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Број резултата: 142


Money, Money, Money

Work in the day. Work in the night.
Living paycheck to paycheck.
That's unfortunate.
I'm on my feet at daybreak
and don't even have an extra penny
At least in my dreams I see, suddenly
I get a rich boyfriend
I don't have to run all around like crazy 1
just live simply and not be sad.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
All in the pocket.
In the world of the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
Everything's so inviting
In the world of the rich.
Everything's under your command
If you have money.
Everything's for the rich.
Everything's for the rich.
It's not easy to find a rich man.
But there's no other way for me.
That's unfortunate.
And, even if I find him
I won't be his type
It's time to wave goodbye to all of this
To run to Vegas or Monacco
and hit a huge jackpot in a game
to hell with you rich guy!
Деньги, деньги, деньги
All in the pocket.
In the world of the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
Everything's so inviting
In the world of the rich.
Everything's under your command
If you have money.
Everything's for the rich.
Everything's for the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
All in the pocket.
In the world of the rich.
Деньги, деньги, деньги
Everything's so inviting
In the world of the rich.
Everything's under your command
If you have money.
Everything's for the rich.
Everything's for the rich.
  • 1. lit: 'spin like a top'

Helena Lanari's Poem

I like to hear Brazilian Portuguese
Where the words recuperate their total substance
Concrete like neat fruits like birds
I like to hear the word with all of its syllables
Without losing even the fifth of a vowel
When Helena Lanari said 'coconut tree'
The coconut tree became much more plantlike
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.


Versions: #2
Therefore, the maritime ocean
Therefore, the dawnlike dusk
Therefore, the north, the south
Therefore, the west and the [direction of the] east
Therefore, the maritime ocean
Therefore, the dawnlike dusk
Therefore, the north, the south
Therefore, the west and the [direction of the] east
Therefore, the land, the star, the winter and the summer
Therefore, the autumn and the springtime
Therefore, the ray of the sun and the shadow
The fire, the water,
The sky, the moon,
The winter, the summer,
The autumn and the springtime.

Me to Myself

I did something to myself
I trapped myself
I sat facing myself, sat and waited
'till I catched, 'till I was caught
I stayed away from myself, and waited.
I was mistaken again
I went under a dream
But ı never asked for anything
'till I chased, 'till I was chased
I dreamed about every one of them
Then I gave up on my silent war
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make
Then I survived the edge of a cliff
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make
I did something to myself, thought I was something
I buried my chest deep
'till I hurt, 'till I was hurt
I wanted to hurt myself
Then I gave up on my silent war
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make
Then I survived the edge of a cliff
Still I am nobody, more mistakes to make


When my body rots and I am dead
The garden will continue, the sky and the sea,
And just like today the four seasons
Will dance at my doorstep.
Other people in April will pass through the same orchard
Through which I have passed through so many times,
There will be long sunsets upon the sea,
Other people will love the things which I have loved.
It will be the same shine the same party,
It will be the same garden at my doorstep.
And the golden hair of the forest
As if I wasn't dead.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

We are all poets

I watch in me an unfolding of plans.
The hands see, the eyes listen, the brain moves,
The light descends from the origins through the ages
And now already walks
In front of my successors.
I am you, I am a limb of your body and the fertilizer of your soul,
I am all and I am one,
I am responsible for the leprosy of the leper and empty eye socket of the blind man,
Through the isolated screams that don't enter the chorus.
I am responsible for the dawns which do not rise
And for the anguish that grows day by day.
  • 1. literally companion or comrade
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.

Tell me that backwards

Today I woke up
with the message you left me
Saying that you love me
And that you feel alone
And don't be evil
that why I ignore you
and I don't know what to do.
Because I want to see you again
I know you are of those who left with everything
And I'm about to do it at your way
Tell me that backwards
And may this time
you know how to convince me
to dawn
Tell me that again
And may this time
I want to get crazy
(evol ni)*
I'm of those who falls in love
But your skin gets me out of control
When I'm with you
Everything changes of color
Even you don't believe
I'm of those who falls in love
I don't know what to do now
'Cause what I feel it seems to me that is love
I was not going out
But I don't know why this night something says to me
Gloria, don't let him alone
to don't be evil, that why I ignore you
Tell me that backwards
And may this time
you know how to convince me
to dawn
Tell me that again
And may this time
I want to get crazy
(evol ni)*
I'm of those who falls in love
But your skin gets me out of control
When I'm with you
Everything changes of color
Even you don't believe
I'm of those who falls in love
I don't know what to do now
'Cause what I feel it seems to me that is love
With each verse I don't wanna stop
I wanna arrive
To the infinity, but slowly, I go
With each verse
I can lose myself, dissapear
To the infinity, but slowly, I go
Tell me that backwards
And may this time
you know how to convince me
to dawn
Tell me that again
And may this time
I want to get crazy
(evol ni)*
I'm of those who falls in love
But your skin get me out of control
When I'm with you
Everything changes of color
Even you don't believe
I'm of those who falls in love
I don't know what to do now
'Cause what I feel it seems to me that is love
evol ni
In love
evol in
In love

