара!
Улазим ја и газим те,
ко си ти, заборавила сам те?
Само мало огреботина,
ето ме, скоро ме је прошло.
Али своје срце му дајем,
половно и ваља!
Пољупцима сам се лечила,
плакала сам, пила и псовала те!
Чисто нова сам, ипак,
Ред ми је да те расплачем!

Junk Car

Yeah, good. You broke me, congrats!
You didnt leave a thing intact!
Slowly I put all the pieces back together, here I am, look!
With kisses I healed myself, I was drinking and cussing you out!
Im a whole different person now, its my turn to make you cry!
Youre going out with the biggest junk of a car instead of me now, god!
Your love is perfect, straight out of Ali Express!1
Im drinking from the biggest bottle!
You better hide behind the bar!
Im coming in and wiping the floor with you,
who were you? I forgot!
Just a few small scratches, here I am, almost over it!
But I give my heart another chance2 and it works out!
With kisses I healed myself, I was drinking and cussing you out!
Im a whole different person now, its my turn to make you cry!
  • 1. Ali Express is known for low quality stock or at least it is said so, hence the contradiction and mocking.
  • 2. It is literally translated as 'I give my heart another quality/trait' which I am not entirely sure what it means but I think this is a good guess

Nema šanse

Stara ljubav se ne podgrejava, još me drži, čula sam i
onu našu,
tu si ti mnogo čist, drži me daleko od sebe.
Za tebe poklon sam ostavila u baru - jednu kutiju 'Merci'-ja* da te 'namami'
da mi je dobro bez tebe, u zdravlju je pojedi.
Sa tobom sam bila, da budem opet - nema šanse, zvoniš i ludim, - ne, nema šanse da nešto bude,
da grmi ova pesma, čuješ li šta ti puštam, da me imaš opet - ne, nema šanse.
Cimneš i izađem, - ne, nema šanse, vraćam se u san, - nema šanse da opet nešto bude,
da grmi ova pesma, čuješ li šta ti puštam, da me imaš opet - ne, nema šanse!
Ma bre, kako ne, ljubomorna sam na nju, da ti dam pare za hotelsku sobu,
čak i za taksi do tamo, jer gledajući je, kapiram da si pijan.
I tamo sam ti ostavila u mini baru - jednu kutiju 'Merci'-ja* da te 'namami'
da mi je dobro bez tebe, u zdravlju je pojedi.
Refren (1x) x (2x)
Sa tobom sam bila, da budem opet - nema šanse, zvoniš i ludim, - ne, nema šanse da nešto bude,
da grmi ova pesma, čuješ li šta ti puštam, da me imaš opet - ne, nema šanse.
Cimneš i izađem, - ne, nema šanse, vraćam se u san, - nema šanse da opet nešto bude,
da grmi ova pesma, čuješ li šta ti puštam, da me imaš opet - ne, nema šanse!

Boom Dale

Heavy knockouts
ARTi, baby
I was a king and a (court) jester for you
I was good to/with you, but also crazy for/with you 1
I was a demon, I was an angel
But that's the way you loved me and the way you wanted me
I was everything you've ever looked for
I tolerated all the sluts around you
I know now, you destroyed our big love
Go ahead, go back to the women you bought
Boom dale, boom dale, I was such a fool
Boom dale, boom dale, it's a checkmate
Boom dale, boom dale, you know I want you
But calling you, I don't have the guts
Call me so I can tell you, you're not gonna be with me
Drink because you lost me, it's not my problem
It doesn't matter whether I have millions or I'm broke
If you're not beside me
There is a new princess in your castle everyday
They don't make love with you, only paid sex
I would crush them for you, I would kill for you
Just be with me, we're unstoppable together
I'm gonna be an old beggar if I need to
I've been down at the bottom, I've been on top 2
Everybody says I was a beast with you
But the way you loved me and the way you wanted me
I was everything you've ever looked for
I tolerated all the sluts around you
I know now, you destroyed our big love
Go ahead, go back to the women you bought
Boom dale, boom dale, I was such a fool
Boom dale, boom dale, it's a checkmate
Boom dale, boom dale, you know I want you
But calling you, I don't have the guts
Call me so I can tell you, you're not gonna be with me
Drink because you lost me, it's not my problem
It doesn't matter whether I have millions or I'm broke
If you're not beside me
There is a new princess in your castle everyday
They don't make love with you, only paid sex
I would crush them for you, I would kill for you
Just be with me, we're unstoppable together
Come on, keep making vows, keep on lying
You still don't get it, I'm sorry
Even if you lived 200 lives, you would still suffer for me
Regret is eating me away and I'm sorry
  • 1. Depends on how you interpret it
  • 2. Literally, I've been a master
Please do not publish my translations anywhere without my permission.

