Резултати претраге страна 52
Број резултата: 3853
don't miss me (nemoj da ti nedostajem)
Provera jedan, provera dvaProvera jedan, provera dva
I sada ću da počnem da pevam
Osećam se malo nervozno, započenje novih stvari
Me baš i ne vole
Imam dečka, rekao mi je da me voli
Mislim da i ja njega volim, ali je smešno
Jer nisam najbolja u vezama
Više sam tu za zezanje
Sve moje drugarice kažu da je problem
Ne, samo ne bih da se povredim
Jer ne mogu da izdržim svoja osećanja i
Ne mogu da verujem svom srcu
Tako da nikada ne iskorišćavam prilike
Jer znam da ću se raspastiti
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Tako sam nepredvidljiva
Jednog dana sam neodoljiva
Sledećeg mrzim sebe
Nikada dobra za nekog drugog
Tako da pokušavam da se udaljim
Ne želim da se muče sa mojim mozgom
Ali odjednom se promenim
Jer samo želim da me drži, pi
er ne mogu da izdržim svoja osećanja i
Ne mogu da verujem svom srcu
Tako da nikada ne iskorišćavam prilike
Jer znam da ću se raspastiti
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Ba da da da, ba da da
Mrzim romantično sranje, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kažem kako jeste, i
Ba da da da, ba da da
Kamo sreće da je sve ovo šala
Ali nisam dobra u slušanju
Tako da ne želim da nekome nedostajem
Frankenstein (Frankenšatjn)
[Verse 1]Tako mi je muka
Od svih ovih lepih dečaka koji se ponašaju kao sranje
I samo želim
Da se zaljube, i onda da me ne ostave tako brzo
Tražila sam, ne verujem da je tu negde
Pričanje satima, ulaženje sa cvećem
Prljave starke, 6'2 i braon kosa<3
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
[Verse 2]
Kada sam ljuta
Ljubiće me dok utrnem i neće me loše tretirati >:(
I zasmejava me
Nikada mi ne ide na živce, lepo se slažem sa mojim tatom (Mojim tatom) :D
Tražila sam, ne verujem da je tu negde
Oh tako odan, da se osećam razmaženo
On je moj san, nikada noćna mora
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Clap, clap
Izgleda da moram da napravim svog Frankenšatjna
Nacrtam sliku, i obojim sve linije
Kada je ispravno, uradiću probnu vožnju
Svaka mala stvar koju želim
Ова песма иде теби Путине
Мислиш да си нешто другоМислиш да си бољи од свих
И мислим да не видите сав бол који наносите свима
Ти си на свом високом коњу
Немаш кајања
Немаш стида
Не постоји име за типа као што си ти
До кости
Ти си бездушан и зао
Демон хладног срца
Ти си тип особе каква ја никада не бих могао бити
Све што јеси је себично, подло и похлепно
Пакао би се смрзнуо да сам ја као ти
Ти си дефиниција зла, истина је
Реци ми какав је осећај бити изнад свих
Пакао би се смрзнуо да сам ја као ти
Како спаваш ноћу
Знајући да уништаваш животе све време
Чујем сваки дан који пролази
Деца плачу, људи стално умиру
Због тебе
Стварно имаш проблема човече!
Ти си на свом високом коњу
Немаш кајања
Немаш стида
Не постоји име за типа као што си ти
До сржи
Ти си бездушан и зао
Демон хладног срца
Ти си тип особе каква ја никада не бих могао бити
Све што јеси је себично, подло и похлепно
Пакао би се смрзнуо да сам ја као ти
Ти си дефиниција зла, истина је
Реци ми какав је осећај бити изнад свих
Пакао би се смрзнуо да сам ја као ти
Реци ми какав је осећај
Горе у облацима
Само о теби да размишљаш
Реци ми какав је осећај
Бити изнад свих
Реци ми, реци ми, реци ми како то ради
Реци ми, реци ми, реци ми
Пакао би се смрзнуо да сам ја као ти
Пакао би се смрзнуо да сам ја као ти
Пакао би се смрзнуо да сам ја као ти
Misliš da si nešto drugo
Misliš da si bolji od svih
I mislim da ne vidite sav bol koji nanosite svima
Ti si na svom visokom konju
Nemaš kajanja
Nemaš stida
Ne postoji ime za tipa kao što si ti
Do kosti
Ti si bezdušan i zao
Demon hladnog srca
Ti si tip osobe kakva ja nikada ne bih mogao biti
Sve što jesi je sebično, podlo i pohlepno
Pakao bi se smrznuo da sam ja kao ti
Ti si definicija zla, istina je
Reci mi kakav je osećaj biti iznad svih
Pakao bi se smrznuo da sam ja kao ti
Kako spavaš noću
Znajući da uništavaš živote sve vreme
Čujem svaki dan koji prolazi
Deca plaču, ljudi stalno umiru
Zbog tebe
Stvarno imaš problema čoveče!
