Резултати претраге страна 29
Број резултата: 1741
Do You Remember?
I'm not asking anything from you,
But just a sign, that's all,
A sign that you remember
And you'd like to show up on my way.
Maybe I'm asking too much
Or maybe too little.
I miss to hear you,
I miss your eyes.
Do you remember the first evening,
The hugging, the kiss?
Do you remember the dawn,
How could you forget?
Do you remember two eyes in tears,
And how they didn't want you to leave?
Do you remember? Always on the edges
I'll remain to wait for you.
I knew that my place
Is not in your life.
I knew I could not
Share my love with you.
But I want you to remember,
At least from time to time:
Anything you can buy,
But dreams are not for sale.
Do you remember the first evening,
The hugging, the kiss?
Do you remember the dawn,
How could you forget?
Do you remember two eyes in tears,
And how they didn't want to leave?
Do you remember? Always on the edges
I'll remain to wait for you.
Do you remember the first evening,
The hugging, the kiss?
Do you remember the dawn?
I'd like you to remember!
The Blue Without Name
The fantasies that built up within loneliness
However I tried, unable to put them to words all along
Because of immaturity, they overflowed from these two small hands
Finally, they've filled up the canvas
Like it's welling up from the horizon
Like it's going along completely chilled cheeks
That warm colour becomes my voice
Imagination surpasses reality, and the heavily drooping clouds dispersed
If I could leave that view behind [for someone]
[a vivid colour]* that could even let my voice pierce the eye of an unknown person a thousand years from now -
A vivid colour, that is a colour still without name
The fantasies that built up within loneliness
Unable to even share them with someone
Even now, they're still squirming in the depths of my heart
What shall I call this feeling that bears no name?
So I don't forget
So I don't lose [it/them]
Like the spring that worries about tomorrow
Like the pulse that runs through this body
With that soft colour, I became me
The future I struck the pure white canvas with
Has become [my] life unnoticed, will become proof that I lived
[a vivid colour]* that could even overturn the foundations of someone's life a thousand years from now -
A vivid colour, breathtakingly beautiful
Surely, that would still be the blue without name
Der Waffengang des Königs Johann
Gilgentag *
reiten wir,
bist behend,
flinker Fuchs.
Hör dir’s an,
es geht zum
Tjost von Kö-
nig Johann.
schlau und dick,
ihm zur Wehr
ein Tintenfass
Космичке енергије
Речи, које волео бих да ти кажем,
Гушим у себи од прошлог лета.
Никад, наравно, ти то нећу рећи
Да сам осећао нешто после много, много година
Ипак нисам волео, упали лептири,
Међутим у тишини летеће
У тишини, негде дубоко, сакрићу се
Да бих не узнемирио миран свет
Космичке енергије, космоси
Шаљем ти снове
На твоју планету, далеко
Већ лети према теби метеор
Немоћно падамо
А име твоје - планета
Волео бих некада некамо изаћи с товом
Кроз моје море у дугој ноћи пловити
Никад, наравно, ти то нећу рећи
Лакше ми да то сакријем негде дубоко
Залеђивати се заједно нам никам није било
У сновима летим само с тобом
У стидљивости, самоћи сјетно
Пролазе најлепше године
Космичке енергије, космоси
Шаљем ти снове
На твоју планету, далеко
Већ лети према теби метеор
Немоћно падамо
А име твоје - планета
Волео бих да буду срећан с тобом
Али бићеш с неким другим
Ноћу затварам очи
Космичке енергије, космоси
Шаљем ти снове
На твоју планету, далеко
Већ лети према теби метеор
Немоћно падамо
А име твоје - планета
Твоја кожа ме грли
Наша лепа година
Пољупци задиркују такође
Него икад раније
Желим плесати кроз целу ноћ
Само, само с тобом
Молим те, немој ми никад лагати
Наша лепа година
Та година је одавно завршена
Много сам написао о теби
Нећу се вратити, не бој се
Много сам мислио о теби
Нећеш ми недостајати, не брини
Ожиљци након тебе су нестали
Тако се лако изгубити
Добро знаш да
Певам о љубави
Коју сам први пут имао са тобом
А говорим о љубави
У којој ме није било брига за цео свет
И истргни ми срце и баци га у ветар - је твоје
Не бој се, играј се игре грехова - не видим
Толико волим само први пут
Толико волиш само једном
И певам о љубави
У којој ме није било брига за цео свет
Љубав се и даље игра у срцима
Наша лепа година
Реци ми да ли ћеш трајати
Више од тог лета
Узми кофер, одвешћу те
До тог непознатог мора
У срцу оставио сам нас
И нашу лепу годину
Та година је одавно завршена
Много сам написао о теби
Нећу се вратити, не бој се
Много сам мислио о теби
Нећеш ми недостајати, не брини
Ожиљци након тебе су нестали
Тако се лако изгубити
Добро знаш да
Певам о љубави
Коју сам први пут имао са тобом
А говорим о љубави
У којој ме није било брига за цео свет
И истргни ми срце и баци га у ветар - је твоје
Не бој се, играј се игре грехова - не видим
Толико волим само први пут
Толико волиш само једном
И певам о љубави
У којој ме није било брига за цео свет
The Truck Driver
I am Gennaro, the truck driver,
but to everyone I'm Jack.
