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Преводи песама на српски и енглески страна 4

Број резултата: 100912


Moonlight in Vermont

Pennies in a stream
Falling leaves of sycamore
Moonlight in Vermont

Icy finger waves
Ski trails down a mountain side
Snowlight in Vermont

Telegraph cables,
They sing down the highway
As they travel each bend in the road

People who meet
In this romantic setting
Are so hypnotized by the lovely.

Evening summer breeze
Warblings of the meadowlark
Moonlight in Vermont

You and I,
And moonlight in Vermont

Gospodin Bojangles

Click to see the original lyrics (English)


Poznavao sam čoveka, Bojanglesa,
I on bi igrao za vas
U iznošenim cipelama, sa srebrnom kosom, pocepanom košuljom i vrećastim pantalonama
Izvodio bi staru dobru “mekanu cipelu”
Mogao je da skoči tako visoko,
Skoči tako visoko,
A onda bi lagano doskočio.

Upoznao sam ga u ćeliji, u Nju Orleansu sam bio,
Dok sam bio na dnu
Delovao mi je kao da ima oči same starosti,
Dok je govorio glasno,
Pričao o životu, mmm,
Gospode, pričao je o životu, whaha

Smejao se, pljesnuo se po nozi i napravio korak.
Rekao je da se zove “Bojangles”
I kratko je zaigrao po ćeliji
Zgrabio je pantalone, zauzeo bolji stav, skočio visoko,
I tada je kucnuo petama

Onda se glasno nasmejao
Gospode, nasmejao se, i zavrteo odeću oko sebe
To je bio gospodin Bojangles
Gospodin Bojangles
Gospodin Bojangles

Gospode, kako je mogao da igra
Pričao mi je o vremenu kada je nastupao u Minstrel šouovima, putujući po Jugu
Govorio je sa suzama o petnaest godina kako su on i njegov pas
Prosto putovali svuda.
Ali pas mu je uginuo
Pas mu je uginuo

I posle dvadeset godina još je tugovao
Rekao je: “Igram sada, i kad god mogu, po Honky-Tonk barovima, za piće i napojnice”
“Za piće i napojnice”
Ali većinu vremena provodim iza rešetaka lokalnog zatvora
“Vidi, sinko, ja pijem pomalo”
Onda je odmahnuo glavom,
Gospode, kad je odmahnuo glavom
Mogao sam se zakleti da sam čuo nekoga kako kaže:
“Molim te”

“Gospodine Bojangles,
Ah, gospodine Bojangles,
Gospodine Bojangles, vrati se i igraj
Molim te, igraj
Dođi i igraj sada
Ah, gospodine Bojangles,
Gospodine Bojangles,
Gospodine Bojangles, igraj
Zašto se ne možeš vratiti i igrati?
Molim te, Bojangles
Hmmmm, igraj
Opet, Bojangles”


Snalazim se dobro bez tebe

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Snalazim se dobro bez tebe
Naravno da da,
Osim kada nežne kiše padaju
I cure sa lišća, kada se setim
Čar bivanja zaštićenim u tvojim rukama
Naravno da da,
Ali snalazim se dobro bez tebe

Zaboravio sam te, baš kao što treba
Naravno da jesam
Osim kada čujem tvoje ime
Ili nečiji smeh koji je isti
Ali zaboravio sam te, baš kao što treba

Kakav čovek, kakva budala sam ja
Što pomisli da bi moje slomljeno srce moglo zavarati mesec
Šta me čeka, da li da pozovem još jednom?
Ne, najbolje je da se držim svoje pesme

Snalazim se dobro bez tebe
Naravno da da,
Osim možda u proleće, ali ne bih smeo
Nikad misliti na proleće
Jer bi to sigurno slomilo moje srce na pola

The Touch of Your Lips

The touch of your lips upon my face
Your lips that are cool and sweet
Such tenderness lies in their soft caress
My heart forgets to beat

The touch of your hands upon my brow....
The love in your eyes, ashine
And now at last the moment divine
The touch of your lips, the love in your eyes

The touch of your lips on mine

Nature Boy

There was a boy.
A very strange, enchanted boy.
They say he wandered very far,
Very far,
Over land and sea.
A little shy,
And sad of eye,
But very wise was he.
And then one day,
One magic day he passed my way.
And while we spoke of many things,
Fools and kings,
This he said to me:
The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return.

