Резултати претраге страна 3
Број резултата: 138
Oproštaj nije usluga
I izvini je samo reč
Nećemo biti prijateljski raspoloženi posle
Uprkos onome što si čuo
Želela sam da budem dovoljno dobra za tebe
Dok nisam postala nedovoljno dobra za sebe
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Da li ću?
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Nemaš pravo da znaš
Nebitno kako se karte promešaju
Bitno je kako se njima igra
Tvoje laži nikada nisu bile suptilne
Kao da ja ne znam igru
Želela sam da budem dovoljno dobra za tebe
Dok nisam postala nedovoljno dobra za sebe
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Da li ću?
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Nemaš pravo da znaš
Oproštaj, on nije za tebe
Oproštaj je za mene
On je u planinama kojima sam se pela
I otisak koji ču ostaviti
Želela sam da budem dovoljno dobra za tebe
Dok nisam postala nedovoljno dobra za sebe
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Da li ću?
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
Nemaš pravo da znaš
Da li ću ti oprostiti?
oh, da li ću?
Nemaš pravo da znaš
Alone to Have Fun
Don't give a fuck who nurses a grievance
I'm used to my fucking business
Just go if you want
I don't need your company in my private space
I'm rebellious from the inside (Leave me alone)
I wanna drive away all shit on me (Leave me alone)
I kill my upsetness with unrestrainedness (Leave me alone)
Ecstacy is my most faithful friend
Alone to have fun, I don't need your supervision
Say goodbye to you, I gonna find a partner
Alone to have fun, I'm not adapted to this
Say goodbye to you, but I daren't do that
Altai Sayan Tandy-Uula
From ever-snowclad mountains
Flows my Ene-Sai river
From heavenly times
My ancestors were blessing you
I am praising these places...
No One Like Me
Versions: #1
So many lies that love hides
I don't know
So many secrets without being resolved
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
I was in a place where the loneliness (affected me)
Trying to heal this pain
And I never knew how to walk (with effort)
of being able to be who I always wanted to be
Even though I am without you
And I tried, I tried, tried, tried
To get into your heart
Your skin, I penetrated, making you my woman
But it didn't work
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Ljubav će pobijediti
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećeš
Sigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam da će ljubav pobijediti....
Kada sam pored tebe
Da je ova ljubav vječna
Sekunde će biti
Dragocjene možda,
Jer se svijet neprestano mijenja
Predala sam se tvojim poljubcima
Vratiću se u tvoj zagrljaj
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećeš
Sigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam daće ljubav pobijediti
Sanjam te,
U mojim danima si,
Uvijek razmišljam o tebi
Ući ćeš u moj život
Bićeš prvi
Koga ću slijepo pratiti
Predala sam se tvojim poljubcima
Vratiću se u tvoj zagrljaj
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećeš
Sigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam da će ljubav....pobijediti
Neće propasti
Dao si mi svoju ljubav,
Kao najljepši poklon(najljepši poklon)
Grliš me(grliš me)
Ostalo je još dosta
Ali ljubav koju mi pružaš će nas voditi(vodiće nas)
Sigurno će biti suza, vidjećeš
Sigurno će biti strahova sa kojim češ se suočiti,
Ali ako se budemo zajedno borili, ti i ja,
Znam da će ljubav pobijediti
Znam da je put naporan,
Sigurno će naša vjernost morati da prođe još testova
Sa tobom je lijepo koračati
Let’s be together
Hey beautiful girl, how are you
I’m focused on you
Will not let you go easily
Do you want be a friends?
Is your heart still empty?
Am I late, how I know?
Do you want be a friends?
Is your heart still empty?
Am I late, how I know?
Be careful, sir
I’ve seen a lot of people like you
Take your time
Our heart is the key to the mystery
It is expensive for you to open it
At your discretion
How do you open?
Our heart is the key to the mystery.
It is expensive for you to open it,
At your discretion,
How do you open?
I can open it easily, I need a way
That's the way a lover should be
One dream must be fulfilled, like a sun
Both hearts must be at the same time
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
The sun that landed on your eyebrows
A smile on your face
Thank you, God
Our feelings are a sweet fairy tale
Pampering is my passion
Let’s continue to be happy
Be patient with me
I will always be happy
Pamper me like this
You will be my man
I will be with you
I dedicate my song, I don’t want to go
Everything deserves our happiness
Let’s get rid of our loneliness
Let’s miss every morning
Let’s find each other by our side
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
Without looking at anyone else
Do not torture yourself in vain
Let’s be inseparable, let’s be together
Написао бих целу књигу о депресији, јебо те.
Научио сам како да се насмејем на силу.
Претворио бих се у малог колибрића
и непримећени нестају са видика. (x2)
Немам милионе, али сам свеједно богат.
