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What’s strictly necessary

You only need a few crumbs,
what’s strictly necessary
And you can forget about your worries.
After all, you only need the minimum
You should know how easy it is to find the little you need to live.
I like to roam
But wherever i am i feel like i’m at home.
Up there, there are bees making honey for me
If, then, i look under a rock i’ll find some ants
And i’ll eat a few of them
You can find what you need close to you.
- But when?
- You can find it
You only need a few crumbs,
what’s strictly necessary
And you can forget about your worries.
You only need the minimum
And, after all, it’s easy to find the little you need to live.
When you grab a fruit
Never trust it!
If you sting yourself it’s bad,
it hurts, you know
Watch out for the figs because they have lots of thorns, but if, instead, you find a fig that is normal
You can grab it and you won’t hurt yourself
- Did you understand, yes or no?
You’ll find what you need close to you
- I will find it!
- You’ll find it.
And when you know that you can live without it
And you’re not even thinking about it
Do you know what will happen?
What you need at the moment
Will come to you.
You only need a few crumbs,
what’s strictly necessary
And you can forget about your worries.
You only need the minimum
And, after all, it’s easy to find the little you need to live.
The little you need to live.
Of course!

The Boy Was Sixteen

The boy was sixteen and his heart pounded
she was beautiful as a full moon
with rose colored cheeks and sunshine in her hair
soft curls, how white is her neck
And he loved her
and he dreamed about her1
and he wanted her
and thus started the sad sweetness
and the loneliness chokes the laughter
The boy was sixteen and his heart pounded
he wrote poems with the dawn and whispered her name
and would wander hours on the street where she lived
in order to see her pass by with her friends
And he loved her...
She actually studied in the parallel classroom
he saw her only from time to time during the recess
and thus started the sad sweetness
and the loneliness chokes the laughter
A beautiful girl and boy, this is the way it was
a beautiful girl surrounded by light and love
with rose colored cheeks and sunshine in her hair
soft curls, how white is her neck
And he loved her...
  • 1. lit: her image

Lips on Lips (A Bottle's Love Story)

You'd taken me out
of my cold world
I couldn't resist (it),
I couldn't stop you
You'd found (what) you desired in me
The relief to this heat
you were feeling was in me
And you'd claimed me,
to be completely yours
You were sweaty when you did it
(as you) held me
You'd removed my cover/lid
so you could taste me
I couldn't stop you
and what you wanted happened
Lips on lips
We'd become one
Lips on lips
I'd indulged you
Your body's heat
I'd cooled (it) down
Everything I had (in me)
You'd claimed for your own
Lips on lips
And you thirst was quenched
You had your eyes closed even
as you relished
every single moment
of my taste
I'd poured everything down (your throat?)
this sure remedy of mine
Lips on lips,
to the very last drop
And when you were done
and I'd gone dry too
My beloved gentleman,
You went away
I am (left) alone again
Seemingly like an empty (bottle)
I'll be refilled once more
The answer to your thrist
Lips on lips
We'd become one
Lips on lips
I'd indulged you
I am (left) alone again
seemingly like an empty (bottle)
I'll be refilled once more
(We'll be) lips-on-lips
once more
..:Until we meet once again:..
..:My love:..

