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Резултати претраге страна 12

Број резултата: 895



Tvom mirisu, bebo, čula moja se dive
Tvom mirisu, bebo, čula moja se dive
Ljubimo se i trčimo, ljubimo se i bežimo
Čula neka nam budu blagoslovena
Ti si moja spasonosna blagodat,
Kojoj ništa ne može naškoditi
i ništa stati na put
Ništa te neće zaustaviti
I ništa ti neće stati na put
Niko ti neće nauditi
Niko ti neće stati na put
Niko ti ništa neće braniti
Ništa ti neće stati na put
Ničega nema

Moj nepozvani gost

Da li je to slucajnost, ljubav se vratila u tvoje ruke
Kapljice zaustavljaju neizbeznu kisu
Mnogo sam mokar, hladno mi od tvojih ociju
Teska je to ljubav
Bespomocno sam mokar
Nemoj me pitati o proslosti ne stavi me opet u tezak polozaj
Voli me danas
Svuda oko mene ljubav hajde ponovo od pocetka
Voli me potpuno
Moj nepozvani gost, moj nepozvani gost
Moram prestati pre nego sto ljubav bude u meni zarobljena
Osmesi se hajde da izadjemo iz mraka
Kome nameravas da budem tvoja sudbina
Ooo luda letnja kisa ljubavi

Ноћни претрес

Беше слика Исуса како лежи у мајчином наручју
Прозори беху затворени, аутомобили брујали на улици
Фонтана је шиштала у предворју хотела Гранд
Пријавили смо се у собу број 33, види ти то
Била си залутала снежна пахуља
Танка и бела попут наполитанке, да, знам
Док си седела на ивици кревета и лупкала ципелама
Извукао сам своје невелике песме испод тебе
И уздигосмо се из сопственог чуда
Никада не бисмо прихватили пораз
И нагнусмо се кроз прозор
док је киша квасила улицу, квасила улицу
Били су само уздах ослобођен са умируће звезде
Били су само одбегле снежне пахуље, да, знам
Запосели су твоју утробу током касног претреса
Позвали смо послугу да нам донесе храну и пиће
Аутомобили су брујали на покислим улицама
Фонтана шишти у предворју хотела Гранд
Гејзири креативности, знам
Твоја глава опточена увојцима твоје косе
И Исус у мајчином наручју, управо тако
Горе на зиду, управо тако
Уздигосмо се из сопственог чуда
Никада не бисмо прихватили пораз
И нагнусмо се кроз прозор
и посматрасмо коње на улици, на улици
У соби број 33, да,

Осећај као у рају

Осети како капи кише падају
Видите сунце кроз облаке и охх
И осећај је као у рају
Осети како капи кише падају
Видите сунце кроз облаке и охх
И осећај је као у рају
Тум тум тум тум
Осети како капи кише падају
Видите сунце кроз облаке и охх
И осећај је као у рају
Осети како капи кише падају
Видите сунце кроз облаке и охх
И осећај је као у рају
Могу да осетим капи кише
Могу да осетим капи кише
Могу да осетим капи кише
И осећај је као у рају
Могу да осетим капи кише
Могу да осетим капи кише
Могу да осетим капи кише
И осећај је као у рају
А време нема смисла
На месту које се зове рај
Зато ослободите свој ум
Само ослободите свој ум
Осети како капи кише падају
Видите сунце кроз облаке и охх
И осећај је као у рају

Thank You

You're such a big gift in my life
I feel your love baby, take my everything
Sometimes I get confused, if this all a dream
If it is, I don't want to wake up
I've been waited so long
I never thought it would happen
So many days I cried in secret
I don't know if I'd be here without you
So I wanna say
I wanna thank y'all, I'm telling you
Hundreds of times wouldn't be enough
I wanna thank y'all
I'm feeling your love babe
Stay with me by my side as you are
Thank ya, thank ya
You drive me to heaven
Movie-like things happen
I'll be like 'Oh gosh'
Thank ya, thank ya
You drive me to heaven
Movie-like things happen when we're together
I got nothing last forever except your love
Swimming deep in your love
Every hour and minute feels like a dream
I see an open path in front of me
That used to be a rough road
It's me YJ of BG
What a life is wanna thank you all
I've been waited so long
I never thought it would happen
So many days I cried in secret
I don't know if I'd be here without you
So I wanna say
I wanna thank y'all, I'm telling you
Hundreds of times wouldn't be enough
I wanna thank y'all
I'm feeling your love babe
Stay with me by my side as you are
Thank ya, thank ya
You drive me to heaven
Movie-like things happen
I'll be like, 'Oh gosh'
Thank ya, thank ya
You drive me to heaven
Movie-like things happen when we're together
Thank you, I wanna thank y'all
Baby I feel your love, I, I feel your love
Thank you, I wanna thank y'all
By my side as you are
Thank ya, thank ya
You drive me to heaven
Movie-like things happen
I'll be like, 'Oh gosh'
Thank ya, thank ya
You drive me to heaven
Movie-like things happen when we're together

Ronsard To His Soul

Little soul, little Ronsard,
Little sweet one, little soft one,
Dearest hostess of my body,
You descend below, weakling,
Pale, thin, lonely,
To the cold kingdom of the dead:
However simple, without remorse
For murder, poison, and bitterness,
Scorning favours and treasures
So envied by the common man.
Passing by, I said: follow your fortune,
Don’t disturb my rest, I’m sleeping.

