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Резултати претраге страна 5

Број резултата: 152


This world has a short span

Dunya1 has a short span,
Pay attention to what awaits you.
Akhirah2 is our destination,
Where will your soul end up?
Your life will pass so quickly,
Akhirah is our place to go.
There will be no rioting there,
For everyone will account for themself.
Chorus (2x):
Take care, o Mu'min3 brother,
To which group you will go.
Do not scold anyone then,
But rather rely on yourself.
May all the sinners know,
That's where the Justice reigns.
The Judgement will be right,
Nobody will be hiding anything.
Chorus (2x).
All will have a concern then,
When they read the Book.
If the Book comes from the right,
Then fortune will dawn upon you.
But if you receive it from the left,
Then you'll suffer with a great anguish.
If doesn't give Mercy,
You will be an eternal misery.
Chorus (2x).
  • 1. 'Dunya' [arab. دنيا] = a word signifying 'this world' - material/physical/perishable/earthly world. Arabic language has three words for 'world' - 'Dunya' (material world - of this life), 'Akhirah' (spiritual world - of afterlife) and ''Alam' (a general word for 'world'). ()
  • 2. 'Akhirah' [arab. آخرة] = word which signifies the 'other world' - the spiritual/metaphysical/eternal/transcendental world. One of three Arabic words with the meaning of 'world'. ()
  • 3. 'Mu'min' [arab. مؤمن] = 'Believer' / 'Faithful person'. ()

Teach me how to love

Teach me how to love.. teach me how to forget
you're a sea with a lost coast and harbor
teach me how to be gentle.. teach me how to be cold
pass by me.. just wipe my tears and go away
pass by me.. bring me a heart and a soul
pass by me.. if you remembered the wounds
you're a tyrant, a look is a mistake.. and you reward my generosity with stinginess
when I'm the one who gave you safety, an eye and an eyelid 1
this one is the bed and the other one is the cover 2
where do I begin, my wound
and you've been with me since I was born
my hand refused to wave you goodbye
but you've taught me to be cold.. since I failed to learn.. I will show you how to be loyal
  • 1. means he was always watching over her to keep her safe
  • 2. means the eye and the eyelid
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Sacred War

Versions: #3
Arise, enormous country,
Arise for deadly fight
Against dark Fashist force,
Against than darn horde!
Let the noble anger
Blazing, like a wave, -
This is the war of nation,
This is a Sacred War!
Just like contary polars,
We're utterly hostile:
We fight for light and peace,
They fight for world of dark.
Let's push back all the stranglers
Of all fervent ideas,
All the rapists, robbers,
Torturers of men!
Your black wings won't dare
To fly over our Motherland,
Don't you dare to step on
Its wide fields!
Rotten Fashist scum
Will get a bullet in forehead
Waste of a mankind
Will get a solid coffin!

Свети Рат

Устај, огромна земљо,
Устај на смртни бој
Са мрачном фашистичком војском,
Са проклетом хордом
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат
Пружићемо отпор нападачима
Свих ватрених идеја
Насилницима, отимачима
Мучитељима људи
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат
Не смеју крила црна
Над отаџбином летети
Поља њена пространа
Не сме непријатељ да гази
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат
Поквареном фашистичком олошу
Ћемо сместити метак у чело
За душманина човечанства
Направићемо чврсти гроб
Нека бес племенити
Прокључа попут таласа
Води се народни рат,
Свети рат

