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The boats have gone

The boats have gone, tonight the sea is beautiful.
The wave is coming towards me like a shining snake.
Big birds are gliding around me and are calling me.
In the rising wind, I'm hearing your voice,
I'm hearing your voice.
The wave is coming and is rolling to my feet on the sand.
The trace of my footsteps is fading away little by little.
Today, my sadness today is unimaginable
With this ocean moving between the two of us,
moving between the two of us.
The boats have left, tonight the sea is calm.
The wind that is coming from the islands is gently exhaling
A harp complaint while playing in the palm trees.
I look at the sea and I'm hearing your voice,
And I'm hearing your voice.
I'm waiting for the sun to come out later
And for its first ray to come and touch my skin.
It'll be the hour of enchantment, the hour of distress.
And I'm waiting for you, who will come out of the waters,
who will come out of the waters.
You, I'm waiting for, who will come out of the waters.

Turn Around

Verse 1
I have my boxes packed already
Without forgetting your last gaze
That without words you shot just here in my heart
What's yours is yours, what's mine is still mine
Love is completely calculated
What you take today is what stays with me
And everything is so frivolous
Pre Chorus
You left with what was your, like you always did
But it's different if it's to say, 'Up till now,'
You're walking away with your doubts
And even though you don't accept it, you believe you're so strong
I know that some part of me will stay with you
Come, turn around, open up my wound
Don't give up this war, no
Come, turn around, before you continue
Let's let go of the truce, think about it, one more time
Verse 2
And we had about a hundred plans
On the way that we made together
Kisses were shorter
And colder each time
Pre chorus
You left with what was yours, like you always did
But it's different if it's to say 'Up till now,'
You're walking away with your doubts
And even though you don't accept it, you believe you're so strong
I know that some part of me will stay with you
Come, turn around, open up my wound
Don't give up this war
Come, turn around before you conitnue
Let's let go of the truce, think about it one more time
Come, turn around, open up the wound
Don't give up this war
Come, turn around
Let's let go of the, think about it one more time

Približi se

Približi se, približi se,
znam da sjaj iz tvojih očiju nije nestao,
sve loše što se desilo u prošlosti ću ostaviti,
zbog toga preklinjem te, približi se.
Ne znam zašto, ne znam zašto
sam bila takav idiot, takva kukavica i udaljila sam se,
izgubila sam tvoju ljubav u sekundi i nijednu sekundu neću izgubiti
da ti kažem da te volim, približi se.
Ne znam kroz šta sam prošla, ne znam šta se dešava (Ah, ah, ah)
zaustavi se vreme svaki put kada me zagrliš,
ne znam šta radiš, ali meni se dešava, (Ah, ah, ah)
moje srce nije prestalo da te voli,
znam da sam bila ja ta koja se udaljila,
znam da je moja krivica, znam to,
ali te preklinjem, približi se.
Nastavljam da trčim, idem za tobom,
kada te osetim blizu udaljavaš se od mene,
ne znam šta ćeš da radiš da bih te učinila srećnim,
pokušavam sa rečima koje si toliko izgovarao,
one koje naučiš, one koje ne osećaš,
one koje govorim, one koje osećam prema tebi,
kada si ti otišao, ja nikada nisam otišla.
I vraća se prokleta samoća,
i ne odlaze želje za plakanjem,
mislim da sam već pokušala i nisam sposobna,
zaboraviću te i već mislim previše na tebe,
sanjam te previše, već sam se umorila
i u suzama sam se probudila,
želela sam da zovem i nisam pozvala,
želim da razgovaram sa tobom i reći ću ti.
Ne znam kroz šta sam prošla, ne znam šta se dešava (Ah, ah, ah)
zaustavi se vreme svaki put kada me zagrliš, (Pomozi me, pomozi mi)
ne znam šta radiš, ali meni se dešava,(Ne znam šta, ali meni se dešava)
moje srce nije prestalo da te voli,
znam da sam bila ja ta koja se udaljila,
znam da je moja krivica, znam to,
ali te preklinjem, približi se.