The Death of The Deer

Versions: #1
The drought has killed the wind’s last breath,
The melted sun flowed on the earth facing his death,
The sky is hot, empty, and void,
The old wells full of mud, destroyed,
The forest is suffering, so many fires,
Dancing with diabolical desires.
I follow my father up on the hill,
The evil pine trees cut deep wounds in my skin,
Together we go silently to hunt our deer,
The hunt of starvation in the mountains of sin,
The thirst shatters me. The drips of water
are boiling on the rock.
My temple is pressing on my shoulder,
On a new, huge, heavy
the unknown planet I walk.
We’re waiting in a place where the springs are still singing,
With their smooth, magical strings to the ear,
By dusk, moon and silence clinging,
Here will come in droves, to drink one by one the deer.
I tell father I’m thirsty he beckons me to shut up,
Oh, dizzying water, the clearest one I saw
I feel thirst-bound to you. You’re condemned to death
by rules, traditions, and by the natural law.
The valley breathes with a faint rustle.
What a terrible evening floats in the universe!
The blood is flowing in the horizon, and my chest is red
as if I wiped my bloody hand on it from this curse.
Ferns burns with purple flames, I can see the altar, I can hear the drum,
Even some astonished stars blinking, are crying,
How much I wish you would not come, you would not come,
The beautiful offering of my forest, you are dying!
She jumped up, and then stood still,
She fearfully gazed around a moment,
Her thin nostrils made the water thrill
In a rusty circling movement.
I saw in her wet eyes, confusion,
I knew that she would suffer, that death is near,
It was like reliving a myth, a wild dream, an illusion,
The story about the girl turned into a deer.
From above, the pale lunar light
Sifted cherry blossoms on her warm fur,
Ah, how I wished that for the first time, in that night
The bullet from my father riffle to miss her!
Suddenly the valleys roared. Kneeling
she raised her head and shook it to the stars,
Then she collapsed, stirring
black swarms of beads on the water, her scars.
A bluebird, from the branches, is flying free from all,
The life of the sweet deer toward the eternal rest
it had flown screaming like a bird leaving in the fall
her empty, dry, deserted nest.
Stumbling, I closed her shady, sadly eyes
guarded by her horns somehow discreet,
I winced silently, vivid like a ghost when my father
proudly shouted: - We have meat!
I tell father I’m thirsty he beckons me to drink,
Oh, dizzying water, the darkest one I saw
I feel thirst-bound to you. You are already dead
because of rules, traditions, and because of the natural law.
The law is useless, full of shades,
When life in us so quickly fades,
Traditions and mercies are echoes flying,
When my sister is hungry, sick, and dying.
The smoke is coming silently from my father’s gun,
Without the wind, the scared leaves wildly run and run!
My father makes a frightening fire,
The forest trees sing in the saddest choir!
I catch from herbs unknowingly, and I cannot tell,
A little silver tinkling bell.
With his bare hands out of the skewer, dad had set apart
The deer’s kidneys and her roasted heart.
What’s your problem, heart? I’m hungry! I want to live, to conquer fear
Please forgive me, virgin, maiden, my beautiful deer.
I’m sleepy. How high is the fire! I hear the forest beat!
I cry. What is my father thinking? I eat and cry. I eat!

Street Pigeon

I’m sorry but i have no friends except for pen and paper
The thing on the floor is not my blood henceforward, it is my memory
The all strange streets i walked are lacking in pavements
Why did i walk, i don’t know, i wanted it that way
I had a colorable dream with me, i thought it’s like me
I was away from home
My steps were in waterholes and suburbs
I was a street pigeon
The thing you don’t understand is i had wings
I could slip away whenever i wanted
I had a ribcage and a life to sacrifice
No matter how tied up i was, i was with you
Pay no mind, i’m striving hard these days
Maybe they will fall into my memories
What i want is to burn the edges of the pages
You don’t be the one of those mixing the ashes of the city!
Light up, inhale, stub out, smell
My integral trinity: pen, paper, vodka
Light up, inhale, stub out, don’t be afraid
Don’t make me pissed off
Pick up all the crumbs
Now light up, inhale, kill, don’t be afraid
There is no love manner like me!
Do you know Smirnoff, it’s poor vodka
Even if my pocket is filled with money, i buy it
It reminds me a little of women, a little of pissy studio and friends drawing out a knife in midway
But i don’t suggest, believe me, it tastes like shit
You, a woman who doesn’t deprive herself
I’m not a perfect man, too, i confess
To illustrate, i use people for writing songs
I don’t drop something that in my arms even if it’s hard
I wouldn’t wit if a thing standing my arms fluttered
To sacrifice souldn’t be that difficult
I have to live in a place where i hate
and your getting into this earth has changed a lot of thing of me
Cup your head in your hands, take a rest
I’m waiting in the same place, i don’t know whether you’ll come*
Light up, inhale, stub out, smell
My integral trinity: pen, paper, vodka
Light up, inhale, stub out, don’t be afraid
Don’t make me pissed off
Pick up all the crumbs
Now light up, inhale, kill, don’t be afraid
There is no love manner like me!

‏Regret - Nadman

My heart regrets the longing and my love
I told you that, I will love you until I die,
I withdrawing my words
Be in my place and tenth to a person like you, a denier
How do I keep my pride if my heart in a grudge
There is no meaning of this sure that there is no hope for us
Do you want me to leave that means you not deserve me.
I think you will be staying with me, the only death will separate us.
You kept hurting my heart until our love ended
Let's finish the wounds as long as we are not related
I do not have any readiness to suffer more
I pride, pamper, raised and advantaged you.
It’s not deserve in your eyes, I raised you like the sky.
My wound and pain from you, you said you will feel, but you are not.
I patient and you deliberate, it’s necessary to leave you.
I think you will be staying with me, the only death will separate us.
You kept hurting my heart until our love ended
I think you will be staying with me, the only death will separate us.
You kept hurting my heart until our love ended
My heart regrets the longing and my love
I told you that, I will love you until I die,
I withdrawing my words

