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Don't watch

Don't watch, don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch
This show would ruin your life night and day
Every single episode causes dismay
Just don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch
Three kids lose their home and go live with a brute
He wants their dues with an unlawful plan
The things they have to live through can't be quantified
Or what's the real reason why you're here watching
Just don't watch, don't watch
All you're going to find are anguish and horror
Even a sane would reply to this question with:
'Don't watch, don't watch, don't watch'
Don't watch, don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch
Don't watch, don't watch

Our love (passage)

The world around me
Has stopped from worrying,
People, smile
For my happiness.
How I love everything,
What happened between us,
How I love everything,
What lies ahead!


Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Nemoj biti seronja?
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Samo sjebaš situacije
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Nemoj biti seronja?
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Samo sjebaš situacije
Sjajne podove, klizavih stopala
Svetle su dame, moje oči ne mogu videti
Odraz koji mi krene sliku
Naopako, kako ne bih videla
Misliš da sve znaš
A ti stvarno ništa ne znaš
Želim da si više inteligentnije
Kako bi ti videla to što radiš je
Meni, toliko odvratno
Trideset pet,
Ljudi ne mogu brojati
Količina vremena na dve ruke si me naterala da prestanem
Prestani i razmišljaj
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Nemoj biti seronja?
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Samo sjebaš situacije
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Nemoj biti seronja?
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Samo sjebaš situacije
Stani, ne demonstruj, samo razmisli pre nego što ti...
Hoćeš li, stani, ne demonstruj sada, samo razmisli pre nego što ti...
Hoćeš li, stani, ne, ne demonstruj, samo razmisli pre nego što ti...
I stani, ne, ne demonstruj, samo razmisli pre nego što ti...
Jer moj mozak i kosti ne mogu više trpeti
Moj mozak i kosti ne mogu više trpeti
Moj mozak i kosti ne mogu više trpeti
Moj mozak i kosti ne mogu više trpeti, dakle
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Nemoj biti seronja?
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Samo sjebaš situacije
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Nemoj biti seronja?
Za šta si ti takva seronja?
Samo sjebaš situacije

Orkanski Visovi

Vani na obmanjivom, vjetrovitom privezištu,
koturljali bi se i padali
u zelenilo.
Imao si ćud
kao moja ljubomora.
Prevruća, prepohlepna.
Kako si me mogao ostaviti
kada sam te trebala
Mrzila sam te,
ali i voljela.
Loši snovi u noći.
Rekao si mi da ću
se prestati boriti.
Napustio si moje orkanske, orkanske Orkanske Visove.
Heathcliff, to sam ja, tvoja Cathy.
Došla sam kući, tako mi je hladno.
Pusti me kroz prozor.
O, mrači se, postaje usamljeno.
Na drugoj strani od tebe.
Puno čeznem, nalazim puno
padova bez tebe.
Vraćam se, ljubavi,
okrutni Heathcliffe.
Moj jedini snu, moji jedini gospodar.
Predugo sam lutala noću.
Vraćam se na njegovu stranu da bude kako treba.
Dolazim kući na orkanske, orkanske, Orkanske Visove.
Heathcliff, to sam ja, tvoja Cathy.
Došla sam kući, tako mi je hladno.
Pusti me kroz prozor.
O, daj mi imati to.
Daj da istrgnem dušu iz tebe.
O, pusti me imati je.
Daj da istrgnem dušu
iz tebe.
Ti znaš da sam to ja,
tvoja Cathy.
Heathcliff, to sam ja, tvoja Cathy.
Došla sam kući, tako mi je hladno.
Pusti me kroz prozor.