Jesenje lišće

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Opalo lišće promiče kraj mog prozora
Jesenje lišće crveno i zlatno
Vidim tvoje usne, letnje poljupce
Od sunca pocrnele ruke, koje sam nekada držao

Otkada si otišla, dani postaju dugi
Uskoro ću čuti staru zimsku pesmu
Ali nedostaješ mi ponajviše, moja draga
Kada jesenje lišće počne da opada

Opalo lišće promiče kraj mog prozora
Jesenje lišće crveno i zlatno
Vidim tvoje usne, letnje poljupce
Od sunca pocrnele ruke, koje sam nekada držao

Otkada si otišla, dani postaju dugi
Uskoro ću čuti staru zimsku pesmu
Ali nedostaješ mi ponajviše, moja draga
Kada jesenje lišće počne da opada

Leti sa mnom do meseca (Drugim rečima)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Pesnici često koriste mnogo reči da kažu prostu stvar
Potrebno je promišljanja i vremena i rima
Kako bi pesma mogla zapevati
Sa muzikom i rečima ja sam se igrao
Za tebe napisao sam pesmu
Kako bih bio siguran sa znaš šta pričam
Prevodiću kako budem nastavljao

Leti sa mnom do meseca
Dozvoli mi da se igram među zvezdama
Da vidim kakvo je proleće
Na Jupiteru i Marsu
Drugim rečima, uzmi me za ruku
Drugim rečima, draga poljubi me

Ispuni moje srce pesmom
Pusti me da pevam zauvek
Ti si sve za čim žudim
Sve čemu se klanjam i obožavam
Drugim rečima, molim te budi iskrena
Drugim rečima, volim te

Ispuni moje srce pesmom
Pusti me da pevam zauvek
Ti si sve za čim žudim
Sve čemu se klanjam i obožavam
Drugim rečima, molim te budi iskrena
Drugim rečima, volim te

Jučerašnji dani

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Jučerašnji dani
Jučerašnji dani,
Dani koje sam znala kao srećno-slatke,
Skriveni dani.
Stari dani,
Zlatni dani,
Dani lude romantike i ljubavi.

Tada sam imala mladost vedru,
Istina je bila moja,
Radostan, slobodan i strastven život,
Zaista moj.
Tužna sam,
Srećna sam,
Jer danas sanjam o
Jučerašnjim danima.

Jučerašnji dani
Jučerašnji dani,
Dani koje sam znala kao srećno-slatke,
Skriveni dani.
Stari dani,
Zlatni dani,
Dani lude romantike i ljubavi.

Tada sam imala mladost vedru,
Istina je bila moja,
Radostan, slobodan i strastven život,
Zaista moj.
Tužna sam,
Srećna sam,
Jer danas sanjam o
Jučerašnjim danima.

Dani vina i ruža

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Dani vina i ruža
Smeju se i beže
Kao dete koje se igra
Kroz livadu,
Prema zatvorenim vratima
Vratima označenim „Nikad više“
Koja ranije nisu postojala

Usamljena noć otkriva
Samo prolazni povetarac
Ispunjen uspomenama
Na zlatni osmeh
Koji me je upoznao sa
Danima vina i ruža
I tobom.

Usamljena noć otkriva
Samo prolazni povetarac
Ispunjen uspomenama
Na zlatni osmeh
Koji me je upoznao sa
Danima vina i ruža
I tobom.


Again -
This couldn't happen again.
This is that 'Once-in-a-lifetime'
This is the 'Thrill divine'.

What's more -
This never happened before,
Though I have prayed for a lifetime
That such as you would suddenly be mine.

Mine to hold as I'm holding you now
And yet never so near.
Mine to have when the now and the here
Disappear - what matters, dear,

For when this doesn't happen again
We'll have this moment forever
But never, never again.