Although the Prophet isn't with us anymore

As it was said by Muhammad (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam1):
'All my followers will enter the Jannah2,
Except those who refuse entering the Jannah.'
'Who will be the ones which will refuse it?',
- The Sahabah3 asked.
'Whoever follows my Sunnah4 will enter Paradise,
And whoever doesn't follow my Sunnah is the one who refuses (to enter the Jannah).',
He replied.5
Chorus (2x):
Although the Peygamber6 isn't with us anymore,
His Sunnah will be with us forever.
All your deeds we will practice,
Your Sunnah, we will revive.
O Muhammad, your Ummah7 is breaking apart,
As much as you are not with us.
They are fighting against your words,
Making up something which isn't Islamic.
Chorus (2x).
Those which know your Sunnah,
Those which know the Haqq8.
Your As-Sahabah were truthful,
But since a long time they've been under the earth...
Chorus (2x).
Now we are striving to live,
Your Sunnah, to practice,
For we know that only through you,
We can achieve the Jannah.
Chorus (2x).
As said by Muhammad (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam):
'The Ummah of Jews will split into 71 sects,
The Ummah of Christians will split into 72 sects,
And my Ummah will split into 73 sects,
72 of which will be in jahannam9, and one in Jannah.'
The Sahabah asked:
'Who are they, ya Rasul Allah10?'
He said: 'Ahli Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah11!
Those which will follow, and live my Sunnah,
in the Jama'ah.'12
  • 1. 'Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam' [arab. صلى الله عليه وسلم] = 'May Peace and Blessings be upon him'. ()
  • 2. 'Jannah' [arab. جنّة‎] = 'Paradise' / 'Heaven'. ()
  • 3. 'Sahabah' [arab. صحابة] = 'Companions' (of the Prophet Muhammad [s.a.w.s.]). ()
  • 4. 'Sunnah' [arab. سنة] = 'Teachings/Practices/Habits/Customs/Tradition'. ()
  • 5. Sahih al-Bukhari 7280 (Book 96, Hadith 12):
    'Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, 'All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse.' They said, 'O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Who will refuse?' He said, 'Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it).'
    Also see:

  • 6. 'Peygamber' [pers. پیغمبر] = 'Prophet' / 'Messenger' (of God Almighty). ()
  • 7. 'Ummah' [arab. أمة‎] = 'Community'. ()
  • 8. 'Haqq' [arab. حقّ‎] = 'Truth'. ()
  • 9. 'Jahannam' [arab. جهنم‎] = 'Hell' / 'Inferno'. ()
  • 10. 'Rasul Allah' [arab. رسول الله] = 'The Messenger of God'. ()
  • 11. 'Ahli Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah' [arab.أهل السنة والجماعة] = 'The people of the )
  • 12. Sunan Ibn Majah 3992 (Book 36, Hadith 67):
    “The Jews split into seventy-one sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy in Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects, seventy-one of which will be in Hell and one in Paradise. I swear by the One Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy-three sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy-two in Hell.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” He said: “The main body.”
    Also see:


The Priest And The Tramp

Destiny at the crossroads of two ways
Brought together the priest and the tramp
The ecclesiastic by looking out from under hoary eyebrows
Had slightly embarrassed by the situation
'How dare you block my way?' -
He haughtily said to the wanderer.
'You hasn't brought an ounce of use to the world,
And I serve God my whole life!'
'Temper your ardor, churchman.
There is no special need to teach me.
You'd better stop yelling and screaming,
And generously give me a coin.'
'I gave alms to many in this life,
But I'm not going to put in your palm, wayfarer.
Your appearance tells me you're a libertine
And gave your soul to the Devil.
You've never honored God's rules.
Your glance inspires a fear to people.
You ravaged and robbed a lot of people.
All this I've read in your eyes.'
'There is no need to anger on the cross,
All your dogmas turned to ashes.
And trust me, you aren't such a saint already,
My faithful brother in Christ'
'How dare you call me a brother?
Your sins will be surprised even the Gomorrah!
I bringing the peace and you sowing
The dawning of anger, fear and pestilence.'
'Even though I robbed a lot,
Even though I took the alms to stay well-fed,
But I only deprive them of wealth,
And you sell them faith for money!'

Golubi letyat nad nashey zonoy (Голуби летят над нашей зоной)

Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет,
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На родную землю улететь.
Но забор высокий не пускает
И колючек в несколько рядов,
Часовые с вышек наблюдают,
И собаки рвутся с поводов.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк.
На тюремных нарах напевает,
Что-то напевает паренёк.
Он поёт, как трудно жить на свете
Без красивых ласковых подруг,
А ещё труднее жить без воли,
Вся тюрьма заслушалася вдруг.
Плачут в дальних камерах ребята,
Вспоминая молодость свою,
Вспоминая прошлое когда-то,
Как говорили ласково - люблю.
Даже самый главный надзиратель
У стены задумчиво стоит,
Только он один и знает
Сколько пареньку осталось жить.
А под вечер вздрогнули засовы,
Повели по лестнице его,
Он сказал последние три слова -
Приведите сына моего.
На площадку лестницы тюремной
Привели парнишку лет пяти,
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк,
А под утро вся тюрьма узнает -
Ночью был расстрелян паренёк.
Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет.
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На свободу к маме улететь.

