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It's no use

The why is no use
The bravery is no use
Coming back is no use
Farewell is no use
I wondered until when
I would love you like I did until today
Crying, you taught me
that farewell is no use
surely, my love is no use.
I could fall to pieces but you're always here
I like what I have and I want what I don't give
I don't understand myself
I neither know how to give you my life, nor how to live without you
I know that my love is no use.
I could fall to pieces but you're always here
I could fall to pieces but you're always here
My garden doesn't wait for you anymore because I already cut the flower
and everything I have left is to sing to you with my soul because I gave you my voice.
Surely my love is no use
My love
My love surely is no use
because I already cut the flower
My love surely is no use

Kada ljudi budu živeli od ljubavi

Kada ljudi budu živeli od ljubavi
Neće više biti jada
I doći će lepi dani
Ali mi ćemo biti mrtvi, brate moj
Kada ljudi budu živeli od ljubavi
Biće mira na Zemlji
Vojnici će biti trubaduri
Ali mi ćemo biti mrtvi, moj brate
U velikom lancu života
Kroz koji je trebalo da prođemo
U kom je trebalo da budemo
Činili smo lošu stranu
Kada ljudi budu živeli od ljubavi
Neće više biti jada
I doći će lepi dani
Ali mi ćemo biti mrtvi, brate moj
Ali kada ljudi budu živeli od ljubavi
I kada ne bude više bilo jada
Možda će misliti jednog dana
Na nas koji ćemo biti mrtvi, moj brate
Na nas koji smo u lošim danima
U mržnji i u ratu
Tražili mir, tražili ljubav
Koje će oni poznavati, moj brate
U velikom lancu života
Da bi bilo boljih vremena
Uvek je potrebno nekoliko gubitnika
Ove mudrosti
To je cena
Kada ljudi budu živeli od ljubavi
Neće više biti jada
I doći će lepi dani
Ali mi ćemo biti mrtvi, moj brate

I'm not fine with anything

I played punk in the basement
was depressed as soon as I woke up in the morning
played punk against the system
my existence in those years was a punishment
and sometimes the sadness returns returns returns
in this cynical world you have to be at the height of
your dreams and the goals, the hunger and the thirst
of the reflections on the ultra-thin TV that has blinded you
I'm not fine at all
I'm not fine with anything
I was not fine with anything
nothing is fine for me
I'm not fine at all
I'm not fine anymore
I'm never fine with anything
I played punk at Sunday school
with a rather contradicting attitude
played punk with 1My Sharona
that way I felt that I was different from the pattern
and sometimes I negate and again negate negate my nature
I changed the genre because I was a bit scared
of the hunger and of the thirst, of a restless manner
it is a life in a thought, it is a life not lived fully
I'm not fine at all
I'm not fine with anything
I was not fine with anything
nothing is fine for me
I'm not fine at all
I'm not fine anymore
I'm never fine with anything
nothing is fine for me
I'm not fine at all
I'm not fine with anything
I was not fine with anything
nothing is fine for me
I'm not fine at all
I'm not fine anymore
I'm never fine with anything
nothing is fine for me
I don't know why I always have something to argument about
but it comes naturally to me
I know that I cannot bear it
no I don't appreciate, I get upset
  • 1. My Sharona - probably refers to a song by the rock band The Knack

The Cranes

Versions: #8
Nahum Grebnev (Nahum Rambach)
[from Rasul Gamzatov]
The Cranes
Sometimes I feel that all those fallen soldiers,
Who never left the bloody battle zones,
Have not been buried to decay and molder,
But turned into white cranes that softly groan.
And thus, until these days since those bygone times,
They still fly in the skies and gently cry.
Isn’t it why we often hear those sad chimes
And calmly freeze, while looking in the sky?
A tired flock of cranes still flies – their wings flap.
Birds glide into the twilight, roaming free.
In their formation I can see a small gap –
It might be so, that space is meant for me.
The day shall come, when in a mist of ashen
I’ll soar with cranes, and final rest I’ll find,
From the skies calling – in a bird-like fashion –
All those of you, who I’ll have left behind.
Sometimes I feel that all those fallen soldiers,
Who never left the bloody battle zones,
Have not been buried to decay and molder,
But turned into white cranes that softly groan…
Translation in verse by Leo Schwartzberg © 2018

