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Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви... на дрвету!
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету
Стричеви коњи пасу и оковани су
буди стрпљив, буди стрпљив, ти драги на дрвету

May be

La la la la, na na na na na
La la la, na na na na na
Oh, to me, to you, something may happen to us
I don't know the reason, it may make me tired
It may ask the question that comes to my mind
Oh, to me, to you, something may happen to us
I don't know the reason, it may make me tired
It may ask the question that comes to my mind
Neighborhoods are on fire every night
Ask it to our boys until the morning
The children who guard,
took a saucepan with full of rice from aunties
18 years old, riding Mercedes
His opponent can never beat him
Today may have tomorrow
But nobody can promise me
Thank God
I'm successful now, no matter what
I stay the same, you know?
Make people look at my wealth
I stay cool and live my life
Everything comes from heart and soul
God sees, dude, no need to talk
Bills are getting counted in the white coupe
We paid the price, while we were burning inside
burning, burning, burning
It makes bleed on purpose
Bleed, bleed, Mero hits the vein again*
Oh, to me, to you, something may happen to us
I don't know the reason, it may make me tired
It may ask the question that comes to my mind
Oh, to me, to you, something may happen to us
I don't know the reason, it may make me tired
It may ask the question that comes to my mind
I thank my God
I even got a gun, I shoot your heart
Write again,a new composition, you also have flow and voice
Call me Mero or Enes
They swear but I don't give a fuck
Mero shoots again, father, no miss
They say 'Give up!' but I won't
Fuck you Swag and fuck your American style
It is not easy to live in a ghetto
Your Maybach doesn't work, because I don't have time for this
Okay, my Rolex is shining
How can it help me when I can't see my mother?
I gave my voice to streets
Everything may happen, look what happened
This song is my answer to who makes me tired
Huh, this is the difference of Mero
We paid the price, while we were burning inside
burning, burning, burning
It makes bleed on purpose
Bleed, bleed, Mero hits the vein again*
Oh, to me, to you, something may happen to us
I don't know the reason, it may make me tired
It may ask the question that comes to my mind
Oh, to me, to you, something may happen to us
I don't know the reason, it may make me tired
It may ask the question that comes to my mind


Versions: #1
Hoo~ Hahaha
Are you ready for this?
After chasing anything thing thing,
don’t get burnt out
If you only just sit and wish wish wish for it,
it won’t come true
Take a look at your true self self self,
see what you really want
What do you want want want, tell me
Should we have fun today?
Throw all your worries
over the flat earth
Nananana nanananana higher
To the incantation blooming out of your lips,
Let yourself go
Nananana nanananana ha!
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Oh my oh my oh my Look at you smiling so brightly
Don’t be too too too surprised,
That’s exactly who you are
At the moment you cast the spell,
Everyone becomes happy
Nananana nanananana higher
You’ve become accustomed to this restrictive world and
Now you’re just numb to it all
Follow me, what else do you need?
Hey girls! (A-ha!)
You ready? (Oh yeah!)
Let’s look for your dreams that have faded away and vanished,
let’s run after it together, boys
Shout out loud in a playful voice,
Leave everything behind
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Look at your eyes filled with hope
(They’re shining like a gem)
Oh don’t wander aimlessly so far away
(You’re dazzling, smile more brightly)
The dream is inside you
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Zimzalabim Zim-zimzalabim
Zim-zimzalabim Zim-zim
Nanananana nananana
Nanananana nananana
Nanananana nananana
Nanananana nananana



