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Број резултата: 53


Da li ste ikada videli kišu?

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Neko mi je davno rekao
Zatišje je pred oluju,
Dolazi već neko vreme.
Kad se završi, tako kažu,
Padaće kiša po sunčanom danu,
Sjaji kao voda.
Hoću da znam,
Da li ste ikada videli kišu?
Hoću da znam,
Da li ste ikada videli kišu
Koja pada po sunčanom danu?
Juče, i danima pre,
Sunce je hladno i kiša jaka,
Tako je bilo sve moje vreme.
U nepovrat ide
U krug, brzo i sporo,
Može li prestati, pitam se.
Hoću da znam,
Da li ste ikada videli kišu?
Hoću da znam,
Da li ste ikada videli kišu
Koja pada po sunčanom danu?
Hoću da znam,
Da li ste ikada videli kišu?
Hoću da znam,
Da li ste ikada videli kišu
Koja pada po sunčanom danu?

Zloslutni mesec

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Vidim zloslutni mesec kako izlazi.
Vidim nevolje na putu
Vidim zemljotrese i munje.
Vidim dolaze loša vremena.
Ne muvaj se okolo noćas,
Jer rešeni su da ti uzmu život,
Zloslutni mesec se diže
Čujem uragane kako duvaju.
Znam da će skoro kraj.
Bojim se reka koje bujaju.
Čujem glas besa i propasti.
U redu!
Nadam se da si skupio svoje prnje.
Nadam se da si spreman da 'mreš.
Izgleda da nas čeka gadno vreme.
Oko za oko ,zub za zub

Доле на углу

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Рано увече баш у време вечере,
Преко код суднице, почињу се опуштати.
Четворо деце на углу покушавају те подићи.
Вили бира мелодију и свира је на харфи.
Доле на углу, напољу на улици
Вили и Сиромашни свирају
Донеси новчић, куцни петама
Петао удара по дасци за прање и људи се смеју,
Блинки, удара по канти и солира неко време.
Сиромашни удара ритам на свом каламазу
Вили почиње плесати и пратити на окарини.
Доле на углу, напољу на улици
Вили и Сиромашни свирају
Донеси новчић, куцни петама
Доле на углу, напољу на улици
Вили и Сиромашни свирају
Донеси новчић, куцни петама
Не треба ти ни пени само да би се мотао уоколо,
Али ако имате паре, зар нећете уложити свој новац?
На углу је весела бука.
Људи долазе са свих страна да гледају чаробног дечака.
Доле на углу, напољу на улици
Вили и Сиромашни свирају
Донеси новчић, куцни петама
Доле на углу, напољу на улици
Вили и Сиромашни свирају
Донеси новчић, куцни петама
Доле на углу, напољу на улици
Вили и Сиромашни свирају
Донеси новчић, куцни петама

Where is the Love?

Where's the love that keeps you up at night? Oh
For how long will I keep looking for it
I spend hours thinking
Did I grow old or has my time passed?
Or are my feelings used up or did my heart die?
Always content with my fate
Patient since I was a kid
Opened my eyes to see loneliness, yeah
My life turned into a monologue
For people I couldn't find a catalogue
The flower of youth is full of thorns
The sea of my sorrows is all waves
The truth is
The poem needed a pen
I dealt with sick minds
Deceit is an obligation in their faith
And the heart is wounded
Feelings wilting like it's autumn
Praise doesn't affect me and neither does slander
And painkillers don't stop the bleeding
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Where's the love that keeps you up at night? Oh
For how long will I keep looking for it
I spend hours thinking
Did I grow old or has my time passed?
Or are my feelings used up or did my heart die?
In conflict and loneliness
Night and day
Disease with no vaccine
A boat without sail
Where's the love? Tell him I'm looking for him*
Where's the end to this labyrinth
If he had called I would have answered
Life brought us and life sent us
In a moment it shook us, and in a second it made us wise
If your feelings were genuine they would have interested us
We stopped loving those who kill us
I refused to leave myself to drugs
I refused to give my energy to fakes
I sobered up and knew why I couldn't find an answer
Because I was only asking liars
Where's the love that keeps you up at night? Oh
For how long will I keep looking for it
I spend hours thinking
Did I grow old or has my time passed?
Or are my feelings used up or did my heart die?