Vanilla and chocolate

What people are these, yours and mine
Where did it take root?
The sea changed, the sky changed
Where it wasn't dawning
Made the world its country
And your grandfather walked there
My grandmother put her foot here
Our love is all the sea
You have the perfume of moonlight
I taste like coffee
Loved of white skin
You're cream in my mate tea
It has more taste than honey
Marry vanilla with chocolate
White seagull went to find
In those lands further south
Sweet and musical people
That in their tropical chant
Put the dream and the blue sea
Who seasoned our love
Made by guitar and guitar
In the coming and going of the caravel
With pepper and with cinnamon
With gindungo and saffron
Loved of white skin
You're cream in my mate tea
It has more taste than honey
Marry vanilla with chocolate
What people are these that left
And went to double the Bojador?
These people that felt the spell, the challenge
Of inventing a new love
From united hands the flower is born
And every kiss knows peace
When the soul feels love
Have the body any color
Black or white doesn't matter
When the soul feels love
Have the body any color
Black or white doesn't matter

You Can't Even Imagine

I woke up and i remember you
Like all the mornings since you're not here
I don't know why I never wrote to you again
Don't think that I already forgot you
That's not like that and I still love you
What lasts a long time is not forgotten in a short time
You don't know how I feel
Let's try for the last time
You can't even imagine how I missed you
You can't even imagine how I searched for you
You can't even imagine everything that happened
Since you left, I never forgot you
I never forget you,
I never forget you
I never forget you
Look, baby, I know you're awake
I understand that you don't want to open the door for me
I just wanted you to know
That there is not a day passes by that doesn't hurt me
You got me so confused
And you got me all screwed up
And I, I only ask you to come back
That you come back, that you come back with me
And you got me so confused
And you got me all screwed up
And I, I only ask you to come back
That you come back, that you come back with me (Come back with me)
You can't even imagine how I missed you
You can't even imagine how I searched for you
You can't even imagine everything that happened
Since you left, I never forgot you
Because I keep thinking of you
In all the mischief that we did in Madrid
I didn't think that you're capable of leaving me like this
Drunk and lost
Because I keep thinking of you
In all the mischief that we did in Madrid
I didn't think that you're capable of leaving me like this
Drunk and lost
That's not like that and I still love you
What lasts a long time is not forgotten in a short time
You don't know how I feel
Let's try for the last time
You can't even imagine how I missed you
You can't even imagine how I searched for you
You can't even imagine everything that happened
Since you left, I never forgot you
I never forgot you, I never forgot you
Never never never
I Never
Never never never
I Never
I never forget you
Sweet like candy
Abraham Mateo