Шта је дакле љубав? Дај ми дефиницију:
Хемијска комбинација или физичка привлачност, знаш ли ми ти рећи шта је,
Ако се заљубиш биће то укрштање осећања,
Неизбежно, не постоје објашњења и није јасно чак ни мени.
Љубављу зову када се запали тако да врелије не постоји,
Борити се је неизбежно, управо се и мени то дешава,
Љубављу зову ако узме све, али ти није важно јер
Знаш да је неизбежно и догодило се и мени, као и теби.
Неизбежно, чак и ако се затвориш у себе, крити се је бескорисно,
Знај, питање је времена, изненади те пре или касније, пре или касније.
Ово је љубав која мења сваки део тебе,
Завршити ту је неизбежно, дешава се управо мени,
Ово је љубав која учини да кунеш и будеш ван себе,
Неизбежно је проживети је потпуно и догодило се мени, као и теби.
И нема шта да се разуме, то је једноставна потреба, можда је одговор ту,
Ако изабереш да умреш, без отпора, то је у суштини зато што ти тако желиш.
Љубављу зову када се запали тако да врелије не постоји,
Борити се је неизбежно, управо се и мени то дешава,
Љубављу зову ако узме све, али ти није важно јер
Знаш да је неизбежно и догодило се и мени, као и теби.


Овде где море сија и где је ветар јак
На старој тераси испред залива Сорриенто
Човек загрли девојку након што је плакао
Онда се прочисти грло и поново почне да пева
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Видио је светла усред мора које мислим о ноћима у Америци
Али само лампе и бели траг пропелера
Осетите бол у музици из клавира
Али када је видео месец излази из облака
Чак му и смрт изгледа слађе
Гледам у очи дјевојке оне зелене очи као море
Онда је изненада изашла суза и он је помислио да се утапа
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Снага опере у којој је свака драма фалсификат
Да уз мало шминке и мимике можете постати други
Тако сам постао врло мали чак и ноћи у Америци
Окренете се и видите свој живот као бразда пропелера
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Волим те много
Али толико, али тако добро знаш
Сада је то ланац
То топи крв вена које знаш
Знаш вене

Arab Spring

What Spring am I singing, what Spring shall I talk about ?
The grief coming out from me is a scream from my worried heart
What Spring am I singing, what Spring shall I talk about ?
Those falling people are innocent, who is responsible ?
We dreamt of a thriving Spring, which fragrance would spread over people
But this Spring turned out confusing, blossomed with blood of children and people
It started with a vegetables cart, then it turned into a Revolution in the field
They made our Revolution a red One which kills in the name of Religions
Big states entered into us with their political interests
Sleep flew away from our nights because of our unprotected houses
They brought those Barbarian Mongols from remote places
Their hearts are filled with indisputable and recalcitrant barbary and ideology
The roar of their voices flew, they told them : 'you are combatants,
Arab World is your trench. Do not set apart a color or a religion'
The folks decided their fates, their rights to live freely
But, alas ! Revolution took them back to slavery
What Spring am I singing, what Spring shall I talk about ?
The grief coming out from me is a scream from my worried heart
What Spring am I singing, what Spring shall I talk about ?
Those falling people are innocent, who is responsible ?
The aim of the Revolution is progress, not regression
I dread the lenghtening of this Revolution turns us into a masquerade
I want a green Spring which announces a new summer
They turned us into a red Spring, they strafed us with weapons and iron
Summer's shining sun rises behind Spring
After summer, autumn hears the thunder of the winter's cloud
Thus that rain will come tomorrow and wash our red lands
The revolution of life comes back with the human scream
They called us 'Arab Spring', this autumn blossomed into chaos
The West prevented the Arab folk from becoming free through a white revolution
I dread for this Arab folk, Others are planning Revolutions (for him)
And Arabs remain ignorant as a child leading in kindergarten
What Spring am I singing, what Spring shall I talk about ?
The grief coming out from me is a scream from my worried heart
What Spring am I singing, what Spring shall I talk about ?
Those falling people are innocent, who is responsible ?

How much more?