A new year and you're still fixed in my mind like the Mona Lisa
Good morning
Had no sleep since yesterday
All night staring at the sky
Sounds cliche, I know
But really
A year that smells like money
Smells like alcohol, smells like lessons
It went fine, I'm not in jail
Thank God
As long as I never sleep hungry
Someone else in my place would've gone crazy
Content with my fate and not sad
I am blessed
No time to waste
No fakes here
And any fakes I will sell out
And on God
All is on God
Tomorrow and the day after aren't in my hands
Homie leave it to god
Bro Subhanallah 1
No blessings were forced
No love is forced
Baby I'm a star
There's no sleep
There's a bank account
that I want to fill with zeros
My mind is spot-on
Please don't kill my vibe
I don't want you on sight
Bitch I'm in the zone
Leave the past behind
Wanna give me runarounds
Go date Sindbad 2
I don't see you in my future I won't lie
Envy me all you want
You won't get under my skin
I feel like I'm the best one who ever did it (yeah, yeah, yeah)
A new year and you're still fixed in my mind like the Mona Lisa
Good morning
Had no sleep since yesterday
All night staring at the sky
Sounds cliche, I know
But really
A year that smells like money
Smells like alcohol, smells like lessons
It went fine, I'm not in jail
Thank God
As long as I never sleep hungry
Someone else in my place would've gone crazy
Content with my fate and not sad
I am blessed
No time to waste
No fakes here
And any fakes I will sell out
And on God
All is on God
We stepped up the game
You wish you were one of us
To walk with us in the street
Don't expect much
You will get attached like an ornament
I'm the one
She know I'm the one
I made a wave
And they want to ride it
Homie wake up
Look and know who's driving
A street was named after me when I died
That's not a delusion that's the ambition
I have positive energy
I have many harmful friends
Not from Egypt I'm from Alexandria
This year I will take it
Good morning
A new year and you're still fixed in my mind like the Mona Lisa
Good morning
Had no sleep since yesterday
All night staring at the sky
Sounds cliche, I know
But really
A year that smells like money
Smells like alcohol, smells like lessons
It went fine, I'm not in jail
Thank God
As long as I never sleep hungry
Someone else in my place would've gone crazy
Content with my fate and not sad
I am blessed
No time to waste
No fakes here
And any fakes I will sell out
And on God
  • 1. An expression used by Muslims to express praise, gratitude, or relief. Literally meaning 'all praise be to God'
  • 2. Sinbad the Sailor is a fictional mariner and the hero of a story-cycle of Middle Eastern origin.

Love is What I Hope for

Why does Earth revolve
around an endless wound?
Why does a light whimper in the darkness?
Don't ask me what is it with it.
Despite its rejection
And despite its torment
I am in love with love and I won't
I won't repent from loving it
I am not scared
I am not scared
As long as you are mine, my dear
as long as your eyes are my world
as long as your love is the breeze I breathe
and your hands are my sky
I am not one to complain
nor am I rebel
For love is my grove
And affection is my home
I never leave myself to despair
for love is what I hope for
He who truly lives life is not
simply like a bunch of passing clouds
Instead, he loves and doesn't
fear the possibility of a broken heart
Your eyes are my home
And I migrate to you
We write so many lines
And so many lines get erased when it comes to love
I am not scared
I am not scared
As long as you are mine, my dear
as long as your eyes are my world
as long as your love is the breeze I breathe
and your hands are my sky
I am not one to complain
nor am I rebel
For love is my grove
And affection is my home
I never leave myself to despair
for love is what I hope for

Left and went away

You went away and left me alone
And your love inside my soul remains
How can I forget
The honey days that I spent
Your beauty lets my mind
Thinking of you whole night
I miss you so much
Oh, God’s help me
Your absence burns me
And my wounds doesn't heal
Don't hard on my heart
Don't give me false hopes
You are my eyes, you are my looks
You are my soul in your presence and absence
I'm under your command
I'm yours forever
If I wasn't on your thoughts
I will keep you always in my soul
I will sing our beautiful songs
And I will remember our beautiful memories
And if your shadow comes back to me
My tears will fall like rain
You are my present, you are my past
I'm yours forever