Ono što osećam prema tebi

Neobjašnjivo je
Ono što osećam prema tebi
To je nešto izvan
Dozvoli mi, želim ti
Da se s tobom osećam isto
Ovde sam i neću se
Jer si uvek bila ono
Što sam oduvek sanjao
Ukoliko si spremna da se zaljubiš
Saznaćeš na šta sam spreman
Svakog jutra ću te buditi
Poljupcem kojim ćeš uzdahnuti
Ukoliko si spreman da me zaljubiš
Saznaću na šta si spreman
Svakog jutra budeći me
Sada oboje
Pružamo ljubav
I ne želim te pustiti
Zauvek te osvajati
Sada oboje
Pružamo ljubav
Ne želim te pustiti
Osvojio si me
Kada sam te ugledala po prvi put
Imala sam osećaj i mogu
Razlog koji je u prošlosti
U ljubavi pogrešio
I meni se isto dogodilo
Zaljubio sam se u tebe
Nikada nisam mogao zamisliti da ću biti ovoliko srećan
Priznaću ti
Život mi je poseban otkako
Si ti došla


Intro: twenty-fourth of november 2006
I have no great hope that anything more will change between us
in no case expectations, because i don't know what to do about you
we're in front of the Wailing Wall, like Jews in Israel
Now I have to decide for myself, which path I choose this time
and I want to go, and in any case alone and far away
start the motor and drive off, it would be foolish to hold me back
Drive off, only wavy lines now, in order to go out of your way
and if our paths cross, don't risk standing in the way
You have a face, I don't want to see any more of it
You're not too busy, you're simply too comfortable
and if you want to play with me, i'll count to ten and not look for you
i see something, that you don't see, and you don't know how good that is
I'm not your sports' seat with the curves of a woman
and if my wordplay weren't here, that wouldn't appear to be an accident
I have so much courage in my gut, because of the hate that I feel now
and what I have to say to you burns the pen into the paper
since i'm writing you these lines, because i don't know further
and because in our case, I don't know at all what further means
everything just spins in a circle, spins around you
i'm writing this letter to you, and I hope you don't see me
because i'm not there for you anymore, i won't divide further what I have
don't concern yourself with me further, and i want you to hear, when i say
there's only one direction, no room for ghost drivers
and i can't keep missing something that was never there
and i don't want your excuses, i don't want to go out with you anymore
i don't want to look into your eyes shortly before you wake up
i am ready to give up, call me, I will hang up
do you want to drink some more? i don't care, booze it up
I'm not the eyewitness for the nonsense that you do
not the lawyer, not the judge, not the carpaint you scratch off
you're not capable of that? you're not capable of what?
I breathed for you, to give you strength, feel that
and nothing is worth more to me than my time
and i see nothing in common between us anymore
and while i write the lines, my sympathy for you dies
everything, that you make from now on, you must know, i won't feel anymore
because I'm empty inside
now I need distance, don't cross my path
I'm turning myself precisely one-hundred eighty degrees out of your life
i was blinded by you, don't come close to me again

Limeno srce

[Verso 1]
Naprotiv, imaš me sa rukama
Kuda koračaju stopala
I sa slabim užetom presekao si moj oklop
Strahovao sam i potom pao
Tražio sam te pod vodom
Ne znajući plivati
Kada sam umro mogao sam disati
I probudio sam se na plaži pored tebe
Noć je postala obasjana
I mogao sam te ugledati u tami
Uneo si boje, dao si mi razloge
Bio sam žedan u sred pustinje
Prateći tvoj lik, izgubio sam se
U baštenskom lavirintu
Zaškripalo je moje limeno srce
[Verso 2]
Želeo sa ispaliti svoj poslednji žar
Videti ga kako obasjava
I nikoga da dođe da me spase
Ubrzo te ponovo pronađoh
Noć je postala obasjana
Turbulencija je prestala
Mogu te videti u tami
Uneo si boje, dao si mi razloge
Bio sam žedan u sred pustinje
Prateći tvoj lik, izgubio sam se
U baštenskom lavirintu
Zaškripalo je moje limeno srce
Uneo si boje, dao si mi razloge
Bio sam žedan u sred pustinje
Prateći tvoj lik, izgubio sam se
U baštenskom lavirintu
Zaškripalo je moje limeno srce