The view sucks
And the neighbor partying
Tries not to remember you
My body protests
Nothing has ever affected me
Like your affection affects me
And now I'm Mr. Robot with caffeine injected.
I looked at you like that
Like I wanted to kill you
Because I hated the way in which I so deeply
Came to love you.
I try to find myself
In every happy tear
That you've shed and you know...
That I'm the iron you melt
When your touch softens
My scars.
We didn't live happily ever after*
But this story becomes more pronounced
With every 'I love you' you repeat.
The times are perfect!
That's why I dedicate to you my soul
In case one day this dies,
And, I cried, I laughed, I hugged, I felt, I kissed, I lived.
Every word of you and yes, then I realized
That life is made up of moments,
That you should let flow
Touch, live, let live!
Feel, be,
Whenever you want to dream about me.
To just hold you saying,
That time is passing by
And rebuilding stories around you.
Holding you
Thinking about you,
Looking at you is art,
And what a work of art
It is to be able to touch you!
Tell me
How much
More should I have waited?
Oh baby just tell me
How much more should
I have given?
(ah ah ah ah ah)
I've tied myself in knots
To pronounce 'I love you.'
Because many daggers
Have been driven in my back
And come on, I sure was wrong!
But the real doesn't exist
If in life you haven't failed.
In this incongruous world
Where you take the helm
That now drives my mind
For to the world I'm insane
For Freud is my unconscious
For you I'm that someone
That your logic reverts to.
Who's going to give, to give you more, to give you more?
Who's going to give, to give you more, to give you more?
How much did I gamble?
How much did I gamble on you?
How many times did I almost blow my head off?
How many times did hell turn to paradise by the touch of your skin?
Refined pleasure
How many times did hell turn to paradise by the touch of your skin?
Refined pleasure
(Fragment of poem 'Cómo amar sin poseer' by Oliverio Girondo):
How do you love without possessing?
How do you let them love you without gasping for breath?
Love is a pretext to take control of another
To make them your slave
To transform their life, into your life.
Who's going to give, to give you more, to give you more?
Who's going to give, to give you more, to give you more?

It will be so

It was all in the white world
People have long been repeated
It was, is and will be again!
But for everyone, for all lovers
The song begins anew
It was, is and will be again
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
Love has its own laws
The heart of the mind does not listen
It was, is and will be again!
Even in the worst of times
People believe only in the best
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
Let forever crown us
The arrows are sharp without interruption
It was, is and will be again!
How old is love like the sun
True warms us and shines for us
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!
It will be so, it will be so,
It will be so, it will be so,
It was, is and will be again!

Arabian Nights

He comes from a land of the most peculiar people
and castles of gold and brass
and sands like the sea and a sun that melts stones
and peculiarity is the core of my land
and winds from the east
and sunrise from the sea
a sun that wows all eyes
and traveling is easy
on the magic carpet
in the company of Aladdin
because the day has the beauty of the night here
a genie is going to surround us
snow, thunder, fire
a story through
mysteries, secrets
and meeting bad guys
and Jasmine the fiance
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


I dream of a world

[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi]
I dream of a world without hatred or grudge
Where sun rises and enlightens all our hearts,
[Malak El-Husseini]
Language of which is love,
Where people enjoy their lives
[Mok Saib]
Where good grows, exceeds
and covers the whole globe
[Malak El-Husseini]
I dreamed of a world where no one hates or hold a grudge
[Tania BreazouΤάνια Μπρεάζου]
(Where) the sunlight illuminates the mind
[Thomas Grazioso]
(I dream of a world) ....where one lives for love
which fills up time with colour
[Nicole Knaus Николь Кнаус]
To love and to live. This is what we are given from above (from heavens)
[Mok Saib]
I dream of world where people live in peace
People who think of future and look forward
[Hamad Al Qattan]
In eyes of whom dream shines
No matter what are their colors or religions
[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi&Malak El-Husseini]
People who live with each other accepting all their differences
I dream of a place in which love blossoms to fill it. (lit. love blossoms and fills this place)
I dream of a place where we can find every thing we wish for
[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi]
We will take no circumstances as an excuse (not to fulfill this dream)
We will love without any sense of fear
In one world where all people live together
I dream of a woooorld where love is the only thing we do
I dream of a woooorld where every thing we hope comes true
[Tania BreazouΤάνια Μπρεάζου]
No obstacles will stand in our way
No doubt or fear to chase away
One world that has nothing contempts on me and you
[Thais Macedo]
Arm in arm and with our eyes shining
If we smile together, we can go on
Try to close your eyes and imagine
A world warm for everyone
[Thais Macedo]
A new world oriented to do good
[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi]
We all share the same parents
[Hamad Al Qattan]
Adam and Eve
In short: We are all of the same blood
It is a fact and we have to accept it
[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi]
We are all in the same boat (= we share the same destiny)
[Mok Saib]
Together we will reach to land (of safety)
[Amika Shail अमिका शैल]
[This part is still missing]
[This part is still missing]
I dream of a woooorld where love is the only thing we do
I dream of a woooorld where every thing we want comes true
[Nicole Knaus Николь Кнаус]
No obstacles will stand in our way
No doubt or fear to chase away
One world that is the thing that shows me and you
I dream of a place in which love blossoms to fill it. (lit. love blossoms and fills this place)
I dream of a place where we can find every thing we wish for
[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi]
We will take no circumstances as an excuse (not to fulfill this dream)
[Mok Saib]
We will love without any sense of fear
In one world where all people.....
[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi]
live in
The youth of the world came from every corner of the world for the future of the coming generations
the future of the coming generations
Sending to the whole world a message of prosperity and peace from here. From the land of safety
[Mok Saib]
From the land of peace
[Muhammed El-Sharnoubi]
From the land of peace
We will take no circumstances as an excuse (not to fulfill this dream)
We will love without any sense of fear
In one world where all people live in
I dream of a woooorld where love is the only thing we do
I dream of a woooorld where every thing we hope comes true
No obstacles to stand in our way
No doubt or fear to chase away
One world that has nothing contempts on me and you