And I make kilometers
and also erotic dreams, but yes!
We are the bisons of the road
with our trucks
and we are the cursed ones
when we enter the bar.
A journey—an adventure—
for those who live a hard life like us.
And on cold nights
I dream of a warm bed
and inside of it
a woman liberated
from so many useless taboos.
She will love me without pleasantries,
she who, without love, gives so much love
and leaves that smile
whereas entering into heaven leaves none.
Call Jack, the truck driver,
I will answer you.
And with Jack, the truck driver,
but so much joy!
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
with a large truck.
I drive until I arrive in Madagascar
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway—
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway.
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
and I think about when it will end
but then doing the math
and, looking around a bit, maybe not.
We are like stars
when the dark fades
that light up nights
with Iveco and Saab
and never find closed the toll booth
of our freedom.
Call Jack, the truck driver,
I will answer you.
And with Jack, the truck driver
but so much joy!
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
with a large truck.
I drive until I arrive in Madagascar
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway—
and I go all the way,
as long as there is highway.
I'm Jack, the truck driver,
that ageless pilot
and on my takimeter
I consume more kilometers than ever.
We are the bisons of the road
with our trucks
and we are the cursed ones
when we enter the bar.
I am impertinent,
a little neurotic,
I am impatient Jack.
I am impertinent,
a little neurotic,
I am impatient Jack.
I am impertinent,
a little neurotic,
I am impatient Jack.
I am Jack.
Do you understand?
Call Me 'Baby'
It's the morning after the storm,
You're there and I'm here, it doesn't feel so bad.
It's kind of hard for me to love you
After almost a week
Of you not looking into my eyes,
And when you do, your gaze is strange.
It keeps sending me 'it's only for the meantime' vibes,
But in the meantime it's over.
And in a week you'll ring me up,
And again you'll call me 'Baby,
Come on, let's sit and talk everything over.'
I will love you more,
Even more than when we first met
Let's sit and talk everything over.
It's the morning after the storm,
Telling myself that I don't need you,
It's kind of hard, I'm almost there
Until you come along.
You're looking into my eyes again,
Oh, how your gaze is fooling me.
I'll run away from you in a day or two,
But in the meantime let's just forget it.
Моја омиљена избледела фантазија
Могла би бити мој омиљени укус
Који ми је дотакао језик
Знам некога ко би ми послужио љубав
Али ме то не би испунило
Могла би имати моје омиљено лице
И омиљено име
Знам некога ко би могао одиграти ту улогу
Али то не би било исто
Не то не би било исто
Не то не би било исто
Не то не би било исто
Са тобом
Могла би бити моје омиљено место
На ком сам био
Изгубио сам се у твојој спремности
Да сањаш у сну
Могла би бити моја омиљена избледела фантазија
Окачио сам своју срећу о све оно што би могло бити
И све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Са тобом
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Са тобом
Могла би чувати тајне које сачувале
Мене од себе самог
Могао бих те волети више него што би љубав могла
Све од пакла
Могла би бити мој отров, мој крст
Мој жилет
Могао бих те волети више од живота
Да нисам овако уплашен
Свега што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Свега што би, свега што би могло бити
Са тобом
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Свега што би, свега што би могло бити
Све што би, све што би могло бити
Са тобом
Процвета растворена љубав
Увек гледај како се магли
Никада не дозволи неком да оде или ће...
