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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 46


Милион суза

Милион ствари
Желим да кажем
Али штитим лице
и окрећем се
гутајући речи
утишане стидом.
Милион суза
желим да исплачем
Али штитим своје лице
и бришем сузе
Гутајући свој бол
који ме ломи изнутра
Молим те, остани овде са мном,
Само ме загрли док потпуно не искрварим
Гледај ме право у очи,
Само гледај даље од суза у мојим очима.
Милион ствари
Желим да можеш да кажеш,
Да ћеш остати
чак и ако паднем,
И да те ни један од мојих токова
неће скренути са пута.
Молим те, остани овде са мном,
Само ме загрли док потпуно не искрварим
Гледај ме право у очи,
Само гледај даље од суза у мојим очима.
Као круг око мене
Налази се затвор овог ограничења,
Потребна ми је олуја да бих је сломила,
Заштити очи од светлости
Али те молим да се не окрећеш од мене
Ја нисам оно против чега се борим.
Свака суза коју исплачем
Прогори пут кроз моје очи,
где видим кроз своје лажи
Свака суза коју исплачем
Оставља траг на леду
где се осећам угрејано.
Гледај ме право у очи,
Само гледај даље од суза у мојим очима.
Молим те, остани овде са мном,
Само ме загрли док потпуно не искрварим
Као круг око мене
Налази се затвор овог ограничења,
Потребна ми је олуја да бих је сломила,
Заштити очи од светлости
Али те молим да се не окрећеш од мене
Ја нисам оно против чега се борим.

Million Men

If it's money One! One! whoever it's OK
You can't hold onto it, you can't get anymore, there's only attachment left
You were hoping for a miracle-like love, but there is no such thing
You rate everything and you don't need anything that doesn't deal with money
You've thrown away love and lost faith, you can throw away whoever you want
If it's money One! One! Whoever is OK
But if not Two! Two! They can just forget it
No, in your life, twice no three times, no it's only one time
Don't chase after worthless things
You are so up and going down down,
Only heading towards fleeting things
Turn back the days when you were most happiest, where has the real you gone?
Now stop up and going down down
And don't get lured here and there
You can't sell your special value
Because this is a life that you live only once
Whatever they say, I'm the best, please, stop with the endless selfishness
You can't do it by yourself, there is someone by your side
Don't just leave regret, turn around
There's no longer any love or faith beside you
Only the outside shell of yourself
It's hard to choose until the very end, because nothing is for sure
You get stronger when you fail, you learn
Even if you become wretched and become rich
You'll know where I was really myself
Matching up to your expensive pride
Might have been a dream or it might have flown away
Don't loose yourself, don't become like that, don't give up
You are so up and going down down
Only heading towards fleeting things
Turn back the days when you were most happiest, where has the real you gone?
Now stop up and going down down
And don't get lured here and there
You can't sell your special value
Because this is a life that you live only once

A Million Roses

Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
A long time ago when
I arrived in this world,
I heard a small voice
Telling me to give love
A flower that blooms when i love,
I was told to bloom a million flowers.
Only when in true love,
The rose of love will bloom.
What is true love?
I wept distressed.
Many people have separated,
What a sad world.
Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
Even though everyone has left,
I will continue to love.
The one I’ve missed so much
came from a star to see me
Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
Hmm, oh~
Without any hate,
Only when I give love without holding back,
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
Hey~ Oh~ Oh~ Hmm~
A million flowers will bloom.
Then I may return to the blooming star land
I miss.
After a long time passed,
Giving everything, even one’s life.
Appearing out of nowhere like rain,
Such a love held me in arms.

Million reasons (Spanish version)

Millions of reasons to say goodbye
Millions of reasons, you are giving me love
You are giving me millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
I run down the street, I only think of you
I would seek you forever, but it will not be like that
If you give me millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
I don't know what to do anymore
And I do the best I can
God, help me
How to pass the cruel moment?
Millions of reasons for not to return anymore
But give me just one and I'll stay
My mind circling
Far from seeing
Because when I look at you I lose
Conscience and faith
You give me millions reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
Even if there's something you want to tell me
I will not listen to you anymore
I know you're going to lie to me
You give me millions of reasons
Millions of reasons
There are millions of reasons
I don't know what to do anymore
And I do the best I can
God, help me
How to cross the cruel moment?
Millions of reasons for not to return anymore
But give me just one and I'll stay
eyyeee yeeee
I'm bleeding and it hurts
eyyeee yeeee
I hate needing you and it hurts
Broken hearts that forgot what was
Give me one reason, give me one one one one
I don't know what to do anymore
And I do the best I can
God, help me
How to pass the cruel moment?
Millions of reasons for not to return anymore
Ohh give me just one one
Just one one
Give me one one reason
Just one one
Give me just one and I'll stay