Dream, when you're feeling blue
Dream, that's the thing to do
Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air
You'll find your share of memories there
So dream when the day is through
Dream, and they might come true
Things never are as bad as they seem
So dream, dream, dream


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Uzeću Menhetn
Bronks i Staten Ajlend takođe
Divno je prolaziti
Kroz zoo vrt

Veoma je otmeno
Na staroj Delancey ulici, znaš?
Metro nas tako očara
Kada ugodni vetrovi duvaju

I reci mi, koja ulica
Može da se uporedi sa Mott ulicom u julu?
Slatka kolica polako
Klize pored

Veliki grad je čudesna igračka
Stvorena za devojčicu i dečaka
Pretvorićemo Menhetn
U ostrvo radosti

Reci mi, koja ulica
Može da se uporedi sa Mott ulicom u julu?
Slatka kolica polako
Klize pored

Veliki grad je čudesna igračka
Stvorena za devojčicu i dečaka
Pretvorićemo Menhetn
U ostrvo radosti

Uzeću Menhetn
Uzeću Menhetn


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Pokušavaju da nam kažu da smo premladi,
Premladi da bismo zaista bili zaljubljeni.
Kažu da je ljubav reč,
Reč koju smo samo načuli,
Ali da ne možemo ni početi da shvatamo njeno značenje.

Ali ipak nismo premladi da bismo znali
Da će ova ljubav trajati, iako godine prolaze,
I jednog dana se možda sete,
Da nismo bili premladi uopšte.


Εγώ που αλλάζω μορφή κι από στιγμή σε στιγμή θα χαθώ
από προσώπου της γης στην κόψη μιας αστραπής
μια μέρα θα εξαφανιστώ
από τη νύχτα μεθάω και στο σκοτάδι γελάω
βάζω μια μάσκα από φως και ξεχνώ
ο κόσμος λέει πολλά κι όταν με κρίνει σκληρά
η απάντησή μου είναι.

Υπάρχεις μόνο εσύ δυο φίλοι κι η μουσική
που την καρδιά μου ξέρουν
θα μείνω πάντα παιδί σαν το παλιό το κρασί
στα χρόνια ταξιδεύω...

Ανακατεύω μπογιές τραβάω ευθείες γραμμές με το νου
φιλοσοφίες ακούς από ανθρώπους κουτούς
που εμένα δε με πείθουν.

Υπάρχεις μόνο εσύ δυο φίλοι κι η μουσική
που την καρδιά μου ξέρουν
θα μείνω πάντα παιδί σαν το παλιό το κρασί
στα χρόνια ταξιδεύω.
Άκουσε με...

Σ’ ένα ακρογιάλι στάσου κι αν ένα αστέρι πέσει πιάσ’ το
αυτό που θέλεις πέσ’ το όλα μπορούν να συμβούν
κάθε λεπτό θα ζήσω σαν να `ταν πες το τελευταίο
ο χρόνος κάνει κύκλο και οι στιγμές που κυλούν
το μέλλον τώρα βλέπω και οι τρομπέτες ηχούν
με τα φτερά μου πετάω...

Εγώ που αλλάζω μορφή κι από στιγμή σε στιγμή θα χαθώ
από τη νύχτα μεθάω μες στο σκοτάδι γελάω
και στο φεγγάρι λέω:

Υπάρχεις μόνο εσύ δυο φίλοι κι η μουσική
που την καρδιά μου ξέρουν
θα μείνω πάντα παιδί σαν το παλιό το κρασί
στα χρόνια ταξιδεύω..
Κοίταξέ με...


Click to see the original lyrics (Korean)

Kao da je svet stao na tren
kad sam slučajno naleteo na tebe na ulici.
Morao sam odmah da se sudržim
na tvoje povremene pozdrave.

Budalo jedna,
zbog tebe bolujem.
Zašto opet ideš u tankoj odeći
kad je ovako hladno?

Tvoje oči koje me izbegavaju
i tvoje mršavo lice,
zato što te mrzim takvu
opet noćima lutam pijan.

Gde sam to pogrešio?
Da sam te samo polako čekao
moja stvarnost bi bila skromnija,
a samo bi mi srce raslo.

Rekla si da ti je teško zbog mene
i kako želiš da budemo srećni.
Kako sam mogao da te pustim?

Budalo jedna,
zbog tebe bolujem.
Zašto opet ideš u tankoj odeći
kad je ovako hladno?