A Small Melody

How much do i love to be at home
i built for myself a sofa of life
i thought about being alone for now
suddenly a few friends showed up
we are all hungry, there isn't anything to eat
it's been almost half a year since i performed
Yallah, we are all burning cinders1
don't worry my brother today we are paying for everything
oh, how much time is there really in forever
how much do i love it that you all are here
what amazing light there is without the moon
come and sing with me a small melody
I am here in the yard with all the gang
and above me is a canopy of stars
Shauli brought out the Bouzouki2
Bendad burned the strings
everyone is playing, my voice does not come
it's been almost half a year, I hardly sang at all
there aren't any strong ones here , there aren't any weak ones here
this is my family which i chose
oh, how much time is there really in forever
how much do i love it that you all are here
what amazing light there is without the moon
come and sing with me a small melody
Without noticing the morning arrived
and Shachar is already boiling the Finjan3
how simple this is and how much happiness
come let's sing another small tune...
  • 1. running on empty
  • 2. a type of stringed instrument from Greece
  • 3. Middle Eastern coffee pot

There is no Impossible

Have faith, there is undoubtedly no impossible with hope
Have faith, there is undoubtedly no impossible as long as we live with hope, there is no impossible
if you lived with hope, you'll achieve what's impossible
you'll reach higher than the mountain tops with persistence
look at the far dream and arm yourself with faith
with a will of iron, you'll find your dream at your command
so stand up, and start working, don't get bored, come on, so you can make hope
so we can make our earth a beautiful home
be generous like the clouds and be flowers for giving
seek to relieve sorrows, don't ever wait for a compliment
no matter how many years have passed, don't say that it's too late
we plant and they eat, that's the norm of time
nothing is impossible in our world
nothing is impossible, say no no, as long as there is hope in us


Versions: #1
No monument stands over Babi Yar.
A steep cliff only, like the rudest headstone.
I am afraid.
Today, I am as old
As the entire Jewish race itself.
I see myself an ancient Israelite.
I wander o’er the roads of ancient Egypt
And here, upon the cross, I perish, tortured
And even now, I bear the marks of nails.
It seems to me that Dreyfus is myself.*1*
The Philistines betrayed me – and now judge.
I’m in a cage. Surrounded and trapped,
I’m persecuted, spat on, slandered, and
The dainty dollies in their Brussels frills
Squeal, as they stab umbrellas at my face.
I see myself a boy in Belostok*2*
Blood spills, and runs upon the floors,
The chiefs of bar and pub rage unimpeded
And reek of vodka and of onion, half and half.
I’m thrown back by a boot, I have no strength left,
In vain I beg the rabble of pogrom,
To jeers of Kill the Jews, and save our Russia!
My mother’s being beaten by a clerk.
O, Russia of my heart, I know that you
Are international, by inner nature.
But often those whose hands are steeped in filth
Abused your purest name, in name of hatred.
I know the kindness of my native land.
How vile, that without the slightest quiver
The antisemites have proclaimed themselves
The Union of the Russian People!
It seems to me that I am Anna Frank,
Transparent, as the thinnest branch in April,
And I’m in love, and have no need of phrases,
But only that we gaze into each other’s eyes.
How little one can see, or even sense!
Leaves are forbidden, so is sky,
But much is still allowed – very gently
In darkened rooms each other to embrace.
-They come!
-No, fear not – those are sounds
Of spring itself. She’s coming soon.
Quickly, your lips!
-They break the door!
-No, river ice is breaking…
Wild grasses rustle over Babi Yar,
The trees look sternly, as if passing judgement.
Here, silently, all screams, and, hat in hand,
I feel my hair changing shade to gray.
And I myself, like one long soundless scream
Above the thousands of thousands interred,
I’m every old man executed here,
As I am every child murdered here.
No fiber of my body will forget this.
May Internationale thunder and ring*3*
When, for all time, is buried and forgotten
The last of antisemites on this earth.
There is no Jewish blood that’s blood of mine,
But, hated with a passion that’s corrosive
Am I by antisemites like a Jew.
And that is why I call myself a Russian!

