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A Boy Unlike All the Others

Ziggy, his name is Ziggy
I am mad about him
He is a boy unlike all the others
But I love him, it's not my fault
Even if I know
That he will never love me
Ziggy, his name is Ziggy
I am mad about him
The first time I saw him
I threw myself at him on the street
I only told him
That I wanted him
It was four o'clock in the morning
I was alone and I had wanted
Someone to talk to
He told me, 'Let's drink some coffee'
We talked about our lives
We laughed, we cried
Ziggy, his name is Ziggy
He is my only friend
In his head there is nothing but music
He sells records at a store
You could say he lives
In another world
Every evening he takes me out dancing
To very gay locales
Where he has tons of friends
Yes, I know he likes guys
I have to come up with a reason
To try to forget him, but
Ziggy, his name is Ziggy
I am mad about him
He is a boy unlike all the others
And I love him, it's not my fault
Even if i know
He will never love me


Shake it as best as you can
Raise endless drinks
Your body has a taste
Shake shake shake shake
Give me that thing
Shake the place
Tonight lets burn it
Lets smoke things up
WHen you start it
No don't stop at all
I like it when you play
Slowly slowly
Twerk your booty up and down
Everyone wants you but only I have you
You shake your ass
Her thing only kills me
Play play all night long
I have put my stamp on you
Turn off the lights and the drink came on time
Send the smoke in the air

O, Time

O, Time, pause for a few moments.
O, Time, have a little Mercy!
Dedicate me Moments of happiness.
And after that, you can take the rest of my life, take my youth and both my eyes.
O, Time, be Gentle with me, be Gentle with my lover, my perfect Soulmate.
With its joy, its peace of mind, with my reverie, with what occupies my mind.
With its sentiments and feelings, with every Thought that occurs, its Imagination.
O, Time, have Mercy on the Beloved ones Who are still in the Springtime of their youth.
O, Time, give them a few minutes before you pass by and leave.
In which they tasteful the world with happiness and ecstasy from the joyful winery.
O, Time, you come during the finale, you come ignorant of the introduction.
O, Time, you come and flow


When night falls and flowers bow their heads
When last ray of light loses it's power
When night stars greet us from the sky
I wish you a good night with this song
Sleep quietly, my old land,
My home land, I wish you a quiet sleep
Thousands of guards watch over you
With you every new day rises
When the yellow moon silently goes along a cloud
Dreams will follow it for a long journey
When you hear the striking clock and the night shifts of the heart
I wish you a good night with this song
Sleep quietly, my old land,
My home land, I wish you a quiet sleep
Thousands of guards watch over you
With you every new day rises


honey-tongued, honey-tongued
Albağını honey-tongued.
whatever strangers say,
my own language is sweet
honey-tongued, honey-tongued
mother tongue is the sweet language.
either doctor and remedy,
is sweetly speaking honey-tongued.
shirin, it is coming to,
your hair is coming to your face
when Farhad is digging cliffs
he remembers Shirin.
like as Shirin, like as Shirin,
love beautifully like as Shirin,
I prefer young lovers,
to be like Farhad and Shirin
it is my mother tongue, it is my mother tongue,
the apple is sliced
what brings me happiness
is my own lovely my mother.

Why do you neglect me?

I truest your dimension or I believe my feelings.
You want to live your life away from me!
You become closer to my breath more than my own family.
And you left me, and you swore to me you would never leave me.
Hope in my eyes became like disappointment !
Your contradicting love is exhausted me.
If we parted, you would be a callous soul in my eyes.
And as soon as we meet, you have a good spirit that captivates me with passion.
I feel myself soul sad suffocating my breathing,
Suffocating by my passion, which made me like that.
My heart told me that I need to believe in my sincerity feelings.
I Sincerely will believe what you say from my sincere feelings.
But I have a question going on in my head
Why? When your heart longs and misses me? You are ignoring and neglecting me ?!