Smej se sad plači kasnije

Woah, woah, da, ponekad se smejemo i ponekad plačemo, ali mislim da sad znaš, bebo, uzeo sam pola i ona je uzela celu stvar, uspori.
Bebo, otputovali smo, sad smo na tvom bloku i to je kao grad duhova. Bebo, gde su ovi crnci kada oni kažu da rade sve ovo i sve ono?
Umoran sam od ojačavanja tvojih skitnica, ne možeš ni da mi platiš dovoljno da reaguješ, budio sam se u krevecu, ali ponekad ne znam gde sam.
Molim te nemoj da puštaš te pesme crnaca u ovoj žurci, ne mogu ni da to slušam, bilo kada da trčim na nekoga mora da bude krug pobede, ayy.
Niska osobo dođi sedi mi u krilo, ayy, oni kažu vrtoglavo upravo pukla.
Ovo između nas nije kao prodavnica, ovo nije zatvorljiva rupa, ayy, vidim da neki crnci napadaju, i ne završavaju da ga prave nazad.
Znam da su oni kod kreveca i lude, dole loše, šta su imali nije trajalo, prokletstvo bebo.
Ponekad se smejemo i ponekad plačemo, ali mislim da sad znaš, bebo, uzeo sam pola i ona je uzela celu stvar, uspori.
Bebo, otputovali smo, sad smo na tvom bloku i to je kao grad duhova. Bebo, gde su ovi crnci kada oni kažu da rade sve ovo i sve ono?
U rovovima sam, opusti se. Možeš li da ne puštaš tog malog dečaka u klubu? Jer mi ne slušamo pacove.
Mi smo u Atlanti, ja joj kupujem periku, ona mi kaže da je Tej najbolji, uperi crnca koji se ponaša kao ubica, ali ti samo jedan iz vrata, ja sam kao DaBejbi, nisam samo reper, igraš se sa mnom postaćeš rastegnut, ooh-oh.
Trčali Dracovi u kapuljači, okruži Drejka oko Dracova, iako imam slučaj, uradiću šta treba.
I nikada nisam bio zagrljen, i novac je težak da se napravi, pa se kladim da su na licu sada.
Znam da su oni kod kreveca i lude, dole loše, šta su imali nije trajalo, prokletstvo bebo.
Ponekad se smejemo i ponekad plačemo, ali mislim da sad znaš, bebo, uzeo sam pola i ona je uzela celu stvar, uspori.
Bebo, otputovali smo, sad smo na tvom bloku i to je kao grad duhova. Bebo, gde su ovi crnci kada oni kažu da rade sve ovo i sve ono?
Kada on kaže priču, to nije kako nije kako je išlo, znam da oni lažu, 100%.
Pomerio se iz Ritz i zaboravio sam o savijenom, treba samo da me pozove da mi kaže dođi i dobij ga.
Imam tog dečaka odavde i ne želim kredit, ako sam tobio ja, neće da se kaju.
Ostavili su za mrtvim i sada oni hoće zaduživanje, da, srce i dalje lupa, moji crnci i dalje jedu.
Dvorište izgleda kao bašta za Eden, pričaj jastucima sa njima, ona speluje čaj.
I kad se niska osoba vrati, ona je rekla da nije mislila, teško je verovati to.
Znam da su oni kod kreveca i lude, dole loše, šta su imali nije trajalo, prokletstvo bebo.
Ponekad se smejemo i ponekad plačemo, ali mislim da sad znaš, bebo, uzeo sam pola i ona je uzela celu stvar, uspori.
Bebo, otputovali smo, sad smo na tvom bloku i to je kao grad duhova. Bebo, gde su ovi crnci kada oni kažu da rade sve ovo i sve ono?


Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
Her eyes are so sweet,
She never mourns nor cries
Her eyes are so sweet,
She never mourns nor cries
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
From behind, from before,
I don't know how many suitors she had
From behind, from before,
I don't know how many suitors she had
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
From lawyers to carpenters,
And even the king's son
From lawyers to carpenters,
And even the king's son
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
She has chosen me,
Poor, poor little Pierre
She has chosen me,
Poor, poor little Pierre
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
Poor as a rat,
Those stars are inside his head
Poor as a rat,
Those stars are inside his head
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
In rain or sunshine,
I love her as she is
In rain or sunshine,
I love her as she is
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
From Saint-Pierre to Saint-Jean,
I love her all year
From Saint-Pierre to Saint-Jean,
I love her all year
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always

Play Me the Golden Oldies

Play me the golden oldies
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the old evergreens from Hollywood
Play me the blues, play me the ragtime from New Orleans
Play me the golden oldies
I love the golden oldies
The melodies from Paris, New York and Vienna
The happy polkas and the songs from old Berlin
Marlene Dietrich and Richard Tauber
The Monroe and the Fred Astaire
The Lilian Harvey and the Heinz Rühmann
And everything I adore so much
I'll admit that I'm excited like a small child
When I find a golden oldie in the record cabinet
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the songs that will never fade in life
The ever blossoming, ever beautiful melodies
The hits from Crosby, from Frank Sinatra
From Nat King Cole, from Chevalier
And from Hans Albers, from Louis Armstrong
Yes, they're nowhere near out of fashion
The Benny Goodman and the Glenn Miller
And many other great bands
Are still hits today, are still bestsellers today
That everyone loves and everyone knows
When I sing a song, yes, sometimes it occurs to me:
Maybe it will become a golden oldie one day...
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the old evergreens from Hollywood
Play me the blues, play me the ragtime from New Orleans
Play me the golden oldies
I love the golden oldies
The melodies from Paris, New York and Vienna
The happy polkas and the songs from old Berlin
The ever blossoming, ever beautiful melodies