No, My Love

I'm thinking about you day and night, my life will always be yours alone
And yet you still believe an envious hater
They told you jealousy increases my love, and with tears and confusion you can own my heart
No, my love
Only with love are you precious to me, only with love are you the light for me eyes
Only with a little bit of love
No, my love
When I loved you I considered what happened to me and what will happen
I imagined my happiness and bless by your side, my restlessness when you're away and the fire of my suffering
I never said how and why I loved you
and I never said if only you or I
With all my heart and all my mind I loved you
Love is amiability and kindness
It was never jealousy, suspicions or harshness
Love is what molds your identity
It's not in your hands or mine
Who said your pride lies in my submission
or that your value in love is in my tears
If I accepted being insulted, what about my heart
How can you betray it and control it
Only with love did I surrender my heart to you
Only with love, not by my jealousy
Where is the kindness and safety, my love?
If my mind is clouded by the buzzing around you
Being apart is easier than suffering near you
and seeing a day that I regret being at your side
It's enough for me to live in memories while you're away
I lived more than my lifetime in your love
Only with love are you precious to me
Only with love are you the light for my eyes
Only with a little bit of love
No, my love

Adam where are you?

Adam where are you?
I wonder where you've gone?
Adam where are you?
You'd be here if you love me!
You keep going about
I miss you and that is wrong!
Adam where are you?
Adam where are you and goin' about?
If you come, you have a great excuse.
And I right away apologize,
How long I'll have this patience?
When I finally say NO? NO!
Once the bedtime stories will over
If not, I'm simply standing away,
I get tired of this biblical spiels,
I displeasedly say your name!
Adam where are you?
I wonder where you've gone?
Adam where are you?
You'd be here if you love me!
You keep going about
I miss you and that is wrong!
Adam where are you?
Adam where are you and goin' about?
If you come, you have a great excuse.
And I right away apologize,
How long I'll have this patience?
When I finally say NO? NO!
Once the bedtime stories will over
If not, I'm simply standing away,
I get tired of this biblical spiels,
I displeasedly say your name!
Adam where are you?
I wonder where you've gone?
Adam where are you?
You'd be here if you love me!
You keep going about
I miss you and that is wrong!
Adam where are you?
Adam where are you and goin' about?
You bad, you bad, you know the reason why I keep waiting to You!

Babi Yar

Weaved with sky the slope of hill.
Silently stand the chestnuts.
Imerald grass is above...
Yes, that the green field,
Looks like blood today.
And the head bends down to field.
In silence, here, people stand,
It's heard the whisper of their dress.
That is the Babi Yar of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
That's the Women Gulf of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
Not so far the ground lies.
And just hand to touch the sky.
To the sky I have rised up and to earth I down crawled.
Sorry, sisters, I was not near you.
And in your growling I didn't weave my cry.
The air is full of pain.
The Sun is wide as moon.
That's the Babi Yar of fate.
That's the groan of my songs.
The fresh winds are blowing.
With too late repentance
will not hear truth the dead.
That s why the people stand in mournful grief
uder chestnuts leaves.
My God. Where is the way to go...
Judgment mine is awful for myself.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That's the cry of our hearts.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That s the cry of our souls

It Doesn't Matter What They Say

They say a lot of things about me
And I just want them to let me be
But they see everything
It's driving me crazy
They keep saying
We're not going to last
Because of this, because of that
Our love will disappear so fast
A-ah haha
A-ah there's nothing else we can do
A-ah haha
Just laugh because it's nothing
And whatever people say about you and me
I promise I will never change, I'll always be
No one, no one can tell me how
I should feel
It doesn't matter what they say
I love you oohhh...
I love you oohhh...
And whatever people say about you and me
I promise I will never change, I'll always be
No one, no one can tell me how
I should feel
It doesn't matter what they say
I love you oohhh...
I love you oohhh...

I am angry at silence

I am angry at silence
for how much I lost
I am angry at silence
for how much I lost
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy
There is silence even in my guitar
When I sing this song
And the best of my song
Stays inside of me
(There's silence in my guitar
when I sing the yaraví
There's silence in my guitar
when I sing the yaraví
and the best of my song
atays inside of me
and the best of my song
stays inside of me)
When love beckoned me
all whole I went on
When love beckoned me
all whole I went on
and by force of being silent
quiet I was consumed
and by force of being silent
quiet I was consumed
When love had designated me
Whole, he kissed me
And by force of being silent
Quiet, I was consumed
I am angry at silence
for how much I lost
I am angry at silence
for how much I lost
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy

A small journey

A lonely journey until the twilight
A lonesome freedom, a sky piercing my chest
It's strange, we separate
And you come closer
Why I miss you this way?
I heard a voice in the wind
And turned around but it was only the dazzling sea
We were friends for a long time
We walked without answering
The night sky and the sunset glow
Seem to embrace each other
I want to pile up two ways of life
It's strange, we separate
And you come closer
Why I miss you this way?
Surely you'll lit your room lamp
And return looking up
I'll return to you