The Ruin

French have Bonapart, cheese, wine and Paris,
You like their couture - you learn their language.
And you want to be like calm Parisians,
To read the newspaper with coffee, to bite the croissant.
Polish have Warsaw, bigus, żurek and flaczki,
Marie Curie also, by the way, Polish.
You go to them for skiing, you know their language,
You find yourself thinking that you respect them.
But my country - total ruin,
And people are walking proudly in flat caps and sportswear1.
But my country - total ruin,
How it is possible to hate own homeland so much?
Americans have a status and the Statue of Freedom,
Las-Vegas, Niagara, New-York, Hollywood
And a lot of people there can get along.
But if we even have just one person, they do not fit.
Faraway Iceland has two hundreds of volcanos,
Reykjavik, a couple of geysers and eternal ice,
And every person from the street can go for coffee
Into the office of the president, safely.
My country has Kyiv, Volyn' and Karpaty,
Donbas and Black Sea, Odesa and Lviv,
And there are only Deputies who live high on the hog,
Everyone else is playing roles in the movies about losers.
Biting the bullet, everyone stands and lets the convoys2 pass.
Earning a bottle of wine for month's work.
The biggest happiness of Ukrainian is to make it to tomorrow,
We are already in trenches, though this is not a war.
  • 1. a reference to Gopnik
  • 2. in Ukraine, people on top government positions usually are moving in convoys of multiple cars, and before this convoy passes, police blocks some streets for it and does not let anyone to move across this space. If convoy is late, the 'standing' can last for hours. Some cases known when people died in these artificial 'traffic jams' or because emergency car could not get through the block.

Bilal Habeshi

his faith, he did not
hide from anybody
he gave an oath to his Rabb*
while his owner tortured him
the oppressors made him suffer
they denied him water
but he keeps his faith
the black slave is proud
O Bilal Habeshi
may Paradise comfort you
at Rabb* in His shade
you will enjoy the reward
the sun scorched him
the sand burned him
'Allah, Allah, He is one'
said the black slave
and when they, on his chest
put a heavy rock
he recited shadah
'He is One, [and] Only'
O Bilal Habeshi
may Paradise comfort you
at Rabb in His shade
you will enjoy the reward
and from severe trouble
Es-Sidik* got him out
may, eight jannahs,
dear Allah grant him

zelena vila

stara zelena vilo šta si mi učinila
vidim lusi na nebu,govori mi da sam visoko*
otišao sam po mleko pre tri dana
sreo sam Dalm na ulici,srušio me je na kolena
sada počinjem davidim da nije dobro
tu je policajac u mom krevetu koji mi govori da sam mrtav
moraću da te dovedem dole gde insekti počinju da trče polako
zvuk i vizija prevrću sve iznutra
lnije te prave da izgledaš starije i onda si nestao
i svaki dan imam nekoga ko me spusta dole*
imam oči ludog čoveka,trčim unaokolo
kakv je osećaj živeti život kada ništa nije istina
samo me pošalji niz reku
košija kaže da treba da me zaključaju
nebi bio prvi koji me hoće u mrtvačkim kolima
niko ne spava ja sam još uvek budan
dodaj mi zelenu vilu,sve ću vas uplašiti
psi u torbicama*,svako je zvezda
pogledaš iza svojih očiju svi su nestali
i svaki dan imam nekoga ko me spusta dole*
imam oči ludog čoveka,trčim unaokolo
kakv je osećaj živeti život kada ništa nije istina
samo me pošalji niz reku
neću čekati do sutra
samo ću gledati unazad i čekati znak
slaviću svoju slobodu
samo me pošalji niz reku
i svaki dan imam nekoga ko me spusta dole*
imam oči ludog čoveka,trčim unaokolo
kakv je osećaj živeti život kada ništa nije istina
samo me pošalji niz reku