Никада те нећу расплакати

Животе мој,
Знам да су те ранили,
Знам да у овом тренутку,
Осећаш да више нећеш моћи волети,
Упркос томе, дај ми прилику
Да ти покажем да те волим
Када сам видео
Твој осмех, знао сам
Бићу поред тебе,
Заједно заувек
Ух, када сам се приближио
и позвао те на састанак
Рекла си ми да никада
више нећеш волети
Он те је повредио и такође преварио
али дозволи да ти покажем да ја нисам такав
Тешко је опет веровати
Учини то и научићу те да волиш
Никада те нећу расплакати
Никада преварити
Радије бих умро
Него живео без тебе
Даћу ти себе
Увек ћу бити веран
Никада те нећу расплакати
Никада преварити
Радије бих умро
Него живео без тебе
Даћу ти себе
Увек ћу бити веран
све изгледа мало боље
Да ли ћеш моћи
да ме волиш као ја тебе?
Малена, малена,
Знам да осећаш велики страх
да покажеш своја осећања
бол и патња
обележили су твоје срце
Он те је повредио и такође преварио
али допусти да ти покажем да ја нисам такав
тешко је поново веровати
учини то и ја ћу те научити да волиш
ја ћу те усрећити
Никада те нећу расплакати
Никада преварити
Радије бих умро
Него живео без тебе
Даћу ти себе
Увек ћу бити веран
Никада те нећу расплакати
Никада преварити
Радије бих умро
Него живео без тебе
Даћу ти себе
Увек ћу бити веран
Ја те никада нећу расплакати
нема више плакања
нема, нема више плакања
нема више плакања
нема, нема више плакања
Никада те нећу расплакати
Никада преварити
Радије бих умро
Него живео без тебе
Даћу ти себе
Увек ћу бити веран
Никада те нећу расплакати
Никада преварити
Радије бих умро
Него живео без тебе
Даћу ти себе
Увек ћу бити веран
Никада те нећу расплакати
Никада преварити
Радије бих умро
Него живео без тебе
Даћу ти себе
Увек ћу бити веран

Tango Sv. Marija - Igra ljubavi

Ovo je igra ljubavi
gotan je treptaj ovaj
tango je ovaj za vas*
Ovo je igra ljubavi
gotan je treptaj ovaj
Ovo je igra ljubavi
Tango je ovaj za vas
Ovo je igra ljubavi
gotan je treptaj ovaj
tango je ovaj za vas

Ne želim da te izgubim sada

Nikada nisam mislio da ću poludeti
Da mogu da kontrolišem ovo
Nikad nisam mislio da ću biti ostavljen sa strane
Da sam ja bio jači od tebe, bebo
Devojko, kad bih samo znao šta sam učinio
Ti znaš, pa zašto mi onda ne kažeš
A ja, ja ću spustiti mesec i sunce
da bih ti pokazao da mi je stalo
Ne želim da te izgubim sada
Bebo, znam da ovo možemo prebroditi
Ne želim da te izgubim sada
Ne, ne, ili nikada više
Imao sam neki osećaj da nećeš ostati
Gori zajedno sa mnom
Strah da ću te izgubiti
Da ću se okliznuti
Približava se se, sve više i više, bebo
Koji god sam razlog imao da odem
Moje mesto je uvek bilo pored tebe
I voleo bih da te nisam trebao toliko jako
Tvoje lice jednostavno neće da izbledi
Nikada nisam mislio da ću poludeti
Da mogu da kontrolišem ovo
Nikad nisam mislio da ću biti ostavljen sa strane
Da sam ja bio jači od tebe, bebo
Ne želim da se izgubim u samoći
Devojko, znam da možemo pobediti
Ne želim da gubim dok ne ostane samo praznina, oh ne
Nikada više

Sad and Empty

She's going sad and empty
Crying for a treason with bitterness
For him that told her
That she was his love and his madness
Now life has taught her too much
She's not interesting in committing the same error
The loves that she has had have failed her
And left their promises in the air
And left their promises in the air...
She's going sad and empty
Crying for a treason with bitterness
For him that told her
That she was his love and his madness
She goes trying to win what she had dreamed of
Taking advantage of the experience of life
She goes forgetting sufferings of the past
The slander and the lie punish her
The slander and the lie punish her...
She's going sad and empty
Crying for a treason with bitterness
For him that told her
That she was his love and his madness
For him that told her
That she was his love and his madness
But in this whole passage of life
She has known to keep herself with decency
Even if many chatterboxes confuse her
Even if many try to play with her
Even if many try to play with her
She's going sad and empty
Crying for a treason with bitterness
For him that told her
That she was his love and his madness
That she was his love and his madness
In her face they understand each other
The failures of life
The slander and the lie
And the coldness punish her
It was that everyone had failed her
And she didn't deserve it
For failures of life
So dies a love
There's no one who understood
The promise they broke to her
The errors of Sofía
Where will the poor thing go?
Sad and desolate girl
But what would they do?
She walked so proudly
And no one knew of her pain
Look at her that she comes
Look at her that she goes
To where she would hide herself
I saw her crying, I saw her