Million roses

Once upon a time, a painter
having only canvases and colors,
but he loved an actress,
the one who loved flowers.
So he put on sale
his paintings, his humble abode
and so bought
a whole ocean of flowers.
One million, one million,
a million red roses,
through the window, through the window,
by the window you discover.
He who loves you, he who loves you,
he who loves you for real
will change all his life
in flowers for you. (bis)
At the window she asks herself
it was really something -
like a grandiose spectacle,
the place is full of roses.
His soul is frozen for a moment:
who is this funny lover?
And in a corner, all shaking,
the handsome boy lowers his eyes.
To the refrain
The beautiful meeting was brief,
she left at night,
but in his life there was
the wonderful field of roses.
The paintings of the painter become famous,
now had only one theme,
a square covered with flowers,
a beautiful window who loves him.
To the refrain

Our journey

As if we knew each other forever
we swing on one frequency
our waves have the same length
This energy is unlimited
You are freeee
Near you I am right
with every word and every sound
coordinates are not important
we already know our destination
You are free and you can find me
where the journey goes as well
you are free and our lines are connected
where we are too
on this planeeet
yeah yeahNot quite, but I wouldn't know how to translate this. :)[\fn]
And because we understand our signs (even) blind
we have time, you do not have to hurry
I am your protective shield even when we don't see each other
because we share more than one skyCan also be 'heaven'.[/fn[
You are free and you can find me
where the journey goes as well
you are free and our lines are connected
where we are too
on this planeeet
yeah yeah
Free and you can find me
where the journey goes as well
you are free and our lines are connected
where we are too
on this planeeet
yeah yeah
where the journey goes as well
yeah yeah
on this planeeet


Millions of scarlet roses

I write about love so often that love
Stuttering will write a story about me
We made a deal
I tattooed your name on my left hand
And in reality weeks flew by
Everyone kept telling you 'He doesn't have any money'
What the hell is love
Your dad's opinion is stronger
You lie a thousand times, throw a thousand phrases
Then a thousand tears, but where are you now?
Strong with words but crash when it comes to actions
You were the best - now you're my fear
Your truth makes me laugh
You're so sure in it
Only because you lied so much
That you ended up believing it
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
The temperature in my heart is dropping closer to zero
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the window, from the window, from the window you see
Who is in love, who is in love, who is in love seriously
Turned their life into flowers for you
You have nine lives so give me mine back, there'll be eight left
To everyone you're a house cat but again and again you b*itch ask to come over
Don't bother dreaming up anything else, And i doubt everything will be like before
Yea I'm playing with fire but better this than hiding from the fake
(O sh*t)
Show me your card, there's a heart but also a spade
You only need me when I have money, when I'm at the top
Millions of moments, I gave you everything. Forget it, no problem.
But I remembered and remember each cut and gifted rose 1
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
The temperature in my heart is dropping closer to zero
Love and hate you, hate that I love you
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the window, from the window, from the window you see
Who is in love, who is in love, who is in love seriously
Turned their life into flowers for you (2x)
In life it happens
But I turned it into flowers

Милион црвених ружа

Ја тако често пишем о љубави, да ће љубав муцајући написати причу о мени.
Направили смо договор са њом.
Истетовирао сам твоје име на левој руци.
И, заправо недеље су летеле
Теби су сви говорили: 'Он новца нема'
Каква љубав, дођавола?
Мишљење твог тате је јаче
Ти лажеш хиљаде пута, бацаш хиљаде фраза,
Онда хиљаде суза, али где си сада ти?
Јака на речима, али падаш на крају акције
Ти си била најбоља, сада си мој страх
Мене заиста, засмејава твоја истина,
Јер си ти у њу јако сигурна,
Само зато што си тако често лагала
Да си сама у то све поверовала.
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Температура се у мом срцу ближи према нули
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Милиони, милиони, милиони црвених ружа
Из прозора, из прозора, из прозора видиш ти
Ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен и озбиљан,
Свој живот за тебе ће претворити у цвеће
Имаш девет живота, тако да ми врати мој, и остаће ти осам
За све си ти кућна мачка, али опет, и опет ти молиш у госте.
Нема потребе даље измишљати, јер тешко да ће све бити као раније
Да, ја се играм са ватром, али нека боље је тако, него да се скривам у лажи
( О, дођавола)
Откривај своје карте, тамо је срце на пику
Јер ја сам ти само потребан, када имам лове, и кад сам на врху
Милион момената! Пружио сам ти их све! Да заборавим? Нема проблема!
Али ја сам их се сећао и сећам се сваке из исечених и поклоњених ружа
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Температура се у мом срцу ближи према нули
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Милиони, милиони, милиони црвених ружа
Из прозора, из прозора, из прозора видиш ти
Ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен и озбиљан,
Свој живот за тебе ће претворити у цвеће (х2)
У животу се тако догађа...
Јер сам је ја претворио у цвеће