dani su zaboravljeni

gledam unapred
ti se naginješ unazad
od ovoga ja sam siguran
da li ti je bilo dovoljno
da li se osecaš snažno
da li te lobanja boli
pa da li ti je toplo
zato što uzimam ono što je moje
uzimam nazad ono što je moje
ti to možda nazoveš suicidom
ali ja se radjam ponovo
sada ovde
ili nešto
da me uzme
da me preuzme
dani su zaboravljeni
sada je sve gotovo
jednostavno zaboravljeno
kako nestati
domaći hleb
imam požudu za krvi
hranim te hlebom
ne ostavljam ožiljke
kažeš da sam star šešir
jebeni prljavi pacov
zovi me klišeom
ispravljam svce tvoje pogreške
ti to možda nazoveš suicidom
ali ja se radjam ponovo
i cekam
sada ovde
ili nešto
da me uzme
da me preuzme
dani su zaboravljeni
sada je sve gotovo
jednostavno zaboravljeno
kako nestati
dani su zaboravljeni
sada je sve gotovo
jednostavno zaboravljeno
kako nestati
video sam nešto
u mraku
to je
ti bila kući
grickam mozak majmuna
napolju sam
samo sam silueta
ti nikada neces
neces ikada zaboraviti
dani su zaboravljeni
sada je sve gotovo
jednostavno zaboravljeno
kako nestati
dani su zaboravljeni
sada je sve gotovo
jednostavno zaboravljeno
kako nestati

Volim te

U redu, bilo je drugih
načina da se rastanemo
Malo slomljenog stakla
možda nam je moglo pomoći
U ovoj gorkoj tišini
odlučih da oprostim greške
koje možemo napraviti
kada se previše volimo
U redu, mala devojčica u meni
često te je tražila
I skoro kao majka si me čuvao i štitio
Ukrala sam ti tu krv koju nismo
trebali deliti
Na kraju mojih reči,snova,vrisnuću!
Volim te! Volim te!
Poput ludaka,
Poput vojnika
Kao zvezdu filma
Volim te,Volim te!
Poput vuka,Poput kralja
Kao čovek koji nisam ja
Vidiš tako te volim ja...
U redu poverih ti
Sve svoje osmehe i tajne
čak i onih koji je samo brat,
čuvar pouzdan
U ovoj kući od kamena,
Đavo gledaše kako plešemo
I toliko želeh tela rat
da međ' nama opet stvori mir
Volim te! Volim te!
Poput ludaka,
Poput vojnika
Kao zvezdu filma
Volim te,Volim te!
Poput vuka,Poput kralja
Kao čovek koji nisam ja
Vidiš tako te volim ja...

As usual

I get up
and I shove you
(A man in the crowd cries: I love you - Lara Fabian responds to him: Me too)
You don't wake up
As usual
I cover you with a bed sheet
I'm scared that you'll get cold
As usual
My hand caresses your hair
Almost in spite of myself
As usual
And you, you turn your back to me
As usual
So then, I dress myself very fast
I leave the bedroom
As usual
All alone, I drink my coffee
I'm late
As usual
Without a ruckus, I leave my house
It's cloudy outside
As usual
I'm cold so I raise my collar
As usual
As usual
For the entire day
I'm will play pretend
As usual
I'm will smile
As usual
I will even laugh
As usual
Lastly, I will live
As usual
And then, the day will pass
As for me, I will come back
As usual
As for you, you will be out
Wouldn't have returned yet
As usual
All alone, I'll go to bed
In this big cold bed
As usual
I will hide my tears
As usual
As usual
Even at night
I will play pretend
As usual
You will return
As usual
I will wait for you
As usual
I will smile at you
As usual
As, as usual
You will take off your clothes
As usual
You will go to bed
As usual
We will kiss
As usual

O love

O love
O passing in our land
Our body tiredness
Our soul's waves
O love that lives in us..
Messing with our thoughts..
Our prayers..
Our dreams..
I love you so much...
And I know that with your love..
With your passion...
I'll lose..
I'll suicide..
I'll shiver... I'll drunk
O love
Peace for your eyes
For your breath, we'll be perfumed ourself
O love
Lets us pray...
Lets us sing..
Lets us drunk..
O love..
Be my patriot.. be my historical..
Be my birth..
Be me..
O love...
That you lives in us..
Messing with our thoughts..
Be kindness...
Be kindness...

