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Plakati za kišom

Neiskusna, bezdušna, ali ipak, budi lepa.
Nijedna sudbina bi vezala tebe i mene.
'Samo ovo neće biti dovoljno.'
Ako pojasnim to kako treba, sve bi trebalo da prođe.
Stvari, Novac, Ljubav, Reči, Umorna sam od izlaganja same sebe tamo.
Deža vu, 'Čime si tako nezadovoljna?'
'Nakon svih tih sebičnih stvari, šta više možeš da poželiš?'
'Ali ipak, ne mrzim ovu situaciju.'
Samo prekini, 'Muka mi je od slušanja tih redova.'
Ostavljati stvari nedovršene je jedna stvar koju mrzim.
Čak iako kažeš ovo ili uradi ono,
Čak iako kažeš da me 'voliš', ili me pitaš 'zašto'?
Lako je ako je samo za zabavu, ali raditi ovo stvarno je previše apsurdno.
Te nepromišljene reči, te slabašne reči.
Koliko puta planiraš da ih ponoviš?
U svakom slučaju,
Čak iako imam nadu za ovu nameštenu igru,
Čak iako ove fraze nisu ništa osim citata,
Reči koje mi daju nadu, neka sve budu tabu.
Prihvati nagoveštaj, molim te nemoj dozvoliti da pada kiša.
'Mrzim pričati na zaobilazan način.'
'Samo mi daj minimum. Samo dva slova.'
Crveni leptir, ne mogu poslati ni jednu poruku.
Širim ovu krhku lepezu, zato što ti je tako privlačnija, zar ne?
Ako ne možeš odgovoriti, molim te me ostavi na miru.
Ako ne možeš prestati da oklevaš, molim te me ostavi.
Ključne reči ulaze na jedno uvo, izlaze na drugo. Samo neka ti donese mir.
Ako bi ova slatka kiša pala na tebe,
Naterala bi te da podigneš svoj kišobran zar ne?
Drago mi je što sam se nadala. Zatvorila sam oči
Htela sam da se promenim, pretvarajući se da sam odrasla osoba.
Izgubljena. Nepopravljiva.
Sad, molim te ne prestani da padaš kišo.
Kopirati. Zalepiti. Izbrisati.
Ponoviti. Udahni. Izdahni.
Zato molim te,
Nije me briga više, boli baš ovde (hoću ostati ovde).
Čak iako kažeš ovo ili uradi ono,
Čak iako kažeš da me 'voliš', ili me pitaš 'zašto'?
Lako je ako je samo za zabavu, ali raditi ovo stvarno je previše iracionalno.
Te nepromišljene reči, te slabašne laži (istine),
Hajde da ih napravimo da sve budu tabu.
Čak iako je ovo nameštena igra,
Čak iako je ovo nameštena fraza,
Staviću tačku na ovu naviku bežanja.
Uzmi nagoveštaj, ne dozvoli da se razvedri.
Danas ponovo pada kiša.
Zatvoriću svoj kišobran, i otići kući po kiši.

Sad Fate

As I watch the back of that figure getting farther away
I still won’t call this moment parting
Wasn't it sweet?
Two hearts drenched in those countless memories
How can we forget?
Ah you will be back again
You can’t stand loneliness
Ah by my side
You will come back again
But when that time comes
When I meet you again
Can you love me?
In this passing time
Just how many more tears will I have to shed?


Dominant, I will rule you like a ruler
I will make you look away if you see a man on the street
Yes, I'm dominant
You're my piece of sugar
As long as you're with me, you'll walk under my command
I'm arrogant, I'm arrogant
There are things I warned you about
How will your eyes catch it?
You can't stand my revolution
Jealousy runs in my blood
I'm still talking to you
When will you understand me?
From the day I met you, I told you
If you look away, I'll anger you
If you look away, I'll anger you
Dominant, I will rule you like a ruler
I'll make you look away if you see a man on the street
Yes, I'm dominant
You're my piece of sugar
As long as you're with me, you'll walk under my command
I'm arrogant, I'm arrogant
There's nothing in the world that matters to me
Nothing shakes me mentally
But you, my love, changed me
And you'll be mine
On your heart, I will change you
And if you lean, I will straighten you
No one can come close to you
No one can look at you
No one can look at you
Dominant, I will rule you like a ruler
I'll make you look away if you see a man on the street
Yes, I'm dominant
You're my piece of sugar
As long as you're with me, you'll walk under my command
I'm arrogant