Oči koje su bile moje sve
i lice koje sam voleo,
i dalje mi je drago kad ih vidim,
pa suze krenu da teku.

Zato što sam bio mlad, zato što mi je bilo žao,
zato što si mi bila draga, zato što sam se plašio,
znam da sam sve upropastio.
Izvini za sve!

Budalo jedna!
Koliko sam te samo voleo.
Kako smo mogli da raskinemo tek tako?
Bolje da se ne srećemo opet,
a ti srećno živi, kako te ja ne bih opet prišio za sebe.

The ballad of Charles IV

King Charles, with Bushek of Vilhart,
Sat down beside an oaken board.
Together many a cup they’d drunk
And many a hearty wassail roared.
“Come set out cups of gold, good page,”
In merry mood proclaims the king,
“And pour out wine—nay fuller yet,
Today, Bushek, thou’lt see a thing.”

“Hear me, Bushek, on these grapes
Last year our sun of home did shine.
Come, raise your glass and drink today
Of this, the first Bohemian wine.”
They drank—the king in fury spat.
“I called it wine? This bitter froth!
This killing stuff! It twists the mouth.”
And down he dashed his hand in wrath.

“I bring here vines from Burgundy,”
In rising anger spoke the king,
“And from Bohemia’s noble land
I see such bitter wormwood spring.
For sure I’d tartest aloes reap
If I should sweetest peaches sow,
And here, if one would roses plant,
Hollow mockery would grow.”

“Sure, but the folk are like the land.
If all the saints, to teach you, came,
(Should Czechs pay heed) be thankful, saints,
If blows at you they would not aim.
As well to thresh a sheaf of straw.
Try what I will—a day or two,
And all is turned about again.
Such rank return I have of you.”

Yet raised he to his lips the cup
And drank: his fine wide eyes now gave
A stealthy glance towards his friend:
Bushek sat silent as the grave.
And, but to find a thing to do,
He wet his lip the cup along
And to his palate pressed the wine,
And rolled it slowly round his tongue.

“Aye, wretched,” said the king, and quick
He helped himself to wine the while,
So quick, as barring argument,
But round his lips now played a smile.
“Shall I then die of thirst? By heaven
Thou’rt blind, good page. Dost thou not see
An empty glass before me lies?
And let thy measure generous be!”

“Come, Bushek, drink. Be no more sad!
Thy king’s wise words now savour.
My tongue discerning (as ’tis known)
Has found this wine’s own flavour.
It hath its own peculiar charm,
One needs must try, dear Bushek, see—
First harsh perhaps, yet sweeter then,
Its taste by now is come to me.”

“Why, see, my lord, just so our folk—
With temper strange and seeming rude—
Yet flowers in beauty all its own.”
Vilhart, at once in merry mood,
Thus suddenly his silence broke.
“Look close upon that folk, I pray,
And thou to them wilt press thy lips,
Nor ever take thy lips away.”


Life Goes On

On which ship will you let me sail?
Which star will you choose to trust
While life
Goes on?
Which book will you tell me about?
With which hand will you reach out to touch me
While life
Goes on?
For which dream will you betray me?
Which side will you lean on
While life
Goes on?

This is our time
And it will go with the wind
We don’t know where
We don’t know how
It’s just a game
That lasts so little
It’s only love
And it breaks your heart

In which memory will you lock me away?
With which song will you sing me out
While life
Goes on?

This is our time
And it will go with the wind
We don’t know where
We don’t know how
It’s just a game
That lasts so little
It’s only love
And it breaks your heart

How many fears will you take away?
And how many doubts will you give me
While life
Goes on?
While life
Goes on?


Mountain Ballad

“Say what salve can close a wound
(Nanny, speak to me),
Heal and save from death a man
Wounded grievously?”

“To heal a mortal’s open wounds
In a body ailing,
The spring juice of the plantain herb
Is alone availing.”

“What is there can bring relief
(Nanny, speak to me),
When a head is hot with pain,
Throbbing ceaselessly?”

“To heal a head so feverish hot
Nothing else is good
Save the strawberry plant’s young leaves,
Gathered in the wood.”

From the cottage ran the child
Into the near-by field.
“Plantain herb, give me your juice,
That pain of man be healed.”