Nije nam dozvoljeno da pripadamo
Ne možemo videti, pričati ili čuti bilo šta
Ali svake noći na sat ili dva
Pobegnem sa ovog sveta
Svake noći pomalo je srećno
Moje uho blizu prijemnika
Radio, moj radio
Pustim da me usisa etar
Uši mi postanu oči
Radio, moj radio
Tako čujem ono što ne mogu da vidim
Potajno zadovoljavajući svoju želju za putovanjem
Nije nam dozvoljeno da pripadamo
Ne možemo videti, pričati ili uznemiravati bilo šta
Svaka pesma je zabranjena
Tako opasne strane note
Ali svake noći pomalo je srećno
Moje uho blizu prijemnika
Radio, moj radio
Pustim da me usisa etar
Uši mi postanu oči
Radio, moj radio (moj radio)
Tako čujem ono što ne mogu da vidim
Potajno zadovoljavajući svoju želju za putovanjem
Svake noći se potajno penjem
Na poleđinu muzike
Stavih uši na krila
Tiho pevam u svojim rukama
Svake noći i ponovo
Samo odletim sa muzikom
Tiho plutajući kroz svetle prostorije
Nema granica, nema ograda
Radio, radio
Radio, radio
Radio, moj radio (moj radio)
Pustim da me usisa etar
Uši mi postanu oči
Radio, moj radio (moj radio)
Tako čujem ono što ne mogu da vidim
Potajno zadovoljavajući svoju želju za putovanjem


The mystery of the weather
The rain's embrace
Under the foliage
I took shelter
Hundreds of images were passing
In my mind's eye
Hundreds of past moments
Being brought back by the breeze
(I'm) Just gonna laugh, and why weep?
My emotions are being toyed with by the crazy and the rain
And who won't be compelled to dance by the rain
And who won't go crazy in the rain
Droppings from heaven
(The ones) that fostered
Thousands of memories
Brought by the shower
Hundreds of images were passing
In my mind's eye
Hundreds of past moments
Being brought back by the breeze
(I'm) Just gonna laugh, oh why not?
My emotions are being toyed with by the crazy and the rain
And who won't be compelled to dance by the rain
And who won't go crazy in the rain
(I'm) Just gonna laugh, oh why not?
My emotions are being toyed with by the crazy and the rain
And who won't be compelled to dance by the rain
And who won't go crazy in the rain
And who won't sing when it rains
And who won't go crazy
And who won't be compelled to dance
Who won't go crazy in the
Rain, rain, rain
In the rain

One Thousand And One Goodbyes

Here along my shores
I thought of you
In spite of the distance between us
I could hear your cries
I wonder why
It is so easy
To take back my promise to never fall in love with you
One thousand and one goodbyes
One thousand and one sighs
One thousand and one songs
There is no one else
You and only you
I've let it float away
My dreams
Surrendered to the clouds
My wishes that are getting farther and farther away
I wonder why
It is so difficult
I did everything for the sake of your love
One thousand and one goodbyes
One thousand and one sighs
One thousand and one songs
There is no one else
You and only you
Came back again and again like the waves
Just to reach where the sea meets your shores
I would dare to traverse the waves
One thousand and one goodbyes
I hope I can finally walk away (from you)

You My Love

You my love, my love, if you listen to me—
see, my heart is close to you.
Yes, my love, my love,
do not doubt that I forget you in spite of myself.
You are always too far from the ones you love,
always too far from their love.
You my love, my love,
those words that I love—yes, I write them for you.
You my love, my friend,
do not suffer further—soon I will be near you.
You are always too far from the ones you love,
always too far from their love.
How my love, my love,
my tears flow—no, not a soul sees them.
Yes, my love, my love,
I see the emptiness if your heart did not wait.
You are always too far from the ones you love,
always too far from their love.
You are always too far from the ones you love.
Tonight, I am frightened for our love.

Прати ме у самоћи

Прати ме у самоћи,
да се прочистим од духова
да се бацимо у кревет без додиривања
Прати ме у мистерији
да не правимо друштво једно другом
да спавамо без да очекујемо да ће се ишта више десити
прати ме у самоћи...
Прати ме у тишини
да причамо без речи
да знам да си ту а ја поред тебе.
Прати ме у апсурду да се загрлимо без контакта
ти на свом месту а ја на свом
као анђео чувар,
прати ме у самоћи...
Прати ме у
говору без речи
како је свето имати те и
бити ти неверан само у овој самоћи
Прати ме у томе
да те волим без да ти то кажем
да те додирнем без да не окрзнем одраз твоје коже у позадинској светлости. Да мислим на себе док живим за тебе
прати ме у самоћи...
Прати ме у самоћи
да бих спознао своје страхове
да мало отрујем своје успомене
да себе волим бар мало
и тако, да тебе волим како хоћу
да се детоксикујем од прошлости
прати ме у самоћи...
И гасе се светла,
и пали се пакао,
иако се осећам изгубљено
знам да си ти са мном
са једним пољупцем спаса
прати ме у самоћи...