Никада нисам волео као тебе
Никада нисам волео, никада нисам волео
Никада нисам волео волео волео као тебе
Никада нисам волео
Никада нисам волео
Никада нисам волео
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Hi, hello, I... Where to begin?
Sorry, I'm really tense, don't want to be a bother.
I know everything about you, yep, I can tell you.
I know you don't have much time, but would you stay a while?
It's the first time I see you, I mean for real
We were already in love, now you know about it.
Don't worry, it's nothing, these tears on my eyelashes,
I'm happy that way.
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Your cry and your name, yeah, I'd like you to hear it
Do you think there's such a thing as a comprehensible love?
I feel so close to you, and in time
you embellished my dark eyes, the walls of my room
And I don't want tobe a shadow, in the shadow of your greatness
I'm told I'm just a number among so many others,
but I keep hoping, deep down I know:
the heart defines us.
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
You'll go away, I'm staying there. When will I keep a bit of dream?
A bit of dream so as to better fall asleep, I see myself smile, no need to heal.
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
Lovesick, I'm simply mad about him, yep, plain mad
Lovesick, I'm stark mad
I'm Drippin'
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
I'm drippin'
Mmm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm, hm
Paloma Mami (Oh)
I'm drippin'
Feelin' like you need a Spanish mami in your life (Ey)
[Verse 1]
Pull up to the scene
You see me coming in, I'm too much for you (Too much for you)
Hair and nails on fleek, all-natural since I was born(Born, -orn)
A royal swagger, Fendi, Loui' V
Expensive for you, but not for me (Not for me)
I didn't choose this
Comin' from New York, well I'm like that (Eh)
Drop by drop, I go, fly from head to toe
Drop by drop, spent a hundred thousand on my clothes
Drop by drop, tasty, exotic, guanábana (Oh)
Drop by drop-op-op, I'm not easy (easy
To Night
To night When I’m sitting alone.
I don't know what happened to me?
In the home, among all creation
I remember you and back to my memory the imagination.
Strange after all these years.
I wake up in the longing of my heart.
Craving and I remember..
As if I see you at the day when I met you.
Every time that you promised to me, you Keeps the promise.
I feel until now is like my first feeling.
As if nothing has changed in this world.
Strange after all these years.
I wake up in the longing of my heart.
Craving and I remember..
The world took place and feelings were buried in it.
No time changed, no sad and complaint.
I have changed and your eyes are still in my mind.
And you are still in my heart.
Strange after all these years.
I wake up in the longing of my heart.
Craving and I remember..
Versions: #1
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
Your beckon gave me pain
I'm tired of living, all the hurts have been concealed
Get out, close the door on your way out
No matter how much I asked for it
Well, you knew
That you were losing me
Barefoot on the glass I
Ran so obstinately
If it weren't for that cute little voice of yours
I'd fall down, while taking my last breath
Every time I wished for
Not to lose you
And the stars have been falling peacefully
As if they were falling for me
But I can't wish for it no more
I'm just tormenting myself
Now you're no longer mine
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
Један, два, три и...
Твоја страна кревета
Која је била топла, леди се
Гледам у телефон и твоје слике ме муче
Још те не заборављам, ко ти је рекао ту лаж?
Знаш да те не заборављам
Не желим крила да одлетим на друго место
Ја само желим да будем са тобом
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем?
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем душо?
Душо, не иди, ти си моје благо
Без тебе не живим, не једем
Заборавио сам своје другове
Летим само око тебе, без престанка
Хајде сад, не говори ми сутра
Тај струк и то тело ћу појести
Ти си мој бисер, дијамант, благо
Оно што највише волим на свету и не одустајем
Да, жарко желим да те повратим
Да, мој кревет каже да си моја срећа
Да, ти си једина која ме не воли због свега што имам
Има нешто твоје код мене
Али не одустајем
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем?
