Резултати претраге страна 6
Број резултата: 192
Arena zadovoljstva
Neki ljudi nikad ne polude
kako uistinu dosadne zivote moraju da vode...
ne znam kuda idem,
ali ne mogu da docekam da stignem tamo,
sve sto znam je da, samo idem
pobegao sam od kuce prosle noci ,otisao zauvek
trcao sam za mojim zivotom
i cuo sam reci o tome kako bi trebalo da
zivim,radim,umrem, ja sam siroce noci
Vodi me dole,stizem kuci, putem ka unistenju
unutar kupole zadovoljstva
vodi me dole,stizem kuci, areni zadovoljstva
kojoj pripadam
u samom sam srcu mog besa,
gde uragan ne umire
u samom sam srcu mog besa,
gde uragan ne umire
oh, oluja je u mojim ocima
i svidja mi se ta zver u mojoj dusi,
ja sam nemirno dete
ah mama, ja trcim za mojim zivotom
imao sam sesnaest iduci nikuda,
hocu li docekati ziv sedamnaestu
i ja sam bezao od kosmara
stojim na obecanoj zemlji sa vatrom u mojim ocima
na raskrscu sam izmedju moje sudbine i zelje
oh ,Boze, sta cu postati
i moja opsesija je benzin da hrani moj pozar
oh on gori u meni
nemoj traciti suze nad mojim protracenim godinama
mama odoh ja odavde
Jesam li bio tvoj jedini , koga je trebalo da volis
Tamjan se dize iz tvog plamena
Da se poklonis jedinome i krenes
tvoji bogovi iz rata lukom krive tebe
jer ja zelim da vristis ,
Zelim da vristis moje ime
hajde i vristi
Zelim da vristis moje ime
Dodji napravi vrisak ako me volis
i ucini da krvari ako me zelis
ooh evo stize srcelomac
uzima ti srce
treba da places ako me zelis
treba da legnes ako me volis
ustani,ustani,ustani,gubi se !
jer ne zelim da znam
Verujes li , vidis lisahranjenog idola svoje ljubavi
i molis li mi se i hranis i klanjas svom opasnom Bogu
jer zelim da vristis !
Zelim da vristis moje ime
hajde i vristi !
Zelim da vristis moje ime
hajde i vristi ako me volis i ucini da krvari ako me
ooh, evo stize srcelomac uzima ti srce
treba da places ako me zelis ,
treba da legnes ako me volis
ooh, ustani ! ustani ! ustani ! Gubi se ! jer ne zelim da znam
nema lazi,
ooh,nema lazi za tebe da te nahrane
Sve sto taknemo se pretvori u prah , tako bespomocni
nema ociju, oh nema ociju koje nikada nisu videle
nema slomljenih idola ludacke strasti veruj
ooh, vristi moje ime , vristi,vristi,vristi
hajde i vristi ako me volis i ucini da krvari ako me zelis
ooh,evo stize srcelomac uzima ti srce
treba da places ako me zelis
treba da legnes ako me volis
ustani,ustani,ustani,gubi se ! Jer ne zelim da znam
tvoje oci,ne tvoje oci nikada nece moci da vide
koliko dugo treba da cekas vecnost,idoli od kamena nikada ne slusaju ne !
Neutronski bombas
On dolazi sa Istoka
Zovu ga zver
Tog kralja terorskog ludila
Neutron Roni , ljudi
ce saputati njegovo ime
Opasna i luda
baklja u njegovoj ruci
siri pozar putem meseceve svetlosti
ooh, pirotehnicki carobnjak zle kobi
oh ne, ovamo stize Roni
Ah to bombasko ludilo
Ah dok bude umirao gorece u njegovim ocima
Fantom tako hladnokrvan
ponoc ce zavladati
i bice kisa Molotovljevog koktela
Bebe vriste
i kuca ce se podici u plamenu
kada sledeci Roni krece,
niko ne zna,
ali unutar njega
gde se Lucifer krije
Ooh, on je decak
sa bombama kod sebe
ooh ne ovamo stize Roni,
ah taj decak sa plamenom
ah njegov zivot je izgoreo iznutra,
oh ne,ne,ovamo stize Roni
ah to bombasko ludilo
ah dok bude umirao gorece u njegovim ocima
oh ne ovamo stize Roni
ah taj decak sa plamenom
ah njegov zivot je izgoreo iznutra
oh ne ne ovamo stize Roni
ah to bombasko ludilo
sve dok bude umirao gorece u njegovim ocima
Jebem kao zver
Imam slike golih devojaka
Leze na svojim krevetima
Njusim taj miris i sladak grc
Pocinje da buja u mojoj glavi
Pravim povrsne ljubavnike besplatno
Krecem da urlicem u vrelini sam
Stenjem i rezim i lov me izludjuje
Jebem kao zver
Stizem kruzim , kruzim
Stizem da osetim tvoju ljubav
Vezi se dole , dole
Stizem da ukradem tvoju ljubav
Stizem kruzim , kruzim
Stizem da osetim tvoju ljubav
Vezi se dole , dole
Stizem da ukradem tvoju ljubav
Ja sam u vrebanju i gledam te blizu
Lezim cekajuci na tebe
Ja sam vuk obucen u jagnjecu kozu
Lizem moje odreske i tvoju ukusnu robu
Radim sve sto zelim da radim , tebi
Zabicu ti nokte u zadnjicu sve do carsava
A pelvic ??? ubod i krece znoj da grize te
Jebem kao zver
Stizem kruzim , kruzim
Stizem da osetim tvoju ljubav
Vezi se dole , dole
Stizem da ukradem tvoju ljubav
Stizem kruzim, kruzim
Stizem da osetim tvoju ljubav
Vezi se dole, dole
Stizem da ukradem tvoju ljubav
Dodji jasi , divlje zavedi
Jasi , jasi , jasi
Bezglava deca
Oce dodji spasi nas od
ludila u kojem smo
Boze stvaranja jesmo li slepi ?