From field to woods through thorns, through briars,
Onwards ran the child.
“Give me of your tender leaves,
Blessed strawberry wild.”

She quickly gained what she had asked,
To church then sped away:
Jesus, stretched upon the cross,
Before the altar lay.

“See, I bathe Thy holy side,
Thy breast with ointment smear,
Thy dear wounds will heal again,
Jesu sweet, my dear.

Fresh leaves from the woods I lay
Upon Thy forehead sore,
The piercing fever’s heat shall burn
Thy dear head no more.”

The great bells on the church’s top
Their summons loud are pealing.
The people gather, strike their breasts,
Before the wonder kneeling.
What her childish dream had willed
By the grace of God fulfilled.

That village still an image keeps
Of the Saviour born.
There are no wounds upon His side,
Upon His brow no thorn.
On all His body lilies white
Shining, as at dawn.


Summer is Ending

[Verse 1]
I turn off the television
Pick up my ink and quill
Writing words with blurry vision
‘Bout the shit that I can’t stand
Telling you I’ve fallen weak
Telling you ‘bout my defeat
Telling how I let you down
Voices scream from the radio
Rings loud from the telephone
Sorrow doesn’t sink with pints
I just lay there, sick and blind
Told me to go, leave all behind
But it tingles down my spine
Every moon’s a sleepless night

I'm still awaiting the answer...
There lingers hope no more...
Summer will soon be over…

[Verse 2]
They say the sun’s up in the sky
Blazing in the blue, so bright
In the radio, they claim:
The weather’s boiling in flames
Yet I’m sitting in the shades
Coldness swarms, warmth fades
Breezes wrapping ‘round me
Seasons come, seasons go
Million times you I owe
How’d I repay? I don’t know
I’m only hitting new lows
Life’s no more, so mundane
I sit by the remains
And feel the pour of autumn rain

I'm still awaiting the answer...
There lingers hope no more...
Summer will soon be over…

[Verse 3]
Been decades since the fall
Crumbled the brick walls tall
But now all that’s left to see
Is the withering poppy
In the jar by the window
From the restaurant long-gone
That flourished years ago
The clock keeps ticking on
With the ripples of the pond
Year by year into the wind
Away the dried leaves blow
I toss and flip the coin
Always landing on the tails
But one day, we might prevail

I'm still awaiting the answer...
There lingers hope no more...
Summer will soon be over…

(I'm still awaiting the answer...)
(Summer comes to an end…)
(I’m awaiting the answer….)
(Summer will soon be over…)


The Black Lake

So silent lies the water, deep and deathly sad:
Around, the silent wood, like grieving myrtle dark,
The dreaming shore, and brown the moss that on it grows,
And any flower the moss reveals is pale as wax.
Here sounds no hum of bees, no singing bird is here,
Only, through empty skies, at times a bird of prey
Screams, and the echoing hills give back a sound as sad
As the sudden sob of muffled tears from far away.

My eyes, with dreams bemused, stare through the water black—
That pool unfathomed, what does it hide below?
Some old Bohemian legend, banished from the land?
Hides here that glassy wall some ring of ancient gods?
Rests here perhaps our great Bohemian hero band?
Noble and heroic, like the gods were you,
Forgotten by Bohemia’s land forlorn,
Forgotten quite by all this generation new.

If they should weep for all their nation’s grief,
Then that dark lake would swell into a darkling sea.
If they, from living breast, should sigh, their sobbing breath
Would send the lake in flooding deluge past its banks.
Below the water’s edge, uneasy is the dream
And ruffled by the breath of them that lie below.
But now their breath is quiet—the breathing of the dead,
Across the lake like chilling breeze it seems to blow.

Perhaps our underworld is here, the dusk beneath the lake.
Through summer twilight once I gazed towards the hills
And saw, along the forest side, some figures strange
Like troops, descending to a cavern deep in rocks.
They seemed no human shapes but rather wisps of cloud,
Through trunks they moved, from branch to branch among the brake,
Before the eye could catch them, drawing near and low
And then, like greyish cloud, dissolving in the lake.