Disco of our love

Look at the weather
Throw away this Internet of yours
The sun makes people feel free
And the whole world is wearing flowers
A small white dress
Pearls on the chest and on the ears
For me you are the happiness that came by chance
You are so good.
I'm calling you exactly at seven
And to the music of Boni M
Together we'll take a walk
Kissing and dancing
I'll return you sharp at five
Your mom will not sleep
Will be angry, but that's life
This is the disco of our love
Give me gentle nights
And it does not matter what's after
I need you, girl, very much
Without you everything became as if
the past wasn't somehow with us
Two in a black-and-white movie
The feeling is given to us by heaven
so that it may never end
She will be angry, but that's life
This is the disco of our love.

In the woods

A grove of philodendron shrubs, blooms in autumn (1)
When the foliage of the pine trees
Is covering the forester's nakedness
A cool wind
A light breeze
And tiny poison mushrooms
And Dana was annoyed
At what I just said
But she's already known in the forest
What has happened to Snow White ?
She bit into the apple
It ate her heart
And now she's no longer a virgin
A grove of philodendron shrubs, blooms in autumn
When the foliage of the pine trees
Is covering the forester's nakedness
Poor Snow White
Year after Year
She dreams of the tip of an umbrella
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

the secret of admiration

she said: what's the thing that you like about me the most?
I said: honestly, everything about you is attractive
your name, your shape, your hair and your forehead
and your eyes, your voice, your cheek and your eyelids
she said: don't exaggerate! I said: believe me
there's nothing about you to criticise
you're like the night to the lovers
and you're the connection between the close ones
I admire you as a whole
and this admiration grows with everyday
you, the sun of my life, my warmth and tenderness
your presence is the letters of love and your eyes are a book
I love you so, you're the wish of my life
and your love has opened every door to affection
my honest feeling for you is my sanctuary
and my feeling for anyone else is a lie
no matter how long love has lasted between us
never ask me about the secret of admiration
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت مكان طالما وضعت الرابط لها



Even while I eat, ring ring
Even during a movie, talk talk
It keeps ringing without rest
Why are you making my burning heart cry>
Why aren’t you picking up?
Why did you flip your phone over?
I pretend I’m not
But actually, I’m nervous
You call back once for every three times I call (1 2 3)
You text back once every three hours (forcefully)
I can’t figure out your heart
You pretend you don’t know my heart
If you keep this up, no no no
I’m gonna hate you
Ring ring ring, it keeps ringing
Ping ping ping, my tears well up
It looks risky
I’m getting worried
I can’t do this
I can’t do that
i fall in love love
popping popping
I’m popping popping
You’re really bad bad bad bad, bad
So frustrating, boy
popping popping
I’m popping popping
Feels like my heart will explode
i want to be in love baby
Are we just a something?
Or what are we? What is it?
Don’t you like me?
Or am I mistaken?
Are we just a something?
Or what are we? What is it?
Don’t you like me?
i can’t live without you
I keep sending texts
Are you even checking?
They say if you reply fast, you lose in this game of love
But I’m not good at that
But I listened to my friend and waited
I try so hard to ignore it and wait
But each minute feels like an hour
I’m trying to keep a poker face in case it’s obvious
You call back once for every three times I call (1 2 3)
You text back once every three hours (forcefully)
I can’t figure out your heart
You pretend you don’t know my heart
If you keep this up, no no no
I’m gonna hate you
Ring ring ring, it keeps ringing
Ping ping ping, my tears well up
It looks risky
I’m getting worried
I can’t do this
I can’t do that
i fall in love love
popping popping
I’m popping popping
You’re really bad bad bad bad, bad
So frustrating, boy
popping popping
I’m popping popping
Feels like my heart will explode
i want to be in love baby
Are we just a something?
Or what are we? What is it?
Don’t you like me?
Or am I mistaken?
Are we just a something?
Or what are we? What is it?
Don’t you like me?
i can’t live without you
My dad said
Any guy with a lot of girls
Is no good
So just tell me straight up
you are ma boy boy
Pull me in a little more
popping popping
I’m popping popping
You’re really bad bad bad bad, bad
So frustrating, boy
popping popping
I’m popping popping
Feels like my heart will explode
i want to be in love baby
Are we just a something?
Or what are we? What is it?
Don’t you like me?
Or am I mistaken?
Are we just a something?
Or what are we? What is it?
Don’t you like me?
i can’t live without you