Реци ми зашто
Зашто си отишла?
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
(Не иди!)
Реци ми већ једном зашто
(Не, душо)
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем душо?
Знам да твоје усне желе само моје
Остаје ми само твоја успомена да пребродим ноћи и дане
Знам да твоје усне желе само моје
Живот без твојих пољубаца не могу да замислим
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем?
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла, реци ми, душо
Реци ми већ једном зашто
Зашто ме не зовеш?
Зар ти не недостајем душо?
Реци ми зашто
Реци ми зашто си отишла
Ел Алфа
Играј душо
Играј душо
I´ll go with the wind
e... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
Ie... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
I know the storm exists
And I know calm comes
I know the storm exists
And I know calm comes
I´m dying to know if this gypsy loves me...
I´m dying to feel her chest next to mine
My chest, my chest next to her back
Her chest next to mine, my chest next to her back
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
...How long is the distance I sense
Long is the distance... The feeling pure...
Depth that I dive in your eyes
When I see you... Fallen from the inside
I´ll go go go get water in the desert
I´ll go... Me with the wind...
I´ll go... Me with the wind...
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira...
I´m tired of singing to the stars, and to the moon and to the seas
And to her eyes
I´m gonna sing to her what I´ve never sung before, to that adventurous
Boy that was my past
I´m gonna cry, I´m gonna laugh, I´m gonna fly, dreaming the good will and
There will be no tempest
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
le... le ire ire ire ira.. le re ire ire ire ira..
One, two, three and...
The side of your bed
that was hot is freezing
I look at the phone and all your photos are torturing me
I don't forget you yet, who told you that lie?
you know that I don't forget you
I don't want wings to fly to another place
I just want to be with you
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
Yah (Wuh!)
Honey, don't go, you are my treasure
I don't live without you, my love, I don't eat
In the street I don't do a chorus to my friends
I fly where you are, I don't delay
Give it to me today, don't tell me tomorrow
I devour that little hip and your body
You are my pearl, diamond and treasure
What I love the most in the world and not chorus
Yes, I'm crazy to have you again
Yes, my bed says you're my luck
Yes, the only one who loves me and is not because of what I have
There is something of yours that comes to me,
but I don't stop
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why
(Why you left?)
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
(Don't go away)
tell me now why
(No, baby)
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
I know your mouth only wants with mine
Only your memory remains to wrap my night and day
I know your mouth only wants with mine
I don't know what it would be like a life without your kisses
Tell me now why
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me?
Tell me now why, eh-eh
tell me why you left, tell me, baby
tell me now why
Why don't you call me?
Don't you miss me, baby?
Tell me why
Tell me why you left
El Alfa
Dance for me, honey
Dance, honey
I would have liked to live with you
...I would have liked to live with you
In a provincial town,
Where twilight lasts endlessly,
And bells perpetually toll.
And in a small village inn, one hears the sound, —
The subtle sound
Of an antique clock, — as time drops trickle by.
And sometimes, in evenings, from one or other attic —
A flute,
And a flutist himself
Is there and large tulips are on windowsills.
And, possibly, you even wouldn’t have been in love with me...
In the middle of the room, a large tile fireplace,
With every tile showcasing a picture of
a rose, a heart, a ship.
And through the lone window, a view of
Snow, snow, snow.
You’d be lying down sprawling, just as I love you: lazy,
Indifferent, carefree.
Now and then, there's a harsh strike of
a match.
The cigarette glows and burns out,
And for a long time on its edge quivers
A short grey column of ash.
You’re too lazy to shake it,
So the entire cigarette hits the fire.
Hell Stew
Stir hell's cauldron, hot pot party!
'So Naoki-chan,
What is on the menu for tonight? Curry? Hamburger? Paella?
Bagna cauda? Or… How about hell’s stew!”
The demons are brewing up a hellish stew
Made of you worthless humans cooked into a roux
Shit posters, hot takes, all you trolls, you little fish
You are all in tonight's main dish
Cabbage, onions, juicy pork rib, none of that will satiate the beasts
Drop your pound of flesh in the demon's broth. Let them feast
Your blood is redder than kimchi, offer it
The flab around your guts, offer it too! Devour it all!
