Резултати претраге страна 1
Број резултата: 77
O jelčice
1.O jelčice, o jelčice,
Tako lepo listaš ti!
Zeleniš se u leto
Ali i kad zazimi.
O jelčice, o jelčice,
Tako lepo listaš ti!
O jelčice, o jelčice,
Tako mi se sviđaš ti.
Nisu često praznici,
A tako me usrećuješ!
O jelčice, o jelčice,
Tako mi se sviđaš ti!
O jelčice, o jelčice,
Tvoja odeća me nauči:
Nade i upornosti
Uvek daju hrabrosti
O jelčice, o jelčice,
Tvoja odeća me nauči.
O, božićno drvce
O, božićno drvce! O, božićno drvce!Tvoji listovi tako su uvek isti
The Christmas fir tree
Over there in the wood, there is,My friend, a beautiful fir tree.
The tip moves and lengthens,
The fresh wind rocks it.
The tip moves and lengthens,
the fresh wind rocks it.
During the summer its branches
Turn green in the sun
And in the freshest ones,
The squirrels swing on them.
And in the freshest ones,
The squirrels swing on them.
Later, the light snow
Rests on him,
Covering it down to the ground,
Like a nice coat.
Covering it down to the ground,
Like a nice coat.