The Timid Serenade

Timid is my serenade.
Timid is this great love
that stolls in my heart,
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
I dare not speak to him
about the love he makes me feel.
I would like to smile at him
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You, madam, the moon, who are my friend,
send out a plea about my misfortune
and tell him and tell him for me
that I love him, that I love him, that I love him.
But that I no longer have the courage
when I see him in front of me.
I know that is just too bad
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You who watch like a sweet street light
over the loves and the joys on earth,
ensure for me that he will listen to my voice
that without you, without you, he will never hear.
Timid is my serenade.
Timid is this great love
that stolls in my heart,
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
I never dare speak to him
about the love he makes me feel.
I would like to smile at him
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
You, madam, the moon, who are my friend,
send out a plea about my misfortune
and tell him and tell him for me
that I love him, that I love him, that I love him.
But that I no longer have the courage
when I see him in front of me.
I know that is just too bad
but I dare not, I dare not, I dare not.
Tell him, tell him
about the love he makes me feel.

Leave It

Although I'm not a perfect person,
you accepted me. Were you my everything?
It is lke a dangerous single-line ride.
When the line is shaking, I'm afraid I'm going to fall.
Don't hold me tight. I've barely emptied you.
Leave me alone. I'm O.K.
It's a lie. Leave it.
I guess I was in a good mood.
I miss you.
Do you know I'm swayed by emotions?
I don't want to hurt you.
Why do you touch me and shake my feelings?
I know. I know very well. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
I think I wanted to kiss you.
I think I had you for me,
not for you.
I can't sleep because I'm selfish.
After this night, I close my eyes.
I know. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
That's a good deal.
I'm sober.
How many words did I say when I wasn't ready?
I feel relieved.
It makes you wetter when it rains.
It makes all the dark clouds go out of my mind.
In a false world, make you shine.
It doesn't make you see tainted me any more.
Eat it.
Blank head flies as white as a sheet
Now it's a distinct state to turn.
Have you ever seen me like this? I get so high.
Don't hold me tight. I've barely emptied you.
Leave me alone. I'm O.K.
It's a lie. Leave it.
I guess I was in a good mood.
I miss you.
Do you know I'm swayed by emotions?
I don't want to hurt you.
Why do you touch me and shake my feelings?
I know. I know very well. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
I think I wanted to kiss you.
I think I had you for me,
not for you.
I can't sleep because I'm selfish.
After this night, I close my eyes.
I know. That Sorry.
It's a lie. Leave it.
Because I don't want to be lonely.
I pretended to be crazy. You know me well.
I want you to erase me
to heal my wounded heart.
I guess I was in a good mood.
I miss you.
Do you know I'm swayed by emotions?
I don't want to hurt you.
Why do you touch me and shake my feelings?
I know I know very well. That Sorry
It's a lie. Leave it.
I think I wanted to kiss you.
I think I had you for me,
not for you.
I can't sleep because I'm selfish.
After this night, I close my eyes.
I know. That Sorry.
It's a lie. Leave it.
Good-bye. Although it hurts my heart... Although I love you...
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na
It's a lie. Leave it.

the sun, the moon in love

The time between you and me
Always flows differently
We're living completely opposite lives
Our personalities, tastes, everything is opposite
And we live our separate lives well
I never even thought once
That we would fall in love
Except maybe in a dream
Now that things have turned out this way I'm frustrated
I'm confused and don't know what to do OMGG
If I'm summer, you're winter
If I'm white, you're black
If I'm hot fire
You're cold water
If I'm the sun, you're the moon
Can we become fall?
Can we become gray?
Can we mix to become
A beautiful sunset?
I'm so curious
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
You love me
I love you
You're too different from me
The sun the moon are like you and me
We're too different
We have nothing in common
From one to ten
How did you and I end up dating
Why do I like you
I search everywhere, but I can't find an answer
You're too scary
You're only stoic around me
You're too cold
You're only cool towards me
Honestly, there's a lot of times where I get annoyed
Because you're only like that
When you're around me
But how
When I'm with you I keep forgetting
All the things that I need to do
The summer days are getting longer
Because you're changing everything
Mix all the colors of the rainbow
And the resulting color is like you
Maybe I'm going crazy, crazy
I don't care as long as I can meet you
I don't care even if the earth splits in two
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
You love me
I love you
You're too different from me
The sun the moon are like you and me
If I'm summer, you're winter
If I'm white, you're black
If I'm hot fire
You're cold water
If I'm the sun, you're the moon
If I'm summer, you're winter
If I'm white, you're black
If I'm hot fire
You're cold water
If I'm the sun, you're the moon
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
You love me
I love you
You're too different from me
The sun the moon are like you and me
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
The sun the moon in love
in love in love
You love me
I love you
You're too different from me
The sun and moon are like you and me