You have your obsession inside
You have your cure inside
You have rain inside the sun
You have rust and flips
Every wisdom, as every crowd
Its joy and its nostalgia
Those words you never find
As the ones you can't forget
Everything is inside
Everything you have
Everything you know
Is inside
Creative Commons License
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Ali šta radim ovde
Tonem dublje u tebi
Koliko je sati, i kakva vatra me otapa
Je li crno ili belo, ne znam
Moja se kože lepi za crvenilo tvoje krvi što se kreće
Teče prema meni
Plešem i borim se.
Uvijam svoje zglobove oko tebe
Noge mi se uvijaju
Kružim oko tvojih bokova
Na mome struku igraju se tvoje ruke
Uzalud se molim, a ti, ti se smeješ,
Plešem i borim se
Ne znam, ne znam?
Tango ljubavi moja
Povređuješ mene i moju sudbinu
To je dobro što me obuzima
Kad se moje telo uvija
Tango ljubavi moja
Životinja ili matador
Jedno je od nas dvoje najjače
Kad se moje telo uvija
Ali sumnja se usadila
Osećam se kao u begu
Život me gura u trku
Moje telo što te odguruje
Tvoji me pokreti podsećaju da ti nemaš mene
Pravo koje ti dajem, plešem i borim se
Ali kako reći kome, čemu, čija sam
Kad ja ne pripadam nikome, osim tebi
I ako sam ti rekla da ne postoji niko osim tebe
Ja plešem, a ti se boriš
Ja plešem, a ti se boriš
Tango ljubavi moja
Povređuješ mene i moju sudbinu
To je dobro što me obuzima
Kad se moje telo uvija
Tango ljubavi moja
Životinja ili matador
Jedno je od nas dvoje najjače
Tango ljubavi moja
Tango telo moje,
Ne pripada ti još
I ako moja ga duša napusti
Moje telo, ono će se uvijati.


Ne znam gde te pronaći,
ne znam kako te potražiti.
Ali čujem jedan glas koji
s' vetrom govori o tebi.
Ova duša bez srca
čeka te..
Noći bez kože
i snovi bez zvezda.
Slike tvog lica
koje iznenada prolaze.
Učinile su da još se nadam
da ću te pronaći…
Zatvaram oči i vidim tebe.
Nalazim put koji
me odvodi od
ove agonije.
Osećam otkucaje u sebi
ove muzike koju
sam izmislila za tebe.
Ako znaš kako me naći,
ako znaš kako me tražiti..
zagrli me mislima.
Sunce mi se čini ugašeno,
upali svoje ime na nebu,
reci mi da si tu..
Ono što bih želela..
živi u tebi.
Sunce mi se čini ugašeno..
zagrli me mislima..
izgubljene su bez tebe.
Reci mi ko si i poverovaću.
Muzika si…

