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Ben 10

The story began when he discovered a weird device
Then things went oddly
You see him as a normal boy, but he hides secrets
Ben 10, Ben 10
He gets supernatural powers, and in a jiffy
He transforms into a monster with muscles
Surprising you with ten forms that defeat the evil guys
Ben 10, Ben 10
His power defeats the enemy
The monsters of earth and space
He doesn't care how bad the situations are
He transforms to those forms whenever he wants
Ben 10, Ben 10

I Would Take My Beloved

I would take my beloved, mum.. I would take my beloved or none
He planted a rose in my heart.. Please, mum, don't let it get plucked away
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!
Since I was so young, mum, I was with him.. since I was so young I was with him
You know, mummy, when he's absent, my sun gets absent with him
All I don't know, mummy, or even what I know
My sun he is, my moon he is, nothing would do without him
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!
On a rose in the garden we inscribed our names
And lived every night adorning our lifetime
With a sweet laugh at a time, & with the beat of our heart
My journey is he, my home is he.. mum, don't separate us
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!
Mummy, I'm in the night alone, mum.. with my moon staying up late
Mum, leaning my head on my hand, mum.. with my heart confused
And you ask me, why I'm staying up late! .. Why staying up late & confused!
My world is he, my lifetime is he.. mum, don't separate us
I knitted him with my own hands the hat, mum
And how, mum, .. isn't he wearing it!

Jealous jealous

Verse 1
Look into my eyes full of love
There isn't but another way
Forget everything, come close to me
Touch my soul, tell me I'm yours
Only think of me, trust my love
I am the one who still loves you.
Look who is jealous of me, jealous of me
I love those looks
Tell the words in your heart
Say that I am yours.
Verse 2
Give my feelings to the devil's eye
Don't go somewhere else again
Open your eyes, come to me closely
I'll come to you as you want my saint
Together until the end
Is worth to love my saint.
Look who is jealous of me, jealous of me
I love those looks
Tell the words in your heart
Say that I am yours.

Through Love

Before I open the door for you
Letting you leave
Before I close my heart
I would like to tell you
All stories get worn out
It’s bound to happen
Some people pass
They leave the table
But we
We were two twin souls
We knew (how) to protect our wings
Enlaced before Eternity
Beyond all the blows
From the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and the fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love
After this sad awakening
Our bitter words
If we throw a bottle
Far into the sea
We will write in it the message
Our tears will find the courage
To drown the pride and the rage
Beyond all the blows
From the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love
Before I open the door for you
Letting you leave
Before I close my heart
I would like to tell you
Beyond all the blows
Of the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
I saw us (to be) stronger
Beyond all the blows
Of the life which toys with us
I know us (to be) stronger
I know us (to be) stronger
Beyond that pain
Of the dense emptiness and the fear
I saw us (to be) stronger
I saw us (to be) stronger, than anything
Through love.

be strong

little things, simple things
And a few surprises in the middle of the road
Times pass and change
Yesterday you were a king
Where did the expectations go
And how you remaining without an answer
You have not done yet
And what remains of all love
It all depends on you friend
Be strong don't give up
Don't let the sadness hurt you
be strong and overcome
It's hard to see but sometimes
A wheel closes in the middle of the story
And there is no more strength for your body to continue
Can also give up but you are not allowed to
It all depends on you friend...
The conclusion friend, Gather all the entire force
It's easier to talk when fear is released
In spite of everything you understand that this is the way
be strong friend, be strong
It all depends on you friend...


Скупљам у мрвицама
У целу слику.
Ти и ја смо у лавиринтима,
Нешто налик на флерт.
Ти с опрезом у рукама,
Ја са душом од свиле.
Небезбедно је, али ја ћу
Претрчати на жуто...
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
И нека нас не виде
Између димензија.
То је тако очигледно,
Неко горе је геније.
Само немој да одлетиш у небо попут ветра.
Иза тебе сам, за тобом ћу поћи као одговор на то.
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило...
Трчаћу по небу, по танком небу,
А ако не према теби, онда више ни према коме.
Али зашто ми је тако лоше?
Хиљаде грешака боду у срце као шило.