Each day death sends them forth, from living tables haled,
And night-time is too short for all to pass below.
But when the morning hours weave on the shining light,
The shades remaining turn and hurry to the woods.
Each time I stepped within the black woods’ edge
Among the noise of steps I heard strange whispers fly,
And suddenly, with racing blood, I felt on me,
Gazing from gloomy copse, the stare of ghostly eye.

Bend down and gaze upon the trailing creepers brown
Below the water, see the lovely net they form—
Sure something must lie there, within that water calm,
And something must lie hid, within that massive pool.
How light would be that leap, how soft that fall below!
That ring of magic lore would open up its pit—
I know, I firmly hold, that something sleeps below—
For something must lie there, that draws me down to it.


Hot Milk

I dissolved some sweet sugar in my fading memories and drank them up
This love is all i believe in my usual hot milk seeps in

I can’t express in words those uncertain things that close in with no meaning
I smile bitterly about how i missed the shooting star that flew by
If someone hurries me along, saying “come on, now’s your chance!” once again, I don’t know where I’m going
I laugh and say it’s none of their business as I stir my usual hot milk

What you really want is that your ideal?
Sometimes what’s important can’t be told in a single answer

I dissolved some sweet sugar in my fading memories and drank them up
It’s not lukewarm, not bitter it showed me, along with the fragrant steam
That the days i flip through definitely change
But this heat won’t go and it’ll keep moving me deeply

I blocked my ears so people’s ideals didn’t get in
When i’ve said it plainly, with a slightly fake smile I’ll have my usual hot milk

Do you think that this gloomy world has no meaning?
Even a bitter future can carry a piece of an ordinary dream

I drank up the reality that approached me with my hot milk
Maybe it doesn’t taste bad, maybe it’s not bitter
I think I’m a little lost but today I’ll drink up the trivial wounds I avoided yesterday
The moment I make up my mind my usual hot milk seeps in

What you really want is that the answer?
I’ve realised that what’s important is in my heart

I mixed up my fading memories with the reality I’ve got one step closer to
It’s sweet and yet a little bitter it knew how transparent I am
And showed me that these days I flip through don’t change
This love is all I believe in my usual hot milk seeps in
Hot milk...my hot milk seeps into my warm heart
Hot milk...seeping into my warm heart


More Than Night's Vault, it's You That I Adore

More than night's vault, it's you that I adore,
Vessel of sorrow, silent one, the more
Because you flee from me, and seem to place,
Ornament of my nights! more leagues of space
Ironically between me and you
Than part me from these vastitudes of blue.

I charge, attack, and mount to the assault
As worms attack a corpse within a vault.
And cherish even the coldness that you boast,
By which, harsh beast, you subjugate me most.


My Love And Me

O MY LOVE! Where did we embrace with you,
When did we fill up, when did we owerflow with you?
Without seing the morning we've been waiting for
Look... Look we approached the grave with you.



I used to say, 'I wish I knew the stars'
Another world waves a hand
My whole life changed instantly
I don't even have any objections at all
This isn't like old times
The storm that blew is going to take me far away

Change, wake up, my native land
How do I leave even everything in one moment?

What is that land like? Everything is unknown to me
Will my soul not suffer, is my choice correct?
And/But what is that land like? If I decide to go
Far away from my own people/country and my beloved
Can I go?

I'd say, 'Now it has started'
The day of my youth, which shot a flame
What will I be now, my life?

They calls me to the path
But how, how do I say goodbye, how?

What is that land like? The mysterious world is unknown
Will my soul not suffer, is my choice correct?
And/But what is that land like? If I decide to leave
Far away from my own people/country and my beloved
Can I go?

If I don't stay by her side now
I took even her growing up

What is that land like? I'm going even if I don't know
Its wish was this, I'll find its way
This is me, Moana! A child of earth and water
Now this nature of yours won't change
I don't know what's there, however
I'm going there!


Ain't happiness not meant for me?

Ain't happiness not meant for me?
Ain't it not meant for me?

The night has thrown all the castles of my childhood dreams into the ocean
What has become of the little girl with the golden eyes
Lost princess of my treasure island?

Ain't happiness not meant for me?
Ain't it not meant for me?

The spring star belongs to the shepherd
The wind to winter and wheat to summer
The September rain belongs to Fall
And I know, I ain't belong to no one

Ain't happiness not meant for me?
Ain't it not meant for me?