one was there and one wasn't*

one was there and one wasn't
under the dark sky*
no one cared about our sorrows
under the umbrella of the sky
for our loneliness
there was not even one bird left
dancing of night shadows
on the silent walls
was informing about the death
the destiny of the stars
is going and going again
the story of being homeless due to cruel hands of the wind
night, darkness, and wind
crying till dawn
tired and exhausted of distances
poor hearts
all machine humans like motionless and soundless stones
one was there and one wasn't
for the leaflessness of the garden
not even an owl would have sung a song on the roof
from the crow in the stories*
that was on its way home
nothing was left but a fist of feathers
stories are black and ugly
all repeated and bitter
those were the stories, those were the days
we're lost in the fate
in the middle of unawareness
where are we in the story? by the way, we must be remembered

In a cabin of a truck

In a cabin of a truck
Three drivers with me had a f.ck
Guess what they will bring back home?
Some nice clap that rode along!

Goodbye is a departure

Thank you for the love
Thank you for the dreams
For the sincerity and the smiles, thank you
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye is a departure
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye is a departure
The thread of time that I spun with you
Won't become frayed even if the seasons change
We can meet again
Surely we'll meet again
There are bridges where people pass
Red bridges, white bridges, of all kinds
But everyone choose the one of their color
To cross that river
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye is a departure
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye is a departure
The thread of time that I spun with you
Won't become frayed even if the seasons change
We can meet again
Surely we'll meet again
I wished upon a distant star
One never knows in life what will happen
But I always wanted to live correctly
To be close to happiness
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye is a departure
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye is a departure
When I fall, I'll look back
And use your memories as stimulus
We can meet again
Surely we'll meet again
Thank you for the love
Thank you for the dreams
For the sincerity and the smiles, thank you
Thank you for the love
Thank you for the dreams
For the sincerity and the smiles, thank you
'Thank you so much!'
'Take care!'

Other Half of Fireworks

The voice of your laughter far away
Carried along in the lukewarm wind
The voice is taking me by the hand
As I lose my way in the moon’s shade
Gunpowder burst through the clouds
As if carved into a brief summer
The next flower has come into blossom
Sooner than you forget about it
Your voice that I love the most
It's the song that gently caresses the stars
Beyond the memory, swaying shimmering glow
Those days like a pattern of dreams
Into the starry night where love like prose is scattered
All I wish for the night split in half is to drift and disappear
The voice of your laughter far away
Carried along in the lukewarm wind
The voice is taking me by the hand
As I lose my way in the moon’s shade
Into the starry night where love like prose is scattered
All I wish for the night split in half is to drift and disappear

The Melody of the Condemned

O sins
Rip this body asunder
Offer up this blood
Incinerating madness
And dying it gray
O sins
They are everlasting
From the origin of miasma
I am weeping over tragedy
My youthful thoughts
Cerebrospinal resonance numbed with malice
To all four limbs, crucified and trembling
The prison in the memory you couldn’t escape
I merely grieve, watching it blossom
Or in this darkest dark before the dawn
Even if I should be here to die
I have to Wreck it all, wreck it all
Slipping on a cape of worshiping grief
I am screaming in anguish tonight
Sing along, sing along
To the melody of the condemned
Hold your hand In mine
Childhood memories
Indelible crime and punishment
Falling down
Even tears could make a flower bloom
O sins
You bore everything
You eradicated everything
You trampled everything
Crawling on the ground of the abyss
O sins
You deprived everything
You lost everything
You pointed to everything
Like a wedge
We gathered beneath our earnest wish
Awakening on our own will
If you call it fate, this body I am offering
Dyed in sorrow, let me scatter away
Cast aside all the resenting hesitations
Now is the time to shout
Wreck it all, wreck it all
Making my memento Uchikage flutter
I am insanely dancing tonight
Dance along, dance along
To the melody of the condemned
Hold your hand In mine
Childhood memories
Indelible crime and punishment
Falling down
Until tears dry
Like the longing flowers
Let my heart burn within
Echoing for eternity
A sparrow’s cry lingers on
I shall honor my oath
I shall carve to this body
This never-ceasing song
To the melody of the condemned

the big difference

This is my love and that's yours.
See the big difference?
I love you from all my heart,
And this love is sincere.
And your heart is not the same anymore.
I wish you were capable of sincere love!
Comparing my love to yours,
Can you see the big difference?
Although I'm mad at you,
I still can keep forgiving,
And I've never let you down,
And I kept indulging you and yielding to your wishes.
I care only about you.
Care for once and ask if I'm still hurting!
Comparing my love to yours,
See the big difference!
Is it so much to ask?
Life is only short after all.
If I told you this in words or not, it doesn't matter