Прекршени завет

Реци ми њено име, желим да знам
како изгледа и где се крећете,
Морам да јој видим лице, морам да схватим
Зашто смо ти и ја дошли до краја
Реци ми поново, желим да чујем
Ко је изневерио моју веру у све ове године,
Ко лежи уз тебе током ноћи, док сам ја овде сасвим сама,
Сећајући се да сам била твоја
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.
Реци ми речи које никада нисам изговорила,
Покажи ми сузе које никада ниси пустио,
Дај ми прилику, ону када си обећао да ћеш бити мој,
Или је та прилика нестала заувек?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.
Склапам очи
И сањам тебе и мене, а онда схватам,
Постоји више љубави него огорчености и лажи,
Склапам очи
Дала бих своју душу само да те поново загрлим,
И никада не бих допустила да се ово обећање оконча
Пустићу те да одеш,
Пустићу те да одлетиш,
Зашто се још увек питам - зашто?
Пустићу те да одеш,
Сада када сам научила
како да сачувам
више од прекршеног завета.

Lottery of Babylon

Go! Go! Go!
And scream to the world that you're right
You learned everything while you were mute
Now it is necessary to shout and sing Rock
And demonstrate the theorem of life and the tricks of chess
Of chess!
You have the answers to the questions
You solved the equations you didn't know
And there's nothing left to do but
Truths and truths more truths and truths to tell me
To declare!
Everything that had to be wept has already been cried
You have already fulfilled the twelve labours
Rewrote books from past centuries
Signed duplicates, invented decks of cards
Walked by day and slept at night.
Repaired phonographs to listen to music
You know snippets of the Bible by heart
You know magic recipes for love
You know in Mars an old farmer friend
Who taught you to have the good and the best
The best!
But what you don't fully know
It's how making money
But this is easy and you won't stop
You have no questions to ask
Because you only have truths to say
To declare!

Open House

I want things to be good between me and my brothers and sisters.
From North to South, to the end of the world.
I know how to listen and lend a hand
Sweating while playing something so boring.
Everyone here is human.
What else can color my world, my race?
Inside we have feelings
that need sustenance.
If there are good feelings inside
they can't stay inside.
Here's my open house.
There's a plate for you on our table.
The tree's shadow for your head.
You're life's an open book at my door...
Open house.
An unconditional friendship, that's your motto.
Earth likes it that we love each other.
Regardless of cultures or flags
Open house.
I'd like to give you some good luck.
and be your friend until death
and distance, won't stop 1 me.
But, friendship isn't all consuming.
Everyone here is human.
What else can color my world, my race?
Inside we have feelings
that need sustenance.
If there are good feelings inside
they can't stay inside.
Here's my open house.
There's a plate for you on our table.
The tree's shadow for your head.
You're life's an open book at my doorstep...
Open house.
An unconditional friendship, that's your motto.
Earth likes it that we love each other.
Regardless of cultures or flags
Open House
(There's a plate on our table for you)
Open House
(Earth likes it that we love each other)
Open House
(There's a plate for you on our table)
Open House
(You're life's an open book at my doorstep)
Open House.
  • 1. lit: 'entomb'

O people of the East

O people of the East,
It is time to repel the usurpers,
So fight the horrors
And endure them with boldness.
You have been sleeping for a long time,
But the enemies do not sleep.
Do you enjoy seeing your children
Lost in the wilderness?
They sent us into exile
And made all of us prisoners.
You will encounter dark nights,
So beware the deadly lightning.
Long live the Communist Party
And its leader, Lenin.
Long live the memory of Lenin
And all the other comrades.
O people of the East,
Through our great struggles
We will have our freedom,
In spite of the usurpers.


I used to watch your flowers grow
Now it's raining
I used to watch your flowers grow
Now it's raining
And all your petals turn to stone
I've been praying
I'd turn around and see my rose
But you've faded
You let me down, now it's time to go
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
You're like diamond
And I'm like glass
Like oil and water
We always clash
Sometimes my confessions
Are hard for me
I'll tell you now
I'm setting you free
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
I think you've got your timing wrong
All this hating
Is blowing this high we're riding on
And it's crazy
To think that I could be reborn
If you saved me
But now it's too late, we'll never know
You're like diamond
And I'm like glass
Like oil and water
We always clash
Sometimes my confessions
Are hard for me
I'll tell you now
I'm setting you free
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
With broken wings, I can't fly
Girl I'm gonna need you to save me
Angel of mine
With broken wings, I can't fly
Girl I'm gonna need you to save me
Angel of mine
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone
You need to let me fly alone
That's why I'm long gone, long gone
It may be too late, our time is done
You're like diamond
And I'm like glass
Like oil and water
We always clash
Sometimes my confessions
Are hard for me
I'll tell you now
I'm setting you free

Commentator in his booth...