Vratim sat u nazad

Još jedan dan se završio
I ja idalje ne mogu da spavam
Sećam se dana pre
I počinjem da lijem suze
Ako bih mogao da počnem ispočetka
Živim život opet
Ne bih promenio ni jedan jedini dan
Voleo bih da mogu vratit sat unazad
Da učinim da tokčovi vremena stanu
Na dane kada je život bio mnogo bolji
Ležim ovde u tišini
Sa slikom u ruci
Dečaka na koga idalje podsećam
Ali ga više ne razumem
I dok suze slobodno teku
Shvatam da su to bile najbolje godine mog života
Možda kažeš da je samo
Slučaj odustajanja
Ali bez tih sećanja nema ljubavi
Nema ljubavi
Ako bih mogao da počnem ispočetka
Živim život opet
Ne bih promenio ni jedan jedini dan
Zašto ne mogu da vratim sat unazad
Učinim da točkovi vremena stanu
Na dane
Oh ne ne
Sećam se
Kada je život bio tako dobar
Vratio bih se nazad ako bih mogao
Oh oh ne bih promenio ni jedan jedini dan
Nemoj dopustiti da ti sećanja isklize
Ne bih promenio ni jedan jedini dan
Nemoj dopustiti da ti sećanja isklize


Šta želite od nadčoveka?
Zapravo nema ništa od toga
Mi devojke smo previše pametne
Jer ne postoji super žena
Svaka devojka ima iluzije
Sanja o heroju koji je voli
Tada joj pada poput ljuskica sa očiju
Da supermen ni ne postoji!
Šta želite od nadčoveka?
Zapravo nema ništa od toga
Mi devojke smo previše pametne
Jer ne postoji super žena
Šta želite od nadčoveka?
Zapravo nema ništa od toga
Da, u filmovima i časopisima
Tamo su predstavljeni svima nama
Opleteni su oreolom
Veliki supermeni ovog sveta
Šta želite od nadčoveka?
Zapravo nema ništa od toga
Mi devojke smo previše pametne
Jer ne postoji super žena
Šta želite od nadčoveka?
Zapravo nema ništa od toga
Supermeni su samo izmišljeni
Oni se ne pojavljuju u stvarnosti
Oni su postavljeni i pripremljeni
A nama, stavljaju buvu u uši!
Šta želite od nadčoveka?
Zapravo nema ništa od toga
Mi devojke smo previše pametne
Jer ne postoji super žena
Šta želite od nadčoveka?
Zapravo nema ništa od toga

The Queen of the South

Versions: #1
The Queen of the South
I will sing you a ballad—listen well, my friends!—
about the Queen of the South, a very famous trafficker
born back in Sinaloa: a lady named Teresa Mendoza.
“El Güero” (“The Fair-skinned”) told his Tere, “I’m leaving you my cell phone.
When you hear it ring, little swarthy one, do not try to answer—
it will mean that I’m already screwed and you've got to run for it.”
“El Güero” Dávila was a daredevil pilot
for the Juarez City Cartel. He flew many runs for them
in his little Cessna airplane. They killed him in the mountains.
Epifanio Vargas told her, “Teresa, you’re going to escape.”
I have a friend in Spain


Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
(Ani ani)
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
(Ani ani)
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri
Jedan, dva, tri


[Strofa 1]
Izluđuje me da se pravim kul
Ne mogu biti neko koga ne prepoznajem
Nisam tip koji to mora da ponovi dvaput
Ili da čekam tebe do kraja noći
[Pre refren]
Padam brzo a ti kao da se ne krećeš
Ali da li je meni gore, ako kažem istinu?
I da li si ti samo otrov koji ne treba da koristim?
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem
Trebali bismo ići sporije
Čekati da budemo stariji
Ali ja sam možda neko
Koga ti možda uopšte ne znaš
Prolazim kroz promene
Ovo je rolerkoster
Ali ja sam možda neko
Koga ti možda uopšte ne znaš
Mogli bismo ići sporije
[Pre refren]
Trebali bismo ići sporije
[Strofa 2]
Ko zna ko ću biti sutra
Nadam se da ćeš je idalje isto voleti
Možda završimo kao stranci
Trebalo bi da me upoznaš danas
[Pre refren]
Padam brzo a ti kao da se ne krećeš
Ali da li je meni gore, ako kažem istinu?
I da li si ti samo otrov koji ne treba da koristim?
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem
Trebali bismo ići sporije
Čekati da budemo stariji
Ali ja sam možda neko
Koga ti možda uopšte ne znaš
Prolazim kroz promene
Ovo je rolerkoster
Ali ja sam možda neko
Koga ti možda uopšte ne znaš
Mogli bismo ići sporije
[Post refren]
Trebali bismo ići sporije
[Pre refren]
Padam brzo a ti kao da se ne krećeš
Ali da li je meni gore, ako kažem istinu?
I da li si ti samo otrov koji ne treba da koristim?
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem
Volela bih da mogu da ti kažem
Trebali bismo ići sporije
Čekati da budemo stariji
Ali ja sam možda neko
Koga ti možda uopšte ne znaš
Prolazim kroz promene
Ovo je rolerkoster
Ali ja sam možda neko
Koga ti možda uopšte ne znaš
Mogli bismo ići sporije