Jer neki ovde su robovi
cije obozavane puske bljuju grom
Deca koju si stvorio
izgubila su razum
Ovo cudoviste koje zovemo
Zemljom krvari
Jer su deca bila
ostavljena sama predugo
Ovo bice koje smo napravili je debelo
i hrani se mrznjom
miliona onih koji
misle da pevaju pesmu
Bezglava deca
Vrisci ispunjavaju noc
Bezglava deca
Ludilo krade svetlo
Tempirane bombe u rukama
svih opakih ratnih bebica
Upali osigurac iskusenja
i svi izgoresmo
Cetiri jahaca sede visoko
u sedlu i cekaju
i jasu krvavim tragom bez povratka
Spavajuci u zagrljaju kosmara
i budeci se da saznamo gde smo bili tako dugo
Ovaj Frankenstajn od mesa
zasiven u isti mah se vraca iz smrti
i moli se nad dusama svakoga
Bezglava deca...
With a white horse
On a white horse
with my sweet devil
I will fly one crazy night
I will go to space to open a shop
The girl will be drunk
My horse will be overdecorated
it will gallop over the moon
and in the evening, in sky's small bar
I will treat aliens ouzo on credit
and dust from the stars (so as) to smoke shisha
to dance and to nibble some snacks
And when we find our planet
there we'll build our home
a house with windows
to see from outside the rainbow
And we'll have many children
cats, hens, planetdogs
spaceships will come
and all the ufo with the red caps
You will treat aliens
ouzo on credit and dust from the stars
(so as) to smoke shisha
to dance and to nibble some snacks
On a white horse
with the sweet devil
I will fly one crazy night
I will go to space to open a shop
Edible colonial stuff
samali , brittle , chips etc.
transports are also executed
In my opinion,translations can always be subjective. Feel free to give feedback :)
C'è solo un gran conflitto tra ragione ed emozione!
Ljubavna masina
Gospodjo , da li si me upoznala ?
Savrsena ljubavna masina
Devica mog Lava ustaje
Venera me cini kraljem
Taj lanac slomljenih srca
Sva ona pripadaju meni
Carolija juri mojim prstima
Jednim dodirom , videces !
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina ,o
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina, o
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina , o
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina nocas !
Nocas !
Sta mogu da ucinim za tebe ?
Jesam li tvoj najludji san ?
Sta pokrecem u tebi ?
Jesam li kakav ti se cinim ?
Moje oci , one lazu i ti places
Ljubav ti nanosi bol !
I ako probas da me volis ,
Neces biti ista !
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina , o
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina
Sve sto mi treba je moja ljubavna masina nocas !
Nocas !
Nedostajes mi
Izgubljen u sobi
Svestenik na vratima sa vestima
Rece da si upravo otisla , znao sam
Ooo , moj svet se prepolovio
Molio sam se da budes ovde
Da mi drzis srce
Krio bih se u tvom krevetu
I oplakivao sebe otupelog
O Boze nedostajes mi
Reci mozes li me cuti
O Boze nedostajes mi
Ne mogu da vristim i ne mogu da pricam
Prikazi mi se sada
Hocu li se ikada osloboditi tebe
Izgubljen u svojoj glavi
Zatvorim oci i odjurim
Bez bola nema koristi
Nema vise smrti
Zagnjurim se u meso
Nema izlaza
Ne postoji nacin
Da li me uopste prepoznajes
Progledao sam , kako zacudjujuce
Cujes li me sada
O Boze nedostajes mi
Reci mi mozes li me cuti
O Boze nedostajes mi
Ne mogu da vristim i ne mogu da pricam
Pokazi mi kako
Hocu li se ikada osloboditi tebe
O Boze nedostajes mi
Reci mozes li me cuti
O Boze nedostajes mi
Ne mogu da vristim i ne mogu da pricam
Prikazi mi se sada
Hocu li se ikada osloboditi tebe
O Boze nedostajes mi
Zasto si otisla i ostavila me samog
I sada se trceci vracam kuci
Ne oni nikada nece saznati da sam otisao
Oni nece znati kako
Znati kako
Cujes li me sada
Ooo , mozes li me videti nekako
Ooo , evo je za novu ljubav
Iz tvog velikog neshvatanja
Cujes li me sada
O Boze nedostajes mi
Reci mi mozes li me cuti
O Boze nedostajes mi
Ne mogu da vristim i ne mogu da govorim
Prikazi mi se sada
Hocu li se ikada osloboditi tebe
O Boze nedostajes mi
Reci mi mozes li me cuti
O Boze nedostajes mi
Ne mogu da vristim i ne mogu da pricam
Pokazi mi kako
Hocu li se ikada osloboditi tebe
Sto nikada necu pronaci
Vreme za odlazak
Dole putem ne mogu se skriti
Hocu li biti bezimen
Za sudbinu koju ne mogu pronaci
Hocu li lutati sam
Zauvek je pusta staza vremena
Tragam li za necim sto
nikada necu pronaci
Jesi li dozivala moje ime
Otici cu iz ovog sna
Osecas li bol
Lagano me napusta
Hoces li me drzati za ruku
I olaksati mi prelazak na drugu stranu
Tragam li za necim
Sto nikada necu naci
Cujes li me
Cujes li me u noci
Hoces li me osetiti
Ako me ostavis hocu li plakati
Cujes li me
Osecas li da se oprastam
Through Hardships to Hardships
Not only ideals weigh heavier over the years
I resist the swan song
Not only are the said ways rough, especially the shell
A thick skin has been missing for so long
Honesty, which never lasted long, rather lasted shorter
And eventually, you'll see
In the end, only kindred spirits remained companions
But most of the time you were completely alone
You wanted to give heart, but not to the vampires
It helped no requests nor stake
We were naive children and they were wild animals
We stayed in the minority
Close to self-deception
And always too dogged
I ask myself: was it wise?