Ships on dry land

Ships came out on dry land and headed for the mountains
who ever saw a boat in Helmos
a steamer in Metsovo
Who ever saw a night with two moons
Who ever saw a sun like a sea urchin
and fish and birds in love swimming in the sky
Ships came out on dry land and got lost in the snow
and he who dreamt about them is still waiting for them
Who ever saw a lighthouse in Psiloritis a white sail in Elassona
and a ship from Crete docking in Ksanthi and Komotini
Who ever saw a night with two moons
Who ever saw a sun like a sea urchin
and fish and birds in love swimming in the sky

The World

My heart is upset, my night doesn't have any moon
my day, without you my dear, dean't have any sun
don't tell me you don't believe I am in love with you
don't tell me you will leave me all alone by a world of sorrows
My heart is upset, my night doesn't have any moon
my day, without you my dear, dean't have any sun
do you hear my heart? it's beating for you every time
do you hear me breathing? I am alive for you
my whole life is summarized with you my love
don't tell me you don't believe it, I will die without you my love
My heart is upset, my night doesn't have any moon
my day, without you my dear, dean't have any sun
do you hear my heart? it's beating for you every time
do you hear me breathing? I am alive for you
my whole life is summarized with you my love
don't tell me you don't believe it, I will die without you my love

Let Us Join İn This Enthusiasm Of The Rose-faced People

Let us join in this enthusiasm of the rose-faced people and drink
Now is the time to be with lover and pass out
When the nightingale sing this song,he thinks he's a Ney itself
Everyone in parliament stands with a chalice
They put their hands on their heads and drink
There are saying that the pitcher will bend over and say it to the ear of the cup
İn parliament,Tambouras and Neys were played
İt found a cure for desperate lovers
The Tambourine played the Semai way and the Neys started talking to each other
O Sofu!come out of the House of Worship and fill your drink glass
Don't miss the rose season which you will never get hold again
Cypress tree and grasses dance with each other and return


Just let it be,please
Go have a cup of coffee on me.
Leave it like this, come to bed
You'll get it just the way you want it
Foot on the floor, without sheets
Our love has messed up your hair
If we lose any sleep over it, we can make love in the bathroom
There's no time to cry
But If it's meant to be, it'll keep
Cry when you sing with me
I mean other human languages
Our tongue gets stuck
Too bad we don't understand what it says
Thrush sang
How many nights our love sleeps
Pass the time slowly
The sun is up, enjoy laziness before waking up
Thrush sang (sang)
How many nights our love sleeps
Pass the time slowly
The sun is up, enjoy laziness before waking up
There's no time to cry
But if it's to cry
Cry when you sing with me
In another country's language
We see our tongue held
It's a bit of a pity that we don't understand what it says
Thrush sang
How many nights our love sleeps
time passes so slowly
sun's up, enjoy laziness before waking up
And thrush sang (sang)
How many nights our love sleeps
time passes so slowly
sun's up, enjoy laziness before waking up
And thrush sang (sang)
How many nights our love sleeps
time passes so slowly
sun's up, enjoy laziness before waking up
And thrush sang (sang)
How many nights our love sleeps
time passes so slowly
sun's up, enjoy laziness before waking up
Just let it be,please
Go have a cup of coffee on me.

Sorry For Winning

Sorry, sorry for winning
Whatever you say, it’s up to me
This is me sorry-y-y-y
Sorry, sorry for winning
Whatever you say, it’s up to me
I’m not at all sorry-y-y-y
Ooh woah, Take off the tinted sunglasses
Ooh woah, Ignore my dad’s texts
Ooh woah, Clean out the summer events
I’m a bad girl I beat you all
The other rappers copy me
Who’s dat girl
My make up?
Just learn it
Why is she so vulgar?
That’s why you watched it, 3 times a day baby
From a student teacher to here,
Whatever you do, I don’t give a (Shh)
Whatever anyone says, I don’t give a shh
Gover there and talk amongst yourselves behind my back
I’m salivating, I have to run forward
Let’s go to the next part, 2020
As you know, I’m a good girl
So true, girl
Accept it
I’m so cute girl
And they love me
And I love yall
You’re the only one hatin hatin
Thats no, no
Sorry, sorry for winning
Whatever you say, it’s up to me
This is me sorry-y-y-y
Sorry, sorry for winning
Whatever you say, it’s up to me
I’m not at all sorry-y-y-y
Ooh woah, Take off the tinted sunglasses
Ooh woah, Ignore my dad’s texts
Ooh woah, Clean out the summer events
It’s done, we’re ready to do well
We’ve emptied out a lot of space in our bank accounts
Sweet and salty Sleeq Wasabii chaser
Game changer
Imma get your check
I’ll take the money you earned
In the end who gon handle me (no!)
I won’t go down below you
Wow I’ve come far back
Maybe bread floats instead of sinking, this is my style
What is needed, rather than lots of money
is for you, who I love, to love me
Just leave the kids who hate to hate each other
They’re all living tiredly, so they’re all hating
In that time I’d rather just be a fangirl
There’s so many but I’ll love you still
Ooh woah, Take off the tinted sunglasses
Ooh woah, Ignore my dad’s texts
Ooh woah, Clean out the summer events
Ooh woah Ooh woah
Ooh woah, Take off the tinted sunglasses
Ooh woah, Ignore my dad’s texts
Ooh woah, Clean out the summer events
Ooh woah Ooh woah