Black cat (القط الأسود)

I begin with the light and with the light I end
I felt it undoubtedly deep in my heart
like lightning, like the ray
those are my horizons that are as wide as life
whenever I see them with my foresight
I feel steady
to you, my steps and my way,
I've come now
my faith is real and it defines me
that's why I live
I search for my freedom
like a featherless bird I fly
if my limits got reduced
that's why I live
I search for my freedom
like a featherless bird I fly
if my limits got reduced

Completely wrong

Eveything I was afraid of happened to me
Look like I was blind and didn't know what's going on
Me who was laughing when hear something about love
I was in love with her but I didn't know that
She doesn't improve my exhaustions of me illness
There is a wall between our hearts
Who was telling me 'I love you' 30 times every night
She took sleeping from these tearful eyes
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love?
Sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn
My body is cold but she is busy (with her love)
I wish she come back, it's hard to believe( she is gone )
Just at the beginning we arrived at the end
She made me fall in love and didn't stay until the end
I remember her memorize
She forgot the whole thing she said
And at the end she left me alone
Look like she didn't love me at all
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love?
sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love
Sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn

Butterfly Effect

If I could know what happened tomorrow
Could I be without regrets?
Everything I know right now
If only I'd known when you left me.
I watched TV with my remote control.
But I turned it off because the drama was sad.
I stared at blank screen.
And I realized love was turned off like this.
Because I wanted to be alive,
Because I wanted to be with you,
I've abandoned too many of me.
Because I don't have me anymore.
Because you've got it all.
I want to get angry, but you're not here.
I had a stupid love.
But love is stupid.
I gaved you everything
and I was sorry for you every day
At the end, I'm left alone.
What I know now
What I found out after you left me.
If only I'd known
Before you left me.
If I had known before
Could we have a cup of tea together now?
Because I wanted to love,
Because I wanted to be with you,
I've abandoned too many of me.
Because I don't have me anymore.
Because you've got it all.
I want to get angry, but you're not here.
I had a stupid love.
But love is stupid.
I gave you everything
and I was sorry for you every day.
At the end, I'm left alone.
What I know now
What I found out after you Ieft me.
If only I'd known
Before you Ieft me.
If I had known before.
Could we have a cup of tea together now?


I drew letters on paper sheets
I cut off the tails of the sentences
Photographs are chatty, shut up some time
Shut up so that we can rest a bit
There exists something like patience
Remember remember what happened
Look, how shiny shiny the stars are
God's switched on lights
The traveller on his way, the lasting one tired
Just the pistol crew we didn't bury
With God's help we're not dead yet
The traveller on his way, the lasting one tired
May grief rest inside
And a drink for the one who leaves, come on
Big shots they are, your words
Like blood on white snow, they splashed
Fall is the shortcut for grief
Say autumn so we can steep longer