The Fight

-Hey, why are you looking at me?
-No, you're looking at me
-What, I'm looking at you?
-Mm, it's you who's looking at me
-No, you're looking at me!
-What, I'm the one who's looking at you?
-Yeah, you're looking at me!
-No, you're looking at me
-What what what what's your problem?
-What! No, what's your problem?
-What? I've got a problem?!
-Yeah you, what's your problem!
-What what what what did you say to me?
-What! You tell me what!
-What? I'm telling you what? what what what what what what!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I'm good at fighting. Me, I'm good at fighting. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
There's many of them, with very little courage
They fight everyone, sometimes even each other
Never look them back in the eye
If they try to look you in the eye
They attack young people, they attack old people
No matter the day, the time, the place
They come from all walks of life
Whether they're white, black, or Maghrebi
They've got knives or firearms
They puff their chests and think they're gods
When they are alone they are cowards
Sarkozy,1 to win, used them a lot
They are the kind of people who don't give a damn
You find them by the thousands in soccer stadiums
They like trouble, they like to create problems
I call them the 'I like to fight' guys
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I'm good at fighting. Me, I'm good at fighting. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Beware because they are everywhere, all around you
Like UFOs, they are among us
They go crazy as soon as a chick passes by
They exchange a shower of blows as soon as one or two of them have had a drink
This story takes place in the countryside, in a bar that's supposedly quiet, when all of a sudden :
-What's wrong with you? Come here!
-What's wrong with this guy?
-What! You're not so tough now?!
-What? You're messing with me!
-What do you want you bastard oh!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
Me, I'm good at fighting. Me, I'm good at fighting. Me, I like to fight. Me, I like... to fight?!
-Thank you!
-In the bar, the guy arrives, he tells me 'what's wrong with you?', I tell him 'come back here', the guy wants to get me, then I dodge and bam! and his eyes get huge, then he's lying on the floor, then there's another one who arrives but Gégé came to help me, Gégé, you know Gégé, right?
-Oh what's your problem?
-Yeah, he's strong, Gégé, yeah he's good at fighting, Gégé, you don't want to mess with him...
  • 1. Right wing French president from 2007 to 2012. He repeatedly claimed he would 'clean the banlieues (suburbs) of their dregs with a pressure washer' [sic].

tiha soba

Moj glas jednostavno neće izaći


If our life was like a movie,
Then we knew the plot a long time ago,
I Went through obstacles, knowing you're with me,
A mountain before me and you behind my back,
If our true fate is love
Then we will check the sincerity of our words,
The psychology of love is not so simple,
In the start you need to love yourself.
You wanted to show me your 'I'
But your this, didn't stand before me,
My ignore was the pill for you,
Who listens to you, other than yourself?
I've gone through this 100s of time,
On the way, I heard a lot of strong words,
And in the end, they did not come to anything,
But at least don't cry.
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, scribbled on herself. But...
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, upset on herself. But...
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, upset on herself. But...
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, upset on herself. But...
I'm not ideal, I don't argue, for you,
I couldn't think of anything better than yesterday,
Couldn't solve problems everyday,
Don't expect anything from me in return,
Why do you get in my nerves every time?
I know, how much you don't want this ever,
I Never danced to your tunes,
Who was with me- just jumped away from me,
I often hear, 'How could you do this to her?'
It's just that you all don't value ordinary guys,
Probably, I did not pay attention,
If so, then surely I've changed!
I've gone through this 100s of time,
On the way, I heard a lot of strong words,
And in the end, they did not come to anything,
But at least don't cry.
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, upset on herself. But...
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, upset on herself. But...
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, upset on herself. But...
On the other side of the river, weeping with tears!
The girl cried it all, upset on herself. But...

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I had a love
that abandoned today
because she didn't want me
I had so much desire
To make her happy
But everything was in vain
Her false promises
Brought to my soul
So much hope
That life gave us
With all its brilliance
Caresses and splendor
Now I understand
That everything was a lie
I believed her words
Being naïve
That you would never fool me
Now I'll be alone
To not suffer
The consequences like this
A fleeting love
That could only be
Only, a fatal dream
Now I know that for money
You hand yourself to other man
Leaving me
In this loneliness
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay
Now I know that for money
You hand yourself to other man
Leaving me
In this loneliness
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay
But it doesn't matter
If you made fun
Of my loyal love
Fatal woman
You will have to pay

Where are you?