One day, in my song
Joy must rise on the horizon
I have walked alone in my life for too long
What men have had, I also want

Ain't happiness not meant for me?
Ain't it not meant for me?

The mines of Solomon and the gold of the Sierra
Do not matter to me—no, I don't want them
I want a great love in the crook of my arms
I would like a love of my own, only mine

Ain't happiness not meant for me?
Ain't it not meant for me?


cuz life's like this

I'm somebody else
Grab everyone else
You're watching your back,
Life you can't relax
You try to be cool,
You look like a fool to me
Tell me why

I haven't even gotten to do the things I want to do
I haven't even gotten to be the person I want to be
It's not like it's your fault
I know that

I've been splitting it two ways
But I'm greedy, so I want it all
I can't lie to my feelings
Nor can I turn back the hands of the clock

The city lights that illuminate my dark room
Slowly get brighter, feeling a sense of freedom
Your important aspects, ignore it all
My important belongings, ignore it all

I don't mind it continuing like this,
But I want to go to a faraway city
Like lil peep, go up to the sky*
I'm changing, into who I wanna be

I'm somebody else
Grab everyone else
You're watching your back,
Life you can't relax
You try to be cool,
You look like a fool to me
Tell me why
La la la la (Cuz life's like this)
La la la la (Cuz life's like this)



[Pre-chorus: who28]
It seems it'll take more time
My head is all mixed up
I'll go visit you when it's all untangled,
So wait a little longer
So that the distance between us
Doesn't continue to grow larger
So that the time you hated
Doesn't pass anymore

[Chorus: who28]
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me

[Verse 1: SHO-SENSEI!!]
The fireworks disappeared in the sky,
Let's go see them again sometime
To do that,
I search for you, for tens of thousands of light years
I'm not the sharpest, so I don't believe it
The letter I sent you,
You probably haven't even opened it yet

If we're together no matter what I say,
Then why do you seem so sad
Because you're the one
Who said 'Don't act tough'
Or something like that
Next year, I'm gonna earn double
Flat cider,
I drink it, go down the stairs
I don't mind if you cry
Say it, 'welcome home'

The path illuminated with flames
I'll walk down it
I don't mind if it's cold,
My thunder road
I'll take your hand,
And take a picture
Laugh forever, laugh

[Pre-chorus: who28]
It seems it'll take more time
My head is all mixed up
I'll go visit you when it's all untangled,
So wait a little longer
So that the distance between us
Doesn't continue to grow larger
So that the time you hated
Doesn't pass anymore

[Chorus: who28]
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me

[Verse: who28]
There's so much I want to say
She said 'It's alright, it'll work out'
Now I realize,
That words like that,
Were just to be considerate
Those conflicts, and the bad times
I think 'I wish she told me earlier'
I don't know why
I make a wish, to a shooting star
Because my life is such a waste
If the world changes a tiny bit
From the words you gave me,
Will I overflow with love?

[Pre-chorus: who28]
It seems it'll take more time
My head is all mixed up
I'll go visit you when it's all untangled,
So wait a little longer
So that the distance between us
Doesn't continue to grow larger
So that the time you hated
Doesn't pass anymore

[Chorus: who28]
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me



[Chorus: who28]
Thunder drops,
The crescent moon wanes
We bringing reform
If it's us, it's locked in
We get them diamonds
We match the guitars, tuning
The gals come by, say cheese

[Verse: kegøn]
Taklin shit, we still some machines, aye
28 likes gals on the ig
Yeh, clean up, turn on the vacuum cleaner
Aye, kegøn boi gon whip this bus
Pick up the diamonds

I found saf crossing by
An unstoppable arrow,
Breaks through everything and lands
The fire hasn't burned out
We burning that love, yeh
Aye, no matter where, I'm carving my name

[Chorus: who28]
Thunder drops,
The crescent moon wanes
We bringing reform
If it's us, it's locked in
We get them diamonds
We match the guitars, tuning
The gals come by, say cheese