I am far from being smart enough
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
Has the dream of living brought nothing but drudgery?
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
And if I had guessed, I would not be reversed
The road is never the destination, only I have reached it
Through hardships to hardships, and nothing is ever easy
One wonders if one was ever ready for it
And if and what you might win
But all questions are in vain, it was inevitable
In the end, we are who we are
Close to self-deception
And always too dogged
I ask myself: was it wise?
I am far from being smart enough
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
Has the dream of living brought nothing but drudgery?
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
And if I had guessed, I would not be reversed
The road is never the destination, only I have reached it
Through hardships to hardships, and nothing is ever easy
Close to self-deception
And always too dogged
I ask myself: was it wise?
I am far from being smart enough
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
Has the dream of living brought nothing but drudgery?
Through hardships to hardships, Through hardships to hardships
And if I had guessed, I would not be reversed
The road is never the destination, only I have reached it
Through hardships to hardships, and nothing is ever easy
The stars firmly in view, every step was torture
Through hardships to hardships, we never had a choice
Black Volga
From far away for awhile
Black* 'Volga' is moving
And like a wolf will be howling.
The one, from whom to get the debt it's rolling.
The windows are smashed to smithereens all around.
The family photo from the shelf falling down.
No one understands clearly on what ground.
But they'll declare mourning in this settlement.
Here even the cop not ready to make it stop.
Here even the cop doesn’t have time to call other cops.
Here they opening fire and keep it on.
This is a feature of our region.
This is a firearm district.
This is a settlement * 'Shmalyaevo' we're living.
Here every round, either he do me in.
Or I will do him.
The entrance broke many legs.
Our entry very *strict, at best.
Here they will use us as hot dog mince.
Our password - login.
This are years and terms, I thought it's OK,
When it's always add up at the end.
Here they exchange precious metal for meth.
Here they understand, who is a cop and who is not, I bet.
This is a red city in the country which red.
Face to the wall, bullet in the back, and that is that.
Until everyone sleep sweetly.
I'm having a dog-sleep.
I'm like my rhesus, I'm -negative.
And I consider as a big mistake
Those correctional institutions can’t correct us in any way.
We're causing damage, to the head and to the body.
The holes on the wall keep the memory, like drawings of the caves.
In this country if you don't have epaulettes, who are you anyway?
For them, who are you anyway?
This music is for the right hut, and rather,
It's for those who taken away by bailiff.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a very good jurist.
It's for those, for whom the word is sacred,
It’s for those who have not yet became the finalist.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a jurisdiction minister.
For them, who are you anyway?
From far away for awhile
Black* 'Volga' is moving
And like a wolf will be howling.
The one, from whom to get the debt it's rolling.
The windows are smashed to smithereens all around.
The family photo from the shelf falling down.
No one understands clearly on what ground.
But they'll declare mourning in this settlement. (x 2)
This music is for the right hut, and rather,
It's for those who taken away by bailiff.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a very good jurist.
It's for those, for whom the word is sacred,
It’s for those who have not yet became the finalist.
Mama can you make me a brother,
And let him be a jurisdiction minister.
You are never alone
I can hardly remember,
how it all really was.
Only sometimes do the contours
of the old shadows become clear again.
But in the fight against time
they could not win forever.
Because even the snow of yesterday remains
still lying somewhere.
You are never alone.
The shadow always catches you.
It tears you down at full speed,
Driving into the limbs. Come on, get up.
I have bled far too long -
heavily laden with guilt.
Because sleeping is easier than fighting,
I have simply lulled myself.
With black wings in front of the face
posessed me with obsession!
As a caterpillar incessantly eats,
it has completely absorbed me!
You are never alone.
The shadow always catches you.
It tears you down at full speed,
Driving into the limbs. Come on, get up.
Pulled me back... into a world,
where I was the ruler alone.
Black as the night, never real.
And I remember everything again.
and I remember everything again...
You are never alone.
The shadow always catches you.
With your back against the wall,
you've already run away too long...
you are never alone.
The shadow always catches you.
It tears you down at full speed!
Driving into the limbs... Come on, get up!
Variete Obscur
Every night, the fine society of the city,
punctually at eight, the door opens in the basement
So gallantly welcomes the director the ladies and gentlemen
Gives everyone a hand: welcome here in Varieté Obscur
And the gentlemen, supple the tail, the cylinder, the
They like to leave them with the day at the wardrobe
Every night, the ladies and gentlemen sort out anew
One chats and laughs, the everlasting hunger always in view.
I sit here as always
in my niche waiting in the half-dark
and hardly notice the splendor.
What do I care about the looks
from the other tables,
I thought, sweet Emma, only about you.
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Little sweet goddess!
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Beautiful Goddess!
Don't someone told you
That you shouldn't torture people
Little 'oh!', Little 'ah!'
Little sweet Emma, yes!