Take Away From My Memory

I’m not blaming you for leaving.
We will never meet again.
Just take away from my memory
the days smelling of apple trees.
Just take away from my thoughts
the faith in your coming back to me.
Just take away from my thoughts
what’s difficult to forget.
I want to forget the glow of your eyes,
I want to forget your words.
Let rivers flow again
and let flowers bloom anew.
I’m not blaming you for leaving.
We will never meet again.
Just take away from my memory
the days smelling of apple trees.
Of apple trees…
Just take away from my eyes
the image of heather-covered grain fields.
Just hush the birds’ singing
and the sound of wind among the pine trees.
I want to forget the glow of your eyes,
I want to forget your words.
Let rivers flow again
and let flowers bloom anew.
I’m not blaming you for leaving.
We will never meet again.
Just take away from my memory
the days smelling of apple trees.
Of apple trees…

Run away Lawrence of Arabia

Sun of dust, vagueness of light
Plateau of dust and stones
On the wounded sky, problematic knight
Your purebred trains in the sand
Blue bees, scorpions that dance
The insects watch you in silence
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
Run away, Lawrence
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
(Dying doesn't serve anything)
(That happens to the ones alive)
I want you to overcome the death
Blue bees, scorpions that watch out
The insects are the preys of sleeping
Starry sky, Venus in the west
Black slurry under the celestial arch
Dead sun, problematic knight
Your purebred disappears and I love you
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
Run away, Lawrence
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
(Dying doesn't serve anything)
(That happens to the ones alive)
I want you to overcome the death
I do, my handsome adventurer
If (you are) fond of the lust
While I am looking out to a man coming, lose yourself
Or I am going to hide myself
I belong to whom...
Who discovered me without sailing
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
Run away, Lawrence
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
(Dying doesn't serve anything)
(That happens to the ones alive)
I want you to overcome the death
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
Run away, Lawrence
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
(Dying doesn't serve anything)
(That happens to the ones alive)
I want you to overcome the death
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
Run away, Lawrence
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia
Run away, Lawrence
Run away, Lawrence of Arabia

Fireworks of You

The bustling of cicadas lingered on a little longer in the evening
I held your hand back again so I wouldn’t be separated from you
You, colored with fireworks, were too bright to see
I had to avert my eyes from you
Like I pretended not to care
As the summer breeze gently touches my flushed cheeks
I’ll set a projectile off into the night sky
Carrying along this emotion tinged with fever
I want to tell you what’s on my mind
My heart seems to be one
Launched into the night sky
About to burst at the seams
I will never forget
Burned into my eyes
Are the summer-colored lights
And nothing but your smiling face
Lost in the sound of a big firework up above
A slip of my tongue is just about drowned out
Like there are only two of us left in the world
Gasping for air next to you at arm’s length
An instant you gave me is stronger than any wishes
Becomes a radiant light to keep illuminating my world
My wishes are sent up
In rainbow-colored lights
It even makes me believe
That eternal love exists
Let them cross the sky and echo on
Let their colors burst in full blossom
Like it’s proof that we’re right here
Right here at the moment
No matter how many years pass by
Every time this season comes rolling around
It brings me back to your voice
The warmth of our joined hands
I want to tell you what’s on my mind
My heart seems to be one
Launched into the night sky
About to burst at the seams
I will never forget
Burned into my eyes
Are the summer-colored lights
And nothing but your smiling face