Arabian Night

I come from afar and go over deserts - To the world of the caravans
No sight of the horizon - Sweat comes to the armpit - It creates a cozy atmosphere
Wind from the East - The Western sun - The hourglass hits time
Flying on the carpet - Come for adventures
Wonders of this Arabian night
Arabian nights - As hot as the day
Burning feelings - The hottest you get beneath the sun
Arabian nights - That Arabian moon
If the dangers of the land of sand get you in their reign - Come into adventure


Me, without hair,
am a page with no grid.
A perfume with no bottle.
A door closed without a handle.
A marble with no track.
A fisherman without his best bait.
Don Giovanni without a fling.
Me, without you, a sceptre with no king.
I don't want to apologise anymore
if on my head I keep wearing this type of Medusa
or forest... it's not only a sign of protest.
But it's a shelter for insects,
a nest for the birds
who love each other calmy between my thoughts and the sky.
It is the part of me that looks more like me.
I always live next to my hair.
Oh, I always live next to my hair.
I always live next to my hair.
Oh, I always live next to my hair.
I haven't come here on a motorcycle.
I didn't comb with bombs in my hand.
I didn't plug my fingers in a socket.
I didn't wash with bleach.
I'm one of those who wear
their hair long by choice,
and who don't use any tricks,
you take your wigs off.
I always live next to my hair... in the world,
I always live next to my hair.
I always live next to my hair... in the world,
I always live next to my hair.
(In the world...)
You, without jewellery,
are a page with no grid.
A perfume with no bottle.
A door closed without a handle.
A marble with no track.
A fisherman without his best bait.
Don Giovanni without a fling.
You, without me, a sceptre with no king.
(You always live next to your jewellery...)
A sceptre with no king.
(I always live next to my hair...)
A sceptre with no king.
(You always live next to your jewellery...)
A sceptre with no king.
(I always live next to my hair...)
But when I lose my sense and I feel like nothing,
I ask my hair to confirm my existence
and represent something for others,
something unique, alive, true and honest.
Despite this unfortunate increase of pride,
every day I live, I try
to be a man and not a bush.
(I always live next to my hair...)
In the world.
(I always live next to my hair...)
(You always live next to your jewellery...)
(I always live next to my hair...)

It Is, It Is Not

It is a rebellious passion.
A good feeling.
The glance and the idea
that never rests.
It is the life that goes on.
It is the cure of time.
The biggest possibility.
It is neither a bet nor revenge.
It is not the stance of those who never doubt.
It is not a victory, the applause of the world.
Of what happens, the deep sense.
The string of a kite,
a subtle balance.
It is not the 'what' but the 'how'
between the beginning and the end.
It is neither of many nor of few.
It's only of some.
A conquest, a necessity.
It is neither a mission neither a game.
It is not 'What do you care?', it is not 'Makes no difference'.
It is not convincing oneself that everything goes.
Becoming old while changing channels.
Listen and pay attention.
Getting drunk on love
is a fixation
and the trade I choose.
And the ink clung
to the paper on which I write
makes me worthier
and is what I live for.
It is not a victory, the applause of the world.
Of what happens, the deep sense.
It is not, it is not, it is not, it is not, it is no, it is no.

