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Број резултата: 74


Najgora vremena, dobra muzika

[Part 1]
Svi hoće da mi budu u glavi, da ratuju
Samo zato što više nemamo istu energiju
Ne mogu ništa, osim mnogo da pričaju
Zovu me rođakom sa rukom na ramenu
A šakom na mom novčaniku
Ljudi i limuzine, novčanice i nekretnine
Ali i dalje imam klaustofobiju u glavi
Predstava za sto hiljada, skrivena ispod reke
Samo povećavaju udaljenost od Boga
Ali On zna da sam dobra osoba
Samo malo na kraju sa čistim mislima ali otrovom na rukama
Oči tamne poput noći, nema mesta za strah
Ali samo da ne znaš šta mislim
Vidimo nebo i znamo, hladno je
Ili samo živimo na pogrešnoj strani?
Ali trenutno nemamo izbora
Ako je duša već prodata, kako dovraga treba da čovek plati?
[Hook 2x]
Zašto mi frustracija daje energiju?
Zašto uništavam one što me vole?
Samo rane koje ne krvare su duboke
Ali najgora vremena stvaraju dobru muziku
[Part 2]
Stalno smo energični, latentno agresivni
Preziru ulicu dok govore da nas vole
Koji mišići od tegova, moji dolaze od pritiska
Zato što problemi leže šest stopa duboko u mojim grudima
Za jedan dan ste dobrodošli da budete kralj u džungli
Sledeće što odlazi je ono što volite, jednostavno se razbije
Čovek hiljadu puta kaže još jednom i to je to
Na kraju uradi i više nego što mora
Moje srce je preveliko da bih se plašio
Ni pre osam godina, kada su me imali u optužnici
Znaš da nemam ništa protiv policajaca
Ali lojalan znači da takođe pomažem momcima u pritvoru
Vidimo nebo i znamo, hladno je
Ili samo živimo na pogrešnoj strani?
Ali trenutno nemamo izbora
Ako je duša već prodata, kako dovraga treba da čovek plati?
[Hook 2x]
Zašto mi frustracija daje energiju?
Zašto uništavam one što me vole?
Samo rane koje ne krvare su duboke
Ali najgora vremena stvaraju dobru muziku

Child of Heaven

Deep in the womb I shall receive the fire
I burrowed towards the light in chains and through serpents
Now he rides, the child of heaven1 – he rides faster than the wind
I’m struck by the burning, hoarse, fierce kiss of malice2
Even before the scarred body must enter life
I grazed on the fields of madness
And drank from the river of lost souls
I played with the devil for your lives
And spoke with God about a new world
Pain became my closest friend, you should feast on that
Through war, death3, plague and famine, dark seeds sprouted
Now he rides, the child of heaven – he rides faster than the wind
Immediately damned to finish what is my destiny
You all truly will burn on the day of Final Judgement
I grazed on the fields of madness
And drank from the river of lost souls
I played with the devil for your lives
And spoke with God about a new world
With the bodies of your children you feed me like royalty
And all the power in the world will fail when the horror breaks over you
  • 1. This is a compound word invented for the sake of this song - it could be read child of heaven, heaven's child, child of the sky, sky's child
  • 2. Could alternatively be 'resentment'
  • 3. I'm assuming the German lyrics have a typo and it should be 'Tod' and that's what I hear in the song, otherwise best guess would be 'dead plague'

My Truth

I always wanted to have you close to me
To always be at your side from the beginning to the end
Fly on your wings of imagination
We'll walk through the rain with feet on the ground
Being with you in any corner I'll go
Nothing else matters, just your love
Play, roll in the sand of that sea
I'll go as you want, just call me
Where are you?
I need to see you
I feel you at my side
How to forget you?
You are the sun that I always dreamed about
My truth that I looked for so much
I miss your hand, your affection, your protection
I'm a girl without you
I'm a boat wandering carried on the waves of that sea
I need to find you
Where are you?
I need to see you
I feel you at my side
How to forget you?
You are the sun that I always dreamed about
My truth that I looked for so much

Genius at work

A genius at work
A genius at work
I hold it together, I hold it together
That I may never be forgiven
As you forgive me
I let it live, I let it live
Until I like it
As I like it
One can see it
Black on black, white on white
A genius at work
A genius at work
(A genius at work)
(A genius at work)
God, this closet
Jesus, this hole
I don’t where it comes from
I just know it must die
One can see it
Black on black, white on white
A genius at work
A genius at work
(A genius at work)
(A genius at work)
(A genius at work)
A genius at work
(A genius at work)
A genius at work
(A genius at work)
(A genius at work)

Hey Red Zora

State and power and money
Widdewiddewitt, and pigs (=cops).
All big and small
get punched.
We make this world
how we like it
Fight the capital
illegal, legal, doesn't matter.
Hey Red Zora*,
Molli* here, Molli there, Molli hopsassa.
Hey Red Zora,
you do what we like.
We have a house,
squat (= occupied house)
Peter and Pit,
they look out of the window
We have a house,
Peter and Pit,
who punches the face
of every cop pig
Hey Red Zora*,
Molli* here, Molli there, Molli hopsassa.
Hey Red Zora,
you do what we like
Hey Red Zora*,
Molli* here, Molli there, Molli hopsassa.
Hey Red Zora,
let's hope the penny's dropped!

My Truth

I wish you were always near me
Always be by your side From start to finish
Fly in your imagination’s wings
Walking through the rain with our feet on the ground
Being with you anywhere I’ll go
Nothing else matters but your love
Play, roll on the sand in that sea
I’ll go as I please, just call me
Where the hell are you?
I need to see you
I feel you beside me
How can I forget you?
You’re the sun I’ve always dreamed of
My truth that I sought (2x)
I miss your hand, your affection, your protection
I’m a girl without you
I am a boat to wander carried in the waves of this sea
I need to find you
Where the hell are you?
I need to see you
I feel you beside me
How can I forget you?
You’re the sun I’ve always dreamed of
My truth that I’ve so sought