Commentator in his booth was a screamer
Saying nicely our team as bad as it gets,-
So why than club 'Fiorentina'
Offered a million for *Byshovets.
Well, Pele is like Pele,
I'm explaining to my Zina,
Pele eats creme brulee,
Together with Jairzinho.
The Prosecutor's office is investigating *MUR,-
He is so glad, for him it's only an ad!
Here the world wouldn't get out from MUR-
If we would've here the World cup.
I have not a penny left, ale, ale, ale,-
Bought my wife some rubbish, used my last dinero.
But Pele has a 'chevrolet'
In Rio de Janeiro.
And maybe, he does not count to a hundred, like you and I,-
But I can say it just in a few words:
If Tostao had a second eye-
He would've scored twice as many goals.
Well, Pele is like Pele,
I'm explaining to my Zina,
Pele eats creme brulee,
Together with Jairzinho.
I have not a penny left, ale, ale, ale,-
Bought my wife some rubbish, used my last dinero.
But Pele has a 'chevrolet'
In Rio de Janeiro.

Excited with the Presence

I am here now, waiting,
Hoping that I can experience Your presence again, (Alt. Hoping that I can together with you again)
I am here now, excited,
Excited to see your face's splendor/glory (alt. . your face's picturesque)
Dancing already, with joy, smiling
Excited for Your next visit
Lord Jesus You're purely free
Change this life, this entirely yours

Won't tell you goodbye

Among the pages of a book, there was slipped,
from the past white nights, a sign that was forgotten
and I felt your hand in the temples, as in the past,
or just, it just seemed to me.
I do not know which one of us has been out
we have sipped from the same glass for a while
and together we have collected the fruit of the moments
and have cried in the nights of longing.
Won't tell you goodbye,
Time will slip to the springs, the mirror of days...
another world would reflect in it.
And we two,
would search for each-other in vain all the life
attracted by our first star
Won't tell you goodbye
it would be more than I can believe
Won't tell you goodbye
I'd make myself guilty in front of the world
if they'd forget
that love can't be over
putting a word on its way...
For all that we forgot to be
it's too late!
My steps are turning in vain
on a lost road
A twilight of shadows was left
on everything that had happened.
Won't tell you goodbye,
Time will slip to the springs, the mirror of days...
another world would reflect in it.
And we two,
would search for each-other in vain all the life
attracted by our first star
Won't tell you goodbye
it would be more than I can believe
Won't tell you goodbye
I'd make myself guilty in front of the world
if they'd forget
that love can't be over
putting a word on its way...

Ave Maria

Not all of us have the luck
to be chosen by the fate
and the destiny to give us something
On roads of humility
your step is hardly guiding you
and makes a calvary of your life
You choke with the sour bread of poverty
and don't understand what you made wrong
what your hand is chosing
to be a slave while another one's a king
and have nothing of all that you wish for...
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...
Why do people live their life
everyone for himself
and forget about the love for the close ones?
Wondered of so much hatered,
I shut myself deeply
and I wonder
'God, where have You gone?'
Does not anyone just have the soul
to let you down on his downfall
and coming to you
with a word to calm
the wounds of the soul from the past?!
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...

What do you want more?

My love
of night and day,
please come back a little more!
So I wait you
at the place known before
with a question:
what do you want more,
my love so I can give?
What do you want more
to be mine?
I gave you my soul that's
broken, tired and worn out,
what do you want more?
what do you want more?
And I also gave you
what you dreamed
the wind,
I gave you
all that my thought
had lied
What do you want more,
what should-I give you?
I gave you the sky so you can colour it,
I gave you time to believe me
what do you want more,
what do you want more?
My love,
as much as I have,
please just
knock on my window
so I shudder
as the lake in the park
of shivers...
what do you want more,
my love so I can give?
What do you want more
to be mine?
I gave you my soul that's
broken, tired and worn out,
what do you want more?
what do you want more?
And I also gave you
what you dreamed
the wind,
I gave you
all that my thought
had lied
What do you want more,
what should-I give you?
I gave you the sky so you can colour it,
I gave you time to believe me
what do you want more,
what do you want more?