In the depths of your despair, the pot is dark
Deep in your nightmare, the demon pot
We are dining in hell, party night!
In the hellish stew
Horrible people atone for their crimes
You, all smug with your anonymous account,
Are perfect for the sacrifice
Lobster, caviar, foie gras, never mind those high-class ingredients
You will go better with poison-apple flavoured sake
Raised on snacks and junk food,
All that fat on your belly, so delicious!!!
It was better than chankonabe
At making you strong and fat!
Hell’s stew… that was tasty – DEATH!
Cabbage, onions, juicy pork rib, none of that will satiate the beasts
Drop your pound of flesh in the demon's broth. Let them feast
Your blood is redder than kimchi, offer it
The flab around your guts, offer it too! Devour it all!
In the depths of your despair, the pot is dark
Deep in your nightmare, the demon pot
We are dining in hell, party night!
Wind in My Hair (Reprise)
Fairy tales always have
Happy ever afters, don’t they?
Even if those so dear to me are by my side
Seems like I’m now in the tower
With the wind in my hair, I’ll let my feelings burn
There’s no stopping me anymore
I have to find every answer
Refreshing wind
Take me right away
Blow through my hair
He was a little bohemian, poet and magician
and I know that he didn't accept to have a boss
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.
My mother didn't ressemble him
wanted a house, no matter how small...
Your road is quite long, usually said
and however you run, poverty will follow you
For us, wherever would be the same as hard
I want to have my corner some day...
The waggon would take us wandering from a village to another
and I remember how much I needed a little rest
I see my dad in my thought how he was applauded
looked so young and smiled trurly.
I grew walking the string as elegant as I could
and usually I was a juggler and acrobat
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.
Forgive me
If I say what I think
I wouldn't have a friend
I am a shit, I admit it
If I think about what I say (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)
Rappers of nowadays wear bad (yeah)
And they sing bad (yeah)
And the worse they are the most popular they become (yeah)
Does it seem to be normal to you? (ah)
It is like I now puke on your face (yeah)
You loose your appetite (ah)
The girls you fuck I wouldn't touch them neither with my dog‘s dick (hey)
It is better if you flee
You don’t have the stuff, [stoffa=cloth]
bro, cut and mend (ah)
In Italy nobody works,
but they rob a house
and then go to Gucci (uh)
And what the fuck do you show off (uh)
If you scrap for food (hey)
You are a narrow-minded guy who dreams about salaries (hey)
about writing checks
(I am) a Pirate in the Caribbeans (ah)
I have a karate flow, i pull away the karats from your teeth (ah)
A slap and you wake up
Brain problems,
bro, shut down and restart
Shut down and restart
Saturday evening (brr)
After 4am you have a waxy face
Vacations in Riviera
Licking a pissed pussy which tastes like railing
Who turns on the radio is an over 50, who pumps up at the stadium
A real cuckold never watches into the wardrobe
Bad, bad. Everything fine?
No, bad, bad
Everything fine? No, bad,
bad, bad, bad
Bad, bad hey (hey)
I write as clear as possible (ah)
If you don't understand i can summarize (yeah)
Bravò, you have an infallible aim (ah)
But you hit nobody (hey)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)
Forgive the sin (uh)
Remember my name (ah)
You are the loser who dreams about being an actor,
It is a pity, you are the one who dies (ah)
I wi-wi-will stay awake (ah)
When the alarm goes off (ah)
I cannot go on the TV, because if I go
Then I might say blasphemies (oh but G** damned)
Forgive moi [french]
Forgive moi [french]
You are brave [lit. You have liver], bro, patê de foie
If you can distinguish yourself in this city
You are like a zebra with dots (yeah)
Even if I quit smoking (ah)
I listen to you, you seem to be someone (yeah)
Sorry for being humble,
I am one,
You are ten thousands no one [“one, no one and ten thousands” (“uno, nessuno e centomila”) is the title of a book of Luigi Pirandello] (hey)
If I say what I think
I wouldn't have a friend
I am a shit, I admit it
If I think about what I say (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (ah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive me (yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)
I write as clear as possible (ah)
If you don't understand i can summarize (yeah)
Bravò, you have an infallible aim (ah)
But you hit nobody (hey)
Forgive me (ah, yeah)
Forgive me (ah, yeah)
Forgive-, Forgive-,
Forgive me (hey)
Имам очи само за тебе
Моја љубав мора да је слепа,
не видим никога осим тебе.