Ti si na svom visokom konju
Nemaš kajanja
Nemaš stida
Ne postoji ime za tipa kao što si ti
Do srži
Ti si bezdušan i zao
Demon hladnog srca
Ti si tip osobe kakva ja nikada ne bih mogao biti
Sve što jesi je sebično, podlo i pohlepno
Pakao bi se smrznuo da sam ja kao ti
Ti si definicija zla, istina je
Reci mi kakav je osećaj biti iznad svih
Pakao bi se smrznuo da sam ja kao ti
Reci mi kakav je osećaj
Gore u oblacima
Samo o tebi da razmišljaš
Reci mi kakav je osećaj
Biti iznad svih
Reci mi, reci mi, reci mi kako to radi
Reci mi, reci mi, reci mi
Pakao bi se smrznuo da sam ja kao ti
Pakao bi se smrznuo da sam ja kao ti
Pakao bi se smrznuo da sam ja kao ti
Хајмо!Ноћ у тамну шуму продире,
хрпа звезда у непрестаном шуму навире
око пламена бакље сенка жене се окреће
без обзира на дивове, ја плешем
из њиховог жудећег погледа крадем им ватру
и у нашу заједничку песму је претварам
Са ђаволом она плеше, па
Па и ја са њим плешем, и
у блату, ватри, и граји
додиром искре, шума бруји
и пење њен занос све до високих дрвећа
без обзира на дивове, ја плешем
из њиховог жудећег погледа крадем им ватру
и претварам је тако како бисмо је певали заједно
лежерно по чистини искра плеше
око ње врти ли врти душе плануле
Лалалалалалалено лалелало
Лалалалалалалено лалелало
Лалалалалалалено лалелало
Лалалалалалалено лалелало
Са ђаволом она плеше, па
Па и ја са њим плешем, и
лежерно по чистини искра плеше
Party Night
We're going to the partycall yourself a couple of cats
tell them to come down here (ha ha)
Come to the house
there is a party tonight
no one is saved here
to' the world is going to dance (come here)
Bring a couple of mommies (ha ha ha)
Let no one be limited
let's break it all
today you go with me mommy
without discussion
You carry all night
stealing my attention
only you my lover (only you my lover woo)
Let no one be limited
let's break it all
today you go with me mommy
without discussion
You carry all night
stealing my attention
only you my lover (only you my lover woo)
She sat on the sofa
she made herself comfortable
I put my hand
and she said she looks where she is going
with her sensuality
she bewitched me
and with ease
we warm up
and she kissed me
she climbed on me
and she pushed me
Just a little smoke
she bewitched me
very loose
and today I sor tejo
she whispered to my ear and said
What else of the envious
because you are with me
just let him know
what do you want with me
Just one night I ask you
Let no one be limited
let's break it all
today you go with me mommy
without discussion
You carry all night
stealing my attention
only you my lover (only you my lover woo)
Let no one be limited
let's break it all
today you go with me mommy
without discussion
You carry all night
stealing my attention
only you my lover (only you my lover woo)
ask for what you want
and your friend share
and tell the cat about her
go somewhere else
I don't lose the habit
today it is given to you
let nothing scare them
today if they leave
ask for what you want
and your friend share
and tell the cat about her
go somewhere else
I don't lose the habit
today it is given to you
let nothing scare them
What else of the envious
because you are with me
just let him know
what do you want with me
Just one night I ask you
Come to the house
there is a party tonight
no one is saved here
to' the world is going to dance
Bring a couple of mommies
Let no one be limited
let's break it all
today you go with me mommy
without discussion
You carry all night
stealing my attention
only you my lover (only you my lover woo)
Let no one be limited
let's break it all
today you go with me mommy
without discussion
You carry all night
stealing my attention
only you my lover (only you my lover woo)
come on
the dance here does not end cool
now we are going to the room
there if the party goes
the real party
I'm with
alzule (the biochemist)
the one with the magic potion
high flow
super yay
Send yourself the millo
for them who walk with me
overdose (no more of the same)
killatonez baby
you already know about me (ha)
The Brown Yearling
Once, there is a brown yearling. His name was Brown-YearlingHe was always taking away boys and girls to the Great Dream City.