Our Summer is gone

The night is falling on the old maples
The wind is interwined into the green crowns
The clouds are drifting like huge birds
But they and you will never come back
Our Summer is gone, disappeared suddenly
We can't return it neither today nor tomorrow
We did break up,
But you will be in my heart like a song
A new Summer will come to us like a blizzard
I know that it will happen one day
It will come like a dawn and wake trees up
But you'll never be with me
Our Summer is gone, disappeared suddenly
We can't return it neither today nor tomorrow
We did break up,
But you will be in my heart like a song
We did break up,
But you will be in my heart like a song


If you are tired still do sing of me,
If I turn old still do stay with me,
I'm the one who filled the empty space of your lonliness,
I'm the one who dealt with you lovingly,
I'm the one who's memories pass by you,
How great I am with you! And without you I am so bad,
I'm the one whose sky got divided with you,
You are the one whose warm hands became habitual,

Something Nice for My Soul

It's hard with the news here
So sometimes I take the car
And drive north of the city
Before another war starts
And my knees tremble for a moment
It's hard for me to digest what I'm hearing
More of the same chorus
Israel Syria Lebanon
I need to cut myself off it was a fascinating debate
Everything sounds like a bomb siren to me
I have to turn off noises and commotion
We need a song to lessen the deep sadness
Put on some Erik* for me just to calm down
Let me put my head down a minute
Put on some Zohar* for a second just
Something nice for my soul
Put on some Meir*, a shot of hope
One nice chorus with a beat, a tune
Let me put my head down a minute...
It's hard, it's hard my day
There's that financial issue
And we're all industrious but between us
We work, work but they're fooling us**
So we wait for luck in lines
And promise more dreams to the children
Everyone's talking about a house and a yard
Breaking savings and there's not even enough for an apartment
I need to cut myself off it was a fascinating debate
Everything sounds like a bomb siren to me
I have to turn off noises and commotion
Only music will lessen the deep sadness
Put on some Erik* for me just to calm down...
And it's hard, it's hard, that's right. but there's no other option
The quiet is missing but the country is wonderful
So you try to find some small lit-up corner
Maybe your head is running away but your soul stays
And my days are passing between all the headlines
Money money love peace and wars
And nobody manages to make us forget the troubles
We are simple people with big problems

Пробијам сад

Не бринем, не бринем више
Не бринем више и не могу се претварати
Да нисам био пре овде и нисам видео крај
Понекад се надам леку који сам изгубио
Више не бринем, зашто не могу да победим
Отварам очи и те лажи
Расту и једу ме
Покушавам да поновим план
Али не видим да требам да пристанем
Крио сам у мислима и премотавам
сцене или бежао
Али изнова и изнова и даље налазим
Крварим више да бих био успешан
Тешко је толико бринути када се пробијам сада
Све у шта се кунем покушава да ме обори
Тешко је толико бринути када се толико бринем
Свака мисао о очајању покушава да обори
Одржавам се у животи да бих овако живео
И терам себе да одлучим шта је сврха мог живота
Заглављен сам иза линије и иза мешања
И даље покушавам да откријем где се уклапам
Отварам очи и те лажи
Расту и једу ме
Покушавам да поновим план
Али не видим да требам да пристанем
Крио сам у мислима и премотавам
сцене или бежао
Али изнова и изнова и даље налазим
Крварим више да бих био успешан
Тешко је толико бринути када се пробијам сада
Све у шта се кунем покушава да ме обори
Тешко је толико бринути када се толико бринем
Свака мисао о очајању покушава да обори
Сво време покушава да ме пробије
Свака лаж покушава да ме преузме
Откривам да умирем за спас
Али изнутра бринем све мање
Сво време покушава да ме пробије
Свака лаж покушава да ме преузме
Откривам да умирем за спас
Али изнутра бринем све мање
Сво време покушава да ме пробије
Свака лаж покушава да ме преузме
Откривам да умирем за спас
Али изнутра бринем све мање
Сво време покушава да ме пробије
Свака лаж покушава да ме преузме
Откривам да умирем за спас
Али изнутра бринем све мање
Тешко је толико бринути када се пробијам сада
Све у шта се кунем покушава да ме обори
Тешко је толико бринути када се толико бринем
Свака мисао о очајању покушава да обори
Сво време покушава да ме пробије
Свака лаж покушава да ме преузме
Откривам да умирем за спас
Али изнутра бринем све мање
Сво време покушава да ме пробије
Свака лаж покушава да ме преузме
Откривам да умирем за спас
Али изнутра бринем све мање