How to serve the Liliputans liverily
On the silver tablet the powdery powdery powder
No thanks! Although it's like champagne included in the price
Can it be something else?
The same as always, you already know me
No renunciation, I only wait for the idea, because,
when finally the light is dimmed, I know its soon
so far
It's ten, hardly one here really looks at the show,
already too often seen, the sensation as incidental.
So some hand moves smoothly
in the tropical heat when Godeaux, the snake,
crawls around on the stage.
He winds around bars
through the smallest cracks,
but I, sweet Emma, just wait for you!
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Little sweet goddess!
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Beautiful Goddess!
Don't someone told you
That you shouldn't torture people
Little 'oh!', Little 'ah!'
Little sweet Emma, yes!
It is time, and while the bearded lady sings,
I make myself ready as an attentive hunter, my eyes wander.
And so close, you suddenly appear, do not know how and where, but now you are there, so some hand travel back in the short term.
Hardly a man who does not want her, as she stands smiling,
he stared as if, at every table, he showed the goods,
In front of the belly, cigars and also cigarettes and more,
what is still needed when the night comes
to a climax.
And finally, finally you come,
I can smell you already, Jack the Wolfhuman howls,
can not do anything like that!
You look at me,
give me a match-book, secretly, there
'Meet me later, behind the tapet door'
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Little sweet goddess!
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Beautiful Goddess!
Don't someone told you
That you shouldn't torture people
Little 'oh!', Little 'ah!'
Little sweet Emma, yes!
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Little sweet goddess!
Little (oh!)
Goddess (ah!)
Beautiful Goddess!
Don't someone told you
That you shouldn't torture people
Little 'oh!', Little 'ah!'
Little sweet Emma, yes!
I walk almost like remote-controlled,
as if Jean had the puppeteer
me on the cross in his hand
And led quite without will as a Marionette,
I have never known a woman like you, Emma
O Emma, you are so beautiful,
probably not from this world,
my angel, what did you do?
You have warned me every time,
when I get insane, but then,
Emma, you laughed again
I know I should have listened to you long ago
I am unrestrained in your net stockings
O hell, no one can deceive like you, kiss
I'd rather not come back from here, Emma
Escape attempts (I go the ways like in a dream)
Three times accursed black cat
Like a halved moon
The mercury eye appears evil
From the face and full derision
Behind me she is in the dark
As quiet as if she was asleep
And I run away from her
Branches hit my face
It always pulls me back to her
As if someone were calling me
And I run for my life
But I can not escape
I do not know how long I flee
Without goal and without direction
Full of horror I see graves standing
There on the desolated plan
There a light, a glimmer of hope
And I enter the clearing
There she lies infront of me again
Is awakened and stares at me
Three times accursed black snake
The sling like a gallows knit
A fox, as red as her tongue
One-eyed, his look also seeks me
I go the way like in a dream
Walk through the black moor
Everything seems so hopeless
And it seems to me so futile
I walk through the dark night
I scarcely recognize my way
I end up where I started
I go the way like in a dream
Behind me she is in the dark
As quiet as if she were dead
And I sneak away
Past the dark, cool pond
A carp floats in the gloomy green
Its one eye glistens red
The sight makes me shudder
When he sinks into his kingdom
I'm breathless and feel like
I've been running for days
An owl grazes my hair in flight
I hear the master how he laughs
I fall and get up
Blood smeared and dripping
Now she's back in front of me
And she has long time ago awakened
Three times accursed black raven
Horrible as the gaze torments me
And again I see the eyes
One is rigid, the other is missing
I go the way like in a dream
stagger through the black moor
Everything seems so hopeless
And it seems to me so futile
I walk through the dark night
I scarcely recognize my way
I end up where I started
I go the way like in a dream
I go the way like in a dream
stagger through the black moor
Everything seems so hopeless
And it seems to me so futile
I walk through the dark night
I scarcely recognize my way
I end up where I started
I go the way like in a dream
Wolf Tracks
I follow your trail
In the lily white new dress of the world
That dropped down from the sky overnight
The impression of your tender foot
Dawn reds in white
Still unaffected so fine and slender
What disturbed your dream
when you slept by my side?
What drove you into the black night?
So you finally
went without clothes and shoes into the cold?
What drove you to do that?
There, a second track,
which almost covers yours
I run, my heart is almost standing still
In my mind arise
Long sharp teeth, already bleached
And wild eyes that see you
Before the sun rises
And the tracks eradicated
Run as fast as I can
And between us, there is the beast
I begged the wind to turn
And he does not tell you about you
I'm always a bit too late
Have missed you around hairbreadth
The moon fades at the heavenly tent
Time is running out, the sun is rising
And water is already on the trail
I run on panting
Looked at the floor
Come, show me, where are you?
Before the sun rises
And the tracks eradicated
Run as fast as I can
And between us, there is the beast
I begged the wind to turn
And he does not tell you about you
I'm always a bit too late
Have missed you around hairbreadth
I begged the wind to turn
And he does not tell you about you
I'm always a bit too late
Have missed you around hairbreadth
Have missed you around hairbreadth
The harder we cling on to each other
the greater the dream from which we fall,
We're separating, looking at ourselves and forget about us
We were enchanted, hardly recognized myself
Your eyes so deep that I drowned in them.
Is an eternity ago and it hurts me to remember
Because we though we were so close
Now I realize how one can be deceived.
We don't talk anymore.
Because where we are at right now
People don't say Goodbye
It is time, no last attempt
It appears that our love wasn't enough
I admit that it is hard
We're not as strong as we wished we were
Because the truth hurts and it shows everywhere
Day and night, it will bring us down
We don't talk anymore.