It's you

Like a promise, it's you, its you
Like the morning of summer
Like a smile, it's you it's you
So, so, it's you
All my hope, it's you, it's you
Like fresh rain on my hands
Like a strong wind, it's you, it's you
So, so, it's you
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
Like my poem, it's you, it's you
Like a guitar in the night
All my horizons, it's you, it's you
So, so, it's you
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
It's you
Like the water of my fountain
It's you
The fire of my home
(Something like that, it's you)

Good Night, Elisabeth

[1st Strophe]
It is the cold Sophie
Who there in front the door stands
Who knows if she will ever be well again
Lay thyself warm ah1
And this here is the big box
Which worries me here
Much to heavy for one alone
Even much to heavy for (us) both
And this here is the bag with the souvenirs
And this here is the bag with black and white photos
Most of them are unsharp2
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Let me loose
Let me go and let me tee and let me forth from here
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Sleep well
Dream sweet
It comes a new morning and a clear3 light
One for thee and one for me
And let us never forget what is been
[2nd Strophe]
And this here is the thick wall
I have built it all alone
I know not anymore how or howso4
They were suddenly simply there
The old records, the old songs
The old stories, the old books
The old pictures, the old colours
The old struggles, the old scars
Elisabeth, the bag with the souvenirs
Is so much too big and to heavy for me
I let it there stand5
I let it there I let it there when I go
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Let me loose
Let me go and let me tee and let me forth from here
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Sleep well
Dream sweet
It comes a new morning and a clear3 light
One for thee and one for me
And let us never forget what is been
[instrumental bridge]
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Let me loose
Let me go and let me tee and let me forth from here
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Sleep well
Dream sweet
It comes a new morning and a clear3 light
One for thee and one for me
And let us never forget what is been
It is the cold Sophie
Who there in front the door stands
Who knows if she will ever be well again
Lay thyself warm ah1
  • put on warm clothing
  • 2. blurry
  • bright
  • 4. why
  • 5. I leave it there


One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
(Ani ani)
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
(Ani ani)
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three
Thank you
One, two, three

I Will Wait For You

I will wait for you
extinguish all the lights in your town
and come to our corner
between sheets pure and white
I will wait for you
gather me into you
far away within our mist
between red smoke and clouds
I will wait for you
i will wait for you at the edge of the evening
floating, floating to you, my love
i will wait for you
i will wait for you at the end of the path
take away my tears, my pain
I will wait for you
etched deeply in your heart
our book of stories
that was written in hidden secret
I will wait for you
to breath in deeply within your embrace1
within our love
only puzzles however yet unsolved
I will wait for you...
I will wait for you
to struggle inside your body
and thus in our battlefield
to find my death with you, my love
I will wait for you...
  • 1. lit: of your neck