He was taking away them every night. Every boy and girl wanted to climb on the Brown-Yearling
One night he met a boy.
The boy said :
- Take me away, small horse, to the Great Dream City.
- Climb ! Said the Brown -Yearling.
The boy climbed, and they left galloping, galloping, galloping.
Soon they met on the path a girl.
The girl said:
- Take me away, small horse , to the Great Dream City.
- Climb by my side, said the boy.
The girl climbed, and they left galloping, galloping, galloping.
Soon they met on the path a white dog.
The white dog said :
- Woof, woof, woof woof ! To the Great Dream City I want to go, straddle.
- Climb ! Said the children.
The white dog climbed, and they left galloping, galloping, galloping.
Soon, they met on the path, a black kitten.
The black kitten said :
Miaow, Miaow, Miaow! To the Great Dream City I want to go, because it’s already dark.
- Climb ! Said the children and the white dog.
The black kitten climbed, and they left galloping, galloping, galloping.
Soon they met on the path a grey squirrel.
The squirrel said :
- Take me, you, please, to the Great Dream City, where there is no sorrow or pain.
- Climb ! Said the children, the white dog and the black kitten.
The grey squirrel climbed, and they left galloping, galloping, galloping.
Galloping and galloping they did, leagues and leagues of way.
Everyone was very happy.
Everyone was singing and singing and singing.
The boy said :
- Quick, quick ! Brown-Yearling, go faster.
But the Brown-Yearling couldn’t go faster.
The Brown-Yearling was going slowly, slowly, slowly….
He was arrived to the Great Dream City.
The children, the white dog, the black kitten and the grey squirrel were sleeping.
Everyone was sleepy when the Brown-Yearling was arriving to the Great Dream City.
Girl u got me crazy like UFOI passed by and hoped that you would look back
Trapped in your desert, I'm like camel
All love songs for u
Girl u got me crazy like UFO
I passed by and hoped that you would look back
Trapped in your desert, I'm like camel
All love songs for u
That day, I passed by
Sorry I think too much
Didn't hold you tight
There are too many things I haven't said
Leaving you to keep falling
There are too many setbacks ahead
Trust is constantly wasted by us
I'm the only one imprisoned
Today is a bad day, but I don't blame the weather for it
Have a coffee to wake me up
Am I unnecessary to you
Hung up the phone and never contacted
The view outside of the car
The rainbow looks like a vision of the future
It was only a fleeting glimpse
I want to go back to that winter
You have no feelings for me anymore
My monologue will be the only one left
At night, I'll still can't sleep, I'm missing you All night yeye~
All night
UFO has left
It left me pain
Girl u got me crazy like UFO
I passed by and hoped that you would look back
Trapped in your desert, I'm like camel
All love songs for u
Just like a scene in a movie
There's no need to take it seriously anymore
Nothing but freshness is shit
If you're too serious and too in love, you'll definitely get hurt
Can't help it, I'm an Aquarius
Even I feel strange
I never believed in astrology
But it's been hypocritical recently
I always lie to myself and say that I don't love you
Said I don't love you at all
But how can you not know how much I love you
Are feelings a joke to each other
First, you're happy, but then the pain comes afterward
Left shadows on each other
No one dares to touch this shit
She said she love me but is that not true..
She left in a rush
I just want to keep your heart
It looks like this feeling is inescapable
Girl u got me crazy like UFO
I passed by and hoped that you would look back
Trapped in your desert, I'm like camel
All love songs for u
22 Seconds
I kept your 22-seconds voice message for three yearsI've heard it over and over ten thousand times
Whenever I get drunk, my mind goes blank
But I'm still holding on to the thought of you
That cafe coffee shop came into my sight again
The two seats by the window where we used to sit at
Chatting about life
From five o'clock in the afternoon 'till late night and early morning
Street lights light up the empty streets
Side by side with you, I measured the sidewalk boundaries
Hugging under your house to celebrate the separation
Waiting for the lights in the corridor to be stacked one after the other
I kept your 22-seconds voice message for three years
I've heard it over and over ten thousand times
Whenever I get drunk, my mind goes blank
But I'm still holding on to the thought of you
I kept your 22-seconds voice message for three years
Forgive me 'cause I can't forget you
I've lost my spirited face and I have no chance of winning
But is still insisting on holding on to the thought of you. What should I do?
What do I do?