Bambino, bambino, bambino,
You know nothing about worry and suffering.
Bambino, bambino, bambino,
You still have enough time for that.
You're sleeping under trees in the garden
And flowers are nodding at you.
You know nothing about hoping and waiting,
Nothing disturbs your childish peace.
It smells sweetly of flowers,
They dream secretly in the wind.
And small, smiling deer guard
My sleeping child.


The soldier only comes here on quiet days
And he sees the endless rows of names
And with every single
Name he sees a face
He feels powerless and runs away
When we stood there and you said :
'This were guys just like you,
They should be your age now,
Son, how older I get
How less I know
Why the things go ... like they do'
The president comes here only
For an election
He lays down a garland and says 'we must not forget them'
It doesn't bother me
Because there are places in the world
Where a speech or a word doesn't mean much
The children come here sometimes
To play
The country rose from the ashes
Out of the madness of a worldwide fire
Heroes die for a dream
Lovers die for a woman
Poets die for a language
Soldiers just die
My father stood there and said:
'This were guys just like you,
They should be your age now,
Son, how older I get
How less I know
Why the things go ... like they do'
The women come here only
On gray days
To chase away the ghost
Of the past
They get older and remain silent
The history
Dies with the witnesses
They get older and no one listens to them anymore
And the history dies
... Along with the witnesses

Lagao mi

Ti ne razumes
Ja nikad nisam ovakva
Mogu da zadrzim dah
Kazem da cu biti dobro
Ali nekako je tesko misliti
Kada ne mogu da osetim nista
Kazi mi u lice
Vec sam to cula proslog vikenda
Izludjuje me
Pogadja me strasno
Kazi mi,kako se ona zove? (Da)
Rekao si da nikad ne bi,zasto bi ikada
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi,da
Rekao si da nikad ne bi,zasto bi ikada
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi,da
(Lagao mi)
Posle svega sto smo prosli
Dosla si mi placuci
Rekla si da nikad ne bi lagala
Pa zasto mi lazes?
Dao sam ti moje poverenje moje srce
I sve unutar mene
Reci mi kako bi mi se oduzila?
Napravila si budalu od mene (Aah)
Zar ne mozes da vidis sta radis?
Ostavila si me slomljenog u delicima
Osecam se tako glupo
Zato sto mi treba razlog da odustanem
Ne zelim da slusam lazi vise (Vise)
Rekao si da nikad ne bi,zasto bi ikada
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi (Aah)
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi,da (Lagao mi)
Rekao si da nikad ne bi,zasto bi ikada
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi (Aah)
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi,da
Pokusavala sam da skupom sve svoje misli
Sve je receno i ucinjeno
Samo se ne osecam isto
(Ne osecam isto)
Ne pokusavaj da mi kazes da nisam bio upravu
Ti si ta koja je lagala celo vreme
Mislim da samo zelis nekoga da preuzme krivicu
Rekao si da nikad ne bi,zasto bi ikada
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi,da
(Lagao mi,da)
Rekao si da nikad ne bi,zasto bi ikada
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi
Lagao mi duso,lagao,lagao mi,da
Zasto mi moras lagati?