Versions: #1
Play like a rocky, like him
Now we gon' be winning like that
Oh mamama Horizon behind us
And we mamama Take the first step forward
The flag that's fluttering up in the sky, up in the sky
Up in the sky
The waves have stopped you?
Just go and split through them
The wind is blowing hard?
Then just fly with the wind
Don’t ask me why why why why I don’t know
We’re moving onward to the future
We don’t know
What is next
Let’s not think about that and just live today
But we know
Who is next
Just look where we are right now
Our ship only goes one way forever
Hey, we are gonna win
Hey, we are gonna win
We are gonna win
We are gonna
We are gonna win
Why all the fuss?
We'll be flying again
What's the fight for again?
I'm so out of it, I'm humming Arariyo
Get up on we gon’ Light it up
Move to the edge of the horizon, let’s fly together
Blow away like a flower
Color this land, let’s wander the earth
The waves have stopped you?
Just go and split through them
The wind is blowing hard?
Then just fly with the wind
Don’t ask me why why why why Don’t know (Don’t know)
We’re moving onwards to the future
We don’t know
What is next
Let’s not think about that and just live today
But we know
Who is next
Just look where we are right now
Our ship only goes one way forever
Hey, we are gonna win
Hey, we are gonna win
We are gonna win
We are gonna
We are gonna win
Now that it is all ours, let's just keep on dancing
Filling up all our greed, let's have a big toast
We gon’ be winning all day
We gon’ be winning all day night
We gon’ be winning all day
We gon’ be winning all day night
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, go

Look at You

If only they could see you now
Think while
You wear only shades of jasmine
Over your head
Who could
Be the sorrow
That between the water
Rests in your eyes
Sad full moon
If you knew
That one day you will be real
And there will be the one that loves me

Even You're With Him

You are the best decoration that i can put on my bed
Watching scary movies
Drinking beer until daybreak
Snuggling, filling your back with kisses
Dying to do it every night and never left you
I know that all this is just a come-and-go
Let's delay the train ticket a little bit
You haven't left and I'm already missing you
Even though you're with him
I know the night passes with you thinking of me
Just dare yourself to test me
And I'm not going to fail you
That even though you're with him
He won't know how to make your skin shiver like me
Just dare yourself to test me
And I'm not going to fail you
I like knowing a lot of things about you
My house is more beautiful if you're here
My parents adore you, my dogs misses you
And all of that in a trip to Madrid
Imagine a date without Limitations
That you dont have to give no one explanations
Whole live composing you songs
Traveling and destroying every mattresses
And now look at me in the face
And tell me that you wouldn't like me to kiss you now
If yesterday you confessed to me that with him is a little rare
That he does not know what to do, that he turns his back
That you still do not clarify
But you can see in your eyes that
Even though you're with him
I know the night passes with you thinking of me
Just dare yourself to test me
And I'm not going to fail you
That even though you're with him
He won't know how to make your skin shiver like me
Just dare yourself to test me
And I'm not going to fail you
Just dare yourself to prove me
in my sweatshirt still lingers your perfume
And shortly, this desire to see you is slowly consuming me
Oh-oh (Consume)
You are the best decoration that i can put on my bed

Naples sings and dies

Naples sings and dies
With this silvery sea
With this picturesque sky
With this white sun
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
That it's dying
Naples is like a dream
It's the most beautiful city
Naples is always festive
And hates protests
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
That it's dying
Then I felt melancholy that slowly changes this city
They are like lanterns in the sea and transparent waves
No, I don't know anymore
But sailors are singing with joy
Maybe cause they don't know that
Naples sings and dies
Naples is already wounded
This enormous monument barley drags itself
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
That it's dying
But scugnizzi* are running thru the streets
With eyes full of happiness
What remains is only the joy in the hearts of these people
Who don't t know
That the whole world is sleeping
And nobody notices that
Naples sings and dies
Naples is already wounded
This enormous monument barley drags itself
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
That it's dying
Naples sings and dies
Naples is already wounded
This enormous monument barley drags itself
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
That it's dying
Naples sings and dies
Naples is already wounded
This enormous monument barley drags itself
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
Yes, Naples sings, but doesn't know
That it's dying