На парапет јури упорна мачка.
Разочаран сам светом, свако је добар у свом,
Обришите имитације на лицу које стављате свима.
Био сам спреман да паднем у залив.
Све што су моје очи виделе, а ум није разумео, било је избрисано.
Блата је превише у овој мочвари, смирило се.
Не протествујем више против оних који издају праве мотиве.
Где иде мој град и где је унутрашња савест?
Није више оно што је говорила.
Брате, чекај, не лажи.
Барем не себи.
Закључај врата. (бла бла бла)
Кад смо извукли грабље, то је било наводно на боље, али ...
Пијане душе и димљена љубав.
Те игре са излуђују, не могу да изразим колико.
Исеци мозак, исеци нос.
Док искушења маме и мраз је (?).
Звери се госе скандалима.
Написао бих целу књигу о депресији, јебо те.
Научио сам како да се насмејем на силу.
Претворио бих се у малог колибрића
и непримећени нестају са видика. (x2)
(Погоди пацоном и кому либо там лечи, не надо басен асень)
Карактеристике силе су мере рупа направљених унутар земље, трула фабрика пуши.
Тонови демона и приметили су Цхуцк Норрисес-а
Колико оружја испод појаса?
Колико срања и поноса у једном пакету?
Али добро, идемо засукати рукаве.
А да видимо ко ће с ким ухватити.
Лудило храбрих се поштује, али то није наука.
Не и онима који паниче (у реду, не замерите).
Сад Петар окупља људе.
МииаГи завршава стих, заиста си пријатељ, буди добар.
У овом усраном свету оно што ме спашава је дечији осмех.
Смех блиског.
Бледе душе бледе и штавише упропашћују свет.
До краја још нисам разумео о чему се ради у овој нумери.
Ето, то је збрка и неред у мојој глави.
Близу Крима хеј не певај славуја.
Написао бих целу књигу о депресији, јебо те.
Научио сам како да се насмејем на силу.
Претворио бих се у малог колибрића
и непримећени нестају са видика. (x2)
They say that I am a clown
that I am dying for you
and you don't even pay me any attention,
they say I am a clown
because all of my fantasy
is to have you in my arms,
they say I am a clown
because of your love
I go from failure to failure,
they say I am a clown
that is looking for value
at the bottom of the stairs
and in reality I am a clown
but what can I do
if one does not want it
then it cannot be
They say that I am a clown
that I am dying for you
and you don't even pay me any attention,
they say that I am a clown
that follows you around
with a shattered soul
They say that I am a clown
that love laughs at me
you go wasting your time
they say that I am a clown
that I have no courage
to get tangled up in someone else's arms
and in reality I am a clown
but what can I do
if one does not want it
then it cannot be
it's true I am a clown
but what can I do
if one does not want it
then it cannot be
it's true I am a clown
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
in your life's failures this is the one that made you laugh the most,
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
it was a fake mask and crying i laughed,
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
I was a clown in your shadow and I never quit
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
Look at the new jester that works for you
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
lower the curtain in your life that someone else tried to raise
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
my mask my mask my clown mask I broke in a thousand pieces
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
and my performance in your life I did not want to follow anymore
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
but in the end the curtain fell and I left running
I was a clown to you and I was never happy,
they said I was your clown but that came to an end.
Ring, Little Bell, Ring
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Let me in, all you children,
The winter is so cold,
Open these doors for me,
Don't let me freeze!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Listen girls and boys,
Open your room for me,
I will bring you lots of gifts,
You might be happy with!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring!
The candles glow brightly,
Open your hearts to me.
I wish to dwell happily within them,
This Holy Child, so blessed!
Ring, little bell, ring-a-ling-a-ling,
Ring, little bell, ring.
I trust you
I trust you.
I believe in you.
And that’s enough
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I dream of you.
I have passion for you.
And that’s enough.
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I swear. I’ll die for you.
Believe it if you can.And what’s enough. What more could you want from me if I died for you? Could there really be something more? I don’t have any thing more than that. Could there really be something more? I don’t have anything more than that. I mean every sentence is ending with you. I trust you and that’s enough. I love you like no one ever loved or will ever love. I love you like no one ever loved or will ever love. And you think it’s no big deal. Nothing significant about it. I try but I can’t understand what got me so hung up on you. I write poetry for you. I write prose for you.
And what’s enough. I mean, what more could I write for you? Could there really be something more? I don’t have anything more than that. I mean every sentence is ending with you. You talk to me like a little child and you ignore me a lot. You talk to me like a little child and you ignore me a lot. If one morning would think to call me. Tell me what is getting me so hung up on you!
I trust you.
I believe in you.
And that’s enough
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I dream of you.
I have passion for you.
And that’s enough.