Vrati se i ostani

Od kada si otišla
Zatvorim oči
I fantaziram
Da si ovde sa mnom
Da li ćeš se ikada vratiti?
Neću biti zadovoljan
Dok ne budeš pored mene
Ne čekaj više
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Vrati se i ostani zauvek ovaj put
(Da li si napisala knjigu o ljubavi?)
Vrati se i ostani zauvek ovaj put
(Ego, zavist, požuda)
Ti si rekla zbogom
Ja sam pokušavao da sakrijem
Šta osećam iznutra
Dok nisi prošla pored mene
Rekla si da se vraćaš
Rekla si da ćeš biti moja
Do kraja vremena
Ne čekaj više
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Vrati se i ostani zauvek ovaj put
(Da li si napisala knjigu o ljubavi?)
Vrati se i ostani zauvek ovaj put
(Ego, zavist, požuda)
Od kada si otišla
Otvorio sam oči
I shvatio
Šta smo imali
Da li ćeš se vratiti?
Da li si se predomislila
Ako nećeš ostati moja
Bar me voli zauvek
Voli me zauvek...
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Zašto se ne vratiš?
Molim te, požuri
Samo se vrati i ostani zauvek ovaj put
Vrati se i ostani zauvek ovaj put
Vrati se i ostani zauvek ovaj put
Vrati se i ostani zauvek ovaj put
Ne ostavljaj me...

Micronations Jet

Sealand: 'All right, let’s go find ourselves a new member!♪”
Seborga: 'I’m all for it! Even more so if it’s a cute lady!“
Wy: 'If they’re someone normal… I’d welcome them…”
All: At the top of our lungs HELLO! HELLO!
All: Fly across the sea MICRONATIONS☆JET
Let’s dance with all our might READY SET GO☆
Maybe we’ll make 100 friends♪ HETALIA
All: Oh, we found one! Kugelmuge…
Sealand: Even I, Sealand, Seborga: 'It’s art…'
Sealand: am a little weirded out by this! Wy: 'Me too…'
All: We’ll be back! Seborga: 'Since we shouldn’t be interrupting.“
All: A new encounter is CULTURE SHOCK!!
And the world is as one? THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Sealand: 'Woah! That was so sudden, it gave me a fright! Fuu fuu!”
Wy: 'Haah… I hope the next person is normal.“ Sealand: (Fuu fuu!)
Sealand: 'Well then, let’s pick up our pace and get going!”
All: Moving on quickly☆ HELLO! HELLO!
All: Even Molossia is joining us MICRONATIONS☆JET
Hutt River postponed his decision LET’S GO! LET’S GO!
Sealand: And finally, the next is… that dude! Wy: 「Eh… will it be all right???」 Sealand: HETALIA
All: The Niko Niko Republic
has returned to
a normal Japanese citizen…
Sealand: 'Waah! Niko Niko Republic!!“ Wy: 'Is he over there?”
Seborga: 'Ladonia is looking our way like he really wants to join us…yeah!“
All: Even though we’re not the same size GOOD FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS☆
And the world is as one THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Wy: 'Geez, is it just me or are all micronations weirdos?”
All: No matter what kind of eccentric guy comes along
as long as we show our real feelings to each other
See? We become friends♪
Sealand: 'Here we go!“
All: C D E F G A B C D
Sealand: 'They’re all such interesting guys, this is getting real fun♪'
Wy: 'Interesting, huh…more like…”
Seborga: 'It’s about time we find some cute girls☆'
Wy: 'Huh? …are we still going on?!'
Sealand: 'All right! Let’s get fired up for the next one!'
Wy: 'Geez…'
All: Chiming in together HELLO! HELLO!
All: to the west and to the east MICRONATIONS☆JET
Let’s speed up and READY SET GO☆
I wonder what kind of fellows we’ll meet HETALIA
All: We traveled to many places
where everyone is
and even though they are unique
we made more friends
Sealand: 'Look at how many friends we made☆ We really had such a great time! It’s so fun! And by the way you should acknowledge Sea-kun as a nation♪」
Wy: 'Ca-calm down!“
Seborga: 'How wonderful it is to have good friends!”
All: If we hold our hands together HAPPY! HAPPY!
And the world is as one THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Sealand: 'Let’s keep this up and go find more and more new members ♪'
Seborga: 'Back to the bella who awaits my arrival☆'
Wy: 'Let’s just call it the day and play soccer… grumble grumble… ah! Hey, wait up-!“

Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo

Jedan, dva, tri, četiri, jedan
Ne radi to, ni ne pokušavaj bebo
Ne radi to, nemoj, nemoj, nemoj
Ne radi to
Dobre stvari ti se dešavaju sada
Ne radi to, ne radi to, nemoj
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - niko nije vredan toga
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - nikog nije briga
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - zamrzećeš to
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - niko ne mari
Misliš da je to lakši put ka izlazu?
Misliš da ćeš ovog puta prerezati ručni zglob?
Bebo uradi to
Sve što radiš je da mi ideš na nerve
Ne radi to, pokušavaj, pokušavaj pokušavaj, bebo
Ne radi to
Dobre stvari ti se dešavaju sad
Ne radi to, ne radi to, ne radi to
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - niko nije vredan toga
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - nikog nije briga
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - zamrzećeš to
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - niko ne mari
Potrebna ti je pomoć
Pogledaj se, potrebna ti je pomoć, yeah, yeah
Potreban ti je život
Nemoj se obesiti
Sve je OK, OK, OK, OK
Jednostavno ne možeš biti kao na bodljama sve vreme
Malo pažnje - imaš je
Potrebna ti je naklonost - imaš je, hej
Samoubistvo, samoubistvo, samoubistvo, pokušaj
Samoubistvo, samoubistvo, samoubistvo, pokušaj
Hej, ne radi to, ne radi to, ne radi to, ne radi to bebo
Yeah, ne radi to, ne radi to, ne - radi to
Yeah, yeah
Ne stavljaj vrat na ivicu
Ne davi se od mene
Razneti tvoj mozak
Ne radi to, yeah
Ne radi to
Dobre stvari ti se sada dešavaju bebo
Ne radi to, ne radi to, ne radi to
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - niko nije vredan toga
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - nikog nije briga
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - zamrzećeš to
Ne pokušavaj samoubistvo - niko - niko
Niko ne mari