[Verse: safmusic]
The youth sun
On the recline
Stuck in the boringness
The days are (un)replaying
A dumb boy like
A see-saw on the park
3 stocks, smash
And kicks to everything
I don't miss u yet
The midday park
Feeling uneasy in the forest
And I notice the quiet
That who you are running
In ma head
Alone, please be alone
I just say it


How about we leave each other

How about we leave each other
And blame it on fate
How about we say we don't belong to each other, and that there is a distance between us, and you leave and I leave

How about we get lost
And we both sell off what we had
How about we go up on the gallows, not knowing who is the hangman and who is being hanged
let us let everyone witness it

The possibility of a break up
Increases by day between us
Even the moments when we agree
Have decreased bit by bit

The boredom (patience) is unbearable
The hope left and took a part of us
The distance is now much better for the both of us
Our hate is now clear in our eyes

How about we leave each other

Don't look at me
There are things that cannot be conveyed in words
Go far away, and indulge yourself in injuring other people in order to live
For the shining in your eyes
Congratulations, you turned out victorious, while I've been beat, and broken
By your hands, how could you.

The boredom is unbearable
The hope left and took a part of us
The distance is now much better for the both of us
Our hate is now clear in our eyes

The boredom (patience) is unbearable
The hope left and took a part of us
The distance is now much better for the both of us
Our hate is now clear in our eyes

How about we leave each other


Christmas Town

Christmas town, Chistmas town
We are all packing up the gifts
We make our toys here
So children would rejoice
We are the elves from christmas town
We fill up the sledge
Because every child should get a toy on christmas
Because every child should get a toy on christmas

Knock,knock, knock the hammar
The bells are ringing with a clear sound
We make the gifts
And we wrap up the presents in lightening speed
A sweet talking doll
A Marionette
The pony here can dance
The Musicbox that sings

Christmas town, Chistmas town
We are all packing up the gifts
We make our toys here
So children would rejoice
We are the elves from christmas town
We fill up the sledge
Because every child should get a toy on christmas
Because every child should get a toy on christmas

Candies are delicious, the train brings them over
We elves are wrapping up things that drive swim and fly
We all have lists, and we know every child
And we will be very happy when everyone of them is happy

Christmas town, Chistmas town
We are all packing up the gifts
We make our toys here
So children would rejoice
We are the elves from Christmas town
We fill up the sledge
Because every child should get a toy on Christmas
Because every child should get a toy on Christmas


The house of my heart is ready

The house of my heart is ready:
In the chamber of memory
There is nothing left that I regret
New love, you can come!
By the active hands of the joyful servants
That are your Grace and your Beauty,
My old defunct love
To the dusty cellars
Has just been carried away
The house of my heart is ready:
In the chamber of memory
There is nothing left that I regret
New love, you can come!

In the hollow of the golden urns that my fingers had closed
On the ashes of days gone by
Bouquets of lilacs, orchids, and roses
Have been placed.
The house of my heart is ready
In the chamber of memory
There is nothing left that I regret
New love, you can come!

I have just dusted off the resigned sorrows, Regrets of yesteryear, and past mourning
That slowly wove their cobwebs
In the corners of the walls
The house of my heart is ready:
In the chamber of memory
There is nothing left that I regret
New love, you can come!

And so that everything is new in the loving chamber,
I have made a bed of my desire
May you, good Muse, be happy enough there
To never leave!...
The house of my heart is ready: In the chamber of memory, There is nothing left that I regret...
New love, you can come!


A Drop of the Ocean

You had to be in fortune
There is no mean to live without you
I'll keep sleeping
The frozen flowers fall
I'm still dreaming a beloved dream in the season
Without the burst wound of solitude healing
The warped sky under the pale moon
The down-pouring light the girl swallowed by the waves
Disappeared into the unending sands of time
I hold my memories in my heart a story that keeps turning
If I had only one wish
You had to be in fortune.
There is no mean to live… without you.
I'll keep sleeping
Illusions in the thawing snow deserted promises
Now now I can't see anything anymore
Like a star that is born and perishes where
Have you gone for so long?
I hold my memories in my heart a story that keeps turning
If I had only one wish
You had to be in fortune.
There is no mean to live… without you.
The recurring tragedy turns into cold tears now
I only want to know
Why are you crying? Missing?
Innocent rosemary… tell me why.
A drop that won't disappear