Because where we are at right now
People don't say Goodbye
Because we though we were so close
Now I realize how one can be deceived.
We don't talk anymore.
Because where we are at right now
People don't say Goodbye
People don't say Goodbye
Hymnus: Heaven
I stand and wonder
Move as if dreaming
And a sunbeam breaks through
The sea of storm-clouds
And the birds in the tree
Sing me their concert
I am filled with joy
Which endures forever
And I see whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be heaven
And an angel comes to me
Its wings snow-white
His voice so gentle and
He whispers softly
And he takes my hand, saying,
'Do not be afraid!'
So cool his fingers
And he leads me into the light
And I see whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be heaven
Whatever I saw before wasn’t real
This must be heaven
Whatever I sought is now revealed
This must be real
Tabor Goes Into the Sky
I don't fuckin' believe in people 'n fish,
Cuz people aren't close, 'n the fish aren't sincere.
It seemed that erasers r over in police stations,
To clean our fuckin' criminal cases.
It seemed we're in da box under gound, if no one've seen us,
Or we r each in our dandruff, clearly, peaceful.
Clealy in da world, changing shoes,
Kerya measured kilometer on da gelding,
'N in my dick, like in Boeing, has a lot of passengers.
Here they'll lose ur body alive and quickly,
Then tell us who's profit here.
If 5 in front of and 3 in behind - folded,
Simple arithmetic.
I saw, like many people r tagged as presidents
I saw the tabor goes into the sky.
'N souls of those who didn't become president r behind it.
'N legs's the first what'll taked out.
The most terrible thing 2 forget r folks, password 'n login,
'N as u don't try, Maisan,
No one'll bend u in doggy style.
If I have a couple fuckin' millions, if a couple fuckin' millions I have,
I would change them without lookin'. Oh, wait! Don't change.
Tabor goes into the sky,
I plundered even where I wasn't.
There was cleverier thoughts in ma head, guys,
But I'm so stupid that I'm fit 4 deputies.
Stop, removed from the fuse,
The guilty verdict on 105 aticle.
The pistol with muffler hid under the table
'N in general, visually, I'm suspicious.
The forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs r evil forces,
Tails, horns, hooves, pitchfork.
'N when the policeman's at home, the cattle r dying, the milk's sour.
'N we immediately, after the imprisonment, again,
Leave the blood on the ceramic tile.
Investigator'll raise an eyebrow in surprise,
That we managed 2 hide in an unknown direction.
Here those who even was on the Titanic'll say it's OK,
Those who'll add bass in Russian folk songs.
'N we don't save our time when we break watches.
This gangster university, guys,
Kaspiyskiy, guys, Gruz,
And our view in our point of view's correct,
The old pistol, the leg in the floor, the 63rd was measured.
Tibor from QS-FB
Deborah [read the author's comment!]
[Part 1]
I pull the shutters closed
Hope the ghosts stay silent
Get cold feet
The Start Menu of old DVDs in loop
Calender sheets fly past
Sheets spread over the mirrors
Weighing not much at the moment
If I wanna go, she pulls me in
Two, three years I know Deborah already
She doesn't let me go
I don't go out, I don't go out
I stay home, alone at home
Pretend to be dead, if everything else fails
Here, hours become to seconds and a year to a day
[Part 2]
She had something with everyone in the city
Fucks them all
Telephone bursts, but I don't answer
Letters come, white to blue to yellow
First electricity, then heater turned off
No peep, no tone, I stay motionless when the caretaker rings
Two, three years I know Deborah already
She doesn't let me go
I don't go out, I don't go out
I stay home, alone at home
Pretend to be dead, if everything else fails
Here, hours become to seconds and a year to a day
Here, hours become to seconds and a year to a day
Here, hours become to seconds and a year to a day
Here, hours become to seconds and a year to a day
[Interlude: Montana Max]
Ey, it's me. Where are you, man? I try to get you on the phone all the time. You don't open your door. And, uhm, we all really start to worry slowly. So, please get in touch with me and, uhm, take care of yourself, okay?
Alright, see you
[Part 3]
And when I'm unattainable once and for all
Delete the hard disk, throw it away
No tribute of bands that I think are crap
As soon as I am unattainable
And when I'm unattainable once and for all
Delete the hard disk, throw it away
No tribute of bands that I think are crap
As soon as I am unattainable
The participant can't answer your call at the moment. Please try later again
Half alone
I'll be there when you'll want me to
I'll be hidden among a thousand memories but you won't spot me
I'll talk to you, you'll think of me
And in the silence of a last instant you'll be far away
Fantasizing about a love you wish for
Too different from the one you got
You'll fall asleep in a box full of dreams
And in this night of bewilderment
Even the moon will be wondering
How much it's cost us to choose to live half alone
I'll be there
When you'll be afraid of the night
I'll walk alone in my worn out shoes
Asking for you
I'll be asking for you...
I'll be there, even though
It's getting late already and I won't be able to stop you from going away
I'll look you in the eye, you'll kill me
With a smile that can't conceal what you know
We'll meet in dreams if you wish
In those dreams you had for us
And in the silence of a last instant you'll forgive me
But in this night of complicity
Even the moon will be wondering
How much it's cost us to choose to live half alone
I'll be there
(I'll be there...)
When you'll be afraid of the night
I'll walk alone in my worn out shoes
Asking for you
I'll be asking for you...
I'll be there
(I'll be there...)