How many mistakes

You with another and I with another, we're no longer together
For you I even left myself aside, think about that now
How many mistakes, mistakes you made but I never left you
So many words I would like to say to you now that I never said before
The way you were with me
Are you the same [as you were with me] with another, are you? are you? are you?
Are you still the one that says the same words to him [that you did to me] are you? are you? are you?
I got used to you, I changed for you
I planned my future with me and you in it
This subject is heavy to talk about when we're not together
I can say lots that I shouldn't say but I couldn't forget you
I will never love, never love someone else [like I loved you]
I'm trying to forget you but I'm only loving you harder
If we see each other and we don't talk, then may we not meet
I can't control these feelings
You with another and I with another, we're no longer together
For you I even left myself aside, think about that now
How many mistakes, mistakes you made but I never left you
So many words I would like to say to you now that I never said before
I'm still upset, i'm still upset
Why can't I forget you after all you've done to me?
I am yet to see you and you're yet to see me (after the break up)
We loved each other on the status but now look at our fate (they expressed their love for each other online on their status' but they didn't end up together)
You were my weak spot and you still are, even today
It would hurt me more than it would you if I see you crying (it pains me more than it would you to see you hurting)
It's been a long time that I haven't seen you till I saw you today
Sometimes I want to see you, sometimes I don't want to see you
This is what my heart is telling me
I will never love, never love someone else [like I loved you]
I'm trying to forget you but I'm only loving you harder
If we see each other and we don't talk, then may we not meet
I can't control these feelings
I will never love, never love someone else [like I loved you]
I'm trying to forget you but I'm only loving you harder
If we see each other and we don't talk, then may we not meet
I can't control these feelings
You with another and I with another, we're no longer together
For you I even left myself aside, think about that now
How many mistakes, mistakes you made but I never left you
So many words I would like to say to you now that I never said before
2ton & Donjeta:
You with another and I with another, we're no longer together
For you I even left myself aside, think about that now
How many mistakes, mistakes you made but I never left you
So many words I would like to say to you now that I never said before

Don't Be Mad

Don't be mad
Just wait, don't jump to conclusions
And before you leave
Blame me
Don't be mad
I beg to differ with you
At least
Ask me and leave
I swear to our nights
I have always kept our promises
She said hello, I said hello
She was just passing by
Just another passing woman smiling
Is enough for you my sweetheart
To make you so jealous?
Don't be mad

As usual

I get up
And I jostle you
You don't wake up
As usual
On you,
I pull the sheet up
I'm afraid you're cold
As usual
My hand
Barely touches your hair
Almost despite myself
As usual
But you
You're turning your back on me
As usual
And then
I quickly dress up
I leave the bedroom
As usual
All alone
I drink my coffe
I'm late
As usual
I leave the house
Everything's grey outside
As usual
I'm cold
I pull my collar up
As usual
As usual
All day long
I'll play
I'll pretend
As usual
I'll smile
Yes, as usual
I'll even laugh
As usual
And at last, I'll live
Yes, as usual
And then
Day will pass
And I'll come back
As usual
You'll be out
Not here yet
As usual
All alone
I'll put myself to bed
Into this big cold bed
As usual
My tears
I'll hide them
As usual
As usual
Even at night
I'll play
I'll pretend
As usual
You'll come in
As usual
I'll wait for you
As usual
You'll smile at me
Yes, as usual
As usual
You'll undress
As usual
You'll put yourself to bed
As usual
We'll kiss
As usual
As usual
We'll pretend
Yes, as usual
We'll make love
Yes, as usual
We'll pretend
Yes, as usual...

The fire that we lit

It burns like a lighthouse on the shore
Blazing evening bonfire
If it never goes out,
Like a flame like that always
In my memory remained those times
Though youth will pass,
The fire of love will remain
The fire that we lit
Throws sparks
Circling flame dancing
And the flame goes to the heart
And the rains will not be able to pay off
Bonfire of love
Time can not cool
Our hot hugs

Habit Of You

I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
As I do with the world that I saved to teach you
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I forget everything, I forget about myself
I forget the time we spend
At times I forget
I forget the wine that came to forget
I forget what he threw at us
More than a thousand reasons
I stay on your mouth, the kisses that exhaust
My legs beg me for asphalt and fly
There are four words, it's terrible to tell the truth
I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
As I do with the world that I saved to teach you
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I have a habit of you, it's obvious
I don't want to be the light in another story
Let me invent you
Let me undo your memory
How easy, to laugh and cry
I wanted to save myself without explanation
Make me a life
I leave an answer with a song
And of all the nights when it wasn't me
That I was mine, I was mine
I stay on your mouth, the kisses that exhaust
My legs beg me for asphalt and fly
There are four words, it's terrible to tell the truth
I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
As I do with the world that I saved to teach you
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I have a habit of you, it's obvious
I don't want to be the light in another story
Let me invent you
Let me undo your memory
I have a habit of you and I feel in debt
If I had the power to give everything in return
I would earn time to go find you
I have a habit of you, it's obvious
I don't want to be the light in another story
Let me invent you
Let me undo your memory
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
I have a habit of you
Habit of you