What If We Kiss

After all, we've won and that's how I feel
And if you don't think so, then why are you so near?
And why do you ask about all that I wrote,
If it actually lives in me or just a love song?
And once again words slip from me for a moment
Tired legs and a fast beating heart
And what if we kiss?
Will it be something you'll remember forever,
Or will you forget when we part lips?
Thinking about it seems so scary all of a sudden
And what if we hug?
Will there be something left unsaid,
Or will everything be fine?
Isn't this what we've always been waiting for?
After all, we fell asleep
The evening is ours
With the first light of day
You have to go back again
And we rose and we fell, we were silent and we spoke
We left behind anything that we didn't like
And sometimes I still don't feel complete
The strength in my arms begins to fade
And I thought what if we kiss?
Will it be something you'll remember forever,
Or will you forget when we part lips?
Thinking about it seems so scary all of a sudden
And what if we hug?
Will there be something left unsaid,
Or will everything be fine?
Isn't this what we've always been waiting for?
And what if we draw apart?
I'm asking you, maybe myself as well
Because suddenly I'm all alone in the room
I'm asking because you flow in my blood
And what if we crash?
And when I'll walk away will you remember
How much we loved it when the rain
Blended in with the tears on our faces?
And what if we kiss?...

There's No Time Under the Sun

Today, perhaps it's the last
Perhaps we'll leave the clock
For eternal ticking
So come, let's grab a spot
Let's steal a dream
Before we awake
There's no time under the sun
There's no time under the sun
For fighting and wars
There's no time under the sun
There's no time under the sun
There's no time to wait
Perhaps it's the last song
Last words
Of a bad poet
I hate to say goodbyes
Afraid to meet
Someone unknown
There's no time under the sun...
How many mistakes have I made on the way to the next disaster
What would I change if I could go back to the start
There's no time under the sun

Invitation to the Ball

Count von Krolock:
Good evening! Don't be afraid of me.
Your guardian angel, on your call, child,
Has appeared. I will be glad to invite you to the ball.
This ball lasts until morning every year,
It shall make all your dreams come true, a hundredfold.
If you don't want to leave your odious home,
Won't you regret it later?
Your destination is somewhere else.
You will pray for a century, suppressing your flesh with a fast,
But you yourself know that —
Your destination is somewhere else.
You've been instilled since childhood: 'Don't sin,
Or you won't go to Heaven.'
But you really knew in the depth of your soul,
That the soul's salvation is a sweet lie, yes.
If you trust me without hesitation,
I will make all your dreams come true.
This night will carry us away on its wings,
We will set off on flight.
As soon as the clock strikes,
The midnight ball will betroth us forever.
For a long time I waited for you,
For three centuries I searched for you,
I have been given to you by destiny,
So take this priceless gift,
A reprieve from despondency,
An invitation to the ball,
To the ball!


Hey! welcome welcome, join us in this cool mood
Welcome our dearest people
We feel happy by your presence, and we feel upset by your absence
We get super excited when we see you!
Come on join us, we just wanna have a selfie with you 1
To remember these days later in the future
Hey! welcome welcome, join us in this cool mood
Welcome our dearest people
We feel happy by your presence, and we feel upset by your absence
We get super excited when we see you!
We wanna tell you what happened with us
Telling such stories are only enjoyable with you
Those stories feel different, taste different, and it has a message behind it
Because our hearts get along with each other
Come on join us, we just wanna have a selfie with you
To remember these days later in the future
  • 1. In this context it means, let's look at ourselves from above, let's record these stories so we can look back at it in the future and see how far have we improved.
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!