When you'll be afraid of the night
I'll walk alone in my worn out shoes
Asking for you
I'll be asking for you
Whereas a translation is presented as 'singable', it's by no means intended to be a literal version of the lyrics in another language. It just aspires to be a rhythmical, sometimes also rhyming, rendition of the text, so that different words can be sung along to the music, keeping the original meaning as much as the syllable count makes it possible .
Where the wild maggots grub
[Part 1]
This is all against all, everyone with everybody
Open closed for everyone - but not everyone, everyone
First that come, last that leave
Recorded laugher, scene for scene
This is Neverland baby - nobody becomes old
Everyone sends, no connection, are alone together
There shit becomes to gold, sauna-bath, hottest vapor
Live eternally, thank corpses! [he says the same which means 'thank god!' just with corpses]
Throw my phone in the Spree [a lake in Germany]
Never wanna know and see you anymore
No meetings, text messages nor e-mail!
Let me alone, I want my life back
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Never replete, guzzle ourselves into the grave
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, never replete, never replete, never
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Anonym participants
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, replete, replete!
[part 2]
We can nothing, except for doing nothing, but this pretty good
More fast food, supplies, fresh blood
Just being cheap, expensive than ever
The 40s are the teens today (euphoria)
This is Springbreak baby, everyone fucked
With more faces than Jaquen H'Ghar, turn with the wind
Live the movie, all together, everyone for oneself
Laughing on the sinking ship
Throw my phone in the Spree [a lake in Germany]
Never wanna know and see you anymore
No meetings, text messages nor e-mail!
Let me alone, I want my life back
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Never replete, guzzle ourselves into the grave
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, never replete, never replete, never
We are the plague, we are the swarm
Anonym participants
Sleep at day, wake up in the night
Never replete, replete, replete!
All that I want, is to not be a part of you (no)
Just don't fit into the circle
Party, until the bubble bursts or nasal septum rips (fine (?))
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone
There I like to stay alone
Black Butterfly: Obituary
Faded writing on a stone
Hated poison in my being
No black butterfly that flew
No priest spoke the obituary
Do you know who I was and what I am?
I am the black butterfly
Who is swinging with you to heaven
Because you're all I've got
I sing when there's nothing left in you
And I dance on my grave
Feel you so deep and close
Find you, for you are there
Transform you every day
With every new wing stroke
Do you know what you are doing and what you are?
I am the black butterfly
Who is swinging with you to heaven
Because you're all I've got
I sing when there's nothing left in you
And I dance on my grave
Shadows lay over the land
The candle has burnt down
Only a last glimmer remains of the day
I dance and dance and dance for you still
When the house of your soul is in flames
and there is no way out of you
You are helpless for air because of the morning
which comes to you, hindering your breathing every time
When desire stirs and with anxiety
you feel that time is fleeing you like a fog
When you scream like in your mind, in the midst
of thousands, and yet no one sees you
If no one wants you and you live
in the exile of your own hopeless world
Every friendly hand has been banished for a long time,
the pain overcomes you, let me go
Do you finally know who I am?
I am the black butterfly
Who is swinging with you to heaven
Because you're all I've got
I sing when there's nothing left in you
And I dance on my grave
And I dance on my grave
And I dance on my grave
The storm is calm
Those who dared face these seas yesterday
And those who shivered for a love
And that waited for destiny to fall from heavens live
We crossed the Aegean sea
The boat was full of pharisees
With Cubans, Syrians, gypsies
Like the Romans, without a Coliseum
We crossed to the other side
In the Red River of the sacred sea
The shopping centers crowed with
Migrants, refugees
You, where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where is
My brother
Without a sister
My fatherless child
My mother
Without a grandmother
Giving someone a hand
Without a place
To be
The boys feel no peace
Where are you
My Lord
Where are you?
Where are you?
Oh, Lord, where are you
You don't answer
In which world
On which star
Are you hiding
Covering in the skies
Two thousand years ago I shouted to you
Since then this shout runs around the universe in vain
Where are you, my Lord?
We crossed the Aegean sea
The boat was full of pharisees
With Cubans, Syrians, gypsies
Like the Romans, without a Coliseum
We crossed to the other side
Of the Red River of the sacred sea
The shopping centers crowed with
Migrants, refugees
You, where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where is
My brother
Without a sister
My fatherless child
My mother
Without a grandmother
Giving someone a hand
Without a place
To be
The boys feel no peace
Where are you
My Lord
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Like in Sovet Movie
(Dialogue from the movie 'Kalina Krasnaya' (Red Viburnum))
-So, how long did you spend?(1)
-Last time, hm, I spend five years.
-Well, you're an accountant with such hands? I don't believe.
-I've trained them there, you know, sewed-sewed the slippers.
-With such hands only broke the locks, not to saw the slippers
-Well, you say.