jedan od milion

mislim da mi je trebalo neko vreme da se izgubim
trebalo mi je malo dusevnog mira
nesto dusevnog mira da bih ostao
zato sam tumarao dole do seste ulice i Los Andjelesa, 90610
mozda medjugradski autobus ide u mom pravcu
policija i crnci, tako je
sklonite mi se s puta
ne treba da kupim nista od vasih
zlatnih okova danas
ne trebaju mi nikakve lisice za ruke
da mi stegnete za ledjima
treba mi samo moja karta, do tada
hocete li malo da me zaobidjete ?
ti si jedan od milion
aha, to je ono sto si
ti si jedan od milion, duso
ti si zvezda padalica
mozda cemo te jednog dana videti
pre nego sto nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dosegnemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, previsoko,
previsoko, da, ou !
imigranti i koji pozajmljuju cigare
nemaju smisao za mene
dosli su u nasu zemlju
i misle da ce moci da rade sta hoce
kao pocetak nekog malog irana,
ili sirenje neke jebene zaraze
oni govore na tako mnogo prokletih nacina
sve je to grcki za mene
pa, neki kazu da sam lenj
a drugi kazu da sam jednostavno takav
neki kazu da sam lud
mislim da sam oduvek bio
ali proslo je mnogo vremena
otkad sam znao da razlikujem ispravno od pogresnog
sve su to sredstva koja vode kraju, ja
ja nastavljam dalje
ti si jedan od milion
oo, ti si zvezda padalica
ti si jedan od milion, duso
znas da jesi
mozda cemo te jednog dana videti, oo
oh, pre nego sto nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dostignemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, oo, previsoko
previsoko, huh,no,no,oh
ou !
radikali i rasisti
ne upirite prstom u mene
ja sam beli decko iz malog grada
samo pokusajte da se ne vidjamo
ne treba mi vasa religija
ne gledam previse televiziju
samo vodim svoj zivot, duso
pa, to mi je dovoljno
jedan si od milion
da to si ti
jedan u milion, duso
ti si zvezda padalica
mozda te jednom vidimo
pre nego nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dosegnemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, ou, previsoko,
previsoko, previsoko
aha, da,da,da !
ou ! previsoko
oh, previsoko, ah
previsoko,ou, previsoko

Millions Of Scarlet Roses

Versions: #4
Once there an artist had been, canvases he had and house,
But one actress he loved who liked flowers
And then his house he sold, sold canvases and the home,
And sea of flowers he bought.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.
At dawn you stand by window, maybe insane,
The square is filled with flowers as if dreaming,
Soul chills, what did this rich man
Poor artist stands barely breathing.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.
The meeting had been quite brief, train in the night carried her,
But in her life there had been a crazy song of the roses.
The artist spent life alone, he suffered many sorrows,
But in his life there had been a square full of flowers.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.

Jedna od milion

Ti si jedna od milion
Jedna si u milion
Ponekad ljubav moze da te pogodi svakodnevno
Ponekad mozes pasti za sve koje vidis
Ali samo jedna zaista moze da me zadrzi
To mi kaze znak sa neba
Jedna si od milion
jedina si za citav zivot
Pustila si da otkrijem
Jednu od zvezda iznad nas
Tragao sam za tom posebnom
I tragao sam za nekom kojoj cu dati svoju ljubav
Kada sam to mislio sva je nada nestala
Osmeh , bila si tamo i ja sam otisao
Uvek cu se secati kako sam se osecao tog dana
Neopisivo osecanje za mene
Uvek sam znao da postoji odgovor na moje molitve
I ti , ti si ta , jedina za mene
Jedna od milion
Jedna za citav zivot
Dala si mi da otkrijem
Jednu od zvezda iznad nas
U pocetku bio sam hladnokrvan i sve je bilo moguce
Pokusali su da me uhvate ali je to bilo nemoguce
Niko me nije mogao povrediti , to je bila moja igra
Dok te nisam sreo duso i ti si bila ista
A kada me nisi htela ja sam zeleo tebe
Jer zabavna stvar u vezi sa tim koju zelim da pokazem
Svidja mi se kada je tesko
Svidja mi se kada je tvrdo
Tada znas da vredi
Tako nalazis svoje srce
Jedna si od milion
Jedina si za citav zivot
Dala si mi da otkrijem
Jednu od zvezda nad nama
Jedna si u milion
Jedna si u milion