Childhood streets

A little toddler with a backpack on
Ready for his first day of school
It's an eternity ago now
I think of everything I have achieved
So much more I'm going to carry
I hid it away so no one sees it
I stood alone in other countries
Took steps to become a man
Learned that life flows out into the sand
But no matter where I go
My home will always exist
This is the place where I come from
I longed for home wherever I went
In my childhood streets, I always find the answers as to
Who I am (x4)
So many memories here in my streets
I think that one day I will be
Everything I hoped to become
So many doubts I have sown in
I felt how it shook my soul to the core
I went with my heart outside of my clothes
I lived a life full of adventures
I saw my dreams fly
Without answers what everything means
But no matter where I go
My home will always exist
This is the place where I come from
I longed for home wherever I went
In my childhood streets, I always find the answers as to
Who I am (x4)
This is the place where I belong
Where my whole heart finds peace
In my childhood streets, it's easy to see
Who I am (x4)

The Snake Bit Caetano

The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
Little boy Caetano
Had a snake in an infusion
He got healed from the snake
The snake did not kill him
The snake bit Caetano
See what happened
Caetano is singing again
And this snake is dead already
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
Bethânia, seeing the snake,
Told her brother Caetano
'Every snake that bites you
Ends up in hot water'
Gal Costa, curious,
Turned the snake around
To see if it was a male
Or if it was a female
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
With this snake's leather
He made a cuíca1
The snake still cries today
The snake moans with sadness
If you doubt this happened
You can ask Gilberto Gil
He's the one that dealt the most with the snake
He saw the snake the most, oh my
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
Little boy Caetano
Had a snake in an infusion
He got healed from the snake
The snake did not kill him
The snake bit Caetano
See what happened
Caetano is smiling
And this snake is dead already
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
Bethânia, seeing the snake,
Told her brother Caetano
'Every snake that bites you
Ends up in hot water'
Gal Costa, curious,
Turned the snake, full of faith
To see if it was a male
Or if it was a female
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
With this snake's leather
He made a cuíca1
The snake still cries today
In the groove, the snake moans
If you doubt this happened
You can ask Gilberto Gil
He's the one that dealt the most with the snake
He saw the snake the most, oh my
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano
The snake bit Caetano...
  • Brazilian instrument

Gray Love

At the horizon line there's a gray background
Beyond this line I go straight ahead
I don't believe it when they tell me the ending is gray
If I see the gray color as a colorful beginning
When it all ends, people say it became ashes1
It's a mistake, because ashes heal, poetry I am
A gray attire is noble-like
Ash Wednesday2 is a day to praise the Lord
Let's celebrate, love shall be reborn from ashes
Let's celebrate the color gray with love
A silver drop of dew is gray
Brain mass is gray, love
Purification is also done with ashes
The phoenix was reborn from ashes with honor
I only want to lazily lie about, kiss and cuddle when the day is gray
Read poetry and sing under the sun
I strum my guitar and dream in colors
And I see in my lover that gray undressed
Let's celebrate, love shall be reborn from ashes
Let's celebrate the color gray with love
  • 1. In Portuguese, 'ashes' and 'gray' are the same word.
  • 2. Or 'Gray Wednesday', as the words are the same


A hoarse voice
A guitar so slow, a feeling of love
A quailed chest, no
An enamored chest, yes
It's the soft slow step
It's the slow soft step of love, of love, of love
It's the soft slow step
It's the slow soft step of love
Hurt, no
Welcome, yes
Desperate, no
Loved, yes
Quailed, no
Enamored, yes
Why not?
Unprejudicedly I live my life
No matter the color of the skin, no matter the color of the going
No matter the color of the returning, the color I am right now is beautiful
Please don't close the door, take me as I am
I'm a son of the dust, I feel the dust around me
If you close the door on me, I know love shall support me
Holding me (love)
Sublimating me (love)
Involving me (love)
Adoring me (love)
Wishing me well
Adoring me (love)
Holding me (love)
Sublimating me (love)
Adoring me, love (love)
Wishing me well
A hoarse voice