(na telefonu)
Zdravo, to sam ja. Šta je bilo bebo?
Izvini, slušaj
Doći ću kasno večeras
Zato me nemoj čekati budna, ok?
Gde si ti?
Čekaj, čekaj, ponovi?
Veza se prekida
Mislim da mi je baterija prazna
Slušaj, ako možeš da me čuješ
Mi idemo tu jednog mesta u blizini, u redu?
Moram da idem!)
Pusti me da ti ispričam priču
O pozivu koji je promenio moju sudbinu
Ja i moji drugovi smo izašli
Samo da bismo završili u misteriji
Ja sam hteo kući
Kad, ona tamo stoji
Ispred mene
Rekal je: 'Zdravo! Ima tu jedno mesto u blizini,
Želiš da odemo?'
Trebao sam da kažem 'Ne'
Neko me čeka...
Ali sam umesto toga pozvao svoju devojku i rekao:
Slušaj bebo, izvini
Samo želim da ti kažem da ne brineš
Doći ću kasno, nemoj me čekati
Ponoviću pošto se veza prekida
Moja baterija je prazna
Tako, da znaš
Idemo do jednog mesta u blizini
Moram da idem!
Sada, nakon dve godine,
Ništa više nije bitno
Ne mogu se vratiti nazad
Šta je učinjeno, učinjeno je...
Jedan od njenih prijatelja je saznao
Da ona nije bila moja jedina
I to me izjeda iznutra
Što ona nije pored mene
Samo zato što sam
je tada nazvao i slagao
Slušaj bebo, izvini
Samo želim da ti kažem da ne brineš
Doći ću kasno, nemoj me čekati
Ponoviću pošto se veza prekida
Moja baterija je prazna
Tako, da znaš
Idemo do jednog mesta u blizini
Moram da idem!
(Slučaj bebo, izvini
Slušaj bebo, izvni,
Moram da idem)
Pusti me da ti ispričam priču
O pozivu koji je promenio moju sudbinu
Ja i moji drugovi smo izašli
Samo da bismo završili u misteriji
Ja sam hteo kući
Kad, ona tamo stoji
Ispred mene
Rekal je: 'Zdravo! Ima tu jedno mesto u blizini,
Želiš da odemo?'
Slušaj bebo, izvini
Samo želim da ti kažem da ne brineš
Doći ću kasno, nemoj me čekati
Ponoviću pošto se veza prekida
Moja baterija je prazna
Tako, da znaš
Idemo do jednog mesta u blizini
Moram da idem!
Slušaj bebo, izvini
Samo želim da ti kažem da ne brineš
Doći ću kasno, nemoj me čekati
Ponoviću pošto se veza prekida
Moja baterija je prazna
Tako, da znaš
Idemo do jednog mesta u blizini
Idemo do jednog mesta u blizini
Moram da idem!

You, Forgive Me

You, forgive me, I am no longer as I was.
I have changed, you know, since we parted ways.
I wanted to enjoy life so much that I had forgotten how much I loved you.
Tonight, forgive me, make me forget all that.
If you knew how afraid I was to return,
I beg you to say nothing—keep me.
I need you so much.
I need you so much.
By touching your lips to my eyes, you will dry my tears.
Then you will take my hand and we will go very far away
towards a world full of joys to which you will lead me.
You, forgive me—me, I do not forgive myself.
I cried so much, you know, over all the harm I did to you.
There were even some nights, some days,
when I thought I was dying without your love.
Tonight, forgive me—forget about all this.
If you knew how afraid I was to return,
I beg you above all kiss me.
Please keep me.
Please keep me.
By touching your lips to my eyes, you will dry my tears.
Then you will take my hand and just like before
towards a world full of joys, you will lead me.
Yes, you will lead me away, you will lead me away.
Yes, you will lead me away, you will lead me away.
Yes, you will lead me away, you will lead me away.