Where are you? You, the man of my life
Where are you? You, who will love me your whole life
Where are you? You, who will never let me down
I'm waiting for you since forever, you my soulmate, my love
Where are you? You're my only one, my whole
Where are you? You, who will never let me down again
Where are you? I'm looking for you, I can't see you
Where are you? I need you so badly
Where are you? I won't hold on without you
Where are you? Just give me a sign, only one
Where are you? Should I wait? How long?
I hold on, I hold on, but it won't be this easy much longer
Where are you? My husband, my lover
Where are you? We'll argue often
But where are you? I fear my heart will stop
Before I even know you, it beats so hard, yeah
Where are you? You, who promised me the Moon
Where are you? You, my faithful treasure,
Where are you? My husband, my essential,
It's now or never if you don't want me to die
Where are you? You my cornerstone, my soldier
Where are you? So I can hold you in my arm
Where are you? I though I found you
But I failed so many times, I'm tired, desperate
Where are you? We'll hurt, that's for sure
Where are you? We'll have break-up of course
Where are you? But we'll never end loving each other
And I know that, you and I, it'll be forever.
Where are you? I'm slowly diying without you
Where are you? I won't get over it
Where are you? I can't live without you
I want to only live between your arms, and our bodies won't ever be separated
Where are you? You, my other half, my whole
Where are you? My sun, my zenith
Where are you? Don't you let me be alone again
Where are you? I need you so bad
Where are you? You, the man of my life
Where are you? You, who will love you my entire life
Where are you? You, who will never let me down
I'm waiting for you since forever, you my other half, my love
Where are you? You, my only one, my everything
Where are you? You, who will never leave me alone anymore
Where are you? I'm looking for you, I can't see you
Where are you? Where are you?

Magic Paper

1In the ancient times of the Romans, it was still unknown,
and they would often use two fingers.
Nero wouldn’t take any risk: a slave would follow him,
and, when his business was done, it was the other one who scraped it off.
It’s paper, it’s paper,
it’s disposable paper.
If you use it too quickly,
it breaks, and that sucks!
It’s paper, it’s paper,
more than ten storeys long.2
Apologise when you tear it off
and it preserves your hands.
In time nothing changes, until Charlemagne comes:
he bans the improper use of one’s hands throughout the kingdom.
Arms, ladies, and knights: they’re dark and grim times.
And nobody invents it


The night city passes by outside this window
Like a page turning.
It’s as if the neverending, pulsing lights
Are coming to life.
At the climax of the display, there is an abundance of information.
One finger alone has the power in this world.
A voice crushes inconsistencies with inconsistencies.
I covered my ears in the corner of a building.
Then a gear in this world begins to turn.
“That’s enough,”
I said as my nail broke silently.
Even if winking your left eye and your smiling antics are part of your ploy,
Please show me more of your smile.
Even without love…
turn on power
This, that, and everything…
All that I wanted is flowing out of my heart.
The reflection from a glass filled with water
Distorts my face.
There was only supposed to be one,
Only one out of all of these.
You cannot satisfy your desires,
So keep wanting more.
Then it stops in the middle of this world.
“This isn’t it,”
My empty heart cried.
The shutter captures you winking your left eye and your smiling antics.
Show me more of your smile
Because I have a dream.
shed a tear…tear
Surely, like a rock falling down a hill,
These unstoppable feelings rush down my hot cheeks.
But a gear in this world begins to turn.
“It’s all right,”
I said as I dug my nails deep into the ground.
The shutter captures you winking your left eye and your smiling antics.
The data was burned into my mind.
Even without love,
keep movin’
Even if winking your left eye and your smiling antics are part of your ploy,
Please show me more of your smile.
I want your love…
turn on power

God, Syria, Bashar!

Versions: #1
(The) Syrian peoples in the square
For glory they raise banners
They're chanting three words
Allah, Syria, Bashar (we are your men, Bashar)
Church and mosque are united, and love is about religion
And millions of Syrians, and they only want Bashar (We are your men, Bashar)
Allah, Allah!
Allah, Allah!
The Syrian army stood tall, and shake the universe and they didn't get shaked
And God, from your Almighty, The commando of Syrian's army (we are your men, Bashar)
Syrian's men are knights, when he goes down to the arena
Just liberating The Golan, and Leader Bashar will not be satisfied (we are your men, Bashar)
Syria, Allah is protector!
Syria, Allah is protector!
Syria, Allah is protector!
Yūsuf is grandeur on his horse, call him Ibrāhīm Hanānū
And the Sultan Pasha in his time, set France on fire (we are your men, Bashar)
And the Sheikh Ṣāliḥ with his cubs, lead the revolution with his men
And Hafez Recommended his cubs, Syria is The Country of freedom (we are your men, Bashar)
Other who wanted
Bashar specifically
We're going back and return
Bashar specifically
Other who wanted
Bashar specifically
We're going back and return
Bashar specifically
We are the dawn of freedom, in the alphabet letters
Syriac and Phoenician, other than Syria we don't choose (we are your men, Bashar)
Say it out loud, we want to deliver the message
To dear and son of dear, and with soul we redeem Bashar (we are your men, Bashar)
Syrian peoples in the square
For glory they raise banners
They're chanting three words
Allah, Syria, Bashar (we are your men, Bashar)
Allah, Syria, Bashar (we are your men, Bashar)
We are your men, Bashar (we are your men, Bashar)
Allah, Syria, Bashar (we are your men, Bashar)