Detective Conan opening arabic

Always in this life
We face danger at times death
We overcome it only by endurance
With patience, determination and endurance
We implant glory and we inscribe immortality
We eliminate fear and we eliminate mystery
Conan the secrets exposure
He goes on towards the good
Towards victory with no confusion
With patience, determination and faith
We create the never impossible glory
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.....
A small sized human
But hes mind is an older mind(1)
He thinks, achieves and reveals the thrilling
Conan the secrets exposure
Knows that the good
Is the winner in the face of the evil
Conan the criminals hunter
Reveal the hidden everytime

Everything will be alright

We're walking on thin ice
You're afraid that it won't hold
It'll soon be twelve [midnight] -
Minutes run over your shoulders like pearls
And fall to the ground
And I'll take you into my lap
Even if you'd tell me 'no' a hundred times
Don't close your eyes, we still have a million bridges to cross
We'll have to cross...
So that once again
I could come close
And once again
I could feel how
Your heart beats
While icicles sparkle in the sunlight
And once again
It'll be alright again
Everything will be alright
Time will deal new cards
The harsh wind will become endlessly soft
The noise will subside,
Melt and flow into the ocean
Where there's you and me
I'll go where you call me,
I believe we have a lot of time
While street lights of hope shine
And when the bulbs go black,
Light us so we're stars

The automated waitress' lament

I didn't ask to be born
I would just like to be left alone
I don't want to do the same as everybody else
But I need to pay my rent
I work at the Underground Café
I'm just an automated waitress
It gives me all the time I need to daydream
Even when I'm dead on my feet
I'm always ready to fly away
I work at the Underground Café
One day, you'll see
The automated waitress
Going away
To grow her tomatoes
In the sun
What am I going to do today?
What am I going to do tomorrow?
That's what I ask myself every morning
What am I going to do with my life?
I don't want anything
I just want to feel good
I don't want to work just to be working
To earn a living, as they say
I would just want to do something I love
I don't know what I love, that's my problem
From time to time, I strum my guitar
That's all I can be good at
I never dreamed of becoming a star
I just want to be me
My life doesn't look like me
I work at the Underground Café
I haven't seen the sun for a long time
In my underworld
For me, all the days look alike
To me, life is useless
I'm like a switched off neon light
I work at the Underground Café
One day, you'll see
The automated waitress
Going away
To grow her tomatoes
In the sun
What am I going to do today?
What am I going to do tomorrow?
That's what I ask myself every morning
What am I going to do with my life?
I don't want anything
I just want to feel good
One day, you'll see
The automated waitress
Going away
To grow her tomatoes
In the sun

Long Is The Long Night

Long is the long night,
Dream won't come to my room.
Long is the long night
When you're waiting for someone and when you're alone.
And now my thoughts are heavier
Lost during the day
I will listen to the music of my heart alone tonight, too.
Long is the long night,
And there's not a bit of tenderness even in the dream
Long is the long night
When I keep looking for you and you're not here.
Hours slowly go by when I would like to know
Where you're going to now,
When bad weather is coming,
And you have no one
And the city is asleep...

Sonnet XXVII (Love, love, a habit I wore)

Love, love, a habit I wore
which from your cloth was cut
wearing it loosely1 it was more pinching
and constraining once it was upon me.
Now it's after what I consented
such a regret has taken me
that I try at times from grief
to rip this in which I put myself in.
But, who would from this habit get free
having such an opposite nature
that one comes to conform with it2.
If by luck some part remains
of my reason, it dares not show itself for my sake
not being secure3 in such a contradiction.
  • 1. lit. broadly, meaning a lot of it
  • 2. one comes to fit the habit better, as opposed to the other way around
  • 3. beautiful word play! it means sure, it means safe, and it means held fast

Hajde da se pretvaramo

Hajde da se pretvaramo da sam ja kralj
da je ovo mač i ti si vojnik.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da sam zaspao
I kada se probudim sve je prošlo.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da sam se sakrio
i ti polaziš da me tražiš
i ako me ne pronađeš ti ne odustaješ
jer je možda samo to
da si me tražila na pogrešnom mestu.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da nisam uplašen
kada dođe kraj, pre ili kasnije se desi.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da onaj ko je uspeo...
to je i zaslužio.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da sam heroj
i da mogu da letim i pobedim zlo.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da si ti drugačiji
i da uprkos tome ne želim da te ubijem.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da mogu da pucnem prstom
i začas nestanem
i kada mi se ono što sam imao ranije ne sviđa i nije ispravno ili mi se jednostavno gadi.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da sam se vratio kući večeras
i ti si još uvek na našem plavom kauču.
Hajde da se pretvaramo da se onda zagrlimo
i ne puštamo se... nikada više!