I mean, what more could
you want from me?
I swear. I’ll die for you.
Believe it if you can.And what’s enough. What more could you want from me if I died for you? Could there really be something more? I don’t have any thing more than that. Could there really be something more? I don’t have anything more than that.
I mean every sentences, talks and say are for you!
I Got Love
Versions: #1
Wrapped me, wrapped me.
You are like my type of marijuana.
The sky in diamonds - summer was flying.
You are my Baby - daughter of the carnival.
Moving baby! Princess score!
Night of changes - thoughts of Rastaman.
Until I was tired, the music played.
Somebody smoked - somebody stepped in!
It's a fool, fool Marra she manna.
I thought I was flying to warm edges.
Summer, sea, sand, but you are not enough for me.
Dancing on the floor - hands in the ceiling of the hall.
I will not return from where I fell again.
I miraculously woke away and took my sadness with it.
This is our life and it is always not enough.
I dance to the floor - hands to the ceiling of the hall.
Move everybody shake and let's go.
Move everybody my favorite show.
My head was shaking mercy giving me mannama.
Blavlav plan in navar's nalam.
Give us a shaft-shaped butterfly!
When will this day you squat!
About me, for love, for mother, for brother,
or else fate will bend the attack - attack!
A-TA-MAN... I am like A-TA-MAN...
It's hot, tango - I'm a miserable man, ruled by badmann.
Dance! So primitive!
Dance! So impulsive!
Dance! Daughter of the carnival.
There were not many of you on the dance floor.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love
We will curtain the windows, we will again be a princess and a despot.
We will not take your passion with our laurels, we will curalesim.
We will go free for years to come together.
There is nothing to fly around in a moment.
Then the rain drums - longing and sadness.
But you shine the light of goodness to freedom.
Hips moved in the dance.
You are my rumba, you are my samba.
You are my salsa, you are my tango.
Smoke is poured, Valumena speak.
In this embrace, fly with me.
Fly with me, fly with me.
Fly with me, fly with me.
Smoke is poured, Valumena speak.
In this embrace, fly with me.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love.
This is just a game can be probably.
Even your nudity.
Whoa, baby, I do not believe, fall into my hands, my beauty.
You and I Bezgi and so need,
Touched my soul your cute lambada.
To spin my ass, I'm shot down, no pity saba.
I burn with you like a schmaltz in pubs - give the heat.
I'm ready to make you all a loce,
Who knows how to make some noise (make some noise)
Heat until morning in the fog crowd.
But I only look at you, do you believe Ma?
And when the club starts to peck in the morning.
I will steal you as if Ozor Ros.
I'll smile in silence and say simply:
Come to me, Sun, unwind your braids.
Unwind the braids, unwind the braids.
Come to me, Sun, unspread the braids.
Spread the braids.
I got love а feel.
I got you my mind.
I got love my skill.
My la-la-la-love.
Wake up with someone who doesn't even know the name
I'm really tired of this everyday Wow yeah
Ah The figure that turns bright
Hey, it looks like a swallowtail butterfly
When you look at you who play in mischief
Desire pushes back
Baby Baby now, play with me
I don’t wanna waste my time
I want you baby
In the morning the world of the two becomes an illusion
Lady lady lady lady lady ×4
Sweet Candy
There is only one thing you want each other, right?
Even if I turn it into a tea
Ah, it’s a normal love
If you can't meet anymore
Take away both embarrassment and shyness
Into the fluttering chest
Baby Come and see me Baby unlock the key
I don’t wanna waste my time
I want you baby
Let your night be monopolized
Fun is coming
Lady lady lady lady lady ×4
Sweet Candy
'Hello, how are you?
I really enjoyed this time
Thank you very much!