Fruit of the Sea

Fruit of the sea out of the water—
one summer day, the sea erases
the footprints in the sand as you come searching for me.
Then I look at you and you stop next to me
and we don't speak. No, we do not speak.
We take one another by the hand
and alone—alone—we go far, far away.
Fruit of the sea on the hot sand—
I squeeze you in my arms.
You are a fruit of the sea.
We take each other by the hand
and alone—alone—we go far—far, far away.
Fruit of the sea on the hot sand—
I squeeze you in my arms.
You are a fruit of the sea—
you are a fruit of the sea—
fruit of the sea.

Here, I present to you

I begin with you, you my goodness, with your name
I write a new story, from your inspiration
You the delightful begin, unique like the sun
Here I present to you, accept the love from me
You the most beautiful reason, for writing a song
I present to you an eternal love
In this nightly loneliness, with full honesty and love
I present my heart to you, through this song
You the lasting sunrise, the ever-spring flower
I present to you, whatever that has been there in life
Said and unsaid, whatever that I believe in
I present to you, you, my last wish
You the most beautiful reason, for writing a song
I present to you an eternal love
In this nightly loneliness, with full honesty and love
I present my heart to you, through this song

I'm determined

Versions: #2
Did I upset you?
(if so) then what was it about?
why do you hide your eyes from me?
what's up with you? there's something wrong about you
tell me anything, darling.Don't make it harder on me.
I'm determined, not leaving till you talk
I can't leave you to pain.why are you quiet, darling?
did I annoy You?did I say something that should haven't been said?
I'm not leaving & not letting you go
till I understand What's going on
tell me, darling honestly.leave your feelings to me
let me know the reason behind the tear in your eyes
we're (facing each other) eye to eye, but I feel a distance between us
we're losing things that are valuable to us
If you want to gently blame me, do it, why thinking too much ?
this's the right time before the sorrows grow
darling, why do you surrender me to this confusion?
If the mistake is mine then forgive me.

Listen, My God

Please listen to the voice
of those who have faith in you, oh my God.
The fury of a sea breaks in the heart
of a sea of love because
she has gone away from me—
leaving me alone to cry in my sorrow.
My God—hidden in a cloud—
I saw her running away from me.
Listen to me in the dark without sun.
I will go, I will stay, I will shout, I will search.
But let me find myself again for my mother.
Oh, oh my God, for my mother.
My God—hidden in a cloud—
I saw her running away from me.
Listen to me in the dark without sun.
I will go, I will stay, I will shout, I will search.
But let me find myself again for my mother.
Oh, oh my God, for my mother.
Oh, oh my God,
for my mother.
Oh, oh my God,
for my mother.
Oh, oh my God,
for my mother.

U ratu

Postoji oluja
Koja se spolja ne primećuje
Znam da si iznutra u ratu
Iako se na slikama ne vidi
Ukoliko postoji način
Da ugasim sve tvoje strahove
Tražiću ga makar me zabolelo
Brišući tugu
Šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati
Kada si sve ono što želim?
Aj, šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati?
Želim biti poput tebe
Činiš da zvezde jače sijaju
Sa tim osmehom koji te rastužuje
Ali je tako savršen da želim ostati s njim (osmehom)
Biti kao ti
Činiš da se planeta okreće
Kada me poljubiš sa tom nevinošću
I ne primećuješ da moj svet obasjavaš
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
Ova knedla u grlu nestaje kada se probudiš
Kada mi kažeš da ćemo trčati ovde
Pozajmiću ti svoja krila koja su neprobojna
Kada mi kažeš da ćemo trčati ovde
Šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati
Kada si sve ono što želim?
Aj, šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati?
Želim biti poput tebe
Činiš da zvezde jače sijaju
Sa tim osmehom koji te rastužuje
Ali je tako savršen da želim ostati s njom
Biti kao ti
Činiš da se planeta okreće
Kada me poljubiš sa tom nevinošću
I ne primećuješ da moj svet obasjavaš
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
(Biti kao )
Ne postoji srce koji te voli više od mene
Zahvaljujem Bogu jer smo dvoje
I voleti te u ratu ispod zvezda ljubavi
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti


Мој ружичасти замак
Мој ружичасти замак стоји
Он је тако усамљен
Мој ружичасти замак
Ружичасти замак гори
Како и стотине копија
И на небу од дима, изгледа да не видим месец
И то је тако окрутно
Поново ме лиши моје вољене лепоте
Изгледа да се затвара
Губим све као раније
Одлази даље
Не улази испод таласа
Убрзо ћу све разнети
Све је тако озбиљно
А ја бежим, куцајући звезде на путу
Зрак најсјајнијег сунца
Ја ћу трчати и скакати
Страшно, али победила сам, победила

The King

Lyrics:Themis Adamndidis nd KINGS -The King
You have me up high but that's not enough for me
you love me but that's not enough for me
listen thought my small heart acts for you
listen to what I want, a favour I am asking
I want for you, I to be (your)king
Your heart to belong to me
your alpha and omega to be me
you to be my queen
my heart to belong to you
and in your mind's palace
to leave only me.
I felt everything when I first kissed you
how my heart will have you like a queen
when I reached your eyes
I fought with dragons and won
I was born for you, whenever you take me, let's go
our love silver and gold it will be
until the end, you should know I will be with you
I still remember our first kiss
Don't forget I was born for you
and if you ask me until the end I will be with you
my feelings in front of you exposed
and whatever you ask for, whatever you desire I can do it.
I want for you, I to be (your)king
Your heart to belong to me
your alpha and omega to be me
you to be my queen
my heart to belong to you
and in your mind's palace
to leave only me.
And if your hug is not enough, imagine,
I want everything and for forever to be yours
and my heart to beat in your heart
and in your palaces me to be your king
I want for you, I to be (your)king
Your heart to belong to me
your alpha and omega to be me
you to be my queen
my heart to belong to you
and in your mind's palace
to leave only me.

Kaži mi

Roditelji su joj se razveli kada je bila mala
Od tog trenutka nije verovala u ljubav
Prolazile su godine i naši putevi su se spojili
U momentu smo se zaljubili
Od tog dana
Ne razdvajamo se
Uvek smo zajedno
I sada te pitam...
Kaži mi jesam li to što si očekivala
Da li sam ljubav o kojoj si sanjala
Nebo i svetlost noći koje su ti falile
Moja si i tvoj sam
Nema ljubavi poput naše
Kaže mi da me voli, želi i obožava
I ja joj uzvraćam da je moje blago
Kaže mi da me voli i da ne može bez mene
I da u njenom životu postoji san
Samo ga ja mogu ostvariti
Divno je ovo što imamo
Priča koja nema granicu a ni kraja
Iako mi je bilo teško izlečiti njeno srce
Ali sve se sa ljubavlju čini mogućim
Sada je naša veza neuništiva
Kaži mi jesam li to što si očekivala
Da li sam ljubav o kojoj si sanjala
Nebo i svetlost noći koje su ti falile
Moja si i tvoj sam
Nema ljubavi poput naše
Kaže mi da me voli, želi i obožava
I ja joj uzvraćam da je moje blago
Kaže mi da me voli i da ne može bez mene
I da u njenom životu postoji san
Samo ga ja mogu ostvariti
Od tog dana se ne razdvajamo
Uvek smo zajedno
I sada te pitam...
Kaži mi jesam li to što si očekivala
Da li sam ljubav o kojoj si sanjala
Nebo i svetlost noći koje su ti falile
Moja si i tvoj sam
Nema ljubavi poput naše
Kaže mi da me voli, želi i obožava
I ja joj uzvraćam da je moje blago
Kaže mi da me voli i da ne može bez mene
I da u njenom životu postoji san
Samo ga ja mogu ostvariti
Sebastián Yatra,
Pleši, devojko
Kevin ADG,
Chan El Genio,
Odavde do sveta, tata
Ostani uz mene
Sebastián Yatra.