I come to you adored lights

I come to you, adored lights
To give respite from so many woes,
And come back to adore you.
Despite you being so ungrateful,
I won’t stop loving you.
I come to you, adored lights...
Bringing in my chest the ardour
That you lit in my one day,
A loyal idolater, I come back to you.
But, if you were merciful,
You do not give respite to my huge fire,
Give me at least death:
Because it is too intolerable to be a martyr
To live in the fire and not be able to die.
Without suffering
Without hope
It’s a great torment,
Tyrant eyes.
It’s worth hoping
From the relentlessness
Just one moment
Between so many troubles.
Always suffering

Honeymoon Un Deux Trois

There’s nobody left
In this town of only two of us
A mechanical clock
Notifies the arrival of night
The twilight tints the sky
With the color of wine
And entices the inexperienced us
To the stage
Chasse 'n' Whisk 'n' Natural turn
I shall show you magic
Throwaway and Oversway
The name of it is Honey mead
Honeymoon Un Deux Trois
We entwine our fingers
Singin' Swingin' Sweetest Song
And play the dreams of each other
Chasse 'n' Whisk 'n' Natural turn
I’ll cast spell upon you
Throwaway and Oversway
The honey of enchantment Honey mead
Honeymoon Un Deux Trois
I place my lips on yours
Singin' Swingin' Sweetest Song
And play the love of two of us
The moonlight illuminates the alley
In golden light
And the young us
Dance while stumbling
Honeymoon Un Deux Trois
We entwine our fingers
Singin' Swingin' Sweetest Song
And play the dreams of each other
Honeymoon Un Deux Trois
I place my lips on yours
Singin' Swingin' Sweetest Song
And play the love of two of us

We are Greeks

Let's go dance in the moonlight
Even if it's not possible since we've become monks
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
And whoever doesn't have stock in the sun
Will be running for a lifetime because of foreign guilts
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up

I'm Not Changing My Mind

You'd like me to come back, you'd like
and apologizing
and whatever you may say
I'm not changing my mind
You've broken my dreams, you've broken
and you lived far away from me
And you took other roads
You did what you did even though you knew you'd lost me
You made a big mistake
I'm not changing my mind.
How to come back, how
to touch you, how
And whatever you may say
I'm not changing my mind
How to come back, how
back again, how
Forget and don't cry
I'm not changing my mind
I agree that you are suffering, I agree
But I'm not going there
So what if I still want you?
You threw away that love, you threw away
You flew away to an another, you threw away
I'm not changing my mind
How to come back, how
to touch you, how
And whatever you may say
I'm not changing my mind
How to come back, how
back again, how
Forget and don't cry
I'm not changing my mind

do not have to gather

Versions: #1
Chickens are crowing chickens. Ooo 1 day to come
My heart is sad and dying, worrying about everything in the world
My wife sat in a corner, count the bill and burst into tears
Teo are crying, potty stone except delicious meal
Salary hasn't increased in time
The car is out of gas
Looking forward to so many moon seasons (moon) that end the Co Khong Tien season (money is gone)
Not even enough to eat
Hundreds of thousands of things to worry about
Being at peace and free but not back yet, I worry about fever
Tet has arrived
Oh my dear brothers
Tet has arrived
Oh my dear brothers
Tet has arrived
Looking at that is out of breath
Danger has arrived
Dear, my dear
How tense
Don't have to gather
Don't, don't have to gather
My job is to welcome the New Year without worrying
What must be Gather
What, what must be Gather
My job is to easily welcome Tet, yeah
Early in the morning, how could I hear the village boy
Are excitedly dating happy singing
Make me happy to spread right to the front porch
Just dare to stand far away because of out of mana (out of mana)
Look everywhere is a party
Home how much work
Uh, I also wanna play
Find lipstick brushed on the lips
Look at the wallet and OMG
Uh Uh, I still want to play
Tet has arrived
Oh my dear brothers
Danger has arrived
Oh my dear brothers
Tet has arrived
Looking at that is out of breath
Danger has arrived
Dear, my dear
ViettelPay to pay Đen money for a one-minute rap
To save that money to make the show after Tet, hopefully only a little loss
I hope the accountant is there, always healthy and happy
Transfer money for me soon, let me still calculate, my plan is up
For the whole year plowing and earning money, this desire has never been faded
Take rap music to fly away, go to make show everywhere
I want my fans to be happy, cheering together happily
But sometimes the money is not there, like wanting to kick but being suspended
Sometimes I hope there are many brands running to give green money
'Please rest assured to write music, let us budget'
Don't have to gather
Don't, don't have to gather
My job is to welcome the New Year without worrying
What must be Gather
What, what must be Gather
My job is to easily welcome Tet, yeah