To Fall Asleep As Usual

Ah, to fall asleep as usual and wake up the next day
under ten degrees of latitude with the sun everywhere.
In the shelter of a coconut tree, I will sleep on my back.
What use is working when it is so beautiful out?
All day long, it has been nice and warm.
To go swimming, I need only a necklace of flowers.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual and wake up the next day
under ten degrees of latitude with paradise for free.
A ukulele here, a small boat there—
and the singing of Bengali natives above all of that.
And why not all of the beautiful eyes that would fall on you—
how wonderful it must be to be in love down there.
But to fall asleep as usual … curled up in your arms …
happy as usual … it is still my greatest joy.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual.
Ah, to fall asleep as usual.

All leaves belong to the wind

Versions: #2
Take good care of the child
Take good care of his mind
Give him sun of summer
Give him womb of white
Give him warm milk from your body
All leaves belong to the wind
because it moves them even in death
All leaves belong to the wind
except the light of the sun
Now that you've made a child
Change your mind already
Protect him from drugs
Don't ever rebuke him
Give him the golden fountain of your sex


The brain sucked into the environment,
I should have flogged the backs.
It’s not a problem, if all over the yard pissed,
ragamuffins are all around.
But while I'm not drived into a corner - hide your teeth.
The doctor shouted in the megaphone:
'Yours executioner was close'.
My feet followed on the heels of old evil spirits,
but my message was suddenly reputed rude.
I'm in a fucking rabbit hole,
here is always the creaking of beds,
some are killed, the rest went on the booze.
But we all believe in miracles.
If I had my way, I’d create them myself
and give out free of charge.
No, what are you, here is the weight on the scales,
the press on the scales,
You must understand it all youself.
Shame and disgrace, noise and din,
Tommy Gant is a hooligan.
Brothers were mowed down insensibly.
We should get out from the city.
You’d better never give rise.
The psyche is broken, don’t say a word in the city.
Sanava...sanavabitch, teach to live anew, anew...
Sanava...sanavabitch, teach to live anew, anew...
Sanava...sanavabitch, teach to live anew, anew...
Sanava...sanavabitch, teach to live anew, anew...
Yeah. Tardy rain dripped.
Gray pools, thoughts are down and out,
the quarter is shrouded, here is a circus.
You know what I'm talking about.
You’ve heard about Malevich square?
This is bullshit! They sell these for a coin at Shmulevich street.
The supply of heroin with swords of scratch challenge.
My girlfriend loves a beat and
puts her thoughts to paper smoothly.
My house is a workshop, an abode of ideas
that goes round the districts.
There is a dream as in the song of Kasta1
get out of the country.
I don’t fall as a bitch for gold.
I need more luck, give me a guarantor as a gift from Santa.
The high-principled shunk plus smoke and no fire.
I'm on the phalanges, like a captain, shit.
This is my gang, you'd be glad.
Fallen for it? Okay! Wait for me, Manna2,
today is not tomorrow.
I'm not the same as before, and that’s not a small thing!
I’m ashamed of the shame on the street.
I will believe in every day as mom believes in a son.
The Lord will save or angle will leave me -
even the rain will not put out my burning torch!
Sanava...sanavabitch, teach to live anew, anew...
Sanava...sanavabitch, teach to live anew, anew...
Sanava...sanavabitch, teach to live anew, anew...
Sanava...sanavabitch, learn how to live anew, anew...
  • 1. russian rap team
  • 2. may be Manna's team wizard

Ben 10

The story began when he discovered a weird device
Then things went oddly
You see him as a normal boy, but he hides secrets
Ben 10, Ben 10
He gets supernatural powers, and in a jiffy
He transforms into a monster with muscles
Surprising you with ten forms that defeat the evil guys
Ben 10, Ben 10
His power defeats the enemy
The monsters of earth and space
He doesn't care how bad the situations are
He transforms to those forms whenever he wants
Ben 10, Ben 10