I wanted to hear your voice today
I tried to call
It would be nice if we could meet again alone
Please feel free to contact me if you like
I'm waiting ♡''
Kisela bombona
Ki-kisela bombona
(Ki-kisela bombona)
Ja sam kisela bombona, tako slatka a onda postanem malo besna, da
Kisela bombona, da, da, da, da, da
Ja sam super psiho, izluđujem te kada smanjim svetla
Kisela bombona, da, da, da, da
Traži od mene da budem fina i onda ću biti ekstra zla
Postidećeš se zbog neočekivanog pogleda
Onaj koji me obmotao
Idealnim rečima si ti, ti
Ako želiš da me popraviš, onda hajde da raskinemo ovde i sada
Držiš distancu samo zbog mog pogleda
Kada otkrijem skrivene stvari, vrištaćeš
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Tvrda sam spolja, ali ako mi daš vremena
Onda mogu da nađem vremena za tvoju ljubav
Tvrda sam spolja, ali ako pogledaš unutra, unutra, unutra
Možda sam sjebana, ali znam šta je ljubav
Hoćeš pravi griz, ali barem nisam fejk
Dođi, dođi i odmotaj me
Dođi, dođi i odmotaj me
Pokažaću ti šta sam ja
Zatvori oči, nemoj da viriš
Sada se skidam
Odmotaj kiselu bombonu
Dođi, dođi i odmotaj me
Dođi, dođi i odmotaj me
Hajde, kisela bombona
Tvrda sam spolja, ali ako mi daš vremena
Onda mogu da nađem vremena za tvoju ljubav
Tvrda sam spolja, ali ako pogledaš unutra, unutra, unutra
Ja sam kisela bombona, tako slatka a onda postanem malo besna, da
Kisela bombona, da, da, da, da, da
Ja sam super psiho, izluđujem te kada smanjim svetla
Kisela bombona, da, da, da, da
Uzmi griz, uzmi griz
Ki-kisela bombona
Uzmi griz, uzmi griz
Ki-kisela bombona
Uzmi griz, uzmi griz
Ki-kisela bombona
Uzmi griz, uzmi griz
Ki-kisela bombona
I’m a Popping Candy
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a vigorous, energetic and colorful
popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
a popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
dream of a popping candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing,
bouncing candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng baleng baleng bengbeng (~jump, jump~)
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng baleng baleng bengbeng (~jump, jump~)
Get bitten by my cuteness the soul will experience weightlessness
Who baleng balengba baleng baleng has softened your bones with sweetness.
Maliang dipped his brush into the rainbow and drew a picture of me
Run to give you a hug just like the unstoppable wind.
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a vigorous, energetic and colorful
popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
a popping candy!
(A candy) A candy, a candy, a candy, a candy,
a candy, a candy, a candy,
dream of a popping candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing,
bouncing candy!
A bouncing, bouncing, bouncing
Beng baleng beng baleng beng baleng baleng bengbeng
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng baleng baleng bengbeng
Get bitten by your tenderness my soul gets out of control
Who baleng balengba baleng baleng has poured some honey on my face.
Maliang dipped his brush into the rainbow and drew a picture of me
twining around a tree like a strong grape.
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
Beng baleng balengba baleng baleng hello!
I'm a a a a a ...
I'm a candy!
Popping candy!
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a candy! (what candy?)
I'm a vigorous, energetic and colorful
popping candy!
No Te Veo
Versions: #1
Oe Oe
Oe Oe
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You came to the club on your own
you drive the dancefloor out of control
there’s no other girl who can move like you do
my heart is breaking
You came to the club on your own
you drive the dancefloor out of control
there’s no other girl who can move like you do
my heart is breaking
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
baby girl
quiero tenerte a solas
y navegarte toda
baby girl
you look so fine my loba
I want to have you to myself
and explore you all
let it go
vamo' a bailarlo slow ma'
que esta noche es de nosotros dos
here we go
let yourself go with the flow
let’s dance slowly babe
because tonight belongs to the two of us
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
a few drinks got us drunk, we were lost, we forgot
and we never found to each other again
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
You leave without saying a word
what’s going on, I can’t see you anymore (I can’t see you anymore)
Sweet candy
The south wind goes through the summer town
This summer I didn't do anything
I walk by the town in the afternoon, with a faster pace than usual
The neck of my gingham shirt is refreshing in the wind
Listening the sound of the roadside trees swinging in the wind
Suddenly I look to the sky and there's a white crescent moon
I remember the sky we saw together that day
I'm still not used to the town where I walk alone
The south wind goes through the summer town
I hope this summer ends
Frolic children in front of a theater
Wave their hands while they look at me
In the twilight dying the honey colored sky
I hope I don't see that white moon
I walked by many towns wanting to forget
I want to go immediately to see the blue sea somewhere
The south wind goes through the summer town
This summer I didn't do anything
The blue sky feels so good on a summer day
Tomorrow will have something good. I want to believe in the wind
I remember the sky we saw together that day
I'm still not used to the town where I walk alone
The south wind goes through the summer town
I hope this summer ends
The blue sky feels so good on a summer day
Tomorrow will have something good. I felt like it
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Emotionally restricted
Raindrops float down onto the street,with The roof of my car half open,
The water drenches my heart.
Speeding along by myself and recalling past times,I can’t seem to drive away my worries.
In the past I never cherished
Your hidden infatuation,
Often causing you to shed tears alone,
And made the path to love extremely rugged.
Now you have gone with him,
Your heart has already been stolen.
I,now lonely,can only sigh and sob.
I’m riding the express bus,chasing after you in the rain,
Wishing to stop the bus just to meet with you.
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
Streetlights shine upon the front of the car,
And windows that are covered with raindrops.
Just like my melancholic heart,
Full of bitter tears.