Good day to you, social inspector
I am an unrehabilitated lad
Please exercise your status and power
to give me some contact with existence
I thank you and bow for two hundred bucks
It will not cure much, I have a feel
But the gesture was friendly, so thank you anyway
And everything you wish for, you can never get
Good day to you, you liquor store clerk
From the social services, I have hurried here
I wish to use up my allowance
to the gain of your cash register, to the comfort of my body
I thank you and bow for your fluidum
For brief happiness and delirium
As thanking for your service and practical support
for us consumers of liquid needs
Good day to you, you constable and cop
Here you see a guy who you have seen before
Sorry for staining our tidy city
If you know anything better, I will be so glad
I thank you and bow for your assistance
to steadily get me into an ambulance
and haul me hence towards the nearest emergency ward
where they know of my flaws from before
Good day again, social inspector
I am an unrehabilitated lad
Please exercise your status and power
to give me some contact with existence
I thank you and bow for two hundred bucks
It will not cure much, I have a feel
But the gesture was friendly, so thank you anyway
And everything you wish for, you can never get
Good day again, you liquor store clerk
From the social services, I have hurried here
I wish to use up my allowance
to the gain of your cash register, to the comfort of my body
I thank you and bow for your fluidum
For brief happiness and delirium
As thanking for your service and practical support
for us consumers of liquid needs
Good day again, you constable and cop
Here you see a guy who you have seen before
Sorry for staining our tidy city
If you know anything better, I will be so glad
I thank you and bow for your assistance
to steadily get me into an ambulance
and haul me hence towards the nearest emergency ward
where they know of my flaws from before
Good day, you tidy entrepreneur
who does business regarding matters of peace
Say, do you have a box to rest inside
that suits my fragile anatomy?
From the bottom of my cirrhosis, I thank you
for the final packaging of splendid veneer
A drunken body with a teetotal soul
now says to everyone his thanks and goodbye!

Dream Fireworks

If the wind blows at the command of a dream,
I will sing without any destination
of dream fireworks, towards the other side of the sky...
I’ve always, always
been dreaming
and finally, finally
found you
The path we’d walked on
somehow feels too wide
Holding a photo of you,
I sleep by myself
If the wind blows at the command of a dream,
I will sing without any destination
Could you, within this transient world,
please smile for me?
I’ve always, always
been searching for you
and finally, finally
found you
Dressed in yukata in the summer night,
we frolicked on the way home
We say good-bye, and then
the distance between our hands becomes infinite
I like you, I’ll like no one but you
The day we both ascertained that fact is already...
Will these dream fireworks, towards the other side of the sky,
Each time we say good-bye
I feel like I’ll never be able to see you again
This voice will cross through time
and reach you, right?
Hey, hey,
I’ve always liked...
If the wind blows at the command of a dream,
I will sing without any destination
This voice, cross through the moonlit night,
and reach, hey
Once more, just once more,
I want to be able to say I’m happy to you
Once more, just once more,
I just want to meet you
I like you, I’ll like no one but you
The day we both ascertained that fact is already...
Will these dream fireworks, leave me behind and
Hey, hey...

The Sin And The Torture

Why you are just go without any word about you
As by your heart you are won`t get back
Why you are ruin the affection and love
That was kept by our souls
Since the woven of the first love
A picture of you is only one that still with me
Consolation of the wounded soul in every time
Your name will be the last ending word
When my death time has felt
I can only leave it up to the almighty
Or this is a torture for me as a sinner
But I thought it was just a problem of love
If with a torture can erase the sin
I leave up my soul to the almighty
I leave up my soul to the almighty

We robbed together the same peasant's house

We robbed together the same peasant's house,
We penetrated by the same slit, -
We have met like three foster-brothers,
Which have never seen each other at all.
For bread and water and freedom -
Thanks to our Soviet nation!
For the nights in the prison, the interrogations in the MUR -
Thanks to our municipal prosecutor!
We have been sent together to the port Nakodki,
I shall be released tomorrow, they will release them tomorrow, -
We have met, like three roubles for Vodka,
And they went like Vodka for three.
For bread and water and freedom -
Thanks to our Soviet nation!
For the nights in the prison, the interrogations in the MUR -
Thanks to our municipal prosecutor!
How well the white earth is organized! -
Yesterday I have been mentioned in a command:
Released five years earlier, -
And the signature: Voroshilov, Georgadse'.
For bread and water and freedom -
Thanks to our Soviet nation!
For the nights in the prison, the interrogations in the MUR -
Thanks to our municipal prosecutor!
But that is mathematics of the goods:
I was after all condemned to twelve, -
Seven were taken from my life,
And five - given me back now!
For bread and water and freedom -
Thanks to our Soviet nation!
For the nights in the prison, the interrogations in the MUR -
Thanks to our municipal prosecutor!