She's different

She lives on the street
which she does out of principle
she doesn't need status
this is why I love her so much
She like to go to football
and she's constantly bugging people
she's not completely clean
but i don't discount her for that
because she's different
she's different
she's positively crazy
yeah, she's different
she's different
she makes me happy
she brings all the happiness back to me
she's different
simply different
yeah, she's lifting herself up
and i am not just a little fond of her
i still can't get enough of her
because she's different
i wouldn't rather have any other (girl)
She feels her best
when she's tattling on bimbos
she doesn't like bimbos
because she doesn't understand bimbos
she doesn't need make-up
no beautymasks, no hiding
she's incomperable
therefore i'm not giving her away
She won't let herself change
she won't let herself say anything
she does what she wants
and doesn't ask questions
of course, i love her so much
because she gives me so much
She's different

That's The Truth

That's the truth, I tell you, smarty,
It's unvarnished truth on ice.
Whole 'United Russia' party
Is a gang of God-damned lice.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


A error is not error
if you and me are
together dancing
Although it seems strange
that he is calling
you know where
I'm waiting for you
it's not easy for me to talk to you
far from being
be able to look at you in the eyes
I struggled to understand
how I could lost you
you were so many things which I didn't know how to see
please listen to me
please understand me
I know you
and you miss me too
Before some time
we don't meet each other
and today, I don't see why not
you and me dance
I already realized
that we don't forget each other
none of us
why don't we dance, you and me
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
A error is not error if you and me
are together dancing
Nobody knows what is happening
they think that I am wrong
but no, if we are together dancing, no
You don't have to disguise it anymore
I know that you're also thinking about it
but no, if we are together
dancing, no
Before some time, we don't meet each other
and today, I don't see why not, you and me dance
I already realized that we don't forget each other
none of us, why don't we dance, you and me
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
No, no, no, it's not error
A error is not error if you and me
are together dancing
It's not easy for me to talk to you
far from being, be able to look at you in the eyes
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Testament of Fear

I have fear toward tomorrow
I have fear toward today
I have fear toward yesterday
I have fear toward myself
I have fear of being alone
Fear toward other people
toward my friends
and of being together with you
I have fear toward the near
I have fear toward the far
I have fear toward the temper
and toward indifference
I have fear of standing still
and fear toward too much movement
and that we lose ourselves to it
Fear in every relationship
Testament of fear
when reality doesn't suit you anymore
Testament of fear
and you think, that no one is loyal to you
Testament of fear
Toward humans and the whole world
I have fear toward Germany
I have fear toward Europe
The USA and NATO
and toward their interests
I have fear toward the rich
I have fear toward the poor
Fear toward history
and of forgetting it
Testament of fear
when reality doesn't suit you anymore
Testament of fear
and you think, that no one is loyal to you
Testament of fear
Toward humans and the whole world
I have fear toward poets
I have fear toward thinkers[1]
Fear toward the dumb
Toward the advertisers and bankers
I have fear toward the lies
I have fear toward the truth
Fear of being quiet
and of just ranting
Testament of fear
when reality doesn't suit you anymore
Testament of fear
and you think, that no one is loyal to you
Testament of fear
Toward humans and the whole world
I have fear toward routine life
I have fear toward dreams
Fear of living them
and fear of missing out
I have fear of failure
and of resigning to it
Fear my fears
and the courage to lose

She Ain't Pretty, People Sneer

'She ain't pretty' people sneer.
Well, so what if that's true?
But when I consume some beer,
Anyone I can do!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