I Would Take My Beloved

I would take my beloved, mum.. I would take my beloved or none
He planted a rose in my heart.. Please, mum, don't let it get plucked away
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!
Since I was so young, mum, I was with him.. since I was so young I was with him
You know, mummy, when he's absent, my sun gets absent with him
All I don't know, mummy, or even what I know
My sun he is, my moon he is, nothing would do without him
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!
On a rose in the garden we inscribed our names
And lived every night adorning our lifetime
With a sweet laugh at a time, & with the beat of our heart
My journey is he, my home is he.. mum, don't separate us
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!
Mummy, I'm in the night alone, mum.. with my moon staying up late
Mum, leaning my head on my hand, mum.. with my heart confused
And you ask me, why I'm staying up late! .. Why staying up late & confused!
My world is he, my lifetime is he.. mum, don't separate us
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!

Jealous jealous

Verse 1
Look into my eyes full of love
There isn't but another way
Forget everything, come close to me
Touch my soul, tell me I'm yours
Only think of me, trust my love
I am the one who still loves you.
Look who is jealous of me, jealous of me
I love those looks
Tell the words in your heart
Say that I am yours.
Verse 2
Give my feelings to the devil's eye
Don't go somewhere else again
Open your eyes, come to me closely
I'll come to you as you want my saint
Together until the end
Is worth to love my saint.
Look who is jealous of me, jealous of me
I love those looks
Tell the words in your heart
Say that I am yours.

Through Love

Before I open the door for you
Letting you leave
Before I close my heart
I would like to tell you
All stories get worn out
It’s bound to happen
Some people pass
They leave the table
But we
We were two twin souls
We knew (how) to protect our wings
Enlaced before Eternity
Beyond all the blows
From the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and the fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love
After this sad awakening
Our bitter words
If we throw a bottle
Far into the sea
We will write in it the message
Our tears will find the courage
To drown the pride and the rage
Beyond all the blows
From the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love
Before I open the door for you
Letting you leave
Before I close my heart
I would like to tell you
Beyond all the blows
Of the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
I saw us (to be) stronger
Beyond all the blows
Of the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and the fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love.

be strong

little things, simple things
And a few surprises in the middle of the road
Times pass and change
Yesterday you were a king
Where did the expectations go
And how you remaining without an answer
You have not done yet
And what remains of all love
It all depends on you friend
Be strong don't give up
Don't let the sadness hurt you
be strong and overcome
It's hard to see but sometimes
A wheel closes in the middle of the story
And there is no more strength for your body to continue
Can also give up but you are not allowed to
It all depends on you friend...
The conclusion friend, Gather all the entire force
It's easier to talk when fear is released
In spite of everything you understand that this is the way
be strong friend, be strong
It all depends on you friend...


Скупљам у мрвицама
У целу слику.
Ти и ја смо у лавиринтима,
Нешто налик на флерт.
Ти с опрезом у рукама,
Ја са душом од свиле.
Небезбедно је, али ја ћу
Претрчати на жуто...
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
И нека нас не виде
Између димензија.
То је тако очигледно,
Неко горе је геније.
Само немој да одлетиш у небо попут ветра.
Иза тебе сам, за тобом ћу поћи као одговор на то.
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило...
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.

Прекршени завет

Реци ми њено име, желим да знам
како изгледа и где се крећете,
Морам да јој видим лице, морам да схватим
Зашто смо ти и ја дошли до краја
Реци ми поново, желим да чујем
Ко је изневерио моју веру у све ове године,
Ко лежи уз тебе током ноћи, док сам ја овде сасвим сама,
Сећајући се да сам била твоја
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.
Реци ми речи које никада нисам изговорила,
Покажи ми сузе које никада ниси пустио,
Дај ми прилику, ону када си обећао да ћеш бити мој,
Или је та прилика нестала заувек?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.
Склапам очи
И сањам тебе и мене, а онда схватам,
Постоји више љубави него огорчености и лажи,
Склапам очи
Дала бих своју душу само да те поново загрлим,
И никада не бих допустила да се ово обећање оконча
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.