The roundabout

Hands off him, his wife is coming!
Wear your glasses, I'll blind you!
Because he thinks only about me
I'm the most hated woman.
I play this song for you.
Let everyone knows that I don't let anyone near me,
All of them, new ones, exes,
They are gone. Only you are important!
Let me take you on a ride on the roundabout!1
I won't let another one harassing you!
Only I can get you on the roundabout,2
The others has fallen, I just start! x2
You quit drinking because of me,
I have the same influence on you, you've understood.
When a second night you overdo
You realize that you are addicted.
I play this song for you.
Let everyone knows that I don't let anyone near me,
All of them, new ones, exes,
They are gone. Only you are important!
  • 1. This line has a double meaning. Maybe she wants to say 'Let me make you dizzy' or something like this
  • 2. Same thing with this line. 'Only I can make you dizzy'

The avenger

Verse 1:
As if I would just wait for destiny
To get back at you someday
Tonight already your head will be banging so hard
If you only knew what's coming for you
I get a shot for every infidelity
I won't count them
Watch the TV series 'The avenger goes down to Hell'
Did it get hot? Blow now!
I've taken all your money?
Watch how a million is crushed
These bought women of yours
Will be my slaves tonight
Don't you try and come at me
I just go in and you're shuddering
You want my crown?
You can only polish it
Verse 2:
When you're turned down, you go crazy
Then you throw yourself at the vodka alone
Swallow, so you feel it, so it's like an anesthetic
You wanted pain, I'll give you some then
Bring those hicks here1
I'll pay them with your money
Who is crazy enough to replace a queen with court ladies
My love is running out and it starts to hurt
I've taken all your money?
Watch how a million is crushed
These bought women of yours
Will be my slaves tonight
Don't you try and come at me
I just go in and you're shuddering
You want my crown?
You can only polish it
  • 1. In Bulgarian it's common to refer to someone you don't like (especially if it's because of their behavior), as coming from a village/countryside. There's really not much of a meaning in itself and it could really be substituted for any other PG deprecating word, that's why I decided to do more of a literal translation.

The merry-go-round

Paws down - his woman is coming
Put on [sun]glasses - I'm blinding
Because he can't get me out of his head
I am the most hated
I'm playing you this song
Let it be heard that I'm not letting by my side
All others, new ones, exes
They're gone, you're the only important one
Chorus: (x2)
Let me give you a ride on the merry-go-round
I'm not letting any following woman harass you
I'm the only one that can get you on the merry-go-round
All the others fell out, I have just begun
With me, you've quit the alcohol
You've understood I have the same effect
If you're having too much for a second evening
You realize you're hooked
I'm playing you this song
Let it be heard that I'm not letting by my side
All others, new ones, exes
They're gone, you're the only important one
Chorus: (x3)
Let me give you a ride on the merry-go-round
I'm not letting any following woman harass you
I'm the only one that can get you on the merry-go-round
All the others fell out, I have just begun


Kandže dole - ide mu žena!
Naočare stavite - zaslepljujem!
Ne izlazim mu iz glave,
ja sam najomraženija!
Ovu pesmu ti ja pustam,
neka trešti, do mene ne dopustam
sve druge, nove, bivše,
nema ih, važan si samo ti!
Na ringišpil daj da te vozim!
Ne dajem naredna tebe da te nervira!
Na ringišpil samo te ja kačim,
drugi su pali, ja tek krećem! x2
Jesi prestao da piješ alkohol,
delujem kao on - jesi razumeo!
Drugo veče kada preteraš,
gotov si - shavti!
Ovu pesmu ti ja pustam,
neka trešti, do mene ne dopustam
sve druge, nove, bivše,
nema ih, važan si mi samo ti!


1. строфа:
Да бре, да просто чекам да судбина
једнога дана ти се освети?
Већ вечерас би ти тако грмело у глави,
само кад би знао шта ти предстоји.
За сваку превару шот ми се пада,
број њихов нећу ни записивати.
Гледај серијал: 'Осветница се спушта у пакао!'
Да ли ти је вруће? Дувај сад ти!
Сав твој новац узела сам ти,
гле милион како се троши.
Све те твоје купљене жене,
баш вечерас биће ми слуге.
Немојте да се узбудите,
само уђем - ви већ дрхтите.
Моју круну сада желите?
Можете да је изгланцате.
2, строфа:
Кад те одсечем, ти баш полудиш,
после на вотку бацаш се сâм.
Гутај, да те ухвати, к'о омама да послужи.
Тражио си бол? То ћу да ти дам!
Сеоске притке, ту их доведи,
све ћу им платити твојим парама.
Ко је луд да краљицу мења дворским дамама?
Готова је љубав моја и креће да боли!
Сав твој новац узела сам ти,
гле милион како се троши.
Све те твоје купљене жене,
баш вечерас биће ми слуге.
Немојте да се узбудите,
само уђем - ви већ дрхтите.
Моју круну сада желите?
Можете да је изгланцате.