Да ли су звезде вечерас изашле?
Не знам да ли је облачно или ведро,
имам очи само за тебе драга.
Месец је можда високо,
али ја не видим ништа на небу,
имам очи само за тебе.
Не знам да ли смо у парку
или на препуној авенији?
Ти си ту, као и ја,
можда милиони људи прођу
али сви они нестају из видокруга,
а ја имам само очи за тебе.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)
Mirjami's Song
A flower connects to a flower,
a wretch connects to a wretch,
where do I connect to, Mirjami-wretched,
where is Mirjami's flower?
The day already set behind the mountains,
pearled by the moon the forest, the land,
as trinkets shimmer the hays, the straws,
where are Mirjami's brooches?
Where linger thy my groom,
where thy white stallion,
hasten to me, the flower,
or did you already find another?
All of Poland is singing with us
I wake up everyday, and open my eyes, fuck's sake, i'm in Poland again. And i've lost all my motivation. All i wanna do is get out of this polish mess. I hate this country.
Yo, cypisolo. Back then poland was inhaling into noses, and now all of poland is inhaling, but in a restraining order.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
Here are dates, there are dates, dates for getting money back. Situation's fucked, poland will be fucked. The tv is turned on and my head already hurts. I don't believe in Covid, like in honour of words. Dance floors are closed, they have owners up their ass. But on the tv they play concerts by themselves. And they don't have covid, how fucking unfair. What the leaders are doing, it is fucked up. Gyms are closed, but the churches stay opne. 'Get the fuck out with masks!'. Our throats are sore.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
They won't let you in the hospital, but privately sure. What are these collections going for, there's no logic. Everyone's plowing how they can, and we'll all die soon. And not because of the virus, but because of these hyenas. We wanna work and live like before. I see that poland's becoming a ghetto. The army will be on the streets, the public will go crazy. Nobody's taking your shit, it was like this always. Investors are failing, companies on strike. The cabinet went crazy, and it's all the fault of Kaczyński.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
The creator is on the plane, and the dj on his heavy ass. Disco polo on the tv, and we're in our asses. But who would care about us, calm down buddy. You're asking how long this'll last? Probably a few years. They are thirsting for hunger, lying all the time. Whatever you do won't surprise me. Give back the people their jobs, because living's impossible. You drunken swine, you won't buy them bread. You won't pay their taxes, you won't give their family food, and when they go play, both will start going gray.
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
All of Poland's singing with us, get the fuck out with masks, economy's fucked, Covid you motherfucker! All of Poland is divided, yellow, red and green, what the fuck is going on? What a fucked country!
Don't Give Up
With your brain, not with your physical power, is your path
there is one truth that is waiting for you
don't give into the fear on your way to the target
your future in in the palm of your hand
and it is assured that the good will always prevail
Don't give up your freedom to do
what it is that you want to do
what you yourself only wants
and if you will ask, you will find the fire within
to accomplish all that your heart desires
History does not repeat itself and time does not stop going
so take advantage of today, it will not come back tomorrow
run, don't stand still because you don't have any other choice
this is your country, you will save her
and it is assured that the good will always prevail
Don't give up...
Pollute me
Tell me the tale of the date palm
of the deserts,
of your grandparent's mosques.
Give me the darbuka rythms
and the secrets
that are in the books I don't read.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Tell me the tale of the chains
that brought you,
of the treaties and the travelers.
Give me the rythms of the drums
and the spokesmen,
of the old and the new neighbourhoods.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Tell me the tale of those who never
revealed themselves,
of the green river and the boleros.