O Leader from Jerusalem

O Leader from Jerusalem,
redeemer of the weak,
as a refuge, as a light,
in the town of Bethlehem
In a night when the cold fell,
on a simple mat of grass,
like a candle being lit in the dark,
you were born, my
O Jesus, Jesus,
O Jesus, Jesus
O Leader from Jerusalem,
redeemer of the weak,
as a refuge, as a light,
in the town of Bethlehem
O light of love,
show us the true path,
O kindness that was crucified,
give us your holy words,
when you walked stumbling on Golgotha1,
as a shepherd who died2
so that sin is removed
O Jesus, Jesus,
O Jesus, Jesus
  • 1. Hill where Jesus was crucified according to the Gospels.
  • 2. Literally, 'dissolved'.

Sapphire Lake

The blue water mirror is suddenly shaken and broken by tears
The wind blows away the thin veil of night mist
The faint sound of waves on the starry shore is reflected in the sun on the other shore
Hey, take me to the moon with your swan-shaped boat
Yes, you disappeared without even saying goodbye
A summer's love at a summer resort, even the shadow of your face shakes and breaks
I visited the cottage, the rusty chain on the door
Somewhere in my heart, something cracked, and I knew it would like this
Only the pain of living is felt by my body now
My reflection in the water is strangely undisturbed
That's what's so sad, that I know too much, like an adult
Yes, you disappeared without even saying goodbye
The blue water mirror is suddenly shaken and broken by tears

O Bože

Gledam slike koje držim na polici
Jer je previše prošlo od kada sam zadnji put ličio na sebe
Zapali još jednu sveću
Zapali još jednu sveću
Ponestaje strpljenja, ponestaje pare
Nikada neću stići ni na pola puta do meseca
Ali previše je kasno za okretanje nazad
Ali previše je kasno za okretanje nazad
Ponestaje mi kiseonika
Nikada više neću biti isti
Biti isti
O Bože, ne mogu se setiti
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
O Bože, pogledaj u ogledalo
Bio sam mlad, ničega se nisam bojao
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
Možda sam bio budalast, pretpostavljam da sam bio naivan
Nisam znao šta sam imao, i mislio sam da moram da odem
Voleo bih da sam bio vezan za kuću
Voleo bih da sam bio vezan za kuću
Tražim signal, držim telefon
Jesam li previše otišao, jesam li sam?
Sada nema nikoga da me drži
Sada nema nikoga da me drži
Ponestaje mi kiseonika
Ne mogu da ne poželim da sam ostao
Izgubljen sam poput Vila Robinsona
Ili čoveka u raketi u svemiru
O Bože, ne mogu se setiti
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
O Bože, pogledaj u ogledalo
Bio sam mlad, ničega se nisam bojao
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?
O Bože, ne mogu se setiti
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
Ko sam bio prošlog decembra
O Bože
O Bože, pogledaj u ogledalo
Bio sam mlad, ničega se nisam bojao
Šta sam uradio, kako sam dospeo ovde?
Šta sam uradio?


Rekla mi je da me voli pokraj fontane
Rekla mi je da voli mene a ne njega
I to je bilo veoma lepo, jer je bilo nevino
Ali sada ima šolju sa nečim drugim
Postaje nekako mutno u deset i petnaest
I on je žurio da dodirne njenu kožu
Oseća se nekako prljavo kada pleše sa njim
Zaboravljajući šta mi je rekla pokraj fontane
Sada je hvata za kukove i privlači
Ljubi njene usne i šapuće joj na uvo
I ona zna da ne bi trebala slušati
I da bi trebala biti sa mnom pokraj fontane
Nije mogla biti kući noću jer
Je činilo da se oseća usamljeno, ali tada je bila previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Trebao sam izgraditi dom sa fontanom za nas
Onog trenutka kada je rekla da je zaljubljena, previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
I ako se ikada vrati pokraj fontane
Ručica će se slomiti i rđa će se pojaviti
Ali moja ruka će biti otvorena i pokušaću da je popravim
Moje srce će biti otvoreno i pokušaću da ga dam
Sada je hvatam za kukove i privlačim
Ljubim njene usne i šapućem joj na uvo
I znam da je samo želja
I da ne stojimo pokraj fontane
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Nije mogla biti kući noću jer
Je činilo da se oseća usamljeno, ali tada je bila previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Trebao sam izgraditi dom sa fontanom za nas
Onog trenutka kada je rekla da je zaljubljena, previše mlada
Bio sam previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad
Previše mlad