The Antique Shop

One can't look for an antique
shop in the great avenue.
Every purchase has its proper place
and there are some shops which are hard to find in the guide.
It is rare to find something special
in the shop windows of a central street.
There's a place for each thing,
although the one for wonder
is harder to discover.
The treasure is hidden under the rainbow,
'cause finding it hidden
inside your own house, though pleasant, doesn't happen.
One can't look for an antique
shop in the great avenue.
Every purchase has its proper place
and there are some shops which are hard to find in the guide.
How can one wait for the shadow in the desert
or be shocked about not finding any in the open sea.
Before leaving, we should know
if all we covet is truly that necessary for us.
So I propose, so as not to create more confusion,
that those under fifty years old
turn their televisions off right now.
One can't enter a shop
and then complain about whatever the price is.
If life is an open bidding
even dreams will be on sale.
But the days by your side,
the looks I've looked at,
the words I write,
I haven't bought those.
I've found each one
unhurriedly looking for them
'cause you've already got silver
and gold is what you wait for.
Gold is what you wait for.

To Put Wings On

A house of glass next to the river
or behind a spyglass at night.
Kneeling inside a confessional
or panting under the woman you love.
There's no better place for dreaming.
A dream is just another way of seeing.
There's no unconquerable land.
There's no better place for dreaming.
This way, we want elephants who put wings on.
And we want parliaments who put wings on.
And we want commanders who put wings on.
It's not too late.
We're not that old yet.
A school and an electoral booth.
A ballot in hand before voting.
Before a judge at a court
or escaping on a boat in the middle of the sea.
There's no better place for dreaming.
A dream is just another way of seeing.
There's no unconquerable land.
There's no better place for dreaming.
And this way, we want teachers who put wings on
as well as students who put wings on.
And we want priests who put wings on.
It's not too late.
We're not that old yet
To want to see elephants puttings wings on.
And to want to see rulers putting wings on.
To invite everyone to put wings on.
Wings... wings.

Oh my love

Versions: #1
I would tolerate these blades that cross my body and make my tears flow,
I would resist these bullets, separate good and bad and set the sail,
I could see your soul full of waves and withering plants,
This is why I had to break the vase containing your spirit.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
It is better if I tell you one word instead of many ones, I am not romantic but I get jealous,
I cannot prove you my rigidity and I don't want to prove you that I am hard, I am calling you,
O my love I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
O my love.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
What do I have to do? I go away.
I go away from her, I will not disturb her anymore,
I know, seems like she will be back on her own desire,
O my love.
I would tolerate these blades that cross my body and make my tears flow,
I would resist these bullets, separate good and bad and set the sail,
I could see your soul full of waves and withering plants,
This is why I had to break the vase containing your spirit.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
It is better if I tell you one word instead of many ones, I am not romantic but I get jealous,
I cannot prove you my rigidity and I don't want to prove you that I am hard, I am calling you,
O my love I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
O my love.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
O my love.
O my love.


It's over, that is what you wanted to know
I see your thoughts are already flying with someone else
Go, go away and don't call me
I don't want tears to remind me of you
Go, go away and don't call me
You are just a spoiled kid
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
You're smiling, and you don't know you're losing
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
Let the one who loses you like that be happy
It has ended, well this time
We didn't know we're close to the end
Moonlight wanders over the surface
It rolls the dead sea carrying our boat
My heart used to ramble
Your soul used to wasting
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
You're smiling, and you don't know you're losing
I listen tonight how bora rages
I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going
I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping
Let the one who loses you like that be happy

Hey, Tambura

Hey, tambura1, let go of me tonight
Her eyes are leaving tonight
I'm left with nothing but shadows, only memories
Two roses after a rendez-vous
Hey, tambura, play softer
Don't look at me now
She took my heart
I sold two pieces of land
I will sell two more
I will give half a house for drinking cause of her
And all the carriages and barns, my brown horses
Hey, tambura, only you I won't give away
Hey, tambura, we always lose
She doesn't listen to our song
Your strings makes the moon cry in the middle of the night
Your tones wake tears
Hey, tambura, play softer
Don't look at me now
Your song opens up the soul
I sold two pieces of land
I will sell two more
I will give half a house for drinking cause of her
And all the carriages and barns, my brown horses
Hey, tambura, only you I won't give away
  • 1. guitar-like instrument