Praying Word

A word
The beginning of a prayer
Words are carried by the wind
But their intention always remain
A passionate kiss
A kiss that was never given
Annihilated feelings
Like leaves drying
To the heat of the summer sun
Grandma told me: don't be careless!
Children playing on the pavement always make a mess
Dance a semba1
Or a merengue2-like samba
Play an afoxé3 in xaxado4
And in Balabina play a tropical semba
The baobab
Fights incoherence
No matter the flattery
It'll never allow no one to climb it
The sapodilla tree
That gives us its sweet fruit
Feels proud and unpolluted
Because the color of its fruit's skin is the color of Africa
A word
The beginning of a prayer
Words are carried by the wind
But their intention always remain
A passionate kiss
A kiss that was never given
Annihilated feelings
Like leaves drying
To the heat of the summer sun
Grandma told me: don't be careless!
Children playing on the pavement always make a mess
Dance a semba
Or a merengue-like samba
Play an afoxé in xaxado
And in Balabina play a tropical semba
Tropical semba
Tropical semba
  • 1. African rhythm that was one of the main influences of samba
  • 2. African-Caribbean rhythm
  • 3. African musical instrument widely used in samba and in African-Brazilian religions' ceremonies
  • 4. Popular Brazilian dance and music of native and Portuguese origins, unrelated to samba

My Daughter, Tell Me What You See

Nba mi nbó
Emi ifé Olorum
Nba mi nbó
Emi ifé Olorum
Nba mi nbó
Emi ifé Olorum
Mori, mori Oxumarê
Ami ojo dada mi
Mori, mori Oxumarê
Ami ojo dada mi
My daughter, tell me what you see
I see and I feel Yemoja
With a sweet hope in Her eyes
A pleasant breeze is felt in the air
My daughter, tell me what you see
I see and I feel Yemoja
With a sweet hope in Her eyes
A pleasant breeze is felt in the air
Mori, mori Oxumarê
Ami ojo dada mi
My daughter, tell me what you see
I see and I feel Yemoja
With a sweet hope in Her eyes
A pleasant breeze is felt in the air
My daughter, tell me what you see
I see and I feel Yemoja
With a sweet hope in Her eyes
A pleasant breeze is felt in the air
Nba mi nbó
Emi ife Olorum
Nba mi nbó
Emi ife Olorum

You Know That

Every morning when I open my eyes
I get a call from you
Every day, you think of me
Again today, it’s a shining day
We both wonder
What we ate for lunch
Now I’m feeling like we’re lovers
I’ve never felt this way before
You know that, You are my everything
Everything is changing
You know that, You are my everything
My reflection in the world is forever with me
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
I’ve never felt this way before
Every day, when evening comes
I don’t want to say bye to you
Every day, I see you but I miss you
My heart grows deeper today, loving day
We talk on the phone before we sleep
Continuing our conversation the next day
Now I’m feeling like we’re lovers
I’ve never felt this way before
You know that, You are my everything
Everything is changing
You know that, You are my everything
My reflection in the world is forever with me
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
I’ve never felt this way before
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
Like characters in a beautiful fairy tale
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
This feeling is so good, the world is shining day
Ah ah ah ah
I am a pretty love that never changes
Ah ah ah ah
I’ve never felt this way before

I Will Protect You

You’re always deep in my days
Like the rain outside the window
When you comfort me at the end of my day
My struggles melt away like the rain, yeah
When the sun sets
And kisses the moonlight
I want to listen to the growing sound of the rain
And hold you in my arms
Baby I love you
I’ll protect you
Like the falling rain
Your tired heart
Your deep pain
I’ll erase it all
Baby I love you
I love you forever
In the falling rain
I’ll be your umbrella
Until the rain stops
I’ll protect you
When I look into your eyes, when I see you
You’re so beautiful, baby
Until the morning comes, baby
I want to fall asleep with you in my arms, yeah
When the sun sets
And kisses the moonlight
I want to listen to the growing sound of the rain
And hold you in my arms
Baby I love you
I’ll protect you
Like the falling rain
Your tired heart
Your deep pain
I’ll erase it all
Baby I love you
I love you forever
In the falling rain
I’ll be your umbrella
Until the rain stops
I’ll protect you
Baby I love you
I’ll protect you
Like the falling rain
Your tired heart
Your deep pain
I’ll erase it all
Baby I love you
I love you forever
In the falling rain
I’ll be your umbrella
Until the rain stops
I’ll protect you