John Doe

My name is
Pedro, Antonio, Someone
One without a name
Without time, without a plan
One that listens to you and goes silent
But that never tells you how better it is to live
Than waiting to see
I'm anyone
I'm whoever you want me to be
Even a John Doe
Means more to you
Fill me with whatever you have
And I'll be the one you'll want
Just please
Don't let the past me die
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
I know there still is a part of me
You don't even need to give back
Just don't let it be the end
I'm no longer the one you once met
I'm another man, a better one, who grew up
But if you want
My name is
Pedro, Antonio, Someone
One without a name
Without time, without a plan
One that looks for you and finds
But always disguises
The burden of not having you
Even without noticing
I'm anyone
I'm whoever you want me to be
Even a John Doe
Means more to you
Fill me with whatever you have
And I'll be the one you'll want
Just please
Don't let the past me die
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
I know there still is a part of me

Care paisane, 22: They are the game of the world.

They are the game of the world!
They are the dignity avoided by the scum
Bacause it can't undestand it, it is above them!
They are the ancien science that does not move
Because there is nothing left to be learn:
It knew at birth, an exat science!
Sow and water, wait and you shall receive!...
The land is where two and two is always four!!...
Season come, season go... and the Land
With them, it obeys!...
The sun burns? Storms rage?
But everything comes to pass, this is the way
of a craft nobody understands
How it has unfolded until now and how it is going to go!...

You said

I surrender my life to you,
You're the light that shows me the paths,
I am not the master of my fate,
You are my dusk
And you my dawn
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
There was a loud sound, so why don't you care?
Destinations slipped by*, so why aren't you aware?
I too have befriended the colours,
Let me know what you're thinking
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
Days and night filled with worry
Where did the sun set?
Those conversations were pointless
Who knows where we were lost.
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
Every day my story is new
The same old duties, but there's a renewed interest,
The light from the stars showed the way,
But I turned away, since you weren't with me.
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened
You said, and I listened

Care paisane, 20. But look around yourselves.

But look around yourselves... On the furrows,
With hoes and spades, bucketts and tools,
All of a sudden came out of the bushes,
Our ancestors... young are and elders,
Women are and men... and they are alive!
And they all want
Their interest... it is not for nothing:
Blood does not care, it is right...
A thousand years and a thousand more... what do you mean they are dead?
They're always alive! And they don't want to die...
Do you want to force this last offence?...
What?... You want lo leave?...
Million of ancestors... looking down at you...
They are out race that cannot end here!...

Don't Give Up

With your brain, not with your physical power, is your path
there is one truth that is waiting for you
don't give into the fear on your way to the target
your future in in the palm of your hand
and it is assured that the good will always prevail
Don't give up your freedom to do
what it is that you want to do
what you yourself only wants
and if you will ask, you will find the fire within
to accomplish all that your heart desires
History does not repeat itself and time does not stop going
so take advantage of today, it will not come back tomorrow
run, don't stand still because you don't have any other choice
this is your country, you will save her
and it is assured that the good will always prevail
Don't give up...

Prekasno Je: Zamrznut

Prekasno je za izvinjenja
Prekasno je
1, 2, 3, 4
Tako da, dosla si da kazes kako ti je jako zao?
''Nece se ponovo dogoditi, hoces li mi oprostiti?''
Vreme nece zaleciti ove rane
I ja krvarim zbog tebe
Prekasno je
Prekasno je za izvinjenja
Da li je sve sto smo imali bila obicna sala?
Ponestalo mi je strpljenja, suza i nade
Ljubav ne savladava sve
I ja vristim zbog tebe
Prekasno je
Prekasno je za izvinjenja
U senci svetlosti koju proizvodi crno sunce
Stoji frigidna, umrtvljena, ledeno plava statua
Gde su ti dzinovi, od kojih sam molio za zastitu?
Smrzavam se
Hladni zimski vetrovi koji hlade moje srce uz susnezicu i sneg
Nisam sa Severa stigao na ovo ledeno prebivaliste
Vec sam stigao iz tvoje dimenzije kriogenog limba
Smrzavam se
Zamrznut sam
Smrzavam se
Prekasno je za izvinjenja
5, 6, 7, 8
Prekasno je (prekasno)
Prekasno, prekasno
Prekasno je za izvinjenja