Dear shadow, whom I love

Dear shadow, whom I love,
ah, why oh why
do you hasten to your rest
and leave me here behind?
You will enjoy the peace
in blissful places
there is neither wrath
nor sorrow

I'll get the double rifle, I'll go hunting

I'll get the double rifle1more2, I'll go hunting
Jaman3, o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
Oh the double rifle together with the retriever4
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
Oh how I ascended more up in the mountain
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
Oh I saw three more beautiful ones
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman
Oh I saw three more beautiful ones
Jaman o friend, jaman, o you devil!
And which one do you like, pray tell me
Jaman o friend, jaman, o jaman (2x)
  • 1. Also known as the double-barreled rifle, is a rifle with two barrels mounted parallel to each other, used for hunting:
  • 2. exclamatory word with no direct translation to English. 'more' is a word used in the vocative case when the speaker is addressing a boy, man, or group of boys/men/people to emphasize the vocative feeling. In this case, 'more' is emphasizing the vocative case to the song's audience
  • 3. Another exclamatory word used in the vocative case with no direct correspondence to English. Literally it can be translated as 'oh please'. In this context it is used to express and emphasize the sarcastic tone of the lyrics
  • 4. the hunting dog

Nobody is a sea

There's an ocean on everyone's face
Stingrays and medusas are swimming in them
Every animal used to be porcelain once
Or an ocean on everybody else's face
Nobody is a sea, everyone is an ocean
Nobody is a sea, everyone is an ocean
There's an ocean on everyone's face
Stingrays and medusas are swimming in them
Nobody is a sea, everyone is an ocean
Nobody is a sea, everyone is an ocean
Nobody is a sea, everyone is an ocean
Nobody is a sea, everyone is an ocean

During Day and Night

During day and night
i'm in terrible shape
waiting for you upstairs
i fall asleep without sleeping.
You don't telephone
you don't show desire
to benefit me
to prevent a disaster.
You didn't want to come yesterday
said that you had other pressing business
when you hurt me
it's indifference to the suffering of animals
I knocked on your door
you answered that you weren't home
you certainly remember
we made a date to go to the movies
A taken care of child
you made it out like everything will be fine for you
there is honey in the beehive1
and you have Yakov.
For how long can i dream
to see and yet not touch
your conscious is silent
mine is fighting
You didn't want to come yesterday...
During day and night
i'm in terrible shape
waiting for you upstairs
i fall asleep without sleeping.
You don't telephone
you don't show desire
to benefit me
to prevent a disaster.
  • 1. note that Kaveret is also the name of this group!

Pouči me

Iako drevnim jezikom zborim
Ili katkad svetu bubnem reč
Za besedu snage nemam
Kada me posedneš i nejaku sagledaš
Jurićemo i cičati
Lako oro zaigrati
Snove svoje ispuniti
I slobodni biti
Jurićemo i cičati
Lako oro zaigrati
Snove svoje ispuniti
I slobodni biti
Bićemo to što jesmo
Naše rane zalečiće
Jad daleko biće
Zgrešila sam, ti me opameti
U noći tavnoj moj razum goraše
Kad dadoh manje no što uzimah
Sagreših, krivica moja je
Jurićemo i cičati
Lako oro zaigrati
Snove svoje ispuniti
I slobodni biti
Bićemo to što jesmo
Naše rane zalečiće
Jad daleko biće

Red Army arrival

When to Prague Red armies came,
and at Letná cannons roared,
Soviet soldiers, guardsmen and infantrymen
accordion, they played accordion
played accordion.
We all came close,
danced, danced and sang.
We will keep the peace with the Red Army ,
we will build a happier life,
then the great soldiers, guardsmen and cossacks
accordion, will play accordion.
They will play accordion.
All of us will dance,
love each other, be merry, cheer.

You Couldn't Stay

They asked about you
My friends, from always
They know that you left
And they wanted to know
If you're gonna come back
I told them: 'No'
It wasn't a see you later
A goodbye is not a game
And I heard it clearly
From your lips, my love
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
And I couldn't help to
Gift you a sigh
What I loved most
It was you and you left
I am left without you
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
If the limit of our sight is the vastness of the sky
You were the one that put the limit
When you announced your departure

Another Touch

And it seems to you that you're influenced by my movements
you think i'm the one that leads
i don't search for justice
i left all my principles behind of course
what will be - fog covers my path
It's different when you walk through my arms
try and this certainly is useful
can't find the substance
i left most of my goals behind a long time ago
what now - smoke envelops my path
Another touch and another sadness
everything here is known in essence
we are together
to live forever
more calmness and more strength
and another tendency to forget
we are together
to live forever and not to run away
You remember when we traveled on a rainy day, foggy
we talked about love the whole way
how could we forget
that i was yours and you were mine
what now - sometimes it leaves, sometimes it comes
Another touch...
A city without a town
a song without an end
noise and quiet
bad and good
today and past
light and darkness
hey listen
there is goodness within
the..the two of is, me and you
Another touch...
(you think i'm the one that leads
and this isn't the way actually
fog covers my path
and that the sadness will go
there is just one way to love
and to be together
we'll leave it all
and that the fear will go)
Another touch...
(And it seems to you that you're influenced by my movements
you think i'm the one that leads
don't search for justice
i left most of my goals...)