Going Wrong

It's going wrong
Countless sins cover the mountains
Race between us on these tracks
Crazy racing
And each one made a law for [himself/herself]
And Tomorrow, [He/She] will cry over these ruins
Some people are subject to money,
Surrender to this life and its evils
Everything will eventually disappear
It's going wrong
We safe for whom?!
And in our blood, who betrays us?!
They took a lot of us, and they deny!
And whom?! who feels remorse?
And whom saw himself one day that [He/She] was wrong!
What do you expect? From this obvious insolence!
Some people are subject to money,
Surrender to this life and its evils
Everything will go away in the end
It's going wrong

Ah Love!

When two people fall in love with each other unduly
One day will come that they draw a cross on their love unduly
One always doesn't achieve to what/whom she/he loves
The end of some stories is obvious at the first
Your arrogance keep stepping on my weak point
I feel bad but because it's you, it's alright
One always doesn't achieve to what/whom she/he loves
The end of some stories is obvious at the first
Ah love! Ah love!

There is no death for Martyrs

A place is not home if you'd lived there for generations
A place is home, only if your heart is there with you too
Say what has to be said, Do what has to be done
Never stop questioning your actions
The dawn will come someday
Till then stay with the comfort of your loneliness
The trick is to learn that you will always be searching for something
Only when the time is right, money and the country will come to your side
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
When will the day come when your heart reaches home?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
When will the day come when your heart reaches home?
The river that flows will not stop for map boundaries
Isn't your heart the same? Can it be cooped up in a nest?
The river that flows will not stop for map boundaries
Isn't your heart the same? Can it be cooped up in a nest?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
When will the day come when your heart reaches home?
Run, run, run, run, run
Run and search to find your inner self.
Search, search, search, search, search
Home is where the heart is,
While we searched for a way to ease our pain
They hindered our search
Mutilated us, buried us
Little did they know what they buried was Valour that will sprout up again.
Can one be in love with War?
Will my search result in annihilation?
I lost my identity in the mire of my tears
In the war zone
Run, run, run, run, run
Run and search to find your inner self.
Search, search, search, search, search
Home is where the heart is,
Is it right, or is it wrong?
There's no way to analyse
There is no hand that can prevent the break of dawn
No search can help find a homeless just as there is
No death for Martyrs*!
(No death! No death No death)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
When will the day come when your heart reaches home?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
When will the day come when your heart reaches home?
Run, run, run, run, run
Run and search to find your inner self.
When will the day come when your heart reaches home?
Search, search, search, search, search
Home is where the heart is,
When will the day come when your heart reaches home?

Don't Let Me Die

Don't let me die!
Under the shadows of dreams,
With a hundred fantasies,
Don't let me die!
On the tree of wishfulness,
Wingless and Featherless,
Don't let me die!
You should shine, day 'n night,
On me with your loving light,
Lay your head to get rest,
On the plain of my chest,
When you are full of desires,
You'd make a shirt of flowers!
With the dew and jasmine,
In the garden of my lovin'
Don't let me die!
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
Say it whatever you want!
So I'll be a devotee and a slave
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
But you,
Don't let me die!
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
Say it whatever you want!
So I'll be a devotee and a slave
If you want me to die
If you want me to live
But you,
Don't let me die!

I'll give you everything

Everything, everything
just be mine
at least another day
Everything, everything
I'll give you everything
just be mine
at least another day
Ref. 2x
I want to love you
I want to kiss you
I want next to you
lucky to go crazy
No no
I never will, you know
between us me
wished end
No no
I never will, you know
between us me
wished end
Ref. 2x

My Sweetheart

My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
Why are you stressed out lately?
Your spring has gone and you've become winter
You've changed all of a sudden
What happened that you run away from me?
Why are you stressed out lately?
Your spring has gone and you've become winter
You've changed completely all of a sudden
What happened that you run away from me?
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
You've become a mirage for my thirstiness
You weighed me down
Your lips don't say 'I love you' anymore
You're always against me
You have nothing to say but complains
You're tired, you stay away from me
Flying around a dim light
...is useless for the butterfly 1
If you want to leave, bon voyage!
I haven't chained you
You leave but I know you will regret
And one day you'll realize your mistakes
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
You've become a mirage for my thirstiness
You weighed me down
Your lips don't say 'I love you' anymore
You're always against me
You have nothing to say but complains
You're tired, you stay away from me
Flying around a dim light
...is useless for the butterfly 1
If you want to leave, bon voyage!
I haven't chained you
You leave but I know you will regret
And one day you'll realize your mistakes
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my kind sweetheart
O naughty and fluttering one, my sweet-tongue beloved
My kind companion, I would die for your shape
Don't frown, darling, it doesn't suit you
  • My efforts to reach you are in vain