Let's invent final like in sovet movie,
So everyone wanna cry, but it'll funny
Mother cries: 'Son!' and huggs
And titles stagger little bit
Joy is a man, man has a tip
I'm a whiz, I think like father think the same
Ranks is not enough for me, I need your honor
I'll looking for it till the end, where it is
So I'm a guy of old hardening
In a new fitted suit
After all, we dreamed to became like Gagarin
Yura, we all have fucked up
Well we from different countries, after all:
Ukraine, Azerbaijan,
But when we watch Russia vs Canada hockey,
We cheer for ours, guys
Keep those who are close
And bury those who are near, near
To live better than all - I don't need it
To live as an injection: it hurts, but it is necessary
Let's imagine life like in sovet movie
So all for one and one for all like wall
And when the loved ones with wet eyes
Let this joy be to all this guilt
I don't care, that I'm not became one, what needs
Even the palm's up on the first desks
If I go home, I'll not walk back
So hide, count to one hundred, guys
Guys has hide, so can't find them
And the sonorous laughter of childhood has calm down for a long time
And the walls of our apartments has soaked in the sadness
Driver, stop, let me go
I didn't measure my life - the meter can't be rewound
And I do not believe, like Moscow doesn't believe in tears,
That can return time, but I clearly know,
That wounds can't heal, no mater, how many would we licked them
And when my father spoke of caliber
I thought it was about a bird, because was naive
And finish, save, Lord
As in 'Flying in a dream and in reality' with Yankovsky
[Tipsy Type]
Crush on the pieces the island of the dream, they created monsters
'Kentos' tattooed sideways, now the tongue is sharp
Moscow doesn't believe in tears - it is, and hell with it, with Oscar
We are waiting for you on a post-Soviet stage, bosses
Here the bare namesake draft of coke dose for fifty
Brothers funny, run a splinter in your nose
Don't touch the diller, for the scout is hard to ask
He 'Call back' request will reset in case of what
And there'll not be enough for you, through those who are in the New Year
Spread pate from sprat on bread watching Ryazanov's movie
Did not know neither the singing Liverpool nor the dirty New York
Then all over again. 'Where's the granny?' - I'm for her
Strong phrase lives, weak immediately rotting
The country of contrasts is not honey, but ice in the bosom
The cloudy year was issued and what is waiting for there
There is no color screen. Like May honey
A warm plaid lulled slowly,no need a pill to do this
Flashlights throw light on scraps of objects, rarely
It's temporary, at the end everything will be like in Soviet movie
Usual life in unusual with a wind blow
(Dialogue from the movie 'Kalina Krasnaya' (Red Viburnum))
-Egor, honey.
-Come on, Lyuba, come on, these are just the words. Words are worthless.
-Well, did you think up all this now, or what?..
-No, I did not. Only you listen to people less. Listen, but skip the words, otherwise you are very trusting. Have you ever been deceived?
-No, and who, Lord?
Tibor from QS-FB
Everything goes quiet
And the pulse goes up
And the breathing goes flat
It's about to start
My heart a fist
Beating in the cage
For the one moment
That lives forever
Nerves are on edge
Like polished gold
You wanted the game
You're more than awake
And it's buzzing in your ear
And you count aloud
This countdown to yourself
House lights down
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Now and here
That's everything that counts
Everything that counts
Everything that counts
I give you this support
That you lack
Support that you lack
Support that you lack
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe out
When no one believes in you
And demons torture you
Write it onto your skin
You can count on me
Turning around now wouldn't make sense anymore
Better to lose with you
Than to win alone
House lights down
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Stage light on
Break out
Feel the push
Now and here
That's everything that counts
Everything that counts
Everything that counts
I give you this support
That you lack
Support that you lack
Support that you lack
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
The air around us (is burning)
This here is your hour
Use every second
A spring(board) in front of the abyss
Let it pass you by
Go out and show them
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
Spread your arms
I give you uplift, uplift
If you want
I give you uplift
I breathe in
You breathe
Thousands and Thousands of Questions
Scrawl, tickle, feather
Does water really matter to everyone?
Who wants to think when he thinks,
Back to youth?
Is the far distance smaller,
And do you really not see it?
And if you just keep still,
Then will you notice the happiness?
Are all men pigs,
All women not?
Are all men equal,
And is this already intolerant?
Are we alone in the universe?
Can one manage without money?
Where does it still exist,
The new unknown land?
Thousands of questions,
Thousands and thousands of questions
are buzzing around my head.
All the obscene questions,
Thousands and thousands of questions
confuse me and become more instead of fewer!
More and more
and everything revolves around in a circle,
Ever faster, more and more,
Because I really do not know anything.
Does love conquer all,
In every single case?
Where can one still find
A really good, faithful heart?
Say, am I really your master?
Is there a God, if so,
what is his name?
Is there a great plan,
Is everything just a bad joke?
Are the poor spiritually blessed,
And when I'm dead, I fail?
And if anyone actually leaves us,
where does he go?
Is there free will?
How long should one breast-feed?
Does that connection make any
meaningful sense?
Thousands of questions,
Thousands and thousands of questions
are buzzing around my head.
All the obscene questions,
Thousands and thousands of questions
confuse me and become more instead of fewer!
More and more
and everything revolves around in a circle,
Ever faster, more and more,
Because I really do not know anything.
Does fate decide my course?
Do I buy anything,
even though the best things are free?
Is honesty the best policy?
How do you create indispensability?
And why is Lady Justice no longer blind?
Why do you lag behind,
As if the day was the last?
Murdered 'Carpe diem' next Friday?
Does one end up with nothing,
If one suffered from sickness in life,
Because the essential is always
in the distant future?
Is it true love at last,
Do you directly reciprocate?
And is music a
Universal language?
Is it becoming rarely beautifully sung?
Who speaks in foreign tongues?
Is exotic sex more intense than conventional?
Will everything on me get saggy?
Is magic only metaphor?
Is sealant automatically
Always also a concentrate?
How innocent are you,
How guilty are butterflies,
When a whirlwind
Has devastated the country?
Thousands of questions,
Thousands and thousands of questions
are buzzing around my head.
All the obscene questions,
Thousands and thousands of questions
confuse me and become more instead of fewer!
More and more
and everything revolves around in a circle,
Ever faster, more and more,
Because I really do not know anything.
I know not where I come from,
Nor what will happen later.
