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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 16


Твој грех (Прсти)

Моји сопствени греси.
Ако треба да их избројим,
од мојих десет прстију
требаће ми само пет.
Али за бројање твојих грехова
требаће сви прсти света.
Али за бројање твојих грехова
требаће сви прсти света.
Сада тражиш искупљење
у вину и пијанству,
док на прстима још увек бројиш
грехе које сам починио.
Али за бројање твојих грехова
требаће сви прсти света.
Али за бројање твојих грехова
требаће сви прсти света.

On the Day of Love

On the day of love I revealed everything about myself to you
I told you I had changed and I decided upon you
And your eyes lit up
Without asking me 'what' or 'how'
You took me in your arms, you kissed me, and you said 'let bygones be bygones'
On the day of spring I open the door ajar
I change my pictures and leave my winters outside
I forget that you hurt me deeply
And I fall into your arms
I let myself go in your arms and erase the past
Love, what have you done to me, love
You never stay still
Love, what have you done to me, love
You drip honey and poison
How much like me!
On the day of love I remember everything I experienced with you
But now that we are over we count what we have taken and what we have given
As often as not, love changes name and changes shape
One moment you are full of dreams, the next, full of remorse
Love, what have you done to me, love
You never stay still
Love, what have you done to me, love
You drip honey and poison
How much like me!

Направила си ми пакао од живота

Колико те волим
колико те волим
Говорим ти и боли ме
колико те волим
Колико те волим
колико те волим
Додирнем те и распадам се
Колико те волим
Али ти си ме искористила
ниси ни мало о мени бринула.
Ниси одржала своју реч
разбила си ме у комаде.
Направила си ми пакао од живота
отићи ћу и све ће бити твоја кривица
Направила си ми пакао од живота
али те ипак волим још више.
Колико те волим
колико те волим
Дугујеш ми
и дугујем ти
Колико те волим
Направила си ми пакао од живота
отићи ћу и све ће бити твоја кривица
Направила си ми пакао од живота
али те ипак волим још више.

Hleb je na stolu

Hleb je na stolu,
voda u krčagu,
krčag na stepenicama
da napoji razbojnika.
Hleb je na stolu,
voda u krčagu,
krčag na stepenicama
daj Hristu da pije.
Dajte majci prolaznika
Hrista i razbojnika,
dajte majci da utoli žeđ
dajte joj da popije moju ljubav.

It's impossible

You might be thinking that I'm not calling
and I'm not forgiving your mistakes
I might have lost you but I remember your number
I still do secretly call you and I remain silent
It's impossible, It's impossible to forget you
it's impossible, I can't, even if I wanted to
at night, I wear your thoughts
in bed before I lay
but how could I sleep, I'm thinking about you
and I still love you
I might seem cheerful around strangers
and claim not to love you anymore
I might not count my mistakes and my all-nighters
happy on the outside, yet inside lies the pain that I bore

Još uvek te se sećam

Još uvek te se sećam
niti spavam
niti govorim
Sati koji teku
samo pitaju
koliko te volim
Upoznao sam mnoge,ali šta će mi one?!
Ti si svetlost u tami
Još uvek te se sećam
što si otišla žalim
i tužan sam
kad bi bila opet,bože moj
na praznom uzglavlju
da je sanjam
Upoznao sam mnoge,ali si ti jedina
ona koju ću voleti dok sam živ

More Pireja

More Pireja
najlepše od svih
od Dželepi obale* do stadiona Karaiskakis*
noćima sam šetao kao da sam mornar
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom*
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos,
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom
I ja sam dete Pireja, mora i kopna
Rođen i odrastao blizu Terpsitee*
i učio mašinstvo na Prometeju*
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos,
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

The sea of Piraeus

The sea of Piraeus
the sweetest of all,
from Tzelepis' coast¹ up to Karaiskakis²
at nights I used to walk as if I were a sailor.
Oh my Piraeus, my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf)
that your pride is your Olympiacos,
that your pride is your Olympiacos
my Piraeus, oh my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf).
I'm also a child of Piraeus at sea and in the land,
I was born and raised close to Terpsithea³
and I studied engineering here at Prometheus⁴.
Oh my Piraeus, my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf)
that your pride is your Olympiacos,
that your pride is your Olympiacos
my Piraeus, oh my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf).

I'm looking for you

I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you, my sea
until yesterday you were next to me
I'm looking for you.
I'm looking for you, like the smile I've lost
you have forgotten a heart
I'm looking for you.
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you
I don't have anybody in this world but you
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you, my sea
until yesterday you were next to me
I'm looking for you.
Like a beast I'm wandering
around the streets to find you
me and my pain.
Where is the night hiding you?
I'm feeling lonely
I am lonely.
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you, my sea
until yesterday you were next to me
I'm looking for you.
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you, my foreign land
until yesterday you were mine
I'm looking for you
I'm looking for you and I'm lost
all the roads are closed
I'm looking for you
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you
I don't have anybody in this world but you
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you, my foreign land
until yesterday you were mine
I'm looking for you.
Like a beast I'm wandering
around the streets to find you, me and my pain.
Where is the night hiding you? I'm feeling lonely, I am lonely.
I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you, my sea
until yesterday you were next to me, I'm looking for you.

I Can Never Forget You

I can never forget you
never, even if we split up
the hours that we spent together 1
swirl around in my thoughts
I can never forget you
never have I refused you
in pain and in laughter
it was you I remembered
My footstep takes me to nowhere
but I'm thinking of you, I swear, 2
and I plead to see you
and bitterly I sing, I sing
I can never forget you
never, even if we split up
the hours that we spent together
swirl around in my thoughts
I can never forget you
never, even if we split up
the hours that we spent together
swirl around in my thoughts
I can never forget you
and even as you left and I lost,
I've met many loves,
but still I have not forgotten you
My footstep takes me to nowhere
but I'm thinking of you, I swear,
and I plead to see you
and bitterly I sing, I sing
I can never forget you
never, even if we split up
the hours that we spent together
swirl around in my thoughts
  • 1. This sentence and the next are technically out of order in this translation, but they make more grammatical sense in English this way
  • 2. 'Swear' as in 'take an oath', not 'swear' as in 'saying a bad word'

My love is a complaint

My bitterness is a glass that overflowed
in a mouth which your lips didn't kiss
what can I say
what can you say
I'm a victim of life
My love is a complaint,
a sorrowful and bitter song
my unceasing tears
Say I love you, I love you, I love you
I didn't ask you
to take responsibility for anything
my luck left me out, I hated her
what can I say
what can you say
I'm a victim of life