Play once more time for me, Habanero

Who knows the daily burden
That you have carried?
Who knows of Chico's hardship and suffering?
Who knows the power of shadow
In bluer tropical night?
Who knows the stars' favor and envy?
Play once more time for me, Habanero
For I listen so gladly to your song
Play once more time for me

Come along for a little bit to Italy

Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit to the blue sea,
And we will do, as if life is a lovely journey.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit, since it's worth it,
For during the day the sun will shine there
And during the evening the moon will shine.
But then, but then
Shows a real Italian what he can do.
But then, but then
Catches the serenade by the starlight.
A night, a night in San Remo
Is for us so wonderful.
This night, this night in San Remo
Should never end.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit to the blue sea,
And we will do, as if life is a lovely journey.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit, since it's worth it,
For during the day the sun will shine there
And during the evening the moon will shine.
But then, but then
Shows a real Italian what he can do.
But then, but then
Catches the serenade by the starlight.
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik . . .

И сањам о овцама

Мало светло сија,
мало светло ће их довести до мене.
Моје лице је потпуно осветљено,
Моје лице је потпуно осветљено.
Ако ме нађу како се тркам с белим коњима,
неће мислити да сам бову.
Пустите ме да будем слаб,
пустите ме да спавам и сањам о овцама.
Ма, пробудићу се на било који звук машине,
на сваког галеба што тражи нешто да мазне.
Не могу да држим очи отвореним,
да ми је бар ту мој радио.
Наместио бих неку станицу са пријатним гласом,
који прича глупости.
Не могу да будем препуштен машти,
пустите ме да будем слаб,
пустите ме да спавам и сањам о овцама.
Јер њихов дах је топао
и миришу на снове
и говоре ми да ће ме одвести кући.
Као макови, пуни семена,
Воде ме дубље и дубље...
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Taa/Ya rab (Cover 2020)

Come let's make memories together
And pretend that the past is dead
The time we spent apart is gone
We have always been together
Ever since mankind existed
Ever since love existed
Come let's make memories together
And pretend that the past is dead
The time we spent apart is gone
We have always been together
Ever since mankind existed
Ever since love existed
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
Oh, God, let us to be together again
And let us stay together in love forever
Oh, God let it stay continue, let it stay continue forever
Oh, God, let us repeat the love that was there once
And live one that was even better than the one we had in the past
Oh, God let it us repeat, let us repeat,
Oh, God, let us to be together again
And let us stay together in love forever
Oh, God let it stay continue, let it stay continue forever
Oh, God, let us repeat the love that was there once
And live one that was even better than the one we had in the past
Oh, God let it us repeat, let us repeat,
Let’s not thinking of what’s to come
And pretend that this life is forever
Let’s live this moment together
Nothing can tear us apart
We fell hopelessly in love
And we’re sharing every breath of air
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you
Listening to you
Our journey will never end
Oh, God, let us to be together again
And let us stay together in love forever
Oh, God let it stay continue, let it stay continue forever


[Verse 1]
The cowboys awake
They crave for the blood of the tribe
Of the Ajahuaska
We are the sons of the Ajahuaska
Whose cheasts gonna stop hungry bullets
Whose spears gonna feed on their skins
Whose eyes gonna haunt them in dreams
The cowboys awake
They crave for the blood of the tribe
Of the Ajahuaska
We are the maids of the Ajahuaska
Our herbs gonna put out their fires
Our breasts used to poison their kings
Our hands used to lull mountain lions
Long ago
We learned all
About the UFO
Long ago
We learned all
About the UFO
[Verse 2]
The cowboys awake
They crave for the blood of the tribe
Of the Ajahuaska
We are the hags of the Ajahuaska
The she-wolves still mourn our husbands
We lost them to your thundersticks
For them you'll repay us in thousands
The cowboys awake
They crave for the blood of the tribe
Of the Ajahuaska
We are the kids of the Ajahuaska
With wits sharper than Spanish steel
We chased wendigos out of our woods
We hunt grizzly bears for our meal
Long ago
We learned all
About the UFO
Long ago
We learned all
About the UFO