Street lights light up the empty streets
Side by side with you, I measured the sidewalk boundaries
Hugging under your house to celebrate the separation
Waiting for the lights in the corridor to be stacked one after the other
I kept your 22-seconds voice message for three years
I've heard it over and over ten thousand times
Whenever I get drunk, my mind goes blank
But I'm still holding on to the thought of you
I kept your 22-seconds voice message for three years
Forgive me 'cause I can't forget you
I've lost my spirited face and I have no chance of winning
But is still insisting on holding on to the thought of you. What should I do?
What do I do?
Do I only find the answer from three years ago, after falling into the abyss?
I kept your 22-seconds voice message for three years
I've heard it over and over ten thousand times
Whenever I get drunk, my mind goes blank
But I'm still holding on to the thought of you
I kept your 22-seconds voice message for three years
Forgive me 'cause I can't forget you
I've lost my spirited face and I have no chance of winning
But is still insisting on holding on to the thought of you. What should I do?
Light a candle for Ukraine
Light a candle! Your light of hopeToday it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night
It shines for the people, who are afraid,
for the children threatened by war
It shines for prayers that we whisper
God of peace, help us in need
Light a candle! Your light of hope...
It shines for justice and freedom,
for the strength to resist hate
It shines for the courage, not to give up,
even if we don't see a way out yet
It shines for the world in all places,
Kyiv, Kharkiv, Warsaw and Berlin
It shines for the power that connects us,
for the people fleeing terror
Light a candle! Your light of hope
Today it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night
To Jorge Negrete
Let them think I am sleepingand bring me here
to [my] beloved and beautiful Mexico,
if I should die far from you.
The famed Jorge Negrete
died in Los Angeles
on the 5th of December,
I stand before him.
Before he passed, he sung
and prayed with great care,
as if he had already sensed
his death abroad.
Oh, beautiful and blossoming Mexico,
to further deepen your longing,
you now have someone to sing to you
'Las Mañanitas' from the heavens.
His eager dear mother
arrived to Los Angeles
to retrieve with sorrow
the son God had bestowed her.
The Virgin has lent him to you
and she wanted to retrieve him,
for she wants a charro to sing
in paradise too.
Mexico witnessed your glory,
and your courage with pride,
there is a charro in heaven
who is now an honor guard.
Jorge Negrete hasn't died,
his wish has been fulfilled,
he is only sleeping now
and has returned to his Mexico.
Versions: #1The life is dull without a fable
With only coldness in my chest
Without a climatic ending
Without hopes up ahead
The life is flat without obsessions
Without brave and selfless acts
The soul without abdications
Is like a church...
Is like a church without God
I'm Going
I'm going to moisten my lips with holy waterTo wash away the kisses that you once gave me, wicked mouth.
I'm going to put a hot iron in my eyes
Позови ме
Позови ме, позови меПозови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме
Ја сам исти дечко какав сам био
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме
Ја сам исти дечко какав сам био
Ја сам исти дечко какав сам био
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме
Ја сам исти дечко какав сам био
Позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме
Ја сам исти дечко какав сам био
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме
Ја сам исти дечко какав сам био
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме, позови ме
Позови ме
Ја сам исти дечко какав сам био
REVEAL (Otkrivanje)
Mogu da te vidimI krenuo sam ka tebi
Ali sam stao zbog drugog sunca
Koje se širi zalazkom
Prekriva mi srce, babe
Ja sam za, Ja sam za tvoju ljubav
Jednog dana, pokazaću ti
Ljubomoran sam od onoga koji ima tvoj osmeh
Vidim koliko si srećna tako da je igra završena lady
Ja sam za, Ja sam za tvoju ljubav
Moje srce je toliko svetlo
Da čak i tvoja ljubav
Ne može da ga gleda
Ali ću ga sakriti na ovoj usamljenoj noći
U ovoj zagušljivoj noći
Zaglaviću se zbog tebe
Iako neću dugo izdržati
Svake noći sam za tvoju ljubav
Za tvoju ljubav
(Za za za za tvoju ljubav)
Ja sam za tvoju ljubav Za tvoju ljubav oh
(Za za za za tvoju ljubav)
Ostaću u jednom delu tvog sveta
Kao sunce koje se diže u tvojoj noći
Ja sam za tvoju ljubav
Za tvoju ljubav My baby
Tiho, ispod mesečeve svetlosti
Ti si zaslepljujuća, predivna
Uvek me oduzme ljubomora
Ispod svetlog blistajućeg neba
Moje srce je u paklu, Čist pakako
Ceo dan, pored tebe sam
Prateći moja duboka osećanja
Da li da dođem to tebe odmah
I preokrenem ti ceo svet?