A message to my lover

Do you write the poem with me?
Or you are a part of my mouth?
Or are you my voice?
How do you move to another space?
After you have lived in my eyes and my house?
You still ask me about my birthday
So Register your permission ..what you do not know
The date of your love for me.. the date of my birth
I complained you to the sky
How did you, how, to summarize
All the women in the universe
In vain, what I write my lady
My sense is greater than my language
And my feeling for you is skipping
My voice ... and my throat
In vain, what I write .. as long as
My words .. wider than my lips
I hate it all my writing
My problem .. you are my problem
Because my love for you is above the level of speech
I decided to shut up ... . And be in peace (Salam)

Hate Is the Law

Severed seven arms
Vienna 1683
Elite's uproar
A step towards the abyss
Orient- silent majority
Abandon belief-
Doubt in thought
Blastproof agenda
Behind my cynical defence game
Orient- silent majority
The betreyal of Jesus
Confound Satan
-they live indistinct life
Like salt buttresses in boiling sea

Najomraženija zbog dobre osobine

Tajna, žao mi je, ali sam zaboravila
Tajna, tajna, morali smo zaboraviti
Zabrinula sam se da sam možda bila gruba prema tebi
Toliko zabrinuta da sam bila
Laž je služiti istinu
I ja sam i dalje kriva
O, promašila sam
Neka bude tako
Svuda, sve što dirneš
Seckanje to neće učiniti
Ovde nema ništa za to
Tebi ti je žao što sam ja sama
Toliko ti je žao da si pobegao
Kriviš mene, ali ti si to već znao
O, ne bi trebalo biti
Neka bude tako
Ja ne mogu razumeti ovo uopšte
Ja ne mogu objaviti toga uopšte
Ove su drugačije stvari
Ove su nesigurne osećaji
Ovi ne sme budu diskutovani
Dakle, čuvaj to u sebi
O, promašila sam
Neka bude tako
Svuda, sve što pipneš
Seckanje to neće učiniti
Ovde nema ništa za to
Tebi ti je žao što sam ja sama
Toliko ti je žao da si pobegao
Kriviš mene, ali ti si to već znao
O, ne bi trebalo biti
Neka bude tako
Ja ne mogu razumeti ovo uopšte
Ja ne mogu objaviti toga uopšte
Ove su drugačije stvari
Ove su nesigurne osećaji
Ovi ne sme budu diskutovani
Dakle, čuvaj to u sebi

To Love You Every Day

I didn't quite take notice of the exact moment
that you arrived to awaken my love and give meaning to my life,
all of my life I've lived in the shadows, you are the light of my days,
I never allowed myself this feeling because I thought I was undeserving of it.
I've only lived through disappointment, I fear you'll be one more on my list,
my heart has prepared itself in case it should come to this,
if you throw away what I feel and you demonstrate it's the complete opposite

Who Knows

I wake up and, without touching you,
I leave you again in your world,
Away from mine.
Another day is slipping off the calendar,
You chased me away from your soul,
With a restless thought.
Yes, who knows which day
Your way will meet
With regrets,
Who may know?
Yes, sad tears on the cheek
They will dry out in time,
Reminding of my love.
I believe
In everything you said once,
In everything you told me
And promised me.
I woke up
From the endless fairy tail,
Far away from someone
Who, smiling, lied to me.
Chorus (x2)
Who may know?