Versions: #4
Where are you from beautiful girl
Who birthed your blue eye
(who gave you that golden hair
Who made you so hot)2x
My eyes are the Adriatic Sea
My hairs are Pannonian wheats
My sister is the Slovenian soul
I am Yugoslavian
Where are you from beautiful girl
where did you grow the spring flowers
where is the sun of freedom keeping you warm
when you dance so seductively
where are you from beautiful stranger
where have you been stealing the sun's shine
where have you been drinking honey wine (mead)
When you kiss so sweetly
My eyes are the Adriatic Sea
My hairs are Pannonian wheats
My sister is the Slovenian soul
I am Yugoslavian


He ignores you in the city while he hangs out with his buddies
Do-not-disturb when you call, no worries
Destructive, Whitney and Bobby
Saying you're wifey when you've never met mami
He was downtown trying to meet Savvas
But Savvas is Snapchatting the pics from the Bahamas
Stupid as hell, swear you don't understand a thing
Sorry, bro, your man is a fuckboy
Nayaa, Nayaa, you gotta know you're fire, fire
He's a la-la-la-la-liar, liar
Stop being in denial-nial
You know he's a fuckboy,
It's not that hard, just dump him and enjoy yourself
You've gotta listen to me
Nayaa, Nayaa, gotta know you're fire, fire
He's a la-la-la-la-liar, liar
Stop being in denial-nial
Not a fuckboy, a fuck man, OG man-whore
Go on a date, low-key sneaking around
Test him, ask if he wants to hold hands
Watch him get stressed, the truth will reveal itself
You're pissed, saying I'm jealous
With a new lock code every time you have his phone
Saturday night, calling, he's stressing (where are you?!)
You know exactly where he is, it's time to wake up
A young girl and an apartment, then he tags La Isla on the bottom
Snorting coke on the toilet with the boys
And you sing all night, come home fuckboy
You know he's a fuckboy
It's not that hard, just dump him and enjoy yourself
You've gotta listen to me
Nayaa, Nayaa, gotta know you're fire, fire
He's a la-la-la-la-liar, liar
Stop being in denial-nial
They make you dream about this ghetto love
But then they forget about their ghetto chick, I'm being honest
Leave him, you can't change him
Waiting for a ring and the fuckboy's last name, huh?
Saying that your brother is his best friend, huh?
If they come around, they're full of shame, ha
You wait a long time for him to come home
Wait a bit until this fuckboy becomes a legend
A young girl and a bachelor pad, then he tags La Isla on the bottom
Snorting coke on the toilet with the boys
And you sing all night, come home fuckboy
You know he's a fuckboy
It's not that hard, just dump him and enjoy yourself
You've gotta listen to me
Nayaa, Nayaa, gotta know you're fire, fire
He's a la-la-la-la-liar, liar
Stop being in denial-nial
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.

That G_d lives in each of us

That G_d lives in each one of us,
that every patch of earth is our home,
every human being is related to us and is brother,
that the knowledge of this divine unity reveals all separation into races,
people, in rich and poor, in confessions and parties as hauntings and deceptions -
that is the point to which we return
when terrible distress or tender emotion opens our ear and
makes our heart loveable again.

Dolaze uskoro

Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Dobio sam glavobolju kad sam poleteo u visine
Kao ujutro nakon lude noći
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
Kao neka tašta u svojim uskim čarapama
Oni uvek, oni uvek
Oni uvek, oni uvek
Dolaze uskoro
Dolaze uskoro
uzimaš ih
Iste stare bebe sa istim starim igračkama
Komšije vrište kad ih buka nervira
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
Neko ti zvoca kad si napolju sa momcima
Oni uvek, oni uvek
Oni uvek, oni uvek
Dolaze uskoro
Dolaze uskoro
Gledaj me sad
Oni uvek, oni uvek
Oni uvek, oni uvek
Dolaze uskoro
Dolaze uskoro
Dolaze uskoro
Dolaze uskoro


I've done everything I can
To get you to stay (stay)
Since you left me, I have
Tried every day to get you to change your mind to no avail
Now I can see all my mistakes
I said 'come' but you went away
Your heart turned into a glacier
I'm shouting one last time
You never turned around
I said sorry 1000 times
I wondered how you're doing
I wish you were here
And I'm begging you to stay
I know I've gone too far
Fucked up time after time
But if this ends,
We'll be able to start over
'Cause we're starting to fall apart
Piece by piece
In the blink of an eye we break like mosaics
Can we start over? (ah ye, ah ye)
Did it time and time again (ah ye, ah ye)
'Cause we're starting to fall apart
Piece by piece
In the blink of an eye we break like mosaics
I caused so much shit
I basically lost everything I had
I realised you're gone
Fuck, I should've stuck around
When a woman chose to leave
There's nothing that can be changed
I've lost my only friend
I've never felt so fucking low
But I know there's a time for everything
Breathe in and we're still done
I know I messed up but I regret it,
And it stings now
Swear you gave me life but
You took my life when you ended things
I saw you pack everything,
Meet another man and it burns now
I said 'come' but you went away
Your heart turned into a glacier
I'm shouting one last time
You never turned around
I said sorry 1000 times
I wondered how you're doing
I wish you were here
And I'm begging you to stay
I know I've gone too far
Fucked up time after time
But if this ends,
We'll be able to start over
'Cause we're starting to fall apart
Piece by piece
In the blink of an eye we break like mosaics
Can we start over? (ah ye, ah ye)
Did it time and time again (ah ye, ah ye)
'Cause we're starting to fall apart
Piece by piece
In the blink of an eye we break like mosaics
Förslag och korrigeringar är alltid välkomna.