The best is yet to come

open your eyes, because it's not raining today
no one is perfect and being imperfect doesn't work
Push the clouds away and then you move yourself
as far as your feet carry you, even if it's only to the next table over
Balm on the soul and the worries lay themselves down
tonight when you're alone, it's certain they won't be next to you anymore
for once show the face that's familiar with good times
In order to not forget
it helps to contemplate for a short time
You're not the type of person
who stands still when he flies
You're superman and standing still is kryptonite
Away from the place an which I saw your dreams shatter
Today there are no mistakes, at most just a harebrained idea
And if you run and think you can't go
further on the path you're on
I'll send you wind and the shivers will carry you
as long as your breath is missing
The best is yet to come
the best is yet to come
give me your hand and we'll jump together on 1,2,3
the best is yet to come
the best is yet to come
give me your hand and we'll jump together on 1,2,3
and if you really want to know how it's going for me
i can't tell you
i only know that it's sometimes easier to run quickly
than to carry weigh quietly
and sometimes it's easier being loud
than to quietly say nothing
Well, it must have been really easy to be light
instead of always having it heavy (difficult)
But that's theory, what is praxis?
throw yourself back into life and conquer a galaxy
No path too far, for the way home there is a taxi
if a chance comes, follow it and snap it up
And if you run and think you can't go
further on the path you're on
I'll send you wind and the shivers will carry you
as long as your breath is missing
And if you brake, I tell you: move yourself
further on the path which you've currently chosen
I'll send you wind and the shivers will carry you
as long as your breath is missing
The best is yet to come
the best is yet to come
give me your hand and we'll jump together on 1,2,3
the best is yet to come
the best is yet to come
give me your hand and we'll jump together on 1,2,3
And if you brake, I tell you: move yourself
further on the path which you've currently chosen
I'll send you wind and the shivers will carry you
as long as your breath is missing

Reci mi

Kada se završi
Kada te još više boli
Kada je otišlo
I osećaš da uspomene peku
Kada ništa ne ostane
I poričeš u umu šta se desilo
Tada ćeš samo ti znati
Da je 'zauvek' bilo samo s tvoje strane
Kada vreme postane tiho
Sati ne prolaze i
Osećaš da tišina vrišti glasno njegovo ime u tvojoj glavi
Kada vetar donese njegov miris kose
Samo tada ćeš znati
Da je 'zauvek' bilo samo s tvoje strane
Želim ti pružiti vazduha
Želim te videti nasmejanu
Pričaj mi šta god želiš
Da ti nedostaje iako to ne želiš
Da ti je potreban pored tebe, na tvojoj strani
Prijatelj sam ti iako me bolelo reci mi
Da si znala da će ovako biti
Vratila bi mu se kao da je prvi put
Vrišti reči koje u grudima peku
Znaš da ću te čuti
Znaš da sam ovde
Reci mi
Kada osećaš da se prošlost ne vraća
Da vreme ne leči i da te niko ne razume
Da si među ljudima usamljena
Šapni moje ime i nije bitno vreme
Pored sebe ćeš me imati i poneću tvoj glas
Želim ti pružiti vazduha
Želim te videti nasmejanu
Pričaj mi šta god želiš
Da ti nedostaje iako to ne želiš
Da ti je potreban pored tebe, na tvojoj strani
Prijatelj sam ti iako me bolelo reci mi
Da si znala da će ovako biti
Vratila bi mu se kao da je prvi put
Vrišti reči koje u grudima peku
Znaš da ću te čuti
Znaš da sam ovde
Pričaj mi šta god želiš
Da ti nedostaje iako to ne želiš
Da ti je potreban pored tebe, na tvojoj strani
Prijatelj sam ti iako me bolelo reci mi
Reci mi
Da si znala da će ovako biti
Vratila bi mu se kao da je prvi put
Vrišti reči koje u grudima peku
Znaš da ću te čuti
Znaš da sam ovde
Reci mi


Hello—it seemed like saying to one another, I love you—
and the eyes answered, I love you.
Hello—even if someone else can say to you, 'hello, I love you,'
that would just be a greeting and go no further.
You know, it would be very exciting to see you again,
to tell you at that time how I love you, I love you.
Hello—fantastic dreams of my castles in the air—vanished—
then returning to me as in a fairy tale.
You will stay with me, you will remain
because I love you, I love you, I love you.
I love you.
You know, it would be very exciting to see you again,
to tell you then how I love you, I love you.
Hello—fantastic dreams of my castles in the air—vanished—
then returning to me as in a fairy tale.
You will stay with me, you will remain
because I love you, I love you, I love you.
I love you.