Inside the train carriage my mind,
Seems even more empty.
For several nights I haven’t been able to sleep,
feelings of bitter remorse fill my heart as if I am guilty of a crime.
Your past self has disappeared,
My heart feels like cold water,
Now I can only sigh and sob.
I wish you could know of my emptiness,
If only I could meet with you once again,
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
Now you have gone with him,
Your heart has already been stolen.
I,now lonely,can only sigh and sob.
I’m riding the express bus,chasing after you in the rain,
Wishing to stop the bus just to meet with you.
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
I wish you could know of my emptiness,
If only I could meet with you once again,
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
I’m riding the express bus,chasing after you in the rain,
Wishing to stop the bus just to meet with you.
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
I wish you could know of my emptiness,
If only I could meet with you once again,
But I know, your heart,
It's the forbidden zone of feelings.
Candy Cane
Your twinkling eyes resemble this street today
My heart is excited like a first kiss oh oh
Strangely, I couldn’t wait this year
And this year, the greatest Christmas present
I received was you
Sweeter than a candy cane
When you touch my lips
Hotter than a summer day
When you hold me
Feels like I could melt
The deeper the night grows, just like the building snow
The deeper our hearts get, we get even sweeter
Sweeter than a candy cane
Your voice next to me is like a carol
Sing it for me every day, alright alright
All the stars in the sky fall here
Dazzling decorations, we’re shining even brighter
Sweeter than a candy cane
When you touch my lips
Hotter than a summer day
When you hold me
Feels like I could melt
The deeper the night grows, just like the building snow
The deeper our hearts get, we get even sweeter
Sweeter than a candy cane
(Woo) Your love is brighter
Than a Christmas day
(Woo) Your love is brighter
And warmer and sweeter
What other words are needed?
Instead of saying you love me, just kiss me
Instead of presents, just stay by my side
Deeper than a winter night
If we never forget this moment
Every day will be like this one
Sweeter than anything
Sweeter than a candy cane
When you touch my lips
Hotter than a summer day
When you hold me
Feels like I could melt
The deeper the night grows, just like the building snow
The deeper our hearts get, we get even sweeter
Sweeter than a candy cane
Sweeter than a candy cane
Hotter than a summer day
Sweeter than a candy cane
Sweeter than a candy cane
They shouldn't lie to you
They should'nt tell you that I have nothing
Maybe that I cannot do without you
They shouldn't lie to you that they will give you whatever you desire
Where will they find your happiness?
Because bad people aren't from far
Your neighbor would like you to starve
They wouldn't like to see your love flag wave
They wouldn't care for you when stress, make you lose your appetite
They will throw you away
You said you want a car
And I have agreed to toil
Let's eat ugali and seeds, tomorrow will be okay
Love bear with me
If you leave me it'll be dangerous
and you will give me an accident suicide
I haven't we come thus far
I am used to you and my heart cant go on (heart, heart)
You are controlling my heart (heart, heart)
Close your eyes and ears, close (heart, heart)
Don't hear them, don't see them (my heart)
Is stack up with you, my heart (heart, heart)
Auuu, uuh (heart, heart)
Don't see them either!
Mistakes are tests don't hurt my heart giving it bruises
Pain punishes me just because love happiness is taken
In a mistake punish me for I am human, one day I will be wrong
I won't try leaving you, where will I go while I am dead over you
But don't be like a cane, so you be like chisel
That you fail to understand my pains
You said you want a car
And I have agreed to toil
Let's eat ugali and seeds, tomorrow will be okay
Love bear with me
If you leave me it'll be dangerous
and you will give me an accident suicide
I haven't we come thus far
I am used to you and my heart cant go on (heart, heart)
You are controlling my heart (heart, heart)
Close your eyes and ears, close (heart, heart)
Don't hear them, don't see them (my heart)
Is stack up with you, my heart (heart, heart)
Auuu, uuh (heart, heart)
Don't see them either!
My heart...
My heart!
Haaah, ah my heart...
(Heart, heart) my own heart
(Heart, heart) close your eyes, yeah yeah
(Heart, heart) oh baby, eeh eeh
(Heart, heart) close your eyes...
Ah, close your eyes...
Heeeei, close your eyes
The African princess!