Duplo zaljubljen

Nema potrebe da mi pričaš,
znam gde ćeš biti večeras,
pretvaraš se, da me ostavljaš i ispijaš celu kafanu.
Od prve čaše, utopljena sam,
do četvrte čaše, zaboravljena sam,
jesam li od čelika napravljena,
jesam li cela posle ove ljubavi?
Od prve čaše, dobro ti je bez mene,
ajde, hajde, živi bre, živi,
na rečima si velik, samo, znam,
da se ljubav ne ubija po planu.
Kada ti se zatvore kafane,
muči te pitanje, jesam li još uvek tvoja,
za sekundu ćeš se otrezniti,
kada samo pomisliš da sam sa drugim.
Kada ti se nudi neka druga žena,
jača ti želju zamnom,
krivicu osećaš posle toga,
i u mene, mene duplo postaješ zaljubljen.
Znam da raskid sa tobom je samo osveženje našoj vezi,
koliko je dobar skandal,
toliko je još bolje uzbuđenje.
Od prve čaše, dobro ti je bez mene,
ajde, hajde, živi bre, živi,
na rečima si velik, samo, znam,
da se ljubav ne ubija po planu.
Kada ti se zatvore kafane,
muči te pitanje, jesam li još uvek tvoja,
za sekundu ćeš se otrezniti,
kada samo pomisliš da sam sa drugim.
Kada ti se nudi neka druga žena,
jača ti želju zamnom,
krivicu osećaš posle toga,
i u mene, mene duplo postaješ zaljubljen.

Double in love

You do not need to tell me,
I know the night,
you're cutting me off and drinking the pub.
In the first I'm drowned,
to the fourth I'm forgotten,
of steel I am made,
after that love all I'm?
With the first one without me an eye,
go, go, live, live,
in my words great, only that I know,
love is not killed in the plan.
As the taverns close you,
I have tormented you,
you sneak a second,
with another you imagine.
When the stranger is put to you,
you have the need for me,
you guys give it away then,
and in me, you double in love getting up.
I already know with you the separation is a refreshing link,
as is a healthy scandal,
The thrill is strong.
With the first one without me an eye,
go, go, live, live,
in my words great, only that I know,
love is not killed in the plan.
As the taverns close you,
I have tormented you,
you sneak a second,
with another you imagine.
When the stranger is put to you,
you have the need for me,
you guys give it away then,
and in me, you double in love getting up. x2


Ti si moje stalno iskušenje
U ljubavi nerazjašnjeno pitanje
Sa jedne strane me izluđuješ
Sa druge, topiš me
Između tebe i mene, ne postoji znak jednakosti
Ti uzimaš 99, a ja 100
Ali meni mi je dosta i to
Jedan procenat ljubavi
Iskušavaš me
Kao dete, nevolja me vuče
Zabranjuju mi, ali želim te
Neogovarajući si za mene
Ali ja te želim svaki dan
I znam, kao droga, rušiš me
Ali opet, zaboga, iskušavaš me
I ti si kao ja lud
Nisu mi drugi interesantni
Šesto mi čulo kaže, da si loš
Pravi instikt u meni ti kaže ''Laku noć''
I znam, da si uništenje
Ali si i iskušenje
Između tebe i mene, ne postoji znak jednakosti
Ti uzimaš 99, a ja 100
Ali meni mi je dosta i to
Jedan procenat ljubavi


You’re my permanently temptation.In my love unsolved equation.From one side you making me furious.From another-you melting me! Between you and me there is no equal sign.You taking 99 from me ,im taking 1 to 100.But it’s enough for me-Just a precent from your love!
You giving me temptation-Like a kid,the mischief draws me,They keep on inhibit me,but i want you!Your not a match for me ,but i i choosing you everyday.And i know you ruin me like a drug-But for god sake,you giving me temptation. You’re just like me-A crazy one,but the others don’t seem interesting to me.
My insight that tells me that your bad.The basic instinct tells to it “good night “!I know you are destruction ,but you are my temptation.
Between you and ne there is no equal sign.You taking 99 from me ,im taking 1 to 100.But it’s enough for me-Just a precent from your love!