Sada idi

Ako me neko pita za tebe
Ne bih znao šta bi rekao
Kako smo dospeli dovde?
Pokušavam da shvatim
Da, bila si sve
Bila si moj svet
Ali više se ne nadam
Zašto ostati ovde?
Kada si i ovako dobro
Sada idi
Možda ćeš jednog dana
Želeti da se vratiš
Sada idi
Ali kada budeš to želela
Biće prekasno
Sada idi, idi, idi
Sada idi, idi, idi
Možda želiš biti sama
Ali to je suludo
I da se vratiš, više neću biti tu da te čekam
Želeo sam te celu ali napravila si nered
Bila si moja Ivet, dizala si prašinu
Već sam ti rekao ne, ne
Tvoji peijatelji su babam
Iz poštovanja prema tebi sa polovinom njih više ne govorim
Dopustio sam sebi reakciju i više ne želim vezu
Sve sam pokušao, bilo je teško doneti ovu odluku
Sada idi
Možda ćeš jednog dana
Želeti da se vratiš
Sada idi
Ali kada budeš to želela
Biće prekasno
Sada idi, idi, idi
Sada idi, idi, idi
Lagala si kada si mi rekla
Da me želiš
Sada znam da sam sve pokušao
Kajem se što sam ti čitavog sebe dao
Nisi želela pričati
Nisi želela znati za nas
Sada ako želiš, možeš ići
Nisam ti želeo reći, ali
Da ponekad mislim na tebe u tajnosti
I znam da i ti msiliš na mene
Šta možemo kada sam tamo
Nisam ti želeo reći, ali
Da ponekad mislim na tebe u tajnosti
I znam da i ti msiliš na mene
Ali ti si izabrala ostati ovde
ada idi
Možda ćeš jednog dana
Želeti da se vratiš
Sada idi
Ali kada budeš to želela
Biće prekasno
Sada idi, idi, idi
Sada idi, idi, idi
Sada idi
Sada idi, idi, idi


Ti (ti si, ti si, ti si, ti si)
Mnogo plakala (plakala, plakala, plakala, plakala)
Dušom odvojena (odvojena, odvojena, odvojena, odvojena)
Srcem ujedinjena (ujedinjena, ujedinjena, ujedinjena, ujedinjena)
Mi (mi smo, mi smo, mi smo, mi smo)
Mnogo dugo bili zajedno (svi ste, svi ste, svi ste, svi ste)
Tvoj hladan dah (tako hladan, tako hladan, tako hladan, tako hladan)
Srce u plamenu (vrelo, vrelo, vrelo, vrelo)
Ti (ti možeš, ti možeš, ti možeš, ti možeš)
Ja (ja znam, ja znam, ja znam, ja znam)
Mi (mi smo, mi smo, mi smo, mi smo)
Sve (što ti ostaje, što ti ostaje, što ti ostaje, što ti ostaje)
Nemačka- moje srce u plamenu
Želi da te voli i da te osudi
Nemačka- tvoj hladni dah,
Tako mlad, a tako star
Ja (ti imaš, ti imaš, ti imaš, ti imaš)
Ne želim da te ikada napustim (ti plačeš, ti plačeš, ti plačeš, ti plačeš)
Mogu da te vole (ti voliš, ti voliš, ti voliš, ti voliš)
I žele da te mrze (ti mrziš, ti mrziš, ti mrziš, ti mrziš)
Ohola, nadmoćna,
Zauzmi, predatj se,
Iznenadi, napadni,
Nemačka, Nemačka iznad svih
Nemačka- moje srce u plamenu
Želi da te voli i da te osudi
Nemačka- tvoj hladni dah,
Tako mlad, a tako star
Nemačka- tvoja ljubav
Je kletva i blagoslov
Nemačka- svoju ljubav
Ti ne mogu dati
Svi vi
Ti (nadmoćna, suviše)
Ja (nadčovečna, umorna)
Mi (ko god visoko leti, nisko pada)
Svi vi (Nemačka, Nemačka iznad svih)
Nemačka- tvoje srce u plamenu
Želim da te volim i da te osudim
Nemačka- moj hladni dah,
Tako mlad, a tako star
Nemačka- tvoja ljubav
Je kletva i blagoslov
Nemačka- svoju ljubav
Ti ne mogu dati