Eye candy
Versions: #2
Girl your my eye candy
Just looking at you, makes my eyes sweet
My eye candy
Just by looking at you
My heart gets sweet
Oh baby I wanna bite you, I wanna love you
Your my sweet candy
Oh baby I wanna bite you
I miss you like crazy
Your face is cute
But your body is sexy
Your short but your proportions are
Good so perfect
Your voice is so cute
When you call my name, I melt
Like ice cream
Your voice wakes me up
Your sweet lips
I’m so happy it’s mine
Your loving eyes drive me crazy, my baby
Girl your my eye candy
Just looking at you
Makes my eyes sweet
My eye candy
Oh baby I wanna bite you
I wanna love you
Your my sweet candy
Oh baby I wanna bite you
I miss you like crazy
When you hug me from the back, feels like I have the whole world
(Baby you rock my world)
When I hold your baby like hands
I wanna go somewhere
Your voice wakes me up
Your sweet lips
I’m so happy it’s mine
Your loving eyes
Drive me crazy my baby
Girl your my eye candy
Just looking at you
Makes my eyes sweet
My eye candy
Just looking at you
My heart gets sweet
Oh baby I wanna bite you, I wanna love you
Your my sweet candy
Oh baby I wanna bite you
I miss you like crazy
I wanna kiss you my babe
24/7 my baby all day
I wanna kiss you my babe
Sweet babe sweet babe
Baby your my eye candy
Till we meet again Claire
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
We'd holiday twice more on the blue sea
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
Everything looks different, for long you've been home
The other one here
May not know how wonderful
Our hours were
In the summer wind
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
I wouldn't let you go anymore, as it was far too beautiful
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
But I want that time back with you
If the other one loves you
Why did he let you go? (Why did he let you go?)
That you're still holding on to him
I'll never understand, never understand
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
Indeed, I'd risk a fight for you
That was for me
No fleeting love
This dream of a summer night
Doesn't go away
Till we meet again, Claire - if it were summer again
We'd holiday twice more on the blue sea
Till we meet again, Claire - it's not summer anymore
But I wish it were summer again
Love Story
How difficult it is
drying love's insatiable source
telling the story of a moment's pleasure
laughing joyfully every time the heart feels
a great pain.
How wonderful it is
that after the summer's rain, the sun appears,
and the pavement acquires the brilliance of patent leather
also your smile giving me back the fantasy
the one yesterday I lost.
How wonderful it is
feeling my heart
beating like that, filled with emotion
being able to hear your sweet voice
kissing you with passion and caressing you
and not losing even a moment
of being your great love.
How beautiful it is
you're with me at the dawning of the day
being able to unite the sweet hours of our love
[the love] which has shaken my heart nights and days
uniting the sweet hours of our love
[the love] which has shaken my heart nights and days...
Long live Tears
Where did this come from?
I don’t know these days
Recently you forgot this habit of love
It’s been a while, huh
(Everybody come on)
Life for us is, five minute self-reflections
If you take off that ultra-aggressive jewel
It looks good alone
Hey, mama mia, baby!
Each lost sight of
The far distant fireworks
Every time I see a dream
It hurts my heart somehow
(Everybody come on)
Don’t have any worries?
From now take Mon Amour
Don’t ever go back, hit the accelerator
You’re not a child
Once in a while, you don’t need to stop the rampaging tears
Watch the stars flow, it’s simple, you’re still the same person
Long live tears, it’s not good if you stop yourself
It’s not a waste
Don’t stop, I like you now
Tears, tears, that’s right
These tears, don’t you trust me?
Seven fall, eight happened
Together let’s go! Let’s be the best
Tears, tears, goodbye!
However conveinient, civilization is risky
So let’s go jump off an electric train
I’m always worried about children in miniskirts
So let’s go meet without a phone
The moment I found sleep always brings me to tears
With no one next to me, it was lonely, I always cried
At that time, I just talked more, fumbling in my need to approach
I can’t go back, I just want a hug
I want my heart to pound
Once in a while, you don’t need to stop the rampaging tears
Watch the stars flow, it’s simple, you’re still the same person
Long live tears, it’s not good if you stop yourself
It’s not a waste
Don’t stop, I like you now
Tears, tears, that’s right
These tears, don’t you trust me?
Seven fall, eight happened
Together let’s go! Let’s be the best
Tears, tears, goodbye!