Samnom nežan budi,molim te
Polako me dodirni,kao blagi povetarac koji volim
Ne žuri,samo polako
Prepusti se polako.
Neka ti prsti budu meki i nežni
Neka telo bude kao somot nežno
Dušu mi dotakni,znaš kako
Sada samo polako.
Ja sam tvoja muzika
(Ja sam tvoja muzika i ja sam tvoja pesma)
Ja sam tvoja pesma
(Ja sam tvoja muzika i ja sam tvoja pesma)
Puštaj me iznova snažnija sam
(Puštaj me iznova jer me ti osnažuješ)
Pevam i zvuke pravim
Radi sve polako
Oh molim te nemoj me izneveriti
Tvoje oči svetlucaju
Imam osećaj kao od hiljadu leptirića
Molim te ne pričaj,nastavi igrati
I pusti me da odplutam daleko
Ja sam tvoja muzika
(Ja sam tvoja muzika i ja sam tvoja pesma)
Ja sam tvoja pesma
(Ja sam tvoja muzika i ja sam tvoja pesma)
Puštaj me iznova snažnija sam
(Puštaj me iznova jer me ti osnažuješ)
Pevam i zvuke pravim
Radi sve polako
Oh molim te nemoj me izneveriti
Pevam i zvuke pravim
Radi sve polako
Oh molim te nemoj me izneveriti

Nikada neću slomiti tvoje srce

Bebo, ja znam da si ti povređena
Sada se osećaš kao da nikada nećeš
voleti ponovo
Sada, sve što tražim je šansa
Da ti dokažem da te volim
Od prvog dana
Kada sam video tvoje nasmejano lice
Dušo, ja sam znao da bismo mi mogli
Biti zajedno zauvek
Ooh kada sam te pozvao na sastanak
Ti si odbila ali ja sam shvatio
Draga, da si ti bila povređena
Ti osećaš da nikada više nećeš moći ponovo da voliš
Ja zaslušujem šansu, dušo, makar jednu
Daj mi šansu i ja ću ti dokazati da je sve ovo pogrešno
Ti si ušla unutra, previše brzo si osudila
Ali dušo, on uopšte nije kao ja
Refren x2
Ja nikada neću slomiti tvoje srce
Ja te nikada neću rasplakati
Radije bih umro nego živeo bez tebe
Daću ti celog sebe
Dušo, to nije laž
Kako vreme prolazi
Ti ćeš me upoznati
Malo po malo
Devojko, tako je to u ljubavi bebo, bebo
I ja znam da se ti plašiš (znam da se plašiš)
Da pokažeš svoja osećanja (pokažeš svoja osećanja)
I ja razumem
Devojko, vreme je da nastaviš dalje (devojko, vreme je da nastaviš dalje zato što)
Ja zaslužujem da pokušam (pokušam) dušo
Samo jednom (jednom)
Daj mi šansu (šansu) i dokazaću ti da je sve ovo pogrešno
Ti si ušla unutra, previše brzo si osudila (previše brzo osudila)
Ali dušo, on uopšte nije kao ja
Draga zašto to ne vidiš da
Refren x2
Nema šanse, nikako (ja nikada neću slomiti tvoje srce, Ja te nikada neću rasplakati)
Kunem se (Oh, Oh, kunem se)
Nema šanse, nikako (ja nikada neću slomiti tvoje srce, ja te nikada neću rasplakati)

Ово сам ја

Versions: #2
И ово сам ја
И ово сам ја
И ово сам ја
И ово сам ја
Кажу да сам
као књига без заплета
да не знам да ли сам кренула или се враћам
да су губим међу својим сновима
Кажу да сам као црно бела слика
да морам више да спавам
да не бих касније била нервозна
Кажу да сам
нормална девојка
са малим манијама које доводе до лудила
да не знам баш добро
где је добро а где зло
где ми је место
И ово сам ја
уплашена и одлучна
угрожена врста
тако стварна као живот
и ово сам ја
сада долази моје време
не мислим да одустанем
не желим да губим време
и ово сам ја
и ово сам ја
Кажу да сам
као пас без власника
као брод без мора
као душа без тела
Кажу да сам
као ледени океан
да морам више да се смејем
а мање да ћутим
Кажу да сам
нормална девојка
са малим манијама које доводе до лудила
да не знам баш добро
где је добро а где зло
где ми је место
И ово сам ја
уплашена и одлучна
угрожена врста
тако стварна као сам живот
и ово сам ја
сада долази моје време
не мислим да одустанем
не желим да губим време
и ово сам ја
и ово сам ја
Нисам то што мислиш,
нисам твоја пепељуга
нисам последњи део пузле који ти фали
нисам она коју си замислио
можда си погрешио
можда није тренутак
И ово сам ја
уплашена и одлучна
угрожена врста
тако стварна као сам живот
и ово сам ја
сада долази моје време
не мислим да одустанем
не желим да губим време
И ово сам ја
И ово сам ја