Milion na mojoj duši (radio verzija)

Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Kada zadnji put dođem u grad
Zaustavim se u brzom autu po prvi put
Dolazim da kažem zbogom
Nisi me video da plačem
Imam milion (stvari) na svojoj duši
Gradim armiju potpuno sama
Stavili su cenu na moju dušu
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Oh, ostavi me na miru
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Dom, dom
Pronalazim dom
Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Žele me srediti
Žele me videti kako puzim
Moram biti čovek, moram ga pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Kada zadnji put dođem u grad
Zaustavim se u brzom autu po prvi put
Dolazim da kažem zbogom
Nisi me video da plačem
Imam milion (stvari) na svojoj duši
Gradim armiju potpuno sama
Stavili su cenu na moju dušu
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Oh, ostavi me na miru
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Zašto me ne ostaviš na miru?
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek
Dom, dom
Pronalazim dom
Moram pronaći sebe, moram pronaći sada
Moram biti čovek, moram ga sada pronaći
Moram biti čovek
Moram biti čovek


Sembra che io non possa portare il mio stesso peso, sto tremolando perso e solo
Le foglie stanno giá cadendo e io rimango in piedi, salterò dalla scogliera e mi cucirò gli occhi
E quando il mio corpo stará volando, sarò lá
Vicino alla perfezione
Vedrai con chiarezza quando sarai per terra, con ali spezzate
Vedremo la tua forza e sai che sei bello
Siamo tutti indistruttibili
La pala è nelle nostre mani e stiamo contrattacando per l'ultima volta
Come un'ombra che si mostra nella luminos luce del giorno
Nemmeno un unico punto sanguinerá
Le ferite fanno male ma non si mostreranni
Non è difficile essere quello che lascia andare
Vicino alla perfezione
Vedrai con chiarezza quando sarai per terra, con ali spezzate
Vedremo la tua forza e sai che sei bello
Siamo tutti indistruttibili
La pala è nelle nostre mani e stiamo contrattacando per l'ultima volta
La vita non dovrebber finire in tragedia, sarai forte se credi
E poi il mio spirito tocca il suolo
Vicino alla perfezione
Vedrai con chiarezza quando sarai per terra, con ali spezzate
Vedremo la tua forza e sai che sei bello
Siamo tutti indistruttibili
La pala è nelle nostre mani e stiamo contrattacando per l'ultima volta
Vicini alla perfezione
Siamo tutti indistruttibili


Želim da budem bogat od tvog osmeha
od tvoje volje za obnovu
od tvojih avantura,od tvojih krstarenja
od tvoje pobede nad rakom
od tvog braka,od tvoje trudnoće
od tvog oproštaja,od tvoje mudrosti
od tvoje slobode daleko od ograđenosti
od tvoje razlike,od tvoje zastave
Da,treba mi vazduha,razotkriven sam
Ako me voliš napravi od mene milionera
da kupim ono što nema cenu
na ovom prolaznom svetu
Napravi od mene milijardera
trebaš mi
budi moj luksuz,moj dijamanstki rudnik
Želim da budem siromašan od tvojih suza
od ovih fanatika i njihovih oružja
od ovih mešavina koje nas dele
od ratova u Africi,od genocida
od ovih bolesti koje nam sude
od ovog dana kada će mama predati dušu
od ove omladine koja je napuštena
u rukama ovih ludaka sa fiks idejama
budi moje bogatstvo,moja slava,moje pijanstvo
budi moj stepenik za penjanje na Everest
budi moj zavet,moj znak plemstva
U toj trci ka sreći budi moj motor,moja brzina
Želim da budem bogat u čovečanstvu
da bih mogao da ostavim napojnicu
Pohlepa nam duguje
Popunite mi dzepove nadom
Popunite mi dzepove nadom
Budi moj luksuz,moj dijamantski rudnik