Novo sunce će izaći, obožavaćeš ga
Uvek sam žedan babe
Hoću da ti prekrijem pogled
Sa dubokom tamom
Tako da ne bi mogla da ga vidiš
I ja mogu da postanem svetliji ali
Želim da ti se snovi ostvare
I želim da gledam pored tvoje strane
Tako da ću ostati na ovoj razadljini
Svake noći sam za tvoju ljubav
Za tvoju ljubav
(Za za za za tvoju ljubav)
Ja sam za tvoju ljubav Za tvoju ljubav oh
(Za za za za tvoju ljubav)
Ostaću u jednom delu tvog sveta
Kao sunce koje se diže u tvojoj noći
Ja sam za tvoju ljubav
Za tvoju ljubav My baby
Sijajući na tebi kada su ti oči zatvorene
Izlazak sunca je sve svetliji i svetliji
Ludim sve više i više
Nemoj me zaustavljati
Mogu da vidim kraj
Kružim oko tebe bez kraja
Jednog dana,
Ću stajati ispred tebe
(Vreme psa i vuka)
Na trenutak sam za tvoju ljubav
Za tvoju ljubav
(Za za za za tvoju ljubav)
Ja sam za tvoju ljubav Za tvoju ljubav oh
(Za za za za tvoju ljubav)
Hoću da ostanem u centru tvog sveta
Sada hoću to da budem
Ja sam za tvoju ljubav
Za tvoju ljubav My baby
Drugačiji ja se budi večeras
Svake noći, sam za tebe
Čekaću u tami
Ti sijaš, čekaću te
Iako pokušavam da sijam na tvom srcu
Otkriću svoje
Nema više Ja sam za tebe
Tama će otići polako
Tako da dođi meni, tu sam za tebe
Pokazao sam ti sve svoje večeras
Tako da me pažljivo gledaj
Walked, walkedMay your soul
be blessed
Walked, walked
Let there be a gun
on your shoulder
Conclusion of millet
Conclusion of millet
Conclusion of millet
Conclusion of millet
Conclusion of millet
Do not overdo it
Walked, walked
May your soul
be blessed
Walked, walked
Let there be a gun
on your shoulder
Really Beautiful
A piece of heavenHow can you not trust
If you cover me like a cloak
I'm not afraid of anything
(Play, play, play!)
Warm up little by litlle, get used to me
Mix in me, chilly and deeply
Hunt the wind, attach your rudder to the wind
Play your game, I never get defeated
Sands like fire, I don't know who will win
The roads call me (roads)
It's really beautiful (come)
Water is beautiful but (blow)
There is an unquenchable flame inside me
In the boundless sea (take a look)
In your body (feel), beyond it
The crazy part, it's really beautiful
Really beautiful...
Mix in me, chilly and deeply...
Hunt the wind, attach your rudder to the wind
Play your game, I never get defeated
Sands like fire, I don't know who will win
The roads call me (roads)
It's really beautiful (come)
Water is beautiful but (blow)
There is an unquenchable flame inside me
In the boundless sea (take a look)
In your body (feel), beyond it
The crazy part, it's really beautiful
Really beautiful...
A piece of heaven
How can you not trust
If you cover me like a cloak
I'm not afraid of anything
Chadia (Chadia)Blonde hair without any mèches
One, two, three, four,
i’m counting the cash
They act though but they’re trash
After i make out with them i call ‘em Flash
I don’t need you to pay for my dinner
just bring me to the swing*
Let’s leave the lights on
Baby, i’m no Virgin Mary
I’m not an old-school type of girl,
i like your girlfriend too
bring her and her friend too
and then may God bless us
I come from a street with broken houses,
now i want a shower of money
It’s better if i do it myself
Let’s roll beneath the bedsheets
Listen to the beat, listen to the beat
Move, move, move
shake your head, shake your head
‘till you throw up, throw up
around here they call me the maneater, maneater, maneater, maneater
around here they call me the maneater, maneater, maneater, maneater
Drugs, sex, money, flex
zero girlfriend, zero ex
zero pain in the ass, zero stress
Chadia has done many bad things
Bad stuff, like what?
Shut up and smoke and put Coma_Cose on
My pussy makes you overdose
They wait in line on my socials
to see me naked in the shower
smooth like Kojak
Making a bowl rain(?)