Iraq Lobster (Spanish Version)

Death to America
And walnut sauce
I don't want to boil
Hurrah I'm still here
Iraqi lobster
Iraqi lobster

The ship of the eternal talisman

Thoughts never give you peace
But disturb the mind
Look at them go like airplanes
Don't stop them, let them fade out
Like melting snow you don't see anymore
To have a bit of freedom
Forget the things you don't have
And what you're not
Take off in the ship of the eternal talisman
And in the meanwhile... You'll be free
And if the memory brings up the ghosts from the past
Leave the imagination to the indifference
You know desires are not forever
Sorrows have no consistency if you want so
To have a bit of freedom
Forget about the childhood crises
Take off in the ship of the eternal talisman
And in the meanwhile... You'll be free

The Most Wonderful Boy

Cause when the sun sets
And your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
I wonder what you're doing here, masturbating boy?
Extraordinarily retarded boy
I'm happy and no matter what
Just came here to have a sick time, there's your warning
They've maid Bouilabaisse in that bush, children
Ew, it's foul with that smell, close the door
Nice movie, we're on our way to Cannes
But do I wanna hear input? No, god damned
Easy, you're incredibly bitter
The clothing – so-so, but there's good thing about you
Hello, you fool with that crude soul
You can chase your face to where the sun don't shine
Say you're stupid and you're forgiven
Life is too short for that diaper game
Don't want to hear about what you potentially want to do
Smile while your all quiet, cause you know
Cause when the sun sets
And your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
He's a Take That-fan
Two glasses of wine and a hash cake
You spend half a life telling about what you hate
Do I wanna hear about it? Are you dim-witted?
It you want the dream you must add some
Failures and thrills, I'm cool with both
Said, it's techno – Bo said ”No, it's electro”
Shut up, Bo!
Have you bought your beauty box on DBA?1
Man, I thought you were fly enough – where did you go?
Out on the town there's fresh air ready to throw you around
You only talk about what's stupid, boy, wash your mouth
That's what it is, boy, big mistake – especially you
Are you up for a smile? Unfortunately not
You live the sort of quiet life
If there's one thing I don't want it's not wanting anything
Cause when the sun sets
And your eyes say hello
There's just one thing I know
You're the most wonderful boy in this town
I said ”Bente”
Cause I've forgotten your name
Some people are exiting
Some people have forgotten love
But you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
I remember your eyes
Yeah, you know, it's gonna be fine, it's gonna be fine
You're the most wonderful boy
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
They are really just envious
Some people are sometimes strange
That's really just great
That's really just great
  • 1. Site where users can buy and sell anything, but mostly used stuff

Julian Hernandez Bielma

The one who played the flute at vigils and gatherings
was Julian Hernandez Bielma, I'm sure you've seen him.
He was a drunkard old man who was always telling jokes,
whoever came across him, he would lessen their sadness.
I remember that beneath the arbor he'd always arrive first
so he could liven up the atmosphere because he was the best player,
he played the flute and was accompanied by his drum,
but he played it for fun rather than to earn money.
He played in every neighborhood's main festivities,
he was in charge of decorations in the countryside,
he spoke of a man named Munguía and a Colonel González,
it's what he spoke of when he was in his right mind.
They called him Teterete1 because of a horse that he had
that threw him about three times and he always rode with him
because he was also an agrarian and he made his living off the land
and he had many partners, I don't know how many children he had.
The day that you left us was surely when we stopped seeing you,
you remain in our memory, sir Julian 'Teterete',
although the band is playing and fireworks can he heard,
the drum and the whistling of Teterete's flute will always be missed.
  • 1. Basiliscus basiliscus - a species of lizard in the family Corytophanidae.