Speed Of Light

We'll build a time machine,
Set it to you and me
And skip the space in between
You're comin true to me
Like a million dollar dream
Not a second wasted
And all I need is your world around me
Everything I do, girl, it's all for you
All I see as the walls around me fall
I've dreamt of you so much,
You've had to have seen me
I've painted your body
In the dark night skies
This rendez-vous
Is like the beginning
The beginning of all love and the stars
I will dream again
Our days and our evenings
You are my scenery
My prettiest story
And I'll abandon everything
From my accessory lives
To take you by the neck
My love and my stars
To take you by the neck
My love and my stars
This time we'll run away
Just like the plans we made
Leave it all behind us
We could change our names
Live like we're renegades
They'll never find us
And all you need is my arms around you
Everything we do, girl, we're starting new
Take my hand as the walls around us fall
I've dreamt of you so much,
You've had to have seen me
I've painted your body
In the dark night skies
This rendez-vous
Is like the beginning
The beginning of all love and the stars
I will dream again
Our days and our evenings
You are my scenery
My prettiest story
And I'll abandon everything
From my accessory lives
To take you by the neck
My love and my stars
To take you by the neck
My love and my stars
And I'll get on
With your ideal world
As I've got no more questions
But of love and of stars
I've dreamt of you so much,
You've had to have seen me
I've painted your body
In the dark night skies
This rendez-vous
Is like the beginning
The beginning of all love and the stars
I will dream again
Our days and our evenings
You are my scenery
My prettiest story
And I'll abandon everything
From my accessory lives
To take you by the neck
My love and my stars
To take you by the neck
My love and my stars


Versions: #1
He’s asking what I want
He’s saying just say the word
He said he could even
Pick the stars for me
I don’t want anything else
I just want this night
I wanna hold your hand
And not let go
Purple night
I like it like it
Let’s stay together longer
It’s still too early
We’re like
Purple night
I wanna explode
Above the sky
Tonight night night night
Purple night
Oh my dear
Even if this disappears and becomes a mess
Once we open our eyes
Oh my dear
I will wait once again
For this night
Nanana na nana
Nanana na nana
Nanana na nana
Purple night
Nanana na nana
Nanana na nana
Nanana na nana
Purple night
I haven’t drank
A single drop of alcohol but I’m tipsy
I think I’m a bit dizzy
If not now, then when?
So frustrating
Will you just wrap around me
And kiss me?
Purple night
I like it like it
Let’s stay together longer
It’s still too early
We’re like
Purple night
I wanna explode
Above the sky
Tonight night night night
Purple night
Oh my dear
Even if this disappears and becomes a mess
Once we open our eyes
Oh my dear
I will wait once again
For this night
I wonder if this is a dream
But then I think of you
And that night was real
I’m sure of it
Purple night
Oh my dear
Even if this disappears and becomes a mess
Once we open our eyes
Oh my dear
I will wait once again
For this night
Oh my dear
Purple night
Oh my dear
I will remember this night
Once again
Purple night


Who do you think you are?
A woman, sun in your dark memories
You're burning these days
You want to stay away but you can't
Even though you shout out your feelings, she doesn't hear
These people despise what inside you
They don't even think you're weeping or sorrowing
You left someone behind the mountains*
You shouldn't have left someone you were holding by your hands
Years wear out your heart
It's not that easy to tell yourself anymore
Your tongue have fatigued, your eyes have fatigued
You wouldn't be quiet if they told you to tell
But now, never mind, you say
How do you want to live?
Is your soul in which mountains that nobody is there?
You weren't like that, don't be afraid to tell me
What kind of person that your life-draining find?
Tell me how you’ve waited for the mornings
Make the songs you drowned in cigarette smoke background musics
Look into the eyes of a sleeping beauty until the sun rises
Sleep, sleep
I would look in your eyes and cry
Don't you ever see me
I have to be strong
Sleep, sleep
The stars shine every night,
If i'm not in your dreams, what difference will it make?