However convenient, the stars are unknown
So let’s go jump off an electric train
I’m always worried about children in miniskirts
So let’s go meet without a phone
Poslednja šansa
Oprosti mi što nisam
Znao da pružim ti sve
Priznajem da je greška bila
Živeći na moj način (živeći na moj način)
Priznajem da sam ovog puta
Taj koji je kriv
Možda nisam dorastao
Ovom vremenu (dorastao)
Shvatio sam da je ovo naše
Ludost bila
Pokušavam da zaboravim
Te trenutke koji su me osudili
Krivim za ukradenu tvoju večnu ljubav
Koju si čuvala u svojim grudima
Iako znam da se sve okončalo
Pomozi mi da zaboravim prošlost
Nema veće boli od onoga što se neželjeno čini
Nema veće štete kada je kasno i kaješ se
Poznajem te i boli me oproštaj
Samo te molim za još jednu šansu
Jednu i ništa više
Pokušaću da povratim izgubljeno
Iako ponekad istina boli, nema smisla
Obećala si da će ova bol brzo prestati
Osećam da će ostati do kraja mojih dana
Shvatio sam da je ovo naše
Ludost bila
Pokušavam da zaboravim
Te trenutke koji su me osudili
Krivim za ukradenu tvoju večnu ljubav
Koju si čuvala u svojim grudima
Iako znam da se sve okončalo
Pomozi mi da zaboravim prošlost
Nema veće boli od onoga što se neželjeno čini
Nema veće štete kada je kasno i kaješ se
Poznajem te i boli me oproštaj
Samo te molim za još jednu šansu
Jednu i ništa više
Nema veće boli od onoga što se neželjeno čini
Nema veće štete kada je kasno i kaješ se
Poznajem te i boli me oproštaj
Samo te molim za još jednu šansu
Jednu i ništa više
Oprosti mi što nisam
Znao da pružim ti sve
Priznajem da je greška bila
Živeći na moj način
I Just Need To Be
I don't need to teach
I don't need to preach
I don't need to explain myself
I am not here to set an example
Or looking for a cuddle
I don't need to stand my ground
Not even persuade you
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I don't need to exaggerate
To prove to you that it isn't a scene
I don't need to open my legs
To show you that I'm worth it
I don't need much money
Nor am I being held hostage by my mirror
I am not looking for attention
Nor your approval
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I just need to be
Just need to be, just need to be
I just need to be
I just need to be
I just need to be
I don't need to justify myself
But I can't keep my mouth shut
I just need to be
I just need to be
Sensual Inspiration
Between you and I, this feeling has always existed
This sensation that says we both want us
We let off steam alone
Tell me where to go, I'll be there
You know well that you prefer me
And you make me lose control
[Randy & Farruko]
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
I want you to devour me, without conditions
Have you all to myself
Make you delirious
That you desire, when I'm inside you
And don't be afraid of what I make you feel
That you're touching the sky when I make you come
But don't fall in love, don't make illusions either, it's easier this way
When you get hot, just call me if you want to repeat it
I know what you're feeling
And that it's consuming you
And now you don't hold back your desires
And you want me to turn you on in calls
We're both crazy for doing it
[Randy & Farruko]
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
What do I have to do to see you?
So you can understand that I want to eat you
That it's you....that makes me hot
And it's you....that increases my desire
Tell me where to go, I'll be there
You know well that you prefer me
And you make me lose control
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
[Jowell, Randy & Farruko]
Son Jowell & Randy
Farruko (Farru)
Oye ma' Viva La Music
Dayme & El High
Via La Music
Ronald El Killa
Kapital Music
DJ Sogg
Nota Loca
Sexual Inspiration, baby
Casablanca dandy
The cheek of a naughty woman
You slap once, twice
If you smoke turning your back
There's nothing left to say with that
On a happy moment, a piano melody
You pretend not to hear with your painful face
Men and women wandering like this
Played a pantomime
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering
While being sad, you give a cold kiss
To the mouths of women who talk too much
You take down the back zippers
You have nothing else to do
Even if you pick only the memories
Living tomorrow, you can't help your dreams
Men and women o purpose
Were continuing a painful drama
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
You showed with style men's grinning and bearing
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
You showed with style men's grinning and bearing
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Blooming upon reaching the ground
Flying nobly from the dust and lying down,
Even if there is no one to save me, there is sand for me to grasp a handful of.
I had once so valiantly fallen in love with him.
Even fleeing and ending up in a muddy patch of ground,I am graceful all the same.
Is it that below the hem of my skirt, he's not there and there is only the earth? Even if I collapse,
By having my tears thrown at him, having my forehead rammed towards him, there will be a blooming,all the same.
Is wholehearted devotion too wasteful? I'll forget him right where I am. Even mud can sustain the growth and flourishment of a multitude of luxuriant flowers.
The ground is covered in blood and sweat. I'll climb upward without losing confidence.
Who wants to hang on a cliff for him?
Even if the rope does not break,I will severe it with scissors.
Undoubtedly, by falling down, my heart will shatter, blooming immediately upon reaching the ground.
Even having been cast aside is not scary. What is scary is that nothing blooms out of the mud.
Who said that without him,I can only let snowflakes cover up the entire world?
By having me throw myself a celebration,the night can also flourish with a plethora of lanterns lighting up the trees as well as golden fireworks.
Regardless of whether or not he is present during the holiday, at home, I can tell two or three celebratory fairy tales by myself.
While embracing friends, let us raise our cups, drink to our hearts' content, and party!
Flying nobly from the dust and lying down,
Even if there is no one to save me, there is sand for me to grasp a handful of.
I had once so valiantly fallen in love with him.