Give me the bouzouki rythms,
the black eyes,
the unquiet dance of the sorcerer.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Bitter tears
I hoped to see it
My feelings little by little
Are leaning to you
I hoped to see it
You don't care that a woman
Is something that gives love
But I can push hard
Is the devotion of loving someone
At first it was a game
But halfway
I seriously felt love
In your hands
I can't move
I hoped to see it
For me it's not a lie
That you put your focus
Only in me
You're able to recognize
The love words that a woman says
But you make me stand on a cliff risking my life
You plan to release my hand
At first it was an ordinary romance
But halfway
I seriously felt love
In your hands
I can't move
I hoped to see it
My feelings little by little
Are leaning to you
I hoped to see it
I hoped to see it
My feelings little by little
Are leaning to you
I hoped to see it
This is my time
This century is tense for us
And we can't know what will be further
Race, works
And harsh words in rush but
But how to control oneself
And to not waste oneself in arguments
But how not to lose oneself
And how to find time for dreams?
Now I'm capable to be even more gentle
To not run fast over time
But all that stress makes me tense up!
And then I don't like myself anymore
I want to find time for joy
To understand all the birds in head
When all that stress makes me tense up
I say:
This is my time
This is my time
Both harsh and gentle
This is my time
So silent summer, tears
But I hear myself twice as loud
Strength which accumulates
I want to let out, but
But how to control myself
And to not waste myself in arguments
But how not to lose myself
And how to find time for dreams?
Now I'm capable to be even more gentle
To not run fast over time
But all that stress makes me tense up!
And then I don't like myself anymore
I want to find time for joy
To understand all the birds in head
When all that stress makes me tense up
I say:
This is my time
This is my time
Both harsh and gentle
This is my time
This is my time
This century is tense for us (This is my time)
And we can't know what will be further (This is my time)
Race, works
And harsh words in rush but (Both harsh and gentle)
But how to control oneself
And to not waste oneself in arguments?
This is my time
i tried, but I failed again
I won't stop until I make it
Is that there are no obstacles for me
Whatever comes in front
I'm going to destroy it
A natural force
Inspired by the Lord Jesus
No one will beat me
And you will see that I will progress
When god says yes
Nobody says no
I do not care
Let them talk about me
What matters to me
Is that I am happy
I do not care
What they say about me
Because I know that God
It's for me
God is with me
Polta to me
I just keep
Can for me
I no longer worry about what they will say
Why am I focused on working
To live and enjoy life
My friends and all my family
A very greeting to those who
To those who helped me when I didn't have a bow
This song is dedicated to you
And let's tell our haters like this
I do not care
Let them talk about me
What matters to me
Is that I am happy
I do not care
What they say about me
Because I know that God
It's for me
God is with me
Polta to me
I just keep
Can for me
I don't care what they say I am
And I do what I want
Because I have God!
God is with me
Polta to me
I just keep
Can for me
Not As A Friend
I want to look into your eyes
I want to talk with you
Tell you nice things
Real close to your ear
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
I want your immense love
And for it to be shared with me
And your heart of roses
To be interlocked with mine
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
Orphans' Tears
Versions: #1
O orphans’ tears! For love should weather sorrow to grow stronger
You’re on my mind
Slow Goodbye
Da-da-da-da-da-da, yeah
Oh, no, no, no, no, no
No, baby
[Verse 1]
I wish that I could say
That I meet someone else
That I'm much happier now
And I wish that I could say
That we made it together
But you are much happier now, mhm
And I probably have to understand that it ends here
Have to realise sometime that you and I won't be together
Baby, that things ended like this, fuck
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
[Verse 2]
Now you walk down the beach
Holding someone else's hand
And why didn't I hold your hand tighter
When I had the chance?
Because every time I see you
It's like my heart stops beating
And, baby, please tell me
How could it end like this?
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
I have to let go off you
Oh, yes, and I have to let you go, oh
You can't lie to me
I know you way too well
When I look into your eyes they tell me
That you can only be who you are
You probably mean well
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
But I realise, it's only a slow goodbye
Oh, amoralí
I feel coming the longing
Poor heart of mine
Dying for your kisses
Oh, amoralí
I feel coming the longing
Poor heart of mine
Dying for your kisses
Oh, amoralí
I feel coming the longing
Poor heart of mine
Dying for your kisses