Back To The Past

If I could go back to the past
I would go back to around 1500
And I'd pray to the winds to divert the caravels
to that invasion we call 'discovery'
I'd give the native Americans a piece of advice:
When the Portuguese arrive,
Don't allow them to fool you with mirrors
And when slavery would cross the sea
I'd mislead the bandeirantes as to prevent them from finding Palmares
I'd wield guns and shields
In order to help Antonio Conselheiro to defend Canudos
I'd say to Mandela: 'stay strong
The apartheid will end once you're out of jail'
I'd show Galileu a video of the mankind on the moon
And say: 'all this was possible because of your ideas'
If I could go back I'd bring with me the medicine to combat Aids
Just so my heroes would have the chance to live further
I'd march side by side with Luther King and Rosa Parks in Alabama
And would warn Brumadinho and Mariana before the mud came down
If I had the means to do it,
I'd beg to Chapocoense not to embark on that plane
[Hélio Bentes]
If I could change an instant
And correct yesterday's mistakes, what would come next?
What would happen?
If I could change an instant
What would come next?
What would happen?
If I could go back in time I'd try to prevent a massacre from happening
Chernobyl, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Could it be that if I denounced the terrorists of September 11th
would there be war in Iraq?
I'd warn the Black Panthers:
Be careful, they will try to destroy you with crack epidemic
I'd run into 2Pac and sing 'Changes Black President'
Before showing him a picture of Barack
If I could kill Hitler before he reached the power
I would prevent so much unnecessary suffering
But if I couldn't do it, I would make sure to tell Anne Frank:
The whole world will read your diary
And what if I changed the past, would I exist now?
And if I didn't, what difference would that make?
If only I could know where the virus would come from
I'd let the world know before it became an pandemic
So much pain in vain, how many will part?
Socrates, Jesus, Tutiz or Hutus, when will it end brother?
The sons of the future tell us: don't let us down
We are the heirs of yesterday's mistakes
Or maybe I'm overthinking
Maybe I'm uncapable to make a change even in here
What if I could go back to the past... or better yet
What if this is already the past and someone is expecting me to act?
[Hélio Bentes]
If I could change an instant
And correct yesterday's mistakes, what would come next?
What would happen?
If I could change an instant
What would come next?
What would happen?
[Hélio Bentes]
If I had the gift of premonition
If I could know before hand what is about to happen
If I had that kind of power
What would you do?
We have that power!
What about you?
If I could change an instant
The past is now, ever thought about it?
What will the sons of the future tell us, huh?
Have you ever stop to think about it? The past is now.

empty town

it seems that there is no one left in this town
it seems that no passenger sang the night song again
there is a dead leaf in the corner of a paving
they say there is no hope for trembling hands
the moon rests in peace in the corner of the nights frame
and it seems that it's dying from this silence
autumn tiredly takes away the buds
look at the sky another star is dead
in our empty town the walls are bent
thousands of headless trees have grown in the alley
a man in darkness with no sound at all
at the top of the wings of fly searching for the light
he crazily went towards the sun while laughing
they say he was picking stars from the dark sky
he went by while his hands were dry and empty
the touch of the dawn sadly an imaginary page
he crazily went towards the sun while laughing
they say he was picking stars from the dark sky

My love

There, when you laugh
When you cry
When nothing matters to you
It is life, don't be afraid
Nothing in the world is strongest than us two
Who said flowers only grow close to home?
There they said that it's better we quit here my love,
It would be better if we let go but my love,
I still remember when you were telling me
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
There, when I cry
When I scream
I know that you are there
I lose myself, in bed, when you ere not there
They told me, get used to it, but I think of only you
There, in my heart, it hurts, I do nothing but think of it
When my eyes, tear up, when the changes hurt me
I still remember when you were telling me
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
(Lay la la la la)
(My love...my love...my love...my love)
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
My love
My love
We said forever, I swore you promised
My love
(My love, lay la la la la)


My eyelids are shaking
It's ok! I'm alright!
Here's how we separate
Your steps on the asphalt ...
We get lost and it's not easy
It's a fight of pride.
An unforgivable skid
It's a repeated rhythm.
And it hurts to forget
You will forget to wish
And the sea hurts me too
I want you to find me
My soul is empty of you
Like my weakness, it's you!
It's empty of you in my world
Yes, you are my weakness
I'm alone at night
I want you! Yes I'm sure!
Let's reconcile,
we're leaving again!
It's all distorted
Out of nowhere,
What are we arguing about?
I forgot to dream!
Yes, it hurts to forget
You will forget to wish
And the sea hurts me too
I want you to find me
My soul is empty of you
Like my weakness, it's you!
It's empty of you in my world
Yes, you are my weakness
Throw the coin in the air and choose.
It's time to leave or get along!
How was it? 'Let no one untie!'

I have an account to settle

Versions: #1
My rose they plucked you
they threw in rough hand
They sang a folk song in your name
I have an account to settle .
Night falls I am desperate , your picture in my tear
days come and go
I have an account to settle.
My dear world is beautiful again
life is worth living
if i don't die if i survive
I have an account to settle.
Struggle ends as the day slips away,
Don't think the walls speak
the ones who love get together
I have an account to settle.

My Wound is Stupid

My wound is stupid, it believed that you are a cure
my wound is a boy, it still hasn't grown up yet
I taught it not to believe anyone
and I told it that tomorrow we will be broken
do you still not know what does it mean?
It's time to say goodbye
there are things that prevent me..
from staying with you
this pain must end
everything in me is decreasing
I stopped breathing from you
now I want to leave
I learned a lesson from you, which is to walk the opposite way
to sell loyalty like you do, and to think only about myself
you taught me to be harsh and to forget like you
I learned not to feel the wounds that don't matter to me