Our summer

I'm coming again in the houses where the voices are heard
Of youthful laughter, brass laughter.
Flown into nowhere fleeting words:
'Only with you, forever with you!'
On summer morning of that day our summer were beginning
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything
Sun in our eyes, hearts in our hands,
We loved without reserve, like children
It's heavy on my chest once more, I could have found her,
To stay forever, with her forever.
But those burning bridges, those roses - colour of the soul,
Looking for frosts and metamorphosis
On summer morning of that day our summer were beginning
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything
Sun in our eyes, hearts in our hands,
We loved without reserve, like children
We loved like children...
On summer morning of that day our summer were beginning
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything
Sun in our eyes, hearts in our hands,
We loved without reserve, like children
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything...
We loved without reserve, like children...
We loved like children...

O leader of all Prophets

O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
What wil make my hardship ease? Only with you, oh father of Zahraa!
And with the rights of Ahlulbait [1] and the ten [2], it will become easy.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
He saw my eyes but he didn't see (what i saw), like Ta-Ha [3] in our worries.
Better than whats above the heavens, and purified the people.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
And the prayers of Allah aren't removed, You are guided by the one who made you a protector.
And that is for eternity.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
Hope it was useful to you :D

Pepeo moje majke

Pepeo moje majke, čak i njene trepavice
Počivaju u maloj teglici
I ponekada, kada je svežije
Osećam se malo ukočeno, i sada ja...

Тишина која преостаје

Била сам као слепа на светлост дана,
Нисам логично размишљала, нити оставила места за било шта друго,
Дрхтим поред тебе,
А дрога која тече мојим телом још није престала да делује,
Удишем те, али је тај укус већ горак.
Поглед је другачији, хладноћа продире,
Кријеш се, ломећи моје тело,
Поглед је другачији, хладноћа продире,
И још један дан пролази без и једног даха.
Ноћ лагано долази, време стоји,
Ноћ и ти сте тишина која преостаје,
На трен и ја падам са тобом на крају игре
(И само време које остаје)
Увече, још једном бежим са улице,
што даље од таме, покушавам да размишљам о теби,
Још један дуги минут се чини као да пролази вечност,
И све је празно без тебе.
О, поглед је другачији и хладноћа продире,
Како још један дан пролази без и једног даха.
Ноћ лагано долази, време стоји,
Ноћ и ти сте тишина која преостаје,
На трен и ја падам са тобом на крају игре
(Време се зауставило)
Ноћ и ти сте тишина која преостаје,
На трен и ја падам са тобом на крају игре
(Време које преостаје)

Lice Smrskano Cekicem

Nesto je unutar mene
I, izlazi
Osecam da zelim da te ubijem
Oslobodi bes, koji je predugo bio zadrzavan
Moja krv postaje hladna
U mojoj anatomiji, zivi drugo bice
Ukorenjeno u mom korteksu, sluga svoje ponude
Brutalnost sada postaje moj apetit
Nasilje je sada nacin zivota
Sanke su moj alat za torturu
Dok ti udaraju o celo
Oci ispupcene iz svojih kesica
Svakim zamahom mog malja
Ja drobim tvoju jebenu glavu, dok ti mozak ne iscuri
Kroz rupe, krv kulja
Uvrnuta lepota, katastrofa
Blato isparava, buckuris je svuda po meni
Bezivotno telo, mrtvi se vuku
Razvratni gnoj, tamo gde si nekada imao glavu
Izbegavajuci prorocanstvo moje novo-pronadjene pozude
Ti nikada vise neces ziveti, uskoro ce se tvoj zivot zavrsiti
Videcu te kako umires na mojim nogama, ja ti potpuno drobim lice
Kosti lica se slamaju dok ti lomim lobanju na pola
Drobim, kranijalne, sadrzaje
Isusujem bale, ja cupam tvoje oci
Stiskam ih u svojim rukama, nervi su iseceni
Dok ljustim meso sa dna svog oruzja
Neovlasceno pulpanje facijalnih regija
Pati, a onda umri
Tortura, pretvaranje u prah
Odmah s mojim sestim culom, osecam se slobodno
Da ubijam kad pozelim, i tu me niko ne moze zaustaviti
Stvoren da ubija, pokolj se nastavlja
Nasilno preoblikovanje ljudskog facijalnog tkiva
Brutalnost postaje moj apetit
Nasilje je sada nacin zivota
Sanke su moj alat za torturu
Dok ti udaraju o celo
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)