Versions: #1
seiya se se se seiya1
seiya se se se seiya
soiya so so so soiya
soiya so so so soiya
even overflowing with tears
let's stand up and face it
committed, seiya soiya, we will fight
more fist, more heart, honing everything, everything
still, seiya soiya, we will fight
even in sorrow, even if we can't stand anymore
ah, osu! osu!
seiya se se se seiya
seiya se se se seiya
soiya so so so soiya
soiya so so so soiya
even if our hearts break (osu!)
let's stand up and face it
seiya soiya, we will fight
honing everything, everything
seiya soiya, we will fight
honing everything, everything
run!3 (seiya soiya, we will fight)
run! (seiya soiya, we will fight)
  • 1. I had some trouble with these 'seiya' and 'soiya' phrases, but in Googling it I was heartened to find that there are Japanese people confused by this as well (link not allowed, but it was a Japanese Yahoo Answers page that started with '「そいや、そいや」とは何の掛け声か'). These are what are called kake-koe in Japanese: phrases that are shouted for encouragement and coordination during group efforts, especially physical ones. They are particularly associated with carrying mobile shrines through the streets on festival days. The Babymetal song 'Megitsune' makes use of some similar terms. If I were to translate these, I might go with 'all together,' but I'll leave them as is, since they don't really have a clearly defined meaning and are used in a somewhat onomatopoeic way.
  • 2. This is a term very much associated with karate and other Japanese martial arts, and even some American styles use the term. Its meaning is somewhat context dependent, but it's said to instructors to mean 'I understand and will do as you ask.' It can also mean something like 'let's get started,' and is also used as a general greeting in the dojo. I found a Japanese blog post (link not allowed, but it is by the 'a-pearl' user on Ameba, titled '「押忍」という挨拶の使い方') that waxes rather effulgent in listing several potential meanings of the term (the following are my translations): 'I will discard my own knowledge and views and be receptive as pure white so as to not miss any of the teachings or views of my instructors or seniors.' 'In times of adversity I will patiently bear the heat and cold of training, the pain and suffering, and the positions and environments I am placed in.' 'I commit myself to constant and patient self improvement.' 'I will always have an attitude of respect in my interactions with my instructors, my seniors, my peers, and my juniors, and I will be grateful for environments that allow me to improve myself.' So that's a brief survey of what sorts of meaning can be packed into a word like osu. If I had to pick a single translation for its use in this song, I'd probably settle on 'let's go!' but since it's such a slippery term and is used in many martial arts schools in the West, I'll just leave it as is.
  • 3. In English the word 'run' is often associated with escaping, but in Japanese, especially in contexts like this, its meaning is more akin to pursuing a goal with maximum effort.

Romantic happy date

Is still like a dream that I join shoulders with you
And we walk through a hill road of fallen leaves
I was accepting that it was an unrequited love
Hey, me, hey, you
I love you, I love you so much
I'm shaken softly by a flashing love
Kiss me softly
Sorry for my selfishness today
He forgives me with a tender smile
I'm so happy I could cry
Hey, tonight, hey, to me
Hold me passionately
I'm shaken softly by a flashing love
Stare at me softly
Who woo just you
Who woo I love you
I'm so happy I could cry
Hey, tonight, hey, to me
Hold me passionately
I'm shaken softly by a flashing love
Stare at me softly
Hey, me, hey, you
I love you, I love you so much
I'm shaken softly by a flashing love
Kiss me softly