Versions: #2
War is the sea I swim in
The air that I breathe
Digital offensive force
A dead moonlight is shining
The Katyushas1 have woken up
The counterstrike is ready to go
War consists of dark eyes
Which are eaten by the beast at night
It shall suck on a thousand nipples
They are the victims it never forgets
They march in lockstep for their honour
Typhoon of thousand armies
Angels fall into the night
They bleed until the daylight breaks
One, two, WW III
One, two, WW III
It looks for tender meat
There is a time for everybody
And it shall be like this forever
Always they'll be screaming
War is the sea I swim in
The air that I breathe
I'm not a man without my tank
They march in lockstep for their honour
Typhoon of thousand armies
Angels fall into the night
They bleed until the daylight breaks
One, two, WW III
One, two, WW III
  • 1. Russian WW II multi-rocket launchers


Izmisliću svet samo za tebe
Jer je ovaj malen i nikada nećeš pronaći
Nekoga da ti izleči to ogromno srce ukoliko je ranjeno
Godine i ozbiljno neće proći
I dok lažljivci ne kažu istinu
Imaćemo kuću na Marsu kao vikendicu
Ti si princeza koja ako poljubi žapca
Pronaći će princa
A ja ću biti vojnik večno na tvojoj strani
Koji će ti život predati
Otišli su meštani koji su zbog veterana
Morali da se povuku
Potom je došao ciganin i čitajući ti dlan
Rekao mi je da ćeš leteti
Voleću te
Volećeš me
Ako ne postoji savršen kraj da poklonim ti
Pisaću samo za tebe, moraću ga izmisliti
Kupiću ti dinosaurusa koji će se zvati Huan
Imaće milion moći kao Supermen
Da bi išao na letovanje moraće da leti
Jer je malo veći i ne može stati u kombi
Ako svu našu ljubav prenesem na papir
I sve naše priče ostanu pod morem
Dok budeš plivala moći ćeš čitati
Kako bi novi svet mogla stvoriti
Voleću te
Volećeš me
Ako ne postoji savršen kraj da poklonim ti
Pisaću samo za tebe, moraću ga izmisliti
Voleću te
Volećeš me
Ako ne postoji savršen kraj da poklonim ti
Pisaću samo za tebe, moraću ga izmisliti
Iako te ne znam, poznajem te dobro
Ima nešto u mojim očima što ćeš uvek imati
I svake noći jednu novu priču ću smisliti
Jer ćeš čitavog života biti moja Elena

Listen (Esmaee اسمعي)

My woe, what happened to me?
Loved you
Ever since I saw your eyes
Loved you
& you stole me from me
Loved you
Loved you
I Ioved you
Listen, listen
My heart beats
are telling you to come
are telling you
How much do I love you,
& go crazy for you,
& die for you,
for your eyes?
Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me
I'm your own maniac (would go crazy for you)
It's not allowed for you to run away
I love you with millis (millimeters)
For me, stay
I'm in deep love with you,
melted by your eyes.
My heart is your own maniac
I can't cheat on you

In The North I Bore The Brunt

In the North I bore the brunt,
Digging gold down under,
If it were not for my cunt,
I'd have died from hunger.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


The restless waves sing its lament all night
Loneliness accompanies me in this vigil
Agitated I pace, and stubbornly keep watch
This ocean I will traverse
The glow of the lighthouse blazes through the fog
That steadfast, enduring love
Suddenly I understand, struck to the bone
And boldly scream out the sobs
By the light of the moon and stars, traveling, pursuing, day and night
So be it if all is fruitless
No longer are my sights aimless
The brine has washed away my fury
The glow of the lighthouse blazes through the fog
That ever-standing, ever-lasting love
Suddenly I understand, struck to the bone
And wantonly scream out the sobs
The one whom I loved, where are you?
Perhaps you've already left, this journey half-traveled
Already left, disappeared
Still I have the lighthouse, its dazzling glare
That is my final deliverance
That is my final refuge
I tried to convey the emotions in the original lyrics while maintaining the correct meanings, without translating word for word.

The road to the sun

There are brushes and paints, and it means all is clear
That you can choose any color you like
While the planet has some white spots somewhere
Together we can paint them, you and I