Are you alone, my love

Are you alone, my love
Have you always stayed
Like the day I left you
You have the right to happiness
And yet I was afraid
Thinking you were going to forget me
This could sound stupid but nothing changed
I admit it, I regret the words exchanged
Could you in turn forgive me one day
Are you alone, always alone, my love
Me, tonight, you know, every night like this, I stay alone
And I feel desperately alone
I tried to go out
To have fun with others
But, the others, I don't love them
I don't feel like have fun anymore
So, this night, every night, I stay in this room
Where I feel terribly foreign
And I dream, dream that you'll return at our place
Like I did every night in the past
And you're there, you're near the window like every night
And, like every night, you put your book down
And you throw yourself into my arms
And you tell me: 'How long you've been to come
You perfectly knew I was waiting for you'
It was so stupid to live like this
One without the other, unhappy, each on his own
And if you hadn't come tonight
Tomorrow it's me, it's me who would have gone to you
And it is I who would have said, like you, this evening:
Are you alone my love
Tell me and I run
I'm coming back, I'm coming back forever


Versions: #1
The affection in your eyes have faded
In thought as to why your embrace can no longer be felt
Did I do something wrong?
It seems your actions and words have changed
Why is it as if you're no longer happy?
You suddenly came to your senses, immediately leaving without saying goodbye
I said that I won't miss you, until when can this be endured?
You suddenly came to your senses, immediately leaving without a goodbye
When you disappear, only then will you be missed, until when can this be endured?
I know that I'm only great at the beginning
You believed in my promises that only ended up with nothing
Your efforts only went to waste
You ended up with nothing and I'm all talk
That's why when I woke up you were gone
You suddenly came to your senses, immediately leaving without saying goodbye
I said that I won't miss you, until when can this be endured?
You suddenly came to your senses, immediately leaving without a goodbye
When you disappear, only then will you be missed, until when can this be endured?
You suddenly came to your senses, immediately leaving without saying goodbye
I said that I won't miss you, until when can this be endured?
I learned just now, to try living as if something was missing
When it disappears, only then it will be missed, farewell to your kiss that is sweet

The 154 bar war between you and me

I don't need you to love me
Because the night will be smaller than usual
You don't have to worry anymore
I left you a note
Did I do the right thing?
Or was I wrong?
It didn't matter to me
I just wanted to avoid tomorrow
We slipped away
With pencils in our hands as weapons
We thought there was nothing to be afraid of
We've grown up
We tried to write a letter
I'm sure we still don't know
The address is lost
We can't reach you
The past has overtaken us
Left behind by the future
The right noise is in my chest
I'm confused, I'm confused
One day, one day
Is it possible for this small hand to hold on
please, please, please
will it come true if I wish for it in the night sky?
We who have grown up
Locked up in our own way
We've made up our minds
That there are no more possibilities
We want to avoid tomorrow a little
We clench our hands tightly
With our hands in our hands as weapons
We don't want to give up yet
The war between you and me has been going on for a long time
But we'll meet again when we've almost forgotten
I'm sure we'll meet again
You and me in a never-ending 154-bar war
I can still do it
You loved me, didn't you?

Good Luckers

Coming home in this sweat-drenched body,
and with the excuses coiled around my fatigue too.
I wonder just how many days have passed
that I've covered up.
As soon as I stumble, I just get the last word in and go.
My style of speech that I can't get rid of
appears in my dreams over and over.
They end without conclusion, so
surely anything and everything is incomplete.
It's my fickle thought
that overlooking the town, it seems so small and easy to take for granted.
And yet, what do I get from keeping my distance?
There's no point to taking that detour.
All these wasteful things are the default.
Nonsense raging so unpleasantly.
I remembered I had let one of the same go before.
I, with bitter memories.
If, inside my cooled head,
I became honest with myself anew,
I wouldn't do something as stupid as this.
It's only that I wouldn't be satisfied just looking up at the sky anymore either.
I put my back to the railing and look down.
It's only in my imagination that if I stay on the Earth's surface
it would be with a rope tangled around my neck.
A piano playing a mysterious sound.
Nearly untouched for some decades.
I was able to laugh, I was able to cry.
My nostalgic do, re, mi.
A piano playing a mysterious sound.
Nearly untouched for some decades.
I rolled on the floor laughing, and cried too, during
my embarassing do, re, mi.
A piano playing a mysterious sound.
Nearly untouched for some decades.
Even the times I've laughed have truly diminished.
The timbre has drifted away from me.
My first love, so obvious though I had wanted to keep it secret.
My youth, that I want to return to, frustrating as it was.
My rebellious phase, when I was apparently annoying even when scared.
They still weren't that long ago.
But from here on out there won't be any of that.
Just as I'm finally satisfied,
the next day's sun rises again.
I'm fed up with my part-time, I only ever hate it.
I may be irresponsible, but I have relationships of merit here.
After dark, when it's time to sleep,
I hear a sweet voice from the room over.
The contrast between indifference and audacity,
my weak point, embarrassment, and recklessness.
Unreliable, people-shy creatures
are just exactly that.
Hugging my knees in a dark room
just looking at the wall.
The person I fell in love with so long ago
was someone who needed medicine to live.
It's like I could grab that cloud.
It's like dusk is changing into the cosmos.
I took a fragment of effort with some water
and my days passed still with no effect.
I can't keep living in a world
where you brag about how many friends you have.
This senseless, pure, phony water.
When it dries out, where does it come welling up?
Can you buy the word 'Friend?'
Like from winning it through a raffle?
If you strike and smash attraction,
you get these beautiful droplets, so look.
Even if I don't say 'Look, please,' somehow
it was always a given that you would.
You would, right?
Doing unversed things because they're new.
I can't remember what
my specialties were.
I think about it again because I can't have any fun doing them.
Was my specialty thinking itself?
That isn't it at all, is it?
Behind the wanderlust,
I was struck with an idea.
My hands moved first
and then my feet pointed forward.
Just don't be telling lies.
Don't go for an eye for an eye.
Just a little foul play resounds behind me.
Don't do anything shameful.
I entrust it all to my sentiments of that time.
Don't destroy things by finding faults everywhere
because there's so many things I don't want to forget.
I'll be stretched thin, but I'm doing this.
Good luck, to me, right now.
Good luck, even now, we're together.
One memory rings,
a mysterious chord's timbre.
A piano playing a mysterious sound.
Nearly untouched for some decades.
Even without being able to laugh or cry,
if I had remained there...
A piano playing a mysterious sound.
If I had played it with even just a little bit of strength,
it wouldn't matter if I cried like I was laughing.
Ring together with my voice.