Even fleeing and ending up in a muddy patch of ground,I am graceful all the same.
Who told him to be like garbage and get incinerated in my hands?
Black Dark Eyes
Your black dark eyes look at me
So warm that they could melt my heart
My beloved, my dearest design
I am overcome, unable to say so
With a twinkling gaze in your eyes
Let us both have faith in our hearts
A festival of laughter in this world
Believing blessings will come to us
In your dark brown eyes
My unstable love is boiling over
I thought I knew of the truth
That others openly tried to say
That fervent look in our eyes
Let us join our fates together
In this weeping and singing world
Knowing how to live and love together
A precious and vulnerable view
Both of us face to face, and eye to eye
Such a thing never to be found again
In this world counting on one another
We have seen our endearing visages
Let us join our favored fates together
A comfort in the hardships of the world
A soothing love to dissolve them for both of us
That fervent look in our eyes
Let us join our fates together
In this weeping and singing world
Knowing how to live and love together
A festival of laughter in this world
Believing blessings will come to us
I ain't got an excuse for everything
But I'm not the type who fusses over appearance either
But there's something I want...
A time almost like a dream
That's what I sent for, you & me, our order
Therefore, I entrust you with my body
I don't want a liar who's like an a tempting mirage
There's only one truth
But as I see you shaking in front of me
I'm no so sure what I believe
No, no I'm not easy
No, no I'm not easy
What's wrong with you?
No, no I'm not about money
No, no I'm not about money
I'm not like those cheap women
I ain't got an excuse for everything
But I'm not the type who fusses over appearance either
But there's something I want...
A time almost like a dream
That's what I sent for, you & me, our order
Therefore, I entrust you with my body
La La La La La (Stand up!) Spit it out
Open Pandora's box overflowing with Love
La La La (Stand up!) This is happiness
Your mascara runs when you're wet undercover
I'll be the way I want it to be
So if you understand
Come closer to my body
Slow start from the bottom baby, work your way up
No, no I'm not easy
No, no I'm not easy
But my heart says it wants you
No, no I'm not about money
No, no I'm not about money
It's the way of my heart, Oh Say my name
I ain't got an excuse for everything
As the warmth of your hand fades
I desire for your heart
A time almost like a dream
That's what I sent for, you & me, our order
Therefore, I entrust you with my body
Ye un, this be a dance of passion
Eden is in the depths of the heart, Panorama's box turns 360 degrees
Eat everyting, cuz below your eyes
Is a skyscraper, snatch & run, its my microphone day
Hey Hoox if you ain't ain't there (there)
Dandiki dandiki dikidan dan
Erotics pass the S curve, hold me in your arms and go
Up & Down,Up & Down
I ain't got an excuse for everything
But I'm not the type who fusses over appearance either
But there's something I want...
A time almost like a dream
That's what I sent for, you & me, our order
Therefore, I entrust you with my body
I ain't got an excuse for everything
The warmth of your hand
Yo My flow echoes through your ear
Hardoore-Dandy un of the evening night
A time almost like a dream
That's what I sent for, you & me
Yo sexy-queen & Mr.Blistah
On & on & on & on
One two, gold, silver, treasure
It's all empty on the inside
Hold up! Your thickheaded thoughts
Are an eternal maze, a puzzle (hoo)
Come on let's start the Party
We don't need any words do we? Candy
Oh the truth is here
Gushing from this fountain in the night
To Put Mylsef Back Together
You know, love
I went with no corners towards you
Voiceless, rudderless, all heart
I don't even know where we get ourselves lost
Or where we hide from our good
On the night I was Ascending through the heavens,
I was attracted to that.
It happened just when the curtain was opened.
Do you always dream when you sleep?
Am I hearing this right?
Come closer,
Obey one's instincts.
Through the flock of sheep I
Take a side glance at the moon.
Dreaming away every night without hesitation.
Dancing in a unfamilliar place in the morning.
The feeling I always wished for was the same as yours always.
Because I love you so much.
Without knowing myself
I wished for the moment.
Who are you?
Who am I?
What for?
I don't dream at night.
Why do I exist?
I dream all day.
What did you do that for?
What's that for?
I dream for a living.
What am I living for?
On that night I fell into a dream.
I was attracted to that.
It happened just when the curtain was falling.
Do you always dream when you sleep?
Am I hearing this right?
Come closer,
Obey one's instincts.
Understand the difference between fate.
Take a side glance at the Zeus.
Just a little longer.
Keep baby at one's side.
Always dancing.
Of surroundings, to be completely dark.
Without knowing the weird dream you see every night.
Dancing in an unfamilliar place in the morning.
The feeling I always wished for was the same as yours always.
Because I love you so much.
The feeling I always wished for was the same as yours always.
Because I love you so much.