Moon Sand

The words scatter with a withered sound,
your words that piled up in my heart
My reason to live, as if it were sand,
is carried off by the wind, leaving only a trace
The midwinter sky covered in gray
Did it get muddled with too many colors?
Seems like someone tried to draw
on my heart, and failed
Despite every passing day,
It only grows stronger,
My [feelings] for you
I live carrying a bouquet of grief and hatred
in my chest
The fragments of your words, turn into sand
Even if I try to collect them
they only slip from my hands
I'm the only one getting hurt
Only one crying
I'm the only one
that still has feelings for you
Was there a little bit of truth to your words?
I can't help but doubt everything
I wanted to get to know the real you, but
I think I didn't want to learn that now
Like a warm moon
I wanted to protect you
I wonder if my feelings for you
were just a burden in the end
I live carrying a bouquet of grief and hatred
in my chest
The fragments of your words, turn into sand
Even if I try to collect them
they only slip from my hands
It's irritating, but
My tears remain, I yearn for you
The words scatter with a withered sound,
your words that piled up in my heart

We’re back… and you dear fellow villagers.

We’re back… and you dear fellow villagers,
you celebrate that flag of yours:
What are we suppposed to do? We clap

you brought me back to my beginning

one of my habits is to carry your smile in this world as one of my supplies
and my hobby is to stand and look into your eyes as my mirror
and my story has begun with you and I will finish it until my end
one of my habits is to carry your smile in this world as one of my supplies
and my hobby is to stand and look into your eyes as my mirror
and my story has begun with you and I will finish it until my end
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you made me go back to my beginning
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you brought me back to my beginning (2)
ah and don't be upset if people were jealous from our love, don't be upset
and be your lover's spoiled girl, because next to you his time got a lot better and sweeter
stay for me, and from your smile tailor the dress of happiness (2)
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you made me go back to my beginning
only happiness suits you, and the joy will be jealous when passing by your face
you made me forget my wound and how it was, you brought me back to my beginning (2)

Fathers, Mothers, Children (Barricades)

Fathers, mothers, children, raising barricades,
Workers' battalions taking to the streets.
Father left home early, to the factory gone,
Won't be coming home to us any time too soon.
The kids know well the reason why father won't return,
He's taken to the streets today and brought along his gun.
Mother too is in the street, off to sell some apples,
Leaving orphaned in the kitchen all the pots and dishes.
Don't expect to eat, says Khanele to the boys,
Because Mother has gone to help Father...

Mi Mrzimo Sve

Desnicarski komunisti
Levicarski Nacisti
Uperuju svojim prstima
Glasine se sire
Nas nije briga sta vi mislite
Nas nije briga sta vi mislite
Zigosani smo kao seksisti
Oznaci smo kao rasisti
Zelite li da vam pojasnim?
Samo pogledajte u ogledalo
Nas nije briga (nas nije briga) sta vi mislite (sta vi mislite)
Nas nije briga (nas nije briga) sta vi mislite
Lazima i klevetama, uzalud pokusavaju da nas osramote
Pobune, protesti, nasilje nas samo cini popularnijim
TV intervjui, bespltni publicitet
Samo dramaticno povecavaju prodaju ploca
Levicari kazu da sam fasista
Desnicari me nazivaju komunistom
Oh, mrznja, mrznja, mrznja prema svemu
Prema svemu i svacemu
Bez obzira u sta verujete
Ja ne verujem u vas - i to je istina, da
Mi mrzimo sve
Mi mrzimo sve
Neki bi rekli da smo pristrasni
Optuzbe da smo rasisti
E pa, govna, govna, govna dolaze u svim nijansama
To je upuceno vama
Zato sto stvari nisu uvek onakve kako se cine - kako se cine
Mi mrzimo sve
Mi mrzimo sve
Mi mrzimo sve
Mi mrzimo sve
Mi mrzimo
Mi mrzimo
Mi mrzimo
Mi mrzimo
1, 2, 3, 4
Nas nije briga sta vi mislite
Nas nije briga sta vi mislite
Nas nije briga (nas nije briga) sta vi mislite (sta vi mislite)
Nas nije briga (nas nije briga) sta vi mislite
Za to nas zabole kurac!