I see you knocking at my door
I watch the days you see the bore
I ride a song on the Beltway
I see them fall you see them rise
I flip some coins you play guitar
I see you rising on the doorway
Only cause i...hmm hmm
And in the wind they reverberate,
The sun in the alleys
The caravans departing
You see the world undone
The wind that sings over the fields
The long journeys
Only cause i do...
Only cause i hmmm...
Let's make a u-turn with this song
Stay exactly where we are
Blueberry Lane will remember
The hands you touch the stones you shake
Let's give the gods a little break
I see you standing like a stranger
Only cause i do...
Only cause i hmm hmm
We let ourselves be carried away by the sky
Our heroes which spin to the sun
You see the world undone
The common time, you hold the baton
This shaky dance
Only cause I do

That everything's black

Days which resemble only the shadow of the night
Silence which echoes like a scream in the soul
When the eyelids don't even have the force of a storm
When the flood carries me away I can no longer see the shore
Love which wasn't born at the right time
When spring forgets to open its buds
The ever full moons which no longer smile at me
Like playing chess when the queen is lost
That everything's black
That everything's black
How can I tell you
That everything's black
How I fear
How I freeze
How can I tell you
When you're not there
That I am nothing
Without you
How can I tell you, tell me
How can I tell you
That I am like a smile
Without you
Which doesn't know
Where to fade
My knowledge which resembles nothing but the shadow of doubt
The good which does bad things when the bad overpowers you
When there's a monsoon in the heart of the iris
Spoiling the corn just before the harvest
I know I've lost you over the years
And you said a hundred times that you wouldn't come back
So I can leave like a lonely wolf
Lying down close to a beech to pass away
I would have wanted you to be that someone
With you I wanted so much to be someone else than who I am
Emballish the world in the depth of your belly
Forget who I am and close my eyes
That everything's black
That everything's black
How can I tell you
That everything's black
How I fear
How I freeze
How can I tell you
When you're not there
That I am nothing
Without you
How can I tell you
How can I tell you
That I am like a smile
Without you
Like a sad ship
Which doesn't know where to sail
When you're so lonely that even loneliness
Seems to be a friend whom you're leaving
The one who's by your side since your first breath
Who wouldn't leave you from this day on
When you no longer know that one day you were able to laugh
When the bad chose your soul as its empire
When all the romantics and the sad in this world
Chose your heart to cry in there
That everything's black
That everything's black
How can I tell you
That everything's black
How I fear
How I freeze
How can I tell you
When you're not there
That I am nothing
Without you
How can I tell you
How can I tell you
That I am like a smile
Without you
Which doesn't know
Where to fade

Red Rose

A red flower, dark like me,
How could it not suit me?
He sent with it a letter and words.. talking of his longing for me.
This rose that my love sent.. with its colours and scent,
Has enchanted my heart and mind.
Oh, how I love it!
And oh, how it returns my hopes,
This rose that my love sent,
To tell me he's missed me.
I'll put in my hair,
And stop thinking he's forgotten me completely,
And walk outside and inside with it on my fringe,
The rose my love has sent,
To tell me he's missed me.
This rose my love picked with his hands,
And sent as a gift from his garden.
Flowers themselves tell me their stories..
He sent it to my heart,
To tell me he's missed me.