Stifled blindness and I swim,
In darkness, I have strayed.
Rotten taste on my lips,
Because the darkness feeds me.
And turned me into something,
That soon comes to light.
(The light only swallows)
Black as the night,
If your world is on fire,
If all you have is gone.
Black as the night,
I spread out my wings,
And bring you home in the end
Only my heartbeat says I'm alive,
Divides the silent eternity,
Gets me stronger, ever faster:
Soon it will happen, come, get ready.
Yes, my heartbeat brings a transformation.
The expectation is spreading.
New hope is paired with fear,
Before disappointment, new suffering.
(The light swallows)
Black as the night,
If your world is on fire,
If all you have is gone.
Black as the night,
I spread out my wings,
And bring you home in the end
I am my own hell.
And I am my paradise.
I am a fallen angel,
Who, pushed himself into the abyss.
Black as the night,
I am the consolation of darkness,
Who frees you from your fear.
Black as the night,
The light that you see in the end,
Is certainly not paradise.
Black as the night,
If your world is on fire,
If all you have is gone.
Black as the night,
I spread out my wings,
And bring you home in the end.
Offährte (Reprise)
Above the ruins dances a light,
A last flicker,
Above me the stones, layer by layer,
A sea of rubble.
Between debris and shattered glass,
There grows the grass,
That sways and that
Gently trembles in the evening breeze.
Do not read any more when time passes.
As the wind blows away
What is still standing there,
The writing, so quickly weathered.
And from the depth there is no entreaty,
Everything black, I can not see.
Ugly, I want to be for you
And like a bad dream
That doesn't only visit you at night
And you hardly escape it
If you ask me why I am ugly
And how I can live when I'm so ugly
It's like you say, I'm so ugly and worthless
You can already see it: my inner being is inverted
Ugly, I want to be for you
And like a bad dream
That doesn't only visit you at night
And you hardly escape it
The mirror of your inner being
You just do not know yet
I show you your soul
In my ugly face
Could at least try to be as beautiful as you are
So unfathomably good and still so pure
I stand aside, a whole world away
So foreign, for I never learned your beauty
Ugly, I want to be for you
And like a bad dream
That doesn't only visit you at night
And you hardly escape it
The mirror of your inner being
You just do not know yet
I show you your soul
In my ugly face
Stillness of the Night
Not a soul in all the snow-covered streets
My wishes torment, drop, she is gone
No escape, I stand up again, after her
And from within I hear songs, in me sings nothing more
A warm glimmer, a bright glow
Gently flows out of every window
But I'm still standing outside alone
And I hunt the phantoms
And behind me
The wind howls with cruel voices
I can not anymore
I have to get out when the night begins
This is the silence of the night
There are worlds between you and me
This is the silence of the night
And no path leads back to me
Deep in the silence of the night
I tumble through the winter cold
Deep in the silence of the night
Without you and I must freeze
And angel voices in the air
Proclaim glad tidings
Which I do not hear, too deep is the gulf,
The gap between pleasure and my misery
And behind me
The wind howls with cruel voices
I can not anymore
I have to get out when the night begins
This is the silence of the night
There are worlds between you and me
This is the silence of the night
And no path leads back to me
Deep in the silence of the night
I tumble through the winter cold
Deep in the silence of the night
Without you and I must freeze
Wait, not much longer, winter is still so cold
If they just don't catch me, persevere! I am coming soon
And behind me the wind howls with cruel voices
Only you and I know very well,
That it is, in reality, wolves
This is the silence of the night
There are worlds between you and me
This is the silence of the night
And no path leads back to me
Deep in the silence of the night
I tumble through the winter cold
Deep in the silence of the night
Without you and I must freeze
Bottoms up
I owe you an apology and I'm giving you advice
Don't look for me, don't shout, I'm telling you it'll be too late
What can't be brought with time, can be shuttered in one moment
Our story was not envied by many people.
Bottoms up, moving forward, our relationship can't go on
Everything's upside down, we've messed up our morals
I want white, you're looking for black, this doesn't go anywhere for us
That's why I'm drinking in your name, you won't see me ever again.
I owe you some words, and I'm sending you two kisses
Everything's about to change now, I'll be in another embrace
Everything that was taken away by time, I'm gonna win it all back in life
I've turned a new leaf, you should turn it too.
Never more
You can read my soul
Just like in an open book
And you determine my whole nature
You are a blessing, you are a curse
Hold me tight in your arms
Hold me firmly in your hand
Know neither grace nor mercy
Have you burned into my flesh
I missed you much too long
Come, show me who you really are
I know exactly, only one thing alone
It should not be so
And your eyes say: Never more!
Never more we!
Your whole body never sings again
Here with me
Fill my mind, I fill yours
We could never separate ourselves
Nor could we unite
I go before you on my knees
Sparks dance before my eyes
And I can not see anymore
Have fallen deep into one another
And we will go down
We are so hot and we are naked
The hearts do not beat in time
I know exactly, only one thing alone
It should not be so
And your eyes say: Never more!
Never more we!
Your whole body never sings again
Here with me
If your skin still lies trembling*
Your mouth long since cheated with me
And we lose ourselves
We're both too upset
Because it feels all wrong
Please stay with me
I can see it in your eyes
I just wish I could go
I now know nothing of nothing, alone:
It should not be so
And your eyes say: Never more!
Never more we!
Your whole body never sings again
Here with me
And your eyes say: Never more!
Never more we! Never more we!
Your whole body never sings again
Here with me, here with me
And your eyes say: Never more!
Never more we! Never more we!
And your eyes say: Never more!
Never more we!