I am not in love, I can love

Now I can tell you to go
I can suffice myself
Even I withstand you
I can be me who is new
I can find other loves
I can ignore you
Even if i was mistaken
I may be glad for this
I am not in love, but I can
I can love, i can
I can fall in love 50 percent possibility
I can fall in love, i can
I can do just spite for you
All the moment from now on i can love
I can believe, i can believe
To somebody else
I can be out of my mind
I can, i can
I can be abound reproducing
I can dive to a revel
I can perish ever
I can love crazily
All the days of me is another Laila*
I may be so upset
Doesn’t this heart belong to me?
I can throw it away to the roads
I can love like this
I can be left meaningless
If I became you converting
I would always disacourd to you

Palestine crown on the head

Palestinian crown on the head
In the eyes and hearts of our people
My love is now wounded
The face of her soul
Is protected by Allah SWT
No matter how relieved I feel
I put my hand on the Qur'an and say
Everyone of you gave a bad name
To the one God has said
I love you, I see my country in your eyes
I see your name engraved on the country's forehead
Your love is like faith
And every place is proud
Our homeland's name is high
Your land is like men shaking the mountains
Just to keep you
Win the soulmate
God gives us our evidence
In your beauty, they read the poems
A row
Of voices read it out
Nice and long
My country is free
Him and his gang
Come and join us
They said it
Oh beautiful
And this land is blessed by God
God blessed them
A Palestinian woman went out to her yard
The disbelievers with their hands to the oasis
The sound of wood heard us and called

I look like a kid

Only you have the gift of change my destiny
You only touch me with your eyes, I look like a kid
Lying in your lap, the world don't surprises me
I am a mature man, but in front of you
I am not more than a kid...
You have the light that illuminates our path
After you, I found out I am not alone anymore
You are the love the life gave me as a gift
I am a mature man, but in front of you
I look like a kid
You hug me and the sadness go away
The existent pain stays out of the door
We fight, but that happens
Soon the heart forget...
Because we love each other

Lady Oscar Ending (Arabic)

This girl has raised this way
Accepted the face of life this way,
Rosy… gloomy… she never confuses
Never… never hope she loses… Oscar
Her heart... its fear is severed
Her love... its silence is heard
Her nights… are full of secrets
Here she is... here she is… Lady Oscar

Let's Go My Darling

From Granada to Casablanca
I buried my imagination
A guitar and a gypsy sings
Sings about my Andalusia
When I arrive to Casablanca
You dance for me on the beach
With your black eyes my chiquita
And your enamored mouth
Enamored just like you
Enamored just like you
Enamored just like you
Like you, like you, nobody is like you ...
Let's go let's go
Darling let's go
Let's get happy and say 'Oh my goodness!'
Let's go let's go
Darling let's go
Let's get happy and say 'Oh my goodness!'
Let's keep going
Let's keep going
Let's keep going
Oh my torment, my torment, my torment
I tell him 'god willing'
Your eyes are beautiful
Your lips are a song
Your eyes are beautiful
Your lips are a song
Oh my torment, my torment, my torment
I tell him 'god willing'

Why is the Love Red

Before you came, I was content with just me
Never needed anyone else, to be able to breathe
Before you came, could hear what they said
But they were so far away to me
Now I find words I've never said
Now I want you to stay with me tonight
Why is the love red
Wherefrom does it get its glow
Bodies that meet each other
Everything I've ever needed
Nothing makes me turn
Want to be together with you
You who can make me feel
Live for you
Don't notice those who are outside and grey
Feels like everything is disappearing
Only you are here
'Cause since you came, you've made me understand
That I've waited for, waited for you
Now I find words I've never said
Now I want you to stay with me tonight
Why is the love red
Wherefrom does it get its glow
Bodies that meet each other
Everything I've ever needed
Nothing makes me turn
Want to be together with you
You who can make me feel
Live for you
Why is the love red
Wherefrom does it get its glow
Bodies that meet each other
Everything I've ever needed
Nothing makes me turn
Want to be together with you
You who can make me feel
Live for you