I’m the man of the house
Bro, this shit gasses me up
I roll a joint, it’s a fat plant
If you’re looking for me try calling Nasa, yah
If you have barnyard animals*,
if they have something to say
I’ll make their balls shrink
like the female hormone (yeah)
Listen to the beat, listen to the beat
Move, move, move
shake your head, shake your head
‘till you throw up, throw up
around here they call me the maneater, maneater, maneater, maneater
around here they call me the maneater, maneater, maneater, maneater
Drugs, sex, money, flex
zero girlfriend, zero ex
zero pain in the ass, zero stress
Please tell me
Please tell me who I am in your life.A normal person or lover you want.
Please tell me why I am captivated by your sweetness.
Even your voice captivates me with its warmth and tenderness.
Please tell me who I am in your life.
A normal person or lover you want.
If you touch me with the spirit of your love.
My heart wouldn't complain about any sad day.
You are my whole life, and all I wish to see you satisfied.
And I ask patient for who will love my heart after you.
Please tell me who I am in your life.
A normal person or lover you want.
Yes, I love you, and the path of happiness is by your side,
And this is my life and my joy are hostage in your hands'.
My whole world is you,
And with you, my days and my years become sweeter more and more.
Please tell me who I am in your life.
A normal person or lover you want.
Толико њих каже „ћути“,Толико њих мисле да знају.
Толико њих пролази непримећено,
толико њих никад не одрасте.
Да се будим сваког дана с нечим,
да се будим сваког дана с тобом,
значи да се будим у страху од љубави,
од свега што си могао да урадиш.
Али, ја преживљавам без тебе,
преживљавам цео мој живот.
Преживела сам бол,
преживела сам лажну љубав,
ја сам људско биће из пригушеног света,
преживела сам све уопште.
Преживљавање није за тебе,
ја сам та која се бори,
надам се да ћеш једног дана патити
због мог даха ког си тако чврсто задржавао.
Преживљавам без тебе,
преживљавам цео мој живот.
Преживљавам о, без тебе,
преживљавам о, да, цео мој живот.
Преживљавам без тебе,
преживљавам цео мој живот.
Али, сада сам очишћена од свих твојих дела
знам да никад нећеш знати,
зато само немој ти да упозораваш друге,
сад је време да испричам моју причу
и покажем истину.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Stars of heaven
Seeds of stars from heavenFlood their lighting freshet
Lord is blessing by his own
Our heaven's deck
Iron dust blows over
Below the roofing
That one powder, just like power
Covers the winged track
What a starful is night!
Look, heaven is jaunting!
I am going to take the trident
That's a pitchfork really
Going beyond the wide horizon
Where the power's not chilling
Where the power's jaunting coxy
With a kind of catttles
Never naming all those oxen
But lanterns and candles
Going to take this scurvy power
With my pitchfork battle
'Tis not the power, but a tallow
From that kind of cattle
And thereafter in a spinglet
I'll wash the pitchfork clearly
'Tis not a pitchfork, but the trident
That yields the power really
Looking For Something
Looking for somethingAlways means finding something else
Therefore, to find something
You have to look for a different thing
Looking for a bird to find a rose
Looking for love to find exile
Looking for nothing to find a human being
Going backwards to go forward
The key of the road
More than its forks
Its suspicious start
Or its uncertain end
Is the bitter humor
Of its innuendo
You always reach your destination
To somewhere else, instead
Everything happens
The other way around, instead
Let this night be mine
Don't want you to leave,T'is such a very cold night
Protect me with the warmth of your arms,
Till the day comes back again.
Your pillow can't wait anymore
Let it caress your face
Maybe it'll persuade you 1,
Maybe it won't.
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
On leaving this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
To leave this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
- 1. Lit. Maybe it gives you some advice
- Lit. Postpone my death
Again I am
The day is coming for usLooking again,
If you need to
love and be loved,
I know you haven't changed
I'm sure you're still,
You open your arms
I'll come to you ...
Don't be too proud
It hurts us,
Closing doors
In the face of our love,
You know yourself well
You are not different,
Extend your hands
Even if we don't finish ...
I'm lazy again
Poor thing again me,
Crazy again me,
Again indifferent me,
Me, me ... me.
A little alone with himself
I think you should stay,
Take a look at the ranks
Before leaving,
If I knew you would be comfortable
When our love is over,
Believe me, I'm leaving
Silently tonight.
The day is coming for us
Looking again,
If you need to
love and be loved,
I know you haven't changed
I'm sure you're still,
You open your arms
I'll come to you ...
I'm lazy again
Poor thing again me,
Crazy again me,
Again indifferent me,
Me, me ... me.