Ponosna Meri

Ostavio dobar posao u gradu
Radio za gazdu ceo dan i noć
I nikada nisam izgubio ni minut sna
Brinući za stvari kakve bi mogle biti
Veliki točak se vrti
Ponosna Meri pali
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Oprao sam puno tanjira u Memfisu
Oribao puno okna u Nju Orleansu
Ali nikada nisam video dobru stranu grada
Dok se nisam provozao u kraljici rečnih čamaca
Veliki točak se vrti
Ponosna Meri pali
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Ako svratiš do reke
Sigurno ćeš naći ljude koje žive
Ne moraš da brineš zato što nemaš novca
Ljudi na reci će biti srećni da ti ga daju
Veliki točak se vrti
Ponosna Meri pali
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci
Kotrlja, kotrlja, kotrlja se po reci

Slatki Štoperu

Vozio sam se duž autoputa
Žario i palio okolinom
Mislio da sam đavoljeva vrućina
Šta si to umislio u tvojoj ludoj glavi?
Nešto mi je odvuklo pažnju, stajalo je pored puta
Smejala se tamo, žuto u njenoj kosi
Da li želiš, mislio, da li bi htela
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Krstario sam kroz raskrsnicu
Leteo sam brzinom zvuka
Primetio čudnu situaciju
Nema roler kostera dole
Okrenuo sam se da je vidim
Vau! zapazila me je
Ali ja sam projurio, išao prebrzo
Da le želiš, mislila je, da li će izdržati?
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Uhvatili su me na autoputu
Ja sam najtužnija budala koja vozi
Pitam se da li bi išla mojim putem
Zar nećeš provozati mladog momka?
Da, evo je ide, vozi
Gospode, leti visoko
Ona je protutnjala, išla prebrzo
Da li želiš, mislila je, da li ću izdržati
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?
Slatki Štoperu
Mogli smo praviti muziku u Grizi Kingu
Slatki Štoperu
Zar se nećeš voziti na mojoj brzoj mašini?

Martyr's mother

O, Mother of martyr! Your son is a hero
Be proud of him and tell
About his sacrifices for his land
Don't ever cry
O, Mother of martyr! Your son is a hero
Be proud of him and tell
About his sacrifices for his land
Don't ever cry
You raised him the best way
You taught him the meaning of sacrifice
There is nothing like (losing) a son
But you are enduring and believing
In divine wisdom
Because you are sure
That he is now in a better place1
You raised him the best way
You taught him the meaning of sacrifice
There is nothing like (losing) a son
But you are enduring and believing
In divine wisdom
Because you are sure
That he is now in a better place1
O, Mom! Don't grieve
He must be now in paradise
With angels. So, reassure yourself
He must be hearing us
O, Mom! Don't grieve
He must be now in paradise
With angels. So, reassure yourself
He must be hearing us
You raised him the best way
You taught him the meaning of sacrifice
There is nothing like (losing) a son
But you are enduring and believing
In divine wisdom
Because you are sure
That he is now in a better place1
You raised him the best way
You taught him the meaning of sacrifice
There is nothing like (losing) a son
But you are enduring and believing
In divine wisdom
Because you are sure
That he is now in a better place1
  • a reference is made here to Quran chapter 3 verse 169 'And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision'

Bound To Heaven

Bound to Heaven
Surely [he is] Bound to Heaven 1
A person who is a servant of God
Recites the creed of the Prophet (ﷺ)23
Love the Saint of God (ﷷ ﷵ)4
The one who prostrates before God
Believes in the Chosen One (ﷺ)2
Kisses the House of God
Has faith in the Lord
Remembers the Quran
Pleases the Creator
Of course!
Often preaches the word of God
Is always timely in his prayers
Is content in the worship of his Lord
With God's message