A message to my lover

Do you write the poem with me?
Or you are a part of my mouth?
Or are you my voice?
How do you move to another space?
After you have lived in my eyes and my house?
You still ask me about my birthday
So Register your permission ..what you do not know
The date of your love for me.. the date of my birth
I complained you to the sky
How did you, how, to summarize
All the women in the universe
In vain, what I write my lady
My sense is greater than my language
And my feeling for you is skipping
My voice ... and my throat
In vain, what I write .. as long as
My words .. wider than my lips
I hate it all my writing
My problem .. you are my problem
Because my love for you is above the level of speech
I decided to shut up ... . And be in peace (Salam)

Like All The Days

I get up, and I jostle you
You don't wake up
Like all the days
On you, I roll up the sheet
I'm afraid you're freeze
Like all the days
My hand, caresses your hair
Almost spite of me
Like all the days
But you, You turn your back
Like all the days
And then, I get dressed fast
I leave the bedroom
Like all the days
Alone, I drink my choc'late
I am still late
Like all the days
No noise, I leave the house
All outside is gray
Like all the days
I'm cold, I lift my collar
Like all the days
Like all the days, all of the day
I'm going to play to let's pretend
Like all the days, I will be smiling
Like all the days, I'll even laughing
Like all the days, again I will live
Like all the days
And so, day will go away
Me, I will come back
Like all the days
You, You'll be not there
Not still back yet
Like all the days
Alone, I'll be asleep
In this big cold bed
Like all the days
My tears, I'll hiding them
Like all the days
Like all the days, even at night,
I'm going to play to let's pretend
Like all the days, You'll come home
Like all the days, I'll wait you back
Like all the days, You'll send me a smile
Like all the days
Like all the days,
Like all the days, You'll undress alone
Like all the days, You will go to sleep
Like all the days, We'll peck a smack
Like all the days
Oh, like all the days,
Like all the days, We will let's pretend
Like all the days, We will make love
Like all the days, We will let's pretend
Like all the days ...

Yeah Right

Versions: #1
Only if I had the guts that you got
Wouldn't you be afraid, once the love leaked away?
Wouldn't you die, once the heart stopped?
You lost me by choice
I'm not reverting to you at some point
Forty ways from sunday in every race
There'd be a winner
And the ones who are failures
Yeah, right, it's giving vent to the dandler
The penny dropped much later?
Those stones you threw and enclosed your words
Didn't went my head, look where they went
Yeah, right, it's giving vent to who's dying
The penny dropped much later?
Those stones you threw and enclosed your words
Didn't went my heart, went elsewhere
I'm talking to you be heyo heyo!
This love of yours keeps dragging on
While breaking up, please you don't say a word too
Let's be a weight off our shoulders for that matter
It's a shame on you, but not on me?
Would the one who turned their tails ever come back?
See, now you heard the whole thing
The heart's not beating for you, am I to blame now?
Is it chapping1 again, the door I just closed
The one you couldn't come through, chap chap
Heard you, it was you as sure as death and taxes
Not picking up the phone too, sticky wicket2
  • 1. Scottish slang for 'Knock'
  • 2. A cool British slang for 'A pretty kettle of fish or a very sorry pickle'

A Bottle Ship's Voyage

I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time, but somehow I can’t speak up
Today I’m writing you a letter in hopes that you read it
Since I met you, I feel like I’ve surprisingly changed so far
Serenity turned to nervousness, giving birth to excitement
It’s you who invited me into the world outside the glass
I learned to see how much scenery has passed me by
Like a large wide ship is sailing out of the bottle
I’ve always looked up at the blue sky in my favorite town
It continues even further in the distance

A Fool

Should you grow sick of a country
Travel seeking another one
I find it odd for someone to live in a land of humiliation
when the land of God is wide open
Such a person is a fool
Slow and unaware of how open the world is
You're the same person in any land
Your soul can't cross the boundaries of another
Don't get anxious for what happens at night
Every crisis will have its end
'Should you grow sick'
We walked the steps that we were fated to walk
The one who's destined take steps will take them
If someone is meant to die in a land,
they will not die in any other
O night
Such a person is a fool
Slow and unaware of how open the world is